Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series. Looking back on it, it was the most playable Mortal Kombat game in the classic series if not just in general. It is pretty much the only classic MK played at tournaments.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Who laughed at it? It fixed 3

    • 8 months ago

      I mean 3 in general. I have seen many people say this is where the series went downhill. Mainly older MK fans.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't phrase that well. I should not have said laughing stock, that is clearly not true. I mean people still shit on it, mainly during the early years. People have warmed up to it which I am glad to see, but it was not like that before. I saw so many complaints about the more urban theme, the run button, the dial-a-combos. No one really explained why they disliked it them, I just feel they didn't like change.

        >I mean 3 in general. I have seen many people say this is where the series went downhill. Mainly older MK fans.
        never heard any of that. the worst i've heard is that was when they started getting more cartoony with the fatalites & joke finishers (even though friendships were in MK2 first) which while i kinda agree with i miss those and honestly would rather have them back over the gorefests of the reboot trilogy fatalities.

        the only times i've heard people say MK went downhill was when they made the jump from 2D to 3D with MK4, when they started pushing more newcomers in deadly alliance & deception or with the writing of MK9, MKX & MK11. the first 2 complaints can be interchanged with most other fighting game franchises because most FGC marks hate change and can only think in two dimensions.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series
    It wasn't? Regular MK3 was hated on most vocally because it replaced the ninjas with predato-I mean cyber ninjas, but I never heard anything about UMK3 other than people who just hate MK in general.

    When it comes to classic MK, peoples favorite always tends to be MK2 because muh old school or UMK3 because muh combos.

    • 8 months ago

      I noticed the people who dislike UMK3 tend to be care less about gameplay if I am being honest. The fatalities look goofy and the digitized graphics look tacky at this point... But it honestly plays so well.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't phrase that well. I should not have said laughing stock, that is clearly not true. I mean people still shit on it, mainly during the early years. People have warmed up to it which I am glad to see, but it was not like that before. I saw so many complaints about the more urban theme, the run button, the dial-a-combos. No one really explained why they disliked it them, I just feel they didn't like change.

        You do see a section of MK purists who dislike the urban settings, but I feel that is a more niche portion of MK fans who make a big stink about it. Certainly not enough to where UMK3 was widely viewed as a laughing stock or something.

        Personally, I both get it and also don't care. I get that MK3 introduced some different aesthetics and vibes, but it really doesn't matter. Story wise, MK3 revolves around Outworld invading Earth, so it makes sense for some stages to be representative of that, it's whatever.

        • 8 months ago

          Thank you, I agree with your comment. Btw, do you remember when UMK3 was xbox live?

          • 8 months ago

            I don't remember, I didn't have Xbox, just PS2 and Gamepube

  3. 8 months ago

    MKT 64 is huge at tournaments in the empanada countries. its to UMK3 what UMK3 was to MK3

  4. 8 months ago

    >Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series
    (citation needed)
    OP is moron and I don't even like MK.

    • 8 months ago

      I didn't phrase that well. I should not have said laughing stock, that is clearly not true. I mean people still shit on it, mainly during the early years. People have warmed up to it which I am glad to see, but it was not like that before. I saw so many complaints about the more urban theme, the run button, the dial-a-combos. No one really explained why they disliked it them, I just feel they didn't like change.

  5. 8 months ago

    >why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series

    According to who? Source? Your shitty attempt to epic troll /vr/?

    While the mods are too busy autistically pruning comments that contain even a hint of 360/ps3/wii they ignore these shitty bait threads that are Ganker core.

    • 8 months ago

      Guys, I didn't phrase it well.


      I didn't phrase that well. I should not have said laughing stock, that is clearly not true. I mean people still shit on it, mainly during the early years. People have warmed up to it which I am glad to see, but it was not like that before. I saw so many complaints about the more urban theme, the run button, the dial-a-combos. No one really explained why they disliked it them, I just feel they didn't like change.

      Keep in mind, I am not talking about today how it is viewed. MK3 was shat on heavily. Many of the complaints were strange imo.

      • 8 months ago

        newbie imbecile of an OP

  6. 8 months ago

    You're thinking of MK Trilogy. UMK3 was well received but Trilogy was seen as a cheap cash-in that milked an "old" game one too many times. This was also around the time MK Mythologies and MK Annihilation came out which all together turned the MK brand into a laughing stock almost overnight.

