Uhh bros?

Uhh bros? I thought you said they didn't care about the quality and would never take criticism and try to change because the fans would buy it anyway. What is this?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    You do realize this is mostly PR talking, right?

    • 10 months ago

      They don’t.
      These talks are about how they can ensure doing the bare minimum while still convincing fans to buy unfinished games and what can “reasonably” be taken away and sold later as DLC.

      Words are meaningless, they are incapable of making good games. The least they could do is include all the pokemon.

      All of these posts are correct.

    • 10 months ago

      Very lowkey for a PR move

      • 10 months ago

        Anon, they specifically say they're trying to improve looks, while shitting out a game a year regardless. That's on-point for a PR move.
        You know, toe the company's line regarding their content?

        • 10 months ago

          If they wanted to trick people they would announce it more loudly. Also, the scope of the games increased a ton since the switch to Switch so I'm not surprised at all they need to restructure

          • 10 months ago

            But they're not trying to trick people, you dense motherfricker, they're being upfront and honest with their future endeavours -"we're talking about improving looks of our yearly releases, which will continue to release yearly". the only spastics being tricked are the countless frickwits in-thread somehow celebrating the win they've gotten. Anyone with eyes (and an adult's experience of how the brand runs itself) knows nothing's changing, bar maybe games not looking so retro on release.

            Wow you didn't say anything of value, try actually replaying rather than b***hing at a strawman you want to exist.

            Try growing up (not just older) then we can talk like adults then. Act the child, get treated as such.

            • 10 months ago

              Wow so powerful, hiding away in your own mind like that schizo.
              Only weal adults like you can use such grand coping mechanisms.

  2. 10 months ago

    They don’t.
    These talks are about how they can ensure doing the bare minimum while still convincing fans to buy unfinished games and what can “reasonably” be taken away and sold later as DLC.

  3. 10 months ago

    Words are meaningless, they are incapable of making good games. The least they could do is include all the pokemon.

    • 10 months ago

      >The least they could do is include all the pokemon.
      We do not need over a thousand pokemon in one game.

      • 10 months ago

        Coulda fooled me with how many Paradox of older Pokemon they're pumping out

        • 10 months ago

          SV is garbage. SwSh was the last good (and best) Pokemon game.

          • 10 months ago

            >game without torterra
            LMAO! nice one, galarva

            • 10 months ago

              Sorry the truth hurts. Galargods are the true patricians of Pokemon.

          • 10 months ago

            >SwSh was the last good (and best) Pokemon game
            Sometimes I don't think you guys are actually human

          • 10 months ago

            You have to be baiting,this is where the house of cards fell and fell hard

          • 10 months ago

            The only good thing about SwSh was the Pokegirls. Then SV ripped that away from us, too.

      • 10 months ago

        then don't make new pokemon

        • 10 months ago

          People won't buy games that only have old and busted 'mons in them. They need to add new content to new games, and that means old content has to go.

          • 10 months ago

            Make whole dex of forms.

      • 10 months ago

        only all the good ones in one game so people won't cry about the strongest pokemon being inaccessible

        • 10 months ago

          Survival of the fittest needs to frick off and die in a hole.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes we do.

        • 10 months ago

          No you don't.

    • 10 months ago

      Words are meaningless, and forgettable. Pleasures remain, but so does the pain. Don’t you understand?

  4. 10 months ago

    >yeah we're going to try and make the games better guys now fricking buy them
    >doesn't make gen X better
    >yeah okay we fricked up again we'll make it better next time guys
    blizzard has been doing this shit for decades and their drones still buy everything they shit out.

    • 10 months ago

      Nah, legacy of the void ending being warcraft in space is what made me stop buying their shit
      The only good part was Stukov getting revenge on Narud, the Purifiers as a concept and Kharax

  5. 10 months ago

    Uhh bros? I thought you said they did what they could with the time given and that we should 'please understand', be thankful and just buy the games without asking for more quality. What is this?

  6. 10 months ago

    Theres multiple ways of going about this
    they could expand gamefreak MASSIVELY to ~1000 on-house members and stop pretending to be an indie studio, which would obviously take a while but would do wonders for the games quality and scale
    another thing, outsourcing games to big AAA devs, most studios would get on their knees and suck dick for even the OPPORTUNITY to work on a pokemon game.
    Imagine if we got AAA quality colosseum/gale of darkness styled games in between new gen gap years, everyone would be happy

    • 10 months ago

      gamefreak is trying to frick off from nintedo for years now they last hope is the new partnership with Take-Two

      • 10 months ago

        there's nothing actually stopping them from leaving nintendo, their other games have released on non-nintendo platforms.
        the problem is that everything they do is absolute fricking dogshit and they know it, so they have to stick to the cash cow of pokemon to stay afloat.

      • 10 months ago

        now that i think about it, there is more similarities between those
        >both released a garbage demake usin word such as "faithful" and "demake

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        they literally moved into Nintendo's new building...Nintendo is co-owner of the only successful thing they've done ever

      • 10 months ago

        The frick is gamefreak going to do without nintendo.
        Name one good gamefreak game in the past 10 years. That isn't pokemon.

      • 10 months ago

        TPC is literally owned by Nintendo, and thus Gamefreak because the company has nothing substantsial beyond Pokemon
        While the purpose of the company was literally to have a subsidary deal with the brand, unless Nintendo themselves sold all their stock Gamefreak ain't leaving to anywhere relevant.
        No company would buy or partner with a Pokemonless gamefreak, except a complete idiot.

