>ummm everyone loves unova it is le peak

>ummm everyone loves unova it is le peak

Wrong. Everyone loves Orre. Orre is /ourguy/. Orre is love. Orre is life.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    If Orre fans actually played the games they'd quickly stop liking them lol

    • 4 months ago

      I enjoyed colosseum and XD when I replayed them 2 years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      I player XD several years ago and was throughly unimpressed, and apparently it’s better than colosseum

      • 4 months ago

        As a game, Gales is better in almost all aspects, at the plot level it feels more family friendly, it is not a complaint, it could be taken as a reflection of the conquest of the Wild West, what in the past was the territory of outlaws, is now just the children's playing field.

        • 4 months ago

          >it could be taken as a reflection of the conquest of the Wild West, what in the past was the territory of outlaws, is now just the children's playing field.
          I was never a fan of how the roughness of Orre was sanded down for XD, but this read on it makes sense

      • 4 months ago

        Gales only excels in its purification system. Colosseum is better in everything else, it has this comfy ghetto feeling you don't see in many games.

        • 4 months ago

          Eh, it's got a few qol upgrades like save from the pause menu, wild pokemon to use as trade fodder, and especially the expanded roster of shadow moves. Makes actually using shadow pokemon more fun when you have more options than just a recoil move to start out with.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I've actually been playing Colosseum for the first time.
      It's ok so far but this bit after the Venus fight is a total b***h trying to catch all the Pokemon, I think next time I try it I'll have to just go back up and save between every fight to save myself from having to redo 2 or 3 10+ minute fights every time I lose or accidentally faint a shadow.

      • 4 months ago

        if it's not one you NEED you can try again in the post game for any missed pokemon

      • 4 months ago

        The game's got some charm but the plot is paper thin, it's just a bunch of mid 2000s anime tropes that you'd probably expect from something like Beyblade lol
        Clearly most of it is just there to facilitate the gameplay of going around stealing Pokemon, which is like fine I guess for a side game.
        But yeah battles just drag on for a bit too long for my tastes - double battles in general tend to have this problem in Pokemon but the constant back and forth and being unable to reliably OHKO most things here really slows things to a crawl.
        It's fine for big boss battles, but every single battle being like this makes the game very tedious in some areas (see: Colosseum battles, which weirdly are optional despite being the namesake of the game)

        if it's not one you NEED you can try again in the post game for any missed pokemon

        True but if I start doing that then I'll start leaving every Pokemon for the post game, and at that point I'll just think it's too much trouble to get them afterwards one after the other rather than staggered like they are during the story.

    • 4 months ago

      Zoomers who don't know what a GameCube is or Yawngay clones have no right to participate in these threads.

    • 4 months ago

      XD is... acceptable. It's one step removed from just feeding you trainer battles on a conveyer belt, but hey man, that's what I want sometimes.
      Colosseum, however, is hot trash.

    • 4 months ago

      No because we like good animations.
      This is 100% true for the people who claim to like Orre but call games like DP "slow" though lmao

      • 4 months ago

        > No because we like good animations
        The animations aren’t good though.

        • 4 months ago

          They’re better than what we have now and better than what was on the GBA

          • 4 months ago

            > They’re better than what we have now

    • 4 months ago

      true fans love all the games

  2. 4 months ago

    >ummm everyone loves unova
    Says who? Even it’s fans admit that it used to be the most polarizing games

    • 4 months ago

      I agree, I love Orre's games for their aesthetics, their lore, and the degree of difficulty for the time.

      But they are not games that I would recommend for everyone.

  3. 4 months ago

    I love both!

    • 4 months ago

      Orrepon needs a cowboy hat, retrotecno sunglasses, a Fudd beer and a burrito.

  4. 4 months ago

    The Unova games are the worst in the series and the Orre games are only useful for filling out a Gen 3 dex.

  5. 4 months ago

    It was probably a huge mistake playing Colosseum and XD before I ever played any other Pokémon game. After I finished those two, I played Leafgreen and hated it so much. I really can’t enjoy other Pokémon games aside from Explorers of Sky since that one is different.

  6. 4 months ago

    God American regions mog European ones.

    • 4 months ago

      Based, Paldea's the only decent one.

      • 4 months ago

        Paldea is shit.

  7. 4 months ago

    unova was always garbage

  8. 4 months ago

    Orre is what would happen if you gave control to a 14 year old who thinks pokemon games need to be "mature".
    >our region is a desert because its so harsh and brutal and our protagonist is a criminal because that's epic and he wears a long coat because cool anime guys wear long coats

    • 4 months ago

      You're wrong, Orre is like this due to the game's limitations, something like the Silent Hill fog used to cover the game's poor graphical capacity.

