
Thoughts on this game and its setting? I was thinking of doing a one-shot or campaign set in its setting using some rules I found for free (An Untitled Turnip 28 RPG, for anyone wondering).

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  1. 8 months ago

    Would you care to explain it or share the PDF? It looks like goblins from the Labriynth film.

    • 8 months ago

      It's basically post-apocalyptic Napoleonics with root vegetables making everyone crazy. The PDFs are available for free and they'll give you a far better explanation of the setting than I ever could. The Swollen Magglette's first issue should give you a good idea of what it's all about.

      • 8 months ago

        >The same Root that caused all of this mess, turning people's lives into misery, and themselves into tuber mutants, is right now the only way to sustain themselves

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, pretty much. It's as "grimdark" as anything inspired by Warhammer would be, but it also has a sense of humor that I appreciate.

    • 8 months ago

      Grimdark Monty Python and the Holy Grail with lovecraftian parsnips.

  2. 8 months ago

    In theory I should like the setting and aesthetic, but I can't help to be put off by it. It feels obscene for some reason? Maybee it's a little bit to dirty? I don't know.

    • 8 months ago

      That's exactly why I like it. I know it's probably been done before, but Turnip28 was the first time I encountered such a grimy aesthetic for a tabletop game. The humor it has makes it more palatable, too.

    • 8 months ago

      for me its that Napoleonic does nothing for me.

      It'd be much better with medieval, or WW1 models.

      • 8 months ago

        Due to wear and tear much of it amounts to medieval or at least pike and shot and landsknechts rather than bayonets only everywhere. Any WW! nods would likely be aesthetic only though rather than reflecting mechanics, wouldn't let that stop me though!

      • 8 months ago

        Anything you dislike about Napoleonics is probably not present in T28. If you hate painting Napoleonic uniforms and stuff like that, you are encouraged to make your minis as grimy as possible. Just look at the pic in the OP. Very medieval while having its own vibe.

      • 8 months ago

        thats because you are a historylet

      • 8 months ago

        >Napoleonic does nothing for me.
        Sacre bleu!

      • 8 months ago

        this is what was happening on the other side of the pond.
        during napoleonics i think.

  3. 8 months ago

    I've neither the scratch not skill to sculpt a warband but ideas keep coming to me. It helps that "root vegetables" covers more than tubers and bulbs; peanuts and lotus are visually interesting.

  4. 8 months ago

    The aesthetic is charming but I have no idea what the deal is exactly, I've seen a few people talking about it.

  5. 8 months ago

    This goofy shit has inspired me to grab some of those historical minis in the back of my FLGS and some greenstuff and make some grimey dudes

    • 8 months ago

      Kudos to you for making the effort. I hope you enjoy converting your own dudes.

  6. 8 months ago

    OP is a gay, here is a pdf of the rulebook


    • 8 months ago

      Think he meant this though obviously it's the wargame that inspired it.

      Kudos to you for making the effort. I hope you enjoy converting your own dudes.

      Indeed. What sort of regiment do you

      This goofy shit has inspired me to grab some of those historical minis in the back of my FLGS and some greenstuff and make some grimey dudes

      have in mind?


      Thoughts on this game and its setting? I was thinking of doing a one-shot or campaign set in its setting using some rules I found for free (An Untitled Turnip 28 RPG, for anyone wondering).

      I'm having a fun solo romp so far. Fleeing a cartel deal over slightly-too-ripe cheese only to end up among exploding pigs in the murk was a good start. The intact head of a boar retaining enough life to lunglessly squeal and my character letting a full-throated scream in response matches

      Grimdark Monty Python and the Holy Grail with lovecraftian parsnips.

      suitably imo.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm casually interested in the American civil war, so whatever I make it's going to have some union kepis. Oh! Or maybe some of those b***hin' black hats the iron brigade wore!