        • 10 months ago

          If nintendo made a deal, they get pokemon and gamefreak is free to do whatever they want.
          They would last about 2 years then be absorbed by a larger company and forced to make mobile games till they die.

          • 10 months ago

            Nintendo don't WANT to make Pokémon, you stupid frick. They had many years and many internet "controversies" they could have used to take the IP off GF at ANY stage over the past 30-ish years.
            But they haven't. Why? Because they get to hand GF money for development costs every year and get a game in return for release, every year. If they do it themselves, they need to organise time, money and staffing to shit that game out, meaning they delay their own actual IP's, or compromise something somewhere, because they also understand the target market for Pokémon is kids, so even if they took it, they'd be looking to bump it yearly, to keep the kids getting hooked on the brand. People forget Nintendo ordered Pokémon 2 for 1997 as soon as RG started picking up interest in 19967. That's why there was even a spaceworld demo, for frick's sake. No evidence Ninty would do anything but go HAM like they're doing by-proxy and funding the yearly releases.

            • 10 months ago

              They don't want to but its fundamentally still theirs. Pokemon is slowly corroding its own reputation despite having such a low bar to hit, which is realistically the only reason Nintendo would absorb TPC.(Though I doubt they wouldn't just make a "TPC2" down the line in this sort of scenario)
              It's not really even that much of a strain due to how close the companies are. Its very minor all things considered, though that there is one obvious point that is true.

              The way Pokemon went is very much what Nintendo wanted, outside of the whole looking like shit/running like shit thing. That would be the main focus for a "Nintendo Pokemon".
              To make Pokemon a much more clean look to have as one of their constant top dogs. Poor overall gameplay comprehension doesn't reflect as much as those as its much easier to make bad press on bugs and visuals.
              Pokemon already did its "great innovation" and thats ran over smoothly, so why attempt to actually shift Pokemon to a more solid game plan?

              Course Nintendo realistically has the tools to pressure TPC and Gamefreak anyway so why not just restructure those rather than deal with a bunch of extra crap. Its very much a theorectical to think that the effort is worth it to abort the current structure entirely.
              Even cutting out Gamefreak like a tumor and retaining TPC is decently unlikely, but its still leagues ahead of both being killed. Nintendo is insanely unlikely to directly absorb Pokemon.

              even without changing anything else, they could choose to scale their art team and their quality control team to match the increased scale of their 3d games. i'm sure there are more fundamental project planning issues but that alone could go a long way.

              Switch Era Pokemon suffers from mostly basic as frick issues that you don't need a large scale team to fix. They use bad textures, they have to be low res due to optimization issues, most of their lighting seems like weird stock optionsand they don't even understand basic techniques like how to avoid tiling.
              Upscaling art teams is only relevant if there's a huge quantity of detail needed, not if you need your details to be clean and consistent. In fact it makes it require more work to manage.

              • 10 months ago

                clearly the people they have now aren't up to the task on their own though for the reasons you listed. if they at least hired some people who knew how to solve those problems that would be something

              • 10 months ago

                It kinda all loops back to the idea thats been floating around that GF are insanely mismanaged. Rather than blame the current art team, realistically the only solution is that management gets unfricked.
                The other issue I didn't mention but really reeks of the idea is that management is already to the point of complete uselessness is if you look at random SV/Legends assets; they outright do not mesh.
                There's clean near solid color blatant cartoon assets that go next to more realistic assets, and none of them really mesh with the Pokemon assets(which isn't done by gamefreak and is pretty consistent).

                Being a good artist does not mean they will inherently have a consistent vision either.

              • 10 months ago

                >its fundamentally still theirs
                They have done nothing but fund the games since first brought the idea by Tajiri, who then went off on his own and made the games. Because that was the arragnement they sought "you make us this game and we'll see if we can sell it for you". Success of the series hasn't changed the core relationship because even back in pre-Gen 3 people were saying Pokémon was gonna fall, so the organically-grown relationship had no issue to change (plausible deniability, if it flopped it wasn't a Nintendo (TM) flop). At this stage, it's an understood. Game Freak make Pokémon for Nintendo to sell to schoolchildren and kids in adult clothing worldwide get mad at this fact

              • 10 months ago

                Except if you actually lived in reality, you'd realize that the grand majority of complaints at SV were get this; targeted at nintendo.
                The idea that Pokemon isn't inherently linked is a farce. Yes they are """just""" the funders, but the relations at hand aren't subtle.

                People know that Nintendo owns gamefreaks ass, they don't understand the specifics sure; but that link means that they are nintendos issue.
                If you buy a dog, openly unleash it and it begins to shit everywhere; people will still know its your fricking dog.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, they have the live sales numbers. For all the b***hing people do online, it's not affecting the reach of the series and frankly, a bunch of jumped up mentally 12 year olds throwing a tantrum because "muih kiddy toy dun caer for me annymore, whaaaa" isn't stopping the literal tonnes of kid feedback they have about the shit. Never mind the people who understand EXACTLY who the game is made and marketed for, yet still tag along either due to kiddy nostalgia or by falling into it outside formative years and still finding the fun in it. Yeah a few faceless terminally-online morons crying about their lost youth's really dissuading anyone over the sounds of the yen hitting the coffers at the end of every trading day.

              • 10 months ago

                The live sales numbers are dog shit, compare any other nintendo franchise sales growth to pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                That's because Pokémon outsold the WiiU, never mind the games it ran. Other series sees massive growth due to not selling on WiiU. Pokémon sees modest growth, because the jump from 16 to 25 isn't as great as the jump from 3.4 to 15 or higher is.
                If you're going to use sales as a metric, as least have the decency to understand what the frick you want to use them for.

