Ty 1 was pure SOVL but the soul started to decline in Ty 2, and Ty 3 was largely soulless.

Ty 1 was pure SOVL but the soul started to decline in Ty 2, and Ty 3 was largely soulless.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I've never heard of that franchise

  2. 8 months ago

    combat mechanics and edgy/serious plots ruined so many 6th gen 3D platformers.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank GTA 3 and Jak 2 for that

    • 8 months ago

      Thank GTA 3 and Jak 2 for that

      GTA became the scotformer of the 6th gen.

  3. 8 months ago

    Stop saying soul.

    • 8 months ago

      This. The meme has run its course and has lost its meaning. It's just annoying at this point.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      No. It's a perfectly accurate descriptor for games with effort and a noticeable love from the developers to create a cohesive and enthralling game or system. It is objectively measurable and I am not kidding.

  4. 8 months ago

    2 has mediocre gameplay and levels (compared to 1) but it had SOUL, THOUGH. 3 is alright, even though it's the 2 formula again.

    • 8 months ago

      Ty 2 had more soul than 3, cmon. 2's overworld with southern rivers is so fricking comfy to drive through to this day. The pure platforming stages are still really good, the whole game is heavily tied together by the OST being just as good as Ty 1.

      exactly. https://youtu.be/Jd1dHvNegVU?si=qUpoX6o0q-EslIG1

    • 8 months ago

      Ty 2 had more soul than 3, cmon. 2's overworld with southern rivers is so fricking comfy to drive through to this day. The pure platforming stages are still really good, the whole game is heavily tied together by the OST being just as good as Ty 1.

      exactly. https://youtu.be/Jd1dHvNegVU?si=qUpoX6o0q-EslIG1

      I didn't say 2 had no soul, just the soul started to decline a little when they started adding things like the helicopter missions.

      • 8 months ago

        the mandatory vehicle stages were all objectively bad and what held back what could've been a perfect sequel, though i'd still say they had S O U L even if they were bad. What was SOULFUL about it personally is how it tied into the point of the game. It's part of Ty being a "jack of all trades" for bush rescue. Doing odd jobs in the area. It wasnt like the rest of the generation at the time adding soulless annoying vehicle stages that served zero purpose to the game (crash :^) ) it actually had a reason to exist.
        Personally still wouldn't have wanted them in but credit were its due, they had their reason.

  5. 8 months ago

    >TY 1
    Easily the peak of the series, enjoyable game in spite of its flaws. The gameplay and plot is rather generic, but it more than makes up for that with how insanely comfy the environments are, such as Bridge on the river Ty. It holds the award for the most relaxing game I've ever played, being a guaranteed stress killer.
    As for the rangs, the only overpowered one is the Kaboomerang which is obtained later in the game anyways.
    >TY 2
    The platforming gameplay remains largely the same as its predecessor but is unfortunately overshadowed by half-baked elements like the extremely boring vehicle missions. It still has well designed levels albeit a bit less vibrant and unique than before. Plot revolves more around fetch quests so it's largerly non-existent.
    Half of the rangs are incredibly overpowered, especially the upgrades. It's literally impossible to die with the Omegarang or Doomerang equipped.
    >TY 3
    Absolutely garbage. Just equip a few earthstones to win or you're forced to mash the B button a million takes to take out Quinkan. To say that the levels are a downgrade is the understatement of the century, with the vast open worlds gone in favor of lazy, linear hallway like stages unlike what the series is known for.
    Only redeeming value is that the npc dialogue is much more natural and interesting despite its edge (unpopular take ig). I had more fun watching the cutscenes then playing the actual game. The gunyip sections can be surmised as a poor man's Star Fox.

    • 8 months ago

      The story of Ty 3 had some wtf moments, which you could argue kept it interesting
      >When they say Ty was gone for six months, did he spend 6 months in the Dreamtime or did the portal tunnel literally last 6 months
      >Ridge’s existence, in the first game Ty and his family were the last surviving Tasmanian tigers in existence, then this random tiger shows up who’s not related to them
      >The implication that Shazza cheated on Ty with Sly
      >When they say the quinkan learned Bush rescue’s secrets and Ranger ken says “Funny that…”, implying he’s secretly working for the quinkan(?)
      >Boss Cass being the main villain again at the end even though the advertising said he wouldn’t be the main villain anymore
      >Fluffy literally dies and leaves her tail on the ground

  6. 8 months ago

    Is it true these games are fricked messes for 2 and 3 for all versions except xbox?

  7. 8 months ago

    I've played only Ty 1 and three things I did remember from it:

    1) the game looks and plays like poor man's Crash Twinsanity
    2) camera was absolutely fricked up and gave me nausea
    3) Comfy level environments, one with rainy forest was really nice. But that was the only nice thing about the game

    Are 2 and 3 like that?

    • 8 months ago

      >the game looks and plays like poor man's Crash Twinsanity
      TY 1 came out 2 whole years before this game even existed, what are you talking about.
      It's more of a Banjo clone than anything else.

  8. 8 months ago

    Ugly, but the level design is surprisingly good.

  9. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, that's why the series still resonates with people to this day. Because they expected it to be another cash-in mascot like Awesome Possum, but it actually had a fair amount of charm and heart put into it (at least the first two).

      • 8 months ago

        My best friend's younger siblings had this shit and we thought it looked like a gay kids game and played it for a laugh but it turned out to be good and we still quote it to this day.

  10. 8 months ago

    I got Ty 2 for Christmas back in the day and my excitement slowly turned to disappointment. It's fun to frick around in the jeep, but I had no motivation to beat the game, unlike Ty 1

  11. 8 months ago

    i liked the outback
    >t. Ty 3 player

  12. 8 months ago

    Shazza is hot

    • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    I only played 2 but I remember thinking the world was fricking massive.

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