      They didn't have the ability to program all the pokemon in the game, they couldn't program random encounters with wild pokemon, they didn't have the capacity to create an open world, so instead of chickening out they used those limitations to build a new region with its own lore.

      The absence of Pokemon was justified as a dead land with the few existing Pokemon exported from other regions.

      The criminal protagonist was the way to justify the theft of Pokemon from other trainers as the new capture mechanic since there were no wild Pokemon.

      The set in the desert was a narrative resource to justify large areas of land without points of interest to disguise how really small this world is, with the motorcycle travel cinematics we are given the illusion that the region is enormous and there is no point waste your time exploring something other than the small towns and cities that the game points out to you.

      I can't justify the dialogues, it's literally a bad fanfic written by a teenager.

      • 4 months ago

        You're absolutely correct, even your spoiler'd text.
        And yet I still think it's a legitimately good entry.

    • 4 months ago

      And that's why, as a teenager, I loved it.
      It was in-line enough AND "edgy" enough to appeal to me but not be so try hard and different as to appear as an obvious and foolhardy attempt by aged businessmen to appeal to me, as the late 90s and early 2000s where rife with.

    • 4 months ago

      edgy tryhard "cringe" of the 90s-2000s>


      safe slop of the (late)2010s-2020s

      • 4 months ago

        This. I would rather take a trying to hard early 2000s era of gaming over whatever the frick is current modern gaming with its littering of politics and safe edgy crap.

      • 4 months ago

        This. I would rather take a trying to hard early 2000s era of gaming over whatever the frick is current modern gaming with its littering of politics and safe edgy crap.

        Zoomer hands who never lived through these eras typed these posts

        • 4 months ago

          actual zoomer hands who never lived through these eras typed this post

          • 4 months ago

            >N-no you
            Every time

        • 4 months ago

          >Zoomer hands who never lived through these eras
          ...so you mean Gen Alpha then???
          Why are people here so moronic?????

          • 4 months ago

            At some point or another "zoomer" just because a completely empty words with no cohesive definition
            A big chunk of Gen Z'ers would have absolutely lived through the edgy 2000's-era of games - not all of them (i.e. kids born in the early 2010's), but still plenty, unless we're now saying shit like Shadow the Hedgehog is actually millennialcore (then again I wouldn't be surprised at that either, you can tell autismo generationgays get really weird and inconsistent when it comes to acknowledging the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox-era)

  9. 4 months ago

    >brings up Unova out of nowhere

  10. 4 months ago

    There has never been a peak to pokemon, and there never will be.

    semi related, I love Colosseum, let's make this an Orre thread

  11. 4 months ago

    Unfortunately i don't see them ever remastering colosseum and XD. Only thing we will ever have is this country desert song in both Paldea. and Orre.

  12. 4 months ago

    >Orre is west America
    >Unova is north east America
    Where is the next pokeamerica region

    • 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    Only James Turner cumguzzlers like Orre.

  14. 4 months ago

    >no argument

    • 4 months ago

      Ironic post

  15. 4 months ago

    That's some really ugly art.

  16. 4 months ago

    did you know espeon was supposed to be mew evolution?

  17. 4 months ago

    there will never be a new orre game

    • 4 months ago

      Do you really think the modern pokemon games would even do Orre well at this point?

      • 4 months ago

        Why wouldn’t they? The original games are already guilty of everything you whine about in modern Pokemon games except worse.

  18. 4 months ago

    Playing through Colosseum for the first time in over a decade and man this game holds up extremely well and full of SOVL.
    >absolutely unhinged character designs/names
    >extremely detailed areas and towns with tons of little aesthetic choices
    >ridiculous over the top plot
    >pointless edge all over it
    >forces you to use 90% johto mons which range in usefulness, and the limited pool of mons means youre forced to use an unorthodox team
    >starts you around ~lv30, the sweet spot for when battles start to get really interesting in pokemon games
    >shadow pokemon + all double battles create very different strategies than you'd see in mainline, having to plan around snagging a mon while also keeping the battle going
    >the music is insanely good
    >the animations are over the top and extremely soulful
    What kino games. Hell they even manage to make fricking Meganium useful. That alone is impressive. They're so weird and such a massive departure from what Pokemon is that I can't help but love it, despite its flaws.