              • 10 months ago

                it's the single biggest and most know franchise on the planet, this numbers are dog shit

              • 10 months ago


                And you are an emotionally stunted child, angry and impotent watching her kiddy toy sail off without her.

              • 10 months ago

                >Anon, they have the live sales numbers.
                You mean the ones that showed that following the "fresh" new gameplay gave SV a much better start and that it suddenly fell off a cliff sales wise?
                Pokemon doesn't exist in a void like you seem to think. SV actually directly proves the opposite.

                Nintendo were also the people spreading the stuff about trying to patch the game FYI. Its not in their best interest to follow the trends of SV because it actively showed a sharp decline; whose to say the next game won't start off slow and never get back up?
                And Nintendo showing that they don't care for quality reflects badly on them.

        • 10 months ago

          >TPC is literally owned by Nintendo
          No it literally isn't you fricking moron. Pokémon as an IP, and TPC is joint owned by Nintendo, Creatures, and Game Freak. You can make a Pokémon game without game freak, Genius Sonority was doing that before it was fricked over and gutted. The whole, "it's all TPCs fault for making them release yearly" is just cope from uninformed casuals who don't understand.

      • 10 months ago

        I wonder how long it will be before Take Two regrets going into business with Game Freak.

      • 10 months ago

        >gamefreak is trying to frick off from nintedo for years now they last hope is the new partnership with Take-Two

        It‘s literally just a fricking game published by take two, fricking tembo was also not published by Sega ffs

        • 10 months ago

          I think it's more telling that it isn't published by Nintendo despite their longstanding business relationship, they must know it's absolute shit and refuse to be a part of it.

      • 10 months ago

        >Pokémon comes back home to Nintendo EAD
        Too good to be true, so this will never happen

    • 10 months ago

      >w*stern "devs"

    • 10 months ago

      >nu-colosseum in Capcom's RE Engine
      too based

    • 10 months ago

      >Imagine if we got AAA quality colosseum/gale of darkness styled game
      Everytime I read this I am pretty sure that person didn‘t played that game. Because the only redeeming quality about those is the difficulty (which comes from the piece of shit pokemon availablity and grinding) and the 100 battles that is not strike related thing.

      Also I am laughing at AAA quality, as if not all AAA games are messy buggy games. People think seeing some weird bugs on seemless co-op mode is the same as playing skyrim for 200 hours and then getting your savefile deleted or corrupted, years after launch.

      • 10 months ago

        what i meant by that was turned based rpgs with the traditional pokemon turned based combat, but with their own unique twists n stuff and creative perspectives from other studios
        not "COLOSSEUM, ELECTRO BOOGALOO", sorry if i wasn't clear enough
        and of course, I'm well aware of the state of many AAA games, but you have to remember
        we're literally talking about GAMEFREAK here, the near absolute rock bottom of AAA devs. Even sonic team released a more polished game last year than gamefreak.
        You have to be honest with yourself, no matter what reputation AAA games have, it would be 1000x better than working with a borderline indie mobile game studio like ilca. Larger studios have the resources and experience to potentially make something amazing, better and more grand than anything we've ever seen in pokemon.

  7. 10 months ago

    they just have to make good games like they did before the 2010s and 2020s

  8. 10 months ago

    I don't think SV being a disaster at launch forced them to do this

    I think SV being a disaster every single fricking update attempting to fix it forced them to do this. The update to fix move descriptions forgot to actually do it! And there were so many raids that just went up completely fricked.

  9. 10 months ago

    No matter what they say or do, the one and only answer is that Gamefreak is a shit tier dev that will cut evert corner they can. Pokemon has always been too good for them and they've been behind the curve quite literally since the first game.
    Pokemon deserves to have an in house nintendo studio made specifically for it to make the games, as time goes on the gap in quality between Pokemon titles and literally every single other Nintendo series has just gotten bigger and bigger. If TCPI was serious about Pokemon's quality, they'd drop GF tomorrow, but they won't.

    • 10 months ago

      >quite literally since the first game.
      Not really. The original GB was shitty 1970s repacked hardware and is a miracle Gen I runs at all, let alone Gen II.

  10. 10 months ago

    I thought it was obvious. Stop this "small indie company" schtick you got going and hire more people and/or give more than a year to work on games. How is this even a discussion?

    • 10 months ago

      also stop cutting ways to play just because you don't like them

    • 10 months ago

      Ummm but it's more profitable if they don't.

    • 10 months ago

      do you ever bother looking at the credits? there are a shit ton of people working for every pokemon game. That s not the problem. The problem are the yearly releases

    • 10 months ago

      Dude, 9 women don't give birth to a baby in a month

  11. 10 months ago

    The solution is to make filler anime seasons that tease a few new mons between releases like they did with Togepi and shit. Make a Stadium/PBR title with a GaaS monetization model that actually has everything in it, gimmicks and all. Then take the framework of Legends and refine that into a proper RPG title that's all about adventuring in a seamless world with Pokemon. Considering Bank/Home already converts monsters from VC titles, GO, etc. Separating traditional competitive battles into it's own game they can regularly update and making mainline games all about RPG adventures they can experiment with would benefit everyone if they can increase the time between major releases if it meant they actually made good games.

