Tower of Fantasy

Meryl from Tower of Fantasy (also known as 幻塔).

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Great game. No Satanic magic Babylon the great type sickness. Full on technology fun.

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      what happened?

  3. 2 years ago

    Tower of GOD
    Godly devs culling the masses

  4. 2 years ago

    So the /vg/ generals are unusable due to schizo raiding.
    How are you guys?.

  5. 2 years ago

    I lost interest after a week, back to Sumeru.

    • 2 years ago

      >green mondstadt

      • 2 years ago

        worse, green apple mondstadt
        the cutscenes have reached ridiculous length at this point

  6. 2 years ago

    >All the discords, reddits and youtube for this game are a shitshow of normalgays and genshingays (or both) spreading contradictory misinfo.
    >Even Ganker threads are indistinguishable from reddit.
    There's nowhere to discuss this game, the /vg/ thread is usable even with the pso2g schizo shitting it up but it's mostly newbies asking questions the OP's google doc answers, not much "deeper" discussion going on.

    • 2 years ago

      >All the discords, reddits and youtube for this game are a shitshow of normalgays and genshingays (or both) spreading contradictory misinfo.
      Im not surprised considering this plays exactly like genshin

    • 2 years ago

      What kind of deep discussion do you want?

    • 2 years ago

      its useless to participate in any popular gacha game community, they are all shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm coming here to ask stuff due to this because I think I might have fell for too much misinformation.

      Does the game get actually better? If this sounds like a doompost then it's due to my own ignorance and not any malice on my part since it's more of a cry for help but so far the progression in this game has been fricked with me having to spend ten years farming weapon upgrade mats and I still haven't touched equipment or matrices due to me not having the stamina or gold to upgrade them.

      Haven't been able to progress too far in the Bygone phantasm either due to my gear/equipment/matrices being shit and haven't been able to do wormhole, void rift, frontier clash or joint operations due to the above too.

      Then there's the people saying that the powercreep goes beyond bullshit, that the black crystal/red nucleus gain is nonexistent after you claim your first time rewards, that most of the post-launch characters are must haves if you want to compete, that you need several dupes on your DPS if you want them to be good.

      So, does the game actually get better if I'm F2P or is it just going to be pure suffering if i'm not a day1 player or a whale? I liked the game and thought it was fun but it feels like the game really doesn't want me to play it and keeps gating me with random dumb shit which is really frustrating.

      • 2 years ago

        The game doesn't change much beyond level 30-40+. If you play and already see some glaring problems that you are dissatisfied with, know that it won't suddenly change. Yes the income for F2Ps is lacking for the high content ceiling. Yes dupes and matrixes matter immensely for content outside of Apex (PvP) arena. Yes you do have to, at some point, get used to feeling insufficient by getting carried by others if you are not spending to match or go beyond others.
        For a F2P you have to enjoy the game for the community, not the actual gameplay. If you find the game frustrating already, take my advice and throw in the towel. There is no point in choosing to be unhappy or insufficient. If you are having a good time and have some friends you want to keep playing with, continue enjoying it.

        • 2 years ago

          Is it really that hard for me to build a decent team though? I got shot up to level 50+ and have pretty good SSRs or I thought I did but I feel like absolute shit in every game mode

          • 2 years ago

            I'd say it's not hard but I'm not trying hard either. The game is scales poorly and even worse for new players getting level boosted. You will feel more growth when levels cap but don't be surprised if it doesn't meet your standards for "decent" either.

            • 2 years ago

              My standards would be feeling useful but people brag about their 100+ or 200+ phantasms while I struggle to get past 50 for example or feeling absolutely useless in any level 50 content

              Game should be nicer to people trying to catch up instead of simply telling you to get fricked because you weren't playing since day1

              • 2 years ago

                Use your CS as an indicator for progress instead of level. It's moronic but that's just how it is unfortunately.

          • 2 years ago

            My standards would be feeling useful but people brag about their 100+ or 200+ phantasms while I struggle to get past 50 for example or feeling absolutely useless in any level 50 content

            Game should be nicer to people trying to catch up instead of simply telling you to get fricked because you weren't playing since day1

            CS is your real account level
            stop being a whiny b***h and just do your ruins, the rewards from there are half the CS of even day1 gays

      • 2 years ago

        >Does the game get actually better?
        What you see is what you get, at the end of the day it's an action jrpg, even if it's chinese.
        Yes, skill matters, but stats still remain important.
        The game gets more kinds of content later on, but the core gameplay remains mostly the same.
        >Then there's the people saying that the powercreep goes beyond bullshit,
        Already proven wrong because CN players keep outing themselves as complete morons.
        > that the black crystal/red nucleus gain is nonexistent after you claim your first time rewards
        It slows down but it's hardly nonexistent.
        > that most of the post-launch characters are must haves if you want to compete, that you need several dupes on your DPS if you want them to be good.
        Again, mostly bullshit, but by the point of having 50k+ CS you are going to need some A* dupes on your weapons, there's no way around it but that's end-end-game content.
        >I liked the game and thought it was fun but it feels like the game really doesn't want me to play it and keeps gating me with random dumb shit which is really frustrating.
        Unironically first gacha? Even genshit has content gates and stamina gates.

  7. 2 years ago

    For those that missed it, here's the 2.2 stream VOD without any eceleb homosexualry, it's the raw stream:

  8. 2 years ago

    are they rushing updates with the 1.5 thing?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. The game devs are going into hyperdrive.

      • 2 years ago

        Great, 2.0 might be October or November at this rate.

  9. 2 years ago

    >stealing UI design from Fate
    Could a game get any more pathetic?

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