>Undefeated Earth

>Undefeated Earth

Are you undefeated?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >Humanity First.
    Why are you racist?

    • 2 years ago

      Because I am an average person.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Humanity shouldn't be first
      have a nice day right fricking now if you truly believe that. Prove your conviction.

      • 2 years ago

        If I kill myself who will clean alien futa wieners?

        • 2 years ago

          I will. So please have a nice day so that there are more for me.

    • 2 years ago

      >it's racist to ensure that all non-human species will be subjugated by mankind

  2. 2 years ago

    Wake me up when these Black folk have a release date.
    And No ~ Q6 2222 is not a release date.

  3. 2 years ago

    > when you post a truly exceptional pepe

    • 2 years ago

      i like your agent naming convention - adopting.

    • 2 years ago

      >Annica Zetterberg, how are you going to get six billion humans into space?

  4. 2 years ago

    I've never played the original 2D XComs so i dont have a frame of reference to compare to this

    What genre even is this game? a 4X? A space colony sim with a huge prologue game? An Illuminati simulator? I dont get it

    • 2 years ago

      I'm confused as well anon. It feels like Illuminati simulator for the first 10 years then a crappy space game after that.

    • 2 years ago

      2D xcom doesn't give any more insight into it. This was inspired more by 3d xcom.

      In 3D xcom there was this shadowy council that gave you funding, something that did not exist in the 2D one. These long war mods went from there and let you play as the shadowy council instead.

      It is slightly genre defying, but not by much. Honestly you just described it. An illuminati simulator that is space colony sim, all to the backdrop of aliens doing shady shit and taking over governments, so you have to do the same.

      • 2 years ago

        So its like a grand-strategy level of 3D-Com where you're fricking the sectoids and thin men infiltration at a more macro level

        still weird how you wed that to interplanetary spess colony sim with space ship fighting

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty much, except that it's a divided humanity, into 7 factions, each with their separate goal, and I presume, win condition.

          The exodus just has the goal to flee earth and try to survive somewhere else. Humanity first wants to eradicate the aliens. The protectorate is looking to negotiate continued existence of humanity for some loss of autonomy and so on.

          You're not just fighting aliens, you're fighting (and trading and cooperating) with other humans.

          So space colonization is also a bit of a competitive land grab, and the geopolitics simulator has a bunch of choices towards selfishness vs. cooperation, like how the science tree is done.

          The tech tree has techs that are universal and personal. Most new technology gets unlocked by factions paying together towards it. Applications of that tech still need to be researched and only apply to the factions that research them. Since you decide how much of your research is going to mutual benefit and how much to personal benefit there are interesting trade-offs made.

  5. 2 years ago

    Its just playing aztec and inca in other games, but with aliens instead. And has the same problem that it should be impossible to win but you can still win

  6. 2 years ago

    I've been trying to think if there's any interesting faction opportunities they've missed.

    What faction would you want from a game-mod?

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly I think if the way you theme factions is "potential reactions to an alien invasion" they've pretty much covered all major bases.
      "Fight them off", "Exterminate them", "Profit from their arrival", "Run away from them", "Capitulate to them because Humanity is terrible", "Worship them because they're obviously divine", "Make them respect us as equals" is pretty comprehensive as far as motivations go.

      If you're keeping the main factions as is, maybe the way to go would be variants or breakaways a la Alien Crossfire?
      So like you could schism the Academy into peaceniks who still want to befriend the ayys after they prove hostile, and realists who want to beat them up until they stop fricking with us.
      Ideally you'd have schisms happening dynamically during a campaign (with the player picking which side they want to stick with), but I seriously doubt the game would support that without some serious frickery

      • 2 years ago

        I've been trying to think if there's any interesting faction opportunities they've missed.

        What faction would you want from a game-mod?

        I'm sure one faction would want to become alien.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah yeah, a Transhumanist faction would probably work.
          Though you could argue that alien-derived transhumanism could be a thing that a couple of the existing factions could get into (Servants and Academy I'd guess, maybe with the Initiative commercialising it as well).
          If you wanted a Servants variant faction, that could be it actually, like less "worshipping the aliens because they are divine" and more "becoming one with the alien's flesh so we may inherit their divinity"
          All I can think of is the Nigerians in District 9 eating Prawns for their "magic powers"

      • 2 years ago

        Faction that wants to frick the aliens

        • 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      Honestly I think if the way you theme factions is "potential reactions to an alien invasion" they've pretty much covered all major bases.
      "Fight them off", "Exterminate them", "Profit from their arrival", "Run away from them", "Capitulate to them because Humanity is terrible", "Worship them because they're obviously divine", "Make them respect us as equals" is pretty comprehensive as far as motivations go.

      If you're keeping the main factions as is, maybe the way to go would be variants or breakaways a la Alien Crossfire?
      So like you could schism the Academy into peaceniks who still want to befriend the ayys after they prove hostile, and realists who want to beat them up until they stop fricking with us.
      Ideally you'd have schisms happening dynamically during a campaign (with the player picking which side they want to stick with), but I seriously doubt the game would support that without some serious frickery

      Subjugating the aliens. A faction that wants to be empire builders and take the ayys as a subservient civilization. An aggressive faction that doesn't want extermination.
      Finding some other aliens to be friends with. Basically Humanity First when it comes to the ayys that are trying to invade Earth but the Academy to any other ayys that want to be friends. They try to get help from some other aliens in repelling these aliens and fighting them off.

    • 2 years ago

      Ah yeah, a Transhumanist faction would probably work.
      Though you could argue that alien-derived transhumanism could be a thing that a couple of the existing factions could get into (Servants and Academy I'd guess, maybe with the Initiative commercialising it as well).
      If you wanted a Servants variant faction, that could be it actually, like less "worshipping the aliens because they are divine" and more "becoming one with the alien's flesh so we may inherit their divinity"
      All I can think of is the Nigerians in District 9 eating Prawns for their "magic powers"

      IMO not only have they covered the bases, Humanity First and Resistance, as well as Academy and Protectorate are redundant.

    • 2 years ago

      NPC faction, which is just a mafia family trying to turn legit, without care about the aliens. This would mean they would just sell services to players, while they try to turn a weakened country to their side and then stop.

    • 2 years ago

      Breed with the aliens faction

  7. 2 years ago

    Currently doing a tryhard minmax run as Humanity First. So far I have Europe and America. Going to break into China soon. Control point capacity is a b***h though. Going to grab Eurasian Union after China and start unifying that. Then I'll merge the EU with the EU and start working on the Pan-Asian Combine. Specifically I'll be using Thailand to grab as much of Southeast Asia as I can to easily unite it into the Pan-Asian Combine.
    I'm also playing with the Earth unification mod, so that's my end goal. After I get Great Europa finished I'm going to take Canada and Mexico to merge them into America. I'll just declare war on all the random little nations to absorb them without issue. By that time I should be about done unifying the Pan-Asian Combine as well. Once that's done I'll start working on the Caliphate primarily and South America secondarily. The Caliphate will get merged into the EU as soon as it's gotten all of the territory it can get, same with South America to America. After that it'll just be the long and hellish process of unifying Africa. Then I'll merge them all together and see just how much it can do.

    • 2 years ago

      Make sure you max up loyalty and command, those meganation CPs are a b***h to take back from alien actions.

      • 2 years ago

        What does loyalty do? Do they try to steal your councilors or does loyalty affect certain missions?
        Also my plan is mostly to just not let them get that far in the first place.

        • 2 years ago

          The mission that the aliens use to snag CPs for the servants includes a defensive modifier that is your councilors total loyalty divided by 6. 6 councilors with max loyalty will provide a -25 modifier to their mission. The same thing applies to command and the terrorize mission. If you don't level those stats up the aliens will take the CPs from you and you will be rolling 1% crackdowns to take them back.

          • 2 years ago

            Wow, that's incredibly useful to know.
            But how do you increase loyalty?

            • 2 years ago

              Inspire mission. Most classes with high persuasion have it.

              • 2 years ago

                Is there any way to know how much it increased loyalty by if you don't know the actual loyalty? Also, if you get a councilor up to 25 loyalty and install the loyalty monitor cybernetic implant which reduces loyalty by 5, can you increase loyalty back up to 25 or is it stuck at 20?

              • 2 years ago

                I have tested it and the inspire mission seems to randomly increase loyalty by 1-3, so you cant know for sure until you investigate them. I also tested the loyalty monitor and it reduces maximum loyalty. I think any trait that reduces loyalty also imposes a cap on maximum loyalty, so the monitor reduces the maximum loyalty value to 20... pretty bad. I have never seen someones loyalty randomly decline without an event occurring, so if you inspire someone up to 25 and investigate them to confirm, they will stay at 25 until something obvious happens to reduce their loyalty.

              • 2 years ago

                Damn, that really sucks about the max loyalty.

              • 2 years ago

                Like I said, I have never seen it decline without an event stating it is declining. Once you hit 25 you can forget them. Just forget the monitor.

  8. 2 years ago

    How are you frickers playing this when it isn't out?

    • 2 years ago

      Leaked dev version, running exe of the demo, using a patch to the demo to unlock other stuff. If you don't already have it then you might be fricked. I don't know if any of the links still work. But as long as you downloaded the demo already then you can play it as much as you want.

    • 2 years ago


      >Annica Zetterberg, how are you going to get six billion humans into space?

      Just get them into the metaverse. While they're hooked up, you can move them wherever you want.

      • 2 years ago

        We need a brave anon to upload it somewhere else

        • 2 years ago

          I tried making a torrent and I could see people trying to leech, but it just didn't upload (despite other torrents uploading as normal)

  9. 2 years ago

    What if the aliens were all extremely good looking and their goal was to have sex and interbreed with humans?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on how the breeding goes and how married life with an alien would be like.
      >that pic
      Wait a second...

    • 2 years ago

      >What if the aliens were all extremely good looking and their goal was to have sex and interbreed with humans?

      Don't even think about it. It would basically be a great replAYYcement for the human race. Everything human would go extinct and so would probably our culture.
      Thankfully this is a very slim posibility as humans can't interbreed with anything that isn't human on planet earth. So the chances for beign able to produce viable offspring with ayys is even smaller.

      • 2 years ago

        And there's also the chance that our genes are stronger than theirs. And the possibility that alien females can get pregnant by human males but human females can't get pregnant by alien males.
        But realistically all scenarios lead to war.

        • 2 years ago

          When in doubt always remember
          Human rights don't apply to aliens. I'm not sure about animal rights tho...

    • 2 years ago

      So... Mass Effect? Yuck. A race of w*men would actually improve after being turned into husks.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, unfortunately the Asari were a coomer fantasy. A real single sex species would likely resemble men rather then women.

        • 2 years ago

          >alright we can only reproduce using one gender going forward - should we go with the model designed around a womb and mammaries to grow and feed infants, or would we be better off going with the model with just a semen cannon down there?

          • 2 years ago

            What's the male version of alienussy?

          • 2 years ago

            Brainlet, I said resemble. They would be built like men, most animal's mammaries are tiny and they might not even have any.

            • 2 years ago

              >They would be built like men
              Not if they want to give birth veganally.

              What's the male version of alienussy?

              Bugman-breaking? Humie-liation?

        • 2 years ago

          There were some implications that the Asari were able to psychologically manipulate different species into seeing them as attractive, based on each of their own beauty standards. For example, an Asari from the perspective of a Krogan probably looks complately different compared to an Asari from the perspective of a human.

          • 2 years ago

            There is only so far you can stretch that tho, like the physical form has to conform somewhat with the mental image.

            • 2 years ago

              Quasarium Mechanics.

              Asari look like everything until they are perceived.

        • 2 years ago

          Why not just Amazonian women?

      • 2 years ago

        Who said anything about w*men?


        • 2 years ago

          That's still a woman.

          • 2 years ago

            Define "woman."

            • 2 years ago

              Sapient female.

  10. 2 years ago

    The time between solidifying your holdings on earth and before you can afford building a fleet is too long and sucks ass

  11. 2 years ago

    The demo/leaks consistently crash on my machine on starting a campaign, RIP
    Out of curiosity what's the Ayylmao's deal? Like why are they here in the Solar System, and what are they trying to accomplish? Or is that not fully detailed in the beta builds?
    Given that they're willing to work with the Servants I'd guess that they're on an imperialist mission rather than looking to wipe us out just because.
    Is there a lore reason why they hold off on going apeshit until the 2030s?

    • 2 years ago

      They want slaves. Specifically they want manpower and people they can use to fight other aliens. They got invaded by some other ayys and are now invading humanity as a preemptive strike and to strengthen their own position.
      There is FTL but it's via wormholes on the outer edges of solar systems and has extremely low throughput. This means that offensives have to be fought almost entirely in-situ, which gives an enormous homefield advantage. This is also why they can't go balls-to-the-wall, because they literally don't have the ability to within the solar system and have to build up their capabilities.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd guessed as much honestly

        Is it just my bias or does this vindicate the Academy?
        So there's an Alien War going on, and instead of becoming a pawn (Servants/Protectorate), or an mutual problem (Humanity First), Humanity becomes a player in local interstellar politics
        Kinda like Japan post Russo-Japanese War

        • 2 years ago

          The academy are the best faction for sure. They offer the aliens a chance to become allies, and if they decline, they basically default to the humanity first option. Great faction all-around.

          • 2 years ago

            >and if they decline, they basically default to the humanity first option
            >The beatings will continue until the Star Trek Federation happens

            Yeah, sort of. It vindicates the Academy and the Resistance. The Resistance because it means just turtling up and telling everyone else to frick off isn't necessarily doomed to fail as an inevitability. The Academy because the aliens aren't necessarily unreasonable and could theoretically be allied with, which would be a much stronger position in the universe, in addition to just being nicer. Humanity First starts out vindicated and stays vindicated, albeit in a less strong position since taking the fight to them would be significantly more difficult.

            > Humanity First starts out vindicated and stays vindicated, albeit in a less strong position since taking the fight to them would be significantly more difficult.
            So basically becoming the North Sentinel Island of local space? Like a black spot where the locals will use their outdated tech (railguns, etc) to kill you if you get too close

            Well that's one way to do it

            The funniest ending would be Project Exodus ending up in a system controlled by the invader's archenemy, who then use Exodus' knowledge to steamroll the Invaders and give Earth back to Exodus

          • 2 years ago

            >They offer the aliens a chance to become allies, and if they decline
            They aren't making an offer. The aliens don't have a choice. They'll become allies whether they want to or not.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, sort of. It vindicates the Academy and the Resistance. The Resistance because it means just turtling up and telling everyone else to frick off isn't necessarily doomed to fail as an inevitability. The Academy because the aliens aren't necessarily unreasonable and could theoretically be allied with, which would be a much stronger position in the universe, in addition to just being nicer. Humanity First starts out vindicated and stays vindicated, albeit in a less strong position since taking the fight to them would be significantly more difficult.

  12. 2 years ago

    Can I buy the full game? I don't mind playing alpha jank. I like throwing money at the market I want to grow.

    • 2 years ago

      you can put it on your wishlist

    • 2 years ago

      Supposedly you can get early access for $250 now (was only $65 if you bought into the kickstarter), but I haven't seen how to.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll email the devs and make them a cash offer.

  13. 2 years ago

    I really really want this game to be finished. I think about it all day.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    >The Resistance: #theresistance #downwiththeempire
    >The Servants: #xenosapientswelcome
    >The Initiative: "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it."
    >Project Exodus: pic related
    >Humanity First: HFY
    >The Protectorate: Hon hon, le baguette!
    >The Academy: Friendship is Magic

    • 2 years ago

      >The Resistance: throw the Ring into mt Doom
      >The Protectorate: deliver Ring to Sauron
      >The Initiative: sell the Ring
      >The Academy: wear the Ring and try to control it
      >Humanity First: kill every orc, elf, dwarf and treant on your way to Sauron
      >The Servants: your sphincter becomes new Ring
      >Project Exodus: stay in Shire

      • 2 years ago

        >why didn't they just use the eagles to get the frick out of there
        Really makes you think

        • 2 years ago

          >literally pic related

      • 2 years ago

        LOTR mod when

      • 2 years ago

        >The Servants: your sphincter becomes new Ring

  15. 2 years ago

    I wish the ground combat in this game was more complex than just risk army with tech level.

  16. 2 years ago

    What game?

    • 2 years ago

      Dirt untaken

    • 2 years ago

      Terra invicta. Made by the people who did the Xcom Long War mods

  17. 2 years ago

    >tell Canada to finish their space program
    >launch pad spawns in Quebec
    >liberate Montreal
    >Canada has a space program
    >Quebec doesn't
    The instructions must've been written in English

  18. 2 years ago

    What does commercial rocket companies do? It is missing it's tooltips.

    • 2 years ago

      It creates an organization that produces boost into your pool.
      The one time I did it it gave me one that produces .25 boost per month, and then I never touched it again.

      • 2 years ago

        It's probably unironically best to just savescum right before it finishes until you get a good one.

        • 2 years ago

          Can it give you good ones like Whitefang Industries?

          • 2 years ago

            No clue. I did the exact same as

            It creates an organization that produces boost into your pool.
            The one time I did it it gave me one that produces .25 boost per month, and then I never touched it again.

      • 2 years ago

        It can roll a +1.25. You got a bad roll.

        • 2 years ago

          I guess that's like a couple years of US boost investment, but it still only sounds like something you'd go for if you're trying to rush the moon or something.

          • 2 years ago

            They definitely help. The sooner you get a mine setup on a spot with the 5 resources on mars, the sooner you can do space construction.

            • 2 years ago

              I guess I am hyper-fixating on the late game.

      • 2 years ago

        Can it give you good ones like Whitefang Industries?

        I just did it some 60 times and it appears to be a 50/50 chance to get an org that gives 0.25 boost per month or 1.25 boost per month. Didn't get anything other than one of those in all of the orgs.

        • 2 years ago

          Wait, some of them also give a few percentage points bonus towards spaceflight program in addition to their boost.

          • 2 years ago

            Frick, just as I posted that I also realized that they're all tier one orgs.
            Sorry for the three posts.

  19. 2 years ago

    why did I read her name as "Anal Viral Celebrity"

  20. 2 years ago

    Holy shit, I need to pay better attention to the org pool. I just snagged one that almost doubled my boost amount.

    • 2 years ago

      I really wish orgs became available all at once at set times of year with a big announcement - kind of like councilor mission assignment. For example each January 1st and July 1st.

      It would really improve turn flow because I'm in the same boat... am I supposed to checking orgs for each councilor every week otherwise and just keep seeing the same old crap 90% of the time in the name of optimization?

      It's all part of a larger UI and flow issue. I wish there was a diplomatic conversation with other factions set to happen every few months as well so you aren't just speeding between assignments.

      • 2 years ago

        >Diplomatic conversation with other factions
        Want to particularly harp on this as a major UI sore spot. It took me 3 games until I realized non-aggression pacts we're even a thing, and once I signed one with my complimentary faction it gave me zero notice that it would run out after a bit and the other faction would start overthrowing my control points again. In addition the intel game is a mess, I get steal tech opportunities seemingly at random, the Intel tab can't keep track of which faction has what agent for more than a week despite me exhausting their investigations everytime my 25 guy has an opportunity, humanity first is tolerant of the servants for some godforsaken reason instead preying on other random factions, it's just a mess

        • 2 years ago

          >I get steal tech opportunities seemingly at random
          You have to have an enemy councillor visible that has access to technology (gear symbol in orgs)

          >the Intel tab can't keep track of which faction has what agent for more than a week

          When you lose sight of an agent, they may be dead or fired. That's what the "go to ground" mission does, it puts them back into hiding.

          >despite me exhausting their investigations everytime my 25 guy has an opportunity

          Turn them and their guy will report to you directly.