  12. 10 months ago

    ive heard the article so you dont have to
    tldr: it explains how fans liked the game on a gameplay standpoint but hated the glitches, bugs and all that and blamed gamefreak's annual release. Takato Utsunomiya, the chief operating officer of The Pokemon Company, says this: "I think in general, if you look at the past, the path we’ve taken up until now has been this constant release, always regularly releasing products on a fairly fixed kind of a cadence, you might say. Always having these products able to be introduced and new experiences for our customers, and that’s how we’ve operated up until now. I think we’re still operating in that way, but there’s more and more conversations, as the development environments change, about how we can continue to do this, while making sure that we’re ensuring really quality products are also being introduced."

    i cant believe they'r so out of touch with the community that they are talking about changing the release schedule now, wow.

    • 10 months ago

      >they are talking about changing the release schedule now
      That is absolutely not what any of that shit means. It's roundabout PR speak that says nothing except lip-service about ensuring quality while continuing to release games as often as they have been.

    • 10 months ago

      >that they are talking about changing the release schedule now
      ? He literally said there that they won't change shit

    • 10 months ago

      >explains how fans liked the game on a gameplay standpoint

      The slow shitty animations/text blending speed, shitty encounter system (stepping on shit), lack of scaling and dexcut make for the shittiest gameplay to date.

  13. 10 months ago

    Uhh bro? Where have you been for the last 4 years? Every release they say they’re going to make improvements.

    • 10 months ago

      [citation needed]

      • 10 months ago

        Dexcut quite literally happened so they could create “higher quality animations” and then they got exposed for using slightly upscaled 3DS models with the same animations. We didn’t get truly improved animations until PLA. Even then the animations were a trade off where we got muddy textures and non-existent lighting/shading. Scarlet/Violet are probably the biggest step up visually, yet the textures are still PS3 level and the game was quite literally unstable.

        It’s always 1 step forward and 2 steps back with this franchise. Don’t get baited by some corporate shill is saying “It’ll be better next time! We promise!”

    • 10 months ago

      They have made QoL improvements. What we need are better graphics and the game not running at 5fps when more than 4 characters are on screen

  14. 10 months ago

    Hiring more people won't work if they are still locked in their old ways and let people who would rather write code in COBOL than learn something new go up the ladder. Reminder that gamefreak hires consulting and its not part of their 150 or so full time employees.

  15. 10 months ago

    Hollow lip service since even normalgays spoke out this one time.

  16. 10 months ago

    Here's the real issue:

    Gamefreak entered into a contract with TPC to produce mainline pokemon games. But instead of a percentage of the profits, they've agreed to make the game for a set amount - this raises every game, but not nearly by enough. TPC only cares that the game is "on brand" (no sex, etc.), and that it hits a certain minimum sales number - as long as it does then Gamefreak's contract stays valid and they get first crack at the next game. TPC gives zero fricks about the quality of the game as long as they get their money.

    So what we have is the owner of the IP not giving a frick about the quality as long as sales are met, and an overworked developer who gets no extra money regardless of how well the game does, meaning there's no reason to spend any more than the bare minimum making it.

    This is why first party and true 3rd party games generally look much better and have way better QA - when the devs have actual stakes beyond "min sales", they can afford to put in more effort.

  17. 10 months ago

    "having conversations"
    Aka having a party and loving the fact people pay for their trash

  18. 10 months ago

    >Suits at TPC finally considering that the release schedule might be problem.
    It's actually baffling how behind the curve this company is. You would think would notice this by now. I can't wait for them to still take the wrong lesson from this.

    • 10 months ago

      This means nothing, dumbass. Do you seriously think they don't know how underperforming it has been? They are tweeting what you want to read.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's actually baffling how behind the curve this company is.
      It took them until 2022 to learn what bump maps are.

  19. 10 months ago

    I reiterate, this series is one largely built off 7 year old schoolchildren and any adult-targeting website asking questions regarding the series future should be taken with a pinch of salt. Words are wind and until kids actually stop getting infected by the virus that is Pokémon, they ain't going to give a frick for the types of people who talk about Pokémon online or the websites that talk about it either.

    • 10 months ago

      But 90% of the players buying their games were 7 - 25 years ago

    • 10 months ago

      kids dont need to buy the games

  20. 10 months ago

    If the standard isn't HGSS, this means nothing.

  21. 10 months ago

    they dont and this is just damage control talk just like when lgpe was announced

  22. 10 months ago

    >Uhh bros? I thought you said they didn't care about the quality and would never take criticism and try to change because the fans would buy it anyway. What is this?
    Yes anon. I did say that. And I will stand by what I said until TCPI forces Gamefreak to actually improve their games. Talk is cheap, accomplishments are what earn accolades.

  23. 10 months ago

    This is how much they care about quality
    Their new arenas for worlds had so many npcs in it at once it crashed the games and forced them into sudden death

    • 10 months ago

      > Their new arenas for worlds [FANFIC]

  24. 10 months ago

    I ain't bhuying another game. They also don't care if I do, so whatever.
    If I wanna play pokemon i'll emulate older games, or just cuddle my pokeplushies.

  25. 10 months ago

    Empty words. Things will not improve as long as people keep buying the games day 1 regardless of their quality just because it’s Pokémon

  26. 10 months ago

    Remember when they said Bank would be forever? Remember when they said the games after Let's Go would be for the longtime fans? Pokemon ALWAYS fricking lies.

    • 10 months ago

      >Remember when they said Bank would be forever?

      >Remember when they said the games after Let's Go would be for the longtime fans?
      I'm a longtime fan and the game was for me

      • 10 months ago

        >the game was for me
        Right, the game was for blind fanboys who can't discern a bad game from a good one.