    • 8 months ago

      MK Trilogy is an awesome idea, but the lack of effort put into it shows. They really should not have ported characters that did not have running animations. It feels so lazy and tacky. I know that seems stupid to complain about, but it really bothers me. This was the last digitized MK game, it should have been a fond farewell. I love that they did Johnny Cage in MK3 style and gave Noob Saibot that awesome moveset.

  7. 8 months ago

    The biggest problem was that Mortal Kombat was just not cool anymore by the 3rd game. Digitized fighters were cutting edge just a couple of years prior but looked outdated and hokey next to the 3D polygon fighters that were starting to appear. The medium was evolving rapidly then and people thumbed their nose at anything they saw as outdated. I remember a Game Players blurb where one of the editors mentions that he was in an arcade and he was the only person playing MK3, no one was playing Killer Instinct and everyone was crowded around VF 2 and Tekken.
    Many people also didn't like the roster and setting changes. You can't blame the devs for trying something new, but the series was starting to shed the "Asian mysticism" from the first two games. I mean your ninjas got replaced by a cop and a native American. Plus many of the fatalities now were starting to get overly goofy and Python-esque. Some people weren't on board with the new "Dial-A-Kombo" system. I think people saw it as simplified and easier compared to the much more technical juggling combos from 2.
    UMK3 was an attempt at a make good but it was too late for general audiences to really care. Only hardcore MK fans really latched on to it.

    • 8 months ago

      MK Trilogy is an awesome idea, but the lack of effort put into it shows. They really should not have ported characters that did not have running animations. It feels so lazy and tacky. I know that seems stupid to complain about, but it really bothers me. This was the last digitized MK game, it should have been a fond farewell. I love that they did Johnny Cage in MK3 style and gave Noob Saibot that awesome moveset.

      Vanilla MK3 gets a pass for being the initial follow up to MKII and introducing a lot of new stuff even if not all of it was well received. But after two updates people started getting wise to all the shortcuts the game took. MKII's pit fatality was visually impressive. MK3's is just the character exploding into a generic red mist that's reused from several character fatalities. And the tower spikes look less convincing than even MK1's pit. The number of finishing moves went up but the variety of what a lot of them do went down. Whenever a character gets sliced up the sprites split in a cheap MS Paint kind of way. It felt phoned in and it became more and more noticeable with every update. It also probably didn't help that UMK3 never came out on PS1 despite being on Saturn and MK Trilogy was console exclusive, which at the time automatically robbed a fighting game of any credibility whatsoever.

    • 8 months ago

      >ya bro, MK was just not popular anymore in 1995
      Topkek. What a crock o' shit. You could do some minimal research on what went on in the year

      • 8 months ago

        I was there you fricking zoom zoom. Yeah there was a movie and it was popular but as far as the games go, it was over. Despite the massive marketing and hype, MK3 hit arcades like a wet fart. 2 was a phenomenon and cabinets could be found everywhere. I didn't see HALF as many MK 3 cabinets and they never generated the traffic that 2 did. Reviews for the home ports were lukewarm. Even shit like Battle Arena Toshinden was considered far superior to the likes of MK 3 at the time.

        • 8 months ago

          How old were you in 1995

          • 8 months ago

            Old enough to know you don't know what the frick you're talking about.

            • 8 months ago

              MK3 was absolutely a disappointment. People stopped caring and were moving onto the next thing (3D fighters).

            • 8 months ago

              MK3 was absolutely a disappointment. People stopped caring and were moving onto the next thing (3D fighters).

              >has to post screen shots from mags they looked up in recent year to "prove" they're old
              If you were like 48 or so years old, I was going to give you the benefit that maybe the older, more hardcore fighting game crowd cared less about MK. But I think you really are a LARPing zoomer now, with the talk of 3D gaming being bigger than it was in '95 to average kids.

              You have to go by these little isolated things because you weren't actually alive. More kids in 1995 were still into MK than Tekken. Tekken may have had some hype for being a shiny new 3D game but it was not more popular than MK that had a very large fanbase of all ages especially in that time frame.