        I like hats ok

        • 8 months ago

          They are pretty b***hing. Though it's beyond the setting's tech scope the Monitor and Virginia's clash strikes me as an optimal blend of bloody and bloody ridiculous, two bona fide wunderwaffen duking it out with nothing to show for it but stalemate, depleted ammo and deafened crews...

          • 8 months ago

            Just make them pumpkins for Halloween!

    • 8 months ago

      If you had just googled it, you'd know the rulebook posted in

      Think he meant this though obviously it's the wargame that inspired it.
      Indeed. What sort of regiment do you [...] have in mind?

      I'm having a fun solo romp so far. Fleeing a cartel deal over slightly-too-ripe cheese only to end up among exploding pigs in the murk was a good start. The intact head of a boar retaining enough life to lunglessly squeal and my character letting a full-throated scream in response matches [...] suitably imo.

      is readily available for free. I guess I set my expectations too high as to the average IQ of /tg/ posters. My bad.

      • 8 months ago

        tbf OP had little reason not to post the pdfs in the thread. Easy bumps.

  7. 8 months ago

    over the past couple weeks ive been developing an addiction to beet juice. what could it mean?

    did you know you can use onion skinss, beet juice and dandelion root as dyes.
    you need a mortant to fix the dye.
    the most common in the aulde tymes is baking soda or ash.
    blood also stains clothes too.

    root veg implies cooking.
    napoleon was a master of logistics.
    knew the importance of a wagon train.
    they use pigs in france to hunt for truffels.
    cooking based warbands
    big soup
    deep fat friars

    the baking soda boys

    • 8 months ago

      >deep fat friars
      Nice. Also re: staining redcaps are fun folklore which I'd refluff as cordyeps-ish removable skull-top symbiotes. The infected dive into battle because if their hungry accessory goes unwatered by blood for long enough they fade to white and then burrow down into the grey...

      On the subject of fungi while non-Root crops are a non-starter fungi's unnaturally fecund. Corn smut's a Mexican delicacy but really I could see it being more of a necessity. Imagine growing a few anemic ears solely so they can be infested and augmented by supernaturally abundant parasites.

      • 8 months ago

        ergot is basically rye smut isnt it?
        ergot rye is the biological precursor to lsd.
        smut is just moldy grains right??

        • 8 months ago

          It is though I'd wanted to expand to corn smut because that's actually harvested irl as a delicacy and the former's already in T28 as an animate loaf familiar/equipment. That said as ergot contamination's suspected to be behind "dancing plagues" which sometimes swept medieval villages maybe cause and effect could be reversed with mass hysteria being a rite to coax the fungus to seize dying rye and twist it into unseemly fecundity.

          this is what was happening on the other side of the pond.
          during napoleonics i think.

          Beaver pelts were big business back then and though trees are sparse I could see them turning to Root-chewing, the dambuilder habits have a nice symmetry in that they promote the wetlands Cist is cursed with. Among the nebulous nations the forever war spread to hints of a sturdier Iroquois Federation and civil war sides come early (especially tragicomic as due to widespread mutation few can agree who the "natural inferiors" are supposed to be). Maybe some Ruskis who kept scorched earthing all the way to Vladivostok, over the Bering strait and through the Yukon too for good measure.

          • 8 months ago

            seems like a nice inversion of the manifest destiny
            instead of go west and prosper in gold.
            its go east and scorch the earth in a wild fire wierd west.

            would have to say bicorns and tricorns also feature heavily in naval warfare.

  8. 8 months ago

    theres a model line coming out right?
    i am shit at conversions and sculpting.

    • 8 months ago

      It's already out. "Forlorn Hope" is the name.

  9. 8 months ago

    >want to get into this
    >know I'd never ever be able to play an actual game
    >give up

    a painful cycle

  10. 8 months ago

    does max do this shit all by himself?
    a patreon based board game company seems like an interesting business model.
    id consider something like that over kickstarter.

  11. 8 months ago

    a board game or card game about digging for root vegtibles would be cool for an ancillary game.
    theres a buncha art already to draw from.

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