Tommy Tallarico

I grew up watching Electric Playground, so I was quite familiar with Tommy but didn't think much of him as anything other than "That Earthworm Jim music guy". Now it turns out that Tommy Tallarico Studios was a house built on a series of lies, and he never composed or performed any of the music attributed to him.

Is there a bigger gaming Snake Oils salesman than him?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Guy was a manlet fraud that hated games on that shitty review show.

    • 3 months ago

      >Guy was a manlet fraud
      but enough about Adolf Hitler

      • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      wow now here is a guy whose b***h I'd like to be - I can't wait to suck down whatever he offers me

    • 3 months ago

      He's sort of right Nintendo music for their biggest titles was literal cricus tunes that destroyed your brain.

  3. 3 months ago

    Tommy's house is for sale right now.

    • 3 months ago

      He did house tours to anyone who would accept to anyone after he bought it. One such tour ended up on a PlayStation Demo Disc. I remember another one for G4 where some British guy said everything was tacky which was hiliarious.

      His house and his fake 25th Anniversary Lamborghini Countach (bodykit added onto a Pontiac Fierro) was a huge part of his identity and how he had "made it".

      • 3 months ago

        >his fake 25th Anniversary Lamborghini Countach (bodykit added onto a Pontiac Fierro) was a huge part of his identity and how he had "made it".
        I can't tell if this is real

        • 3 months ago

          Everything about Tommy is a fraud. He showed off his car and his house to prove how wealthy he is, but anyone who is knowledgible on the Lambo Countach has said it makes no sense and is a replica.

          >At home, the Fiero has been replaced with a white Lamborghini Countach–”the 25th anniversary edition,” he notes

          • 3 months ago

            I find the funniest part of this that if we assume the Porsche is likely to be real he felt the need to show off the fake Lamborghini instead.

            • 3 months ago

              Compulsive liars that get away with it long enough can't help themselves.

  4. 3 months ago

    Scamming and using people to accomplish your goals is based

    • 3 months ago

      until you get judged for it
      >but the world is cruel!
      then why aren't we all being tortured eternally right now?

      • 3 months ago

        >why aren't we all being tortured eternally
        Speak for yourself.

    • 3 months ago

      Might be because it’s late at night, but this post cracked me up.

  5. 3 months ago

    Tommy is just another case of "Yell the most and you get all the credit", I figured he was a hack and dumbass long ago, and I'm surprised it took the Amico becoming a lolcow vaporware console for people to notice, though to to be fair, that shit was doomed regardless, I'm just happy he made it into an absolute clown show.

    • 3 months ago

      What's ironic is the people who do that end up ruining their reputation by not knowing when to stop. Nobody really questioned Tommy until he started shilling Amico and picking fights with Pat Contri of all people. For a long time people just took for granted that he was a prolific game composer because why wouldn't they? Who cares to go digging? But now he pissed enough people off they started pulling on the threads.

      • 3 months ago

        His basic story is: he was a musician who started a company and wrote some musical scores. The story is believable so no one questioned it. Then he started talking about being Steven Tyler's cousin, which isn't a huge stretch. The relatives of celebrities usually have minor fame as well. But everything he did was a lie or a scam his entire life. He may have worked on a couple early games, but after that he hired people to compose his music.

        And because everything is a lie, it all falls apart once you do some minor digging.

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          >everything he did was a lie or a scam his entire life
          Do you have any facts to back that up? "A YouTuber said so" is not proof

          • 3 months ago

            He is genuinely a pathological liar. The kind of person who says he worked on Metroid Prime's sound effects for two years before the game even entered development and that Miyamoto was such a huge fan he specifically worked with him for the sounds and that said sounds would be used as the basis for the models in the game. Obviously not a single word of that was true yet he said it on a livestream as if it happened.

            • 3 months ago

              so you don't, got it. Keep making serious accusations based on hearsay and jealousy I guess

              • 3 months ago

                >come into thread you know nothing about to act superior while remaining ignorant
                Thank you for your input on this subject.

              • 3 months ago

                He was accused of some pretty fricked up shit. Allegedly he performed in South America and tried to hide money on the return trip to avoid taxes and when he got caught he blamed his bandmates. Granted, doing one kind of bad thing doesn't mean he automatically did another, but there does seem to be a pattern forming. Add in all the Amico bullshit and it's no wonder people doubt his honesty.

              • 3 months ago

                do (you) know where you are little b***h boy?

              • 3 months ago

                lol thats actually not even a joke tho
                i didnt know wtf was going on for half the stuff ITT, so earlier today i watched a video of him calling out some youtubers who were giving him a hard time over his nothingburger console. and he literally said that. he fricking said he worked with miyamoto on metroid prime. the madman.
                tommy is a wild guy

              • 3 months ago

                He even expounds on that story in other interviews, where Miyamoto specifically went up to him at some industry event and said he really wanted Tommy to do the audio for the game, and that he was a huge fan. He also says that the game came out for the Wii for some reason elsewhere.

              • 3 months ago

                damn, he really said metroid prime came out on the wii? That's hilarious, what a moron

              • 3 months ago

                It's posted here:

                No, don't you know he worked on the Wii with Miyamoto:

              • 3 months ago

                >I AM BLIGGEST FAN-U
                >PREASE-U HERP-U MAK-U A NEW ZERDA
                -shigeru miyamoto on his first meeting with the esteemed thomas tallarico

          • 3 months ago

            Go through his major projects. Tommy Tallarico Studios? He hired everyone else to compose and perform the music while he took the limelight and got paid the most. Video Games Live? He air guitars to tracks Vertexguy recorded in 2007.

            He promotes himself and constantly gives himself credits that are demonstrably false. An easy one is "First American to work on Sonic". even if you reduce that to just the mainline titles, it's Sonic 2 that had a lot of American input.

            He is genuinely a pathological liar. The kind of person who says he worked on Metroid Prime's sound effects for two years before the game even entered development and that Miyamoto was such a huge fan he specifically worked with him for the sounds and that said sounds would be used as the basis for the models in the game. Obviously not a single word of that was true yet he said it on a livestream as if it happened.

            And worse, he's not credited in the final game which makes the story even more absurd. So they were so enamored with him but didn't use a single sound effect in the final game? The story makes no sense.

            • 3 months ago

              >Video Games Live? He air guitars to tracks Vertexguy recorded in 2007.
              I'm glad you brought up this one because I was going to if not. It comes apart very quickly when you compare clips, they're timed the goddamn same. Just based on how he fakes it I honestly don't think he can play guitar even a little bit.

              • 3 months ago

                >but also, im no longer entirely convinced that tommy is even a real person. due to the way he lies about literally everything, it becomes hard to verify almost anything hes supposedly done. theres almost nothing backing any of it up, and hes obfuscated all his accomplishments with multiple lies that dont even line up with each other from one interview to the next.
                Like you said, Tommy is a pathological liar, and the thing about pathological liars is they literally can't stop lying, they can't help it, they feel compelled to spin more lies that compound on each other.

                He lies constantly, and he has been running scams his entire life. I want to see someone re-examine that Fan Expo he started around 2006 or 2007 that failed. And I think GANG is also another scam to get money from composers.

                Tommy creates something with the explicit purpose of funnelling a shit ton of money towards himself, that has always been his number 1 concern.

              • 3 months ago

                And the amazing part is he might've gotten away with all of it if the Amico shit didn't happen.

              • 3 months ago

                The amico was just the biggest latest scam he pulled which blew up in his face spectacularily, but it follows all the other scams. Hype something up as this big thing and sell it to people who don't examine it too hard, bilk money and then move on.

                That fan expo he ran was shady as hell and it failed pretty quickly after it started. It was pretty poorly managed, and I'm sure there's something shady about it.

                I've cracked the code. The only thing Tommy has ever contributed to any piece of music is adding random sound effects. Notice how the Special Edition is the same but it has random sounds added.

                And who could forget this masterpiece

                I do believe this one was created by Tommy as that sounds like his voice and this is literally just samples played in a row, anyone could make this in two minutes. Basically taking someone else's work and adding fart sounds = he made it.

                Tommy must have felt the Menu Music for Global Gladiators was too basic so he "improved" it with random shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >The amico was just the biggest latest scam he pulled which blew up in his face spectacularily, but it follows all the other scams. Hype something up as this big thing and sell it to people who don't examine it too hard, bilk money and then move on.
                Sure but generally scam artists despite how obvious their shit is, don't get caught until they do something stupid, bite off more than they can chew, and people actually start digging.

              • 3 months ago

                The main issue with video games live, that expo he ran, and other venues is he would try to pay people as little as possible even having them as "volunteers". He is always trying to pay people as little as possible, then making sure that he is paid the max. He tried pulling that with the US Customs and it did NOT fly. He tried bringing in 100,000 from brazil and didn't declare it because he didn't want to pay taxes on it but got caught. Then his excuse was to admit to structuring where he says he had planned to give his band-mates 10K each. Tommy apparently didn't know that this was an even bigger crime. He had to forfeight the money because of this.

                Shady shady fricker but sadly very little of what he did was outright illegal. Now he probably is gonna be hit with lawsuits from the Amico debackle.

              • 3 months ago

                Inafune isn't guilty of anything illegal, but like Tommy had an insane ego, and would play fast and loose with credits. So I'm an old Mega Man fan so I genuinely believed that he was the sole creator and director of the early Mega man games because that's what the gaming media said and that's what Inafune said.

                And if you start parsing his interviews, Inafune rarely outright said that but he would sure as hell imply that he was the sole creative person responsible for all the good mega man games (but somehow not the bad ones?). Meanwhile he became series producer for MM7 and MMX4 like over a decade after the series started.

              • 3 months ago

                >Inafune isn't guilty of anything illegal, but like Tommy had an insane ego, and would play fast and loose with credits. So I'm an old Mega Man fan so I genuinely believed that he was the sole creator and director of the early Mega man games because that's what the gaming media said and that's what Inafune said.
                But the game's credits are clear. They're using old fashioned nicknames and abbreviations but you can tell who's who. If the gaming press decided to solely credit Inafune then they suck at their job. Ed Boon and John Tobias are always either mentioned together or they're referred to as "co-creator" of Mortal Kombat. Inafune should definitely clarify who else he collaborated with but it sounds like people just decided to credit him specifically without him necessarily prodding for it. He's a bit of a dick for leaning into it but it's not anywhere close to Tommy Tallarico. It's more like a Bob Kane situation, where yes he did "create" Batman but he left out a Bill Finger shaped hole in the story. Dickish but not a fraud.

                With Inafune it gets even more complicated though because he WAS promoted into a bigger role during the franchise's formative years, so while he isn't responsible for all of it, he is responsible for a significant portion of it. But then the same could apply to George Lucas, right? So much of the original trilogy is not him. Nor could it be because very few things are made by a single person. Even authors have editors and publishers who contribute to the final product.

              • 3 months ago

                So I don't know if G4 messed up the subtitles and translation, but the G4 Icons episode on Mega Man is entirely focused on Inafune and gives the firm impression he is the sole creator of all of these characters.

                >On tonight's episode of Game Makers (ICONS), we explore the history of Keiji Inafune's Blue Bomber from the classic NES series iteration to MegaMan X on the SNES and his Legends on the PS1, with glimpses into a Battle Network (EXE) and starting over at Zero.


              • 3 months ago

                what interview is picrel from? It's not the G4 thing.

              • 3 months ago

                >But then the same could apply to George Lucas, right? So much of the original trilogy is not him
                Not to derail this thread but I've been doing some reading on the production of the original Star Wars movies and this is a really bad example. George was actually super involved with almost every decision made in the original trilogy, even the movies he didn't direct. Don't get me wrong, other people contributed to Star Wars but the vast majority of it literally came from George himself it turns out.

                Like, I get it. I think the prequels and special editions suck too (although I only think Attack of the Clones is AS BAD as some people make out) but the whole "Star Wars was a success in SPITE of Lucas" narrative is mostly bullshit. I'd recommend the JW Rinzler 'making of' books if you want to actually learn wtf actually happened during the production of the Star Wars movies. They're really, really well researched using interviews from the 70s/80s as their primary source and they're just lovely books in general with full color concept art, behind the scenes photos, all that stuff

              • 3 months ago

                It's a Forrest for the Trees situation where people nitpick the Prequels, but the main issue is that they were written backwards and they have 1 film's worth of plot stretched to 3 films. That's why the first film is utterly irrelevant with tons of padding, and the 2nd film only starts to have some relevancy. The Matrix sequels were written like that too, where the 2nd film is complete filler that is irrelevant time wasting.

              • 3 months ago

                >they were written backwards and they have 1 film's worth of plot stretched to 3 films. That's why the first film is utterly irrelevant with tons of padding, and the 2nd film only starts to have some relevancy
                Actually that's not quite true - here's one of Lucas's earliest plans for the Saga from 1977 (when writing Empire.) Here Episode 1 was gonna be a prologue to the whole series and Episodes 2, 3 and 4 were gonna concentrate on the Clone Wars (New Hope was going to be Episode 6 at this point.) Plus a ton of stuff in Phantom Menace was actually in the early drafts of New Hope: Mace Windu (then called Mace Windy lmao,) a chancellor named Valorum, the galactic senate, a city planet, a princess with a body double and so on.

                Don't get me wrong, I don't like Phantom Menace that much and yes, Revenge of the Sith is most of what he'd actually come up originally with in the 70s/80s, but a lot of what Phantom Menace ended up being was actually dreamed up in the 70s.

                And Inafune was the character designer of the first game and then by Mega Man 3 he also became "sub planner" whatever the frick that is. Eventually he became a producer. A lot of what makes Mega Man "Mega Man" happened under his guidance. Sole creator? Obviously not. But "creator" in some capacity? Absolutely. Remember we have these kinds of conversations for everything. People constantly argue over who was actually responsible for Super Mario Bros., for example.