    • 4 months ago

      the shitposters sure did get quiet after this post

    • 4 months ago

      >>the music is insanely good
      For real, Colosseum's OST has no right being so good.
      What gods did the composer perform sacrifices to to gain such musical power?

  19. 4 months ago


  20. 4 months ago

    Orre is shit, but I loved the games.

  21. 4 months ago

    What's he cooking?

    • 4 months ago

      Shadow Ho-Oh

  22. 4 months ago

    If Orre is so loved, why can't they get one character in Mastersex?

    • 4 months ago

      The Orre region is too cool to show up in a shitty mobile game.

    • 4 months ago

      >why was Metroid Prime barely mentioned in last 3 mainline metroid releases?

    • 4 months ago

      honestly they'd be great to show up in mastersex but I think GF doesn't really care about acknowledging it at all
      the only remnants of its existence left are the national ribbon and the few trademons with npc TIDs like Duking's Plusle
      that being said i've seen a lot of posting about getting orre characters in. Wes, Rui, Michael, Miror B, Duking, Lovrina, Venus, Greevil, Dakim, Jovi, Nascour, and Evice would all be great additions, especially with how their designs contrast with the rest of the franchise.
      Alas they're about as likely to show up as someone like Brigette or Grand Oak.

      • 4 months ago

        >the only remnants of its existence left are the national ribbon and the few trademons with NPC TIDs like Duking's Plusle
        Except bizarrely they brought back Shadow Pokemon and Purification for Go. We were absolutely robbed by the absence of XD001 when they released Shadow Lugia

        • 4 months ago

          Oh god I totally forgot about that. They even replicated the purification chamber.
          Associating it with Team Rocket is kinda lame, Cipher would've been fun in GO, especially if you could fight both Rocket grunts and Cipher Peons. Normies wouldnt give a shit, they'd think it's fun.

  23. 4 months ago

    >No exploration
    >No dungeons aside from rocket hideout-like mazes but without cool gimmicks
    >Side content for the campaign its just a bunch of stadiums with fixed challengers
    >Retires all the edginess to make the game more akin to a mainline stuff
    >Starts with lv 5 pokemon
    >you can catch wild pokemon! Except is mostly common shit like hopip, zubat and sandshrew
    >Some places from colosseum are inaccesible some are just useless now
    >Battle mode is nowhere to be found and instead they give you a weird two player mode with fixed pokemon teams
    An actual good orre game when???

  24. 4 months ago

    The main story is little more than an edgy fanfic, sure, but if you slow down and read these games have lots of little moments full of charm and character.
    >the guy in Phenac who just wants the breaking news to stop so he can watch anime
    >the guy in Pyrite's power station who's been there forever and clearly really loves his job
    >the bored chick in duel square flirting with Wes to get a rise out of Rui
    >the man running the Under hotel that thinks you're trying to rob him if you walk behind the counter and talk to him but will gladly rent you a room otherwise
    >the researcher in the lab who's first reaction is to remind you to wear propper gear before realizing you're an intruder
    Just little things like that which make the world feel like it's full of people just living their daily lives rather than everything revolving around the plot and the player.

    • 4 months ago

      one of my fav subtle details is that none of the cities sell pokeballs, which makes perfect sense with there being no wild pokemon. the outskirt stand guy sells them to you after the shadow pokemon are introduced, but by this point he's probably observed that Wes is kind of a badass after his battle with Willie, and hey, Snagem has to get their stock from *somewhere*, right?

      the implication here being that the outskirt stand is a place where everyone can gather, criminals included, because it's in the middle of nowhere and nobody is going to do anything about it. Wes's first destination after comitting a literal terrorist attack is to go there.

      it's probably just headcanon, but imo it makes enough sense. a place in the middle of nowhere that serves anyone as long as they'll pay? perfect place for a pokeball smuggler.

  25. 4 months ago

    Colosseum has the best rabbit holes.

    • 4 months ago

      Congrats bro! Going for the others too?

      • 4 months ago

        I actually reset it, so that one's gone. That was just practice to verify that I'm doing things correctly. I'm gonna go for one with better stats and a better nature. But also yes, I'm going for all three.

        • 4 months ago

          Based. Got all three recently, and I especially love how Suicune looks in this game. I wish this was the actual shiny colors it had in the main series

  26. 4 months ago

    Orre is a pretty cool guy too. He fights Shadow Pokemon and doesn't afraid of anything.

  27. 4 months ago

    I'm so happy with how much love Orre is getting on /vp/ these days, ever since the anniversary I feel we constantly have a thread up and I've not seen this much enthusiasm for the region since the PokeQuest days. It makes me want to get the Wii out the attic and play though Col again.

