Total War Shogun 2 Old World overhaul mod

>CA will not change the turn-based map, real-time battles
>CA will make worst games
>modders will make best mods
What is the point of keep buying new games if since Sh2 every new is just a literal 60$ reskin?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Oh frick.
    I rem i was dream about shogun2 with global map like Empire.
    Th man for this ad.

    • 8 months ago

      Your welcome, strategosbro.

      Because only now (the last two years) modders have the means to mod the campaign map. Honestly CA only got this far with their bullshit because the map was hardcoded since Empire TW

      >modders able to mod the campaign map
      >coincidentially, it's the worst year for CA
      I love Karma.

      Shogun 2 was the last game that let you have armies without generals, right? Would be nice to see more mods made in it.

      Not only that, but the generals have proper roles and the family tree works, unlike in Rome 2 (CA just added it because 'looks is like Crusader Kings 2, remember Rome 1?').

      Plus in Shogun 2 is the last game with promotions: some random soldier does well in battle and is recommended to be a new general. Still amaze me how older games feel more organic than new ones, despite tech being more "advanced" now.

      • 8 months ago

        >Still amaze me how older games feel more organic than new ones, despite tech being more "advanced" now.
        It's because Shogun 2 was full of AI problems. The AI would suicide its generals during siege battles, where you beat off their main attack and then they just dismount their generals and get themselves killed because they couldn't retreat, and the worst part is they'd do this en masse - leading to the death of every single general the AI had. In addition, the AI would spam single boat fleets to blockade ports, especially in FOTS.

        The solution? Lobotomize the game's basic mechanics. All armies must have one general, and one general only. The AI can't spam and is less able to suicide. Problem "solved".

        • 8 months ago

          Don't get me wrong, anon. I know that Sh2 wasn't a perfect game, the siege battles and moral were moronic af. But at least, you could feel the sensation of progress and evolution, instead of you having to manually do ALL, like in R2.

          And generals doing suicide attacks fits pretty well with the LAST MAN STANDING. One of the most popular memes back in 2013, when R2 got released, was the ultimate Total War experience being: fighting and surviving against all odds, something that R2 didn't and still doesn't give to players.

          • 8 months ago

            One of the most satisfying battles I ever had was in S2. It was a hard fought castle defense that ended in a defeat. But wave after wave of enemy broke upon our walls until I had only a single ashigaru and samurai left. Not units, singular soldiers. The enemy held outside because the AI probably broke but it made for a kino moment when the only way forward was for the two of them to march out side by side to their inevitable demise.

        • 8 months ago

          >In addition, the AI would spam single boat fleets to blockade ports, especially in FOTS.

          To be fair this is effective psychological warfare against the player.

          • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    Because only now (the last two years) modders have the means to mod the campaign map. Honestly CA only got this far with their bullshit because the map was hardcoded since Empire TW

  3. 8 months ago

    Shogun 2 was the last game that let you have armies without generals, right? Would be nice to see more mods made in it.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah it was the last one.


      For what purpose? Still great news though.

      British Empire 'n sheeet

    • 8 months ago

      Was very sad to see newer games require a general for every army, I really enjoyed having small armies of dragoons/revolver cavalry that could quickly go to where they were needed if there was any trouble nearby.

  4. 8 months ago


    For what purpose? Still great news though.

    • 8 months ago

      At least shit happened in India, who gives a frick about Sub-Saharan africa

    • 8 months ago

      cuz it's part of the "old world"
      Superpower 220 (BC)

  5. 8 months ago

    Going to be a huge task to make all buildings and units to represent faction’s culture

  6. 8 months ago

    fots map looks so ugly tho

  7. 8 months ago

    >includes that much of africa
    easiest way to tell how shit something with a limited scope will be is seeing how much of africa beyond the northern coast and the red sea it includes.

  8. 8 months ago

    >capture Rome
    >World Divided, now every nations from Ireland to the bay of Bengals declare war on you
    What do

    • 8 months ago

      Is git gud possible?

  9. 8 months ago

    Requiring a general for every non-garrison army makes sense historically and anyone that disagrees is a seething moron. You shouldn’t be able to send out 10,000 men with some literal who captain in charge. Leading an army historically required either the support of the state in classical republics or that you were some kind of nobility in the good graces of the kingdom.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but you also don't need a general to command one unit of light cav either. There needs some middle ground so you can recruit from more than one province at a time, which is what historically happened

      • 8 months ago

        Make it so generals can recruit units available in every province but if they’re not in a province with that specific building it takes more turns to get that unit (depending on distance).

