>Top 2 grossing games of the year are $60 singleplayer games with no microtransactions

>Top 2 grossing games of the year are $60 singleplayer games with no microtransactions
>only 1 live service slop game even managed to crack the top 10
is gaming healing?

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    >Lethal Company
    Imagine being in your early 20s and already having over 50 million

    • 5 months ago

      Imagine competing with AAA as a single indie dev

      • 5 months ago

        Stop being a grandpa and just enjoy games that you like.

    • 5 months ago

      Normally they come from pretty well off families anyway. I've never seen a successful indie dev who came from the working class or below. Not saying 50mil isn't a lot, just the aspect of being financially secure for the rest of your life doesn't hit as hard to someone who has never struggled in their life to begin with.

      • 5 months ago

        A lot of assumptions in this post. From what we know the kid was a popular Roblox modder who worked on shit after school and is probably in college now doing the same for lethal company. It’s statistically more likely he comes from some middle/working class family and enjoys fricking around in game engines. It’s not like it takes a startup cost of a few hundred thousand to open an indie game with a studio anymore. The landscape has changed drastically from just a few years ago.

    • 5 months ago

      steam is taking away 30% of that, the taxes are also taking a considerable amount depending on the state
      probably anywhere from 25-30 mil, not that it matters much

      • 5 months ago

        my mistake, steam would take 20% for a game earning that much

      • 5 months ago

        Fricking hate taxes, especially property tax; that shit shouldn't be legal.

  3. 5 months ago

    did your other thread archive before bump limit eric?

    • 5 months ago


      is this Barry's new schizo obsession?

      • 5 months ago

        you mean eric reposting unverifiable r/gaming posts?

        • 5 months ago

          oh it's troony reddit drama. just kys then.

      • 5 months ago

        The one about the archived thread is just a disgrunted leftist.

  4. 5 months ago

    Why is it that well crafted, singleplayer games like Elden Ring, Hogwarts and Balders Gate come out and get amazing reviews, huge followings and make a tonne of money and yet developers keep preferring to churn out live service goyslop that everybody hates?

    • 5 months ago

      Skill issue, diversity hires only know how to make battleroyals.

    • 5 months ago

      >well crafted

    • 5 months ago

      Skill issue, diversity hires only know how to make battleroyals.

      It's just that corporations are hard to reason with and even harder to make change course unless you can see them huge shifts in revenue in the short term. I will say that Hogwarts being so no-bullshit is surprising from WB, especially given how Suicide Squad is the logical conclusion of "We Want The Destiny Audience" design.

    • 5 months ago

      Because of Genshin and Fortnite, they all want to be the next big GAAS without understanding why people like those games.

      • 5 months ago

        this. you can't win if you don't play. Just look at those mobile gacha numbers. just fricking look at them. These shitty companies are not ever going to stop trying to make the next fortnite. It's brought in tens of billions of dollars for epic. It's massive. They want stable income. Video games are not stable income, it's always a high risk investment and that means investors or banks charge them higher % for loans/money. if every game company could have a fortnite, they probably would be a lot more lenient in choosing what to develop because risk would be mitigated somewhat.

    • 5 months ago

      Hogwarts wasn't exactly a great game, but I was happy to see it sell so well just to serve as a middle finger to trannies

    • 5 months ago

      Because it requires more effort, plus all the suits think to themself

    • 5 months ago

      the games as a service games make more money. fortnight makes billions per year. destany 1 made more money than BG3 and that was in 2014 money

      >no microtransactions
      but that's false, BG3 has a season pass and purchasable dice colours and shit.

      it doesn't have any of these things

      oh my bad, it's a "Digital Deluxe Edition" which is actually way worse.

      >single out BG3 for doing something special (being a successful singleplayer game without mtx)
      >turns out it does have mtx
      >"so what? everything has mtx"
      this is why nobody likes your troony game, because you homosexuals can't go for a full minute without lying through your teeth.

      BG3 doesn't have microtransactions you troony. Its a $10 for the sound track and artbook with a few cosmetic items. you literally don't lose any content not buying it.

    • 5 months ago


      >The list measures "Full Game Sales" only, excluding in-game spending
      meanwhile in reality

      you make way more money on games as service gayshit than single player games.
      honestly if you look at the games on the list
      >bg3 mainly made money off of the fact there are not really many single player games competing in that sphere
      >harry potter sales were based off the IP and hating trannies
      >starfield is based off false advertising
      >RE4 is IP
      >AC6 is based on it being from software
      >fifa is IP
      >star wars is IP

    • 5 months ago

      Corporations aren't run by humans, they're run by machines. How can they please other humans if they aren't even capable of understanding human wants?

      • 5 months ago

        *hits blunt* whoaa dude, that's like... pretty deep.. heh.

    • 5 months ago

      Because theres millions of people out there who keep playing and paying for them like the addicted morons they are.

    • 5 months ago

      Game A - well crafted single player high quality:
      >massive 100+ million budget
      >3+ years minimum development time
      >if it really is good you make 3-5x that on box cost alone

      Game B - shitty rushed mtx ridden slop
      >nonexistent 10m or less budget
      >1 year development time, absolute max of 2 years (game need not be finished so who cares)
      >if it flops you lose little to nothing and might have even broke even just off fotm bored zoomers that want to play something new
      >and if it flops who cares you've got 3 more in the works
      >if its even kind of good, bored gamers will make it print 10x the investment
      >if it catches on like fire you make 1000x the investment for no time and effort and can milk it for years to print even more money

      They're quite literally just fishing. Tons of low-risk, high reward attempts that one might eventually hit the jackpot.

    • 5 months ago

      They're all chasing after the Fortnite money, which isn't on Steam but still makes way more revenue alone compared to any of those games in the OP combined.

    • 5 months ago

      From their uncreative, money grubbing perspective it’s like asking if you’d rather have an apple or an apple tree. Elden ring blew the doors off but it’ll make another big sale when the DLC drops then that’s it. You only have to make it once with a live service product to be set forever, or at least that’s the theory.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >way easier to make
      >way faster to make
      >way cheaper to make
      >way easier to market
      low risk / high reward

    • 5 months ago

      Most developers just wanna make a quick buck out the industry.

  5. 5 months ago

    I'm impressed by the amount of proper single player games in this (even if not all of them are good), but the issue is that microtransactions are highly profitable compared to the games they're for even if they don't make huge money on their own, and mobile games are the main place mtx revenue is massive (I'd also assume on consoles it's higher than on Steam as well).

  6. 5 months ago

    >no microtransactions
    but that's false, BG3 has a season pass and purchasable dice colours and shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >BG3 has a season pass

      Anon, why would you say this when people can just open the Steam page for it and see you are lying?

      • 5 months ago

        oh my bad, it's a "Digital Deluxe Edition" which is actually way worse.

        • 5 months ago

          A 'Digital Deluxe Edition' that has the soundtrack, character sheets, art book and DOS:2 inspired cosmetics and bard songs. Complete non-issue.

          • 5 months ago

            and in-game dlc. why did you omit that? funny how every single BG3 fan will purposefully hide or distort the truth when trying to shill the game.

            • 5 months ago

              Anon, that's what I meant by DOS:2 inspired cosmetics. If you actually looked at them, you would realize that they are designed after the main characters from Divinity 2 except for Ifan.

              • 5 months ago

                >i-i-i-i-it's just cosmetics
                so............. the game has mtx. so why did you lie about that?

              • 5 months ago

                >Stutter posting and ellipses

                Frick off moron, you're Anonymous so you don't have to try and save face.

            • 5 months ago

              they're useless cosmetics

            • 5 months ago

              Got it for free with my pre-order that I did two years ago

              • 5 months ago

                thanks for the concession

            • 5 months ago

              a single hat coming with the soundtrack and artbook isn't a microtransaction you stupid fricking seaBlack person

            • 5 months ago

              They only know how to lie
              D&D fans are the shittiest form of "men", even harry potter and magic fans are above those pitiful people

        • 5 months ago

          almost every big single player game has that

          what the frick are you even crying about

          • 5 months ago

            starfield and zelda dlc losing it seems

          • 5 months ago

            >single out BG3 for doing something special (being a successful singleplayer game without mtx)
            >turns out it does have mtx
            >"so what? everything has mtx"
            this is why nobody likes your troony game, because you homosexuals can't go for a full minute without lying through your teeth.