                Oh sure. I'm a huge Looking Glass fanboy and it drives me nuts when people credit Warren Spector for their success. Because Warren Spector DIDN'T WORK AT LOOKING GLASS, he was their producer at Origin (okay, not quite true - he did briefly work at LGS for less than half a year around 96-97 but left before shipping a single game.) By all accounts he was an important member of the dev team on Ultima Underworld and System Shock 1 but I've seen people give him credit for Thief, a game he famously did not produce.

                My only point is that, having actually done some of the reading, with Star Wars A LOT of it was Lucas to the point where calling him the creator is close to being accurate. A lot of the stuff you read online about him (like the original Star Wars was "saved" by the editors/George's then-wife or that it was saved by the producers/other writers/whatever else) is actually wrong, a lot of it is urban myths

              • 3 months ago

                And Inafune was the character designer of the first game and then by Mega Man 3 he also became "sub planner" whatever the frick that is. Eventually he became a producer. A lot of what makes Mega Man "Mega Man" happened under his guidance. Sole creator? Obviously not. But "creator" in some capacity? Absolutely. Remember we have these kinds of conversations for everything. People constantly argue over who was actually responsible for Super Mario Bros., for example.

              • 3 months ago

                >And Inafune was the character designer of the first game

                bzzzzzzt wrong. Everyone who did any art on the game was credited as "character designer" and everyone contributed at least one design. You're making the same mistake many journalists did where they look only at Inafune's credit, and not everyone else's credit.Character designer = he designed mega man. MM and the series have the same name, therefore he "created mega man" (the series).

                Wanna know what Inafune designed for MM1? Bomb Man and Elec man! So he can say he is the "father of Bomb Man". He joined when the game was 2/3 so there were only a few robot masters left to design.

              • 3 months ago

                >You're making the same mistake many journalists did where they look only at Inafune's credit
                That's Capcom's mistake then, not journalists nor mine. What are your sources for Inafune only designing Bomb Man and Elec Man?

              • 3 months ago

                >What are your sources for Inafune only designing Bomb Man and Elec Man?

                Design works books and elsewhere. This info was always out there just no one bothered to connect the dots. It's mostly been corrected on the site.

                Akira Kitamura also had a blog and sadly I didn't capture it on the wayback machine before Mega pedos bothered him and he took it down. he had a credits page and said he did like 75% of the designs for MM1 which does in fact fit.

                >That's Capcom's mistake then, not journalists nor mine. What are your sources for Inafune only designing Bomb Man and Elec Man?

                People like Inafune and Tallarico showed me that game journalists are total shit, and do very little fact checking or analysis. They are there to hype up the new product and don't ask deeper questions.

              • 3 months ago

                >People like Inafune and Tallarico showed me that game journalists are total shit, and do very little fact checking or analysis. They are there to hype up the new product and don't ask deeper questions.
                In the case of Mega Man 1 you can't blame them. The credits are what they are and everyone involved probably doesn't speak English or would even talk to the foreign press even if they asked. Plus back then you had to actually pick up a phone. Sad fact is credits were fricking stupid back then. Like I said above, nobody has any idea who created Castlevania because they just made up puns for shits and giggles. We don't even know the date Super Mario Bros. launched in America. So much shit back then wasn't taken seriously.

              • 3 months ago

                If Inafune is openly discussing what he did and didn't do for the original game, why are people calling him a fraud? Those quotes are extremely specific.

              • 3 months ago

                Journos called him the creator of Megaman and while he didn't adopt it immediately, there was at least one instance where he referred to himself that way iirc and/or just never bothered correcting them.

              • 3 months ago

                At the very least Inafune did most if not all the promotional art. He has that signature inverted Vulcan salute in everything he draws. Do we have any examples of what Mega Man himself looked like prior to Inafune joining the team?

              • 3 months ago

                Didn't he say he had to draw stuff based on the sprites? Maybe it's a Xenoblade situation and they didn't have an artist before doing the graphics.

              • 3 months ago

                Right but that undercuts the idea that Inafune only made Bomb Man and Elec Man. If he's doing the main promo art up to and including the final box art then he played a pretty significant role in shaping the characters.

              • 3 months ago

                Inafune is very different. If you actually look in Japanese magazine interviews he was more than willing to give credit where credit was due. He also DID design enemies and bosses alongside Kaji, but outside of MM3 and MMX1 he wasn't the director of the games. I mean, for better or worse he refined the look of what would become classic Mega Man, added the Mega Buster and gave plenty of Input, the biggest of them being the creation of Elec Man. Clearly he did enough to be allowed to reign over the series following Kitamura's departure. Inafune speaks very, very highly of Akira Kitamura and mentioning all "lessons" he gave the team, while one of the Capcom producers of that time does nothing but spew venom at the guy saying he was "weak".

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, there's something very bizarre about how much hate Inafune gets. It doesn't jive with his behavior. I think people think of him like a Koji Igarashi figure who jumped on board deep into a franchise, spearheaded a popular game, and then decided "this is mine now." Inafune didn't do that.

              • 3 months ago

                It's because MN9 happened, that's all there is to it. People sank money into a game that really, REALLY fricking sucked. Inafune has always had little problems like thinking MMX series should have a stronger story focus despite the writer of the games being unable to write a story worth a damn, but at the end of the day his ultimate sin was convincing people to fund a bad game.

              • 3 months ago

                I can see that. I forgot how badly people were fuming over that game.

              • 3 months ago

                >It doesn't jive with his behavior
                What. He scammed people with his shitty game and went on to kill Ninja Gaiden and Dead Rising.
                How dare you, you chucklefrick.

              • 3 months ago

                >and went on to kill Ninja Gaiden and Dead Rising

                No, that was well before No 9. After No. 9 he... umm... worked on ReCore.... but then worked on Gunvolt 2 and 3.

              • 3 months ago

                Inafune made some bullheaded statements and with his own original IP after leaving the company, kind of outed himself as a hypocrite as well as the project promising more than it could deliver. Then journos and translators put words in his mouth which only made things worse. He fell for the hype surrounding him, then crashed and burned. I don't think he's that bad of a guy in general, it could have happened to anybody in his position.

              • 3 months ago

                Holy shit lol you can actually hear the exact moment Tommy's amazing contribution ends and the real music by Joey Kuras (credited as a tester on this game) kicks in.

              • 3 months ago

                It's possible he did at one point but did so little actual composing during the majority of his time in the industry that he got way too rusty to confidently play in public.

              • 3 months ago

                At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he's not actually named 'Tommy Tallarico'

          • 3 months ago

            so you don't, got it. Keep making serious accusations based on hearsay and jealousy I guess

            >"A YouTuber said so" is not proof
            I normally agree (Youtubers are generally the dumbest motherfrickers on the planet) but the comments section for that Hbomb video has some gems in it, including comments by the people who actually composed the music that Tommy takes credit for

            • 3 months ago

              >this random yt comment is supposed to be proof
              So it's fricking nothing. I guarantee most of the hatred is coming from butthurt morons who got scammed by this amico shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah he actually started sending out the original midi files he made to people. It seems legit

              • 3 months ago

                It's funny people will shit on someone for supposedly lying, but then are ready to believe anything they read

  6. 3 months ago

    Stfu he deserved and earned his place as the most insane vidya composer of the western world.

    • 3 months ago

      George Sanger is better

  7. 3 months ago

    Who cares he just wanted enough money to have a spiderman room let him have his unearned success

    • 3 months ago

      That doesn't seem like it would cost very much, unless there's some super valuable comic issues or something

      • 3 months ago

        >That doesn't seem like it would cost very much, unless there's some super valuable comic issues or something
        These hobbies can cost tens of thousands of dollars of disposable income. Especially now when financial investors are trying to drive up the cost of pop culture items and retro gaming items.

      • 3 months ago

        He literally has the first appearance of Spider-Man. I'd say even back then, that was an arm and a leg. Now? Good lord.

        • 3 months ago

          That doesn't seem like it would cost very much, unless there's some super valuable comic issues or something

          He had an entire catalogue of every single Spiderman comic produced up until that point (these tours were in the early 00's). That included the first issue which is quite rare. Tommy tried to impress people by hoarding all this random nerd shit and would invite people to his place.

          • 3 months ago

            It probably is impressive though

            Everyone does this with random stuff they buy don't they?

  8. 3 months ago

    the problem is not that he doesn't make music or lies about it
    the problem is the guy is a gargantuan butthole of the highest order

    • 3 months ago

      >the problem is the guy is a gargantuan butthole of the highest order
      Literally the most moronic argument. How does that even effect you?

      • 3 months ago

        >i only care about things that directly affect me

      • 3 months ago

        It affected me in the 90s when I played the version of Sonic CD that had some garbage he rushed out in like 2 weeks instead of the good Sonic CD music.

  9. 3 months ago

    The only people who hate TT are Roblox babbies mad that he made them take le epic "oof" sound out, because the Roblox devs ripped it off from a game he worked on, Messiah

  10. 3 months ago

    A few ghost writing scandals have occured, like that Onimusha guy who claimed to be blind. I suspect in Japan it occurs to some degree with all of htem, like the head composer gets sole credit when it's actually a team effort.

    Nobuo Uematsu pumping out so many high quality tracks in quick succession is a bit questionable don't you think? Especially when it's many different styles as well.

    • 3 months ago

      Is that what this is all about? I thought everyone just dunked on him due to the amico (?) stuff. I kinda remember the pat stuff but they get dunked on too for some diablo stuff. If the people who wrote or collaborated with him on soundtracks were so incensed at not getting due credit then why wouldnt they say so at the time?
      Leave nobuo out of this, ff3 is the only game music my mom enjoyed. Its special.

      • 3 months ago

        So basically anything he could have claimed as a success is either a lie or something someone else did. In summary:

        1. Never composed any music but took the claim.
        2. Lies about every single achievement and biographical information.
        3. Has been running various scams his entire life. Video games live, GANG, that short lived fan expo, etc.
        4. Cannot play any instrument despite making it seem like he can.

    • 3 months ago

      Uematsu's sparse commercial output in the past two decades have been solely just familiar samey-sounding prog-rock battle themes and "main themes" commissioned as a freelancer, that other musicians on their sound teams reuse for motifs and rearrange (i.e. FFXIV, Granblue Fantasy etc.). there's a lot of reasonable non-transparency to his contributions, and everyone and their grandma already knows about his influences in the 90s

      • 3 months ago

        transparency*, jesus christ. either way, Jap OSTs are pretty clear in general on who worked on what, with detailing which composers did each track.

        Tommy Tallarico otherwise is just a unique case, in that he largely got away with things because no one gave a shit enough to dig deeper into

      • 3 months ago

        I lost interest in him ever since he stopped arranging his own music after FFXI and allowing noobs to handle it instead.

    • 3 months ago

      >Nobuo Uematsu pumping out so many high quality tracks in quick succession is a bit questionable don't you think? Especially when it's many different styles as well.
      If Uematsu had ghostwriters, then a bunch of other RPG composers did the same thing. FF was not atypical in terms of how many pieces of music each game had by one composer.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm thinking it's typical for Japanese composers. The senior composer runs a team, and everything is credited to the head senior composer. I can't see one single guy banging out FF6, Chrono Trigger, FF7, FF8, FF9, etc in such quick succession like that. It's inhuman.

        He was accused of some pretty fricked up shit. Allegedly he performed in South America and tried to hide money on the return trip to avoid taxes and when he got caught he blamed his bandmates. Granted, doing one kind of bad thing doesn't mean he automatically did another, but there does seem to be a pattern forming. Add in all the Amico bullshit and it's no wonder people doubt his honesty.

        Not allegedly, there's court documents. He did it because he didn't want to pay taxes, which is scummy behavior. VGL is mostly a scam, as he air guitars, and he tries to find ways to pay his performers as little as possible while he is paid the most which is the pattern of his life.

        • 3 months ago

          >Chrono Trigger,
          1995 (and Yasunori Mitsuda did the bulk of the soundtrack)
          Composing for these games was his only job and he was in his late thirties during this period. He was talented and prolific. He kept doing that work because he was good at it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Chrono Trigger,
          1995 (and Yasunori Mitsuda did the bulk of the soundtrack)
          Composing for these games was his only job and he was in his late thirties during this period. He was talented and prolific. He kept doing that work because he was good at it.

          Plus from what I've read, composing 60~80 songs for a game soundtrack isn't as daunting as it sounds once you've established the leitmotiv for the main characters and themes. Not to say it's easy, but you're not making 80 original songs completely from scratch either.

          • 3 months ago

            >composing 60~80 songs for a game soundtrack isn't as daunting as it sounds once you've established the leitmotiv for the main characters and themes
            true, and some pieces of music might not even stretch out to a minute or less depending on what's needed. it's not as much work as it may seem. a good composer can do this without breaking a sweat.

          • 3 months ago

            >composing 60~80 songs for a game soundtrack isn't as daunting as it sounds
            Motoi Sakuraba wrote this post while composing for the latest Tales game

      • 3 months ago

        I think the difference is that nobody thinks Uemtasu did NOTHING on a game and was only the intermediary between the composer and game studio. Directors are usually credited as the sole director in Hollywood even though you have second units and stuff. Plus it's not like Nobuo Uematsu is going around running his mouth.

        • 3 months ago

          To grasp the scale of Tommy's self-aggrandizing lies and fake career, he entered gaming in 1992, and his last credit is 2010. It's very likely that during that entire 22 year period he did not write a single piece of music. Not one. There's also no footage of him ever actually playing guitar (which you'd think if he liked it so much). There's footage of him playing keyboards, and air guitaring at Video Games Live, but that's it.

          It makes you wonder if there's more?

