
>Friend new to the game is confused about a rule
>Explain it to him
>Doesn't believe it (because it's not convenient for him right now)
>Open the rule book and show him the exact rule
>Other friend suggests emailing the """ developers""" (publisher)
>1 week later some intern gives the shortest answer possible so he can get lunch
>"See anon! I'm right!"
>Now have to play forever with the wrong rule that objectively makes the game worse just because one friend couldn't accept a minor inconvenience once

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      No idea what you responded to but that looks delicious.

  2. 3 months ago

    What's the rule though

    • 3 months ago

      Short rests in DND, friend was playing a warlock with Devil's Sight and Darkness and wanted 5 minute short rests.

      • 3 months ago

        What did the email say

        • 3 months ago

          "Short rests can be 5 minutes long if the group thinks it would be more fun"

          • 3 months ago

            So the email said they're wrong? Can be if X means that they aren't.

            • 3 months ago

              But he thinks 5 minute short rests would be more fun and the others aren't saying anything about it. And I can't kick him out because he owns the house we play in.

              • 3 months ago

                Allow it. When the player tries to do something that the rule as you see it would make impossible, they fail. You don't roll in the open, right? Anyway, try to not be too hard on him. Give him opportunities to do something else when it fails instead of giving him full consequences right there and then.

              • 3 months ago

                Then suck it up you fricking doormat. Either defend your beliefs or fricking roll over, don't whine to a bunch of Internet strangers about it.

              • 3 months ago

                Okay. So leave. You don't sound any good to play with anyway, you turboautist.

              • 3 months ago

                >I can't kick him out because he owns the house we play in
                This makes the story infinitely more funny.

              • 3 months ago

                you've never kicked somebody out of their own house? you a b***h or something?

              • 3 months ago

                >the cuck shed is listed as 3 bed/2 bath on Zillow
                Get a load of this nerd.

              • 3 months ago

                Short rests should be 5-15 minutes instead of an hour, because so much replenishes on short rest. Warlocks also have dogshit spell slots, they need short rests to even be useful outside of lol eldritch blast.

                Furthermore, short rests being 5-15 minutes is a direct buff to martials, as almost all martial abilities replenish on short rest.

                So while the moron is still a moron, a broken clock is right twice a day and there are even Variant Rules in the DMG (page 267) that give 5 minute short rests and 1 hour long rests. By taking the short rest from that and keeping the 8 hour long rest, you really do end up with a more balanced and fun game.

          • 3 months ago

            based developer knowing rule 0. remember, it is all play pretend.

          • 3 months ago

            Poor fricker did not know that such a concept is alien to a /tg/ troony

          • 3 months ago

            >be DM
            >read the written rule
            >decide on written rule
            >enforce the written rule
            What's the problem?

            • 3 months ago

              I know this is bait, but the problem tends to be that the ruling happens after the players invested something into making this ruling happen and now they've lost what they put in. they spent their resources with another ruling in mind and now they can't back and change their play with the new ruling in mind. Most of the time they're still in the wrong though because the moment you sit down to play your iq halves and having that little cardboard screen Infront of you doubles your ego

      • 3 months ago

        who gets assblasted about a rule like short rest enough to email somebody about it lmfao your friends are fricking losers

      • 3 months ago

        There's your problem

      • 3 months ago

        But he thinks 5 minute short rests would be more fun and the others aren't saying anything about it. And I can't kick him out because he owns the house we play in.

        Five Minute Short and One Hour Long Rests are literally in the DMG. Page 267. I think it coddles the magic users but frick it's not like we're talking about a house rule here. Even if it was, assuming you're a player; you're outvoted. Deal with it.

        • 3 months ago

          >one player votes for it
          >the others don't say anything
          >outvoted the GM

      • 3 months ago

        The following is justified because Warlocks like THAT GUY draw plenty of heat from various astral & ethereal critters.

        From now on, because your player is a DICK, *every* time THAT GUY decides on taking a "Short Rest" you have to roll the "Short Rest Check" (described as follows):

        The Warlock rolls 2d6: if both dice score the same number (e.g.: "snake-eyes" or "box-cars"), then the Warlock is able to achieve a Short Rest; otherwise, calculate the absolute difference between the pair of dice by subtracting the lower of the two from the higher one (e.g.: 6-1=5; 1 & 6 yield a difference of 5)... reference this difference on the following chart:

        1. Warlock's patron/matron troubles him with nightmares; it still counts as a Short Rest, but the player must choose to forgo *one* benefit of taking a Short Rest (such as not recovering from fatigue, not healing, or not recharging a particular ability).