            • 5 months ago

              nta but pre-order bonus isn't a microtransaction

              • 5 months ago

                Case in point. Either you're too moronic to read and understand that I was talking about the 'Digital Deluxe Edition' purchasable upgrade, or you're pretending to be moronic in order to YET AGAIN lie about the game.

                I genuinely hope you're getting paid for this.

                you really need to try harder when shitposting
                you're way too obvious man

                >create a thread where you blatantly lie
                >get called out on your obvious lie

              • 5 months ago

                You can't be this moronic. Claiming a DDE is a microtransaction is like saying cars have microtransactions because you can buy the manual or automatic transmission model.

              • 5 months ago

                >sell in-game items for real money
                >sell in-game items for real money but call it a Digital(TM) Deluxe(TM) Edition(TM)
                >n-n-n-no that doesn't count BG3 broke new ground by not having mtx and I think this literally has not occurred in decades because I only play AAA goyslop

              • 5 months ago

                Anon, buying a game gets you in game items for real money, because the items are in the game you bought.
                You'll have to try harder.

              • 5 months ago

                >um well actually uh when you think about it ALL games have mtx because uh well you see you're spending money for things that are virtual
                What do you think the MICRO part means, you sub-60 iq ape?
                It means that part of the game is cut out and sold for a smaller price.
                Which is literally what BG3 does no matter what sanitized politically correct corpo nu-speak language you use to hide it.
                God damn I don't think I've ever met someone who is simultaneously a filthy liar and mentally moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                >REEE MICRO! MICRO!
                >digital deluxe is more expensive
                What's micro about that you nignog?

              • 5 months ago

                Microtransactions (mtx) are a business model where users can purchase in-game virtual goods with micropayments. Microtransactions are often used in free-to-play games to provide a revenue source for the developers. While microtransactions are a staple of the mobile app market, they are also seen on PC software such as Valve's Steam digital distribution platform, as well as console gaming.[1][2]

                Free-to-play games that include a microtransaction model are sometimes referred to as "freemium". Another term, "pay-to-win", is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to games where buying items in-game can give a player an advantage over other players, particularly if the items cannot be obtained through free means.[3] The objective with a free-to-play microtransaction model is to involve more players in the game by providing desirable items or features that players can purchase if they lack the skill or available time to earn these through regular game play. Also, presumably the game developer's marketing strategy is that in the long term, the revenue from a micro transaction system will outweigh the revenue from a one-time-purchase game.

                Loot boxes are another form of microtransactions. Through purchasing a loot box, the player acquires a seemingly random assortment of items. Loot boxes result in high revenues because instead of a one-time purchase for the desired item, users may have to buy multiple boxes. This method has also been called a form of underage gambling.

              • 5 months ago

                Black person is all dlc a micro transaction to you? witcher 3 had micro transactions?

              • 5 months ago

                is dlc a microtransaction?

              • 5 months ago

                >this thread
                Why is it that every person against BG3 is actually a mentally ill schizo who specifically tries to lie and gaslight people into believing their own made up definitions of established concepts and words?
                First with the tencent schizo not I knowing how company stakes work and how tencents 30% literally cannot effect Larian in any meaningful way

                Second with this moron currently trying to redefine MTX because he's petty enough to try to label BG3 as a microtransaction game

              • 5 months ago

                >all deluxe editions or any edition that offers any kind of exclusive in-game item is an mtx game


              • 5 months ago

                That's LITERALLY not what that means.

              • 5 months ago

                that's literally what he said

              • 5 months ago

                >"this company gave us millions and millions of dollars but don't worry that hasn't affected my judgement in any way whatsoever" ~ an explanation of how companies work as understood by a BG3 fan

                >trying to redefine MTX
                Post your own definition of MTX then.

              • 5 months ago

                Tencents type of stake of Larian is
                >1. A minority stake in a private company
                >2. Is below Swen's stake when Swen is the CEO and has majority stakes
                >3. A type of stake in which tencents shareholders give up any voting power within Larian as a company
                Its been explained MULTIPLE times across the months but it gets dismissed because it blows the shitposter the frick out meaning he wasted several months of his life spamming and being WRONG over something this insignificant.

            • 5 months ago

              you really need to try harder when shitposting
              you're way too obvious man

              • 5 months ago

                give him a break man

            • 5 months ago

              DLC small expansion aren't microtransactions, all game have a deluxe edition to get the game + DLC bundled.
              But yeah games like Starfield and RE4 have microtransactions, all Capcom games do, you can even pay to unlock everything. The argument here should be against live-service slop, these games were complete on release

              • 5 months ago

                >DLC small expansion aren't microtransactions
                A fact that is entirely irrelevant since we are talking about COSMETIC DLC, not a fricking expansion attack you dishonest Black person.
                >The argument here should be against live-service slop
                Careful, you'll hurt yourself trying to move those heavy goalposts. The OP states NO MICROTRANSACTIONS in BG3.
                >w-w-well at least it's not a live service game
                have a nice day you lying little c**t.

                >REEE MICRO! MICRO!
                >digital deluxe is more expensive
                What's micro about that you nignog?

                >digital deluxe is more expensive
                What the frick is this supposed to mean? Seriously, I want to know. What distortion of malnourished brain cells occurred for you to type that out? What the frick are you trying to say? It doesn't count as microtransactions because........ the combined price of the game + the digital deluxe upgrade is higher than the cost of the game alone? Are you surprised that when you add two numbers together you get a higher number? Go call for your tard wrangler so they can put you back on your leash.

                the games as a service games make more money. fortnight makes billions per year. destany 1 made more money than BG3 and that was in 2014 money
                it doesn't have any of these things
                BG3 doesn't have microtransactions you troony. Its a $10 for the sound track and artbook with a few cosmetic items. you literally don't lose any content not buying it.

                >BG3 doesn't have microtransactions
                >Its a $10 for a few cosmetic items
                I accept your concession.

                Microtransactions (mtx) are a business model where users can purchase in-game virtual goods with micropayments. Microtransactions are often used in free-to-play games to provide a revenue source for the developers. While microtransactions are a staple of the mobile app market, they are also seen on PC software such as Valve's Steam digital distribution platform, as well as console gaming.[1][2]

                Free-to-play games that include a microtransaction model are sometimes referred to as "freemium". Another term, "pay-to-win", is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to games where buying items in-game can give a player an advantage over other players, particularly if the items cannot be obtained through free means.[3] The objective with a free-to-play microtransaction model is to involve more players in the game by providing desirable items or features that players can purchase if they lack the skill or available time to earn these through regular game play. Also, presumably the game developer's marketing strategy is that in the long term, the revenue from a micro transaction system will outweigh the revenue from a one-time-purchase game.

                Loot boxes are another form of microtransactions. Through purchasing a loot box, the player acquires a seemingly random assortment of items. Loot boxes result in high revenues because instead of a one-time purchase for the desired item, users may have to buy multiple boxes. This method has also been called a form of underage gambling.

                >purchase in-game virtual goods with micropayments
                So literally BG3. Thanks for supporting my argument.

                Black person is all dlc a micro transaction to you? witcher 3 had micro transactions?

                >is all dlc a micro transaction
                >witcher 3
                Had two expansion packs and free dlc. No mtx. Your point?

              • 5 months ago

                you are moronic you fricking dickless seaBlack person. $10 for the soundtrack and artbook isn't a fricking microtransaction and most games do this. for it to be a microtransaction it would need to be something in game you spend money on more than one time. buying the fricking artbook and soundtrack isn't a microtransaction. you are brown

              • 5 months ago

                the purpose of a microtransaction is to create a long term system that encourages multiple transactions instead of any one time payment, also an artbook, soundtrack and a cape isn't a microtransaction

              • 5 months ago

                >>is all dlc a micro transaction
                so any game that gives you a cosmetic or a soundtrack depending on a specific edition or a preorder bonus is a game with microtransactions?