  21. 2 years ago

    HF is justified as long as they chill the frick out after knocking out the current crop of aliens, since they literally launched wars of aggression against all their stellar neighbours because of Bush-tier WMD paranoia

    • 2 years ago

      All of the ideologies are broken clocks that came into existence when all we had to go off of was a bombed out chasis in the woods. Humanity First will kill everything they find forever, the Academy will befriend every abomination they see no matter how awful, the Resistence will literally never talk to anyone and keep turtling to protect the status quo forever, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        Protectorate would probably end up joining up with the Initiative because Banerjee is just a ruthless powermonger who was planning to use the ayys to become a Breen like figure, Servants would probably melt away into various other cults, and Exodus would just be fricking gone lmao

  22. 2 years ago

    > The targeted civilians are often members of religious or ethnic minorities
    OK, now we're talkin

  23. 2 years ago

    Anyone else a little bit overwelmed?
    >In what to Invest? When should you direct invest?
    This is the biggest problem for me. Gdp generates Investment points If I understood that correctly, but also generates Pollution, so you should also go welfare? Knowledge is science right? Unity seems like a meme. Should Military only be invested by specialised countries or by every country? Spoils or Funding? Booster investments only for countries with an already ongoing space program?
    >What is the most important resource?
    I feel money is semi useful but Science and Boosts feel king. Is the strategy to just invest in Knowledge? Also how to get more influence? Positive global opinion?
    >What to research? When should you start contributing to global research instead of focusing admin cap and other stuff?
    I focused on own research and AI basically researched 4 techs that gave 4 different battery types. So I guess one should start contributing to global research to avoid that, but when? Also, what is that third engineering project slot at the bottom?
    >What countries to focus on early?
    I rush Scandinavian nations, then into Europe. Then Poccna. Is there a way to remove a faction from a control point they block, besides staring an open feud with them?
    >Space stuff
    Should you even build stations before you can extract minerals and volatiles in space + generate water? If I understand correctly, if you dont produce things in space you waste boosts launching supplies from earth? Also I build moon bases before I got mines tech. Is that the correct way?
    When should one start to build navy?
    >Councillor interactions/Strategy.
    Is my feeling correct that you should level councillors to have 25+Admin + 25 of their specialized ability? I made the mistake to focus on persuasion to flip a lot of countries early, and failing later because no commando/espionage. What Abilities are most important? I didn't know what to do after claiming my countries, so I just spread Public opinion without a clue.

    • 2 years ago

      >This is the biggest problem for me. Gdp generates Investment points If I understood that correctly, but also generates Pollution, so you should also go welfare? Knowledge is science right? Unity seems like a meme. Should Military only be invested by specialised countries or by every country? Spoils or Funding? Booster investments only for countries with an already ongoing space program?
      Rule #1: All long-term investments in national productivity are pointless, in every case. That discounts economy, welfare, unity, and funding, for every nation and in every condition. Any points that go towards them are wasted. The bonuses are so tiny, and the timeframe of the game gives you so little opportunity to reap the rewards, that you should discount them all entirely. Pollution? Don't give a shit about it, the timeframe of the game ain't long enough for you to have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
      Rule #2 is that the above rule also holds for armies, navies, and nuclear weapons, because it's so much better to take over a country that already has them, rather than try to build them yourself. So navy, army, and nuclear weapons are out the window too.

      This makes the rest fairly simple. Invest in boost if you need the resource, invest in Military if you're USA / China and want to be able to fight endgame spider-mechas, invest in mission control if you're out of orbital slots.
      The end, ez.

      • 2 years ago

        So basically just invest in Knowledge and Boosters( and spoils in Nations you don't care about)? What about Democratic/Authoritarian score, inequality and this united population thingy ? Can they be ignored?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. Just ignore everything, actually.
          This anon is a moron who's spreading disinformation and doesn't realize it's possible to do some very whacky things.
          Also "just ignore welfare lmao and go full spoils" is just asking for like a baseline unrest score of 9 because making every country into a hellhole where a tiny elite rule over a mass of penniless disenfranchised peasants isn't as good an idea as you think in the 21st century
          also the GDP loss from climate change raises exponentially because the devs rebalanced it in response to a player running full spoils across the world and only getting like 10% gdp loss per year at 5C temperature anomaly

          • 2 years ago

            >Also "just ignore welfare lmao and go full spoils" is just asking for like a baseline unrest score of 9 because making every country into a hellhole where a tiny elite rule over a mass of penniless disenfranchised peasants isn't as good an idea as you think in the 21st century
            This isn't a "develop the world properly long-time" game.
            This is a "fight off the ayys" game.
            You need to get out of the normal grand strat mindset. It the countries don't revolt (or it's easy to bring them back into the fold with a couple of councillor actions), it literally doesn't matter how dystopian you make them as long as they keep feeding money to your boost nations.
            > This anon is a moron who's spreading disinformation and doesn't realize it's possible to do some very whacky things.
            An anon did math in the last thread mathematically proving that long term investment is useless compared to Mission Control, see


            • 2 years ago

              How are you going to fight off the ayys if you've nationruined all of earth?
              iirc there's an event that straight up deletes all boost sites and it can result from high inequality, high unrest, and loss of GDP, which is something that WILL happen with your strategy

              • 2 years ago

                >How are you going to fight off the ayys if you've nationruined all of earth?
                With spaceships, which are unaffected by the status of Earth apart from in the very distal sense of how much research you've done into their weaponry.
                > Spoiler
                Did you find out about this mysterious event because your dad works at Nintendo?

              • 2 years ago

                I learnt about it via the game files and ingame experimentation.
                I sure hope the devs don't patch your cheese strat by making it easier to trigger uwu

              • 2 years ago

                My point is that your tactic of "Invest in unity, funding and welfare" won't help you avoid high unrest anyway, because the benefits of completing them are so tiny - and I don't even mean tiny to the meta of defeating the ayys, but tiny to the very national statistics they're supposed to be improving - that it's a wasted investment EVEN IF your only goal is to make every nation a peaceful Scandanavian welfare state, aliens be damned.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact that trying to be a goodie two shoe fix all the nations in the world is a noob trap is one my favorite things about this game.

                It's like the board game imperial. You don't own the country, you're just renting it. And you better squeeze it for all it's worth or lose to those that do.

            • 2 years ago

              That was proving that funding specifically is not worth doing.

          • 2 years ago

            There are probably viable ways to execute upon completely fricking up the planet and becoming self sufficient in space, and there are also probably ways to win this game by making Giga-China and never actually bothering with space.

            Rather than trying to insist upon an optimal way to play, people should try to achieve what they actually want for the future of humanity.

      • 2 years ago

        Actually this is only true for garbage nations.

        You absolutely want to inves economy and knowledge in china or India if you take control of them.

        Even 5 years if advising (any 25 admin free agents) and improving economy/knowledge will give you massive development points and research points, and then you can get some funding or leech spoils.

        The reason for this is that at game start those two countries have such a low personal income level, and such large populations, that after a few years you can have China be 3x EUs, for example. India I reckon would take longer to develop.

        But, then, to your point, countries like Japan, USA and EU already are pretty well developed, and have low populations, so you would want to focus knowledge, boost and mission control instead, because your economy investment there is just to keep it maintained where it already is.

        Additionally, you cannot get research from using spoils. You should probably take over servants/protectorate nations (the garbage ones you didnt take over), set them to spoils only, then abandon them, to use them as cash fountains but not wasting influence income.

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks for the insight!
          What does advising actually do?

          Unity isn't useless since high cohesion blots out public opinion, but yeah unless the country is couping every 30 seconds you're free to let personal liberties slip; you are at war after all. That being said spoils/funding is also a noob trap since you end up with more money than god fairly quickly and are instead limited by influence/operations/R&D. I suggest always maxing knowledge and boost, switching the latter to mission control once your mining bases are active

          Of course, this assumes you are actually fighting the aliens. If you are servants or initiative than steal everything not bolted down and party in your secret bunker while everything burns around you I guess

          But isn't development kind of wasted on unity? The game tells that high cohesion is worse than middle ground cohesion and public opinion can be raised fast by councillors as well as unrest reduction.

          • 2 years ago

            You need a little bit of spending in unity to raise your faction's goals higher in the approval polls.
            It increases the difficulty of other factions taking actions in your territory and decreases the difficulty for you. Unless you want to keep a councilor there running public campaigns for the entire game.

          • 2 years ago

            Like the above anon said, every tick in unity gives public opinion for the faction that controls said country. it's use is to have your councilors available for other missions than public campaign. just 5-10% investment in unity is enough if your country is at 5 cohesion and running knowledge. If you don't think it's worth democratizing a country (russia) cohesion above 5 is useful to keep unrest low, to maximize your development points, and military investments.

      • 2 years ago

        So basically just invest in Knowledge and Boosters( and spoils in Nations you don't care about)? What about Democratic/Authoritarian score, inequality and this united population thingy ? Can they be ignored?

        Yes. Just ignore everything, actually.
        This anon is a moron who's spreading disinformation and doesn't realize it's possible to do some very whacky things.
        Also "just ignore welfare lmao and go full spoils" is just asking for like a baseline unrest score of 9 because making every country into a hellhole where a tiny elite rule over a mass of penniless disenfranchised peasants isn't as good an idea as you think in the 21st century
        also the GDP loss from climate change raises exponentially because the devs rebalanced it in response to a player running full spoils across the world and only getting like 10% gdp loss per year at 5C temperature anomaly

        Unity isn't useless since high cohesion blots out public opinion, but yeah unless the country is couping every 30 seconds you're free to let personal liberties slip; you are at war after all. That being said spoils/funding is also a noob trap since you end up with more money than god fairly quickly and are instead limited by influence/operations/R&D. I suggest always maxing knowledge and boost, switching the latter to mission control once your mining bases are active

        Of course, this assumes you are actually fighting the aliens. If you are servants or initiative than steal everything not bolted down and party in your secret bunker while everything burns around you I guess

  24. 2 years ago

    Release when?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        code faster
        also, you are homo

  25. 2 years ago

    PSA to all.

    DO NOT INSTALL LOYALTY AUGMENTS, because it reduces maximum loyalty from 25 to 20 (wish it would have said this on tooltip).

    You cannot inspire above 20 loyalty if there is an implant, and there is no way to take it out that i am aware of.

  26. 2 years ago

    Can I get a link to the pre release version?, or at least a key word to find it in the archive? thx in advance.

  27. 2 years ago

    >Finally get THE run going
    >Perfect almost everything, full control over Russia, China, USA and India
    >Almost fully democratized China
    >80 space control and stations everywhere
    >All of that by 2029
    >Didn't escalate with the Aliens so got at least 3-4 years before Servants start building alien facilities to turn nations into alien states
    >Infinite nullpointexception spam begins
    Let me play the actual fricking game already. And no, I'm not going to shit out 250 bucks for early access.

  28. 2 years ago

    does anyone have the leaked dev build...i only have the cracked demo with time-limit removed but not being able to save sucks major dick and so does being locked into the resitance

    • 2 years ago

      Can I get a link to the pre release version?, or at least a key word to find it in the archive? thx in advance.

      Literally been linked in this thread.

      Thanks for the insight!
      What does advising actually do?

      But isn't development kind of wasted on unity? The game tells that high cohesion is worse than middle ground cohesion and public opinion can be raised fast by councillors as well as unrest reduction.

      >What does advising actually do?

      Increase investment points by administration % and science by science %. Also increases army performance based on command, but only during advice.

      If you have a big country, it's worth advising to increase outputs.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah i looked at that thread, and the links posted in it are all dead, the only one still up is for the demo

        Has anyone ever found any gold on the moon?
        Or is that single 0-10 a lie?

        yeah i got a gold dep. on my first playthrough, but it was an incredibly minor deposit iirc

        • 2 years ago

          >yeah i looked at that thread, and the links posted in it are all dead

          Ah they took it down. Oh well, not gonna upload it again. Someone else can if they like.

  29. 2 years ago

    Has anyone ever found any gold on the moon?
    Or is that single 0-10 a lie?

    • 2 years ago

      It can happen, but it is usually pitiful. Skip the moon and go to mars. The moon is only good for fissiles if you roll well.

    • 2 years ago

      I got a 24 gold on the moon on the devbuild.

  30. 2 years ago

    So how do i detect an enemy agent in my fleet that very cheesily turns my ships into their cause? and why is this even a thing?

    • 2 years ago

      are you sure you aren't just over mission control space?

      • 2 years ago

        no, i have 133 mission control space and only 100 used.

        it turned out to be a cheesy 25 per AI agent in my shipyard. the bugger turned half my ships before i killed him

  31. 2 years ago

    So what happens at the end of the game? Full scale alien invasion?

    • 2 years ago

      No one knows.

    • 2 years ago

      So far everyone either died to endless alien spam or endless error spam, so its hard to say what the winning condition is. HF story I was able to see before everything came crashing down suggests finding a way to make sure the wormhole the aliens used to get here never opens again while eradicating all aliens in the solar system.
      Also yeah, the servants start converting their nations into alien nations around 2030 onwards, and once you push back the ayys will start blowing up your outposts and send their armies to earth. 3 armies a 8.7 strength with near instant recovery abilities. Only way to stop them from sending their armies is to intercept their army carriers or of course blowing up their motherbase.

      • 2 years ago

        >or of course blowing up their motherbase.
        Could this be a viable strat? Leave them alone, tech up, and then rush straight to their staging point to kill them?

        • 2 years ago

          >Could this be a viable strat? Leave them alone
          You have to. Any action you take against the ayys causes them to escalate their actions. For instance, if you starting hunting down all of their infiltrators and kill them when you spot them the aliens will instantly send in a strike force towards earth and land their armies way before they would do that normally.
          Grab your preferred nations, build them up before merging them and establish your outposts with sufficient defense tech before you start pushing against the ayys. Although right now the balance is a bit off since the game is still in development.

          • 2 years ago

            What is "sufficient defense tech?"

            • 2 years ago

              making sure you don't get nuked or walkered to death

              • 2 years ago

                On habs?

          • 2 years ago

            i killed one of their agents in early 2028 for the objective - did i frickup?

            • 2 years ago

              One kill and one capture is fine. Anything beyond that and the ayys will start blowing up your shit.

              • 2 years ago

                you can capture them? I was never able to select "arrest" on an alien, only "investigate" and "assassinate"

              • 2 years ago

                In order to capture them, you need to kill one, then complete some xeno tech projects that include "hydra containment". If you havent done the research then the option wont be available.

              • 2 years ago

                Is it really only one for both? I don't care about them fricking about the 3rd world but when they're fricking about in my main superpower I should have some ability to defend myself

  32. 2 years ago

    The good news is we made it to Mars, the bad new is the food didn't.

    • 2 years ago

      >15/16 mission control
      >15 Mars bases
      Oh no...

    • 2 years ago

      >15 Mars Bases
      >15/16 control used
      > clearly no mining going on anywhere
      > no boost income or money to speak of to send stuff from earth

      this is going to implode the second these go online jesus frick

      • 2 years ago

        well it will be a learning experience for him.

      • 2 years ago

        well it will be a learning experience for him.

        Everything seems to be stabilizing, a single mine is able to feed everyone.
        My boost income stayed positive even after two people bombed me.

  33. 2 years ago

    Can anyone post a screenshot of any kind of ayy army or similar? I'd like to see if it's actually enticing or generic blue ayy with breasts and tentacle hair

    • 2 years ago

      [s]one of the slaved species is a lizard/saurian type[/s]

      Everything seems to be stabilizing, a single mine is able to feed everyone.
      My boost income stayed positive even after two people bombed me.

      you can get an event at any time that takes away mission control slots (solar flare, half?). Just be aware of it.

      no, i have 133 mission control space and only 100 used.

      it turned out to be a cheesy 25 per AI agent in my shipyard. the bugger turned half my ships before i killed him

      Huh, good to know...

      • 2 years ago

        I have seen the flare, it takes 100 boost to completely circumvent the effect.
        That's trivial after you start mining.

  34. 2 years ago

    What is the point of the devs making fifty shitty drives that are less efficient than grid drives?

    Fission frag drives, pegasus drives are all shittier versions of grid drives. You need ONE high efficiency, low-thrust drive. And ONE high-thrust low efficiency drive. Have the same choices in the next tier! Not a bunch of clutter in your project research screen fulfilling the same roles but worse.

    It seems there's two tiers. Before magnetic nozzles you use grid drives. After magnetic nozzles you can get really good torches.

    • 2 years ago

      advanced pulsar drives are very good for earth/luna or mars defense. Grid lacks a lot of thrust.

      Also, advanced dumbo lets you build ships on mars protected by lasers

    • 2 years ago

      The tech tree is overwhelming by design.
      You have to be able to look at other people's bad ideas and decide that they do not suit your objectives.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, early game you only need advanced pulsars for defense fleets and grid drives for colony ships, and everything else is just awful.

    • 2 years ago

      So for the modules that say they will automatically upgrade as you unlock more techs, how exactly do they upgrade? Do they actually have some layout of defenses like ships do? The defense score doesn't change, at least not the one that's shown. Is there some hidden score based on your techs and such that's just weighted against the firepower of ships trying to attack it or something? How does this work? Should I put one or two defense modules on each station, or should I have one station with tons of them?

  35. 2 years ago

    How good is the AI for battles? I have no idea what I'm doing.

  36. 2 years ago

    What is the tech that allows you to build defenses for the orbitals, and which ones should i use?

  37. 2 years ago

    I said in the last thread that we just needed
    >"Putin is a Mad Dog!"
    to complete the trifecta of March's Russiaphobic talking points, and the Support Current Thing devs did not disappoint. Bravo. Spazka Ukraine!

    • 2 years ago

      calm down... this happens to leaders in any country, all the time.

      In order to capture them, you need to kill one, then complete some xeno tech projects that include "hydra containment". If you havent done the research then the option wont be available.

      ah, thanks

      • 2 years ago

        >This random event is justifying my preconceived notions of someone else's political alignment!

        If it's so non-specific, how come it never in practice triggers anywhere except Russia?

        • 2 years ago

          It happens all the fricking time in the later stages of the game, in my game's the aliens are running around performing these events across the middle east, specifically Iran.

        • 2 years ago

          What? First time I saw it was Mexico. Then Canada. It's just an event that's produced by alien actions, which you won't be able to spot until you get the relevant techs.

    • 2 years ago

      >This random event is justifying my preconceived notions of someone else's political alignment!

    • 2 years ago

      And you're the guy we should be taking advice on how to play from? Get real.

    • 2 years ago

      Shut up Ruskie

  38. 2 years ago

    Should I focus on a single continent or spread out my activities to at least one big power everywhere? All of Europe cooperating with the ayys seems kinda dangerous in the long term.

    • 2 years ago

      There's not much of an advantage in having contiguous influence blocs. Really you should focus on specific individual countries that suffice your needs. Aim for the superpowers (US, China, EU, Russia) and special cases like Kazakhstan (huge boost income), then just focus on fricking with the Servants.

    • 2 years ago

      You should focus on megastates. I think neighboring countries having CPs controlled by other factions gives them bonuses to certain missions. So it's not great to have one country surrounded by a bunch of hostile ones. Though that doesn't really matter with the big countries that much.

  39. 2 years ago

    Jesus, the dev version is a buggy mess

  40. 2 years ago

    Is there any easily accessed list of the datanames of all countries?

  41. 2 years ago

    This is moronic, now i cant start any space combat, game freezes some seconds and then nothing happens. RIP 2036 game

  42. 2 years ago

    Listen to the autism of someone who had spent too many hours on this game. I present you the ideal pip distribution for stable growth for most countries.
    Pips are percentages and their importance lies in their overall distribution, so large deviations from it can frick up the math.

    Economy: Always 1 pip less than welfare, making your inequality constantly decrease. You can go for a 45-55 distribution once inequality reaches 1 and can no longer unify with others. Higher per capita GDP decreases unrest.

    Welfare: It's king thanks to libtard devs. Not only decreases inequality, but also slows climate change, therefore helping your economy in the long run. Might be the only way to reverse climate damage through late game techs.

    Knowledge: I might be undervaluing it with a single pip, but knowledge increases unrest which decreases your research output overall. You can go 2 pip with very stable nations, but even 3x1pip and 2x2 pip is too much on the knife's edge for me. It's better to get the extra research from orgs or research bases on Mercury.

