Unironically and sincerely, all fricking memes and shit posting aside, what do fans of Dark Souls 2 like about this game?

Unironically and sincerely, all fricking memes and shit posting aside, what do fans of Dark Souls 2 like about this game?

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  1. 12 months ago

    memes and shit posting

  2. 12 months ago

    best fromsoft story and lore

    • 12 months ago

      Word. Proof: http://daveoftheundead.blogspot.com/

  3. 12 months ago

    One guy lives on Ganker and DS2 is one of the like 5 games he spams about and has since its release

    • 12 months ago

      I think you have DS2 confused for Dragon's Dogma.

      • 12 months ago


        Ever wonder why every ds2 is the same? it's because the same guy has been spamming them for 10 years

        • 12 months ago

          You missed my point. Dragon's Dogma is the game that's constantly spammed on this board. It's the most overrated game of all time and yet there's 1 anon who just can't stop jerking off about it as if it's the greatest thing ever. It's shit.
          Meanwhile, Dark Souls 2 is actually a really good game. Best game in the Souls series I'd say.

          • 12 months ago

            >Dragon's Dogma is constantly spammed on this board.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's the most overrated game of all time
            That would be Skyrim.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's the most overrated game of all time
            you need to be less obvious with the bait

            • 12 months ago

              Not bait. I eventually caved long ago because some anons insisted it was so great. Steam says I clocked 24 hours into. 24 hours in which I don't remember any story, any character, any places, any excitement, any intrigue, any fun. It's a dreadfully boring game that I gave more than a fair chance.

              • 12 months ago

                explain how some people on Ganker talking up a game makes it "the most overrated game of all time"

              • 12 months ago

                He's astroturfing for the dragon's dogma 2 threads which I assume he plans to spam which is why he's name dropping it in random threads

              • 12 months ago

                Because it's fricking constant. Every single time I come to Ganker there's DD topic. It gets to be the most overrated game of all time because it has no redeeming qualities while being rated so highly. I already went through all the categories and just how forgettable it was. You can't say I never gave it a chance either. Truth is, I gave it more of a chance than it ever deserved.

              • 12 months ago

                It's probably the only actual RPG japan ever made, which is why you hate it

              • 12 months ago

                Are you autistic? Just ignore the threads if its about a topic you don't like

              • 12 months ago

                Funny how I don't see you saying that to the DS2 haters in this thread.

          • 12 months ago

            Actual madman ds2 spammer spotted

            • 12 months ago

              Whatever gay. Keep telling yourself that only 1 person could ever possibly like DS2. It's got the most reason to play of any of the games.

              • 12 months ago

                DS2 antis were radicalized by some stupid israelitetuber.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah. I never got the hate. I first played DeS when it came out because I saw it on a friend's shelf and asked him about it. He laughed and told me that the game was stupid, bad, and hard. I asked him if I could borrow it, he let me. I beat it eventually and liked it. When I heard that a pseudo-sequel was being made, I got it. DS1 was even better than DeS. Still had some problems though.
                When DS2 came out though, I picked it up on launch day and was psyched. It looked good, felt good, played good. I absolutely loved the atmosphere and it felt like there was finally the inkling of a story that was actually being told a little bit. It had so much weapon and armor variety and there were actual changes to NG+ and beyond. Never beat DeS or DS1 on NG+, but DS2 I've beaten on NG++. I've even done a no bonfire run for it. Scholars of the first sin was just the icing on the cake. They refined the enemy and item placement and told the story a bit better. Feels like a perfect game to me.
                Meanwhile, online people were complaining about things like "too many humanoid bosses". Did we all forget that the best bosses of DeS and DS1 were the humanoid ones and that people were asking for more of them? Then From gives the people what they want and they complain about it. Just a bunch of spoiled children that don't know what they want.

              • 12 months ago

                >played good
                it doesn't even have proper 360 movement without editing some files

              • 12 months ago

                The humanoid boss complaint never made sense to me. The humanoid bosses were by far the best ones in DeS and DaS. It felt like a completely made up complaint, one of many concerning this game.

          • 12 months ago

            >dragons dogma is bad and ds2 is the best souls game in the series
            If this isn't bait i'm praying for you anon

  4. 12 months ago

    It has no fans, contrarianism just flock to it because it's the worst one. There's a reason DS3's player base always dwarfs it.

    • 12 months ago

      DS3 sold like 5 times as much as DS2 and it's because they marketed as the end of the series and that all the lore was going to be wrapped up. It wasn't

      That's also how they got so many people to buy elden shit

    • 12 months ago

      >normie central is highly populated

    • 12 months ago

      DS2 absolutely shits on DS3, you are incorrect


      Unironically and sincerely, all fricking memes and shit posting aside, what do fans of Dark Souls 2 like about this game?

