>try to play any rpg that isnt 5e at the LGS. >"sorry sir, we don't carry that here.

>try to play any rpg that isnt 5e at the LGS
>"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
>try to play any card game that isn't MTG at LGS
>"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
>try to play any wargame that isn't 40k at LGS
>"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
>try to play earlier editions of 40k at LGS
>"sorry sir, we only sell the latest edition rules. you need to play 10th edition to play here"
>try to play epic armageddon 30k with LI models bought from the LGS
>"sorry sir, you need to use the LI rules to play here. also you have printed land raiders in your army...you can't use those here"

Is my LGS moronic or am I the butthole in this situation?

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  1. 5 months ago

    I don't know any FLGS like this. Yours is bad.
    I walked into one I've not been to before, the other day, the owner talked my ear off for an hour and now we play StarGrave.

  2. 5 months ago

    My LGS let's you play whatever, they just charge you 10 dollars to rent a table. And obviously you can't rent a table during tournaments or weekly events, so Friday nights are off limits unless you want to play magic, which is free on Friday nights. Also, your LGS owner lacks business sense, since mine, who will let people play whatever so long as they pay for a table, will actually take an interest in any games he hasn't seen before and if they gain traction in the community, he starts stocking the game to sell in the store and plans out an event. Case and point, some guy from the nearby fort came in and offered to give people Bolt Action learning games, the game gained traction, owner proceeded to stock bolt action, which made it bigger in the store, and a month ago he organized a bolt action tournament. He does this because he knows that if he didn't allow people to play games he didn't stock, they'd just start up a gaming club and that would result in less people playing in the store, so it's in his best interest to have his store be the one-stop-shop for all gaming

    Your LGS owner is moronic, basically. Start up a gaming club seperate from the store with your pals and watch his sales start to tank.

    • 5 months ago

      This is how my LGS does things. Even set up a system where you could add event/tournament fees to your bill/tab and it'd pay off whatever the club leader owed the shop for prizes. We do have tables for free though, as it turns out, just letting people play whatever they want inspires randos to sit down, learn a game, and then buy it for their own collections.

    • 5 months ago

      >10 dollars to rent a table
      yikes bro.
      For me to rent a table it would have to be a pittance. My FLGS lets me play for free. Of course I also always buy a snack or drink for a couple bucks. The alternative is that I don't go there at all and that table sits empty, which often they are, especially cause I go on off hours, so I don't feel guilty.
      >inb4 ten dollars is a pittance
      Bro unless you are making 70 dollars an hour I don't consider ten dollars a pittance. For most Americlaps, ten dollars is a half-hour's wage. especially the age range that tends to hang out at an FLGS.


      >try to play any rpg that isnt 5e at the LGS
      >"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
      >try to play any card game that isn't MTG at LGS
      >"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
      >try to play any wargame that isn't 40k at LGS
      >"sorry sir, we don't carry that here. you can't play it"
      >try to play earlier editions of 40k at LGS
      >"sorry sir, we only sell the latest edition rules. you need to play 10th edition to play here"
      >try to play epic armageddon 30k with LI models bought from the LGS
      >"sorry sir, you need to use the LI rules to play here. also you have printed land raiders in your army...you can't use those here"

      Is my LGS moronic or am I the butthole in this situation?

      OP your FLGS sounds moronic.

      500 for "things that didn't actually happen".

      I actually believe it happened. Most FLGS don't give a frick, but FLGS are also some of the most mismanaged businesses I've ever seen. Run by nerds who think they understand business but don't. Combine that with autism and you have a recipe for failure.

      • 5 months ago

        >Bro unless you are making 70 dollars an hour I don't consider ten dollars a pittance.
        My LGS has tables for free, but 10 dollars isn't unreasonable. An afternoon's fun for 10 dollars is a pretty okay deal, considering what amusement parks cost. It will eventually stack up for you as a player though, and I can't imagine it makes a terrible amount of money if it's 10 dollars per table per evening. Hell, it might take half a year to make back what the table itself cost, if the tables aren't full every day.

        • 5 months ago

          the kind of tables they have at FLGS are like 100 dollars if they're the standard ones of the correct width to play MTG and be narrow enough to read each other's cards but not too narrow that you're kicking each other. So ten uses total?

          I wouldn't pay ten bucks to play at an FLGS every time. Imagine a 30 session campaign that costs 300 dollars. RPGs are supposed to be a cheap hobby. Or at least be able to be.

