Triple A capeshit games you're surprised don't exist yet.

Triple A capeshit games you're surprised don't exist yet. With the fad at its peak, why is it that Spider-Man and Batman still get favoritism?

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  1. 2 years ago

    When will we realize superhero games don't always have to be adapted from pre-existing material? Where are the original gaming superheroes?

    • 2 years ago

      >Where are the original gaming superheroes?
      We've done that repeatedly already
      >City of Heroes
      It's not a new concept.

      Doesn't he have that VR game?

      It's VR. Hardly the widespread AAA experience to appeal to a mass market

    • 2 years ago

      >Where are the original gaming superheroes?
      Why hasn't anyone made something like Skyrim but with superheroes? Imagine a huge open world RPG where you create your own superhero with lots of customization in appearance and abilities.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Where are the original gaming superheroes?
      Wonderful 101?

    • 2 years ago

      Like 90% of what people care about with superheroes is their legacy and image.

      • 2 years ago

        Most people playing these games want to hang out with superheroes they like and beat up the supervillains they want to fight (or the other way around). I think they'd be fine making up their own super hero or villain to play as with the powers they want to use.

        They don't want poorly done and poorly written characters that they don't care about. However a high quality game is something they would like, even if it was an original supers universe. High quality AAA studios add that brand name for high quality all on their own so people will believe the game will be well done and well written even without brand name characters.

        It's proven that even relative nobody characters can catch on if done well, so of course a great studio can make their own super characters and succeed.

    • 2 years ago

      Persona 5

    • 2 years ago

      >Wonderful 101
      >Viewtiful Joe
      >Chroma Squad
      >Project G.G.
      People want faces they recognize adapted more than they want original heroes but that doesn't mean there's not OC superhero games. Most of the time they're tokusatsu inspired because those are what the majority of the people wanting to do these OC games grew up with so if you want western comics and not Sentai, Ultraman, or Kamen Rider you're sort of left out of the running.

      >Both Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy flopped.
      That's because both were done by Crystal Dynamics and shitty team games, the former suffering more from GAAS nonsense. As the old saying goes; do one thing well, instead of a lot of things half assed. You know why Spidey was a hit besides name? Solid focus on a hero experience. That's what people are begging for, regardless if its Marvel or DC. That's another reason why Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad both look like ass

      Avengers is fine if you don't get into the loot grind. The story was enjoyable, the characters are fine (Definitive version of Kamala for me personally and seeing any other thing with her throws me way off, especially the current D+ show), they have a lot of good interactions between the cast (Particularly when on the Helicarrier), even though they mostly use robots every single robot has a different moveset with the only real samey moveset being ice/poison gas users between humans and robots, the bosses are pretty good and very aggressive, and the maps are mostly fine but a bit repetitive.

      It's running on fumes and was a mess at launch but if you can enjoy UMA, Marvel Heroes, or Spider-Man FaF I don't understand why you can't get into Avengers when it's basically the same concept just not isometric in the case of the last two. UMA does it better but that doesn't mean it's somehow pure garbage. The GaaS aspect doesn't even matter due to how much premium currency they throw at you and how frequently things are on half off sales. I own like 10ish paid outfits (The most expensive ones mind you) and over 100 or 200 non-paid outfits just from playing normally while still having 1800 paid currency which I'm waiting on Jane Foster to have a half off battle pass sale to get another 800 paid currency for literally just playing the game normally since there's no rush to do anything and the battle pass lasts forever and you earn points forever.

      • 2 years ago

        >Avengers is fine if you don't get into the loot grind.
        Avengers is in no way "Fine". There is no gameplay loop, and their last "Character" was literally just Thor with a chick skin

        • 2 years ago

          >There is no gameplay loop
          The gameplay loop is the exact same as any other loot grinder so I don't get why Diablo 2 or UMA get a pass but Avengers is suddenly called out for it.
          >Level up so you can get higher tier gear so you can grind higher tier enemies for higher tier gear so that you can get better builds to tackle the highest tier content faster.
          >and their last "Character" was literally just Thor with a chick skin
          Yeah, I'm not defending their skeleton crew making an echo character but it was originally supposed to be She-Hulk until they pushed it back. You can even tell Jane Foster was last minute because she only has like seven skins (One paid comic one, the rest battle pass) and a handful of nameplates and emotes when Spidey for one console ecosystem released with like 40 skins, double the amount of nameplates, and double the amount of emotes. The only thing she has a reasonable amount of are takedown animations.