    Sadly, GF will never ever acknowledge us Orregays again, especially since Turner left

  28. 4 months ago

    never played the spin off games and never will
    have sex

  29. 4 months ago

    >Get an initial seed that's only 36 million away from my target
    >Which is just 35 minutes away with Yanma advances
    >Undercut the target by like 50k frames so I can wait out the rest in OpenBlink and have time to find a mod 7 seed
    >Calculate I have approximately 3 seconds to spare to get out of the PDA in time after the timer is done
    >Then use Pokefinder to calculate an approximate initial seed that undercuts my Yanma end, input that into OpenBlink and expand the range so I can find where I actually am, and then progress towards my target
    >Start the process, start syncing up Espeon's blinks
    >OpenBlink found a seed
    >But the blips aren't matching Espeon's blinks
    >Try to find the seed again, narrowing the range
    >OpenBlink can't find a seed that matches
    Goddamn it. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
    >Stuck Plusle in the daycare to have something that can paralyze to increase my snag chance
    >Forgot to rearrange its moves to put Thunder Wave at the bottom, and now it's gone

    • 4 months ago

      Actually I could probably go get Skiploom too, it has Sleep Powder.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm actually running Plusle on my ingame team and it's surprisingly decent. Helping Hand, Thunder Wave, and Encore are a great combination and it pairs up great with just about anything. It might not survive too long if the CPU decides to gang up on it, but unless it's a Magnitude/EQ situation I've noticed it doesn't get targeted if my other mon is strong enough.

      • 4 months ago

        I was gonna use Plusle myself to support Espeon, but Thunder Wave is gone, which is disappointing. Oh well.

        • 4 months ago

          Next subsequent playthrough I recommend just grinding some of the Colosseum challenges. I had to do this anyway for the Solar Beam TM for Meganium.
          Funny how despite everything Meganium is going to be my strongest special attacker now for a long time, only beaten by Entei (which has the less reliable Fire Blast)

  30. 4 months ago

    Has Orre ever been mentioned in the mainline games?

    • 4 months ago

      >Distant Land
      No, even mentioning the name scares GF

      • 4 months ago

        >Orre Venusaur

        Why would you have something so obviously hacked? Im actually impressed Home let that through, given how I've had issues with legit Orre pokemon

        • 4 months ago

          nta, but weren't there a few cases where they used distant land on event distributions? Also you could breed an egg and trade it over to the orre games to hatch it, so technically anything breedable in gen 3 could have that. Never played swsh so no clue if it would carry over a message about hatching vs catching it from that far back that would confirm that's hacked though.

          • 4 months ago

            >Also you could breed an egg and trade it over to the orre games to hatch it
            Won't work, you can't trade eggs to the Orre games.

            • 4 months ago

              Huh, could have sworn egg trading in post-game was a thing, guess not. Though I certainly haven't had a reason to try that since I was 12 so I must be misremembering.

    • 4 months ago

      A fan-made world map created for Serebii was modified, mirrored, and included in ORAS, and Orre is visible on it.

  31. 4 months ago

    Orre is the worst region and I am NOT excited for its third entry

  32. 4 months ago

    Orre is such a great region and Colosseum might be the best pokemon game I've ever played, replaying it a while back felt like a trip down memory lane to a different time. Shame gayfreak despises even the thought of mentioning these games because they're infinitely superior to the garbage they've been pumping out since gen 5. Also there's Outskirt Stand, really short fangame, but if you're craving to go home back to Orre, it's a treat.

    • 4 months ago

      >Orre is such a great region

      • 4 months ago

        Read the thread dipshit but if you're too moronic for that then

        Playing through Colosseum for the first time in over a decade and man this game holds up extremely well and full of SOVL.
        >absolutely unhinged character designs/names
        >extremely detailed areas and towns with tons of little aesthetic choices
        >ridiculous over the top plot
        >pointless edge all over it
        >forces you to use 90% johto mons which range in usefulness, and the limited pool of mons means youre forced to use an unorthodox team
        >starts you around ~lv30, the sweet spot for when battles start to get really interesting in pokemon games
        >shadow pokemon + all double battles create very different strategies than you'd see in mainline, having to plan around snagging a mon while also keeping the battle going
        >the music is insanely good
        >the animations are over the top and extremely soulful
        What kino games. Hell they even manage to make fricking Meganium useful. That alone is impressive. They're so weird and such a massive departure from what Pokemon is that I can't help but love it, despite its flaws.