          • 3 months ago

            >he entered gaming in 1992, and his last credit is 2010. It's very likely that during that entire 22 year period
            That's 12 years.

            • 3 months ago

              18. 18 fricking years.

              • 3 months ago

                legal to frick. nice

      • 3 months ago

        FF ripped off settings and names non stop. FF6 had italian renaissance elements, FF7 used scandinavian mythology. And I don't mean "inspired by", but shit like taking a list of most famous things in an era and using it to name stuff in the game.

        • 3 months ago

          FF1 is just a D&D campaign with the serial numbers filed off.

        • 3 months ago

          So just like so many anime that take norse names and do barely anything norse-related with them? I see that more as a japanese thing than an FF-specific thing since japanese entertainment shit runs on the rule of "oh this looks/sounds cool, lets put it in our product with no regard for any of its actual context."

    • 3 months ago

      >Onimusha guy who claimed to be blind.
      It was deaf but close enough. His name is Mamoru Samuragochi if you want to look it up.

    • 3 months ago

      Uematsu gets slightly overcredited but that's in good part because people are too lazy to read and some of the more detailed information is Japanese rather than trying to claim it, from FFX on they're quite clear there's multiple composers. I mean people do the same thing where they try to treat Armored Core soundtracks as the sole creation of Kota Hoshino when credits are always completely clear there's like half a dozen other regulars even in the games after he became prominent and only really AC4 was a solo job. (AC2 and 3 were actually more Tsukasa Saitoh)

      On the other hand things DO happen like image boorus crediting all official Granblue Fantasy art to the art director Hideo Minaba when his own company has multiple artists that are known to also known to design characters for the game but not specifically credited for which work they did and then actual dev team has its own entirely unknown artists.

    • 3 months ago

      >Nobuo Uematsu pumping out so many high quality tracks in quick succession is a bit questionable don't you think? Especially when it's many different styles as well.
      If Uematsu had ghostwriters, then a bunch of other RPG composers did the same thing. FF was not atypical in terms of how many pieces of music each game had by one composer.

      quite a number of "composers" for japanese games don't actually do any programming of the music themselves. they can quickly belt out tracks using midi and synthesizers and either record it or have a "programmer" convert over the music to another format. always been common. i forget her name, there was a jap composer for arcade games that never touched any music editor. she'd write down music and pass it off to the programmers to implement. they'd play it back to her to check if it's ok. tl;dr: people are legit at what they do.

    • 3 months ago

      It happens in Japan as well. That dude who made the Dragonball games' music ripped off Yellow Magic Orchestra, Stratovarius, and even Pink Floyd of all things. Then there is Streets of Rage 2 which is practically all random disco tunes copied.

      • 3 months ago

        Kenji Yamamoto. That guy got fired in a very public way. Near the end of Dragon Ball Kai's run on TV the music suddenly switched to OG DBZ music because Yamamoto's long history of plagiarism came to light. What finally got him in trouble was he made the mistake of ripping off Avatar.

      • 3 months ago

        there's a difference between plagiarising a motif / section of a song and making the rest of it versus claiming credit for a song you had zero / minimal input into making anon.
        while the former isn't good, it still takes more effort to do than the latter.
        lots of people are "inspired" by other musicians so i think copying a riff or two isn't the biggest sin in the world.

        • 3 months ago

          >there's a difference between plagiarising a motif / section of a song and making the rest of it versus claiming credit for a song you had zero / minimal input into making anon.
          its crazy
          if he had any ounce of creativity, ripping off a riff or two wouldnt even be an issue. thats kinda how music works. someone hears something, then other people try to mimic it and frick it up somewhere down the line, and it turns into a game of telephone. eventually, and with even a slight amount of effort, it mutates into something of its own

          but nah
          dude just paid some other guy to do it and went around for decades deluding people, and himself apparently, into thinking he was gods greatest gift to the vidya music world

      • 3 months ago

        SoR aren't disco tunes you dumbass, they're riffs on chicago house tracks

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah. Japan sounds scary for this due to their work culture. If composer-sensei asked somebody to write a track for them they wouldn't be allowed to say no to it.

      • 3 months ago

        I always took it as the lead composer works as the head composer running a team of assistants, and everything is credited to the lead composer in the final game. The assistants themselves then graduate to lead composers on other projects where they then get full credit. The difference of course is these Japanese composers are still very talented, and did a lot of the work, just not literally 100% of it as the final credits would imply. Tommy in contrast has likely never composed a single bit of music in his entire career.

    • 3 months ago

      i don't even want to consider nobuo as a plagirist, he seems like such a cool badass and he made some of my favourite music ever.
      i think I'd actually genuinely be upset if it did come out he'd copied or taken false credit.
      still wouldn't detract from the music being perfect though.

      • 3 months ago

        He's legit, I saw him speak at music school

  11. 3 months ago

    rumor has it he still dresses like that irl to this day

  12. 3 months ago

    And yet, he’s still more honest than anyone working in the industry today.

    • 3 months ago

      >And yet, he’s still more honest than anyone working in the industry today.

      My strong suspicion is that there's an assload of ghost writing and plagiarism going on in gaming and anime music, but the only ones who get caught are the goofballs who are the most blatant about it. Both anime and video games would massively engage in plagurism, and it was mostly ignored until like 2010 when the ease of listening to music online led to it being cracked down.

      • 3 months ago

        Doom’s OST is infamous for how much it blatantly plagiarizes 80’s metal songs. And Doom is just the tip of the iceberg.

        • 3 months ago

          >Tallarico wanted to do something different for the Terminator soundtrack and take advantage of the Sega CD's technology to make something new. He created a fully CD-based soundtrack featuring live guitars and other real instruments, something that was unheard of at the time. Despite the naysayers, Tallarico managed to pull off his vision and became the first person to use a live guitar and 3D audio in a video game.

          The source is obviously Tommy's boasts, but this can't be correct. Game journalists are idiots who repeat what devs say to them even in the print era, but it got worse in the online digital era. The PC Engine CD attachment was released in December 4, 1988 so I'm certain someone used a guitar at some point. And the Sega CD was released in 1991, so I would guess someone used a guitar first?

          Oh exactly. No way that they'd get away with that today. Even back then, they redid the score for the PS version, likely to avoid just these issues.

          • 3 months ago

            Just off the top of my head there's Gate of Thunder for PC-Engine CD.

            • 3 months ago

              > February 21, 1992

              You are correct. Tommy per usual is incredibly ignorant of gaming history if it doesn't involve him. He gets the credit in the idiot press simply because he makes the most noise. And if Tommy had always presented himself as a music producer and gave full credit to the performers and composers, no one would have any problem with him.

        • 3 months ago

          Doom using metal tracks was noted in magazine reviews as early as 1994, but from what I hear they had a legal guy in the team who could tell them exactly how much of the songs they could copy, down to the exact amount of notes, before they were susceptible to lawsuits. So basically the entire team knew and was in on it.

          • 3 months ago

            bobby (the composer for doom) WAS the ex-lawyer lol.
            he knew exactly how much he could get away with and he did precisely that, he still worked within the legal framework of plagiarism and you've got to respect that kind of hustle frankly.

      • 3 months ago

        Just because you're not good at anything doesn't mean skill and talent don't exist.

  13. 3 months ago

    >Is there a bigger gaming Snake Oils salesman than him?

    Sakaguchi after The Spirits Within dropped.
    Yuji Naka before and after Peter Moore told him to frick off.

    • 3 months ago

      Those two at least had contributions to early games. Naka was at least a programmer who worked on the game engine for Sonic the Hedgehog Mega drive games, and Sakaguchi at least was a planner/director for the first five final fantasy games.

      Between hiring people, ripping public midis for classical music, or using public sounds, it is highly unclear if Tommy Tallarico has composed a single piece of music. Literally nothing can be confirmed.

  14. 3 months ago

    OP is just jealous of Tommy's 7 world records. Some people say he only has 3 and the rest are just reworded certificates, but this man has still achieved 10 Guinness world records. This whole thread is full of slander against this 15 time record holder.

    • 3 months ago

      20 world records? How can one man be so baste?

      • 3 months ago

        easy: you just lie and make shit up.

      • 3 months ago

        It's up to 25 now!

        • 3 months ago

          wouldn't matter if he had 20k records, his name is now pure cancer and what remained of his legacy built on a mountain of compulsive lying has been torn up into tiny pieces and scattered by the winds.

          • 3 months ago

            >wouldn't matter if he had 20k records
            He's actually up to 25k records now!

      • 3 months ago

        >How can one man be so baste?

        Oh he's getting basted allright.

    • 3 months ago

      >OP is just jealous of Tommy's 7 world records. Some people say he only has 3 and the rest are just reworded certificates, but this man has still achieved 10 Guinness world records. This whole thread is full of slander against this 15 time record holder.

      That's how Tommy's lies get you. I KNEW that the GWR were bullshit. I knew that. So I didn't dig deeper. He got 3 of those and the rest were updates to old records. And even then, one of the records was for most games worked on but they just accepted tommy's internal list which included every single port of game, plus the fantasy games that don't have Tommy's credits but he insists he worked on them.

      • 3 months ago

        there's a long list of losers of society that think if they get mentioned in a garbage book that's been laughed at for decades then this legitimizes their entire worthless existence. they don't understand how most people that aren't moronic equates gwr titles to same level of scrutiny as certificates from microsoft on how to use windows. what tiny bit of credibility they had left was flushed down the toilet when they bent the knee to billy mitchell. lmao. it's all incredibly sad and pathetic.

        • 3 months ago

          Billy Mitchell is a weird situation. It's not that he didn't set records, because he did. It's that the Donkey Kong community is incredibly anal retentive about what kind of controls are used. The OG stick was garbage so if you replace it with a modern one the game becomes easier to play. But all the cabinets are also over 40 years old at this point so even finding original hardware is becoming a problem, let alone the condition it's in.

          • 3 months ago

            stop making excuses for such a moronic hack. nobody doubts his records he got back in the 1980s
            > It's that the Donkey Kong community is incredibly anal retentive about what kind of controls are used.
            you're supposed to use the original machine configuration
            > The OG stick was garbage
            i don't give a frick if it was made out of literal garbage. he broke the terms, lied about it, got caught out by photos proving he's a cheat and that's the end of the story.

            • 3 months ago

              >you're supposed to use the original machine configuration
              This will have to change though. The components are all decades old now. It's not just that they were bad back then. It's that they're even worse now after 40+ years of abuse. "Well just change the parts that wear out!" Okay, sure, but then you wind up in a Ship of Theseus problem. Major League Baseball doesn't require players use the baseballs or bats from the 1930s if they want their new records to stand.

          • 3 months ago

            iirc 8-way stick actually provides a gameplay advantage over 4-way, as you can barrel steer without being on a ladder

          • 3 months ago

            Didn't they flat out confirm he used an emulator when they slowed down the footage to see how stuff loaded in? IIRC MAME loads the graphics in a different order than the original hardware, and the slowed footage showed them loading in the way MAME does it.

  15. 3 months ago

    How much longer is every obvious scammer with a big mouth going to be seen as “based”?

    • 3 months ago

      A while longer. Remember that you're on a website with a higher than normal proportion of terminally online contrarians.

  16. 3 months ago


  17. 3 months ago

    All I see is gigachad behavior

  18. 3 months ago

    >Is there a bigger gaming Snake Oils salesman than him?
    not really. amico shit aside, people discovering that he never wrote most of the music he claimed to have written has turned him into a billy mitchell-like caricature. receipts exists too. the original musician for earthworm jim still has the original midi files used in the game.

    • 3 months ago

      >never wrote most of the music

      We're at the point where it's reasonable to question if he ever wrote anything. We know that he was hiring people for most of his career, and his earliest tracks might be him plagiarizing something else. He has a very "creative" use of facts and reality, where he weaves elaborate tales of success for things he most likely just paid for instead of achieving himself. He also claims that he was a Minor league Hall of Famer, when he went to a fantasy camp, or that he's pals with all these celebs and is invited to parties, but those are events he PAID to go to.

      • 3 months ago

        >We're at the point where it's reasonable to question if he ever wrote anything.
        i suspect that he's never written a single thing in his life. yet to see much proof of this.
        >He has a very "creative" use of facts and reality
        cocaine abuse will make you think you're jesus. the man cannot stop lying about the smallest of things that are provably false. how the frick did these game developers not see how he was a walking and talking fraud? boggles the mind.

        Couldn't stand electric playground, it was so bad one could almost confuse it for an attempt to parody a review show but with the hosts not being any good at parody or humor. Their reviews were basically like IGN's infamous "too much water" incident, except applied to just about every game. They had the stupidest reasons for negatives like "too much reading" or "I don't like RPGs".

        I mostly just knew him from Video Games Live, backed a few of those, which now I would not be surprised to find out even that was a scam. Didn't realize he was on Electric Playground until later, and especially started to realize how much of everything about him was bullshit once he got on board that Amico fiasco.

        As if the Amico wasn't already waving a hundred red flags, it's crowdfunding attempt has to be one of the biggest red flags in gaming history. He didn't use Kickstarter, didn't even use Indiegogo, he used freaking FIG! Fig had some... interesting mechanics. Unlike Kickstarter or Indiegogo you can actually restrict people being able to comment unless they back for a specific amount, and people actually can only back for the exact amounts in the tiers. The tiers were all the same price (and you wouldn't even get an Amico, it was just a down payment for a pre-order!), and the limit to comment? Set $1 ABOVE what every tier was. Basically, they disabled commenting, and weren't even going to give you the console but just put it towards a down payment. They also launched the campaign after Fig rescinded it's "all or nothing" requirement like Kickstarter and added a flexible funding option. One of the most laughably obvious crowdfunding scams I have ever seen in gaming.

        considering that tommy is now selling his "mansion" located inside some gated neighbourhood in california with the worst security imaginable, things must be going really well for him.