        2. As above, but *two* chosen benefits of Short Rest are not gained.

        3. The nightmares are terrifying; choose *three* failed benefits of Short Rest.

        4. The nightmares are too much; this does not count as a Short Rest.

        5. The nightmares are truly horrific: not only does this not count as a Short Rest: the Warlock actually suffers some problem (forgetting a memorized spell if that's their jam, losing today's application of a Daily Ability, losing Hit Points, whatever -- just wing it).

        6. The Warlock's taint has drawn attention: the party is ATTACKED while the Warlock attempts a Short Rest (but the Warlock is unable to rouse himself from the state of catatonia unless he passes a Wisdom Check at -2 if an ally yells at him to wake up, -1 if an ally physically shakes him, or -0 if he is damaged).

        Then tell your player that YOU are the GM, and YOUR rule is LAW.

        • 3 months ago

          good solution
          how would they ever get attacked rolling 2d6

    • 3 months ago

      Actual OP here

      It was about the quest for el dorado board game

      The local guide card lets you move onto a space regardless of the movement requirement with the exception of mountain tiles.

      The danger tiles in the dangers and muisca expansion have the rule that you're not allowed to end your turn on them.

      Now, looking at these two together it's pretty obvious that the local guide doesn't allow you to ignore the danger rule of danger tiles as this has nothing to do with paying the movement cost. But my buddy disagreed. Showed in the rule book and in big red letters it literally says "You are NEVER allowed to end your turn on a danger tile" and to hammer the point home that is even followed by "if another player may move your character they cannot move you onto a danger tile". Just to make it clear that nobody may ever be inactive on a danger tile.

      But apparently we gotta mail the local intern about this

      None of this happened. Nobody on /tg/ plays games

  3. 3 months ago


    sounds like you need a different table

    • 3 months ago

      Jesus Christ you newbie.

  4. 3 months ago

    Grow some balls, b***h.

  5. 3 months ago

    Actual op here

    The rule was about eating in bed, it was concerning our mid-session nap and the player in question was eating pizza in bed when the house rules explicitly prohibit it
    He emailed my mum (the "dev" (she lives with me (she technically owns the house*~~ who replied " idgaf, how did you get my email, never contact me again"
    Now that player argues my rule about not eating in bed is invalid as the true master (or mistress) of the household does not sanction it and furthermore a mattress topper on the floor with a pillow and a blanket doesn't count as a "bed"

  6. 3 months ago

    Never ever give an hinch to unreasonable autists, you should have simply said to him "no, stick with RAW as it is written in this book i paid good money for or pick another game of your liking homosexual"
    >Inb4 b-but he's a friend!
    If you can't jestly act rude with your friend then he isn't such to begin with.

  7. 3 months ago

    Man, if only there were a way to avoid this.

  8. 3 months ago


    Nothing wrong with a recurring NPC gag, but this is too moronic for words. Find another table. I wouldn't be able to bare that shit more than twice. That name. That weird sexual thing. Frick it, you're the only one in the right here.
    My group had a lot of moronic shit, like that hobo Call of Cthulhu character that used an old sock for everything, like putting coins in it to beat people up, but we were fricking 10yo and it was a horror-comedy type of adventure. And it's just a recurring joke, the character never actually shows up for real in our later games, we just bring him up sometimes in OOC conversations for nostalgia fun.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, it's literal pasta.

    • 3 months ago

      Teehee Macaroni filters another homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      the post you're replying to is deleted, and I still knew exactly which pasta you were replying 10 words into your post.

      • 3 months ago

        So did I. Believe it or not, was thinking about Macaroni just a day or so ago.
        Why it was deleted though?

  9. 3 months ago

    >Looking to join a game
    >Every time someone posts that they are looking for players, the spots are filled and taken in less than 3 minutes if system is popular.
    >Have to apply to tons of different games while either filling forms, or have to type fast asking if i can join, like if it was a job interview.
    >If it is a slightly niche game, there is usually no games going on for years.
    >Whetevers the case, even if im in, people constantly reschedule, or something shitty happens to me at the last second to the point i have to skip the session
    >If enough sessions are skipped, like 3 or 4, game is cancelled or get politely asked to leave "if i have no interest in playing anymore".

    • 3 months ago

      Just play in person with friends you sperg.

      • 3 months ago

        This. Spend the effort spend on applying for games on socialising and networking.

  10. 3 months ago

    >They don't know OP is actually the El Dorado guy and that his situation did happen but he made it more exciting to get internet points
    My buddy hasn't gotten a mail back from the publisher and I dread that the publisher will get it wrong because they don't care to open the manual.