        • 10 months ago

          in what way was the game bad? Assume my IQ is > 50 so I'm not obsessed over Stantler or NPC battles.

          • 10 months ago

            >horrifically bad graphics, even for the Switch, Let's Go manages to look way better visually
            >laughable plot, especially the bullshit with Rose
            >postgame content locked behind $30 paywall
            >towns are barebones, only beaten by S/V's towns
            >wild areas are empty fields with no draw distance
            >battles take forever only because Game Freak still hasn't figured out to have animations and text appear simultaneously, weather damage still happens for each Pokemon separately instead of all at once, etc.
            >put a short time limit on online matches despite the bloated length of battles due to all the waiting
            >gigantamax reserved only for gen 1 and (current gen) Pokemon, except only Garbodor for some reason
            >dynamax itself
            >large portion of the new Pokemon are hideous
            >especially Obstagoon
            >the great invincible champion who you have to love, Leon's ace is a Charizard for no reason other than nostalgiabaiting
            Do you want any more, or are you gonna refute these with strawmen or saying it's fine since other games did them?

            • 10 months ago

              bad graphics,
              why lie?

              • 10 months ago

                The problem with SWSH is that they have some of the cleanest looking areas in the series, but the factor dies the second you step into a normal route or anywhere in the Wild Area.
                It's the clash of consistency that is the problem with SWSH.

              • 10 months ago

                still better than gen 5 where literally the entire game looks horrible.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >Gen 5 out of nowhere
                Seek help.

              • 10 months ago

                I disagree
                I would rather a game look consistent than to be sloppy
                PLA and SV are technically uglier than SWSH's best parts, but they are still a lot cleaner and consistent throughout the whole game and is better looking than the worst parts of SWSH

              • 10 months ago

                also a switch game

              • 10 months ago

                I mean, frick dude. Break out the screenshots of Xenoblade while you're at it. Open world Wii game released in 2011 looks better.

              • 10 months ago

                You’re right there can literally be only 1 switch game with not horrifically bad graphics because something else will look better.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly the fog/weather ruined it.

  27. 10 months ago

    >OP considers this a win

    let me know when they release a quality game that they took their time on, you put too much stock in PR talk

  28. 10 months ago

    >having conversations

  29. 10 months ago

    Guarantee they cut more features so try and make less bugs in the next game instead of actually taking the time to fix them.

  30. 10 months ago

    I'm betting this is Nintendo stepping in, reminder that THEY are the ones who announced the patches and not the actual Pokemon account.
    Gamefreak isn't going to get away with the bullshit they managed to frick up.

  31. 10 months ago

    You mean releasing three new Pokémon games with months of each other wasn’t the best idea? Even after we made load of money off of them?

  32. 10 months ago

    The audience at Worlds were all millennials

    There were very few zoomers, they're like 20% of the audience

    80% are Genwunners and Johtoddlers

    This is in Japan already so TPC can't pretend that only adurt gaijins love Pokemon

  33. 10 months ago

    I'm starting to think Nintendo are the ones making this conversation happen. I want to remind you that nobody at TPC or Gamefreak bothered to mention the patches or trying to fix the games. It was Nintendo and the PlayPokemon Account. It's probably really embarrassing to Nintendo that they have to do this shit for TPC.
    They recently moved to a building near Nintendo, so I wouldn't be surprised if the SV blunder, is causing them to hold GF by the balls.

    • 10 months ago

      This, it sucks that pokemon doing this shit will also burn Nintendo. If it was that easy they could just fire the frickers there but GF is literally the devs that made the fricking IP. It's like saying for Miyamoto to eat dicks when he is saying something about how to make a Mario game.

      • 10 months ago

        Miyamoto isn't really doing anything though, people take his words out of contexts, he obviously knows how game designs work, and he lets the teams be as creative as they want.
        Only Paper Mario gays pretend that he's bad anyway, when it's been proven time and time again that the series is in it's current state because of Tanabe.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm not even talking about paper mario here. It was just an example with Miyamoto that Nintendo can't really do much against GF because it was them that made the IP.

          • 10 months ago

            Fair enough, you're technically right.
            But it's worth noting that Miyamoto left his franchises in the hands of trusted people.
            He can leave if he wants, nothing will change.
            With Gamefreak, it's a lot harder because Ohmori is now the main director but Gamefreak is hard to budge or add support.

    • 10 months ago

      Nintendo announced the intent to move them to a closer building a little after the release of SwSh, actually. But it was well into the start of development for SV. If I had to guess, Nintendo didn't like the press SwSh got despite the sales and moved them closer to try and sort shit out. GF probably smoothed it over with some conversation about it being new and strange for them, because it was their first console release and Nintendo probably cut them some slack assuming the next game wasn't a dumpster fire. Then they released SV and Nintendo is probably buckling down and lubing up for "quality control". Masuda might have had bugs, but wait till big Daddy Nintendo shows off his warp pipe.

      That is to say, the games sold well enough that GF isn't going to be bought up and dissolved, good for them. But the quality was still far below what Nintendo probably wanted, so now they're going to help out. Which is probably good.

      • 10 months ago

        >GF probably smoothed it over with some conversation about it being new and strange for them, because it was their first console release and Nintendo probably cut them some slack
        I can see this happening, considering Nintendo were open in the past about the difficulties they faced when moving on to HD game development. But it's evident to anyone now that GF are out of excuses.

    • 10 months ago

      This, it sucks that pokemon doing this shit will also burn Nintendo. If it was that easy they could just fire the frickers there but GF is literally the devs that made the fricking IP. It's like saying for Miyamoto to eat dicks when he is saying something about how to make a Mario game.