        • 3 months ago

          >cocaine abuse will make you think you're jesus. the man cannot stop lying about the smallest of things that are provably false.

          He does seem to be the type, and he's claimed to never touch drugs or alcohol, which I take as confirmation he is a coke addict.

          >how the frick did these game developers not see how he was a walking and talking fraud? boggles the mind.

          Superficially charming, and people are not expecting someone who lies about everything. All they're seeing is a guy coming into the office with midi files and they all sound great so they pat Tommy on the back. Music composition is something you can fake sadly.

          Once you know it's bullshit, you can see holes though. In one house tour video that went out for PlayStation Underground disc 62, he has the piano on the main floor and then says he will play with it, then rush upstairs to write it down when composing. This makes no sense. Why not have a keyboard upstairs? They don't cost much. I suspect he has never composed a single track in his life.

          • 3 months ago

            >and he's claimed to never touch drugs or alcohol
            lol. i know a homosexual like this
            > oh! drink? smoke? nah. never!
            > *proceeds to ingest pharmaceutical drugs at an astonishing rate*

            >Music composition is something you can fake sadly.
            you can try but you'll get caught out eventually.
            >he has the piano on the main floor and then says he will play with it, then rush upstairs to write it down when composing. This makes no sense. Why not have a keyboard upstairs?
            the piano is used as furniture and nothing tommy says is truthful.
            >I suspect he has never composed a single track in his life.
            without proof (sadly) it's most likely to be the case.

            >this random yt comment is supposed to be proof
            So it's fricking nothing. I guarantee most of the hatred is coming from butthurt morons who got scammed by this amico shit.

            > seething this hard

        • 3 months ago

          >how the frick did these game developers not see how he was a walking and talking fraud?
          Having personally known pathological liars like this, they're very good at avoiding subject matter experts that could expose them. And if they do happen to run into someone that can call them out, they'll try every trick in the book to discredit them, and/or just become so aggressively argumentative that the other person backs down.

          • 3 months ago

            >Having personally known pathological liars like this, they're very good at avoiding subject matter experts that could expose them.
            during my time of computing since the late 80s, I have met so many people just like it. i've met artists, programmers, musicians that have had similar fraudulent lives - either as hobby or professional. if they can steal it and get away with it, they'll do it but their reputations are a literal joke afterward. they can't even google their own names without their shitty past from 30+ years ago slapping them around.

            >And if they do happen to run into someone that can call them out, they'll try every trick in the book to discredit them, and/or just become so aggressively argumentative that the other person backs down.
            i usually find aggressively argumentative because it's all they have left in the tank. and i can just sit back and enjoy the show while said clown continues the circus on his own - except nobody is laughing, they're actually disturbed by it all and are wondering just how much of our history on computers and video games is actually accurate

          • 3 months ago

            That's exactly what happened with Pat Contri. The crazy part is his way of dealing with that was to not only get into a personal and extended argument with two YouTubers but to surround himself with other YouTubers who bought into his shit like a bunch of little toadies. For the sake of illustration, let's assume Tommy were 100% telling the truth. This would all be incredibly sad. Steven Tyler's cousin who knows Miyamoto and worked professionally on a bazillion games over a decades long career is getting into Internet spats with Pat the NES Punk?That'd be like John Williams sending angry voicemails to the Nostalgia Critic.

            • 3 months ago

              it's very sad and completely baffling to a lot of people that once thought tommy was just your average garden variety eccentric american before discovering this world of compulsive lying and grifting. if he knew when to shut the frick up then his problems wouldn't exist.
              > youtubers
              some of these homosexuals were just enabling tommy for fricking years and posted videos of him talking wild shit without thinking about if it actually happened or any repercussions later for themselves or tommy.

        • 3 months ago

          >how the frick did these game developers not see how he was a walking and talking fraud? boggles the mind.
          I guess a lot of them didn't care who was doing the work so long as the job got done. In the 90s video game music wasn't a huge deal so its unlikely anyone from the original publisher would intervene if Tommy was running around claiming to have composed for a certain game. Remember that Carlos Mencia had a literal TV show on Comedy Central as well as several standup specials and it wasn't until a blurry ass phone video of Joe Rogan confronting him went viral that people realized he was a joke thief. The average person just isn't paying that close attention.

          • 3 months ago

            >I guess a lot of them didn't care who was doing the work so long as the job got done.
            seems that way
            >unlikely anyone from the original publisher would intervene if Tommy was running around claiming to have composed for a certain game.
            no. they would not have given a shit.
            >people realized he was a joke thief.
            he was. supposedly very common for hacks to sit in on gigs, take fricking notes, record them on tape and then just rip them off. been going on for fricking decades.
            >The average person just isn't paying that close attention.
            exactly. when people start paying just a little bit more attention than normal they start to realize oh shit this fricking thievery is as common as tap water.

          • 3 months ago

            >I guess a lot of them didn't care who was doing the work so long as the job got done. In the 90s video game music wasn't a huge deal so its unlikely anyone from the original publisher would intervene if Tommy was running around claiming to have composed for a certain game. Remember that Carlos Mencia had a literal TV show on Comedy Central as well as several standup specials and it wasn't until a blurry ass phone video of Joe Rogan confronting him went viral that people realized he was a joke thief. The average person just isn't paying that close attention.
            I'll be damned, wondered whatever happened to Mencia.

            • 3 months ago

              He's still floating around last I heard but his star faded tremendously since the Rogan confrontation. What happens with these things is someone gets the ball rolling and then everyone else who knew stuff come out of the woodwork to double down. Then other people have no choice but to report on it and that's how the average person finds out. That's usually the pattern. Insiders and people who have their finger on the pulse will be able to say "I told you so" but it usually takes someone breaking the seal for all the whispers to become screams.

            • 3 months ago

              People already knew he was a hackfraud because of his confrontation with George Lopez. Mencia's show was always meant as filler because Dave Chappelle walked away from Chappelle's Show.

  19. 3 months ago

    Couldn't stand electric playground, it was so bad one could almost confuse it for an attempt to parody a review show but with the hosts not being any good at parody or humor. Their reviews were basically like IGN's infamous "too much water" incident, except applied to just about every game. They had the stupidest reasons for negatives like "too much reading" or "I don't like RPGs".

    I mostly just knew him from Video Games Live, backed a few of those, which now I would not be surprised to find out even that was a scam. Didn't realize he was on Electric Playground until later, and especially started to realize how much of everything about him was bullshit once he got on board that Amico fiasco.

    As if the Amico wasn't already waving a hundred red flags, it's crowdfunding attempt has to be one of the biggest red flags in gaming history. He didn't use Kickstarter, didn't even use Indiegogo, he used freaking FIG! Fig had some... interesting mechanics. Unlike Kickstarter or Indiegogo you can actually restrict people being able to comment unless they back for a specific amount, and people actually can only back for the exact amounts in the tiers. The tiers were all the same price (and you wouldn't even get an Amico, it was just a down payment for a pre-order!), and the limit to comment? Set $1 ABOVE what every tier was. Basically, they disabled commenting, and weren't even going to give you the console but just put it towards a down payment. They also launched the campaign after Fig rescinded it's "all or nothing" requirement like Kickstarter and added a flexible funding option. One of the most laughably obvious crowdfunding scams I have ever seen in gaming.

    • 3 months ago

      >I mostly just knew him from Video Games Live, backed a few of those, which now I would not be surprised to find out even that was a scam.

      1. He air guitars and can't play. The tracks were recorded by Vertexguy in 2007.


      2. He stiffs paying his musicians and performers as much as possible.
      3. there's an incident where he had 100,000 in USD cash on him which he tried to bring with him without declaring it and got caught.

      This is the same theme as Tommy Tallarico Studios. He pays people a bit of money, they do the hard work, he makes 20x what he paid them. Then he leveridged his career to create VGL, which is also fake.

  20. 3 months ago

    BRgay here. I went to Video Games Live when it came over here, and during the Advent Children's version of One Winged Angel, when it came time for the solo, a Chocobo picture came on the big screen and he pointed at it and just skipped the solo section altogether, I'm not joking. Just thought it's a funny thing to add to this man's never-ending list of lies and bullshit.

  21. 3 months ago

    > be me
    > writing music since 1995
    > 29 years
    > you can find my files for various trackers, sequencers. in some games and demos.
    > accomplished very little except name recognition by nerds and i'm pretty sure they think my real name is an alias, so basically i don't exist
    > turns out i've written 100% more original songs that tommy mitchell tallarico
    i sleep much better at night and feel fulfilled knowing that i am not as shit as tommy mitchell.

    • 3 months ago

      Are you Russian?

      • 3 months ago

        not russian or european.

        >2 minutes in
        >talks about how Super Mario world is the perfect game
        >Says that he and Miyamoto talked about SMW when he worked on Metroid Prime
        >says there was a "funny story he said..."
        >he then stalls for time for over 2 and half minutes rambling and doesn't say what Miyamoto told him
        >he's clearly stalling for time and it isn't until 5:00 that he actually has figured out what to say

        He is such a terrible bullshit artist making shit up as he goes. No mention of Takashi Tezuka who actually directed the game either and no mention of any translation issues.

        And even worse, Tallarico never worked on Metroid Prime.

        tommy takes part of a truth and stretches it for miles. he apparently was hired as a contractor by the developer of metroid prime but his services were never utilized and contract was terminated. no fault of his own, supposedly overstretched developer. this is how he gives himself a credit despite working on nothing. basically.. we'll i was contracted therefore it counts, and just makes up the rest to fill in the blanks of his drug addled mind.

        • 3 months ago

          Joey Kuras actually did create some sfx for the game, but none of it was used in the final game, so we really have no idea what happened. And I'm certain Tommy has never met Miyamoto once as all his stories are obvious lies. But this preliminary work is enough for Tommy to put it on his resume and tout it as this great game he worked on so he can take credit and imply he has this connection with Miyamoto. Completely pathetic. he does the same thing with Steven Tyler (who is not his cousin, and they've only met a few times).

          • 3 months ago

            >Joey Kuras actually did create some sfx for the game, but none of it was used in the final game,
            yeah but you don't get credit for that, nor can you claim any credit for that. and if anyone should be trying to claim any credit it's joey. it just makes it even more fricking bizarre. what a fricking weird ass world tommy lives in. it's amazing world of fantasy and delusion.

            • 3 months ago

              >what a fricking weird ass world tommy lives in. it's amazing world of fantasy and delusion.

              I know, right? I think he has this very tenuous connection to reality. And he constantly uses this ring logic.

              >I know X
              >He did Y
              >Therefore I did Y

              >Victor Lucas and me did Electric Playground
              >Victor Lucas won an emmy
              >therefore EP was an emmy winning show
              >Therefore I won an emmy

              • 3 months ago

                >tenuous connection to reality.
                tenuous as a single strand of cotton and i'm prettty sure that broke long ago.

                >what a fricking weird ass world tommy lives in. it's amazing world of fantasy and delusion.

                He's gotten into The Secret in the last decade, and it seems to have thrown gasoline on his delusions. He genuinely believes that visualizing something makes it real. He has a vision board and everything. The only thing I want to know is was he alwasy liked this? This delusional about his accomplishments? Could someone have had an intervention in 1994 and avoided all this?

                >He genuinely believes that visualizing something makes it real
                i'm all for thinking positively (as hard as it may be at times) but "becoming real" level of nonsentse only happens if you actually do work.
                >The only thing I want to know is was he alwasy liked this?
                he wasn't really that well known outside of a tv show and a few games.
                > Could someone have had an intervention in 1994 and avoided all this?
                absolutely. it's most likely he's also been around people or leeches most of his life that just sucked his wiener and enabled him to get away with such wild shit for years without being challenged.

            • 3 months ago

              >what a fricking weird ass world tommy lives in. it's amazing world of fantasy and delusion.

              He's gotten into The Secret in the last decade, and it seems to have thrown gasoline on his delusions. He genuinely believes that visualizing something makes it real. He has a vision board and everything. The only thing I want to know is was he alwasy liked this? This delusional about his accomplishments? Could someone have had an intervention in 1994 and avoided all this?

          • 3 months ago

            >And I'm certain Tommy has never met Miyamoto once as all his stories are obvious lies.
            I hate to defend Tallarico one iota but there is this picture floating around with both Tommy and Miyamoto in it. Everything else he's said about Miyamoto and Metroid Prime is obvious bullshit but he was, at the very least, at one point photographed in the same room as him (unless it turns out that all the people he's standing with are actually Madame Tussauds wax statues like that time he claimed to have met the Dalai Lama lmao)

            • 3 months ago

              what language did they converse in

            • 3 months ago

              I was thinking that they MUST have met in some capacity since Tommy would frequently go to E3 and other industry events right? So this must be the basis of his Miyamoto fantasies. He met him a few times, so he concots this whole fanfiction about him. Just like Steven Tyler and lord knows what else?

              what language did they converse in

              Yeah he only speaks English, and Miyamoto only speaks Japanese so that right there is enough to show he's probably lying. And can you imagine Miyamoto sitting down and listening to any of Tommy's music? Even the best ones are prog-rock or prog-metal and that doesn't seem Miyamoto's style at all.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just like Steven Tyler and lord knows what else?
                Just out of interest how do we know Steven Tyler isn't his cousin? I'm clearly not up-to-date with my Tallirico lore anymore (although I did wonder whether or not the Steven Tyler thing was complete bullshit because... well y'know, everything else was bullshit)

              • 3 months ago

                1. The only sources are Tommy profile articles, which cite Tommy as a source.
                2. Steven Tyler has an autobiography: no Tommy Tallarico mentioned. Even has family pics.
                3. Amico nerds did the research and went all the way to both of their great-grandfathers and up until that point they are not related.
                4. They have met, but it's all VIP access and charity events, ie nothing that a family member could go to, all public events that you pay to access.