  11. 3 months ago

    >friend brings her boyfriend over

    • 3 months ago

      >teehee of course I'll trade three wheat for one sheep babe
      >actually, it's on the house
      > Dave, this makes her build last city. To ten points. You will lose.
      >Well if she wins it's sort of like I win tho

      • 3 months ago

        I can't imagine couples like this. My girlfriend puts 100% of her effort into sabotaging me in any boardgame we play, and I do the same to her

        • 3 months ago

          My wife and I have no qualms being at each others throats when gunning for victory, but we have played with couples that can't bear the thought of interfering with each other. We ended a game of carcassone where the gf was in last place, I looked to take it, and she went >wellll if i have to do *something* I'll place the tile where it helps hubby.
          That final turn won him the game. I was livid. It is cancerous and we do not invite those people anymore.

          • 3 months ago

            My wife would kill me if I kingmade her. We only play cooperative games because it bothers her that me teaching her how to play in competitive games is technically giving her an unfair advantage.

            • 3 months ago

              how is knowing the rules of the game an unfair advantage?

              • 3 months ago

                It's not the teaching and learning the rules itself that's the advantage. It's that in me doing so I am handicapping myself and giving her insight she wouldn't normally have. I said technically, because it's a non-issue. But she perceives it as unfair.

          • 3 months ago

            why is some dumb game more important to you than friendships with human beings?

            • 3 months ago

              The game provides more opportunity for interesting interactions and novel experiences than most human beings.

          • 3 months ago

            Games that allow you to target specific players are the only thing that's cancerous

            • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                I pity you if you don't like games with actually good interaction between players

            • 3 months ago

              I pity you if you don't like games with actually good interaction between players

              Hard agree.
              The hard truth of board games is that fricking each other over just isn't fun.
              Games are better when everyone is working towards their own victory instead of trying to bring each other down.
              Player interaction is fine, and fricking each other over indirectly is also fun (like grabbing limited resources) but any rule that only exists to frick someone else over is anti-fun.

        • 3 months ago

          >Couple claims this
          >They never actually inconvenience each other in a meaningful way, and one partner wins 90% of sessions

          Seen this shit before

          • 3 months ago

            That's just either of them being a simpleton. I love my wife and she really enjoys boardgames but goddamn she can't think beyond right now. I used to play mtg and did kitchen desk games with her, only decks she could wrap her around were "summon big beatstick".

      • 3 months ago

        I can't imagine couples like this. My girlfriend puts 100% of her effort into sabotaging me in any boardgame we play, and I do the same to her

        I've known both types of person.
        In the same couple even.

      • 3 months ago

        It's the best when it's some giga autist game like Twilight Imperium. The amount of seething I witnessed over this was glorious.

        • 3 months ago

          Surely that game is too big to argue over. I would feel guilty setting up all those pieces just to start a bit of mischief...

          >everyone arrives minimum two hours before session start time
          >serve dinner
          >chat and catch up on each others' lives while eating, all in the pre-session period
          It's that easy.

          I don't want chicken on my chasseurs

          I mean. I understand wanting some snacks during the session. A bowl of potato chips or something. Just, can you please not eat it all at once? I don't mind having to refill it once or even twice. But nobody want to sit next to a fricking pig.

          Passive aggressive snacks are good, like celery/carrots and hummus or berries. Just for the moment of sheer terror in the eyes if the fattyfat before the soothing relief of hearing you pour out some corn chips...

          • 3 months ago

            I arrived early for a different game when they were just wrapping TI up (after like 6 hours) and one of them was real upset over claiming the gf of another play was just a resource feed. After they left the conversation kept on for a while going as far as them debating whether the gf even had her own thoughts or her boyfriend just manipulates her every move.
            On related note, the dude who accused the couple spent 8 hours of a TI game (the one and only I ever played) trying to extort me for resources.

          • 3 months ago

            If you're gonna do healthy snacks just skip celery. Everyone hates that shit.
            Cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, berries, and bell pepper is where it's at.

            • 3 months ago
              New Game Group

              Checked, trips of truth
              >celery is a filler

              • 3 months ago

                Literally why would anyone eat celery when cucumber exists and tastes 2000 times better?

              • 3 months ago
                New Game Group

                I can only think of two.
                >bone/meat broths

                This is now a vegetable hate thread.

          • 3 months ago

            Why would eating dinner, presumably in the dining room, result in you having chicken on your shoes?

      • 3 months ago

        I only play solo and never have to politick to have sex with myself.

    • 3 months ago

      The prescence of non-players will always ruin games. Normies don't have the ability to entertain themselves, all they can do is project energy outwards. And even if they're not purposefully trying to wreck things to get more time with their SO they'll think it's okay to interrupt constantly because "it's just a game".

      • 3 months ago

        It is just a game you lame nerd. Take a shower.

      • 3 months ago

        Friend's wife literally destroyed my campaign this way with honey do bullshit and then freaking out when he didn't snap to it fast enough.