              • 5 months ago

                so a game with a deluxe edition or collectors edition is a game with a micro-transaction

    • 5 months ago

      >BG3 has a season pass
      why lie?

  7. 5 months ago

    Which discord is spamming this fake pic?

    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      we're talking about video games though?

    • 5 months ago

      Genshin is a privately owned company called mihoyo and they self-publish their own game. They have no shareholders breathing down their necks and and all that stuff. They own two of the highest grossing games Genshin and Honkai Star Rail.

      Tencent actually tried and failed to buy mihoyo and CCP didn't like losing and they have been trying to harass mihoyo ever since then that was 3 years ago.

      • 5 months ago

        Genshin isn't Tencent? Damn that's news to me

    • 5 months ago

      I really don't get this shit. Genshin impact is just a dumbed down botw clone with an infinite slop endgame tacked on, the rest are the same but with final fantasy. How are people spending millions on this shit

      • 5 months ago

        Wait until you see FGO gameplay.

      • 5 months ago

        Say all the hate you want, but there is a reason why the game is still so popular even after 3 years. The developer of Genshin is a privately owned company, and they have no shareholders breathing down their necks, hence why they are one of the top live-service game developers who are so aggressive with releasing content for the game. Genshin is a single-player game, and unlike other battle royale games, it can only live through its story content. The developers have been releasing consistent updates for 3 years now, and they are fully voiced in 4 different languages.

        Hate all you want, but they are doing the live service the correct way, unlike other western developers.

    • 5 months ago

      Support brown dust 2

      You bakas !!!

      That's a legit game pretending to be a gacha game

      • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    How many other boogeyman will this board have?

  10. 5 months ago

    Armored core did better than fifa? i refuse to believe

    • 5 months ago

      "people" play fifa on console

    • 5 months ago

      FIFA primarily a console thing. The weird thing is Jedi Survivor being so high on Steam because it's also primarily a console thing and most people played it through gamepass.

      • 5 months ago

        it's not too weird imo
        people still give star wars vidya a chance because the games never got as bad as the movies, and the first nujedi game was fairly good

    • 5 months ago

      we dont know

      • 5 months ago

        >FIFA 23
        >Remove it from shop but display it

        >They have no shareholders breathing down their necks and and all that stuff.
        They have Xi breathing down their necks and crazed fans who have stabbed Da Wei before.

    • 5 months ago

      we dont know

      No fricking way AC6 made $90 Mil just on Steam with 2.8 million copies by the end of October, especially a series so fricking drawn out and mediocre.

      How did AC4 make nearly $90 mil if it at most sold 4 million copies by the end of 2023?
      That doesn't make any sense. It made maybe $30 mil at most.
      Nice bullshit chart lol

      Man, you are pretty old.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon, 2.8 million copies at $60 is $170 million.
        Considering Steam's huge Asian playerbase, I could easily see AC6 making almost $90 million on Steam alone.

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe it's just that good to warrant those sales

  11. 5 months ago

    Do live service games even make a habit of making their earnings public?

    • 5 months ago

      steam reports the rankings, but this of course doesn't include people playing on console or other launchers so valorant, overwatch, fortnite, LoL are out of the equation. The only surprising omissions are counterstrike and apex

  12. 5 months ago

    Steam is skewing this discussion. What happens if you include numbers for consoles? Mobile gaming? Guaranteed the f2p and gacha titles are crushing.

    • 5 months ago

      anon this thread is about video games, what do those things have to do with video games? why not include slot machine revenue while you're at it?

    • 5 months ago

      Steam isn't skewing anything, this isn't official data.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Starfield 3rd highest grossing game
    Bethesda won.

    • 5 months ago

      That's only from the launch. It won't have long legs like Skyrim so in reality, since Bethesda is a publicly traded company, they are actually losing.

    • 5 months ago

      >Bethesda won.
      a bronze medal

  14. 5 months ago

    Gaming is being botted and shilled by tencent. $650M of that is a donation from Tencent to Gabe

    • 5 months ago

      This is why I respect Genshin because the developers refused to be bought by Tencent; the CCP didn't like losing, so they have been harassing the developers for 3 years now.

      Larian Studios, Epic Games and even Reddit will be owned by Tencent in the future.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Hi Barry

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >some guy responds to the wrong thread
        >BG3 shills continue to scream about it several months later

        • 5 months ago

          >some guy

          • 5 months ago

            >>some guy
            Oh wait, this is where you tell me it's actually um Todd Howard? Or Aonuma? Which boogeyman are we angry at again?

            Tencents type of stake of Larian is
            >1. A minority stake in a private company
            >2. Is below Swen's stake when Swen is the CEO and has majority stakes
            >3. A type of stake in which tencents shareholders give up any voting power within Larian as a company
            Its been explained MULTIPLE times across the months but it gets dismissed because it blows the shitposter the frick out meaning he wasted several months of his life spamming and being WRONG over something this insignificant.

            Oh, okay. So what you're saying is:
            >"this company gave us millions and millions of dollars but don't worry that hasn't affected my judgement in any way whatsoever"
            Thanks for clearing that up.

            • 5 months ago

              >Oh wait, this is where you tell me it's actually um Todd Howard? Or Aonuma? Which boogeyman are we angry at again?
              the same guy who made the frickup and feels the need to defend himself any time it's posted by someone

              • 5 months ago

                >the same guy who made the frickup
                No, but even if I was, do you think that makes you look less pathetic? If I posted to the wrong thread, that's a fault of being momentarily distracted, or letting the mouse slip. Whereas you've posted that screencap in every BG3 thread I've seen. That's a fault of you fixating on a minor, silly mistake that happened months ago, rather than focusing on making arguments or even discussing the game. That's months of an unhealthy fixation. So why am I supposed to wince at the accusation of taking a minor embarrassment when you continue to add on to your massive one?

              • 5 months ago

                >That's months of an unhealthy fixation.

                You tipped your hand Anon. The Tencent moron wouldn't say this, but I did find it funny.

              • 5 months ago

                >If I posted to the wrong thread, that's a fault of being momentarily distracted, or letting the mouse slip
                oh cmon you posted that (or maybe not you) because you mistook witcher 3 for bg3, not a fricking misclick get real
                >Whereas you've posted that screencap in every BG3 thread I've seen
                i've maybe posted that 3 times in my life, deleted it when cleaning my folders and found it again to day and posted it, meanwhile the tencent guy (probably You) does this in every thread even a little bit relevant to bg3

              • 5 months ago

                >oh cmon you posted that (or maybe not you) because you mistook witcher 3 for bg3
                OK, doesn't change anything I've said.
                >i've maybe posted that 3 times
                OK buddy

              • 5 months ago

                >rather than focusing on making arguments
                Funny because when people rebuke you, or "him", they outright ignore the truth for thwir own lies despite evidence shown towards them and lack of evidence and support shown on the other.
                So it makes sense people would just make fun of them when they dont care about the actual truth and just continue to spam moronic disinfo.

            • 5 months ago

              Are you merely pretending to be stupid or do you genuinely not understand how a stock company works?

              • 5 months ago

                So that is your opinion? I could give millions of dollars as a no-strings-attached gift to Larian and none of them would change anything about their next game because of me?
                You're correct, I have literally no idea how a stock company works. I just know how human beings work, and I know you're not going to tell me that if I gave Larian a hundred million dollars as a "no-strings-attached gift" and then called the CEO on the phone and mention how much I want a smug dwarf tomboy romance in their next game, that they wouldn't be swayed at all in their creative process? That's your opinion?

              • 5 months ago

                >You're correct, I have literally no idea how a stock company works.
                Stopped reading here
                So then why THE FRICK are you still talking? You have literally no right to comment or give out any opinion when youre like a child just imagining up shit about how the world works.

              • 5 months ago

                >Stopped reading here
                So you read my first question then, do you have an answer?