      I like the build variety and the multiplayer. the RPG aspect of souls was at its peak in DS2, and the bridge PVP multiplayer was among the most fun I have ever had in a game

    • 12 months ago

      DS2 absolutely shits on DS3, you are incorrect
      I like the build variety and the multiplayer. the RPG aspect of souls was at its peak in DS2, and the bridge PVP multiplayer was among the most fun I have ever had in a game

      >normie central is highly populated

      DS3 sold like 5 times as much as DS2 and it's because they marketed as the end of the series and that all the lore was going to be wrapped up. It wasn't

      That's also how they got so many people to buy elden shit

      >DS3 is COMPLETELY superior to 2. Only thing I dont like aboutDS3 is that ti's too easy with all the endless stamina. It should have a more restrained stamina bar like 1 and a more interconnected world for it to be truly epic.

      • 12 months ago

        Bossfights are the only good thing about Dark Souls 3, and most of the great ones are dlc.

        • 12 months ago

          I like almost all bosses, they all look absolutely amazing. ds3 so far is the best looking souls like as I dont like the piss tree in elden ring that much.

          only a few ER bosses come close to regular DAS 3 bosses.

          In fact, I'm gonna reinstalla nd replay this game for the 4th time!

          does any anon know the ng+ in das3 is worth it? AFAIK only ng+ in des, das1 and das2 are wroth it.

          • 12 months ago

            also, does anybody know an interesting build for das 3? I've played it as speaer holy / dual wielder / sorceries caster so far.

            maybe go hex this time with some cool shield?

            • 12 months ago

              Some of the most fun I've had was dual wielding claws. The weapon skill looks so fricking badass and decimates bosses. I always play online and get comments. Build is literally just dex.

              I also always make a whip character and a tank chad with spear and the heaviest shield and aggro ring. Morne shield skill also draws aggro.

          • 12 months ago

            >ng+ in das3 is worth it?
            Not really, the only thing it was good for were the +1 and +2 version of the rings, but since the DLC came out and shitted +3 versions right on your first playthrough that kinda lost its appeal.

            also, does anybody know an interesting build for das 3? I've played it as speaer holy / dual wielder / sorceries caster so far.

            maybe go hex this time with some cool shield?

            Hexes are way later into the game, might as well combine that with pyromancy while you're at it since it requires the same stats. DS3 has really good ultra weapons so if you haven't tried a 66 str build yet it's pretty fun to be an unstoppable pain train with Yhorm's Machete's slab of metal on your shoulder and the like.

            • 12 months ago

              wasn't there a big total conversion for das 3 in th works?

              • 12 months ago

                There's Archthrones but the guy is literally dying so who knows if it'll ever see the light of day. Project Eclipse is still going I think. For now Champion's Asses and Convergence work maybe? I think the latest patch fricked up Convergence and Cinders and you can't play them online anymore but I haven't tried it.

              • 12 months ago

                Damn put on your glasses dude

              • 12 months ago

                It's from the dev's twitter so that's gonna be baked in probably. But yeah modders do love their DoF, Convergence is kinda hilarious in that regard as well.

    • 12 months ago

      DS3's playerbase dwarfed it because of the influx of newbies from BB, and also because it's the latest game in the series. Fallout 4 has almost 14k concurrent players in the last month compared to NV's 4.6k. does that make Fallout 4 better than NV?
      the answer is no

      • 12 months ago

        yes, f3 is superior, contrarian pos

    • 12 months ago

      Basically this. Its nearly ten years old and everything that got talked about it has already been discussed. By 2015 everyone was discussing Bloodborne and by 2016 DS3 and still Bloodborne.

  5. 12 months ago

    here we fricking go again...

    • 12 months ago

      What can of worms have I opened?

  6. 12 months ago

    >focuses on rpg elements
    >metroidvania style progression
    >kingsfield mixed with souls
    >great levels and art direction
    >everything is viable
    >most replayability in all the souls games including elden ring
    >unique mechanics
    >world is actually dangerous

    • 12 months ago

      on rpg elements
      Don't they all?
      style progression
      I admit it was more wildly interconnected and dense in that way. Demon ruins and lost isalith felt like long corridors.
      mixed with souls
      How so? Not familiar with KF
      levels and art direction
      Some levels but stuff like the iron keep is tedium incarnate
      is viable
      Build wise?
      >>most replayability in all the souls games including elden ring
      Only if it is really good enough to play and that has yet to be established
      Dual wielding? Torch? Health gem? What exactly?
      is actually dangerous
      If by that you mean unfair and crushing then sure.

      • 12 months ago

        >asks a question
        >gets a reply
        >starts sperging
        I feel sorry for you imbeciles.