    Unity: At least 2 pips for everyone bar Japan (1pip), 3 for Mexico, India or other shitholes until their cohesion is maxed out. With this distribution 2 pips are generally enough to keep ideological dominance, unless there are very few nations left for the other factions to meddle with.

    Military: Maxed out if you have unrest, otherwise 2 pips once the country is stable. I seem to run into occasional hitchups with just 2 pips and I only ever could get away with a single pip in Japan. Think of it as an investment into the police force, the increased mil tech is just an added bonus.

    Spoils: I don't like it, it increases unequality and fricks up climate for everyone. It supposed to keep the elites happy, but it's not worth it in my opinion. At most, use it on shitholes which are not possible federation leaders.


  43. 2 years ago

    Funding: 1-2 pips on stable and developed nations, otherwise ignore. I know it's not an efficient way of making money, but since I'm not using spoils it's the only way for me to extract wealth and it does add up later in the game. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to help with the economy as it should, which is bonkers.

    Boost: You should fund your stations and habs through space resources all the time, which is incidentally also way faster. Your majority boost income should come from orgs and existing infrastructure, which the AI loves to build anyways. I only increase boost for big nations situationally. Defending rocket infrastructure from sabotage is also a pain.

    Mission control: 1 or 2 pips, always keep it growing. Signal stations around Mercury can only take you so far while costing valuable resources and money.

    Army: Only build a single one for federation leaders, like Ivory Coast, Bolivia or Ethiopia, so you can call your big daddy main federation into the war. Direct investing into it might be a good idea.

    Navy: I prefer to have a 3 army task force deployable around the world, so if you couldn't snag the US it is worth to invest into power projection depending on your style.

    Nukes: Waste of resources.

    Space defenses: Wtf is this even, I'm in 2042 and still haven't got them. Use ships and defense batteries on your stations instead, I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      Space defenses are unlocked by Trans-Interface warfare and make a region immune to nuking and aliens landing their armies there. It doesn't provide total immunity to orbital bombardment, but will fight back against ships attempting to orbitally bombard the region. It costs 50 per region so it's really difficult to get going. This is probably the best thing to use direct investments for in the late game. In fact this might be the single greatest reason to not unite everything you can. If you rush down space defenses and tons of income then you can go around spamming space defenses in small nations prior to uniting them, allowing you to not only get them up for much cheaper, but also get far more per year than you'd otherwise be able to.

      • 2 years ago

        >its cheaper to build a giant space laser than it is to build an army
        US OP

  44. 2 years ago

    I wish the AI built in space more, honestly the planet stuff gets very boring, I wish the councillors were more automated and you did not have the stupid fricking control point's flipping randomly to the aliens even when they are defended. The space game is the most fun but the other factions are moronic in orbit. so you can never fight them effectively.
    This entire game would be more fun in multiplayer.

    • 2 years ago

      It would also take fricking forever. It would basically have to be done more like DnD campaigns.

    • 2 years ago

      >I wish the AI built in space more
      In my game everything within the asteroid belt is spammed full of their shitty bases.

  45. 2 years ago

    So, which techs improve the power of the defense arrays used in Ground bases and Space Orbitals? I see the SDI symbol (1x for T1, 3x for T2), and I assume this number will go up once I research specific techs. Does anyone know what they are?

    Furthermore, how can I calculate the power of a defense unit against alien ships? For example, pretend that one of their destroyers were to engage an orbital station with SDI of 3x? What would happen? I want to plan out on how to defend my Mars bases, and Earth Orbitals.

    Also, I think one of my agents is compromised (projects keep getting stolen by humanity first, but the espionaeg numbers on all my agents is above 10 at least, now), even with loyalty improved to 20 and above, how do I find out if someone is compromised? All my older agents have the loyalty implants and are at 20 Loyalty. Presumably once my agent is IDes as compromised, I just need to spam "inspire" and they will turn back?

    Thanks in advance for replies.

    • 2 years ago

      Send all your operatives into hiding for a turn

    • 2 years ago

      Loyalty implants immediately and clearly show when your agents are turned.
      It also breaks the game as you can no longer turn enemy agents and keep them as easy diplo contacts.

      • 2 years ago

        Turning agents still gives you perfect intel on all other agents from that faction for a few turns. Good enough to kill them all and /or steal their orgs.

        So, which techs improve the power of the defense arrays used in Ground bases and Space Orbitals? I see the SDI symbol (1x for T1, 3x for T2), and I assume this number will go up once I research specific techs. Does anyone know what they are?

        Furthermore, how can I calculate the power of a defense unit against alien ships? For example, pretend that one of their destroyers were to engage an orbital station with SDI of 3x? What would happen? I want to plan out on how to defend my Mars bases, and Earth Orbitals.

        Also, I think one of my agents is compromised (projects keep getting stolen by humanity first, but the espionaeg numbers on all my agents is above 10 at least, now), even with loyalty improved to 20 and above, how do I find out if someone is compromised? All my older agents have the loyalty implants and are at 20 Loyalty. Presumably once my agent is IDes as compromised, I just need to spam "inspire" and they will turn back?

        Thanks in advance for replies.

        Seconding all of the stuff about defenses.

        Defense platforms are very under-explained and the tooltip from the research window isn't even accurate. They will use whatever best armor you have researched and whatever best laser fitting to their size you have researched. Small laser batteries for point-defense, medium for defense arrays and large for battlestations. Would be nice if in the finished game you could actually hover over your defense platforms and see what exactly they are equipped with, but alas.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah, so focus lasers when playing defensive.

          • 2 years ago

            or ofensive. i found gunships with a big nose laser, armor and propulsion, produced in masse are great anti ayys

    • 2 years ago

      Seconding all of the stuff about defenses.

      • 2 years ago

        Space defenses use lasers and railguns iirc

    • 2 years ago

      >So, which techs improve the power of the defense arrays used in Ground bases and Space Orbitals?

      Space defenses currently employ a point defense laser and kinetic weapons. Upgrading laser type from basic -> arc laser -> phaser improves those lasers. Upgrading from conventional ballistics to railguns to coilguns improves the kinetic weapons.

  46. 2 years ago

    Secret pro strat where you play as servants and rush the US and then dominate the science and prevent everyone from learning how to get into space until 2030.

  47. 2 years ago

    Which faction has the best org?

    • 2 years ago

      this looks like a research enabled org. But, from what i have seen so far, the servants T1 faction org is the best (makes assassination on that guy very difficult - more than aliens - almost requires a successful arrest on home turf to pull off).

      Has anyone successfully defeated the alien armies in ground combat? Wondering if it makes any sense to have USA and China tech on miltech, or if there is some tech or orbital weapons that I need to rush to first to make ground combat feasible. My experience so far is that upgrading miltech takes forever.

    • 2 years ago

      The resistance and humanity first. I would say the executioners is the best, but the special activities division is quite good. The executioners doesn't give investigation but gives +10 security, which is huge.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          That's the humanity first org

  48. 2 years ago

    >orbital debris
    >orbital debris
    >orbital debris
    >orbital debris
    That's it I'm leaving this planet and never coming back.

  49. 2 years ago

    how the frick do you federate the USA with mexico and canada?

    • 2 years ago

      You need the projects called united north america and greater united north america. Then you can either conquer them or go for a diplomatic unification.

  50. 2 years ago

    Trying out the skirmish to try and gauge battle stations - the dev version doesnt even have a skirmish that allows you to play defense to a normal hab or ring... to try and gauge my level of readiness.

    Anyway, after having played COADE and Jupiter Incident, I find the maneuvering interface total garbage. There is no button to face the ship towards a target, for example. which is fricking critical! When you enable AI mode, it wasted all the delta V like a moron. I am trying to setup trial runs of massed missile boats against stations, for example, but the default ships have their volleys overwhelmed, and in any case, I guess if I was able to speed up the ships before launching volleys they would have a much better chance but I cant even figure out to accelerate or point ships in a specific direction (or all of them at once).

    Space combat interface needs a lot of improvement. Cant even tell why the guns arent firing most of the time.

    We will need a ship designer to go with a more customizable skirmish mode to better plan naval doctrine and stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      >face the ship towards a target
      There is, I swear I remember seeing it somewhere. I think in the advanced maneuvers submenu?

    • 2 years ago

      If you select a ship then on the far right button of their UI I believe the lock does this

  51. 2 years ago

    So is it just impossible to influence China? I've been trying and having 0 luck getting even a small foothold

    • 2 years ago

      Capture some of the larger nations around it, that seems to improve your chances of doing campaigns and control missions. Also try to grab any persuasion orgs.

      • 2 years ago

        nvm lol i just got 2 control points in a row with 20% chance both times

        • 2 years ago

          Now just pump everything into unity and the country is yours

  52. 2 years ago

    How useful is assassination? Will it actually set them back or will they instantly rehire?

    • 2 years ago

      They can rehire a shit tier person who hasn't been leveling up, but if you just need someone to stop you can just jail them once every four turns.

      • 2 years ago

        How useful is assassination? Will it actually set them back or will they instantly rehire?

        And the different between a new agent and a veteran agent is massive.

        i think about 2027-2030 is good idea to start killing all the agents. Im just playing humanity frick yeah only so im partial of killing every one of them included their families

    • 2 years ago

      They can rehire a shit tier person who hasn't been leveling up, but if you just need someone to stop you can just jail them once every four turns.

      And the different between a new agent and a veteran agent is massive.

  53. 2 years ago

    Anyone else feel the game demands too much micro? The controlling of the nations is fun at first but then juggling it plus fleets + habs + stations gets a bit much.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why I'm just gonna turtle up on Mercury and play tall.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm more worried about replayability, the game captures extremely well the anxiety and stress of waiting for the unknown (hopefully they'll disable the ability to see ships and stations, it kills the atmosphere by letting the player know too much) but I wonder how well written and diverse are the random events. I don't like seeing the same chain of events every time I play.

  54. 2 years ago

    Having watched youtube streams and hung around the discord my conclusion is that 80% of the people playing are either Australian or trans.

    • 2 years ago

      Hey Boys, I think if you manage to keep sabotaging the servants mission f"Hydra Language" from servants, it will preventing them from having the alien armies land.

      I have sabotaged it thrice now at around 5000/10000 research points, and I kept the servants hounded continuously so far... let see if keeping this objective from being achieved buys time.

      Also, pro-tip... do not build fission piles in mars, it uses up your radio actives - better to just build more solar arrays.

      there is a "sex Change" org you can hire. The Resistance faction leader is a BLM black trans troon 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        They should make it a double agent for the Servants just for the sake of it

      • 2 years ago

        Lol you weren't kidding

        • 2 years ago

          >+1 persuasion

          • 2 years ago

            >you're so mature for your age haha, wanna cut off your dick?

        • 2 years ago

          If they weren't good at persuasion, no one would do it. And yeah, this stuff makes a lot of money, lol.

  55. 2 years ago

    >project exodus building a ship literally every five seconds
    They just might make it.

  56. 2 years ago

    God frickign damn I hate the the thing that makes you lose influence the more countries you have. Fricking BS.

  57. 2 years ago

    How bad is global war in this game? I've got China Japan and the USA and am thinking of going to war vs. India and Russia (the Servants). I think I can win but will it be a loss for Earth as a whole?

    • 2 years ago

      Unless you've dismantled their nukes they'll just obliterate all your armies and territories. Russia itself has enough nukes to cause environmental doomsday.

      • 2 years ago

        How do I dismantle nukes? Are there no other defenses (missile tech or something?)? What's the point of the war mechanic if I can't use it?

        • 2 years ago

          You can dismantle nukes if you take control of the executive CP. And there is a research that let's you build ground defences that block nukes and orbital attacks in your regions.

          Main problem is that it's owned by the servants who are very happy to fire off nukes, most of the other factions in my experience will only fire them off in retaliation. In one of my games I went to war with pretty much all of europe using russia, india and china to restore the warsaw pact territories, but could only start the war once I'd taken control of the unclaimed USA and ended all their alliances then abandoned the country. Starting WW3 with servants, HF and independent nuclear countries just isn't really a good idea.

      • 2 years ago

        never fricking mind, i fricked up the save on the cracked demo and just lost 5 hours of progress. frick this, ill just wait for release.

      • 2 years ago

        Can you lose the game in case of a global thermonuclear war?

        • 2 years ago

          The game doesn't end but it causes an event where the world GDP is crushed and billions of people die once there's been enough nukes fired to increase the stratospheric aerosols to the point the global temperature drops. You could probably still win if you have a good space presence and it might even be a funny way to beat global warming if say you nuked africa in a slow controlled way.

  58. 2 years ago

    I'm playing on the pre-Demo leaked Dev version with a stability patch-thing someone posted in a previous thread. Is there a newer dev version that fixes these flaws?

    It is just fricking near impossible to intercept Alien fleets. The game told me it would only take a few days to intercept with end-game drives, but instead they're gone for the next year. That's a huge ass fleet out of contact and uninteractable.

    I got another huge ass fleet fricked. It finished taking over an alien space station around asteroid 63, then just fricked itself. The fleet is floating in the middle of nowhere, not close to the asteroid. The fleet claims to still be at the station, but the station is gone. I can't interact with the fleet. I guess I can try to console command killasset to get rid of it, but holy shit.

    An alien fleet swung by Mercury and attacked one of my stations in Extreme Mercury Orbit. I thought the aliens were headed to JUST Extreme Orbit, but I guess I missed something or they snapped to the station. So they attacked the station, blew up some modules and uh, stuck around for a few months and then just vanished. None of my fleets could make an intercept course to the alien fleet, claiming it would take infinity KPS. Any fleet reaching the station after over a week of transit (??? But it takes only 2 weeks to travel from Earth to Jupiter for them...) just gets bumped off into the Extreme orbit area.

    Part of me wants to start up the game again and work past these problems, but it's just obnoxious.

    Anyone know more of the console commands beyond those provided by the help command?

    • 2 years ago

      >I got another huge ass fleet fricked. It finished taking over an alien space station around asteroid 63, then just fricked itself. The fleet is floating in the middle of nowhere, not close to the asteroid.
      Okay, so I watched carefully on a replay of the save. The fleet was moving from asteroid 62 to a mid orbit Earth station. Then about half way through, the fleet suddenly triggered combat with the station around asteroid 63, which they are not near at all.

      There is another of my fleets, the once that got fricked up trying to intercept aliens, that is headed to the asteroid 63 station. Maybe I'll get them to try and join the other fleet, reset it.

      • 2 years ago

        Also, what the frick are we supposed to do if a ship loses propulsion from combat damage? Apparently directional thrust or direct thrust will do it. Now the ship can't move, and unless split away from the fleet, the entire fleet can't move. Great stuff. Now I just gotta scuttle a Dreadnought.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ship propulsion compromised.
          >Can't make it back to a shipyard to repair.
          Yeah makes sense, you lost a ship, deal with it.

          • 2 years ago

            The game even makes a point that the crew will evacuate on escape pods if you chose to scuttle a ship. So its a fairly logical solution.

            • 2 years ago

              I suppose a mobile shipyard ship module might be useful to repair ships in a fleet.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      which stability patch? I thought late game there was just spams of nullpoint references could you post the link for it?

  59. 2 years ago

    Do the ayys start terraforming Earth or some similar shit?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, human abductions, mind control of political figures, alien plants. If not removed, the alien plants begin to spawn giant creatures that rampage. Plants also affect humans and make them look at aliens more favorably. That's just the early problems they cause.

  60. 2 years ago

    Seriously why the frick are there so many Australians streaming this stuff

  61. 2 years ago

    Just testing some stuff.
    >very start of game
    >unify Earth
    >in game part of pic related
    >each point in economy gives $71.3
    >grows by $85.3T per year at 25% economy (3 pips economy, welfare, and knowledge; 1 pip unity, military, and funding)
    >will gain 10 IP after one year
    I am, however, getting spammed with null reference exceptions. Still interesting to see its stats though. In lieu of being able to test it in game I charted it out and created the three graphs. And if anyone is wondering, after 30, 40, 50, 100, and 200 years it has 178, 203, 226, 313, and 438 investment points respectively.

    • 2 years ago

      >72 nukes
      >3.6 military
      oh my

      • 2 years ago

        I think that's what happens when you recreate Futurama and unite the entire world under the United States

      • 2 years ago

        21st century grug

    • 2 years ago

      With or without orgs /research that give economy boosts?

      • 2 years ago

        Literally nothing. I did that before the first month even ticked over. I could go do some more calculations for various levels of economy bonuses if you want. Maybe 10, 25, and 50% extra? Do you know what the highest bonus you can get is?

        • 2 years ago

          Quite a lot. I'm at +30% right now and I didn't take every org that boosts it.

          I like the theory crafting, it helps make decisions, so thanks for sharing it.

          Your model does not account for increasing GDP malus from pollution, does it?

          • 2 years ago

            >Your model does not account for increasing GDP malus from pollution, does it?
            No, because it's assuming enough points dedicated to welfare to counteract pollution.

        • 2 years ago

          I should check the tech tree again, but from memory you can get like 10-25% bonus to economy from them (they're quite expensive techs even though some are early in the tree, like photonic computing or right after it).

          • 2 years ago

            To clarify, this was referring to bonuses just from the tech tree

          • 2 years ago

            Plus you can get +10% to economy from an early event, which seems like the best option. Perhaps +5% boost & +5% mission control is better.

  62. 2 years ago

    How to form the caliphate? Who even forms it?
    I've got the Maghreb then the United Arab League, but there are no countries left to unify with.
    I basically only need the Greater Caliphate for that shitty Indian Ocean nation, but I think I need the Caliphate existing for that, not just the tech researched.

    • 2 years ago

      I believe you need to get countries to release regions to allow it to form. I recall reading someone suggest Saudi Arabia can release its region's to let it form.

      • 2 years ago

        If you unified Saudi Arabia into the United Arab League then you'll have to release it to be able to form the Caliphate from it.

        Whew, I feel dumb, but the solution is so dumb.
        Indeed, I can release the Caliphate.

    • 2 years ago

      If you unified Saudi Arabia into the United Arab League then you'll have to release it to be able to form the Caliphate from it.

  63. 2 years ago

    No bonus
    >1 year: 59.17
    >2 years: 66.99
    >3 years: 73.97
    >4 years: 80.33
    >5 years: 86.21
    >10 years: 110.95
    >20 years: 148.31
    10% bonus
    >1 year: 59.99
    >2 years: 68.43
    >3 years: 75.92
    >4 years: 82.72
    >5 years: 88.99
    >10 years: 115.24
    >20 years: 154.66
    25% bonus
    >1 year: 61.2
    >2 years: 70.54
    >3 years: 78.76
    >4 years: 86.18
    >5 years: 93
    >10 years: 121.37
    >20 years: 163.71
    50% bonus
    >1 year: 63.16
    >2 years: 73.91
    >3 years: 83.26
    >4 years: 91.64
    >5 years: 99.31
    >10 years: 130.93
    >20 years: 177.74
    Dynamic bonus
    >1 year (10%): 59.99
    >2 years (10%): 68.43
    >3 years (25%): 76.8
    >4 years (25%): 84.4
    >5 years (25%): 91.35
    >10 years (50%): 125.71
    >20 years (50%): 173.96
    I think I might do some models for America and China later as those are actually practical examples. I should also note that these models don't account for anything that reduces IP like unrest or armies.

    • 2 years ago

      The bonuses to economy are actually a lot less effective than I had thought.

      Although I suppose the bonuses are somewhat achievable. Especially for a big nation/union, because you can also get an advisor with 20+ admin to advise there and boost investment broad spectrum by 20%+, although that is also pretty costly in influence and opportunity cost of councillor usage.


      Let's see what inferences can be drawn from this analysis.

      1. With a 10% bonus, it takes 2 years for points into economy to pay themselves off.

      Proof: from 59.99 to 75.92 took 2 years. 25% is paid towards economy. 60 * 1.25 = 75

      Although an argument could be made that you're actually paying 50% of points towards economy (economy+welfare being 50% in this model). Which would mean the period to have an investment start making profit is rather 4 years (59.99-88.99).