      • 5 months ago

        Was looking for this again today thank you. You’ve lost the plot skeletons gotta be my favorite response.

  15. 5 months ago

    Post the real top sellers list

  16. 5 months ago

    >The list measures "Full Game Sales" only, excluding in-game spending
    meanwhile in reality

    • 5 months ago

      I was wondering what was up with homosexual OP's chart. CS2 makes 100 mil a month on euroBlack folk paying for gun skins and lootboxes and it's not even on there kek

    • 5 months ago

      pubg is still happening?
      i thought it completely lost its audience after fortnite came out

  17. 5 months ago

    How did AC4 make nearly $90 mil if it at most sold 4 million copies by the end of 2023?
    That doesn't make any sense. It made maybe $30 mil at most.
    Nice bullshit chart lol

    • 5 months ago

      >andrew and troony homosexual is a huge moron
      more on this breaking story at six

    • 5 months ago

      because eric ripped this picture off of reddit and it has no sources

    • 5 months ago

      It would only need to sell ~1.8m copies at full price, with the 30% steam cut to make $87M in revenue

    • 5 months ago

      Armored Core is an extremely low budget series. The fact that it could run on last gen consoles means that realism wasn't a big issue for them.

  18. 5 months ago

    I thought BG3 only sold 5 million according to Ganker?

    • 5 months ago

      >steam release their own top sellers list
      >Black folk on the internet still use a third party site calculating reddit engagment

  19. 5 months ago

    >steam release their own top sellers list
    >Black folk on the internet still use a third party site calculating reddit engagment

  20. 5 months ago

    But you guys said starfield sucks?

    • 5 months ago

      with it's budget and review scores and profit it's hard to say it doesn't phil

    • 5 months ago

      Sales doesn't equal quality

      • 5 months ago

        The way this board likes to celebrate games doing well/poorly in terms of sales makes your claim sound false.

  21. 5 months ago

    6 I know are woke shit.
    3 Im unsure.
    1 I can say is a decent game.
    Gaming remains fricked.

  22. 5 months ago

    >"is gaming healing?"
    >SEACOW garbage
    >12fps licensed shit
    >fotm assetflip
    >2fps on 4090
    yeah, gayming has healed

  23. 5 months ago

    wow its nothing
    2023 list of shit games I never thought about even a little bit

  24. 5 months ago

    romanceslop, hogslop, Toddslop

    this list has nothing to do with good games.

  25. 5 months ago

    Black person Gates
    troony Legacy
    Remaster of a fricking 20 year old game
    Some literally who indie shit

    Are this the superior PC gamers I keep hearing about? That's some low iq Black person taste right there

  26. 5 months ago

    >210k on a weekday

    what in tarnation?

    • 5 months ago

      bunch of underage and basement dwellers spending mommy's money via goodboi points exchange.

  27. 5 months ago

    Street Fighter 2 tournament edition is my favorite microtransaction.

  28. 5 months ago

    because the list is not true

  29. 5 months ago

    isn't the whole point of micro-transactions and lootboxes and other israelitery is that it's all bought in game like in a store after the purchase of the game?

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah but that one moron's argument is pretty much "It's all microtransactions except for the ones I say otherwise".

      • 5 months ago

        then why do you homosexuals engage him? i'm pretty confident this is the tencent guy, you ain't beating him

  30. 5 months ago


    >Evolve wasn't long-term, does that mean that game didn't have microtransactions?
    you mean the game that was pretty feature barren, multiplayer only designed around its stores where you pay 15 bucks for skins or you have to just grind for days? are you comparing that to a preorder bonus?

    • 5 months ago

      >are you comparing that to a preorder bonus?
      No, I'm comparing it to your moronic assertion that microtransactions need to be successful long-term in order to be considered REAL microtransactions.

      >>so any game that gives you
      >No, that SELLS it to you.
      so any game that sells you a cosmetic or a soundtrack depending on a specific edition or a preorder bonus is a game with microtransactions?

      >so any game that sells you a cosmetic
      >or a soundtrack
      >or a preorder bonus
      Technically no, although I think we can all agree that preorder bonuses are just as bad.

      >Why are you neglecting to mention that?
      so if the deluxe edition didn't come with the hat and cape it wouldn't be a microtransaction?

      >so if the deluxe edition didn't come with the hat and cape it wouldn't be a microtransaction?
      If the purchase isn't for in-game items, it's not a microtransaction. Which should be obvious.

      I think you are dumbest person I could ever imagine existing

      Not an argument.

      Naw he's still moronic. This'd mean that, as an example, Brood War is a microtransaction because you can't use those units if you don't have the expansion.

      Not a microtransaction.

      This isn't hard guys, someone literally posted the definition of microtransaction in the thread. But I suppose pretending to be moronic and making strawmen is the only way you know how to shill.

      • 5 months ago

        >I think we can all agree that preorder bonuses are just as bad.
        as bad as what? shit like ingame stores like the shitty assassins games or shit like league and valorant, hell no we don't agree you fricking mong

        • 5 months ago

          >a few preorder bonuses per game aren't as bad as literal hundreds of possible mtx per game
          >therefore you can't say a preorder bonus is as bad as an mtx
          Jesus, is twisting words all you pathetic shills can do?

      • 5 months ago

        >This isn't hard guys, someone literally posted the definition of microtransaction in the thread.
        yeah and you read only one sentence of it while ignoring everything else that goes against your ass backwards viewpoint

        • 5 months ago

          >and you read only one sentence of it while ignoring everything else
          Oh, ok, let's go back and check...

          Microtransactions (mtx) are a business model where users can purchase in-game virtual goods with micropayments. Microtransactions are often used in free-to-play games to provide a revenue source for the developers. While microtransactions are a staple of the mobile app market, they are also seen on PC software such as Valve's Steam digital distribution platform, as well as console gaming.[1][2]

          Free-to-play games that include a microtransaction model are sometimes referred to as "freemium". Another term, "pay-to-win", is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to games where buying items in-game can give a player an advantage over other players, particularly if the items cannot be obtained through free means.[3] The objective with a free-to-play microtransaction model is to involve more players in the game by providing desirable items or features that players can purchase if they lack the skill or available time to earn these through regular game play. Also, presumably the game developer's marketing strategy is that in the long term, the revenue from a micro transaction system will outweigh the revenue from a one-time-purchase game.

          Loot boxes are another form of microtransactions. Through purchasing a loot box, the player acquires a seemingly random assortment of items. Loot boxes result in high revenues because instead of a one-time purchase for the desired item, users may have to buy multiple boxes. This method has also been called a form of underage gambling.

          >Microtransactions are a business model...
          Yep, fits BG3...
          >Microtransactions (mtx) are often used in free-to-play games...
          Often, not always.
          >also seen on PC software... as well as console gaming
          So far so good.
          >Free-to-play games...
          Not relevant.
          >Another term, "pay-to-win", is sometimes used pejoratively
          Not relevant.
          >The objective with a free-to-play microtransaction model...
          Still not relevant.
          >Also, presumably the game developer's marketing strategy...
          Still not relevant, definition doesn't require any specific marketing strategy.
          >Loot boxes are another form...
          This entire paragraph is also not relevant.

          So what's your point? What part of that post contradicts BG3 having mtx?

          • 5 months ago

            crazy how the definition acknowledges and list various examples of mtx but not a single time does it mention a pre-order bonus as an example

            • 5 months ago

              >not a single time does it mention a pre-order bonus
              Literally what does that have to do with the discussion, schizo? Can you read? Because I haven't talked about pre-order bonuses for BG3. I even said that I don't consider pre-order bonuses to be mtx. So who are you arguing against?

              • 5 months ago

                according to you pre-order bonuses are mtx

      • 5 months ago

        >If the purchase isn't for in-game items, it's not a microtransaction.
        you do know identical items exist in the game right? most of what you get in game from the bonus can be acquired without having to pay, it's literally just the cape from divinity 2, but somehow you equate this to mtx

        • 5 months ago

          >you do know identical items exist in the game
          So? Loads of mtx are for items that can be acquired without paying. Are you saying those don't count as mtx? Overwatch doesn't count as having mtx, that's your argument?
          You homosexuals keep trying to shift the goalposts or invent new definitions for mtx that literally nobody has ever used. Why? Who do you think is dumb enough to fall for your moronation? Why are you bothering with this horseshit?