              • 3 months ago

                >3. Amico nerds did the research and went all the way to both of their great-grandfathers and up until that point they are not related.
                HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh it just keeps getting funnier

              • 3 months ago

                >Amico nerds did the research and went all the way to both of their great-grandfathers and up until that point they are not related.
                At that point you're basically strangers even if you are "related." You start getting into 3rd cousin or 2nd cousin once removed territory. These are people too distant to even see at weddings and funerals.

            • 3 months ago

              No, don't you know he worked on the Wii with Miyamoto:

              • 3 months ago

                >He thinks Metroid Prime came out for the Wii
                >he literally owns Metroid Prime 1 and 2 since he shows off a physical collection of every game he's ever worked on

                I know if I were to do a rambling 51 minute video I'd make mistakes too, but you'd think you'd remember your own supposed career?

              • 3 months ago

                I know, he's a shocker

              • 3 months ago

                Guy's a gold mine. I'd go beyond saying he never composed anything: guy's never said a single truthful word in his life.

              • 3 months ago

                It's quite incredible isn't it? Like, there's lies built on top of other lies built on top of even more lies the deeper you dig. Who even is Tommy Tallarico?

              • 3 months ago

                Does he even have a mother

              • 3 months ago

                Of course. She's very proud.

              • 3 months ago

                Guy's a gold mine. I'd go beyond saying he never composed anything: guy's never said a single truthful word in his life.

                Even ignoring the fake credits angle, he seems to be a legit idiot and doesn't know anything about retro gaming at all and gets basic facts wrong all the time. Even stranger, he had a show in the 90's about video games, went to E3 and other industry events all the time, and has met many figures. You'd think he'd pick something up? This is why he trips up a lot of his lies since he just doesn't know basic shit. Like how Miyamoto doesn't understand the appeal of Metroid and keeps it at arms length, so him being intimately involved in Metroid Prime's development just doesn't add up.

                His game collection is mostly for show. It collects dust, he gets to show it off in tours and amaze guests. It's all for chasing clout in the video game community.

              • 3 months ago

                >doesn't know anything about retro gaming at all and gets basic facts wrong all the time
                Again, pretty par for the course for pathological liars. I knew a guy who would constantly claim expert knowledge on whatever the current topic of discussion was, but get basic facts wrong. He would get angry and refuse to back down when told he was wrong, sometimes to the point of turning red in the face. One day we happened to pass by a bookstore while he was doing this, and we pulled up two different books that proved he was wrong (because obviously he wouldn't accept the first book alone). After we showed him the second book he stood silent for a few seconds, then he suddenly put on a haughty face and claimed 'he had only been pretending to be wrong to see if we would pick it up'.
                We stopped inviting him to group hangouts after that.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah you can see his logic:
                >I'm an American working on Sonic which is a Japanese series, so I must be the first
                >I used a guitar in a 1993 video game, so I must be the first
                >My company was tangentially related to metroid Prime early work, therefore that must have given me a chance to talk to Miyamoto who selected me and respected me

                All very basic errors, but once he decides something he doesn't bother to fact check. Other than his own self-aggrandizing stories, he seems to know nothing about video games, even for people he's met! He's met Sonic the hedgehog producers who were American!

              • 3 months ago

                Metroid Prime 3 did, and there was a port of 1 and 2 to the Wii as well.

                Not that I am defending this clown mind you.

  22. 3 months ago

    >2 minutes in
    >talks about how Super Mario world is the perfect game
    >Says that he and Miyamoto talked about SMW when he worked on Metroid Prime
    >says there was a "funny story he said..."
    >he then stalls for time for over 2 and half minutes rambling and doesn't say what Miyamoto told him
    >he's clearly stalling for time and it isn't until 5:00 that he actually has figured out what to say

    He is such a terrible bullshit artist making shit up as he goes. No mention of Takashi Tezuka who actually directed the game either and no mention of any translation issues.

    And even worse, Tallarico never worked on Metroid Prime.

  23. 3 months ago

    Very technically Tommy is better thought of as a music producer and if he was up front about that, gave more credit and paid his artists better no one would have any problem with it. As producer he has started projects that led to some pretty decent music. Greatest Hits Vol 1-2 is worth a listen (but just that, a single listen).

    The Japanese loved producing this kind of shit, and might even be where Tommy got the inspiration for the style. Half the PC Engine CD had scores like this and I know Nihon Falcom had a whole band playing this kind of music.

    So he didn't compose it, didn't perform it, but he was the producer who comissioned it?

    • 3 months ago

      >>Very technically Tommy is better thought of as a music producer and if he was up front about that, gave more credit and paid his artists better no one would have any problem with
      nobody would have a problem with it. calling himself a producer clarifies his role. instead he insisted that he wrote everything. unfortunately this is incredibly common within the music industry where you have producers claiming credit for everything. examples: dr. dre, well known for stealing beats from demos people sent to his label, same with snoop dogg's producer daz dillinger - would steal beats from demos. qtip was known to go to people's houses, listen to their beats then when he got home he'd make the beat himself and release it first (that happened to pete rock numerous times - happened with juicy released notorious big and another track i forget the name of right now). long story short: music producers are literally fricking homosexuals at the best of times.

      • 3 months ago

        It also wouldn't have impacted his fame at all. What made him famous within the very specific niche he travels in was his self-promotion. He could have done that while also being honest about what his actual job was. But I guess there aren't too many personality types who fit both qualifications. People who are aggressive self-promoters aren't likely to be honest and scrupulously honest people aren't likely to be aggressive self-promoters.

        • 3 months ago

          > He could have done that while also being honest about what his actual job was.
          if i were to make a wild guess, not knowing the man personally, it's as if just being known as a guy running a production company wasn't enough despite having success with it. something must have gone wrong where he felt that he was deserving of more fame or recognition, which would explain why he's obsessed with people far more success than himself. doesn't quite explain why he needed to photoshop himself into photos, or post a picture of a wax figure of the Dalai Lama. i think i might go crazy just trying to understand his level of crazy.

          >But I guess there aren't too many personality types who fit both qualifications
          doesn't seem to be. if so, they're as rare as teeth in a rooster's mouth.

          • 3 months ago

            I knew a guy in high school who used to tell tall tales but occasionally peppered in stories that seemed bizarre but had enough truth to them that you could give the benefit of the doubt. But every so often he'd say something so outrageous that you could only smile and nod. This guy was otherwise normal and socially well-adjusted, didn't appear to be lacking in anything. It seemed like it was just a compulsion to impress, even when there was no reason to and when there was no personal benefit. Like, sure, I get someone exaggerating their job in front of a bunch of girls in order to get pussy. That's a dangerous game you're playing and tend to backfire but I get the motivation. But these kind of guys will spontaneously tell you bullshit for no reason at all.

            • 3 months ago

              >But these kind of guys will spontaneously tell you bullshit for no reason at all.
              i too had "friends" like this. i was young and dumb and didn't know any better. it sort of happened slowly where i worked out these friends were lying jackasses. i would never say anything but inside im like "damn. really? again?". without going in too deep what happened to me in recent decades, there's an extremely thin line between a white lie and something catastrophic being covered up from view. i can't associate with such people anymore. as i get older the more i see how much of a risk these homosexuals are to my own safety and security.

  24. 3 months ago

    Has he made any official response on the oof video

  25. 3 months ago

    Wikipedia says he's a vegan. I bet I could find something by him mentioning eating meat.

  26. 3 months ago

    Sly Stallone is supposedly 5'7 and he just towers over Tommy. Yes, he's really that short and his villian origin story is: short guy. He has more or less alluded to it.

    If you want to know the context: Tommy did actually do something! He was green-screen coordinator for the dreadful Judge Dread 3DO game.

    • 3 months ago

      stallone looks disgusted
      > why am i here? who is this gay? really? a photo? for frick's sake. seriously?
      > *snap*

    • 3 months ago

      He looks like he's 15 years old there though. Jay Leno is 5'11. Is Tommy standing on a stool?

      • 3 months ago

        I can tell that Tommy is standing on his tippy toes.

      • 3 months ago

        Wore his best denim top to match Leno's famous Canadian tuxedo aesthetic.

        Jay is out of uniform.

  27. 3 months ago

    >complaining that the takes credit for what people under him did

    What you don't realize is that everyone in a managerial/directorial position does this. I'm not excusing it, just saying, it's nothing special.

    • 3 months ago

      that's how these music production companies work, but you're not supposed to make up schizo stories about how you wrote shit when it was someone else you hired or other variant of slave. you can write/say all day that you "produced" it. nobody would have a problem with it because it's true. wrote it? lmao. weeeeeeeew lad. no. i would be surprised if tommy could write his own name - forget music. it's the lying that's got him into trouble, not his role within his production company.

    • 3 months ago

      Usually not to the extent Mr Tallarico does. The man literally makes up shit that has nothing to do with music/his game career. He's lied about the car he owns for fricksakes. Not to make this a Ganker thread, but at this point it more resembles the sort of shit Hulk Hogan (who is also a pathological liar) says on a daily basis:

      • 3 months ago

        >Hulk Hogan claimed that back in his heyday he wrestled in 400 days in one year. Hogan claimed that since he traveled so frequently between the United States and Japan the time difference made the 400 days a possibility
        holy shit that's even more absurd and stupid than anything Tommy's said so far

        • 3 months ago

          This isn't ENTIRELY impossible. 400 is probably an exaggeration but it's possible through time zone shenanigans to spend well over 24 hours in a single "day." You'd have to crunch the numbers to figure out how plausible 400 days is but given how frequently pro wrestlers drop dead its not too unbelievable they'd be run into the ground like that.

          • 3 months ago

            NO. Not it isn't possible. Yes, you can get one extra day if you fly over the international date line which you apparently cross when you fly from America to Japan and vice versa, that's true. The problem is that you lose that day when you fly back, making the whole statement incredibly stupid.

            And, as mentioned before, Hulk Hogan is a genuine pathological liar who's told a lot of tall tales so I wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt

            • 3 months ago

              >NO. Not it isn't possible
              Frick meant to write: NO. No, it isn't possible

          • 3 months ago

            NO. Not it isn't possible. Yes, you can get one extra day if you fly over the international date line which you apparently cross when you fly from America to Japan and vice versa, that's true. The problem is that you lose that day when you fly back, making the whole statement incredibly stupid.

            And, as mentioned before, Hulk Hogan is a genuine pathological liar who's told a lot of tall tales so I wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt

            hulks probably not even lying there
            hes probably just fricking stupid and thinks thats how timezones work

            • 3 months ago

              >hes probably just fricking stupid and thinks thats how timezones work
              highly likely, anon. this would make sense.

            • 3 months ago

              >hes probably just fricking stupid and thinks thats how timezones work
              highly likely, anon. this would make sense.

              No, he's a genuine pathological liar, he's almost as bad as Tallarico. Here are a few other lies he's told over the years:
              >Hogan claimed he used to fight Pride fighters in the 70s. The Pride Fighting Championship was founded in 1997
              >According to the Hulkster he partied with John Belushi after Wrestlemania II in 1986. John Belushi sadly died in 1982
              >"Hulk Rules!" is an album released by Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band. One of the most famous tracks from the album is the tribute song, 'Hulkster in Heaven.' According to Hogan he met a very ill Make-A-Wish kid in England and got him a ticket to Summer Slam at Wembley stadium to watch him wrestle in the main event. Hogan wasn't at Summer Slam, he wasn't even in the UK at the time
              >While in WCW, Hogan said a pay-per-view bout between himself and Mike Tyson was supposed to commence. Hogan's excuse as to why it didn't happen? Tyson was too scared
              >Hogan claimed that he was asked to join a start-up company known as UFC. While UFC wasn't nearly as popular as it is today, Hogan said he wouldn't have joined because, "Guys got beat up when the fight should be stopped"
              >Hogan claimed that Elvis was a huge Hulk Hogan fan before Hogan joined the WWF. While Hogan did work in Memphis his debut match took place on August 10, 1977. Elvis died August 16 1977, 6 days later.
              >Hulk claims that both Metallica and the Rolling Stones wanted him as their bass player. Lars Ulrich apparently came to Hogan himself to ask him to play with the group

              • 3 months ago

                >>Hulk claims that both Metallica and the Rolling Stones wanted him as their bass player. Lars Ulrich apparently came to Hogan himself to ask him to play with the group

                That's a very Tommy Tallarico style lie where it's some kind of fantasy based on reality. Hulk Hogan really was a bass player and he has performed in bands and a little bit in albums. There's even footage of him playing. He then takes that bit of truth, then creates a fantasy about Metallica that could have happened, therefore it did happen, all to make himself sound more important.

                damn, he really said metroid prime came out on the wii? That's hilarious, what a moron

                He literally owns the game, his employee did do some preliminary work on it, and he even reviewed it on Reviews on the Run, so he has some familliarity with it, but he must be confusing it with Metroid Prime 3 which did come out on the Wii.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's a very Tommy Tallarico style lie where it's some kind of fantasy based on reality
                >He then takes that bit of truth, then creates a fantasy
                Oh all of them are Tallarico-style lies. Take the Elvis one for instance: Elvis WAS a wrestling fan and it was an open secret that he used to sneak into matches in Memphis and Vegas, Hogan's career started in Memphis and he went on to be one of the biggest stars in the business over the next decade. Those 2 things are true. The only problem is that Elvis died less than a week after Hogan's debut making the whole thing physically impossible.