      Two unexamined results is that this also massively reduces inequality, so being a stabilizer for countries like India. And the other that a 0% investment in economy means reduction of economy (as a result of world pollution) and eventual removal of control points which leads to lesser influence generated.

      Though that last bit might actually have the advantage of requiring less org to control more important countries, even if they do become weaker. Because this allows you to keep it out of other's hands.

    • 2 years ago

      2. Going from a 10% economy bonus to a 50% economy bonus reduces the period for an investment to pay off from 2 years to 1.5 years if you count 25% (economy), and from 4 years to 3 years if you count 50% (economy+welfare).

  64. 2 years ago

    anyone else confused about the cost of some projects? Why is photonic computing for civs so expensive? its only a 5% bonus to economy.

    • 2 years ago

      For sure. I had 2 computer scientists as councillors and thought I'd rush some of the information technology techs. So the first satellite also boosted it and I ended up with a 40% boost (and +35% from engineering for personal projects). Still, photonic computing was so expensive in hindsight, that I'm sure it wasn't worth it. Getting one of the techs that gives extra orgs is much more likely to give you access to more admin orgs and orgs that give much better bonuses which are similarly global.

  65. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to defeat a faction permanently? I've been chain assassinating servant councilors for several months now.

    • 2 years ago

      No, because there is always influence income.

      But by continuously killing a factions agents, you continuously suppress a faction's power:

      1) their agents dont have the chance to get too powerful.
      2) their agents are not able to collect too many orgs - not enough admin, not enough influence income - and because of this, that faction becomes stunted.
      3) having agents dead or arrested means the faction continuously has to spend influence to keep hiring agents, and while dead, going to ground or arrested, the agents are not doing anything useful
      4) weaker/newer agents are easier to find, arrest, sabotage/steal from, interrogate, turn and kill. If you let them grow experienced, you will have a much harder time to find (high espionage level) and kill (security level).

      However you can only do this heavy suppression against a single faction. As Resistance, I suggest you do it against Servants.

      I just dread spending all this time in a run and losing everything because the game is still too buggy to play to finish - my current run will probably be my last until release (or early access - devs really need a wider test base to polish this). In the meantime, I am enjoying the hell out of it.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably not. You're not facing actual factions, you're facing ideologies.

  66. 2 years ago

    I don't understand how to unify nations. I have Russia and Kazakstan and they are federated but I can't make them merge. Is there something else I need to have researched?

    • 2 years ago

      Click on Russia on the map, so the left side nation window becomes visible. In that window, there should be a little voting icon, like the one for the mission that enables you declare war. If you hover over it, it shows possible available decisions you can take with that mission, like "Federation" shows possible countries to invite to federation, "Unification" to merge countries. Note that if its not available, its usually because of a cooldown. If a country leaves a federation, there is like 1 year cooldown to join again, and another year to unify. If the country was already in the fedeartion, and it left just as you were about to take control, you should just remove al its allies, make it a rival of the federation parent, and declare war on it - it will be much faster - jsut be aware that you may need to cycle your armies in the territory (you should make the military you use at least 4.0 if you plan on taking over by force).

      Also, note that if you declare wars on a country, you will not have it became part of the winning country/federation unless it has a claim. It just converts all the control points to you.

      • 2 years ago

        OK thanks. Turns out that its on a cool down because it had been part of the Ukrainian federation. Frick, everything in this game takes so long.

  67. 2 years ago

    Just got a dev reply to a question many must be wondering about - if You need a high INV agent to run the "Surveil" mission. This was the devs reply:
    >>The bonus from the surveillance mission is flat and independent of the councilor's investigation score. It's essentially a +12 to investigation in the councilor's region only.

    , councilors with higher investigation scores contribute to a higher base chance of detecting enemy councilors in the region they are in. This is calculated before the mission bonus is added.

    >>So, if you're looking for someone in a particular place, you can maximize your chances of succeeding by using someone with a high investigation score to run that mission.

  68. 2 years ago

    So what's the farthest anyone has got so far? It feels like I've been playing for a while but I still haven't formed any Great Nations yet and have no ships still.

    • 2 years ago

      I managed to get the leaked build to early 2030s before alien attacks, null references, and general slowdown made me shelf that run. In that run I had a fleet of early-mid tier ships that never got to engage anything, stations around earth/Luna/mars that got all my enemy kills, bases on the same that all my enemies killed, and the ayys turning Africa into their own nation. I'm probably done with serious runs on this build; gonna see if I can get one of the debug factions enabled and just yeet ships at each other

  69. 2 years ago

    >Do my best to supress the servants so they don't trigger the alien takeover in their storyline
    >Protectocucks get storyline done and want to start building "peacekeeping" battlestations in earth orbit
    2032, full control over great Europa and greater north America, so this is going to be the run to finally reach the end. Or end in yet another nullexception spam.

  70. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have a new link to the leaked build? All the pastebin and anonfiles liks are dead

    • 2 years ago

      Check cs rin ru there’s a live link but it’s slow af

  71. 2 years ago

    God damn this game needs a better UI, it's so fricking hard to tell what's going on. I thought I was crushing the game with full control of China Russia, Japan, the USA, Canada, Israel and others but the other factions were apparently still kicking and Project Exodus somehow has 10x the boost I do and tons of fleets. There are xenoflaura everywhere and I'm confused where to progress from here.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm confused where to progress from here
      Depends on your faction. Generally, once you dominate most major Earth nations you should already be finishing building up your space empire. Until you research proper fusion drives your ships won't do much besides guarding earth as any larger distance will take literal years.

  72. 2 years ago

    Did China and then decided I'd make a general-purpose one. The above is a spreadsheet for calculating the monthly investment points of a nation up to thirty years out. If you need spreadsheet software then LibreOffice is a good and easy choice.

    • 2 years ago

      why are the scales on the graphs set different? Even though you visually made the look different, the final numbers at the end are almost the same - did you wiener up the Y scale or is this a troll post?

      • 2 years ago

        It just automatically does that and I haven't figured out how to manually set it myself.

        • 2 years ago

          Google trends does that kind of shit too nowadays except its a dumbass 0-100 percentage rating that can only be used to do a relative comparison between charts or in the chart itself. This allows someone to basically lie with statistics because it doesn't give any numbers.

    • 2 years ago

      Seeing the numbers laid out like this makes me second guess putting any priority into economy at all. A decade of investment spent on economy to gain about 5 more investment points when that all could have been spent on getting a shitload of mission control and research.

      • 2 years ago

        It seems like it's much better to invest into economy after creating the megastates and stacking up some bonuses.
        For example, with some rough ballparks (based on stats at the beginning of the game) of the stats of a Pan-Asian Combine ($40T GDP, 2.5B pop, $12.5 per economy point, 35% bonus to investment points in economy, and 25% investment point dedicated to economy) you go from 33.1 to 38.2 over 5 years and to 42.8 over 10 years. But again, maybe those points would be better invested into other things. For the five years that's about 99 points per year spent on economy to gain 60 investment points per year.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah I've misinterpreted, I assumed that was spending 100% priority on economy. That's not as bad and actually pretty good for bigger countries not just the PAC. But still maybe not worth the effort for countries that have less than 1b people. Nice testing.

        • 2 years ago

          Why? Whether you invest in economy in 5 countries or invest it to boost in those 5 countries (assuming they already have a space program), the reward is the same, isn't it?

          What does it matter if they're unified or separate for this?

          • 2 years ago

            Because countries with larger populations get much better economic growth.

          • 2 years ago

            Every point in economy increases GDP per person by a small amount making it much more efficient in countries with a large population.

      • 2 years ago

        It seems like it's much better to invest into economy after creating the megastates and stacking up some bonuses.
        For example, with some rough ballparks (based on stats at the beginning of the game) of the stats of a Pan-Asian Combine ($40T GDP, 2.5B pop, $12.5 per economy point, 35% bonus to investment points in economy, and 25% investment point dedicated to economy) you go from 33.1 to 38.2 over 5 years and to 42.8 over 10 years. But again, maybe those points would be better invested into other things. For the five years that's about 99 points per year spent on economy to gain 60 investment points per year.

        China (including Taiwan) gets ridiculous research from ecoing up. You can easily get 50-80% bonus to economy by 2030 via orgs and stations, I was over 80% by then. I could have gotten more eco if I wasn't building mission control on the ground and strengthening the army (since I was wrestling with Protectorate over US and wanted a backup army state).

        With a max science advisor, easy 1.8K research on China alone.

        So as you can see, ignore every other single drive option, don't bother researching them, just get the Ion Drive and then the Grid Drive. Use this drive to set up all your colonies, bases, stations and shipyards throughout the solar system. Build up a stockpile of resources, aim for asteroids and stuff with radioactives and noble metals. Build up small fleets of ships with high combat thrust to defend planetary orbits, they don't need much delta V at all.

        What you really want to aim for is the Orion Drive. The big nuke bomber thing. It has very high combat acceleration and pretty damn great delta V for travel. You WILL want to build up your Radioactive stockpile for this drive. For drives that use extremely valuable substances as fuel, you don't ever want more than 5 fuel loads.

        Or just you know, cheat, and play with these toys before the devs fix them or something.

        But let's look at those techs. (Minus the individual project for the drive itself) The, ">" symbols means moving onto another tier, the "+" symbol means everything on the same tier. Tier costs do not seem to make a lot of sense against techs on the same tier.
        Resistojet needs: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics > Electrothermal Propulsion
        Tungsten Resistojet needs all Resistojet needed, along with High-Energy Electrothermal Propulsion
        Arcjet Drive needs all Resistojet needed. Nothing else.
        Plasma Wave Drive? All Resistojet needed + Advanced Superconductors
        Lorentz Drive? This is quite deep in the mid-game needing: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics + Advanced Superconductors + Advanced Carbon Manipulation + Photonic Computing> Advanced Heat Management Concepts + Electromagnetic Propulsion + Magnetic Force Manipulation + Advanced Atomic Manipulation > High-Temperature Superconductors > Magnetic Plasma Confinement > High-Energy Electromagnetic Propulsion
        Helicon Drive? Same as Lorentz.
        Hall Drive? Same as Resistojet.
        Ion Drive? Same as Resistojet
        Grid Drive? Same as Resistojet, just Electrostatic Propulsion > High-Energy Electrostatic Propulsion + Ion Drive > Grid Drive
        Colloid Drive is the same as Grid Drive, but without Ion Drive researched.

        So what does this mean? It means that you are pretty much cucking yourself if you research ANY of the above options except Ion Drive and Grid Drive. So much of this shit DOESN'T MAKE FRICKING SENSE!

        Why is the Lorentz and Helicon Drives just between Plasma Wave and Helicon Drives on the ship builder UI, but totally different in the tech tree?
        Why so many drives that compete for the same niche unlocked by the same tech?
        Why so many techs that seem to have the same name but, "High-Energy," or, "Advanced," strapped onto them?
        Why is the Grid Drive so much easier to access than Lortentz and Helicon, but nearly the same, if not better?

        Why do you even need interplanetary spaceships at all?

        You can just ignore grid drives and build defence fleets to cover your bases. Build a shipyard above Mars for your Mars garrison until you get good fusion drives.

        I was using the most efficient advanced rocketry drive with like 3 kps for my Earth fleet. Low kps is actually good since it lowers your effective strength so you can bring more ships to fight the aliens. I haven't worked out how to maneuver my ships, I simply leave them on their straight-ahead trajectory and let the aliens run straight into my missiles and lasers. They're shitty weapons but I outnumber them 5:1 and if I order them to always face the enemy, I can tank a lot of fire with heavy frontal armour. Combat AI wants to moronicly spin all over the place, always lock them in place.

        • 2 years ago

          where china or India get all resources needed for economic up?
          considering whats going on right now they would need really strong global or at last regional presence to secure needed resource

          • 2 years ago

            There's only an energy crisis because morons decided to cripple energy production.

            Guess what, if you suppress coal and oil production, output will fall! If you sanction your energy importers you'll experience higher energy costs!

            The eco investment priority can be modeled as a political effort to babysit these drooling idiots that 'lead' our countries and prevent them from wrecking their economies. Sri Lanka decided to ban fertilizer - didn't work out well for them.

            • 2 years ago

              >me control EU and Russia+stans
              >Resistance control USA
              >we all supply resources and energy to Servant chinks
              anon pls

              • 2 years ago

                You control the Middle East as well?

                Considering how GDP plummets when Servants are in charge, they probably aren't doing a great job with their countries. They just stack up armies and nukes uselessly, it'd be like living in 1984.

              • 2 years ago

                somebody else control it
                thing is the global trade system in this game should fall
                it should be bronze era collapse all over again, with trade flow disturbed, sanctions, piracy and shit
                but it isn't

              • 2 years ago

                The devs won't picture that because they're genuine true believers in the globalised liberal world order

              • 2 years ago

                what a gays
                alien arrival and fractured humanity is best scenario for economic collapse and rise of NWO

              • 2 years ago

                I'm glad they didn't simulate resource acquisition in a more complex way, tbh.

          • 2 years ago

            Transnational elites have an incentive to grow particularly china as the new world power, because the chinese are much more willing to do whatever draconian shit they're ordered to do.

            A lot of economic problems in the west are engineered, like the ukranian war.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah i got you
              but engineered or not shortage is real and you can see how west roll with that
              no reason why if china get sanctioned it would not roll down in the same fashion as its export economy relaying on imports of food, energy and raw resources
              and its geography make it vulnerable

            • 2 years ago

              >chinese are much more willing to do whatever draconian shit they're ordered to do.
              Whites are buckbroken though

  73. 2 years ago

    When you find an alien counciler don't kill them instantly, try to investigate them first. If you do that you will get info on the alien faction and it will show you were all the alien xenofauna and facility sites on the planet are. Every single one, Get burning lads!

    • 2 years ago

      >you will get info on the alien faction
      >it will show you were all the alien xenofauna and facility sites on the planet are. Every single one
      Another really useful piece of info.

    • 2 years ago

      Any idea how to permanently get rid of the xeno flora from a province?

      • 2 years ago

        No, its a % value, when it gets to a threshold (I am not sure what value the threshold is) you can detect it and then attack it reducing that value by 60-95% depending upon the roll you get. So you can never 100% get rid of it as far as I know.

        • 2 years ago

          Councillors can destroy it, actually. Armies can only slow it, because of course fricking hero units work better than literal entire armed forces.

          • 2 years ago

            Ah, I was looking at the files and when I tried there was still xenofauna in areas I had purged. It is rather annoying as it means you have to constantly do this hero unit clicker gameplay of setting them to do ten million purge missions thoughout a game.

            • 2 years ago

              If you get better techs (and possibly the xenoscience hab buildings help, I think?) you can one-shot the flora with councillors, but it's a late-game thing.

          • 2 years ago

            what the frick were they thinking

            • 2 years ago

              I honestly hate the councillor system so fricking much. They should have had orgs that you subvert, like gaining control of the FBI gives you power in the US and gives you "Agents" you can deploy on set missions. Or gaining control of a cartel lets you get criminal agents you can use. Don't give them faces or shit just stats and capabilities.

              • 2 years ago

                I still think that guy's idea of having resources of various types of people that you allocate to various tasks would be a much better system.

              • 2 years ago

                that would also be good I think, anything but the boring councillor system we have now.

              • 2 years ago

                unfortunately sunk cost fallacy is in full effect, you can't convince the colorado cucks to rewrite their entire game now

              • 2 years ago

                It's like the opposite of a sunk cost, people literally paid them to put their faces in the game.

              • 2 years ago

                Have councilors still exist but have them provide bonuses to the people resources and missions that they do.

              • 2 years ago

                Just imagine that each ops you spend is a guy with a gun. That's like 64 guns.

              • 2 years ago

                It would be nice if it was more practically represented rather then just having to imagine I am sending ops teams. And if they are ops teams why am I "Spending" them? Does every operation end with me killing everyone involved?

              • 2 years ago

                They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

              • 2 years ago

                Presumably it's just an abstracted measure of the resources required to undertake a mission.

              • 2 years ago

                Presumably it's just an abstracted measure of the resources required to undertake a mission.

                >Le Mana

              • 2 years ago

                It is bullet

              • 2 years ago

                They've also put family members in the game lmao

              • 2 years ago

                Even better, saving on next year's Christmas presents.

  74. 2 years ago

    Anyone got a link to the dev build?

  75. 2 years ago

    >still no release date
    >leakBlack person got his access revoked
    what's the point of living anymore?

    • 2 years ago

      I can only replay the demo for so long.

  76. 2 years ago

    >winnie the pooh army
    >poo vindaloo wipers
    kek'd and chek'd, nice satan trips my guy

  77. 2 years ago

    anyone figure out how to use the debug stuff to give yourself all tech and resources? I want to start testing my own ship designs but the whole way that is setup in campaign mode is jank

    • 2 years ago

      Type "help"

  78. 2 years ago

    My biggest complaint about the game is that there is little difference in how each faction plays. Sure, you've got one unique org that each faction can unlock, but aside from that, there are no bonuses, maluses, etc. that make a faction feel unique. They're just carbon copies of each other with a different endgame.

    Like, Project Exodus should get bonuses to shipbuilding, Humanity First should get bonuses to war, etc.

  79. 2 years ago

    I haven't enjoyed a demo this much since SMAC. Lot of expectations for the full game anons.

    • 2 years ago

      Same here. There is a lot of wonkyness, lack of clarity, and clunky UI but I'm already loving it. A few months of polish could really make it a great game.

      Speaking of quotes, they're all a bit weak. I wasn't expecting SMAC tier quality but some are seriously worse than Beyond Earth. Feels like wasted potential, along with milquetoast personalities of the faction leaders.

      >worse than Beyond Earth
      Agree unfortunately, and there is a real lack of inter-faction banter like you'd get in SMAC when they would compliment or shit talk your beliefs based on your relations.relationship.

      It's a shame because the factions conceptually are all very interesting but their dialogue is either one-note (I love/hate aliens!) or painfully generic summary of tech reiterating what is obvious from the tech's title.

      • 2 years ago

        >faction banter

        And here I just realized some factions are a literal copy-paste of SMAC. Morgan, Miriam and Santiago at least.

        Where's the beef? Where's Deirdre casually commenting the slaughter of an entire Spartan city by mindworms? Where's Morgan calling the nerve stapling journalists "a PR disaster"? Those quotes are so epic I still remember them after decades. Here so far I heard the Servants' lady singing "let it shine" and my eyes rolled so hard they almost hurt.

  80. 2 years ago

    Has anyone found a good way to gain research points beyond creating/stealing rich socialist utopias like the tooltip implies? How efficient is spamming research stations or engineering gear mana?

    • 2 years ago

      >How efficient is spamming research stations or engineering gear mana?
      The problem is that those hab stations cost money to upkeep. A substantial amount of money that quickly adds up. THEORETICALLY you could make a lot of money from hab modules, with Geriatric facilities and Space Resorts, but the problem is that those money making habs cost a quite high amount of monthly BOOST to maintain, which you can ONLY get from nations.

      You're better off working to build up those super-state nations, then aim to build tier 3 research bonus modules on habs, each giving a 25% bonus.

      • 2 years ago

        Nanoforges are also an option for income. 60 monthly at the cost of some metals. Space stations are overall still the better choice for income than grinding funding from nations since its easier to spam command centers and mines than nation building. Plus no danger of constantly getting control points flipped by aliens. On the off-chance of one of your earth orbit stations being flipped, just send in the marines.