          • 5 months ago

            >Loads of mtx are for items that can be acquired without paying


            >And exclusive in-game items.
            >No, that SELLS it to you.

      • 5 months ago

        >every game has micro-transactions

        • 5 months ago

          Point to where I said that. When you fail to find it, apologize, and frick off.

          according to you pre-order bonuses are mtx


          >are you comparing that to a preorder bonus?
          No, I'm comparing it to your moronic assertion that microtransactions need to be successful long-term in order to be considered REAL microtransactions.

          >so any game that sells you a cosmetic
          >or a soundtrack
          >or a preorder bonus
          Technically no, although I think we can all agree that preorder bonuses are just as bad.

          >so if the deluxe edition didn't come with the hat and cape it wouldn't be a microtransaction?
          If the purchase isn't for in-game items, it's not a microtransaction. Which should be obvious.

          Not an argument.

          Not a microtransaction.

          This isn't hard guys, someone literally posted the definition of microtransaction in the thread. But I suppose pretending to be moronic and making strawmen is the only way you know how to shill.

          Apologize and frick off.

          • 5 months ago

            >any game that sells you an in-game item/cosmetic is a mtx

            • 5 months ago

              That's not an apology.

              >Loads of mtx are for items that can be acquired without paying
              see [...]
              >And exclusive in-game items.
              >No, that SELLS it to you.

              >Point to where I said that.
              you literally made it a point that the selling of ingame exclusive items is what makes something a mtx, so name a pre-order bonus that doesn't include any kind of ingame, feature, cosmetic, or item

              >>And exclusive in-game items.
              I know reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, Black person, but did you, Black person, even try to actually read that post? Because, Black person, you will notice that line is a response in a conversation, Black person, where a lying Black person lied about the contents of the digital deluxe upgrade. Specifically, Black person, failing to mention that the purchase includes in-game items, Black person. And nowhere, Black person, are pre-order bonuses mentioned.
              So explain to me, Black person, why you thought quoting that helps your case.

              >Point to where I said that.
              you literally made it a point that the selling of ingame exclusive items is what makes something a mtx, so name a pre-order bonus that doesn't include any kind of ingame, feature, cosmetic, or item

              >you literally made it a point that the selling of ingame exclusive items is what makes something a mtx
              Which doesn't apply to pre-order bonuses, since they are not selling you in-game items for money, they are giving you in-game items for no extra charge as a reward for purchasing early.
              Thanks for the concession.

              • 5 months ago

                >Which doesn't apply to pre-order bonuses, since they are not selling you in-game items for money, they are giving you in-game items for no extra charge as a reward for purchasing early.
                oh so we agree, bg3 has no mtx, just a pre order bonus and a deluxe edition

              • 5 months ago

                >if I call it a deluxe edition it magically stops being mtx
                This again? Did I break your script? Anyway, you can review my response here if you want:

                >sell in-game items for real money
                >sell in-game items for real money but call it a Digital(TM) Deluxe(TM) Edition(TM)
                >n-n-n-no that doesn't count BG3 broke new ground by not having mtx and I think this literally has not occurred in decades because I only play AAA goyslop

                Still waiting on that apology btw.

              • 5 months ago

                so deluxe editions and pre orders are mtx then

              • 5 months ago

                Still waiting on that apology.

              • 5 months ago

                can you even name a pre-order bonus/special edition that doesn't come with exclusive in game items/cosmetics/etc.

              • 5 months ago

                lol you can get your apology but it's locked behind a mtx, lucky for you instead of paying you can bypass it by not being a b***h and answering the question instead of dodging it

              • 5 months ago

                Black person man do you or do you not agree that your definition of a mtx is the selling of an exclusive ingame item like a cosmetic, yes or no?

              • 5 months ago

                That's not an answer. Why did you misquote from a conversation about the contents of the upgrade pack in a response regarding whether pre-order bonuses are mtx?

              • 5 months ago

                just answer the question

              • 5 months ago

                I did answer the question and you can scroll up to find the answer if you really care. Now answer my question.

                can you even name a pre-order bonus/special edition that doesn't come with exclusive in game items/cosmetics/etc.

                Dunno, and don't care. That's completely irrelevant to what I'm talking about.

                lol you can get your apology but it's locked behind a mtx, lucky for you instead of paying you can bypass it by not being a b***h and answering the question instead of dodging it

                Keep on embarrassing yourself if you want, but the only real choice you have at this point is to salvage what little remains of your dignity by admitting you were wrong.

              • 5 months ago

                ok if you have no problem with what you said and don't wish to change anything then lets go by what you said, you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics, then you do believe that preorders/bundles/and editions all fall under your definition of an mtx, so basically any game that has and offers any kind pre-order/bundle/exclusive deal/or edition like a collectors edition or special or deluxe or etc is a game with mtx, so basically all fricking games have mtx

              • 5 months ago

                >you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics
                >then you do believe that preorders/bundles/and editions all fall under your definition of an mtx
                >so basically any game that has and offers any kind pre-order/bundle/exclusive deal/or edition like a collectors edition or special or deluxe or etc is a game with mtx
                >so basically all fricking games have mtx

                This isn't hard. It's really not. All you actually have to do is stop being a lying Black person and just use the same definition of "mtx" that every single person under the planet uses.

                >Show me where you can legally own that die skin without paying 10 dollars for it.
                show me where it says you are paying 10 bucks for a die color



                nice try moron see [...]


                No because I can buy a radio without buying a car.
                Show me where you can legally own that die skin without paying 10 dollars for it.

              • 5 months ago


                >Show me where you can legally own that die skin without paying 10 dollars for it.

                show me where it says you are paying 10 bucks for a die color (You)


                >“The Digital Deluxe Edition includes both practical and cosmetic in-game items, such as a unique custom dice skin and the Mask of the Shapeshifter from Divinity: Original Sin 2. As well as the Original Game Soundtrack for Baldur's Gate 3, digital Artbook and printable pre-made Origin character sheets”

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, and?

              • 5 months ago

                you aren't just spending 10 dollars like on a die color like it's fricking mtx valorant skin, you are getting various things in a edition when you buy your preferred version of the game

              • 5 months ago

                If I want the die skin, how much do I have to pay to get it?

              • 5 months ago

                show me where it says you are paying 10 bucks for a die color?

              • 5 months ago

                Does it say that? I don't know. You tell me. If it's not ten dollars, then how much does it cost?

              • 5 months ago

                for the die? i don't know i don't think theres an option to just buy die skins and cosmetics like lots of other games do with their stores, but lucky for you can get still get the die and various other things for a one time purchase when you buy a specific edition

              • 5 months ago

                >>then you do believe that preorders/bundles/and editions all fall under your definition of an mtx
                why not?
                >so basically any game that has and offers any kind pre-order/bundle/exclusive deal/or edition like a collectors edition or special or deluxe or etc is a game with mtx
                why not?

              • 5 months ago

                >why not?
                Because pre-orders don't charge you extra for in-game items. They are thrown in with your single purchase of the game for free. There can't be a microtransaction if there isn't... a transaction.

          • 5 months ago

            >Point to where I said that.
            you literally made it a point that the selling of ingame exclusive items is what makes something a mtx, so name a pre-order bonus that doesn't include any kind of ingame, feature, cosmetic, or item

            • 5 months ago

              If you pay 10 dollars for a die skin in BG3 isn't that an MTX?

              • 5 months ago

                answer my question first, you said that what makes a mtx is the purchasing of ingame exclusive items and cosmetics, but now you are saying that pre order bonuses are not mtx so answer my previous question

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not the same person, if you pay 10 dollars and get a die skin and items in the game isn't that an MTX?