                I only say he's "almost" as bad as Tallarico because at least Hogan actually WAS the biggest star in wrestling at one point (or 2nd biggest - depends on whether or not you rank Ric Flair from the same period over him) and he did have talent in the ring. Meanwhile Tommy increasingly might've never done a single thing of note in the gaming industry other than host a tv show.

              • 3 months ago

                >>Hulk claims that both Metallica and the Rolling Stones wanted him as their bass player. Lars Ulrich apparently came to Hogan himself to ask him to play with the group

                That's a very Tommy Tallarico style lie where it's some kind of fantasy based on reality. Hulk Hogan really was a bass player and he has performed in bands and a little bit in albums. There's even footage of him playing. He then takes that bit of truth, then creates a fantasy about Metallica that could have happened, therefore it did happen, all to make himself sound more important.

                He literally owns the game, his employee did do some preliminary work on it, and he even reviewed it on Reviews on the Run, so he has some familliarity with it, but he must be confusing it with Metroid Prime 3 which did come out on the Wii.

                >That's a very Tommy Tallarico style lie where it's some kind of fantasy based on reality
                >He then takes that bit of truth, then creates a fantasy
                Oh all of them are Tallarico-style lies. Take the Elvis one for instance: Elvis WAS a wrestling fan and it was an open secret that he used to sneak into matches in Memphis and Vegas, Hogan's career started in Memphis and he went on to be one of the biggest stars in the business over the next decade. Those 2 things are true. The only problem is that Elvis died less than a week after Hogan's debut making the whole thing physically impossible.

                I only say he's "almost" as bad as Tallarico because at least Hogan actually WAS the biggest star in wrestling at one point (or 2nd biggest - depends on whether or not you rank Ric Flair from the same period over him) and he did have talent in the ring. Meanwhile Tommy increasingly might've never done a single thing of note in the gaming industry other than host a tv show.

                The thing about all that Hogan shit is that it was originally said in kayfabe. Hogan simply never dropped the kayfabe shtick even after the rest of the wrestling business did. So in his case it's a LITTLE different because he's literally acting in character.

              • 3 months ago

                I imagine if you maintain kayfabe in public, which pro wrestlers were required to do for a long time, it's possible you start forgetting what's real or not.

                No, he's a genuine pathological liar, he's almost as bad as Tallarico. Here are a few other lies he's told over the years:
                >Hogan claimed he used to fight Pride fighters in the 70s. The Pride Fighting Championship was founded in 1997
                >According to the Hulkster he partied with John Belushi after Wrestlemania II in 1986. John Belushi sadly died in 1982
                >"Hulk Rules!" is an album released by Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band. One of the most famous tracks from the album is the tribute song, 'Hulkster in Heaven.' According to Hogan he met a very ill Make-A-Wish kid in England and got him a ticket to Summer Slam at Wembley stadium to watch him wrestle in the main event. Hogan wasn't at Summer Slam, he wasn't even in the UK at the time
                >While in WCW, Hogan said a pay-per-view bout between himself and Mike Tyson was supposed to commence. Hogan's excuse as to why it didn't happen? Tyson was too scared
                >Hogan claimed that he was asked to join a start-up company known as UFC. While UFC wasn't nearly as popular as it is today, Hogan said he wouldn't have joined because, "Guys got beat up when the fight should be stopped"
                >Hogan claimed that Elvis was a huge Hulk Hogan fan before Hogan joined the WWF. While Hogan did work in Memphis his debut match took place on August 10, 1977. Elvis died August 16 1977, 6 days later.
                >Hulk claims that both Metallica and the Rolling Stones wanted him as their bass player. Lars Ulrich apparently came to Hogan himself to ask him to play with the group

                >According to the Hulkster he partied with John Belushi after Wrestlemania II in 1986. John Belushi sadly died in 1982
                This one can be forgiven if it turns out it was John's brother Jim who he partied with and just mixed them up.

        • 3 months ago

          Let me tell you something brother, nobody outfibs the Hulkster

  28. 3 months ago

    > be me, musician at an event
    > some guy pushes past me and his head bumps against my elbow
    > "watch it, butthole!"
    > i look down to find out where that voice is coming from
    > it's tommy tallarico! i think..
    > "is your name tom..", and before i could finish he interrupted with:
    > "yep, that's right. tommy tallarico. world champion #1 video game musician. I heard your music earlier, anon. i'm impressed."
    > i thought that was nice. I asked tommy how he made music with the megadrive
    > "come back to my place! i'll show you! ;)". ok. sure. let's go.
    > i pick him up, put him in my backpack and then we get on my bike and ride back to his house
    > i unpack tommy onto the doorstep and he leads me inside to his studio. nice setup.
    > "this is where the magic happens!" - he keeps winking at me. "you want a drink, anon?" - yeah ok.
    > pours me a vodka. tastes strong. he opens up his daw on the mac and plays me a song from a megadrive game. can't remember the game.
    > "i'll show you how i make music, anon!". i thought this would be cool.
    > tommy opens his browser and goes to a website full of midi files. i assume he's looking for his own work?
    > tommy downloads the midi files
    > he opens the midi files with his daw. he's just changing instruments. the author's name is removed and replaced with:
    > "(c) tommy tallarico productions all rights reserved". tommy saves the file.
    > "magic, anon!"
    > i start feeling ill. i start crying. "what do you mean, tommy? you just.. download?"
    > tommy starts screaming, "LOOK AT THE FRICKING MAGIC, ANON!"
    > he grabs my face and forces it against the screen of the mac. "FRICKING MAGIC. I'M #1!"
    > things go black
    > i wake up in a basement chained to a table with a mac and protools running.
    > there seems to be several elderly men here too, chained to a table with a 486 and megadrive development kit connected to it.
    > i start screaming and then i wake up in my own bed

    • 3 months ago


  29. 3 months ago

  30. 3 months ago

    timezones sort of bend around the hulk as a side-effect of einsteins general laws of hulkamania
    at the very least we can all agree hes a very dense object

  31. 3 months ago

    Vic won

  32. 3 months ago

    I bet this guy FRICKED

    • 3 months ago

      he probably just paid someone else to do it for him

  33. 3 months ago

    Ico was named after the end of his last name Tallarico

  34. 3 months ago

    >Now it turns out that Tommy Tallarico Studios was a house built on a series of lies, and he never composed or performed any of the music attributed to him.

    According to whom? Is this some late breaking news that I haven't heard of? Or did this actually get confirmed a long time ago and it just went under my radar?

    • 3 months ago

      He used ghost writers for all his games and took full credit for them. Earthworm Jim 1 was actually composed by Mark Miller. Earthworm Jim 2 was composed by Tony Bernetich and Christopher Beck. And so on and so forth. The composers he hired were paid only a few hundred per track, while he is being paid much more by the studios. This pattern repeats itself with Video Games Live, and all his other projects, which gives the impression he's been running scams his entire life.

      All the people he's co-credited with were the real composers:

      He would also re-use music rather blatantly while charging studios for original music.

    • 3 months ago

      Another one: he claims he "did all the music" for one of the first PlayStation demo discs in America. Turns out someone else composed and performed it.

      Always astounded at people's perception of others. Tommy was always an unlikable dickhead. There was something about him that seemed off when he was on EP. Never liked him. Others did. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. This whole unraveling is really validating. Dude said Katamari sucked. This is a red flag. He's not a good person.

      I always thought he was an idiot dudebro with unsophisticated tastes, but he was a decent hype man and tv presenter.

  35. 3 months ago

    Always astounded at people's perception of others. Tommy was always an unlikable dickhead. There was something about him that seemed off when he was on EP. Never liked him. Others did. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. This whole unraveling is really validating. Dude said Katamari sucked. This is a red flag. He's not a good person.

    • 3 months ago

      >tommy said my favorite game sucked. I hate him

  36. 3 months ago

    Imagine what would have happened if he never asked Roblox to take down that SFX...

    • 3 months ago

      That and the Amico led to the huge backlash. Tommy clearly asked for way too much money from the Roblox company, and there's hints he has had money problems for a while. And the origin of that sound is disputed: the company says they got it from a copyright free sfx disc, cats don't dance has a similar OOF sound, and some youtube commenter says he was there in the recording session for Messiah and the little girl just read the stage direction literally.

      So who knows? I would hazzard a guess that Oof really does come from a copyright free cd and it wasn't created for Messiah.

      • 3 months ago

        >the company says they got it from a copyright free sfx disc
        Unless they specified the exact disc they got it from, I don't think their statement is worth giving a damn.

  37. 3 months ago

    >Keiji Inafune: The man, the myth, the legend
    >Yuji Naka: The genius Sonic creator.
    >Tommy Tallarico: Multi-instrument composer genius.

    Funny how the fraudsters are being outed more and more?

    • 3 months ago

      Inafune isn't a fraud. He did work on most of the games. He just didn't create Mega Man. But I'm also not sure if he ever claimed to have. Naka is a prima donna who threw b***h fits but he was also not a fraud.

      • 3 months ago

        Inafune was an artist, then a producer, then an executive so he did do some things, but he also massively oversold himself. He would frequently promote himself as the sole creator of several mega-hit series, and completely downplay the role of anyone else to self-promote himself. Then when he went solo proved he was a shitty businessman. Sound familliar?

        >Anyone can make a hit! The charismatic creator of Mega Man and Onimusha and a driving force behind Monster Hunter's and Resident Evil's success explains how to get the job done

      • 3 months ago

        Akira Kitamura created the megaman character, Keiji basically took his idea and made it better. He claims he "half made" it or some shit but other sources online (if i recall) basically give him entire credit for it.

        Inafune was an artist, then a producer, then an executive so he did do some things, but he also massively oversold himself. He would frequently promote himself as the sole creator of several mega-hit series, and completely downplay the role of anyone else to self-promote himself. Then when he went solo proved he was a shitty businessman. Sound familliar?

        >Anyone can make a hit! The charismatic creator of Mega Man and Onimusha and a driving force behind Monster Hunter's and Resident Evil's success explains how to get the job done

        >"The charismatic creator of Mega Man"
        jesus fricking christ.

        >Keiji Inafune: The man, the myth, the legend
        >Yuji Naka: The genius Sonic creator.
        >Tommy Tallarico: Multi-instrument composer genius.

        Funny how the fraudsters are being outed more and more?

        >Funny how the fraudsters are being outed more and more?
        time marches on and these gays start exposing themselves, made easier by the rapid spread of news over the internet.

        • 3 months ago

          >Akira Kitamura created the megaman character, Keiji basically took his idea and made it better. He claims he "half made" it or some shit but other sources online (if i recall) basically give him entire credit for it.
          The record keeping back then was pitiful. To this day nobody really knows who made the original Castlevania because the credits are all bullshit puns. Inafune is credited as the character designer of Mega Man 1 so it's not impossible to argue that he "created" Mega Man in the sense that he drew the final look of the character. But because he's the only guy who has any publicity at all the Internet has given him 100% of the credit, ignoring that it was a collaborative process. He certainly leaned into it but it's a very different situation from Tommy Tallarico.

          I think what happens is there's this Stan Lee effect where one guy who was part of a team ends up self-promoting and others who helped get left behind but then there's an overcompensation where people start thinking that the self-promoter did nothing at all, when that's not true either. The truth is somewhere in the middle in most cases. Tommy Tallarico meanwhile was straight up lying.

          • 3 months ago

            It's a fantastic grift, because the company (which bears his name) did "do" the music. When he says he "did" the music, he's not wrong. He didn't write it, but he did facilitate getting it into the game. It's not a lie. He obviously knows people will misconstrue what he's saying though, which is the dastardly part. You can see the careful use of language he uses.

            • 3 months ago

              >I "worked" on Sonic!
              >(submitted existing songs other people made for Sonic Team to remix)
              >Yessir, I the legendary Tommy Tallarico worked on Sonic!

            • 3 months ago

              >I "worked" on Sonic!
              >(submitted existing songs other people made for Sonic Team to remix)
              >Yessir, I the legendary Tommy Tallarico worked on Sonic!

              This is what most studio musicians do though. There are multiple writers and they perform it and claim the credit. It's safe to say that the artist will not perform music they think sucks, so there is a bit of back and forth. Who is to say Tommy didn't tell them to change the melody here, change the tempo there, add a breakdown here?

            • 3 months ago

              >You can see the careful use of language he uses
              yes. it's called manipulation.

              This is what most studio musicians do though. There are multiple writers and they perform it and claim the credit. It's safe to say that the artist will not perform music they think sucks, so there is a bit of back and forth. Who is to say Tommy didn't tell them to change the melody here, change the tempo there, add a breakdown here?

              happens all the time.

              >What are your sources for Inafune only designing Bomb Man and Elec Man?

              Design works books and elsewhere. This info was always out there just no one bothered to connect the dots. It's mostly been corrected on the site.

              Akira Kitamura also had a blog and sadly I didn't capture it on the wayback machine before Mega pedos bothered him and he took it down. he had a credits page and said he did like 75% of the designs for MM1 which does in fact fit.

              >That's Capcom's mistake then, not journalists nor mine. What are your sources for Inafune only designing Bomb Man and Elec Man?

              People like Inafune and Tallarico showed me that game journalists are total shit, and do very little fact checking or analysis. They are there to hype up the new product and don't ask deeper questions.

              >People like Inafune and Tallarico showed me that game journalists are total shit, and do very little fact checking or analysis.
              they are appalling. the entire industry of "game journalism" is at an amateur level and has been for as long as i can remember. they're part of the problem - just parroting any old bullshit while doing absolutely zero research. it's how simpletons like john carmack was heralded as some kind of genius in wired magazine and other publications since the 1990s, but ever since he joined twitter the world can finally see how dumb he actually is without an editor or publicist.