        • 2 years ago

          Did some debug testing on early-game combat ships (3x Escorts + NERVA engine + Infared/1st Railgun/1st research Missiles) against alien destroyers; turns out any type of missile trumps absolutely everything and were in fact the only thing that could get a kill. Even facing it against a group of ayy corvettes that could theoretically out manuever them still ended up in everyone-killed draw. I also tried an equivalent destroyer with just the 2x nose cannons/lasers and only the laser one was able to damage the alien ship, though my side still lost. I may try some mid-game ships but it seems the devs were more concerned implementing literally every single type of engine autism that could ever be contrived into the game rather than actually balancing shit so I dunno

          I've never had problems with funding beyond being somewhat limited on what I can dump back into nations so I'm not sure why everyone is so keen on optimizing it with spoils and such. Influence is what limits me most the the time

          • 2 years ago

            I think what is important is to make sure the missiles can be volley fired in spam mode to overwhelm point defense, cannot be evaded (enough Gs acceleration to never be outmaneuvered), and have multiple ships with the weapons.

            It would be like real life torpedo boat swarm overwhelming battleships and wrecking everything at a much lower cost, even if all your ships get exploded.

            From what I was able to test using the default ships in skirmish mode, the early tech lasers are just garbage and only varely work if you have enough numbers so ships can support eachother. In any case, I am more for the fast small ship with a swarm of shipkiller missiles.

          • 2 years ago

            Influence becomes a non-issue from mid-game onwards as both your persuassion specialized coucillor will shit out influence en mass as well as the massive populace of the superpowers you hopefully have under your control. What becomes an issue is keeping afloat with your space empire and trying to develop your nations with direct investments. The latter lets you reach 7+ military power easily by 2030, giving you armies capable of contesting alien forces and resilient enough to not die to a single nuke.

            • 2 years ago

              So direct investment is better to upgrade miltech than using IPs? How much to go from 4.0 to 5.0 and beyond?

              • 2 years ago

                3 IP give you roughly 0.005 at best and 0.00375 (USA) at worst depending on the country, so worst case would be 800 IP to get from 4.0 to 5.0. Using USA for numbers again, it costs 2.4k funds to raise 1 IP without any modifiers. Looking at my 2035 save you can get it down to at least 700.
                Best case would be 560.7k, worst case 1922.4k. There's also a limit of 200 IP you can invest per year, so it would take you 4 years of pure investments to raise your miltech level by 1.
                Comparing that to the economy output of the USA, we've got about 21 IP per month, so assuming we get it up to 24 due to decent management, spending all of your IP on miltech would take you about 2.8 years to raise miltech by 1 naturally.
                The natural way is faster, but that is assuming you spend all of your natural IP gain on miltech.

              • 2 years ago

                ah ok, so probably you need to have a portion of it being natural and then using direct funding to make the gap - using only one is prohibitive

          • 2 years ago


            I just can't figure it the frick out. So many of these Engine types I have no fricking idea what they're supposed to do. I only care about three engine types:
            1: I have high combat acceleration, use me to fight in a planetary system
            2: I am very efficient and can get high Delta-V. Use me to travel to other planets.
            3: I am an end-game option that can do both very well

            I just don't fricking get it. I boosted with console commands to see how the game works, (I will not waste hundreds of hours to do this naturally and endure all the fricking interrupt pauses,) and it seems like a super viable option is to never attack alien ships, just kill alien agents, aiming to build up antimatter infrastructure. Maybe. I have no idea.

            I really fricking wish the game explained all this shit so much more. There are like ten fricking nuclear missile options and I can't tell what the big fricking differences are. There are so many missile options but I have no idea what the specialties are. I'm not sure what good ship design is, I have NO FRICKING IDEA HOW MUCH FRICKING ARMOR I SHOULD HAVE. It seems like putting one slot highest damage laser weapons in every slot seems to work.

            Also, access to Exotics comes waaaaay too late, players should get it from attacking ground assets, not just space assets. And uh, we should probably get Exotics from CAPTURING FRICKING ALIEN STATIONS AND BASES, not just space combat. All that loot just up in smoke.

            • 2 years ago

              like look at this shit, they literally have a fricking glorified electric kettle as a propulsion method. This shit is barely adequate for a cubesat's RCS, let alone the main drive on a fricking multiton warship. And you have to research it too, it's not even a "baby's first" engine

              at least they put in the Orion drive, albeit requiring a bunch of future tech for an engine designed for the 1950s

              • 2 years ago

                I dont understand it myself. There is no use for any of this that I can imagine. Its almost like a trap technology that will never yield a useful project.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, I did some tests with these drives, quick little optional choices. Using the smallest ship frame, the Gunship, with Solid Core Fission Reactor I (SCFR), (Fuel Cell I is about 20 tons smaller but you'll see I need more power for another option), Lithium-Ion Battery, Titanium Radiator, no weapons, just a Fission Platform in the utility slot, planned transfer mission is Extreme Earth Orbit to Extreme Jupiter Orbit.
                Ship has 1 engine, 20 Propellant Tanks

                Resistojet? 4.6 kps, can't go very far
                Tungsten Resistojet? 15.4 kps, almost triple the delta V.
                Arcjet Drive? 30.9 kps. The trip would take 108.79 weeks. It's possible, but very long.

                Now, let's try some others.
                Plasma Wave Drive? 123kps, but still 104 weeks. Going to 4 engines takes it down to 84.39 weeks.
                Lorentz Drive? 160kps, 53.92 weeks! Can get that down to 40 weeks SCFR 4, 3 engines.
                Helicon Drive? 53.92 weeks with SCFR 2, but can get it down to 22.61 weeks with SCFR 4 and 5 engines.
                Hall Drive? 82 weeks with SCFR 1, 5 engines. SCFR 5, 6 engines only goes to 81.75. This seems to be a real stinker.
                Ion Drive? 84.39 weeks with SCFR 1, 6 engines.
                Grid Drive? THIS IS WHERE IT GETS GOOD. With SCFR 1 and 1 engine, time is 78.27 weeks. Not great. Buuuut.. Bump up to SCFR 3 and 6 engines, time to destination is 27.83 weeks!
                Colloid Drive seems to be worse, SCFR 1 with 6 engines gives 61.71 weeks, but uses Volatiles instead of Water as fuel?

              • 2 years ago

                But let's look at those techs. (Minus the individual project for the drive itself) The, ">" symbols means moving onto another tier, the "+" symbol means everything on the same tier. Tier costs do not seem to make a lot of sense against techs on the same tier.
                Resistojet needs: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics > Electrothermal Propulsion
                Tungsten Resistojet needs all Resistojet needed, along with High-Energy Electrothermal Propulsion
                Arcjet Drive needs all Resistojet needed. Nothing else.
                Plasma Wave Drive? All Resistojet needed + Advanced Superconductors
                Lorentz Drive? This is quite deep in the mid-game needing: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics + Advanced Superconductors + Advanced Carbon Manipulation + Photonic Computing> Advanced Heat Management Concepts + Electromagnetic Propulsion + Magnetic Force Manipulation + Advanced Atomic Manipulation > High-Temperature Superconductors > Magnetic Plasma Confinement > High-Energy Electromagnetic Propulsion
                Helicon Drive? Same as Lorentz.
                Hall Drive? Same as Resistojet.
                Ion Drive? Same as Resistojet
                Grid Drive? Same as Resistojet, just Electrostatic Propulsion > High-Energy Electrostatic Propulsion + Ion Drive > Grid Drive
                Colloid Drive is the same as Grid Drive, but without Ion Drive researched.

                So what does this mean? It means that you are pretty much cucking yourself if you research ANY of the above options except Ion Drive and Grid Drive. So much of this shit DOESN'T MAKE FRICKING SENSE!

                Why is the Lorentz and Helicon Drives just between Plasma Wave and Helicon Drives on the ship builder UI, but totally different in the tech tree?
                Why so many drives that compete for the same niche unlocked by the same tech?
                Why so many techs that seem to have the same name but, "High-Energy," or, "Advanced," strapped onto them?
                Why is the Grid Drive so much easier to access than Lortentz and Helicon, but nearly the same, if not better?

              • 2 years ago

                So as you can see, ignore every other single drive option, don't bother researching them, just get the Ion Drive and then the Grid Drive. Use this drive to set up all your colonies, bases, stations and shipyards throughout the solar system. Build up a stockpile of resources, aim for asteroids and stuff with radioactives and noble metals. Build up small fleets of ships with high combat thrust to defend planetary orbits, they don't need much delta V at all.

                What you really want to aim for is the Orion Drive. The big nuke bomber thing. It has very high combat acceleration and pretty damn great delta V for travel. You WILL want to build up your Radioactive stockpile for this drive. For drives that use extremely valuable substances as fuel, you don't ever want more than 5 fuel loads.

                Or just you know, cheat, and play with these toys before the devs fix them or something.

              • 2 years ago

                How do fission drives compare to fusion drives in terms of research time to reach them?

              • 2 years ago

                It gets pretty absurd. Not only do the technology requirements go in the tens of thousands, but so will the engineering projects themselves. And remember that you have to research other things and cant just focus on propulsion.

              • 2 years ago

                So you do this, and start the construction of an outpost - are you able to bootstrap an entire colony this way, since resources teleport?

                May be viable to start an early swarming to kuiper belt, and by early i mean, a few years in - since it would take longer to build a proper ship to further out. Maybe this is nonsense since you cannot build outposts in the regions until the specific research was performed. I think the outposts you build from ships is to be used to bootstrap a support base for a takeover of a system (jupiter, saturn, etc)

                But let's look at those techs. (Minus the individual project for the drive itself) The, ">" symbols means moving onto another tier, the "+" symbol means everything on the same tier. Tier costs do not seem to make a lot of sense against techs on the same tier.
                Resistojet needs: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics > Electrothermal Propulsion
                Tungsten Resistojet needs all Resistojet needed, along with High-Energy Electrothermal Propulsion
                Arcjet Drive needs all Resistojet needed. Nothing else.
                Plasma Wave Drive? All Resistojet needed + Advanced Superconductors
                Lorentz Drive? This is quite deep in the mid-game needing: Mission to Space > Deep Space Propulsion Concepts + Advanced Magnetics + Advanced Superconductors + Advanced Carbon Manipulation + Photonic Computing> Advanced Heat Management Concepts + Electromagnetic Propulsion + Magnetic Force Manipulation + Advanced Atomic Manipulation > High-Temperature Superconductors > Magnetic Plasma Confinement > High-Energy Electromagnetic Propulsion
                Helicon Drive? Same as Lorentz.
                Hall Drive? Same as Resistojet.
                Ion Drive? Same as Resistojet
                Grid Drive? Same as Resistojet, just Electrostatic Propulsion > High-Energy Electrostatic Propulsion + Ion Drive > Grid Drive
                Colloid Drive is the same as Grid Drive, but without Ion Drive researched.

                So what does this mean? It means that you are pretty much cucking yourself if you research ANY of the above options except Ion Drive and Grid Drive. So much of this shit DOESN'T MAKE FRICKING SENSE!

                Why is the Lorentz and Helicon Drives just between Plasma Wave and Helicon Drives on the ship builder UI, but totally different in the tech tree?
                Why so many drives that compete for the same niche unlocked by the same tech?
                Why so many techs that seem to have the same name but, "High-Energy," or, "Advanced," strapped onto them?
                Why is the Grid Drive so much easier to access than Lortentz and Helicon, but nearly the same, if not better?

                I was reading the earlier devblogs, and the differences exist because a single playthrough is not guaranteed to have all of them. Sometimes only one will be discovered due to how the chance of prohject discovery happens. This means one playthrough may have one tech, and not be available in the next, but that next playthrough will have a different propulsion method. That is my theory on why there sometimes similar propulsion choices (and sometimes, intentionally to trick you or the AI to make bad choices).

              • 2 years ago

                >Sometimes only one will be discovered due to how the chance of prohject discovery happens.
                Can you elaborate on this? Some playthroughs just have techs missing wholesale from the tech tree?

              • 2 years ago

                https:// www.pavonisinteractive.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=28950&sid=524007337cc7df6d4ce036a8894f59e0

                >>But not every faction will get access to every project. Each project has a trigger percentage for each faction. For critical projects, it’s 100% -- so RNG won’t block your path to win -- but for others, only a few factions may have access to it, and it’s possible some interesting but non-vital techs may not appear in a particular campaign at all. An example is the Nuclear Salt Water Reactor project, which is necessary to power the powerful Neutron Flux Drive. Once the tech prerequisites of Advanced Fission Systems and Ultracapacitors are met, each faction has a 15% of unlocking the project in a given campaign, plus any bonuses they receive from contributing to its parent techs.

                >>This is in part to simulate that it’s unclear whether some real-world ideas will actually work, and also to keep campaigns a bit different from one another.

            • 2 years ago

              If it isn't a grid drive or advanced pulsar, just pretend it doesn't exist. Late game drives obviously not included in this.

    • 2 years ago


      >How efficient is spamming research stations or engineering gear mana?
      The problem is that those hab stations cost money to upkeep. A substantial amount of money that quickly adds up. THEORETICALLY you could make a lot of money from hab modules, with Geriatric facilities and Space Resorts, but the problem is that those money making habs cost a quite high amount of monthly BOOST to maintain, which you can ONLY get from nations.

      You're better off working to build up those super-state nations, then aim to build tier 3 research bonus modules on habs, each giving a 25% bonus.


      Nanoforges are also an option for income. 60 monthly at the cost of some metals. Space stations are overall still the better choice for income than grinding funding from nations since its easier to spam command centers and mines than nation building. Plus no danger of constantly getting control points flipped by aliens. On the off-chance of one of your earth orbit stations being flipped, just send in the marines.

      said, using nanofactories and nanofacturing complexes is the way to go.

  81. 2 years ago

    What is the best way to purge the servants out of China? Besides trying to grab it first.

    • 2 years ago

      China is waaaay too difficult to grab. You're better off spending your time and efforts building an EU superstate, and THEN grab the United States. The Servants seem to benefit from alien brainwashing, which is why they gain so much popularity in China, they're not using regular methods.


      The secret sauce to victory? Just orbital bombardment. BLOW EM UP! Spend a few months bombarding Beijing with an alright sized fleet of the earliest available weapons that can bombard through atmosphere, for me, it was green lasers.

      All you have to do is kill maaaybe just a few million people and you can HALVE the entire national GDP. You can cut them down to size, and the smaller economy makes it much easier to use councillor agent actions on.

      Also, you need more powerful, more numerous, and higher damage bombardment weapons to even make a tiny dent against armies and mission command nodes, but you can FRICKING DESTROY nodes of Boost power. I got all the Servants boost down to less than 0.1 monthly, across the entire world. Boost just fricking MELTS when bombarded.

    • 2 years ago

      Grab it first, AI is useless enough against USA that it can wait
      until you've secured China, and no censorship + low cohesion makes it easy enough to bully out those that do make it in

      Seems like the meta order is: Kazakhstan, EU, Russia if get get fricked on UK, something adjacent to US, China, and then US. Deteor to some resource rich 3rd country you can spoil to death if you get the opportunity. Large countries get developed, small developed countries get assimilated into large countires, slavic shitholes that refuse to assimilate get boost, and everything past the US's southern border gets looted

  82. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to destroy space targets from the ground? Like anti-space station missiles or rail gun defense networks?

  83. 2 years ago

    Making the jump to from figuring out Earth to dealing with the Solar System is fricking hard. I've got control of most of Earth and have basically neutered all other factions besides Project Exodus. But I don't know how to break out into space without waiting years for ships and stations.

    • 2 years ago

      you want to rush to mars, because those are the easiest and fastest high throughput mines to get. Once you have 1 mine that has all resources going, you can expand very easy because you do not need much Boost to build things. Without the mines, starting outposts is VERY boost expansive.

  84. 2 years ago

    So I found something while looking through the files:
    Inside TIGlobalConfig.json, the "strategyLayerSpeedSettings" not only can be modified but extended with more values. Doing so will turn the earth into seizure inducing strobe light, but will also make the turns pass much faster. Combined with abusing Permanent Assignment and the game actually starts feeling a whole more dynamic.

    Also I just completed establishing the Initiatives' goal, and it's actually humorously based:
    >We want to control & profit from the world
    >Aliens taking over the world means we don't control the world
    >As thus, we need to defeat the aliens
    >Other random factions squabbling make it harder to defeat the aliens
    >As thus we need to subvert and control the population, to get them to stop fighting each other, in order to defeat the aliens, so we can keep ruling
    It's like if Humanity First was ruled by accountants

    • 2 years ago

      also forgot to add, but Defend Interests stacks. Instead of playing constant control point musical chairs, you can just spend a year leaving a guy on each important country until they are two decades out and then never worry about it again

      • 2 years ago

        >Defend Interests stacks.
        Frick me no wonder there's a repeat mission button for it.

      • 2 years ago

        WHAT? IT STACKS?

      • 2 years ago

        >Defend Interests stacks.
        It seems like every single day there's a new mind-blowing discovery of something extremely useful that absolutely no one knows about.

      • 2 years ago

        WHAT? IT STACKS?

        >Defend Interests stacks.
        It seems like every single day there's a new mind-blowing discovery of something extremely useful that absolutely no one knows about.

        And, the public opinion of a country you own dictates the total influece generated, which shows you should have PO in each country set to 90% and above, probably through use of Unity.

        This means that while growing your empire, having PO maxxes allows you to control more nations without going into negative influence.

    • 2 years ago

      Thought initiative was the weirdest faction in the beginning but in the end it seems like I really play like them. Creating one really powerful nation, constant wars with shitty third world countries to spoil, abandon and build cohesion at home. Subverting other major countries just to dismantle their armies and nukes so they can't defend themselves (thus rely on me). Generally stuff that doesn't really make sense if you're playing the resistance.

      Might do an initiative playthrough when the game comes out funneling the world's resources into Israel.

      • 2 years ago

        WHAT? IT STACKS?

        yup, I was trying to look how far I can abuse repeat/permanent and since I had the extra influence I decided to experiment. Horribly communicated to you since I could only tell by the change in the tooltip but yup it does.

        They really are the most fun faction to play straight as a remorseless videogame min-maxer since it fits their theme of "No nonsense efficiency" so well. All the other factions you have to RP and limit yourself a bit, but with Initiative it's just GO GO GO GO GO GO GO. Surprising too since all the tech quotes make it sound like it would just be some wacky corporate libertarian parody incapable of any sort of long-term planning. Unfortunately I may have to restart the run I did with them since it started as just a trial out of curiosity and thus never reset their nation priorities, meaning the US and EU were over-exploited and are now about to collapse from pollution and infighting

        • 2 years ago

          Speaking of quotes, they're all a bit weak. I wasn't expecting SMAC tier quality but some are seriously worse than Beyond Earth. Feels like wasted potential, along with milquetoast personalities of the faction leaders.

  85. 2 years ago

    How do you know what priorities do? Like by the default its resist which i assume lowers alien influence but i don't have much of a clue for most other things

    • 2 years ago

      Hover over them you scrub

      • 2 years ago

        Hovering over them does nothing but after switching to something else i see the dots changing, i assume the dots just indicate priority.

        • 2 years ago

          Hover over the related things left of the dots and see what they do. Also go to nations and create your own presets. Now thank me and frick off.

  86. 2 years ago

    I wonder if there will be a C&C mod when it comes out? Would love to fight against the Scrin as GDI or NOD

  87. 2 years ago

    Anyone know what the Initiative ending entails?

    • 2 years ago

      The president of the USA waves the flags of Israel, BLM, LGBTQIABRAAP live from the ruins of Washington DC and asks the American people one last sacrifice in order to help their greatest ally get a shipment of alien xenoflora before the end of Israeli President Xgkangoipn's wedding to Eli Shekelberg.

      • 2 years ago

        You will own nothing and you'll be happy. Enjoy your insects and mind your CO2 balance.

        Kek. I was simply curious in all seriousness between Initiative and Exodus

        • 2 years ago

          I was pretty far in an initiative run, but I felt like restarting. Doing an exodus run now. If I reach the end I'll make a post on the active terra invicta thread, if it's no longer this one.

          • 2 years ago

            were you forced to restart by the bugs?

            • 2 years ago

              Nah, so far when I run into them, a recent autosave gets me past them. I just want to put in the things I've learned into a new game rather than continue the old one sometimes.

    • 2 years ago

      You will own nothing and you'll be happy. Enjoy your insects and mind your CO2 balance.