          • 2 years ago

            >The gameplay loop is the exact same as any other loot grinder so I don't get why Diablo 2 or UMA get a pass but Avengers is suddenly called out for it.
            RPGgays will play anything. Avengers is still shit. I fricking bought it unfortunately. It's been TWO FRICKING YEARS and it still feels like a half realized piece of shit. Skeleton crew my ass, thats how it shipped before COVID

            • 2 years ago

              >Skeleton crew my ass, thats how it shipped before COVID
              Except even before Covid it was getting bigger updates than it is now. Their definition of an update is a minor UI overhaul, adding in a post-story tutorial, or adding in the Shipment system. Like I said,even during Covid Spidey released with like 4x the content that Jane Foster did and so did Black Panther and Kate Bishop and Hawkeye. Notice how all the updates since around Spidey have just been four events on rotation and the tutorial update?

              • 2 years ago

                Bro you're not going to spin this. There's no excuse for that game. None. The only thing it did well was character control. The game is fundamentally flawed, and serves as a vehicle to sell skins

              • 2 years ago

                >The game is fundamentally flawed
                It is only fundamentally flawed with regards to how the vast majority of enemies are robots, the way they reuse map bits and call the map a new map, and ranged being significantly better than melee combat. The vast majority of flaws you can levy at it in terms of gameplay loop or how progression works in general can be levied at fan beloved games like Diablo 2 and the entire UMA series but no one bats an eye at those.

                The GaaS aspect of it sucks complete ass and I am in total agreement but it's literally just cosmetics (70% of which you get for free without even looking at paid currency) and even if you want paid content it's on discount virtually every week. You get around 6000+ paid currency and the most a skin costs is 700 when on sale and that's only if you want MCU stuff or like the four comic outfits that even exist. They're typically more in the 350 range.

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, seriously. Shut the frick up. Robots or no, there's no fun to be had here. There's no reward, no accomplishment, just empty maps with tedious objectives. The only thing that's going to tickle an autistic player is stat number bullshit with worthless gear that ultimately doesnt matter

              • 2 years ago

                Well yeah, that's typically what happens after you clear all the main story content in a game based around loot. That's literally where the fun comes for people who play Diablo or UMA, seeing how they can raise their characters. I don't care for the loot grind either but I like dicking around with characters and at least getting them to 50 while earning Units for skins.

                I'm disappointed in the game because of the lack of new content despite being a GaaS, not because of the actual gameplay. Well, I'm kind of disappointed in the gameplay because Hulk and Captain America suck absolute ass.

  2. 2 years ago

    Doesn't he have that VR game?

  3. 2 years ago

    Spider-Man and Batman are THE superheroes, so it makes sense they get favoritism. I don't get what we haven't gotten a good Superman game yet, can they really not think of a way to make him not invincible?

    • 2 years ago

      There's like a half dozen things that can hurt Superman, that's not the issue. The real problem are controls and the Y-Axis flight. Some guy did a proof of concept

      What I'm more confused about is why Iron Man doesn't get more games given the similar likeness/mechanics in other games

      Most DC heroes (thankfully Wonder Woman is finally getting a game). Imagine a game based on Green Lantern

      I hope Wonder Woman is good. It encourages WB to make Flash, Superman, and of course Green Lantern projects.

      • 2 years ago

        I think devs are afraid to give the player unlimited flight
        And any superman game where I don't get to fly freely is not worth playing. Same with Iron Man

        • 2 years ago

          You can admittedly hard reset Iron Man and build back up his arsenal. Just strand him in a 3rd world country with a busted suit, have Mandarin control the region, and play it like Far Cry where Tony steals scraps to constantly upgrade his suit inside a cave/safehouse.

          But you're right, Superman is another story. In most games you section off certain areas until milestones in the story. The only way you're doing that with Supes is with forcefields, but then the player is stuck inside a small sandbox. Then again Spider-Man did fine with all of New York, so maybe it isn't that big of an issue?

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe seperate the world into sectors (ie. Metropolis, Smallville, some other cities/countries, the Moon or an alien planet)

      • 2 years ago

        I hope it's good too. Honestly shocked they didn't greenlight it sooner since the movie was the first of the DCEU to not be polarizing or poorly received

    • 2 years ago

      There are tons of things that can hurt him and tons of things that can reduce his power levels. It's piss simple to think of a game reason why Superman getting hit by a man with a space gun makes sense. Like anon said, all you need to do is make a way that feels good and fun to fight as Superman.

    • 2 years ago

      Just give give him a health bar. Invincible characters like Hulk and Wolverine can die in videogames and nobody gives a shit but when it's Superman everyone suddenly overthinks it.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Frickin injustice had twenty “invulnerable” characters who got their shit pushed in all the time. Who gives a shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope the new Wolverine game is filled with gore.