      But who owns Pokemon?
      Is Gamefreak as a company or Heads and specific persons inside GF?
      Why Nintendo is not able to just buy GF and add them to their first party studios and disband them or add more people?

      There is more complex ownership stuff related?

      • 10 months ago

        Pokemon is a threeway ownership between Gamefreak, TPC and Nintendo
        They each have a stake, and Nintendo usually leaves Gamefreak and TPC to their own but it's becoming clear they need to start stepping in

  34. 10 months ago

    The anime is what holds the games back

    The games should dictate the anime, not the other way around

    It was like this from S1 to like Gen 4 then it went all out whack

    • 10 months ago

      This is a really stupid argument when you consider that the Gen 8 anime was the most freeform direction the anime could've taken, and yet they still stuck themselves in the same development.
      They could've easily skipped a year to develop Gen 9 while they make a new random arc in the anime cause it's not fricking following anything, it's literally "Watch us do literally fricking whatever"

    • 10 months ago

      >The anime is what holds the games back
      >The games should dictate the anime, not the other way around
      >It was like this from S1 to like Gen 4 then it went all out whack
      The pokemon anime is literally free to do whatever they fricking want. They even kicked Ash's pokeballs finally and added new MCs

  35. 10 months ago

    When you really think about it, PLA is a "middle" game that took 3 years to develop. You don't normally do that, middle games are usually 1 and a half year of development. SV just got caught up in some bullshit, that Gamefreak themselves hated to see.
    Whatever "middle" game we get next year should hopefully show us a better improvement.

  36. 10 months ago

    >with regular releases
    They don't understand the fricking problem at all then. Stop making a Pokemon game every fricking year. You don't need a filler game every holiday season, BDSP barely sold more than Legends despite the former launching in the peak of the holiday sales season. Just release a Pokemon game when it's ready, the drones will fricking buy it regardless and parents will buy it for Christmas anyway. Hell, if it's really good you might get a sales explosion even bigger than the Switch bump.

  37. 10 months ago

    they should release mainline games every 4 years and do bait games in between like remakes or legends

  38. 10 months ago

    >falling for it
    The marks are in the thread.

  39. 10 months ago

    Cracks are showing. Release another buggy mess like SV and something may break

  40. 10 months ago

    >Shill dicksuckers will claim that the release schedule was never the problem
    >TPC Developers blatantly saying that the schedule is the problem

    The absolute fricking state of shills

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine unironically taking PR speak at face value. SV and most pokemon games show the type of gross incompotence that a decent developer could iron out in no time at all.
      You can give them six years, it'll still be slop you moron. Based on actual reports and just general things that have trickled out, they are insanely mismanaged.

      The only possibility of this being anything but raw PR speak is if Nintendo is pissy and is gutting TPC and trying to get a functional framework before letting them run wild again.
      Which eh maybe. But if this is just TPC running on their own again, this is just excuses. The implication they have been pushing is that they'll get a pipeline working eventually.
      Not as insane as people like you seem to think, but requires a coherent company behind it.

      • 10 months ago


        It doesn't matter, what matters more is that the developers still openly talked about what we all fricking knew but shills refuse to admit.
        Just like how the slides about the Dex Cut a few years ago confirmed what we fricking knew about but the shills also refused to admit.

    • 10 months ago

      Theyll never admit anything sicne most of them are paid shills, just see Joe for example

  41. 10 months ago

    The switch already sucks so don't expect much or any change honestly

    • 10 months ago

      No Eric, for the last time, Gamefreak is an embarrassment to actual Switch games, stop getting banned from Ganker that you come here with stupid statements

    • 10 months ago

      moron alert.

  42. 10 months ago

    i think it's just that Gamefreak is incompetent, really. there's far smaller game devs named Falcom that shit out good games like Trails almost anually.

    • 10 months ago

      It's mostly that they don't get a percentage of the profits.

      Whether Gamefreak spend 10000 hours or 100000 hours on the game, it makes no difference as long as they pass their minimum sales numbers. And since it's Pokemon, it'll pretty much always do that.

      • 10 months ago

        they can always hire young and talented devs and still be swimming in cash, i wonder what stopping them to do so

        • 10 months ago

          Gamefreak is a school leaver studio, it's the culture they're facilitated because it seems to be made up of micromanaging and controlling oversight. They let very few younger staff actually do something different.

          • 10 months ago

            >it's the culture they're facilitated because they get people excited to make vidya, but not hilariously cynical regarding life and the industry to make it
            The hires that established this ethos were all hired on for HGSS project and had spent the entire project talking among themselves about how cool it was to work on a remake of a game they played as kids.
            Kinda like what happens when /vp/ gets together to make a "pokémon but better (edgier)" romhack but with more results and actually getting paid to frick about making Pokémon

  43. 10 months ago

    They were having “conversations” since the disaster that was called S&M

  44. 10 months ago

    Is this real and recent? What would be the implications? Gamefreak/Masuda and co. getting several millions from TPCi which they'd just end up pocketing the majority of? My bets; nothing is going to change. Next gen will still be an awkward glitchy mess with more lazy bullshit like the return of entire towns/cities with buildings/houses you can't and everyone including me will buy it. The end.

  45. 10 months ago

    We at the (insert company) are truly sorry about (incident) we will make sure to change this action in the future we at (company) believe truely the greatest response to this event is to work together with the community to strive for a better future, for both ourselves and our loyal customers. to make up for this we have donated (currency) to a charity to apologise.
    Make sure to buy our dlc.