  88. 2 years ago

    Updated leak when

  89. 2 years ago

    now since the nightly /misc/ buzzword circlejerk has died down and the productive discussion can start again, let me ask you a question: Which of the society arrival techs do you think should be focused on and which can be safely ignored? I know there is some good monthly organizational boosting stuff in there, but also a lot of fluff which is only useful to the servants

    • 2 years ago

      Go for domestic politics and economics in that order because they both unlock projects that give +5 available orgs each month and the former is cheaper. International relations can be good for diplomatic cooldown reduction. Same with arrival law on unlocking diplo cooldown. Sociology (in addition to domestic politics) can be good for independence movements since that unlocks global command structure for extra control point cap. International development can be good to get transnational investments for cheaper direct investments, but that shouldn't really matter until somewhat later into the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Arrival domestic politics and arrival economics for their +5 org techs. Arrival law in conjunction with the military science techs "terrestrial military science" and "arrival security" leads to a number of defensive bonus projects that protect you against terror and enthrall, which are always good.

      Arrival international relations is the precursor for unity movements and great nations, or if you are so inclined, the independence movements tech.

  90. 2 years ago

    >burger armored div
    you're ok anon

  91. 2 years ago

    Why the frick is every nation defending interests

    • 2 years ago

      >Why is every faction trying to maintain control over their nations
      I wonder. Not like it matters once the ayys start doing their insta flipendo bullshit.

      • 2 years ago

        I can't imagine they have enough agents to protect every single nation on the planet while still being able to flip nations themselves, i'm still in the early game ffs.

        • 2 years ago

          Nevermind, i thought the defend mission only lasted for a few weeks while apparently it lasts for many months

  92. 2 years ago

    I've discovered the best Organisation. Don't miss this picking up this one.

    • 2 years ago

      >spend 2 org capacity for the worst mission in the game

  93. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have a list of the country and faction tags for the console?

  94. 2 years ago

    aaaaaaaaa I pissed them off before I was ready aaaaa

    • 2 years ago

      According to people on the discord the gdp bonus to research is actually pretty substantial up to a max of $48750 per person. They used China in this example.

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't mean to quote there

      • 2 years ago

        Nice so it looks like combining the EU with the Eurasian union might be overall worse? You could keep EU as your science powerhouse and Eurasian union as a military/utility powerhouse. Likewise the same if you had the caliphate and you only had the higher GDP nations.

        Also does anyone know how the stats of funding and science transfer over when you unify? Seems to me like funding doesn't even transfer to the parent country.

        • 2 years ago

          >Nice so it looks like combining the EU with the Eurasian union might be overall worse?
          Combining nations in general is worse because unification tanks your total Investment Points.
          Current game I'm even trying the opposite, splitting up nations to the maximum possible extent to go in the other direction

          • 2 years ago

            Are you burning through your influence cap that way?
            Centralising seems to make sense for security reasons but I guess if they're all in a federation it shouldn't be too big a problem.

            • 2 years ago

              >Are you burning through your influence cap that way?
              Quite the opposite. Big countries cost quadratically (rather than linearly) more to hold than small countries: the US takes 36 from the cap, not 6. So if (hypothetically) you split the US in two and got two 3-CP countries, that'd cost you 2(3^2)=18 influence cap rather than 1(6^2)=36 influence cap.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nice so it looks like combining the EU with the Eurasian union might be overall worse?
                Combining nations in general is worse because unification tanks your total Investment Points.
                Current game I'm even trying the opposite, splitting up nations to the maximum possible extent to go in the other direction

                WTF ARE THEY THINKING

              • 2 years ago

                I see. Who would have guessed balkanizing would be the best way to play this game.
                When it's releases hopefully they figure we that shit out.

              • 2 years ago

                I was scratching my head for weeks when the demo first came out as to wtf was the point of the independence movement techs, because you can only utilise them if you have the relevant parent country's executive point and if you already have that why would you want to frick over your influence cap by generating more CPs? But yeah, it turns out that balkanizing actually unfricks your influence cap AND your investment points through the quadratic effect

              • 2 years ago

                Don't know how I feel about having the world balkanizing in response to an alien invasion be the meta thing to do.

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't say it's the best way, smaller countries are more efficient at building mission control/boost building space defences, creating armies and maintaining them given you've got more IP overall and these investments don't scale with population. Plus they're much less painful to regain if you lose CP's. But bigger countries increase research, miltech, gdp, public opinion much more efficiently even with reduced IP count. It's also cheaper overall to direct invest in one large country than many small ones.

              • 2 years ago

                True, maybe I should leave the EU balkanized for a bit before making the big blue blob. Should get some early boost from that.

              • 2 years ago

                It's basically guerrilla warfare against an enemy that has methods for infiltrating and taking over institutions pretty easily.

              • 2 years ago

                >"aw shit aliens are here"
                >earth immediately splinters into hundreds of made-up countries

              • 2 years ago

                That's the secret anon, all countries are made-up.

              • 2 years ago

                It's only Balkanization in name, every country is still coalescing into a unified world order under the control of whichever faction is winning; it's just the difference between the hierarchy being deep or broad.

              • 2 years ago

                I think its the meta thing to do to the countries you do not control, which you want to have in larger blobs for more efficient control. Think how impossible it would be to Defend 30 countries vs 8 or less. I think for the player, having NA, EU, China and a few other countries like Japan is enough. Then you can ensure that servants only have small garbage countries and leave the rest to the otehr factions. If you break up the leftover countries like Indonesia, Australia, india etc, the factions have a much harder time protecting them among themselves, and it also makes it easier for you to headshot servant countries (take over and dismantle nukes, armies, etc).

              • 2 years ago

                Given how IP works, the best nation layout is having one, massive nation GDP wise for research and military and several smaller, but still somewhat powerful satellite nations for funding or mission control only. For example, using China as your research powerhouse while using Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the SEA alliance as your funding/mission control nations.

          • 2 years ago

            On the other hand, when you independence Scotland (and hand Belfast to Ireland just for fun), at the end Great Britain is still 4CP and you've added independent Scotland as 2CP, so you actually increase your influence cap useage by 4, in the specific case of Britain at least

        • 2 years ago

          Funding and progress for armies carries over in newer dev builds

  95. 2 years ago

    How should you start going out in space to mine? Like i went to the moon to mine but i lack the resources to build anything, do i have to trade for them?

    • 2 years ago

      You have to save up Boost, which is the critical resource in the earlygame after the scramble for countries.
      There's also the problem that the moon doesn't actually provide much resources - often, the cost of running a Lunar mine exceeds the gains you get out of it. Really the first big motherlode is Mars mining - after that you never need Boost again, because your space resources skyrocket.
      Good practice seems to be to basically not launch anything until you can save up the ~65 boost needed for a Mars mine, and then fire that off asap by investing your Earth countries' economies in Boost heavily

      • 2 years ago

        But to build a mines you need space resources and i have none.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh wait i just noticed that you can also build outposts and settlements, i thought you needed a platform first.

        • 2 years ago

          >But to build a mines you need space resources and i have none.
          No, you can use space resources OR boost
          It's always a better idea to use space resources, but for your first mine where you don't have any space resources, you gotta use boost
          Alternatively just have your Persuasion guy stage a mutiny on someone else's mine lol

          • 2 years ago

            Better to build an outpost or a settlement? Also is there a limit to how many sites can be built?

            • 2 years ago

              If you're just using them for materials, go with outposts. The only limit is mission control capacity and the number of sites on a given planetary body. But that's why you want to use outposts, because mission control is a very valuable and limited resource.

              • 2 years ago

                >because mission control is a very valuable and limited resource
                It is until you can build stations around Mercury where solar arrays pump out 267 energy each.

              • 2 years ago

                But you can only use boost on earth, don't tell you actually needed to mine on the Moon before being able to build everywhere else on the galaxy

              • 2 years ago

                I think you're stupid, anon.

              • 2 years ago

                "Build on Earth" means "Build on Earth and then ship it to the selected site elsewhere in the solar system using Boost"

                It took me half an hour but i think i finally got it, didn't realize you can eventually build stuff in space without pulling resources from Earth.

              • 2 years ago

                "Build on Earth" means "Build on Earth and then ship it to the selected site elsewhere in the solar system using Boost"

  96. 2 years ago

    >unified EU
    >controll Muttmerica+Canada
    Where do I go from here?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Tempting, but I am more interested in setting up space mining and shit, how do I do that?
        t. please be patient, I suffer from grugism in regards to this game

        • 2 years ago

          Build up boost, establish bases on the 2-4 best spots on Mars. Work towards mission to the inner planets. Once that's done build a base on Mercury and give it a construction module. And I mean the instant the tech finishes you need to get that base up. As soon as that finishes start spamming orbitals around Mercury and putting the modules that give extra mission control.
          Also, always make sure your habitats have enough hydroponics to support their crew.

        • 2 years ago

          China is a means to getting space mining and shit.
          All nations with space programs can add to your Boost resource, and your Boost resource is how you get space mining

  97. 2 years ago

    An early lunar mine is absolutely worth it. The Moon has enough resources to kickstart your first martian bases, then you can just sell it off to other factions for a peace deal.
    Other factions love shitty space infrastructure and I love feeding them with it to hamper them.

    • 2 years ago

      >then you can just sell it off to other factions for a peace deal
      Is that the Non-Aggression Pact?

  98. 2 years ago

    Is it normal that after India and Russia nuked each others the global GDP dropped by like 20%?

    • 2 years ago

      How many nukes did they throw?

      I think they also cause some pollution and pollution = a negative modifier on GDP.

      • 2 years ago

        India used all their nukes, probably had around 4 or 5, Russia around 20 (?) hitting all the indian states

        • 2 years ago

          Each nuke really represents a wave of nukes so that 20 really represents Russia emptying 2/3s of their 5000 something arsenal

        • 2 years ago

          Holy shit, that's a lot of nukes.

    • 2 years ago

      I had the USA's GDP drop to around 30k per capita after a pretty sizable nuclear exchange (about 20 total) that didn't even touch the US. The countries that got nuked (Russia and the Aliens in control of China + India) actually fared better economically. Europe fell by just as much despite not being touched.

    • 2 years ago

      I had the USA's GDP drop to around 30k per capita after a pretty sizable nuclear exchange (about 20 total) that didn't even touch the US. The countries that got nuked (Russia and the Aliens in control of China + India) actually fared better economically. Europe fell by just as much despite not being touched.

      What the frick is this bullshit?

      • 2 years ago

        Global economy please understand.

      • 2 years ago

        Too cold to work, and the wind tastes spicy.

      • 2 years ago

        Its not bullshit, pretty sure its realistic that nukes could have a global effect on the environment if many of them went off, doesn't matter where the explosions did it.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but why were the countries that had a nuclear exchange less affected by it than the countries that didn't?

          • 2 years ago

            Didn't happen in my case, both India and Russia have a similiar GDP to Egypt (1000 billions but Russia also merged with Georgia and some other small nations) in 2035, what is probably not that realistic is how much population they lost, India is still around 1 billion.

            • 2 years ago

              >what is probably not that realistic is how much population they lost, India is still around 1 billion.
              This is one thing that really irked me. Too few people die from nukes.

              • 2 years ago

                They would be too OP if they actually reduced the population by a lot, the drop in GDP and the damage they do to armies is already bad enough.

              • 2 years ago

                Why pussy out at the last moment? They already frick shit up, but for some reason they do very little to population.

              • 2 years ago

                Who are you gonna send to space if there is no one left in the entire planet?

              • 2 years ago

                You can't kill everyone. You probably wouldn't be able to get the world population below several hundred million people. But killing billions of people should absolutely be on the table.

              • 2 years ago

                It really depends on how many and what sort of bombs we're talking about.
                Allegedly, some people within 2 miles of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survived; not many, but some.

          • 2 years ago

            Looking at the ones they listed, the US and Europe suffered greatly while China and India weren't as much.

            It sounds like democratic, low population, high GDP per capita nations suffer greatly from nuclear winter while non democracy, high population, low GDP per capita nations are less effected.

            Given how specifically Investment points are allotted (Japan is somehow the 3rd/4th strongest nation) it appears that nukes unfrick that weird discrepancy between the 1st and 3rd world.

            Even if a billion Indians die, there might be enough to keep their government running, but if the American's get scared they immediately destroy their own economy by panic buying.

            • 2 years ago

              >Japan is somehow the 3rd/4th strongest nation

              Just like in reality

              • 2 years ago

                You're right their GDP per capita is nuts and their population isn't as bad as I thought, I just need to read a book once in a while.

  99. 2 years ago

    Will the game have nuke counter measures?

    • 2 years ago

      There is a technology that unlocks a secret funding priority called something like "space defense" that lets you build guns on earth that shoot down spaceships. These also work on nukes or so I have heard.

      • 2 years ago

        wtf there are planetary defenses? Frick space ships I'm turtling.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice. I was hoping for something at least like SMAC anti-missile orbital defenses.

  100. 2 years ago

    I do believe that this man could in fact be /Our Guy/

    • 2 years ago

      >extorting trannies
      bet he's going to by more ammo with that dough

  101. 2 years ago

    I've survived long enough on earth and avoided nullpoint exceptions where I could to finally reach this stage. All of my bases are settlements with 2 layered defense arrays and arc green lasers. I'm am currently researching my first fusion drive to start building a fleet of cruisers to defend earth and eventually raid their asteroid belt bases. Time will tell if the errors or the aliens for once beat me this time.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice they really start to ramp up the ships they send out it looks like

  102. 2 years ago

    >Game shits itself when ayys start bombing astroid settlements
    I really, REALLY, want to play this game more and would be more than willing to pay for it, but charging 250 bucks for early access is something straight out of the scrolls of Zion.

  103. 2 years ago

    You know what would be nice, immigration mechanics.

    • 2 years ago

      Below the scale of the simulation please understand

  104. 2 years ago

    If the game ever becomes stable enough that late game becomes reachable, I imagine that arriving at Jupiter is going to feel less like D-Day and more like the entirety of World War II.

  105. 2 years ago

    Any way to keep track how many bonuses you get from your habs? There are limits for every bonus but its hard to keep track of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh and also how do i remove unwanted modules?

      • 2 years ago

        >remove unwanted modules
        Good joke.

      • 2 years ago

        Just build something new on top or power it down if you can't at the moment.

    • 2 years ago

      when you upgrade the research habs, you reach the limits faster. T1 research is 3%, T2 is 10%. I think the limit from research stations is 50% or so, requring only 5x T2 stations to max out. Its possible I am wrong, and the research bonus is unbound and only the interface orbit bonuses have a cap.

      Then you have to use orgs to boost on top of that. Some orgs boost 10% or even 15% of a research type, and they stack, if you can find them.

      On top of that, for engineering projects, you can also stack gears to improve their research speed. Right now i have enough ors and skunkworks (T2 module) that I boost those 95% on top of, for example 50% of a research type. This makes researching projects like Pan-Asian Combine (50000) much more viable.

      I am not sure if there is a cap to engineering bonuses.

      SO yeah, if you are coming up to a research/project wall, start hunting for those research booster orgs - you may need to steal or trade for them..

      • 2 years ago

        Research boost is uncapped, only the orbit bonus has a cap. Engineering boosts have diminishing returns around 150 boost onwards.

        • 2 years ago


  106. 2 years ago

    Since the game console is now crapping out here's the top 17 countries in investiment points, alien administration is Russia+some small countries

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot the year, 2035

    • 2 years ago

      Nevermind, i reloaded a save and the console stopped acting out

  107. 2 years ago

    My first game will be as the Servants

    • 2 years ago

      I'd be interested in learning how bad things get from the colonialism, or if the Servant's end game is about finding a way to integrate with the aliens and get rights and shit.

      But I'm probably gonna go Academy or Exodus first.

  108. 2 years ago

    Wtf you can target your own country?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. You can nuke your own territories to do extreme damage to hostile armies there. That's one of the threats of invading minor nuclear powers. If you rush their capital with all of your armies then they're very likely to just nuke all of them.

      • 2 years ago

        >extreme damage
        Y-you mean it always insta-kills everything in one hit, r-right?

        • 2 years ago
  109. 2 years ago

    Is Tin Droplet the best radiator humans can build or is there something exotic I'm not seeing that also isn't called one?

    • 2 years ago

      BTFO an ayy ship and you can build an exotics-based radiator that weighs less than the tin drop ones

      • 2 years ago

        But anon, I won't build ships until I have the most efficient techs.

  110. 2 years ago

    Climate change is moronic.

    I control all of Earth and researched all climate techs bar the one that turns off oil and pollution is STILL INCREASING

    Am I supposed to turn off the economy like a drooling libtard?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I'm using it 2 to 3 econ/welfare ratio AND ITS STILL INCREASING

        I used so much welfare I have literally 1 unequality everywhere. 68% bonus to welfare too

        • 2 years ago

          Its the aliens around the galaxy farting towards earth to increase pollution

        • 2 years ago

          Based on the tooltips, it should only take a few pips in welfare to completely offset pollution from economy/spoils even at modern tech levels.
          Does the game have a feedback loop mechanism?
          It might be that you've pushed the earth over the edge and can't save it.
          How long were you polluting before you started funding welfare?

          • 2 years ago

            It'd be neat if the game has a Fate of the World-esque tipping point mechanism

          • 2 years ago

            I've NEVER used spoil and were gunning for minimal unequality FROM DAY 1.

            It's 2045 and the annual GDP impact is -1,83%
            Methane and Aerosols are under control, Nitrous Oxide seems to be stagnating, but CO2 just keeps increasing by 0.1-0.2 EVERY MONTH.




            • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              I dunno, are you keeping the xenofauna trimmed?

              • 2 years ago

                Don't xenoflora feed off GHGs instead of making them?

      • 2 years ago

        srsly how do gibs reduce pollution irl

        • 2 years ago

          Black smiles increase solar reflection per square inch = less global heat retention

          • 2 years ago

            it's melanin you dumbass

            strong Black women absorb sunlight

        • 2 years ago

          "Welfare" as it's used in the game is just a catch-all term for investments into things that don't directly contribute to the economy. This also includes stuff like recycling and pollution cleanup.

        • 2 years ago

          wellfare= public welfare ie clean air, trash pickup, other environmental shit plus gibs rolled into one thing

        • 2 years ago
  111. 2 years ago

    Time to destroy the global economy again

    • 2 years ago

      >letting the ayydmin form
      >in fricking Russia
      Yeah, you've fricked up.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm enjoying the ride, its probably impossible to win now unless the US and the aliums go at war with each other and i swoop in with my armies and try to liberate everything.

        • 2 years ago

          You can maybe, possibly, pump unrest in the Ayydmin so that it violently vomits out states.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't have any agent with high enough Command and even then i would bet the chances would be really low

    • 2 years ago

      I wonder how's the average life of a random slav in ayyRussia

  112. 2 years ago

    Upload WHEN
    Watching anons having autistic fun without me is killing me lads

    • 2 years ago

      Just wait for the actual release. Don't burn yourself out on a version that's in dire need of bugfixes and UX/balance improvements.

    • 2 years ago

      Listen to

      Just wait for the actual release. Don't burn yourself out on a version that's in dire need of bugfixes and UX/balance improvements.

      I played plenty of it and I'm now just waiting for the release proper. The lategame is just too awkward to play with. The game also tends to have a continually increasing chance of just breaking the longer you go on, meaning that even if you do very well your run could just be killed at any moment due to unfinished jank.

      • 2 years ago

        You don't have to play the end-game if you just play the demo over and over again.

  113. 2 years ago

    Holy shit look at the GDP lol

    • 2 years ago

      >GDP is reduced to third world levels
      >yet only 20m people die

      • 2 years ago

        Multiple tactical nukes only hitting important industries

        • 2 years ago

          The UK, like the rest of the "First World" has basically no industry whatever lmao
          you're gonna be nuking office cubicles

          • 2 years ago

            Those produce loadsa GDP

  114. 2 years ago

    How tf do you build space mining? It says I lack the resources to build it but I need mining to get the resources ? How does that work? Why cant i shoot mining complex materials to my base?