    • 3 months ago

      Hideous Hackjima when. I hate that pretentious imbecile

  38. 3 months ago

    >gamers fall for Amico scam
    >gamers fall for Stadia shit
    >gamers buy endless DLC that used to be free in the game
    >gamers buy unfinished games and defend the developers
    >gamers keep accepting woke shit in games
    I think gamers are the problem.

    • 3 months ago

      >gamers buy unfinished games and defend the developers
      It's genuinely concerning how many comments I see that defend half baked or blatantly broken shit in newer games.

    • 3 months ago

      Steam normalized practically all of it, while also adding shit like early access non-accountability and social media addiction tools to the DRM platform to keep people hooked/using it. Steam is the cancer that needs to be removed.

      • 3 months ago

        yea i remember when i first heard of steam i thought
        >wow that sounds gay im just gonna keep buying my PC games instead so i can actually own them
        and then they drove every store that sold PC games near me out of business almost immediately
        very cool steam thx

        • 3 months ago

          Yep. People bend over backwards to defend Steam though. Mostly people too young to have experienced the era where you could buy retail games at brick and mortar stores. Sadly Steam's success has emboldened everything from other PC game competitors - which are not truly competing because Steam has a nearly 20 year monopoly, and even consoles now. Soon we'll have nothing but glorified online only streaming boxes tied to real identities. It's heartbreaking, and all the "PC Master Race!" idiots keep cheering on Steam and reveling in the nightmarish industry Steam and Valve birthed.

          • 3 months ago


            Get off Tim Sweeney's wiener.

            • 3 months ago

              >Get off Tim Sweeney's wiener.
              I had to look up who Tim Sweeney even was. I do not support any digital only, monopoly enforcing - or in the case of Epic, monopoly attempting, DRM stores. So frick you Anon, you stupid c**t. Frick you, frick Steam, frick Valve and frick modern Epic Games. Frick anyone who would remove consumer rights to a tangible product that works without internet access.

          • 3 months ago

            Why would you want to own video games? You have no problem emulating retro titles you don’t own, which you stole, but the minute you pay $20 you need a giant box so you can resell it ten years from now for $150.

            • 3 months ago

              I do not resell unless I'm truly and absolutely fricked for money, which has happened once before due to needing to pay for an emergency pet surgery. However, if I spend money on something I want it to be tangible and have some value. It's common sense.

              • 3 months ago

                The value you get is being able to play it. When I go to the movie theater, I don’t expect being able to see it again the next day nor do I expect to keep the film. I pay for the experience, not for cardboard.

                I mean, I get your point but personally it does not bother me if everything goes digital.

              • 3 months ago

                The problem is when distribution rights are removed/accounts banned/etc. A monopoly which effectively controls a single market, one that can ban or remove paid products from an account is bad.

                only people defending steam's garbage practices these days are desperate software developers with no other choice but to use steam, and moronic children that don't even realize how hard they're being raped by desperate software developers and an obese and moronic former microsoft employee.
                > Soon we'll have nothing but glorified online only streaming boxes tied to real identities. It
                this is what obese landwhales like gabe want. did i mention he's a former microsoft employee? all these intellectually bankrupt morons want to go back to the 1960s of time share computing where the software vendors only allow the software to be licensed to a corporation and people pay a per hour fee to use a terminal. future is looking great. lol.

                Yep. It's funny though, people will praise Gabe for Proton and Steam Deck/VR, but they do not see the big picture. Gabe and Valve as a whole give zero fricks about gaming. They're all approaching traditional retirement age, those that did not use Valvebucks to retire already. Even if they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, what about successors? What happens when someone like Bobby Kotick gets into Valve and runs the show?

              • 3 months ago

                >The problem is when distribution rights are removed/accounts banned/etc. A monopoly which effectively controls a single market, one that can ban or remove paid products from an account is bad.
                Only happens in rare instances where someone is abusing other customers (Steam) or using hacks. Realistically, Windows could do the same to you as could your email provider (which I'm sure is tied to bank accounts and everything you need).

                I probably own maybe ten Steam games where they shut the service down and is no longer playable. I could have the disc and box, but that wouldn't change the fact that I can no longer play it. Steam doesn't benefit from taking away licenses, as they spent two decades trying to get you to trust them. There's no long con.

              • 3 months ago

                >monopoly which effectively controls a single market, one that can ban or remove paid products from an account is bad.
                it's appalling. governments around the world are so tech illiterate that all of this went on around them and have been convinced that this is now normal practice for e-commerce, and of course it would be considered normal when you have lobbyists working for microsoft,steam,google,etc. literally giving politicians their education of how computers work these days. here's a great example: australian former prime minister tony abbott was so incredibly technologically illiterate that when he resigned he sent his resignation via FAX. these people have no idea what is going on.

                >but they do not see the big picture.
                they see the big picture, and that picture is nobody owning anything and renting software. timeshare computing here we come.

                You sound angry. Acquiring more garbage and hoarding plastic will not make you feel better nor happier. Seek help, anon.

                > everytime a failure of the universe is btfo: "you sound angry"
                every single time. even the most moronic reddit baboons are smarter than you. what an intellectually bankrupt nobody. it's disappointing that god is forcing me to share valuable earth resources with such a waste of dna and oxygen. go back or consider killing yourself, thanks.

            • 3 months ago

              >emulating retro titles you don’t own, which you stole,
              Kindly gets AIDS you fricking homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                No need to lash out, anon. Accept your thieving ways.

              • 3 months ago

                nobody has to justify anything to you, raping blob. if they want to pirate roms then they should. I have hundreds of thousands of games and there's no fricking way i would ever buy most of them. i also have hundreds of carts for various consoles, which i have dumped the roms out of or bypassed protections on disks. I will continue copying them to whoever wants them and you should consider suicide at the earliest of opportunities.

              • 3 months ago

                You sound angry. Acquiring more garbage and hoarding plastic will not make you feel better nor happier. Seek help, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                different gay but regardless of that guys autism, if you use steam you are a literal digital cuck
                to gaben no less

              • 3 months ago

                >downloading shared games
                Please point to source code being stolen from Nintendo's vaults moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >He doesn't know about the iQue leak

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, a bunch of unfinished shit and deleted assets, that's still only copied. Now please point to the source code of actual released products being "stolen" from devs.

              • 3 months ago

                That's some thief logic right there. I don't see why you cannot confidently say "Yes, I stole potential revenue from Nintendo and I do not care". That would be based. But no, you need to cope around it.

                Go sneak into a waterpark, theater production, or a concert. You're not taking any resources. It costs these places nothing having you there. Keep doing it and see if you can get away with it and for how long.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's some thief logic right there. I don't see why you cannot confidently say "Yes, I stole potential revenue from Nintendo and I do not care"
                Anything that "potentially" exists, doesn't fricking exist.
                >You're not taking any resources.
                Concession accepted. Sneethe, dilate, and enjoy re-buying roms and used carts that don't even financially reward the original devs.

              • 3 months ago

                You're committing digital theft. Would you be okay if someone accessed your emails and read them? They won't do anything, just read them without permission. It's simply data.

              • 3 months ago

                >You're committing digital theft.
                Hmmm, sorry last I checked, Nintendo still has their original code of SM64. Meanwhile I have a shared copy of a copy of a copy of data someone pulled from a cart.
                >Would you be okay if someone accessed your emails and read them? They won't do anything
                Well since you stipulated "they won't do anything", no I wouldn't give a shit. Plus I'd still have the original e-mails. Plus I don't sell my e-mails for money. Now please go back to resetera and reddit where the corporate cum dumpster talking points reside.

              • 3 months ago

                The Sonic™ image was fair use as I was using it to educate you. Digital theft is a serious issue as it devalues copies of legitimate cart owners. You are thereby reducing the perceived value of the carts. If the Earthbound ROM did not exist, before Switch Online, the game would be worth thousands of dollars by now.

                Imagine if you had an email you wrote when you were 13 years old that you wanted to delete and then we didn't let you and instead decided to show it to everyone and shared it around on forums for eternity. You wouldn't like that, so why do that to Nintendo?

              • 3 months ago

                >The Sonic™ image was fair use as I was using it to educate you.
                Tough shit, didn't clear it with Sega first. They don't give a shit when youtubers do same shit with music and strike them anyway.
                >Digital theft is a serious issue as it devalues copies of legitimate cart owners. You are thereby reducing the perceived value of the carts. If the Earthbound ROM did not exist, before Switch Online, the game would be worth thousands of dollars by now.
                Based. Coomlectors are not people.
                >Imagine if you had an email you wrote when you were 13 years old that you wanted to delete and then we didn't let you and instead decided to show it to everyone and shared it around on forums for eternity. You wouldn't like that,
                "I was 13 and said some stupid shit like most teenagers, I don't care what you think". Problem solved.
                >so why do that to Nintendo?
                Because a corporation isn't a person. And it's not remotely the same example you brown dipshit.

              • 3 months ago

                >Tough shit, didn't clear it with Sega first. They don't give a shit when youtubers do same shit with music and strike them anyway.
                I don't need to: SEGA is even okay with fan developed games, like Capcom. It's Nintendo that is not okay with it and thus I respect their intellectual property.

                >"I was 13 and said some stupid shit like most teenagers, I don't care what you think". Problem solved.
                "I was 23 and committed digital theft like most people." will not hold up in court, anon. You're also taking food out of "coomlectors" mouths, tanking their investments. I don't know what U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission thinks of that, but I doubt they approve.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't need to: SEGA is even okay with fan developed games
                Your image is of copyrighted content, not a fan game. You're a thief.
                >It's Nintendo that is
                moronic who still thinks emulators themselves are "illegal" despite a proven court case saying they aren't. Imagine respecting those morons lmao
                >You're also taking food out of "coomlectors" mouths, tanking their investments.
                Based. Starve or get a real job. Maybe save up some cash by emulating.
                >I don't know what U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission thinks of that, but I doubt they approve.
                GlowBlack folk are also even less than people.

              • 3 months ago

                >Your image is of copyrighted content, not a fan game. You're a thief.
                No! It's a transformative work, as the pixels clearly have a filtered applied and was part of my own creative work (the Ganker post). I respect laws that were set to protect both developers and consumers alike.

                Emulators are illegal because they are promoted by piggybacking off of Nintendo's intellectual properties. That's like if I released an audio player and then put all the Top 40 musicians photos onto my app's website without their permission. No one would download ZSNES if not for Mario and Zelda.

              • 3 months ago

                >No! It's a transformative work, as the pixels clearly have a filtered applied and was part of my own creative work (the Ganker post). I respect laws that were set to protect both developers and consumers alike.
                Coulda woulda shoulda. The authorities have been notified and you can expect a subpoena tomorrow. Properly clearing those assets would've saved you from this matter.
                >Emulators are illegal because they are promoted by piggybacking off of Nintendo's intellectual properties.
                Judge said the emulation is legally protected. Dilate.
                >That's like if I released an audio player and then put all the Top 40 musicians photos onto my app's website without their permission
                Literally what you've done posting that Sonic image.
                >No one would download ZSNES if not for Mario and Zelda.
                I downloaded it to play the original Star Ocean, which is stuck on the Super Famicom.

              • 3 months ago

                >I downloaded it to play the original Star Ocean, which is stuck on the Super Famicom.
                That means you were not supposed to play it. That game was specifically meant for the Japanese audience. Regional lockouts should be abide by and not circumvented. Not only did you deprive yourself of the intended experience by playing an inferior fan translation (instead of waiting for the 2019 remake) you also deprived Enix of money they deserved. And committed a crime. Due to your impatience.

                I'd let it slide but you had to let SEGA know about my image, huh. Tit for tat, I'm writing an email to Square right now.

          • 3 months ago

            only people defending steam's garbage practices these days are desperate software developers with no other choice but to use steam, and moronic children that don't even realize how hard they're being raped by desperate software developers and an obese and moronic former microsoft employee.
            > Soon we'll have nothing but glorified online only streaming boxes tied to real identities. It
            this is what obese landwhales like gabe want. did i mention he's a former microsoft employee? all these intellectually bankrupt morons want to go back to the 1960s of time share computing where the software vendors only allow the software to be licensed to a corporation and people pay a per hour fee to use a terminal. future is looking great. lol.

          • 3 months ago

            I also remember that era, and I remember how fed up people were becoming with having to keep the CD in the disk drive when playing the game even though it was fully installed to the HDD because the disks acted as a physical DRM key.

            Keeping the disk in the drive was fine back in the earlier eras of computers, and when games started coming out on CDs harddrives were usually way too small to install the games unless it was just a direct port of a floppy game, but later down the line when HDDs started becoming massive using up several gigs to install games that take 1-5 cds but still needing to keep the disk in the drive started to become a pain.

            Especially when many publishers were too cheap to put the disk in a israeliteel case and just tossed them in paper sleeves in the box, so unlike consoles where you could easily store the disks safely and with clear labels you just had a pile of paper folders and/or a massive cd binder every time you wanted to play a game that was already fully on the HDD, that is unless you had the room for tons of boxes of all shapes and sizes to keep the original packaging the games came in.

            So it's no surprise that people started to gravitate towards a service where once it's installed you didn't need to deal with any of that physical DRM crap. Most stores at the time also had a no return policy for physical PC games because "what if you make a copy and then return it?" even though that was one of the things that DRM is supposed to stop and if someone was pirating a game they would just fricking download it, not buy it, copy the disks, and return it, and many games made you enter a CD key so that broke a lot of the used game market, so it's not like digital games removed ownership rights that the shitty retailers and publishers didn't already remove for PC games.

            Rather than whining about digital games that are not going away, we should complain why there aren't laws about owning your digital content like there are with physical.

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody actually fell for Stadia or Amico you dipshit.

  39. 3 months ago

    TT's narcisism is like on another level man.

    • 3 months ago

      this is all from when he was CEO, right?