              Here's something a little more impressive than some rando nerds fanmail to a gaming rag. 4 nominations for MK, only 1 for Tekken.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol, what bullshit and how old are you? I LIVED and BREATHED arcades. MK 2 was ubiquitous - it was in pizza joints, grocery stores, Wal-Mart lobbies, and arcades would have multiple machines. There'd ALWAYS be someone playing them. MK 3 I ONLY saw in big arcades, and they'd have just 1 cab. Look it could have still been "popular" and made money, riding off the incredible amount of hype (and insane level of marketing) and success of the first two games but when it got into the hands of gamers, it quickly stopped being a phenomenon. They had to hurry out an upgrade a few months after the release because the initial reception was so underwhelming. Anyone who was there could have told you that. You're being completely disingenuous. Just IMAGINE carrying water for MK3 lmao

              • 8 months ago

                I am in my 30s. I was a kid in 1995, all the kids I knew were into MK, Tekken not so much.

                Saying MK was not popular in 1995 is like saying Power Rangers wasn't popular in 1993 or Pokemon wasn't popular in 1999, all there is to it.

              • 8 months ago

                This. Mortal kombat was still popular in 95 the fricking movie came out in 95. It’s still one of the best videogame movies and that fricking soundtrack.


                What kind of zoomer phentanyl are these fricks smoking today?

              • 8 months ago

                >still one of the best videogame movies
                Really amazing to be honest, couldn't even be topped by its own remake. I don't think I fully understood how shit the movie industry is until that, the whole industry is a bunch of talentless fricks who just get lucky here and there

              • 8 months ago

                The new movie felt like the first episode of a TV series. It felt like nothing happened. Very unmemorable.

              • 8 months ago

                The only good thing about it was having more explicit violence than the original. I would say, actually tackling Scorpion and Sub Zero's rivalry was good too.....but despite the initial action scene being badass, I don't think they made it fit in the movie. It felt like two different movies crammed together.

                The "arcana" bullshit is such fanfic tier trash, the MK universe is one where other dimensions and gods are key to the plot, you're telling me you had to come up with some hokey plot device to make special attacks seem more convenient? Give me a break, just have the magic characters use magic, the tech characters use tech, it's quite simple, "arcana" honestly makes it less interesting and seems more like a video gamey gimmick than whats in the actual video games

              • 8 months ago

                partially because MK hype WAS slowing, no doubt, but by the time late 95-96 arcades (at least in suburban areas) were slowing substantially.
                really after UMK3 the only game i can think of that had a decent run in my area was tekken tag, which was years later.

              • 8 months ago

                I was 15 in 1995 (yeah yeah, oldgay etc)
                Here in the UK at least, the hype around MK3 was huge, coinciding with the movie release. The arcade was massive, cabinets in all my local venues and queues everywhere. It coexisted very well with the VF2's of the world and was a much biggger deal than the Capcom 2D's, at least in the arcade.
                The Mega Drive, SNES and PS1 releases were massive too

                Regardless the game was perhaps a little dissapointment in hindsight, and there was some negativity of no Scorpion/Ninja's etc. However UMK3 fixed this, and some tweaks to the combo system, is much more highly regarded now as a superior MK game

  8. 8 months ago

    umk3 definitely wasnt a laughing stock...if anything it would be vanilla mk3 because of the shitty roster. but even then id say mk4 was when the series truly shit the bed, and didnt return to form until mk9.
    >Looking back on it, it was the most playable Mortal Kombat game in the classic series
    its definitely the funnest to play competitively, however from a casual standpoint id say that mk2 was easily the peak. it had huge expectations and shattered them all.

    • 8 months ago

      MK4 is such a weird game. A lot of 3D games were known to have shit framerates back then and MK4 corrected that but at the same time felt like it was running in fast forward. You could put the Benny Hill theme to it and it'd match.

      • 8 months ago

        Absolute majority of 3D fighters were 60 fps though.

        • 8 months ago

          In 1997? I know Soul Blade was 30fps. Toshinden 3 let you switch between 30fps and 60fps at the cost of visuals.

          • 8 months ago

            From the top of my head, Virtua Fighter 2-3, Tekken 1-2-3, Dead or Alive, Fighting Vipers, Last Bronx, Fighters Megamix, Street Fighter EX, Rival Schools, Bloody Roar, Genei Tougi, Critical Blow, Dynasty Warriors, Tobal 1-2, Fighters' Impact, Virtual Hiryuu no Ken - all are 60 fps games that were available in 1997 or earlier.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series
    Why do you just make shit up like that?
    It's the version people have wanted more ever since it came out. I don't personally like it, but I'm in the minority. You don't see me going around just making shit up as I go.