              • 5 months ago

                depends, are you buying this as part of an edition of a game you don't own yet which comes with more than just that or is this an in game item you can purchase in a store using real money or in-game purchasable currency despite already paying for the game.

              • 5 months ago

                you can buy the die skin separately for 10 dollars so I guess that's an MTX

  31. 5 months ago


    >>so any game that gives you
    >No, that SELLS it to you.
    so any game that sells you a cosmetic or a soundtrack depending on a specific edition or a preorder bonus is a game with microtransactions?

  32. 5 months ago


    >Why are you neglecting to mention that?
    so if the deluxe edition didn't come with the hat and cape it wouldn't be a microtransaction?

    • 5 months ago

      Naw he's still moronic. This'd mean that, as an example, Brood War is a microtransaction because you can't use those units if you don't have the expansion.

  33. 5 months ago


    I think you are dumbest person I could ever imagine existing

  34. 5 months ago

    >all of gaming

  35. 5 months ago

    Your aware all of these are trash and just goyslop

  36. 5 months ago

    we like to have fun here

  37. 5 months ago

    Wow a lot of people really bought Hogwarts just because they're tired of troony shit

  38. 5 months ago

    does Hogwarts have porn mods yet?

  39. 5 months ago

    >pay 20% of the game's price for a die skin
    >but it's not an mtx

    • 5 months ago

      show me where there is an offer available for purchase where you are spending 10 dollars on a die color

      • 5 months ago

        digital deluxe edition is literally just a die color for 10 dollars

        • 5 months ago

          >is literally just a die color for 10 dollars
          i guess when you buy a car you can say you spent thousands of dollars for a fricking radio too huh

          • 5 months ago

            yes it's literally a die color aimed at getting simps to "support" them, so technically the game has mtx

            • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              i could be wrong but it seems like you aren't paying 10 bucks for a die color, i could be wrong but it sorta looks like you are getting ???more?? than just a die color for 10 bucks, damn thats crazy

              • 5 months ago

                If I want that die colour what our my options for getting it legally? How much does it cost?

              • 5 months ago

                lucky for you theres no shitty in game store where you have to spend 10 dollars on die skins, the die skin is part of an edition of the game that comes with lots of other shit

              • 5 months ago

                Sorry, that's an unclear answer. Let's try again. If I want to get the die skin, how much will it cost me?

              • 5 months ago

                you cannot buy the die skin, what you can do is buy the edition that happens to come with the die skin and various items, i'm sorry are you unaware of how editions/bundles and etc to a game works?

              • 5 months ago

                for the die? i don't know i don't think theres an option to just buy die skins and cosmetics like lots of other games do with their stores, but lucky for you can get still get the die and various other things for a one time purchase when you buy a specific edition

                So if I want the die skin, how much money do I have to spend to legally own it?

              • 5 months ago

                same as you would for the artbook, the hat, the cape, and the soundtrack and other items included, i'm sorry this isn't wow or league, i know you really want to find that larian being slimy selling mtx die skins for ten bucks a pop but sadly it just doesn't exist

              • 5 months ago

                >same as you would for the artbook, the hat, the cape, and the soundtrack and other items include
                OK and how much is that?

              • 5 months ago

                i don't know but definitely not what this anon said

                >pay 20% of the game's price for a die skin
                >but it's not an mtx

                but i do believe the die might be included in the deluxe edition, i think someone posted a picture of the offer earlier but i believe the die was just 3 words in midst of multiple things you get, so not exactly accurate to say you are spending money on a die skin really, was it 30 bucks? 5? 20? youll have to find the post

              • 5 months ago

                >i don't know
                I do, it's ten dollars.

              • 5 months ago

                ok cool so you get a bunch of things including a die skin, wow for 10 bucks, not a terrible deal

              • 5 months ago

                >not a terrible deal
                It is if you were looking for a game without mtx.

              • 5 months ago

                so a deluxe edition is a microtransaction? would you prefer larian to sell the dice skin by itself as a singular 10 dollar purchase on some store?

              • 5 months ago

                >so a deluxe edition is a microtransaction?
                Don't know, don't care. I have no interest in the definition of "deluxe edition".
                >would you prefer larian to sell the dice skin by itself as a singular 10 dollar purchase on some store?
                No, why would I? And why are you pretending that those are the only two options?

              • 5 months ago

                im just asking, should games be able to offer deluxe editions and bundles to fans who want to support the devs and future projects with extra cash? should people not expect some shows of appreciation from the devs like an in game cosmetic or a fricking artbook?

                >I have no interest in the definition of "deluxe edition"
                but you already did, you already conceded that deluxe editions are mtx to you right here

                I'm saying it has mtx. You can call it a collector's edition, a deluxe upgrade, whatever the frick PR label you want. It's still mtx.

              • 5 months ago

                >hould games be able to offer deluxe editions and bundles to fans who want to support the devs and future projects with extra cash?
                Yeah, sure. FYI I also think devs should be allowed to create p2w games filled with mtx. Have at it as far as I'm concerned. I just don't like it when shills blatantly lie about a game in order to promote it.
                >you already conceded that deluxe editions are mtx

                >this box has an apple in it
                >"SO ALL BOXES ARE FULL OF APPLES?"

              • 5 months ago


                >this box has an apple in it

                >"SO ALL BOXES ARE FULL OF APPLES?"
                name a game where the editions you pay extra for don't come with any exclusive ingame items, because im pretty sure they generally do, cant say the same about apples and random boxes though

              • 5 months ago

                >name a game where the editions
                No. Already said I don't care about various bullshit editions of games.
                >im pretty sure they generally do

                i came back to the thread just to repeat what i said earlier, you are literally brown


          • 5 months ago

            No because I can buy a radio without buying a car.
            Show me where you can legally own that die skin without paying 10 dollars for it.

            • 5 months ago

              >Show me where you can legally own that die skin without paying 10 dollars for it.
              show me where it says you are paying 10 bucks for a die color

            • 5 months ago

              I heard someone saying "buy".

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          nice try moron see

          >is literally just a die color for 10 dollars
          i guess when you buy a car you can say you spent thousands of dollars for a fricking radio too huh

  40. 5 months ago

    no, because gross doesn't mean shit and mobile gaming is still raking in money hand over fist.

  41. 5 months ago

    If you consider extra up-front cost for digital content equivalent to the first in-game purchase of a F2P, I guess you could categorize BG3 as having one micro-transaction. IMO this stretches the definition

    I definitely think that there is a qualitative difference between nickel-and-dime effectively recurring expenses/pay-to-win vs up-front-cost that doesn't recur.

    • 5 months ago

      >I definitely think that there is a qualitative difference between nickel-and-dime effectively recurring expenses/pay-to-win vs up-front-cost that doesn't recur.
      ofc there is but this moron wants to equate it, so by his logic any game that offers any kind of edition other than the base game is a MTX, a pathetic stretch

      • 5 months ago

        >but this moron wants to equate it
        False, never have I claimed that BG3 is just as bad as a P2W game or anything like that. OP didn't say "BG3 doesn't have mtx as bad as live service games". OP claimed it has none at all, and my one and only point has only ever been that the OP was factually wrong in saying that BG3 has no mtx.

        • 5 months ago

          >OP was factually wrong in saying that BG3 has no mtx.
          so you are saying that by having a collectors and deluxe edition it has mtxs?

          • 5 months ago

            I'm saying it has mtx. You can call it a collector's edition, a deluxe upgrade, whatever the frick PR label you want. It's still mtx.

            • 5 months ago

              >I'm saying it has mtx. You can call it a collector's edition, a deluxe upgrade, whatever the frick PR label you want. It's still mtx.
              so all games with different editions are games with mtx?

              • 5 months ago

                >this box has an apple in it
                >"SO ALL BOXES ARE FULL OF APPLES?"

              • 5 months ago

                can you name a special edition, collectors edition that doesn't come with any kind of ingame item/cosmetic?

              • 5 months ago

                Don't know, don't care.