    • 2 years ago

      But maaaaaybe there is still one bad-ass country left in the world

      I had the same doubts too, you need boost+money to start building outside of earth, to build a mine you need like 50 boost which is a lot in the early game, after that you should just use space materials to build anything.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks man, was really confused
        Wtf happened to the US? Where did all the research an GDP go?

        • 2 years ago

          Like 30 nukes going off twice and the US always having low unity, also China, Russia and India being controlled by aliens or servants.

          • 2 years ago

            Rip, kek. Is initiative any fun? Is their goal just hoarding money and orgs, or something like establishing trade with the aliums to israelite them on their home planet?

            • 2 years ago

              It would be hilarious if their endgame was just hoarding money

              • 2 years ago

                Their endgame is to Great Reset everything, but that doesn't work if the Ayys can just jump in and steal power from under their noses.

  115. 2 years ago

    .com/D0a9a9w4ye /Terra_Invicta_rar
    .com / B8c2afw2yf/Terra_Invicta_Part_2_rar
    streamingassets from part 2 goes in part one's terrainvicta_data folder

    • 2 years ago

      Is that the 0.2 dev build or a newer one?

      • 2 years ago

        >Takes 8 hours to download each part due to shit server bandwidth
        At least tell us which version this one is.

        it's a newer one that's slightly more playable, that's all i can say

    • 2 years ago

      >Takes 8 hours to download each part due to shit server bandwidth
      At least tell us which version this one is.

    • 2 years ago

      it's a newer one that's slightly more playable, that's all i can say

      someone please torrent it ffs

      • 2 years ago

        I'll try to when I finish downloading it myself in... approximately eight to ten hours.

        Frick me this site throttles hard.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Couldn't put both files in the same torrent, eh?

          • 2 years ago

            i'm lazy

        • 2 years ago

          do you have a crypto wallet/paypal?

        • 2 years ago

          If you're leeching, pls remember to also upload

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      Well shit. Also, two major changes I've already noticed:
      Rushing EU unification is no longer an option as the diplomatic cooldown has been extended to September 23th 2023. You either have to hold on to a dozen nations which will annihilate your influence income or try to only gain major eco EU nations while eventually baiting the rest to leave the EU so you can annex them via war. It does make the Warsaw pact rather appealing to unite EU and Russia now though.
      Also, Russia seems to no longer win the war against Ukraine all of the time. A rather peculiar change.
      Minor changes so far are a rearranged tech tree to make it look at bit nicer, although the full tree is still laggy as frick to open. Also some of the fixes from the demo, which is neat.
      With some of the suggestions other anons already made, new Meta would probably be: Kazakhstan, Canada/Mexico, USA, China, couple of satellite states if you have the capacity for funding and/or mission control only. Mexico and Canada seem good candidates for the latter since you can absorb them into USA eventually.

    • 2 years ago

      I kneel

    • 2 years ago

      This is version .2.0.6, compiled same date (June 11th) as .2.0.4 which was the previously leaked version most of us were playing.

      What is the current live dev version, does anyone know?

  116. 2 years ago

    What is the point of turning agents? They leave immediately

    • 2 years ago

      For a long time I thought turning agents meant you'd take those agents as your own and that was the only way to get seventh and eighth agents.

  117. 2 years ago

    This shit is like a fricking Star Wars battle.

    • 2 years ago

      Try slapping multiple projectile weapons on medium-sized ships for the star wars experience. Pretty efficient too against slower targets.

  118. 2 years ago

    Really fricking pissed to learn that combining countries fricks up your influence cap. I spent ages researching those techs just to frick myself over. AND IT DOES EVEN MAKE SENSE. MANAGING 100000 TINY COUNTRIES WOULD BE INFINITELY WORSE THAN 3 MASSIVE ONES.

    • 2 years ago

      For some reason, Taiwan, the Koreas, Japan, and India hate being absorbed by China.
      We haven't figured out why.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't give a shit about their hissy fit. I want to form super nations, there better at least be some science or economic bonus.

        • 2 years ago

          Having an educated democracy with a large population produces absolutely insane amounts of science, which is clearly the most important resource in the game.

    • 2 years ago

      you are confused. Managing a combined country is better for influence, however, you must have above 90% public opinion, which is the factor that decides your influence generation (or how much you need to spend to control) from countries.

      • 2 years ago

        A 6-CP country contributes the same towards influence cap as four 3-CP countries.
        Combining countries is a fool's errand for people who don't understand the quadratic influence-cap formula.

        • 2 years ago

          Countries start generating a lot of influence if they are at high public opinion. It doesn't matter that it costs twice as much cap if it's generating more influence than you're losing.
          Besides, having one mega-state with a massive educated population is how you make the science go brrr.

          • 2 years ago

            Inheriting already existing massive countries like China is better than creating them though since cohesion tanks which both fricks your public opinion and forces you to spend IP on unity spam, which also wears away your democracy which is also important for research

            Actually on that note what's best way to build democracy? Is spamming knowledge the only way?

            • 2 years ago

              yes, spamming knowledge and not having too much military/unity

            • 2 years ago

              Also, do NOT absorb everything you can into the combine - its better to try and have Greater India as a separate nation (cohesion gets tanked, since the pop is so large, but also, its better to have it yourself as a separate country). You should absorb north Korea, Mongolia and some of the SEA contries into it though.

              • 2 years ago

                Can you even absorb India into the PAC? I thought unification requires a claim on the capital

              • 2 years ago

                the pac gets claims on at least parts of things that would go to Greater India.

        • 2 years ago

          I asked about this topic on the discord. There are multiple factors at play that you need to take into account.

          First, is that combined countries have less total Investment Points than if they remain independent. this means that many small countries are better for utility (mission control, boost) generation - IF YOU CAN HAVE THEM FOR YOURSELF.

          Second, research output scales better with larger developed populations due to synergy/formula, so that a single combined country will output more research than the single nations.

          Third, despite what the quadratic formula may be, IF you have high public opinion(90-95+ - use Unity to do this automatically, and leave around 5% once reached to sustain), the influence generation offsets the higher maintenance cost of the large/combined nation, that it will always be cheaper influence-wise to sustain control over the combined nations than if they were to remain independent.

          Fourth, it is more efficient to control and protect less, but larger countries from being contested and messed with by the factions and aliens. This is because you can only have up to 6 councilors. It also costs 20 influence to "defend" a country. As part of this, it is always easier to crackdown or straight purge or destabilize a small nation. If you have many small nations, you will not be able to afford influence to protect them all and agent mission time to stabilize/defend/advise/protect/etc.

          Based on the above, Ive come to the conclusion that you must find some balance. A "small" country like Japan is ideal to leave independent as your Research and Mission Control or Boost generator, because all its parameters are already so good, you can afford to focus. On the other hand, you probably want to unify the EU and EF because you can better protect them and keep them from the other factions.

          • 2 years ago

            Larger nations with high public opinion scores are harder to crackdown/purge and do any revolt or sabotage mission on. you cannot ensure same level of protection on smaller and more numerous nations.

            It is also easier to upgrade miltech in certain countries like EU/USA/China because they can afford the IPs to do that, and they can also support more armies/navies.

            You will want to strive to breakup enemy faction nations to keep them balkanized and easier to disrupt, while keeping a few powerhouse "small" nations like Japan and South Korea independent to farm utility resources, and unify the other blocks as possible. In the demo, the EU is a good option, but the devs are already patching the ability to unify it from the start of the game to at least late 2023 (ingame). Later research allows for other federations and large countries, put they are very expensive research and enginering projects, so you will need space assets to boost your engineering and research outputs with stations that do that. Diminishing returns for engieering becomes unsustainable at 150%, but there is no cap (there is a cap for effects on earth) for flat research bonuses on research stations, and T2 stations give you 10% bonus per.

            • 2 years ago

              >there is no cap (there is a cap for effects on earth) for flat research bonuses on research stations, and T2 stations give you 10% bonus per.
              Really? So you could spam rings of a certain type to get +1000% research bonus to a specific type?

              Can you even absorb India into the PAC? I thought unification requires a claim on the capital

              No, you can't. India is always on its own.

              • 2 years ago

                No, there is a pnushing cap above 50% in every category except xeno research which scales differently.
                I was struggling to get more than 430 research/day by 2040 with controlling the whole Earth, since there are only so many research campuses I can afford on Mercury.

              • 2 years ago

                No, there is a pnushing cap above 50% in every category except xeno research which scales differently.
                I was struggling to get more than 430 research/day by 2040 with controlling the whole Earth, since there are only so many research campuses I can afford on Mercury.

                There is a diminishing returns cap, but you should be able to get 60% bonus from research stations alone without too much effort - then add on top ORG bonuses AND if you have a scienctist that gives a 15% bonus to that subject, that would be on top - not sure if the org/scientist bonuses get diminishing returns. Engineering projects start having a punishing diminishing returns at 150% (ie, thats 5% for first skunkworks/gears, but at 100% i think have almost 30).

                This means that pure research should be easy to get 60% bonus, and for engineering projects 60% + 100% should also be trivial (so, 160% bonus).

                Xenoresearch adds 1% per alien investigation, and flat additions per xeno lab. Currenty on my latest save i have 115% without gears.

          • 2 years ago

            >Fourth, it is more efficient to control and protect less,
            This is the biggest thing. Getting rid of micromanaging and freeing up councilors is huge.

  119. 2 years ago

    [Edward 1 intensifies]

  120. 2 years ago

    Michael Bay would still be alive in 2028, right?

  121. 2 years ago

    The discord is FILLED with socialist trannies. It's no wonder the devs put so much to do with climate change and welfare in the game.

  122. 2 years ago

    My dev build save finally got nullexception explosion when I build an explorer cruiser to colonize the inner system.

    Ran to 2032, 500 research p/ day, was snowballing.

    Looking forward the final stable release, which by the volume of bugs, I dont believe will come for at least 6 months. Will gladly pay for it, and respect the devs for not falling on the ealry access train. They know the game is not ready, and are willing to wait to get it good to go.

    Thank you for the dev build uploads, heroes! but, they are not stable enough to use more than experimentally.

    Still love the game and see myself playing this for at least hundreds of hours - im sure Ive put in at least 50 already.

    • 2 years ago

      Try reloading the game, fixed it for me

    • 2 years ago

      >500 research p/ day
      180k research per year by 2032?

  123. 2 years ago

    >New dev build has proper tooltips in the diplo screen
    Now that's an improvement.

  124. 2 years ago

    Frick my life, no one is seeding and the fricking light went off midnight

    • 2 years ago

      I'm seeding but I only have about ~250 kb/s upload speed and I don't even have it all downloaded myself.

      I'm doing my best, anon ;-;

      • 2 years ago

        thanks, please anons seed it, i have 1gb/s upload, i will seed it for a couple months at the very least

        • 2 years ago

          Once it's finished I'll try to make another torrent with all the files together & better compression. I'm no repacker, but I can try my best.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm seeding with 2,5-3 MB/s but you fricked up the torrent by making two separate parts.

      I'm also blocking martsharters, nothing personal.

    • 2 years ago

      My download is almost done, I'll keep seeding this until a better torrent is out

  125. 2 years ago

    I won't download it again as I don't have enough space, but good luck.

  126. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Just nuke em bro. No one is going to miss Washington

      • 2 years ago

        That's what i did, didn't realize i could peace out in time and they stole many of my countries, i'll probably stop playing and consider this an ay lmao victory

        What's the combat strength on the ays?


        • 2 years ago

          9? Holy shit. How do you beat that?

          • 2 years ago

            With a nuke for each unit

          • 2 years ago

            zerg rush

    • 2 years ago

      What's the combat strength on the ays?

    • 2 years ago

      I used to almost quit in defeat the moment the Alien Administration formed, but now I realised it's kind of a paper tiger. As long as you have a councillor with 25 command - and that's trivial by 2030 - you just boost unrest every turn until the ayys shit 'emselves. Here they had China AND America, and I just bumped them to civil war only a year after they formed; adios.
      (Idk if I should have done that as I'm Protectorate, but shitting on the Servants is a habit that's hard to kick)

      • 2 years ago

        You can also prevent the alien administration from forming to begin with. The servants at some point in their story line unlock the ability to turn over their nations to the aliens, but you can also just sabotage their research indefinitely for them to never reach that point.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I managed that in my previous save: no Alien Admin even by the time the bugginess killed me in 2033.
          This game I had a bad start and got bogged down in Europe pretty much indefinately, so they got China and America while I was otherwise engaged

  127. 2 years ago

    So, everyone is playing the new dev build?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I'm waiting for the game to be finished before trying to play a longer session

      • 2 years ago

        > Q4 2025

        • 2 years ago

          The game feels quite complete already, it just lacks flavor and gets pretty repetitive, the AI should also play more aggressively.

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Part 2 is stalled
      i'm crying
      pls seed

  128. 2 years ago

    Does the game still start Oct 1st 2022 in the new version?
    T-that must mean it's coming out then, r-right?

  129. 2 years ago

    >New dev build heavily buffed the ayys, use heavy projectile nose weapons instead of a laser now
    >Fleet power increased 10x times for most ayy ships
    Oh shit oh frick. I guess the devs noticed how a single layered defense array could easily fend off destroyers so now they all just shit on anything not heavily armored or mobile.

    • 2 years ago

      Ayys were already stupidly OP at the early 2030s when they usually start attacking, did they at least give more buffer or improve science rates at all?

      Actually wait, they swapped out lasers for nose cannons? That means they don't have any point defense at all encouraging cheapass disposable missile boats even more

      Nevermind carry on

      • 2 years ago

        No, they still use hull-mounted lasers for point defense, they "just" have projectile nose canons now that annihilate everything. Pic related is a destroyer by the way.

        • 2 years ago

          Addendum, it seems small gunships still use only nose lasers, but all alien ships have absurd fleet power values as compared to before. While I don't quite believe those ships to be extremely powerful now, they definitely received a buff to an unknown degree, especially against stationary defense platforms. I have yet to test it though.

          • 2 years ago

            The aliens do feel more stronger earlier on, I'm actually seeing the aliens starting to use point defence and stronger frontal weapons, but missile spam will still win the day and a generic missile boat is relativity cheap and "quick" to build. Can't say how the aliens progress beyond the 2030s

          • 2 years ago

            The aliens do feel more stronger earlier on, I'm actually seeing the aliens starting to use point defence and stronger frontal weapons, but missile spam will still win the day and a generic missile boat is relativity cheap and "quick" to build. Can't say how the aliens progress beyond the 2030s

            Actually on that note has anyone seen the aliens field missile weaponry yet beyond maybe some token armament on their largest craft? I wonder if the disparity between missiles and direct weapons is intentional to demonstrate the aliens are using an "outdated" paradigm similar to battleships late-WWII while also punishing players who think it's a good idea to get in a direct slug-fest with an obviously technologically superior opponent instead of favoring guerilla tactics

            • 2 years ago

              Lasers are the predominate weapon I've seen the aliens use, occasionally they'll use some kind of slower projectile weapon. Never seen a missile on the alien ships. All the human AI ships use missiles though.

            • 2 years ago

              I live in a missile, it takes me where I want to go.
              Inside that missile is an even tinier missile that goes where I don't want to go.

            • 2 years ago

              Aliens fielded missiles in one of my campaigns in the old rip, they absolutely obliterated my ships. Missile storm went like a school of fish picking off one after the other.

              Lost five gunships to one of their (now well armoured) destroyers. AI does a good job of designing ships to counter you. They started fielding a few of those shortly after.

  130. 2 years ago

    What triggers the aliens blowing up all your stations and bombing your armies from orbit?

    • 2 years ago

      You fricking their shit up, including their agents. If you leave them alone they won't do shit. Just focus on fricking with the servants so they don't trigger the alien invasion.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been imprisoning the aliens for the alien research boost, I guess after 10 of them captured they get butthurt about it. Should I let them capture all my executive points and create abduction sites?

        • 2 years ago

          I noticed that increasing unrest in the alien administration also triggers aliens attacking?

          • 2 years ago

            The AI in the game is very easy to upset.
            The difference is that when a human faction decides they are now "In conflict" with you, they don't have giant robot spiders to wipe you off the earth.

  131. 2 years ago

    Managed to compress things down to 10.6 GB for those that still haven't downloaded the new version.

    anonfiles , com/ Ddgamcwcy0 / TI-2.0.6_torrent

    Or magnet link: pastebin , com/ 5Zd1QBfb

    Also contains an edited Assembly-Csharp that fixes the SetDisplayName having a space in front of it if a councilor only possessed a family name (why isn't this fixed yet the frick) and uses compressed/not-pretty serialization for save files so if your drive is slow it takes less time to save. If you're running an SSD or whatever it's basically useless beyond smaller save files though. Maybe a few dozen ms saved at best, basically nothing compared to the hundreds/thousand+ that serializing the current game instance takes by itself already with the disgustingly slow serializer the devs are using.

    • 2 years ago

      Typo'd i'm moronic, 11.6 GB

      • 2 years ago

        Managed to compress things down to 10.6 GB for those that still haven't downloaded the new version.

        anonfiles , com/ Ddgamcwcy0 / TI-2.0.6_torrent

        Or magnet link: pastebin , com/ 5Zd1QBfb

        Also contains an edited Assembly-Csharp that fixes the SetDisplayName having a space in front of it if a councilor only possessed a family name (why isn't this fixed yet the frick) and uses compressed/not-pretty serialization for save files so if your drive is slow it takes less time to save. If you're running an SSD or whatever it's basically useless beyond smaller save files though. Maybe a few dozen ms saved at best, basically nothing compared to the hundreds/thousand+ that serializing the current game instance takes by itself already with the disgustingly slow serializer the devs are using.

        no seeds, no torrent.

        • 2 years ago

          Looks like it's slowly seeding. The upload to filchier is chugging along also.

    • 2 years ago

      > 0 seeds
      Help... meeeeee...

      • 2 years ago

        I was uploading the other torrents just fine earlier, weird. Make sure your torrent client allows encrypted connections, it's up to date, etc. etc.

        • 2 years ago

          Alternatively, anyone got a good website to upload it to that doesn't throttle download speeds to 70 kb/s like anonfiles does?

          • 2 years ago

            The game is too huge. I guess mega.nz could work, but torrents are the best option. I'm big fan of yandex disk, but it only allows 10 gigs.

            Just make sure you don't oust yourself as the leaker.

            • 2 years ago

              Actually on that note has anyone run a search yet inside the strings table on the exe between the demo and the two leaks for anything that could oust them? If it's a homebrew leak detector it may be doing something obvious like a plaintext username or ID

              • 2 years ago

                I did check. Didn't see anything like that changed in the changed .dll's but if the devs got especially craft I *suppose* it could be hiding in one of the packaged unity file assembly stuff which I didn't bother to open up.

                If there's anything like a fingerprint, though, I mean... it's kinda too late for the leaker since it's already leaked now.

                The game did want to access windows firewall rules, but I just told it to frick off. I think that's just the steam workshop code and other stuff laying around, though.

              • 2 years ago

                I have no idea how they could do it, however I know smaller devs sometimes give out individual copies through e-mail, which they could track.

                If it's distributed through steam, they could be relying on some steam fingerprinting, but that would be normally illegal from steam.

              • 2 years ago

                They share the project through a private github - I dont think they are going through the effort to personalize each copy - think about it, they are probably going to be publishing a new version every week or 2 for the testers to try. It would be too much effort vs reward here.

            • 2 years ago

              Gross. Both mega and yandex want me to sign in. Something that doesn't require account creation. Too easily tracked.

              • 2 years ago

                1fichier com is good, almost too good. I'm always reluctant to hammer their servers out of respect.

                I think the size limit is 2gb, although I don't see them mentioning anywhere.

              • 2 years ago

                I'll upload there. Will take a bit though, don't have the fastest upload speed and doing it through a VPN.

              • 2 years ago

                >doing it through a VPN.
                I think that's unnecessary, especially if you have a dynamic IP.