      • 8 months ago

        Have the pre general lock system as med2, but as an army grows larger with no general it gets a scaling morale penalty across the board

    • 8 months ago

      >le reddit historical argument for shit game mechanics
      Lmao, "generals" shouldn't be such a relatively rare thing then, gay (and sub-commanders should be generated for free whenever you needed to subdivide any main force) Also, where are my logistics, CA shill?

      • 8 months ago

        Frick CA and frick Reddit
        Since you know so much about them you should go back

      • 8 months ago

        >Also, where are my logistics
        Hegemony Gold

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but you also don't need a general to command one unit of light cav either. There needs some middle ground so you can recruit from more than one province at a time, which is what historically happened

      Order of command when? /s
      Tbh, having every unit have it's little "captain" that you can check/"see" but isn't that important, unless you're trying to hire a new general (or better yet, colonel if they make it possible to have units which aren't the VIP generals, but still give small bonuses on the fields, or propagate the "general" orders) and trying to promote from within.

      • 8 months ago

        This is basically what Medieval I does. Would be nice if a good unit commander provided some modest bonuses to it's unit too.

        • 8 months ago

          I know that people hate on RPG elements in strategy games, but we could have commanders gain perks with veterancy, which would influence (only) their retinue, both as commander and later on as general, such as slower fatigue/ less morale loss/ better accuracy, etc. And his normal unit becoming his retinue on promotion.
          On the flipside, if the general has an amateurish, or decimated retinue, it wouldn't really be any better than just a normal unit, while still being very expensive to maintain.

          This provides actual risk/benefit for using veteran units (in that either the commander, or most of the unit can die) that Romans had when they invented the triarii

          • 8 months ago

            'Member when Total War was all about battles and campaign map just existed as nexus to all battles? I 'member and I want to RETVRN.

            • 8 months ago

              Just set up your own skirmishes.
              Although tbh, I understand that Sieging is too shit to be playable, but having actual soldiers going with you through the ranks for their measly bonuses giving you just the smallest edge instead of painted magical himbos pulled out of children card playing game, making armies unnecessary.

              • 8 months ago

                Wow that's a word filter I haven't triggered for a while. I've forgotten

          • 8 months ago

            that was med 1
            >unit has valor(exp) but it was tracked by a soldier and valor of unit was average of soldier in it, if you lost half the soldiers and rest have average of 4 and you retrained it in province that you could only get same soldier with 0 valor your unit ''lose'' average valor so veterans were valuable
            >unit commanders have its command rating and traits and could die quite easily
            the system was quite messy tbh but it was there

    • 8 months ago

      >cap. take these there companies of militia spearmen and march to reinforce general romanoboo
      >no, can't do general pontoboo, you need march whole army and do a handshake with general romanoboo and then we can leave your army and join his
      >cap take three banners of light cavalry and raid some shit
      >no, can't do general grekoboo, you need to go with us, we can't go without you

  10. 8 months ago

    How did they manage to make this? I thought all the games since Empire had maps that weren't moddable?

    • 8 months ago

      >I thought all the games since Empire had maps that weren't moddable?
      the maps were always moddable, they were just extremely difficult to mod and even now, it will be at best years until we see anything come from these maps if they come at all

    • 8 months ago

      After Shogun 2 CA held a "modding conference" that resulted in the release of tools including a map editor, but it required actual artistic skill compared to M2 tiles and the maps that resulted were total ass.

      I was just thinking the other day how mad it was that it had been ten years and nobody had made anything decent. The map actually looks pretty good, way better than the earlier ones which were almost literally flat featureless planes.

      Now that Attila also has campaign map editing could we finally be seeing the end of M2TW's 30-year stranglehold on the modding community?

      • 8 months ago

        >Now that Attila also has campaign map editing could we finally be seeing the end of M2TW's 30-year stranglehold on the modding community?
        no, because other systems are still cancerous

      • 7 months ago

        >Arbitrarily ending at the Himalayas
        Why though? Surely Atlantic to Pacific is the natural map to give to something called Old World Overhaul.
        Looks good otherwise though.

  11. 8 months ago

    ETA on this mod?

    • 8 months ago


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