              • 5 months ago

                exactly, ggs

              • 5 months ago

                Absolutely, you can be the expert on special/deluxe/collector's/whatever editions. Have at it. I've already shown BG3 has mtx so you can go nuts about whatever you're trying to say about the various editions.

              • 5 months ago

                im not saying anything, your example of BG3's mtx is it's offer of a deluxe edition, so according to you thats an mtx, and since every deluxe edition/or whatever edition for a game inevitably comes with ingame items, you are pretty much admitting you think all games that offer editions are games with MTX, i9t's simple

              • 5 months ago

                >your example of BG3's mtx is it's offer of a deluxe edition
                >so according to you thats an mtx,
                An mtx is an mtx. An mtx can be called a deluxe edition just as it can be called a Black personhomosexual. I don't care. I'm discussing mtx.
                >since every deluxe edition/or whatever edition for a game inevitably comes with ingame items
                I don't care if that's true or not.
                >you think all games that offer editions are games with MTX
                Nope. See:

                >this box has an apple in it
                >"SO ALL BOXES ARE FULL OF APPLES?"

                You are making the assertion that every deluxe edition contains mtx, not me. I don't really pay attention to that shit so I have no idea how true or false that is and I don't care nearly enough to look it up.
                This "argument" from you is just a long-winded way of trying to bring back the "mtx isn't mtx if we call it by a different name like deluxe edition" which is completely horseshit and not one I'm going to entertain as legitimate in any way. Microtransactions are microtransactions.

              • 5 months ago

                >You are making the assertion that every deluxe edition contains mtx, not me
                no i'm not, you are, your definition is what is making that assertion

              • 5 months ago

                >your definition is what is making that assertion
                Nope, my definition does not include anything about different editions.

                Do I have to explain about the apples and the boxes again?

              • 5 months ago

                >Nope, my definition does not include anything about different editions.
                your definition is literally

                >you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics
                >then you do believe that preorders/bundles/and editions all fall under your definition of an mtx
                >so basically any game that has and offers any kind pre-order/bundle/exclusive deal/or edition like a collectors edition or special or deluxe or etc is a game with mtx
                >so basically all fricking games have mtx

                This isn't hard. It's really not. All you actually have to do is stop being a lying Black person and just use the same definition of "mtx" that every single person under the planet uses.

                See: [...]

                See: [...]

                >>you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics

                this is you ^

                >Do I have to explain about the apples and the boxes again?
                pretty sure boxes can carry a more unpredictable variety of things, like apples, condoms, the bubonic plague and etc, where it's a safer bet to guess that a deluxe edition of a game or product is probably gonna give you exclusive items in said game

              • 5 months ago

                >what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics
                No mention of deluxe editions or anything like that. Thanks for proving me right so succinctly.
                >pretty sure boxes can carry a more unpredictable variety of things
                Thank you.
                >it's a safer bet to guess that a deluxe edition of a game or product is probably gonna give you exclusive items in said game
                If you say so.

              • 5 months ago

                >No mention of deluxe editions or anything like that. Thanks for proving me right so succinctly.
                what if i told you that the main draw of buying a different edition other than the base game edition if for things like exclusive items in game, and what if i told you everybody on this board knows that but you

              • 5 months ago

                >what if i told you that the main draw of buying a different edition other than the base game edition if for things like exclusive items in game
                I already told you I don't care.
                If you want to argue that all deluxe editions are mtx then you go ahead and make that argument on your own.
                But we both know that you're not capable of making an argument that isn't a dishonest strawman.

              • 5 months ago

                >If you want to argue that all deluxe editions are mtx then you go ahead and make that argument on your own.
                thats your argument, unless you wanna change your answer here

                >you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics
                >then you do believe that preorders/bundles/and editions all fall under your definition of an mtx
                >so basically any game that has and offers any kind pre-order/bundle/exclusive deal/or edition like a collectors edition or special or deluxe or etc is a game with mtx
                >so basically all fricking games have mtx

                This isn't hard. It's really not. All you actually have to do is stop being a lying Black person and just use the same definition of "mtx" that every single person under the planet uses.

                See: [...]

                See: [...]

                >you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics

              • 5 months ago

                >thats your argument
                >your answer here
                I don't mention deluxe editions in that post.
                Quote directly where I say that all deluxe editions are mtx or apologize and admit you're wrong.
                >>you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics
                Didn't mention deluxe editions there either. Try again.

                so your reasoning for why bg3 has an mtx is because it offers a deluxe edition but you don't even understand what deluxe edition is? Ok

                >so your reasoning for why bg3 has an mtx is because it offers a deluxe edition
                Wrong, Black person. My reasoning for why bg3 has mtx is because it sells you in-game items as an additional purchase, aka an mtx.

              • 5 months ago

                >Didn't mention deluxe editions there either. Try again.
                nta but are you serious? by you agreeing that the purchase of exclusive ingame items is a mtx then you are also agreeing that upgrade editions are mtx as well

              • 5 months ago

                >My reasoning for why bg3 has mtx is because it sells you in-game items as an additional purchase
                > because it sells you in-game items as an additional purchase

                that additional purchase it the deluxe edition anon

              • 5 months ago

                >I call the mtx a "deluxe edition"
                >this means it is no longer an mtx
                Cope more.

              • 5 months ago

                so deluxe editions are mtx then? Ok

              • 5 months ago

                >My reasoning for why bg3 has mtx is because it sells you in-game items as an additional purchase
                > because it sells you in-game items as an additional purchase

                that additional purchase it the deluxe edition anon


              • 5 months ago

                >deluxe editions
                wait what is a deluxe edition if not the purchasing of exclusive items/cosmetics in game

              • 5 months ago

                >wait what is a deluxe edition
                Don't know, don't care.

              • 5 months ago

                so your reasoning for why bg3 has an mtx is because it offers a deluxe edition but you don't even understand what deluxe edition is? Ok

              • 5 months ago

                lmao homie you got dumpstered

              • 5 months ago

                Sorry, I don't speak Black person.

              • 5 months ago

                i came back to the thread just to repeat what i said earlier, you are literally brown

      • 5 months ago

        I don't like it either because to some who aren't familiar with bg3 the argument implies equivalence to true mtx slop. But I have to concede there is an argument that bg3 has one mtx.

        The reason is that when I click play on Steam client, it actually opens Larian's game launcher and there's an ad for deluxe edition. It's not much but it's there.

        • 5 months ago

          >But I have to concede there is an argument that bg3 has one mtx.
          im willing to maybe concede that too but then i would also have to concede pretty much all games have some kind of mtx, i would also have to admit that dlc is arguably mtx and on and on, basically this is like me arguing that im not a criminal in a line up of murders and rapists and some guy is saying, "well you did jaywalk"

          • 5 months ago

            And that's why I too disagree with the argument despite acknowledging it. We need to narrow down the definition of mtx or it's meaningless. How precisely to do that is beyond me so I just define some games as true mtx slop. We all know when we see it.

            • 5 months ago

              >How precisely to do that is beyond me so I just define some games as true mtx slop. We all know when we see it.
              im at a lost, like im sure we can all agree that valorant is mtx slop, but i've been trying to narrow down this mans view of what an mtx is and simply put, it's the selling of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics, but that could apply to the over Overwhelming amount of video games, pretty much all that include any edition other than the base game, hell pretty sure WITCHER 3 deluxe edition comes with exclusive dlc in the game like an outfit or something at launch

              • 5 months ago

                It's not that you're not making sense.

                First, you're arguing with someone who might actually agree with you, but wants to play devil's advocate. 2nd if they hate bg3 you're wasting time

                3rd it's an important topic. Here's another important topic without obvious solution: arguing definition of porn. Have you been to Twitch recently? It's crazy, and we all know what porn is when we see it and yet nobody can agree about its definition

              • 5 months ago

                >arguing definition of porn
                if youd feel uncomfortable seeing a child or your daughter doing it, it's probably porn

              • 5 months ago

                i don't disagree

  42. 5 months ago

    Isn't this just revenue by copies sold, not other sources? And this is just steam revenue, so no riot or epic numbers.