  46. 10 months ago

    lol no one cares about the graphics or muh open world. GF literally just need to design decent-looking Pokemons and people would eat it up but they can't even do that nowadays

  47. 10 months ago

    It's too late. You cannot fix this. It is contaminated. The problems have been injected into the canon forever. You are stuck with them. Nintendo would only exacerbate the fundamental problems if given complete control, because they are also afflicted with the same infection.

    • 10 months ago

      Can you elaborate?

  48. 10 months ago


  49. 10 months ago

    >go back to wiener sucking bw2

  50. 10 months ago

    >with regular releases
    they... they just don't get it, do they?

    • 10 months ago

      No, YOU "just don't get it". You're a non-entity to them, literally a hundred kids squealing about pikachu are worth more to them than the $60 apiece a year /vp/ refuses give them either outright or by proxy (everyone still got paid when /vp/ funds their habit second hand. And they're still getting paid, even when you're "making a stand" from other proper sales around you in your bubble).
      So small wonder they're paying lip-service to autistic manchildren, while stressing they're VERY much irrelevant to the series' aims and goals.

  51. 10 months ago


    >can walk in any direction
    >if you walk in one direction you get pokemon 20 levels above yours
    >if you walk in another direction you get pokemon 20 levels below yours
    if you think this is good game design you should just fricking have a nice day now

  52. 10 months ago

    even without changing anything else, they could choose to scale their art team and their quality control team to match the increased scale of their 3d games. i'm sure there are more fundamental project planning issues but that alone could go a long way.

  53. 10 months ago


    >b-but it's fun!!!
    >I won't adress your point or even provide any argument of my own whatsoever, it's just fun because I say so you chud! stop being transphobic!

  54. 10 months ago


    Just like you don't bother trying to pass after your transition?

  55. 10 months ago


  56. 10 months ago

    The frick are you on about, Anon? That statement is literally them wondering how to have their cake and eat it too.

    • 10 months ago

      This place is desperate to pretend their childhoods weren't 15-20-ish years ago instead of two years ago. Anything that seems to support the bullshit they've been spewing online, because the kiddy entry-level RPG hasn't gone full TES: Darkest Souls Special Edition with Extra Dinosaurs gets blindly posted here as evidence they're winning.

  57. 10 months ago

    Actions speak louder than words. GF can have as many "conversations" about quality as they want, but it won't matter till they implement said quality in to their games. I said it before and I'll say it again, pokemon needs to be a bi yearly series, and not a yearly one. An extra year of dev time will do wonders for the games.

    • 10 months ago

      it wont matter. Nintendo isnt good enough to polish games nowadays

      • 10 months ago

        God, you people are spilling over here too.

      • 10 months ago

        Go back to Ganker moron

  58. 10 months ago

    Like people said before, it's PR talk. They will never deliver lmao.

  59. 10 months ago

    >be smart and create future proofed models
    >think you're smart by having the shadows baked into the texture files so the 3DS and it's 5kb of RAM can mostly handle the models
    >get a more powerful system and bring in the models
    >realize what painted on shadows look like when real lighting effects are on
    >realize you were a dumbass and have to redo all the textures
    >be smart enough to make vector defined HD textures, essentially future proofed
    >learn about bump maps
    >finally add bump maps, a thing 3D games have been using for decades, because swapping the normal bump map for a crystal one is the gimmick
    >realize you have 90% of all the Pokemon's bump maps
    >realize you've made 100% of the mons' HD textures
    >"Guess we can talk about quality now that we've fixed our mistakes."
    Mark my words. Gen10's gimmick is National Dex.

  60. 10 months ago

    The whole game runs on spaghetti code. You can usually notice this things easily on shovelware phone games which run on copy pasted code from something else. When a bug shows up, the bugfix is usually some workaround, not an actual bugfix, because the devs don't have any knowledge of the code itself. So it just shows up again in something else.

    So after a while and few layers of this spaghetti, you get this unusable mess and just abandon the project and start the next one fresh, with copy pasted code of course.

  61. 10 months ago


    >joint owned by Nintendo, Creatures, and Game Freak.
    It's a three-way split of the rights, with certain aspects having sole control (Nintendo own trademarks, Game Freak own everything regarding overall canon presentation/creation and core game development, Creatures used to do the cards for TPC, etc) with all the rest divested to TPC to handle the running of the brand, so no executive from GF, Nin or Cre needs to be using their time to sign off on any proposal.
    And it's always been this way as it started by companies approaching the three with proposals, requiring reps from all three to have sit-down product meetings weekly as it grew and by time Iwata became president, he understood it was too unmanageable so got together with reps from the other two, founded TPC as a three-way venture and signed off everything each didn't want to keep up doing themselves to TPC>

  62. 10 months ago


    Three way, they don't own it solely, nor have absolute say in its direction (and per reports, it operates even independently of its parents, unlike you). Just remember trying to win internet arguments doesn't change the world around you. Need to get out your bedroom and start interacting with the world to affect change that lasting.

    • 10 months ago

      >they don't own it solely, nor have absolute say in its direction
      Based on numbers given, they are the majority shareholder. They are the absolute power, they just don't want to use it.
      Also here's a fun history lesson, do you know why TPC was made? It was to manage the Pokemon Brand.
      So no shit it manages the Pokemon Brand independently from Nintendo; else it wouldn't exist.

      And you are an emotionally stunted child, angry and impotent watching her kiddy toy sail off without her.