          • 5 months ago

            Assuming a session is weekly, 30 sessions would be spread out over seven months. And if the other players chip in, between 3 to 5 people. So something like everyone pays $2 to $3.33.

    • 5 months ago

      Best option. I'd rather pay a set fee to get a good table for a set time, be able to use good store terrain, and not worry about randoms talking to me while I'm playing or store staff trying to guilt trip me into buying something.

  3. 5 months ago

    500 for "things that didn't actually happen".

  4. 5 months ago

    Store owner probably thinks that allowing anything to be played is going to result in a bunch of people coming in to play yugioh/bolt action/call of cthulhu and not buying anything, but he'd be smart to realize that if people started doing that, he could just stock those games and they'd start buying

    • 5 months ago

      There's a dangerous trap there though, and I've seen plenty of stores fall into it. Just because someone's playing something now doesn't mean it'll pick up or stay consistent. They could stop playing for unrelated reasons. They could be the only ones and no one else will pick it up.
      One solution is for the store to be able to special order stuff on demand, but then they're directly competing with online retailers since it has to be shipped.

      • 5 months ago

        You advocate disallowing people from playing anything that isn't sold in store instead like a moron? Not all of us live in urban areas with gaming clubs, for a lot of us, the LGS is the only place to play

        • 5 months ago

          That's a big fat assumption you can shove right up your rural ass. I'm just saying that ordering stuff because someone's playing it is why so many stores have shelves full of random crap collecting dust, the two people who were playing it stopped or no one else was interested, so nothing got bought.

          • 5 months ago

            I remember back near the start of 8th Ed warhammer fantasy, some guy ordered a specific character model from the game store. It took too long so he just bought the model online and then refused to buy the one the store ordered for him
            Nearly a decade later that model still sits on their shelf, no one is going to buy a single generic looking troll for like $50

        • 5 months ago

          > The store that I’m not giving my business owes me free play space because I live in a rural area!

  5. 5 months ago

    Shelf space became a problem. People stock that shit that sells, simple as.

  6. 5 months ago

    Frick you, cheapskate. 36-40sqft of retail space isn't free.

    • 5 months ago

      How am I a cheapskate for not liking bad rules systems?

      • 5 months ago

        Cheapskates can't afford the luxury of playing shitty games.

  7. 5 months ago

    I always thought it was dumb that LGS didn't lean into the nerds-at-a-table market. Have half a dozen vending machines stocked all the time. Sell pencils and note pads. Offer copying and printing services. Maybe even have a coffee and sandwich bar set up if the local regulations can be met easily enough.

    • 5 months ago

      I've seen a dozen LGSs that do exactly that.

    • 5 months ago

      There really just isn't a market for in the same way that tcg and wargame players will always need a place that they can rock up, whip out their deck/army and play against strangers. If you're a kid then you can play at someone's house. If you're an adult you should have a table of your own, or at least know someone who's willing to have the other nerds over to sit around his. The only people who don't have easy access to a table are complete losers, and you can't build a business off them.

    • 5 months ago

      My LGS has a little kitchen they sell hot sandwiches from

  8. 5 months ago

    What do you expect? LGS only want you to play there so you advertise the products you want to sell. Try eating a KFC bucket in a McDonalds next and tell us how surprised you are when they ask you to leave.

  9. 5 months ago

    This is so moronic that I have trouble believing it's true unless you're talking about a Games Workshop.
    Do they have so many customers that having people hang out at the store is a negative? That's a nice problem to have.
    Do they not sell anything other than games? A good portion of our sales are snacks. I want you to come in and sit all day as long as you aren't a smelly butthole. Being a gathering space is one of the only values a physical store has over Amazon.

  10. 5 months ago

    >card game that isnt mtg
    >asked to leave
    I know you dont go outside, because LGS will take every possible opportunity to try to trick you into playing whatever FOTM trash they bought stock of that didnt take off because it cant compete.

  11. 5 months ago

    I believe they’re this moronic. My friend and I were chillin at gamesworkshop once and were kicked out because he was using a non gw wet pallette.

    I go to my lgs for paints but mostly just have friends over or play with my brother when we go to my parents’ place. I kinda see the appeal of playing with strangers. I used to go to gamesworkshop Dubai and they didn’t give a shit what you played. Seems like Australia is much worse especially GW stores.

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