        • 4 months ago

          >it's good because..um...the character designs look nothing like pokemon
          stopped reading there

          • 4 months ago

            It's okay to not like Orre anon. What games do you like?

            • 4 months ago

              It's okay to like things that are bad anon.

              • 4 months ago

                It's okay to not only be moronic but to smell bad in real life anon.

      • 4 months ago

        The setting feels really unique and has a charm to it that's hard to describe, this punk wild west theme that somehow just works, it's over the top in the best way possible, games back in that era were meant to be an experience rather than some slop meant to be pander to normies. The things people usually b***h about Colosseum is the game being slow and purifying shadows being tedious, but frankly I like it that way because it keeps zoomers out of it, you have to commit to playing the game instead of being given everything for free.

  33. 4 months ago

    Passionate missionary sex with Rui!

  34. 4 months ago

    >Find a seed around an hour ahead
    >Find a target seed undercut by like fifty thousand frames or so
    >Find a sample seed undercut by like five thousand frames or so to start OpenBlink from a narrower search
    >Reach the target, back out and start the search from OpenBlink
    >OpenBlink finds a target, but the blinks don't match
    >Try from my initial seed and set the search to my undercut seed, 62 million frames ahead
    >OpenBlink crashes on me
    Man, what am I doing wrong here? What's the point of documenting that Shadow Yanma, when viewed in its summary or in the Snag List advances around 17000 frames per second, if you can't find the seed you're at after the advances end? There's gotta be something I'm missing.

    • 4 months ago

      Okay so I did some testing and it looks like there's wildly off information out there. At 60Hz PAL Shadow Yanma advances frames by about 20550 frames per second, not 17000 like I kept seeing. I used 20500 frames as the benchmark for testing and was able to match Espeon's blinks every time using that. This will help in the future.

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, this is known information in Blisys discord but the guides are outdated as well as the tools used in said guides. Use 20600 frames per second and substract at least 200 000 frames as a remainder so that you dont overshoot.

        • 4 months ago

          >Yes, this is known information in Blisys discord but the guides are outdated as well as the tools used in said guides.
          Well that's all well and good but Discord servers aren't indexed to be searchable via Google, so the information I have to learn from are the videos he and a few others made on the subject + random Reddit posts on the topic of questionable usefulness, with everyone using different methods and different tools. I'll work more on it tomorrow, I was gonna work with 20535 or so to keep the remainder in a semi-manageable spot, and instead aim to undershoot.

          • 4 months ago

            Alternatively, there is a slower method that doesnt require Yanma. Basically you can advance by entering a battle in battle now 2200 fps in a doubles battle, then go back to the title screen and refind your seed until you are like 40 000 frames away. Running through the Under advances about 20 000 frames if I remember correctly. Then use CoTool/OpenBlink to find your seed in Venus room and then launch the blinktimer in CoSearch. I made a post about it on Reddit if you are intersted: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonrng/comments/tt73ce/flawless_shiny_timid_suicune/

            • 4 months ago

              That works for Suicune, but I'm at Dakim at Mt. Battle, with Entei. So I can't access the Under yet. And yes, I've considered Battle Now advances, but 2180/2280 advances per second is dreadfully slow when my target frames tend to average in the hundreds of millions of frames. I'd have to leave my Gamecube on for like four days straight to just get a single chance at an attempt, which is absurd.

              If it sounds like I'm nitpicking, I'm just frustrated. Finding the actual advance rate is progress though, I'm happy about that.

  35. 4 months ago

    The next pla style game should be in the distant future and set in unova. But it's a dystopian mad max future since switch hardware is too shitty to generate open world with buildings.

  36. 4 months ago

    There will never be an Orre game because if they produced an Orre region game that wasn't just the first two but with new characters people would be upset.

    Like honestly, if they populated it with pokemon, gave some actual gym leaders and new starters you would hate it.

    • 4 months ago

      yes bc that defeats the point of orre dumbass

      • 4 months ago

        Which is why if they did anything that wasn't just a remake of ideally just the first game no one would like it.

        • 4 months ago

          Or you could make a sequel that continues the more JRPG style of the games you're making a sequel to, rather than looking at them and saying 'what if we just make a standard pokemon game?'.

    • 4 months ago

      Wild Pokemon would be fine. New starters I would love, Eevees are fricking shit.
      But Gym Leaders? To hell with that garbage.

  37. 4 months ago

    Imagine if someone makes an Orre fangame but with either Fakemon or regional variants? Or even both?

  38. 4 months ago

    I like Johto, Orre, and Unova.

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