      You seem overly attached to this idea of immortal child properties, ever thought that poor business choices for established brands isn't the brightest idea?
      Of course not, you're just saying shit on the internet after all. Just treat it like a seasonal trend and it'll live forever.

      • 10 months ago

        Because you homosexuals insist you've replaced the children as most important audience to Game Freak. Then pitch a b***h fit, because they make games that don't care for the level of gwafikal fidalety manchild 20-something "gamers" drool over.
        But sure, you are special. That's why they make the games with you in mind.

        • 10 months ago

          >Then pitch a b***h fit
          Uh huh. You say this while crying on the internet that people don't give Pokemon a free pass "cause its for kids".
          I don't know if you remember this, since you seem to have some critical brain problems; but kids have tastes too.

          Also its laughable that you are talking about the Pokemon community and talking about some baseline quality required gap. All you can do is try to shift the argument in the direction you want; and it doesn't even make sense when you think about it.
          The adults generally require less to be catered to because they're absolute morons who just eat up Pokemon cause its Pokemon. Having a somewhat functional game is their baseline.
          Whereas having decent concepts and visuals would unironically be more relevant to children on average.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't care about "free passes". You can b***h about it all you want./
            Insisting you're now the most valuavble/important or otherwise audience, just because you're a 20-something spastic obsessive won't make it true. Nor will insisting "the normies woke up[". they were supposed to have awoken with USM, then LGPE and after that Dexit was supposeds to be the great incel hope of getting their kiddy toyu back and still it didn't change.
            I look forward to next year, when not a blind bit of difference has happened, except the kids getting targeted with the games today being older and replaced by several younger children, just discovering the world of pokémon. Think of it like the machines in the matrix, they cow the humans into being a life source and some rebel and seek freedom. Then there's those like me who got spat out, but still gets plugged in to enjoy the construct for a while, before going off to the real world again.
            But you're a cypher - you want to go back to being a mindless drone sheep with every nutritional need being pushed down a tube in your throat for you alone.

            • 10 months ago

              Wow you didn't say anything of value, try actually replaying rather than b***hing at a strawman you want to exist.

  63. 10 months ago

    And Valve said they were working on stopoing bots in TF2. Words arent the same as actions

  64. 10 months ago

    I'll believe they're serious about changes when I see it. I'd like to see GF take the time needed while promoting the spin off games as serious releases in the meantime. Maybe even have new Pokemon premiere in those spin offs to better build hype for the new mainline.

  65. 10 months ago

    The average salary of a game developer in Japan is 88,000 Australian dollars (I'm Australian so I'm using it as a metric here).

    For just 1 million extra Australian dollars (to account for payrises and wastage) per year, the largest media franchise AND MOST PROFITABLE IN THE WORLD, can hire an extra 100 staff for debugging, adding gameplay elements and adding in all Pokemon models with improved textures in Pokemon, NPCs and the overworld.

    If they want to spare 2 million, they could have 200 people do it.

    They can EASILY afford it. It would literally fix all their issues, but they are being needlessly greedy, and lazy, despite the lion's share of their profits coming from merch.

    • 10 months ago

      >AND MOST PROFITABLE IN THE WORLD, can hire an extra 100 staff
      They hire consultants for that, treat them like shit and never take their feedback into account. The problem is in the way they handle development.

  66. 10 months ago

    >I thought you said they didn't care about the quality
    They didn't the last 9 fricking years, so we were right.
    So... You admit we made valid criticism, them? YOU'RE WELCOME, SHILL!

  67. 10 months ago

    >When we said we were working hard before, we lied

    Common #ThankyouGameFreak L
    Typical GameFreak W

  68. 10 months ago

    TPC taking another few thousand steps in the right direction. Maybe they'll actually do it this time.

  69. 10 months ago

    The amount of people who try to act like COVID is to blame when literally everybody else, even Nintendo, didn't have this problem are laughable

  70. 10 months ago


    >28: Why do weak men like vanilla ice cream
    I can break your tiny emasculated asian limbs any direction i want homosexual

  71. 10 months ago


    Sorry third worlder, I'm fluent. That's why I chose
    "affect" over "effect", because "affect" actually meant what I'd intended.
    Go back to school, try not to get shot.

  72. 10 months ago

    Nintendo should be developing the games and game freak should only give them ideas

  73. 10 months ago

    Considering that SV, despite its sales. was completely and rightfully demolished by both critics and public i'd say that they had to change something in their developement schedule. Or just give up on gamefreak and let someone else do the games.

  74. 10 months ago

    What no one is understanding is that he's mentioning two things. One, they want to keep the yearly release schedule, that is, the number of games they make in any given year. Two, they want to ramp up end product quality, because they know it's shit.

    They won't make it so that new games take longer. What they 100% could do is reuse one engine and work on several releases with that one engine, while they work on improvements - a bit like the XYORAS situation, but it doesn't have to involve a remake. They probably realized that the current engine development cadence is too fast and they're cutting corners, so expect generations to take longer while having yearly releases still in order to pad out development.

  75. 10 months ago

    If you genuinely believe this will improve anything about this rancid shitheap of a franchise I have a bridge to sell you.

  76. 10 months ago

    >Pokemon and Gamefreak starts mass hiring
    >half the selections are woketards and mud people
    >half are Jap wagies who will do everything those above will tell them
    >Pokemon gets higher ESG score
    >no more Pokegirls (this started with SV already)
    Enjoy your first troony champion

    • 10 months ago

      >just announced a milf and camprostitute for the DLC
      seek help

  77. 10 months ago

    I just want another Pokemon Ranger game and a Pokemon Harvest Moon ripoff.

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