  10. 8 months ago

    Hating on MK3 is a recent development.
    The only people who didn't like it were the ones who played it so much that they got bored with it.
    It was way better than a lot of the fighters being shit out while trying to capitalize on the MK/SF hype.

    • 8 months ago

      You're right. I remember people were disappointed by Scorpion being absent and thought Sub-Zero's unmasked look was silly but that's about it as far as criticisms went. They loved MK3 to the point that it was an early system seller for the PS1. The kombat kode gimmick was really something because of all the cross promotion. Every MK3 print ad had a kombat kode in it without telling you what it did. The MK movie and The Journey Begins VHS tie-in had a kode appear in the end credits. You really wanted to get to the game so you could try them and see what they did. The only downside was that vanilla MK3 didn't have a lot of codes in the first place. There were maybe 20 at most. But the mystery surrounding the game was amazing. Smoke peeking at you from the character select screen got everyone talking.

      • 8 months ago

        I would love a list of every magazine issue that covered all the MK games, especially the arcade ones. There are probably all sorts of different secrets listed including ones that are totally fake. Would be awesome to have a stack of those lying around since I can never remember all the oddball moves and kodes in these games.

        I liked it
        Also, I remember that MK3 and maybe UMK3 had better graphics than MKTrilogy

        The arcade games ran at a slightly higher resolution with non-square pixels at roughly 54 fps to keep within graphics timings if I am remembering right so it was pretty much impossible for the home consoles to match the visuals.

        You're talking absolute fricking shit OP and clearly do not know what the frick you are on about

        MK3 was generally a dissapointment

        UMK3 fixed a lot of things and is genuinelly regarded a classic

        I just want to add that MKT is a janky broken mess however

        I think you pretty much nailed it. MKT on PC is the best way to play it minus the N64's 3-on-3 Kombat mode. I keep mentioning this in MK threads but I really would have liked to take the source code leaks for these games from a few years ago and patch that mode into the PC version. Only thing the game would need after that is an option to play every version of every character from every prior MK game with options to match Trilogy to various system revisions. Which, while a lot of work, would be something I would undertake if my life weren't in constant turmoil.
        Speaking of fan hacks, there are Mortal Kombat Plus mods for each of the first three arcade games. Neat stuff even if the site is riddled with grammar errors.

        I know this one is the odd one out definitively one of the worst with armageddon, but I'm tired to pretend it's not fun to play

        I like Gold and Armageddon. They're both janky and I can turn my brain off a bit.

  11. 8 months ago

    >Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series.
    It wasn't.
    Your premise is simply false.

  12. 8 months ago

    I liked it
    Also, I remember that MK3 and maybe UMK3 had better graphics than MKTrilogy

  13. 8 months ago

    You're talking absolute fricking shit OP and clearly do not know what the frick you are on about

    MK3 was generally a dissapointment

    UMK3 fixed a lot of things and is genuinelly regarded a classic

    I just want to add that MKT is a janky broken mess however

  14. 8 months ago

    people were put off when mk3 didn't have the main characters mk was known for, then umk3 was pretty much the best old mk game besides maybe mk2

  15. 8 months ago

    I think the disconnect here is that both are true. MK3 was a big deal when it came out and also people moved on from it very quickly because the next gen kicked into high gear almost immediately after. So you had a flash of big interest than an almost instantaneous transition to something new. That wasn't an uncommon phenomenon back then.

  16. 8 months ago

    >Why was this game pretty much the laughing stock of the MK series.
    Or, were you trying to do that thing where you legitimize complete trash by omission? If so, frick you.

    • 8 months ago

      I know this one is the odd one out definitively one of the worst with armageddon, but I'm tired to pretend it's not fun to play

  17. 8 months ago

    I fapped and came buckets for the digitized model of MK3 Kitana

    • 8 months ago

      Damn bro

    • 8 months ago

      Kerri Hoskins is a legitimately stunning woman...she's still got it too.

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        She is the best part of MK3.

  18. 8 months ago

    Something about the new character designs and general look of the stages always rubbed me the wrong way after 2. Especially the cyborgs. Cool in concept but fricking lame in design.

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