Underrated horror games.

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  1. 4 months ago

    That game isn't very fun or scary

    • 4 months ago

      True. But they did the boat thing well.

  2. 4 months ago

    Currently available for one doll hair on Steam btw.

    • 4 months ago

      It has some serious graphic issues on modern PCs, fan patch fix something but graphics do a crazy shit after Alt+Tab

  3. 4 months ago

    Misunderstood horror masterpiece. The only legitimate complaint one could make is the poor graphics.

    • 4 months ago

      Atmosphere was on fricking point

  4. 4 months ago

    i think everyone is aware of clock tower and at the same time nobodies played it

    • 4 months ago

      they like the idea of clocktower but not the reality of a snes point and click.

      • 4 months ago

        Jesus, i'm not "playing" that!

    • 4 months ago

      Many such cases. Silent Hill is a meme at this point yet the ENTIRE franchise sold like 8 million copies

      What does it mean to be underrated.
      It's hard to point to an obscure horror game that can match up to the big players like Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Fatal Frame in terms of polish. Usually being an 'underrrated horror game' comes with an accompaniment of very janky gameplay and 'good concept, poor execution'.

      I think the only exception is Haunting Grounds which is actually a very well made game (with very impressive visuals for the PS2). I'd probably say the same for Gregory Horror Show as well (if we're counting that as a horror game)- though both are made by Capcom so maybe it's not too surprising they would be well made.

      For games the aforementioned 'flawed masterpieces', I'd say:
      >Rule of Rose
      11/10 story, horrible gameplay
      love it or hate it game due to it's weird (some would say 'bad') gameplay and concept
      Great concept with truly unique gameplay but very janky.
      >Twilight Syndrome
      This one is actually a good game, but games that were never released in English naturally enjoy some obscurity even if they were successful enough to get two sequels, a spin-off and a spiritual successor in their own country.

      >Twilight Syndrome
      English patch never ever. Plus isn't it just a walking sim? Shit like this is hard to frick up as long as the story is good
      >Haunting Ground
      Yes this is actually a very good game. But it's a 'big' game made by /vr/ Capcom so it's to be expected
      >Rule of Rose
      As someone who actually finished the game (no, on an actual PS2 pressing buttons myself, not on Youtube), I'd say it's worth suffering through. It's not that scary while you are playing it but when the credits start rolling you are like
      And this shit stays with you for a long time. So even though the game itself is objectively shit I'd still say it's probably the most underrated vidya horror experience ever

      • 4 months ago

        >not on Youtube
        Why would you even feel the need to point this out? Like you were worried everyone was gonna accuse you of not playing the game and you had to make sure to clear up a nonexistent misconception.

        • 4 months ago

          I just wanted to show how much of a martyr gamer I am

          • 4 months ago

            Martyr is an unusual turn of phrase.
            For what cause did you see yourself, or perhaps your wallet, sacrificed?

            Twilight Syndrome is a walking sim, basically.
            There's some choices interspersed here and there though and depending on where you walk and what you interact with determines if you get a good ending or not to each chapter.
            I've played a lot of horror games, but I still remember some of the stories from Twilight Syndrome very strongly. There's some good atmosphere and story-telling to that game.

            • 4 months ago

              >For what cause
              I dunno, I've just come up with an idea that every time you play some old shitty almost indie game from someone like Love de Lic/Punchline/Skip its devs feel it and become happier
              >Twilight Syndrome
              Ironically these are also the games that 90% of people experience on Youtube. But that's mainly because an actual translation patch still doesn't exist. I want to play them and Moonlight Syndrome really bad because apparently they are connected to The Silver Case trilogy which I adore

              • 4 months ago

                I play all games physically too. It feels more immersive to play these weird old horror games on physical hardware, somehow, and I like adding them to my collection.

                I have Moonlight Syndrome, but I haven't got round to playing it yet.
                Haven't played the Silver Case Trilogy either, but does it have a character named Mika in it by any chance? She's something of a recurring character in the series despite only being playable in the first game (in which she was definitely best girl).

                What is a horror game exactly, anyway?

                I suppose a game intended to invoke some kind of fear-like physiological response in the player.

  5. 4 months ago

    horror games are usually overrated so I expect to see shit like cursed mountain or what has already been posted

  6. 4 months ago

    overrated. i dont know why people consider this a good game. had it as a kid and replayed it recently. Poor man's resident evil 4.

    • 4 months ago

      >Poor man's resident evil 4
      It came out only a few months later
      It's basically RE Revelations before it came out

  7. 4 months ago

    What does it mean to be underrated.
    It's hard to point to an obscure horror game that can match up to the big players like Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Fatal Frame in terms of polish. Usually being an 'underrrated horror game' comes with an accompaniment of very janky gameplay and 'good concept, poor execution'.

    I think the only exception is Haunting Grounds which is actually a very well made game (with very impressive visuals for the PS2). I'd probably say the same for Gregory Horror Show as well (if we're counting that as a horror game)- though both are made by Capcom so maybe it's not too surprising they would be well made.

    For games the aforementioned 'flawed masterpieces', I'd say:
    >Rule of Rose
    11/10 story, horrible gameplay
    love it or hate it game due to it's weird (some would say 'bad') gameplay and concept
    Great concept with truly unique gameplay but very janky.
    >Twilight Syndrome
    This one is actually a good game, but games that were never released in English naturally enjoy some obscurity even if they were successful enough to get two sequels, a spin-off and a spiritual successor in their own country.

  8. 4 months ago

    Not really retro but old and frick ruleslawyers. Shellshock 2 is a really cool game made right as the "FPS" was evolving into the modern form. Also it's abandonware. No I don't have a picture on me. Look it up.

  9. 4 months ago

    What is a horror game exactly, anyway?

  10. 4 months ago

    Metacritic Ratings for Horror Games not in Resident Evil / Silent Hill / Fatal Frame series

    • 4 months ago

      What's wrong with those people? They are pretty good B-tier games

  11. 4 months ago

    It's not underrated, it's just okay, very short and somehow still feels padded.

  12. 4 months ago

    The atmosphere was awesome.

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