    • 3 months ago

      it's disturbing. he really believes he some kind of victim while literally stalking people on youtube.

      this is all from when he was CEO, right?


      For those who doubted me: Tommy proudly displays the games he has worked on, including Metroid Prime yet has said it is a wii game a few times.

      > his lies stretch all the way into his game collection
      it's so absurd but makes perfect sense for that grifter.
      > was contracted to do this game
      > did some sound effects that were never used
      > contract was cancelled and nothing we made ended up in the game
      > <tommy> here's a game i worked on called metroid prime

  40. 3 months ago

    ya know i actually just watched that hbombercucks vid on tommy because of this thread didnt realize he said he was the composer for roblox too (he isnt, he just tried to grift them and failed)

    gotta say, for one, that cuck does way more entertaining work when hes not trying to jam his stock political opinion down your throat; but also, im no longer entirely convinced that tommy is even a real person. due to the way he lies about literally everything, it becomes hard to verify almost anything hes supposedly done. theres almost nothing backing any of it up, and hes obfuscated all his accomplishments with multiple lies that dont even line up with each other from one interview to the next.

    dudes just a pathological liar. he cant help but bullshit about everything, even when those lies pose an immediate threat to his credibility and career
    hes the sleazy italian-american scamster archetype taken to its final conclusion

    • 3 months ago

      >but also, im no longer entirely convinced that tommy is even a real person. due to the way he lies about literally everything, it becomes hard to verify almost anything hes supposedly done. theres almost nothing backing any of it up, and hes obfuscated all his accomplishments with multiple lies that dont even line up with each other from one interview to the next.
      Like you said, Tommy is a pathological liar, and the thing about pathological liars is they literally can't stop lying, they can't help it, they feel compelled to spin more lies that compound on each other.

  41. 3 months ago

    For those who doubted me: Tommy proudly displays the games he has worked on, including Metroid Prime yet has said it is a wii game a few times.

    • 3 months ago

      it's disturbing. he really believes he some kind of victim while literally stalking people on youtube.

      > his lies stretch all the way into his game collection
      it's so absurd but makes perfect sense for that grifter.
      > was contracted to do this game
      > did some sound effects that were never used
      > contract was cancelled and nothing we made ended up in the game
      > <tommy> here's a game i worked on called metroid prime

      >games HE worked on
      he doesn't even do that much
      Pac Man World is there and the work "he" did is this

      • 3 months ago

        >tallarico studios
        thats his main trick isnt it?
        >oh look my names on the credits guess i did it

      • 3 months ago

        i would LOVE to see the contracts he had drawn up between himself, his employee/slaves and software developers. i'm sure that would be a very interesting and alarming read.

  42. 3 months ago

    I loved the hbomberguy video and the Amico drama, but there are some weirdly specific posts and samegayging going on in this thread which is causing me to suspect this is just another psyop. I think I'm going to jump the gun and switch to Team Tommy early since the accusations against him are practically a nothingburger compared to the caliber of trannies that are obbessed with them.

    • 3 months ago

      The Amico thing isn't "drama" as much as it was a straight up scam. It may not have started that way but they started throwing good money after bad and lying to the people who put money down. It was Coleco Chameleon levels of absurd except unlike the Chameleon which was mostly just amusing to watch how insane it got, Amico took people's money. Between that and the tax evasion scheme Tommy blamed on his bandmates, that's a pattern of financial malice where other people have to pay for Tommy's lies.

    • 3 months ago

      thats some dangerously fricking stupid logic
      i kinda get what youre saying tbh, but its still pretty frickin dumb
      like i could samegay and act like im tommy/a total moron ITT and then youd have to switch back again. might get confusing

      either way
      i knew about tommy as a kid. he was on tv, and he mightve made the OST for a lot of cool genesis games i played. he was also the guy theyd interview in magazines about vidya music.
      if he couldve just left it there, no one wouldve noticed, and no one wouldve cared
      problem is, hes just a total huckster loser and cant stfu about his illustrious past, even when his stories are impossible
      and like

      The Amico thing isn't "drama" as much as it was a straight up scam. It may not have started that way but they started throwing good money after bad and lying to the people who put money down. It was Coleco Chameleon levels of absurd except unlike the Chameleon which was mostly just amusing to watch how insane it got, Amico took people's money. Between that and the tax evasion scheme Tommy blamed on his bandmates, that's a pattern of financial malice where other people have to pay for Tommy's lies.

      said, the amico was just straight up fraud. im surprised no one tried to sue him. there was absolutely nothing there from the very beginning, right up through the 3 separate crowdfunding campaigns he didnt deliver on

      now i dont believe the narrative that he never worked on ANYTHING, as some ITT are suggesting. he at least seems capable in terms of his musicianship on guitar and stuff, and ive heard him talk about working with specific hardware and he sounds knowledgeable enough. anon is prolly on the right track

      This is what most studio musicians do though. There are multiple writers and they perform it and claim the credit. It's safe to say that the artist will not perform music they think sucks, so there is a bit of back and forth. Who is to say Tommy didn't tell them to change the melody here, change the tempo there, add a breakdown here?

      it was his studio after all and a lot of times musicians will work together on stuff
      problem is, when the only source saying tommy did a particular thing is tommy, and the dude cant even get his story straight from one year to the next it becomes hard to take anything he says seriously
      ffs the dudes been telling people he was on MTV cribs for like 15yrs now. he might even actually believe it himself at this point

      • 3 months ago

        Chances are Tommy had to compose something in the early days in order to have a career in the business in the first place, yeah. But after all the BS it's now impossible to know which.

      • 3 months ago

        stupid or not, Tommy did put the songs into the games, and he did pay the musicians to make it, so in that regard the music in Earthworm Jim 1-2 would not have existed without him.

      • 3 months ago

        >he at least seems capable in terms of his musicianship on guitar and stuff,

        No footage of him playing guitar or the piano. Any footage you do see is him playing along to tracks produced by Alex Kline in 2007 which Tommy has made millions off of.

        >heard him talk about working with specific hardware and he sounds knowledgeable enough.

        The only thing he probably did do is input the compositions into the games with hardware so he hsa some knowledge. Tommy was a music producer which is fine he just never composed or performed anything.

    • 3 months ago

      the subreddit moderator is a very lonely man

  43. 3 months ago

    >Now it turns out that Tommy Tallarico Studios was a house built on a series of lies, and he never composed or performed any of the music attributed to him.
    Source on this?

    • 3 months ago

      Multiple posts in this thread. Tommy was a manager/producer at best, and hired composers and performers to create the soundtracks. The people Tommy is co-credited with are the ones who actually did the music and many are coming forward saying how little Tommy did. Don Griffin did Disney's Alladin, Mark Miller did Earthworm Jim 1, Tony Bernetich and Christopher Beck did Earthworm Jim 2, Todd Dennis did MDK, etc.

      • 3 months ago

        No I mean an actual source.

  44. 3 months ago

    Tommy's a scumbag but I still have a bit of nostalgia for him due to Judgement Day so I can't entirely make myself hate him.

  45. 3 months ago

    Oh, a Tommy thread? Time to bust out this bad boy
    Reminder that Tommy:
    -Claimed he was the first western person EVER to work on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, because he worked on Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii) despite Americans working on Sonic in the early 90s.
    -Claimed he and Shigeru Miyamoto are close friends because he was contracted to make some sound effects for Metroid Prime. When devs involved with the project were asked, they said none of his work made it in and they barely remember seeing him at all.
    -Claimed he was the one who came up with the idea for making the original Prince of Persia a mostly silent game (of course a music producer would suggest this) even though his only involvement was porting the DOS game's music to the Game Boy game.
    -Stole a banjo song from some random guy's demo reel and called it Andy Asteroids

    Also not-vidya:
    -Tommy claims his parents never ever drank alcohol on the Atari Age forums, then across several interviews stated that his mother would drink wine with her friends and play Wii
    -Claimed he was an MLB Hall of Famer, and his proof was a ring that conveniently out-of-framed the part of the ring that said 'Fantasy Camp'

    And most importantly
    -Is being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars because he decided to rent furniture for his giant office, and is defending himself with the argument that "They should have known not to lend me money."

    • 3 months ago

      >-Stole a banjo song from some random guy's demo reel and called it Andy Asteroids

      Well, he paid for it. Nothing Tommy did was really illegal, as he's basically a music producer with delusions of grandeur. The problem is taking sole credit for everything directly or via implication.

      >-Claimed he was the one who came up with the idea for making the original Prince of Persia a mostly silent game (of course a music producer would suggest this) even though his only involvement was porting the DOS game's music to the Game Boy game.

      He constantly uses what I term "ring logic" where he has a tenuous connection to something, and therefore claims all the credit. these are design changes for the original game, but since he worked on the GB port, he therefore takes full credit.

      • 3 months ago

        If you're curious, here's the original AA by the dude

        • 3 months ago

          Well there you go. Tony Bernetich's story fits the data much better than Tommy's story and Tommy is definitively confirmed to habitually lie and stretch the truth. He claims he was being paid 50-75K per game, which means (even assuming that isn't a lie!) companies were paying him so that Tommy could pay a few thousand to the real composers and sfx guys. It's a wonderful scam Tommy was running in the 90's and 00's, but it seems to have caught up to him.

          • 3 months ago

            What's funny and sad is that it's not his main music gig that imploded on him. It was all his side hustles like hiding money earned in South America and blaming a bandmate who had no idea what was going on, the Amico bullshit, and then picking fights with Pat Contri. This thread wouldn't exist if not for that stuff.

        • 3 months ago

          I've cracked the code. The only thing Tommy has ever contributed to any piece of music is adding random sound effects. Notice how the Special Edition is the same but it has random sounds added.

          And who could forget this masterpiece

          I do believe this one was created by Tommy as that sounds like his voice and this is literally just samples played in a row, anyone could make this in two minutes. Basically taking someone else's work and adding fart sounds = he made it.

          • 3 months ago

            God he is such a fricking parasite of a human being.

          • 3 months ago

            > Earthworm Jim: Special Edition (SEGA CD) OST Andy Asteroids
            yeah he didn't write that.
            > Mick & Mack Global Gladiators - Menu Music
            100% he wrote that on his own.

      • 3 months ago

        >as he's basically a music producer with delusions of grandeur.
        The Baseball one is what gets me really. As someone said in the thread that pasta came from, imagine being so addicted to lying that you claim to be a member of a group with an extremely public and limited membership. Especially considering of all sports out there, Baseball is called the thinking man's game for a reason, it's a fricking ton of number crunching and thus it tends to attract a lot of autists among its fans. If ANYONE is going to actually fact check that shit when Tommy claims it, it'd be them.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh people have done the dive on this and confirmed it's a fantasy camp. Minor League is actually PROFESSIONAL baseball players which is all heavily documented. The NY Yankees are not a minor league team, they have a series of farm teams. And how would this even fit within Tommy's biography? Was he playing baseball when he was doing Electric Playground and composing game music? It's such a shitty stupid lie.


          Always astounded at people's perception of others. Tommy was always an unlikable dickhead. There was something about him that seemed off when he was on EP. Never liked him. Others did. I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. This whole unraveling is really validating. Dude said Katamari sucked. This is a red flag. He's not a good person.

          It's quite incredible isn't it? Like, there's lies built on top of other lies built on top of even more lies the deeper you dig. Who even is Tommy Tallarico?

          Once you've established firm blatant lies like this, it means you can't trust Tommy on ANYTHING he says, even for very minor details. So you can build a biography of the guy just not utilizing anything he says as true.

    • 3 months ago

      >In California, if you do music for a living, you have to wear a lot of hats or you wind up eating yoru kids, so in addition to composing, I was teaching, grading compositions for MTAC and performing and totally forgot about Tallarico.
      This is probably how he was able to make it work. It's not like Tommy was working with professional game composers who made their career doing just that. People who'd be paying attention and call him on any bullshit. A lot of these guys probably did a job and then went back to their lives. Chances are they didn't even play the games they worked on. It was just another gig to them. If Tommy is the middle man and shows up with a bunch of music and the developer hasn't spoken to anyone else there's no reason they wouldn't take Tommy at his word. He probably wouldn't even have to lie. They'd just take it for granted that it was his work.

  46. 3 months ago

    I'm not gonna hate Tommy Tallarico.

    Sorry, sorry, I know I know how it sounds, but... I'm just not gonna hate Tommy Tallarico. Sorry!

  47. 3 months ago

    Tommy is not a hack. This is all a smear campaign after leftist youtubers learned he's a Christian man with conservative values.

    • 3 months ago

      the biggest and lamest hack in the entire industry: it's confirmed and witnessed. using your political ideology or religion as a shield against criticism for your blatant lies is typical of frauds and their loser fan base.

    • 3 months ago

      I cannot find the origin of this, but supposedly it's a real quote:
      >Tommy Tallarico: Face it pat you know damn well both me and you if we have the opportunity to get a lap dance from The Little Mermaid we'd be all over it. true or false false?


  48. 3 months ago

    I wonder how long will it take for the dregs to start defending and idolizing him like with Billy Mitchell, lol.

    • 3 months ago

      people have tried but they keep getting smashed and they shut the frick up because it's impossible to defend against the indefensible since there's a tonne of receipts. even the billy mitchell shills completely got btfo when he kept losing court cases.

  49. 3 months ago

    This is the sfx pack that Tommy had Joey Kurass make. If roblox got it, it would be from here. Roblox may have thought these were copyright free.

    • 3 months ago

      >Roblox may have thought these were copyright free.
      and they would have been right about it. sound sample discs are always free to use without credit or payment, you're just not allowed to duplicate the disc or redistribute it. roblox basically said frick you, tommy. not even going to entertain your threats, and just removed the file instead. problem solved.

  50. 3 months ago

    Bleeps and bloops.

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