      • 2 years ago

        This. If Logan doesn’t shred people I’m not interested

      • 2 years ago

        This. If Logan doesn’t shred people I’m not interested

        Confirmed M rating

        >Flash game
        >in 2022
        Flash has been dead for over a year now anon, it's time to let go

        This joke is as dead as Flash Player, anon

      • 2 years ago

        the only gore you are going to get is from robots and random monsters like that star wars game, logan is going to be bonking everyone else with his claws and maybe some scenes showing his healing factor

        • 2 years ago

          Again, they were given the M rating. You don't have to worry about that nonsense

  4. 2 years ago

    capeshit fad peak was with endgame, it's been 3 years already

    • 2 years ago

      r d j
      r d j
      r d j

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah RDJ making Iron Man a household name and bumping him up from B lister makes the lack of games all the more puzzling. The closest thing we ever got was movie tie-ins

        • 2 years ago

          well, there was the data east arcade game
          i always played as either ironman or hawk
          the original ironman comics were boring beyond the novelty of a robot suit
          you'd think japs would love that shit tho, but apparently not since it doesn't involve little kids

          • 2 years ago

            See I'm shocked Insomniac went with Wolverine over Iron Man after Spidey. You would think the whole gadget hero thing would appeal to them more after Ratchet & Clank. We'll see how Wolverine turns out.

            I hope it's good too. Honestly shocked they didn't greenlight it sooner since the movie was the first of the DCEU to not be polarizing or poorly received

            I'm just concerned about the dev, Monolith. Mordor games felt half realized and a glorified gimmick

            • 2 years ago

              I'm glad they went with Wolverine. I want good X-Men content. I'm just glad we're over that trash cold war phase Disney pulled for some years, shunning the X-Men from everywhere in a fit cause of Fox not selling the movie rights back

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but now we're stuck with Krakoa bullshit that won't end.

                >Mordor games
                Oh well now I'm envisioning a game where Wonder Woman brainwashes all the villains will her bondage powers to help her fight.
                I think ultimately it just needs to obfuscate the fact you're doing nothing with the appearance you're doing a lot. Having a crowded enough city where you look like you're narily avoiding cars and buildings, the flutter of your cape in wind, just going so fricking fast. I think you can definitely make it feel impactful and fun rather than you impotently floating about the screen

                Actually I like the gimmick, assuming Nemesis System is involved in some form, is Diana using the lasso to BREAK mind control over people since her lasso can do that given the truth nature of it

            • 2 years ago

              >Mordor games
              Oh well now I'm envisioning a game where Wonder Woman brainwashes all the villains will her bondage powers to help her fight.

              Spider-Man's web slinging is inherently a fantastic mechanic for both combat and traversal, this is why he works when put into a competent video game.

              The problem with characters like Iron Man and Superman, who can fly unimpeded, is that it's boring. You're not interacting with the terrain like Spider-Man does, you're not looking for ledges and structures that allow you to power leap or web zip to gain faster speed, you're just flying around it all. You're, in a sense, avoiding it.

              I think ultimately it just needs to obfuscate the fact you're doing nothing with the appearance you're doing a lot. Having a crowded enough city where you look like you're narily avoiding cars and buildings, the flutter of your cape in wind, just going so fricking fast. I think you can definitely make it feel impactful and fun rather than you impotently floating about the screen

            • 2 years ago

              I haven't played them but I'm hoping the best for the game for now at least

              • 2 years ago

                The problem with the Mordor games is the hyper focus on the nemesis system to the point where everything else in the game suffers. Side missions, collectibles, fortress raids, all of it feels phoned in to me. I hope they don't do that for Wonder Woman. In fact I'm hoping for full on fanservice with kangaroos and the Wonder Dome

                The same thing can be said about Green Arrow, and making a game about him shouldn't be too hard since you got early Assassin's Creed you can use them as a reference
                Flashpoint still lets you play old Flash games and animations.

                Trick arrows alone warrant a Green Arrow game (frick that show too). How many bow games do we have already?

      • 2 years ago

        Why has his career stagnated so fast after leaving the MCU. Its been 3 years and he has only prominently appeared in that shitty Dr. Dolittle reboot. What even happened with that Sherlock Holmes 3 they promised eons ago?

        • 2 years ago

          he actually seems to want to duck out of movies and have depp star as holmes in his place
          he's got his own thing he's doing about going green or environment stuff or whatever

  5. 2 years ago

    Most DC heroes (thankfully Wonder Woman is finally getting a game). Imagine a game based on Green Lantern

  6. 2 years ago

    Free flight is too op to create satisfying level design around

  7. 2 years ago

    If Anthem is anything to go by, a modern Iron Man game would suck

  8. 2 years ago

    Nobody gives a shit about Iron Man if he's not RDJ.