        And she was one of the women I actually respect. Works as an engineer, loves history and fantasy novels, etc. Definitely did not expect her to refuse to even try playing much less totally destroy the game on a whim.

        Now I have a based disability NEET with a townhouse from his aunt hosting our games so there was a silver lining I suppose.

  12. 3 months ago

    >Get labled a rules lawyer for knowing the rules
    >Even tho my friends are the ones rules lawyering by trying to twist the rules in their favor
    >The intern at the publisher always gives them the right of way because saying "yes :)" to an email is faster than saying "no because..."

  13. 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    Assuming this is a roleplaying game, the GM decides the rules.

    • 3 months ago

      No, it's a board game. It actually was El Dorado all along and I lied when I said I was lying.

  15. 3 months ago

    You guys have wives?

    • 3 months ago

      And children.
      The board games general is riddled with them.

  16. 3 months ago

    I'm scared of water

  17. 3 months ago

    >You get called a rules lawyer for knowing the rules and calling out out when they're being broken
    >Player is constantly on his phone and doesn't pay attention to what is happening
    >Player is constantly on her phone and has to show everyone the stupid meme/video/article they found
    >Players are ganging up on you
    >Two players are obviously working together
    >Player prefers fricking with others over actually winning
    >Player eats all the food like a fricking pig
    >Player knocks over drink and ruins your entire set
    >Player only plays if there is alcohol
    >Player has to take a smoke break every 30 minutes
    >Player has to shit/piss every 30 minutes
    >Player gets depressed when they're losing and will mope about it
    >Player treats game night as his therapy session

    • 3 months ago

      >Player gets upset when you point out they keep nudging their minis every time they move them in a competitive game
      >Player claims you did not point out a rule that inconveniences them while teaching the game

  18. 3 months ago

    Is it too much ask for people to eat before the game starts and then go 4-5 hours without eating? I don't want to listen to crunching/slurping noise or have people getting grease on my miniatures and books.

    We're all adults here, we shouldn't be getting grumpy because we didn't have a snack like toddlers.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean. I understand wanting some snacks during the session. A bowl of potato chips or something. Just, can you please not eat it all at once? I don't mind having to refill it once or even twice. But nobody want to sit next to a fricking pig.

    • 3 months ago

      >everyone arrives minimum two hours before session start time
      >serve dinner
      >chat and catch up on each others' lives while eating, all in the pre-session period
      It's that easy.

  19. 3 months ago

    >Decided to GM during a session with a few morons a few months back during an event
    >A bit of a newbie with the rulebook but I try to learn what I need as fast as possible to run things since nobody wants to GM in the table
    >Across the table sits a tiktok b***h who can't be bothered to put her phone down for just a second
    >Her stupid cuck of a boyfriend
    >An anorexic weeb with a receding hairline that's already on the middle of his hear and the guy is like 25 at most
    >A fat frick who's brain seems to be made out of lard
    >And a guy who unironically tries to do the anime glasses thing constantly
    >Adventure begins and I'm already noticing several things wrong with the character sheets
    >Weeb wants to play as his lust oc and keeps moaning because I keep telling him that this is a medieval setting and we're not playing the game with whatever the frick he was suggesting
    >Titktok b***h picks a human priestess with pretty shit stats, she takes ages coming up with it too because again, the fricking phone
    >Her boyfriend, the most stereotypical redditor I've ever seen picks a dwarf warrior, constantly moans as well if his moronic girlfriend doesn't get what she wants, constantly moaning about my decisions
    >Lard brain picks an orc barbarian, also takes ages to come up with a character sheet, not sure why he also didn't have one ready before this
    >Anime glasses already had one for his character, an elf rouge, pretty solid stats and a fairly over the top background story which he elaborates over time
    >Adventure begins and I try to explain the setting and starting location, an old rundown prison were the characters wake up in with no signs of how they got there
    >Had a cool story prepared for that place that would involve the larger plot
    >Barely an hour into the adventure the morons have ignored me constantly
    >About 3 hours in they got on each others throats and caused enough of a ruckus to get me banned from the event even though I was quiet during all of their bickering

    • 3 months ago

      This sounds like an episode of Friends. An actual diverse table in terms of people or personalities, kind of funny.

      These days you just get Rosses talking to Rosses on /Ross/ and Rachels hanging out with Rachels etc.

  20. 3 months ago

    I have two couples at my table and they never pull the "teehee let me help you win" shit, which is nice. Actually, one of the women actively fricks over her boyfriend at every opportunity. They both lose almost constantly because he's usually dead and she's spent all her resources or actions on suboptimal moves. They seem to think it's funny, but I know the rest of the table thinks it's weird.

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