    • 5 months ago

      fortnite made more money this entire year than any other game released

      • 5 months ago

        and no matter how hard you try you won't get fortnite money
        the market is limited

        • 5 months ago

          Oh I was trying to make a statement that fortnite was the only good game of 2024
          All the games that came out in 2023 were dogshit except for Mario wonder and Pikmin 4

          • 5 months ago

            >were dogshit except for mario wonder and pikmin 4
            guess you could say that as a casual gay
            but if you look into the indie market and look at games you'll find some shit better than pretty much everything if you have any specific tastes

  43. 5 months ago

    >Starfield top 3
    You guys like it?

  44. 5 months ago

    Those top three are all garbage

  45. 5 months ago


    OK, thanks for your concession. You're significantly above the majority of posters in this thread.

    • 5 months ago

      no you clearly wanna keep going b***h so there you go

      >Nope, my definition does not include anything about different editions.
      your definition is literally [...]
      >>you said that what makes something a mtx is the purchasing of exclusive ingame items/cosmetics

      this is you ^

      >Do I have to explain about the apples and the boxes again?
      pretty sure boxes can carry a more unpredictable variety of things, like apples, condoms, the bubonic plague and etc, where it's a safer bet to guess that a deluxe edition of a game or product is probably gonna give you exclusive items in said game

  46. 5 months ago

    ah yes, somehow homosexual gate outsold COD/Hogwarts, kys OP or go back

  47. 5 months ago

    So whats even the point of this argument of trying to falsely label BG3 a MTX game?
    This is the type of ridiculous thought exercise that requires way too much overthinking , redefining, and deconstruction of words to the point that it's beyond pointless

    • 5 months ago

      >So whats even the point
      The point is that OP lied. That's it. But shills have to circle the wagons and deny any minor criticism like their lives depend on it.

      • 5 months ago

        the crazy thing is im just a pedantic shithead, i don't even own bg3, i just don't like your "logic"

      • 5 months ago

        >The point is that OP lied
        Kek so the whole point of this pointless flase argument is that you cant handle the facts so you'll just pull shit out of your ass to fight about.
        Why dont you stop living in a made up fantasy land and take your pills.

        • 5 months ago

          >you cant handle the facts
          Citation needed.

          >Didn't mention deluxe editions there either. Try again.
          nta but are you serious? by you agreeing that the purchase of exclusive ingame items is a mtx then you are also agreeing that upgrade editions are mtx as well

          >the purchase of exclusive ingame items is a mtx
          >upgrade editions are mtx
          I have no idea because I don't know a consistent definition of what an upgrade edition is.
          If you said that all upgrade editions contain the sale of in-game items for extra money, then I'd agree those are all examples of mtx. But you still won't say that, because you're still pathetically trying to bait me into saying that all deluxe editions contain mtx so that you can pull out some random example that proves that assertion wrong. All because you think you can spin that unrelated argument into saying that I'm wrong about the BG3 mtx.
          It's a sad gambit and it's not ever going to work. But by all means, keep humiliating yourself. You're just giving me more reasons to despise BG3 defenders.

          • 5 months ago

            >If you said that all upgrade editions contain the sale of in-game items for extra money, then I'd agree those are all examples of mtx
            yes i do say that, i've said that multiple times, at the very least it's a industry standard to give the customer some kind of ingame cosmetic/or item/ or hell in some cases even a feature, i've said this multiple times
            >But you still won't say that
            would you like me to direct you to all the posts where i have said that?
            >because you're still pathetically trying to bait me into saying that all deluxe editions contain mtx so that you can pull out some random example that proves that assertion wrong
            NO NO you fricking idiot, im saying the opposite, i can't come up with a single game that doesn't offer a ingame reward for buying an "upgrade" edition, my point is if you consider that an mtx game than every game that offers a better edition is also a MTX game, christ man

            • 5 months ago

              >if you consider that an mtx game than every game that offers a better edition is also a MTX game
              And that's always going to be your assertion, not mine.

              so deluxe editions are mtx then? Ok


              • 5 months ago

                >And that's always going to be your assertion
                no because my definition of an mtx isn't simply, pay money, get exclusive items, my definition is admittedly more nuanced and less concrete, by your definition the mtx standard affects all games that offer than exclusive item in game for more money, this covers pretty much if not all extra editions of a game

              • 5 months ago

                your reason for why bg3 has an mtx is because it has exclusive items in it's deluxe edition dumbass, you don't have a mind to break.

    • 5 months ago

      It's actually a salient topic and meaningful. We're not arguing whose best girl is actual best girl. Mtx definition matters because it impacts gamers' perception of how they end up paying.

      Up front cost is clear. In game purchases can be shadowy and predatory. Imagine hitting wall in game and you get pop up ad for $2 solution... A lot of gamers hit that wall once every few weeks. It adds up.

      Then there's the whales who actually can't afford that activity who are addicted. Studios make bank on that misery.

      • 5 months ago

        This argument is not what any reasonable person who ACTUALLY cares about videogames would call meaningful especially when its fundamentally flawed with its disingenous standpoint from the very beginning.

        • 5 months ago

          A whale in gaming is just someone who pays more than retail price

          • 5 months ago

            Thats not what the definition of a whale in industry terms is. Again youre MAKING UP DEFINITIONS and then using those MADE UP DEFINTIONS as an argument.

            This has legitimately gotten to be one of the worse types of internet arguments ive seen when youre literally just making up and purposely MISINTERPRETING preestablished concepts to fit your own moronic argument.

            You literally do not deserve any of the attention youre getting when youve committed so many graves signs in basic rhetoric

  48. 5 months ago

    >nikke made 300 million
    >it wasn't even the number one gacha

  49. 5 months ago

    Never thought a turn based game would almost double a harry potter game.

  50. 5 months ago

    >singleplayer games with no microtransactions
    Baldur's Gate 3 has launch DLC though, and the devs announced the week of it's release that they have DLC coming out later.

    • 5 months ago

      >Baldur's Gate 3 has launch DLC though
      what launch dlc?

  51. 5 months ago

    >Relevant to anything but 3rd worlders

  52. 5 months ago

    Why are lariangays so pathetic?

    • 5 months ago

      Is this what you say to cope to yourself when everyone on earth looks at you like you're moronic?

  53. 5 months ago

    I think theres no point in arguing with the schizo now you've successfully trapped him in a logic loop
    He cant admit that by his own definition every games deluxe edition is a MTX and it obviously makes his entire argument weaker by admitting that
    So he's just going to keep denying and dodging it in an endless loop because he cant elaborate anymore without the entire argument falling apart.
    Very well done anon.

    • 5 months ago

      you know, i was shitting on the guy at first because i took issue with the inconsistency but really i ended up genuinely trying to reach a connection, i don't even own BG3, i played myself really

      • 5 months ago

        You cant help everyone anon
        Some people are genuinely a lost cause and its better for you to care for yourself and be selfish at times than to constantly drag yourself down with burden of others.

        • 5 months ago

          thank you anon, heres a picture of kojimbo schick hydrobot

  54. 5 months ago

    so glad we settled what a micro-transaction is, good job everybody

  55. 5 months ago

    How is Fifa still tricking people into buying it? There must be mountains and mountains of evidence of bad faith for their players but they buy the new one every year.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      that's how sports game people do
      got a buddy who loves those nfl games, buys them over and over
      i will say based on what he told me at least the american football games have rpg elements now where you can make your own characters and teams that level up and create your own plays and playbooks
      soccer games seem real shitty, though
      like even if you love soccer what the hell do they have to offer after 20 versions of the same shit?

  56. 5 months ago

    >hogslop legacy sells more than a Bethesda game
    >resident evil remake sells in the ballpark

  57. 5 months ago

    How the frick did the harry potter game sell so much?

    I haven't heard of anyone talk about it shortly after the release.

  58. 5 months ago

    >Starfield in 3rd place
    Nope, it's dying.

  59. 5 months ago

    banning my OS makes Steam a microtransaction itself. not to mention hogging my processes and power. frick Steam.

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