    • 2 years ago

      because the comics are either boring or they make him god mode in being able to build literally anything, so they have to pretend to knock him down some pegs and make him occasionally job just to compensate and he isn't as handsome as rdj
      he is like a jojo character in that sense

  9. 2 years ago

    Just Cause 3 with the DLC is the best Iron Man game. Less than 40% of the players got the DLC though so there is tons of people who missed it.

  10. 2 years ago

    Where's my not shit Aquaman game Battle for Atlantis was garbage, they tried with the combos but everything else was just not good enough

    His movie made a billion dollars for fricks sake, although a lot of that money came from the combination of extremely attractive male lead and extremely attractive female lead, what game studio will be willing to do the same

    • 2 years ago

      >and extremely attractive female lead
      t. eve barlow

      • 2 years ago

        Well an extremely attractivly dressed female lead

  11. 2 years ago

    Does it really matter whatever you want isn't getting games? Capeshit games, like all action games, must be the dullest, most boring button mashers now, the culture just isn't there anymore.

  12. 2 years ago

    Spider-Man's web slinging is inherently a fantastic mechanic for both combat and traversal, this is why he works when put into a competent video game.

    The problem with characters like Iron Man and Superman, who can fly unimpeded, is that it's boring. You're not interacting with the terrain like Spider-Man does, you're not looking for ledges and structures that allow you to power leap or web zip to gain faster speed, you're just flying around it all. You're, in a sense, avoiding it.

    • 2 years ago

      How about a Flash game then? He can auto-parkour like Spidey does, run up buildings, hurricane hands to cushion his fall, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        it would be nice but the running would have to be pretty good so it actually feels like the flash

  13. 2 years ago

    Has God of War improved or lessened the odds of a based Thor game from happening?

  14. 2 years ago

    I get that Flash isn't that popular, but making a Flash game shouldn't be a hard thing now that we have references of games having a fast running character. I mean, how hard is it making a Flash game that plays like Sonic?

    • 2 years ago

      Actually I'd argue Flash is a household name thanks to the CW show (even if it is garbage). Still a Flash game would be dope

      • 2 years ago

        The same thing can be said about Green Arrow, and making a game about him shouldn't be too hard since you got early Assassin's Creed you can use them as a reference

        >Flash game
        >in 2022
        Flash has been dead for over a year now anon, it's time to let go

        Flashpoint still lets you play old Flash games and animations.

        • 2 years ago

          I can see a Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter game working. Superman can with a good bit of work. Green Lantern would be really hard to pull off, same with Flash.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon Martian Manhunter is more broken than Superman. Flash is totally doable

          • 2 years ago

            For Green Lantern I'd go with the idea of either unlocking a lot of ring shit quickly as the game goes along and maybe the more you use certain powers the more it varies, or just have a lot of shit available from the beginning and let the player experiment as much as they want.
            Make it so constructs can be

            I was imagining something level based with all levels being kinda sandboxy and having missions like "Destroy 4 weather machines", "Stop the tornado" or "Defend [location] from aliens"

            quickselected on the D-Pad but also a button that allows you to go to a larger menu.
            Basically just big dumb aerial and space battles all around and let the player have fun with whatever constructs they want.
            The only static controls would probably be a simple shield and the tractor button that just lets you grab and throw shit.

            • 2 years ago

              The boxing glove is the only move you need
              There should be an achievement for beating the game with it and it only it

    • 2 years ago

      >Flash game
      >in 2022
      Flash has been dead for over a year now anon, it's time to let go

    • 2 years ago

      Triple A capeshit games you're surprised don't exist yet. With the fad at its peak, why is it that Spider-Man and Batman still get favoritism?

      Biggest issue about superhero genre is scale and destructibility. Bat and Spider are street/city level heroes, they are not extremely fast, nor powerful. Chuck em into okayish New York reproduction, make sure combat has enough wow bing bing wahoo effects and everything falls into place. Supe and Flash on other side just won't work in comfortable corridors and rooms. They are way too fast and require unique level design to feel good and stay true to the source material. And no, Sonic framework being 3d platformer game in general doesn't support drop in Flash model replacement.

      • 2 years ago

        I was imagining something level based with all levels being kinda sandboxy and having missions like "Destroy 4 weather machines", "Stop the tornado" or "Defend [location] from aliens"

      • 2 years ago

        >. Bat and Spider are street/city level heroes, they are not extremely fast, nor powerful
        You know jack shit about Spider-Man, anon. How can you even say that?