              • 2 years ago

                'Hello, ISP? Who was using x.x.x.x at this date/time? Please send them this DMCA.'

                Always use a VPN, anon. And a good one, not nordvpn or some other shill that advertises on youtube.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry for you being a muttmerican with an NSA golem around, Thankfully 1fichier is based in the EU.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry for me too.

              • 2 years ago

                W-why is nordvpn bad?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry for you being a muttmerican with an NSA golem around, Thankfully 1fichier is based in the EU.

                When has this ever happened?

  132. 2 years ago

    FRICK aliens
    FRICK the appeasers
    FRICK lasers
    and most importantly
    FRICK america

  133. 2 years ago

    >when your spy in another faction reports to you that they have just completed an inspire mission

  134. 2 years ago

    >Focus on Republic of China and USA as my main nations only
    >Every other major nation gets the alien flipendo treatment
    >Painstakingly purge them out of every single one of them
    >Divide the territory as much as possible
    >Let other factions back in since I can't administrate them all
    >2 years later they get flipped again
    >Repeat, same shit after 2 years, again
    It's all so tiresome.

    • 2 years ago

      you have to focus on only supressing 1 faction, and letting the others exist - but, you can shuffle the ones you dont like to garbage coutries

  135. 2 years ago

    What's the country tag for Eurasian Union? I've tried EurasianUnion, Eurasian_Union, Eurasian Union, etc. None seem to trigger the console

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Ahh, thanks! So they gave all the countries weird names that you can't guess from the UI. Is there somewhere to look all these up?

        • 2 years ago

          How do I protect against bombardment of my mars bases? The atmosphere nullifies my defense arrays and parking a fleet in orbit just causes the ayys to run forward a bit and start attacking again

          Look in the install folder, inside one of the json files in TerraInvicta_DataStreamingAssetsTemplates. Don't remember specific file off the top of my head

          • 2 years ago

            Found it,

            Terra InvictaTerra Invicta.part01Terra InvictaTerra InvictaTerraInvicta_DataStreamingAssetsTemplatesTINationTemplate.json

            The console commands are based on international country codes, Russia is RUS, China is CHN, etc

          • 2 years ago

            you can install defense arrays in the ground bases as well... when they get attacked by fleets, they fire back. Just research weapons systems so they get enough power. Railguns and Lasers

  136. 2 years ago

    So, does anyone know what is the exact process in which you can diplomatically annex countries into, for example, the pan-asian combine? I see the claims... do I have to ally the nation, wait for cooldown, invite to federation, wait for cooldown, then unify (after 2 years)? because if this is the way... i will have to just invade.

    • 2 years ago

      You got it right. The process of uniting two nations can be quite time consuming. Invading a nation is significantly quicker in uniting the nations at the cost of some damage to the regions that are affected by the war.

    • 2 years ago

      >because if this is the way... i will have to just invade
      While it is faster, there are downsides to it. For one, you won't get their funding income, which will get important once you start expanding your space empire as those stations get really expensive really fast. Having to wait before peacefully annexing them also gives you time to properly prepare the country for annexation. Peacefully or forcefully, your annexed nation will affect the overall miltech, education, unity, inequality and per capita GDP. It can drag down your main nation by a lot if you just conquer shitholes that drive down your overall nation stats.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a plan to deal with the cost. It involves building nanofactories in Venus and Mercury orbit, fed by mercury mined metals. Since the solar panels are so efficient in mercury, I will be able to build 6 mission control per station (T2) to able to daisy chain. When I get get T3 Habs it will snowball with the nanofactories.

        Also, absorbing small nations like north/south korea, mongolia and the small SEA countries is just for my control efficiency. Most of those are not even owned by me, and I doubt they will drag down china much.

        For the Earth interface orbits, after the interface bonus maximums are reached, all you should have extra are nanofactories (as power allows).

  137. 2 years ago

    How the frick do you take over a major, democratic country
    As Humanity First, I'm basically the king of all Africa and most of the other third-world shitholes, but I haven't really found a good way in with a major power. But now I'm realizing I'm doing something very wrong, because the AI has taken most of Europe, Russia and India. The last two independent great powers are China and the US. Coups don't work, neither does just asserting control. I started working on my public opinion in the EU, which has grown between 30-40%, but the AI took them before I realized it.

    Should I have gone into the popularity contest sooner, then go for a takeover? Or is there a third mechanic to take control I'm not aware of besides taking control and instigating coups?

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm basically the king of all Africa
      You are the king of a shithole. Don't even bother with bumfricknowhere nations.
      >Should I have gone into the popularity contest sooner
      Yes, you have to. Ayy lmaos will flip uncontested points in favour of the servants 2 years in and even start instantly flipping taken points including executive points about 5 years in. You have to keep up and keep other nations in check, either with your councillors or via war. The latter can be devastating if its a nuclear power, but can be the only option if your councillors are too weak. Or if it's India or China, which are especially hard to break with councillors due to high population and unity.
      A rather easy strat early on is taking over Canada and Mexico followed by the US. Gives you are nice powerboost early on and the military capacity to deal with non nuclear nations. EU unification rush was a strat that already got nerfed.

    • 2 years ago

      China is the hardest of the major world powers to get a hold into. USA is second followed by uniting the European Union. EU is "easier" since you just need to grab France and start uniting the nations, but you need to rush for the EU at the start of the game or else you'll be wasting five to ten years on the project.
      Best way into China is to get a few decent levelled persuasion councillors (two to three) and spam public opinion in the country until you have good public support. Once you have reached the point where you have a ~20% chance to take a CP then just start going for it, once you've nabbed the first CP the rest will follow.
      Honestly in all my games the only way the AI can nab China is with the Aliens helping the Servants, otherwise the AI just won't go for it.

    • 2 years ago

      >How the frick do you take over a major, democratic country?

      Step 1: Get the highest persuasion councillor you can.
      Make sure they do a mission every week that has 80%+ chance of succeeding so they can get an extra persuasion every 12 missions (+2xp per succesful mission if the mission has a roll).
      Of course, strivers and quick learners need fewer missions.
      Pay attention to how their abilities might boost or decrease their persuasion for the countries you want them to eventually start controlling.

      Step 2: Take some, any, control points and set it to kleptocratic for maximum cash boost in short time. Smartest is to go to nation, sort by nations that have your faction opinion the highest and then pick some of those near the top, as you'll get the best chance/cash value.

      Step 3: Pay 160 or 320 cash for public campaigns in the country you want to control. Ideally with another high persuasion councilor besides your first. I like tech magnates, because they also give good resources, which is helpful in early game. But anyone with public campaign works.

      Step 4: Once you hit 50%+ popularity, you are able to start controlling points with your 7-12 persuasion councillor.

      Also check the orgs and pick up every persuasion org, even if you can't equip it on your persuader yet. You might get an admin org later so that you can re-equip the persuasion org to them.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm basically the king of all Africa
      Enjoy your empire of dust, anon, and let us know how much good it does you.

  138. 2 years ago

    So it's been made clear meganations aren't the mathematically effective way to go.

    But if I want one because they're cool, what's the best route to form the biggest possible one?

    • 2 years ago

      >meganations aren't the mathematically effective way to go
      Yes and no. Meganations are the best source of research which is arguably the most important resource in the game. However, smaller nations are much more efficient for mission control and funding.
      >what's the best route to form the biggest possible one
      Greater Europa lets you fuse the EU with Russia, so that's one of the better ones. Caliphate is a bit of a meme since all nations involved aren't that developed, Pan-Asian combine gives you the most populous nation possible, but involves a lot of underdeveloped nations that drag China down while also including developed nations that are better off staying independent, Greater North America is okay, but requires developing Mexico a bit to not drag down the US, African Union and South American Union is poverty central, and that's about it really.

      • 2 years ago

        Right. But what's the BIGGEST? Is there any cheese route? etc.

        • 2 years ago

          I think if you cheese the system then the Caliphate can make claims on huge swathes of territory. This is a slightly older picture of some guy ruining his economy to take a ton of territory.
          The devs have stated they don't really want the game to devolve into map painting, you can already tell considering most of the unification techs come late into the game and are incredibly expensive to unlock.

  139. 2 years ago

    Re-enacting the Finno-Korean Hyperwar here.
    I've got Korea, Russia, and EU as the Protectorate, but the Servants (who are supposed to be my pro-ayy allies) keep fricking me over by Enthralling Elites and then withdrawing nations from the Federal EU.
    So eventually I've decided to invade my own countries and bring them into the supernation by force.
    Having to use the Korean armies becuase all the Russian and EU ones are tied up fighting Illuminati Iran

  140. 2 years ago

    Something about this new dev build feels off. It is late 2032. There are 2 of those fleets in earth orbit. No escalation, just purging servants as the alien flipendo bullshit has been going into overdrive.

    • 2 years ago

      I've observed this behaviour as well. The aliens just sit there doing their "Earth Surveillance" objective.
      I have to wonder if this was done by the devs so players have a target for their military ships in the early game? Since beforehand you were pretty much reduced to killing the occasional alien transport ship.
      If nothing else its a good signal to the player they need to start building up a military force in space if the aliens have started parking large fleets in Earth's orbit.

      • 2 years ago

        Them just staying in orbit isn't the issue. Them having an absolute death fleet is. Before, you had like one or two destroyers at most with like 3k fleet power total, not this absolute hell squad, especially multiple ones like that. This entire dev version just seems really, really off. Almost intentionally.

        • 2 years ago

          The alien fleet is not as horrifying as you'd expect. Most of the threat is coming from the aliens massive fuel reserves.
          Even a modest fleet of missile ships should be able to clear up the alien fleet, with some casualties.

          • 2 years ago

            The problem is that the aliens have enough speed/fuel to only engage when they want to, and unfortunately the AI is smart enough to be wary of a suspiciously small human fleet yeeting itself towards their ships

            • 2 years ago

              The same way ayys can outrun you, ayys should be disrupted for doing whatever mission they are doing for awhile

    • 2 years ago

      tbh the devs sound like those annoying masters in D&D that wants players to magically read their minds and do exactly the weird precision moves and thinking that the master wants otherwise rocks falls, everyone dies.

      Thankfully mods will solve that but yeah, sucks

  141. 2 years ago

    pastebin . com / dRX1Trdx
    For those that aren't getting good DL speeds on the torrent, here's the fichier uploads.

  142. 2 years ago

    Whoever uploaded at 50 Mbits? Please come back, I can only feed and sneed if someone with a high upload speed can fork over the data. ;_;

  143. 2 years ago

    The devs surely fricked up the rolls with nuclear isotopes

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they are sometimes fricked.
      I just edit the save to fix it.

    • 2 years ago

      they say this variance is good and to force different strategies for different playthroughs. looks like you are not going to be using Orion drives.

      And, to be fair, that 4.6 radioactive site should be the one you upgrade first so you get higher yields from it (hopefully you dont get the depletion event on that site).

  144. 2 years ago

    Great AI you got there devs

  145. 2 years ago

    wait what

    • 2 years ago

      >You can actually check what techs other factions have and how far they've progressed with new ones
      >You can check resources as well
      I didn't know that. This makes sabotaging a lot easier.

      • 2 years ago

        i thought you needed to have some sort of interrogation or turned agent to get that info. is it given for free now?!

    • 2 years ago

      It's short-term relations, not long-term. I know because I rapidly have to keep yeeting non-aggression pacts at Humanity First only for them to forget and do something counter-productive 5 turns later

  146. 2 years ago

    friendship is magic you know

  147. 2 years ago

    Everything is going just fine, 2032, almost 500 research effective on projects, 200 research/day. building habs in mercury and venus. Humanity First Saudi Arabia gets nuked invading Initiative Turkey, Nukes back. Suddenly massive global GDP loss, like 10%, including research... Better start these civil defense techs ASAP, its only going to get worse moving forward.

  148. 2 years ago

    How the frick do I tell this ayy to frick off
    I know messing with them is the Humanity First bigbrain moment to get them mad, but I need to do it to progress the event chain. Dumping every single Espionage org on my Kingpin, and doing a full hail-mary with my Ops only gets me to 30%

    • 2 years ago

      >but I need to do it to progress the event chain
      You still do it. You can do one assassination and one detaining against them without an escalation against you. The next killing after those two actions will trigger raids against your bases.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh, you can detain them? It didn't let me do it. Maybe it requires a tech for capture?

        • 2 years ago

          No, its a skill that agents can have or gain through orgs.

        • 2 years ago

          you can't detain aliens until you've killed one.

    • 2 years ago

      >but I need to do it to progress the event chain
      You still do it. You can do one assassination and one detaining against them without an escalation against you. The next killing after those two actions will trigger raids against your bases.

      i dont give a shit, i see an ayy, i kill him. i see also any enable, i kill them, simple as.

  149. 2 years ago

    >Endless KeyNotFoundException always triggering in the same timeframe no matter which save I reload
    Well, it was a nice run. Still has game-breaking bugs, albeit at a slightly lower rate. What a shame.

  150. 2 years ago

    Can someone PLEASE explain how Construction Modules specifically work?

    I'm literally to moronic to understand them

    • 2 years ago

      I only know the following from trial and error, I haven't read the game files or anything, but I believe it works like the following:

      There's a hidden attribute on every settlement site / orbital spot which, for want of a better term, we will call "Do You Count As In-Situ". If you DO count as in-situ, then you're allowed to build things with space resources in 30 days instead of being forced to use Boost from Earth and wait ~2 years.

      Taking Mars as an example: when you build your first surface settlement, you count as being in-situ on that exact spot, so you can build powerplants, etc with space resources in 30 days. However, you can't found NEW Mars bases (or orbitals) in 30 days, they still have to be boosted from Earth.
      But, if you build a construction module, your "Do You Count As In-Situ" gets set to Yes everywhere in the Mars local system. Now you can not only upgrade your existing Mars bases in 30 days, but you can found new Mars bases (and, indeed, Phobos and Deimos bases) in 30 days.
      Having more than one construction module per planetary system (i.e. a planet's surface sites, all its orbits, and all its moon's sites and orbits) is superfluous, you only ever need one.
      Good places to build (ONE) construction module: Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Mercury.
      Pointless places to build a construction module: asteroids (becuase they only have two locations, the surface site and one orbit), anywhere in Earth-Luna (because you automatically get "Do You Count As In-Situ" in Earth-Luna from gamestart).

      • 2 years ago

        >Good places to build (ONE) construction module: Ceres
        Why Ceres?

        • 2 years ago

          Anywhere that has more than one good site, is a good place for a construction module, and Ceres usually has 4 good sites

        • 2 years ago

          Ceres usually has the best water deposits in the game. No reason to not ASAP nab all the mining spots

      • 2 years ago

        That makes sense, thank you

      • 2 years ago

        >Having more than one construction module per planetary system (i.e. a planet's surface sites, all its orbits, and all its moon's sites and orbits) is superfluous, you only ever need one.
        They're not entirely superfluous, because (in addition to allowing space construction in the first place) each one also speeds up construction by 10%. So it's plausibly useful to spam them in cases e.g. when you first arrive at Mercury and want to set up 30 outposts / platforms at the same time.

  151. 2 years ago

    Get owned moron

    • 2 years ago

      I suggest you only kill 1, because if you kill more, the aliens will come and frick your shit up - so you better be ready!

  152. 2 years ago

    Not having EU on the new dev build is rough. I'm playing HF and just managed to get control of North America by 2025. Europe and Russia got swallowed near immediately (luckily by the resistance thank god), fricked dice rolls lost any chance at India, so now I'm grinding China with support from Japan & Taiwan. That's pretty much it other than Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia; at least I finally have enough research to start steering global research again

    Anyway while I was getting reamed by dice making me lose 83% rolls 3 times in a row I think I brainstormed a potential way to buyout all of a factions assets without ever angering them
    >Get past early game to the point all your mines are active
    >Start spamming probes to all nearby asteroids
    >In addition to the usual claiming of the best ones, start settling subpar ones too
    >Develop them enough they look sexy on paper but are expensive to run
    >Trade them to other factions for all their money/boost/organizations
    >Watch them go over their mission control and start rebeling back to you
    >Rinse and repeat

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe they change their opinions later but early on factions value space assets to an insane degree. Trading luna outposts you don't need anymore let's you rob a faction of everything they own.

  153. 2 years ago

    I wish I could actually finish a run for once and not "die" to some endless error spam.

    • 2 years ago

      You're playing a leaked in-development build instead of waiting for an actual release, in an era where even release builds tend to still be bug-ridden messes.

      What were you honestly expecting?

  154. 2 years ago

    Declaring war increases a countries cohesion by 1, but being declared war on increases cohesion by FOUR. You can just have your own countries declare war on each other and instantly peace out to immediately fix cohesion problems, like for instance declaring war on mexico at the start of the game with the US which will fix the unrest problems in Mexico and increase research in the US. The only downside to this is getting war crime events that increase atrocities and it's necessary to have an army capable of attacking a nation in order to declare war. Plus it hits research pretty hard if you push cohesion too high in a well developed nation.

    On a similar topic there doesn't seem to be much of a downside to high inequality as it only effects the resting point of cohesion as far as I can tell which it only moves towards at a max of 0.05 per month. That's offset by investment in research or even just 1 IP in unity per month in every country I checked. Unless I'm missing something that would mean that it's a waste of time putting pips in welfare except if climate change is out of control, or you're roleplaying a nice guy faction.

  155. 2 years ago

    redpill me on this game, what do you do in it?
    I'm too lazy to look it up

    • 2 years ago

      It's half illuminati grand strategy, subverting or invading the nations of earth. Welded to half autistic space mining simulator, where you have to plan your launch window to Mars years in advance and balance acceleration Vs delta-v Vs payload like a literal rocket scientist.
      It's breddy gud.

      • 2 years ago

        It's breddy gud but it also needs a lot of work. Mostly on bugfixes and filling in a few pieces of missing content (mostly VA work, I think they just never got someone for the Resistance lady yet? frick if I know but I only remember her voice lines being missing). It could also use balance changes, automation improvements, and better/more aggressive AI that can be a threat outside of the Servants which're only really that because they get OP ayy assistance.

        Tonally, it's got some SMAC vibes but where SMAC was the shit, this is more lukewarm. It's decent, but it's lacking that certain je ne sais quoi.

        The gameplay feels a little oddly torn between the Earth-focused illumina grand strategy and the mostly-hard-sci-fi space rts. If they had focused on just one, it'd likely be a lot better, but because of the split they've both suffered for it.

        If you're a grand strategy autist like me you'll nonetheless enjoy it and get plenty of hours out of it, though, I'm sure. Just because it isn't perfect, or even excellent, doesn't mean it's BAD.

        My recommendation, however, is wait for the actual release. Possibly a couple major patches after that too for extra work to be done on it. Especially if you don't see yourself doing lots of runs and mainly only see yourself as doing a couple before not touching it again.

  156. 2 years ago

    Why yes I would like to be able to know when my resource probes will finish and yes I would like some sort of alert for things I choose to be important, such as alien events and enemy factions launching bases instead of having to sift through the left bar for it

    also jaeger research to deal with megafauna when

  157. 2 years ago

    The aliens just landed and I’m only in robotics age, how fricked am I v02GVJ

    • 2 years ago

      whats the year?

    • 2 years ago

      Not sure it's even feasible to face an alien army without at least 7.0 military age and overwhelming numbers.

    • 2 years ago

      Nuke em Rico. It's the only way to be sure

  158. 2 years ago

    I've got access to the orion drive. Can someone experienced in combat tell me wtf I should research so I can frick up the ayys.

    • 2 years ago

      drive is your best weapon

      • 2 years ago

        They just parked two 130k fleets in orbit and started flipping my control points in china and Russia. Guess its GG.

  159. 2 years ago

    Just saw my first Judgement Day: Ayys sent their armies into HF India, and fricking hell, HF takes no prisoners. 16 nuclear strikes in one day, Washington, Toronto, New Delhi, Vancouver, Hyderabad, Mumbai, NYC...

    I wasn't involved at all, it'll be fun to see how much my economy tanks in nuclear winter

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