        • 2 years ago

          It's relative, you dumbo. Super and Flash are more or less fricking cosmic powers incarnate, we are at another power scale. Spider's immediate physical destruction potential is at city block at most, Super can chuck whole planet in the sun. And in visual media available there is a certain cemented image of how spidey moves/fights and how super fights. Managing to stay true to it is what important, you can always make some bullshit topdown marvel ultimate alliance beatem up, but that won't bring the feel of more powerful heroes to the player.

          • 2 years ago

            Flash can, and has been, shot by a regular ass bullet. Half a dozen things can hurt Superman. Flash does not have super strength or enhanced durability, Spider-Man does.

            I don't know what you're on about

  15. 2 years ago

    I'm not a fan of capeshit but I'm genuinely surprised that there doesn't seem to be that many big budget Marvel games to match how many movies and tv shows they're pumping out these days. I mean I get video games are a harder market to break into but compared to how hard capeshit dominated movie theatres and now streaming services it is a bit odd to see the difference

    • 2 years ago

      Both Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy flopped. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was a moderate success. Only Spiderman was a big hit. Games are just not as sure proof market for capeshit it seems. In TV and Movies almost anything they do gives big returns, regardless of quality

      • 2 years ago

        Forgot to say, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite also flopped

      • 2 years ago

        >Both Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy flopped.
        That's because both were done by Crystal Dynamics and shitty team games, the former suffering more from GAAS nonsense. As the old saying goes; do one thing well, instead of a lot of things half assed. You know why Spidey was a hit besides name? Solid focus on a hero experience. That's what people are begging for, regardless if its Marvel or DC. That's another reason why Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad both look like ass

        • 2 years ago

          GotG was really good tho

    • 2 years ago

      Marvel license can be a b***h and a half. The mouse requires a lot of money just for a limited-term license to begin with, and is very fricking demanding on top of that.
      Pre-mouse Marvel I guess was a lot easier to work with.

  16. 2 years ago

    Lets ask the real questions. Could a Fantastic 4 game work? Would it be particularly difficult to develop?

    • 2 years ago

      No reason why it couldn't work
      Human Torch may be a slight issue buy give him a flame resource for his power use it's not like he's invincible.
      Reed could be used for some kinds of puzzles, the thing is just a basic heavyweight brawler and I guess Sue could also do some puzzles with the force fields and such.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel like F4 is just going to be Avengers 2.0

        • 2 years ago

          The sadly live service game? I was thithey could just do sow kind of bamham clone

          The problem with the Mordor games is the hyper focus on the nemesis system to the point where everything else in the game suffers. Side missions, collectibles, fortress raids, all of it feels phoned in to me. I hope they don't do that for Wonder Woman. In fact I'm hoping for full on fanservice with kangaroos and the Wonder Dome
          Trick arrows alone warrant a Green Arrow game (frick that show too). How many bow games do we have already?

          Bows are a woman's weapon now. Lara, Aloy, what's her name in hungers game.

          • 2 years ago

            *thinking they
            Please point and laugh

          • 2 years ago

            Oh please, you'd play a game with Ollie.
            >Boxing Glove Arrow
            >Freezing Arrow
            >Exploding Arrow
            >Bola Arrow
            >Taser Arrow

            • 2 years ago

              I'd play an Arrow/Hawkeye game in a heartbeat.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but does Hawkeye have a boxing glove arrow? Didn't think so

              • 2 years ago

                Please like we would get a fun arrow game and not a gritty reboot

              • 2 years ago

                There's nothing gritty about Oliver Queen. The show is horseshit

          • 2 years ago

            Bows have and will always be a man's weapon. Just because popular female characters have used them doesn't change the fact most famous archers are men.

    • 2 years ago

      Hero games with multiple superpowers run the risk of being unfocused messes or just boring but FF could work with a hyperfocused dev.

  17. 2 years ago

    I haven't played Anthem but from all the trailers I've seen it looks like the perfect template for how an Iron Man game should play. I played Iron Man 2 for the 360 and it wasn't that great but I'd be totally interested if a decent dev was put in charge.

  18. 2 years ago

    >why is it that Spider-Man and Batman still get favoritism?
    Because their powers/gadgets allow for a great degree of gameplay possibilities while the heroes themselves aren't too overpowered so it makes sense that they can die by conventional means. You can't have Superman die because he got shot too many times.

    • 2 years ago

      Spider-Man is overpowered as shit and by your own logic Iron Man should have a AAA game by now

  19. 2 years ago

    An iron man game could be a lot of fun if you leaned real hard into the armor customization aspect.

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