        • 12 months ago

          >NO, you can't come up with counter points
          then what's the point

    • 12 months ago

      Its not Kingsfield at all dumbass


      Unironically and sincerely, all fricking memes and shit posting aside, what do fans of Dark Souls 2 like about this game?

      Why does anyone like Soulsborne slop, all it is is roll spam and a very restrictive rpg
      Kingsfield and shadow tower were ALWAYS better

      • 12 months ago

        Not that anon, but there are a good few references to KF in DaS2 iirc.
        I think you can even link KF to DaS2 to Elden Ring via the Name-Engraved Ring.

      • 12 months ago

        >all it is is roll spam
        you can just say "i never played DS2"

    • 12 months ago

      >metroidvania style progression
      You can't really believe this anon. I'll allow you to delude yourself on the rest of these points, but I draw the line here.

      • 12 months ago

        Using lockstones and fragrent branches to progress or come back and explore previously locked areas is metroid like

        • 12 months ago

          Anon all souls games have keys that's all those items are, they are just named something different to fool your pathetic dog brain.

          • 12 months ago

            And DS2 has like dozens of them you can use in mostly whatever order and when you want. It feels more like your choosing your own adventure than the game choosing for you when you can progress through arbitrary story setpieces.

      • 12 months ago

        This graph really helped me understand the "its a journey" description.
        So in DaS1 the map is much more densely interconnected and that makes it feel much more tight knit.
        While in DaS2 most of the locations are in straight lines but those lines move from one location to another (barring the Peak to Keep elevator which gets rightfully mocked) consistently and with a good distance. The route to the Iron Keep again barring the elevator is a nice gradual shift in focus and tone from mud and thievery on the fringes to steel and flame on the inside.
        Really and I know this is controversial I think DaS2 would be improved with more1-5 minute areas that don;t have much going on but transition from one area to another and minor retooling as to lock warping barring the Old Lord Bonfires after Vendrick. Really sell that journey aspect and make Majula the hub where you restock and reconnect with the characters you meet upon your travels even more.

        • 12 months ago

          What if instead DS2 had roughly the system of DeS, where you access the next level through the Majula just like Nexus, but most boss bonfires are the end of the level and send you back? So basically no transitions between levels that don't need to be connected to one another immediately aside from stuff like getting to Lost Bastille via bird or boat, or going down to Sinner's Rise from Bastille?

    • 12 months ago

      >>most replayability in all the souls games including elden ring
      lmao I could barely stomach a single playthrough of DS2 while I played 1 and 3 like 6 times each + did tons of PVP on 3

      also frick the DLCs/end game, the enemies are tanky af and resist everything, very fun gameplay (not)

      • 12 months ago

        You enjoy easy games and that's okay.

        • 12 months ago

          And you enjoy hacking away at a snow leopard until your weapon breaks. Guides legit suggest taking a spare into that boss fight lmao

          • 12 months ago

            >weapon breaks
            Build Issue.
            like clockwork. Skill issue.

          • 12 months ago

            >Guides legit suggest taking a spare into that boss fight lmao
            Wait, people don't do that by default? I carried 3 just to be safe

      • 12 months ago

        >also frick the DLCs/end game, the enemies are tanky af and resist everything, very fun gameplay (not)
        Absolutely ruined what little enjoyment I had hitting the first enemy 10 times when end game base game was 2~3 times

      • 12 months ago

        So you have objectively bad taste, good take anon. Thanks for letting us know you are a DS3 shit eater

      • 12 months ago

        >also frick the DLCs/end game, the enemies are tanky af and resist everything
        The everage Shulva Knight literally dies in 1 backstab + 1 wakeup R2.

  7. 12 months ago

    huge world, finishing everything is quite the epic journey

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah that's how I feel, ds2 is actually long I if you do and explore everything. I'm just waiting for the elden ring dlc the game is to long to replay or NG+ I'm not going to NG+ then the dlc magically comes out but only available at like the end of the game in the top tree area with it being harder than the base game. So I have to farm to not be 1 or 2 shot. I beat elden ring mostly just using a claymore when it released. Then switched to blood rivers literally a cheat but cool. Maybe after the dlc I might ng+ but for dark souls 2 yeah a lot to explore. Dark souls 1 goes to shit mostly in the 2nd half, dark souls 2 does have shitty momentd but overall still has the feeling of the first half of dark souls 1 in areas if you want more of that. Overall I do like blood bornes theme and dungeons the most. I'll say blood borne is the best from a art and theme perspective. For me it's between dark souls 2 and blood borne... Honestly dark souls 3 is kinda trash with no magically feeling and demons souls gay

  8. 12 months ago

    Vendrik and Aldia dialogues are great

  9. 12 months ago

    I like the characters and plot, aesthetics can also be neat when they're not fricked by the engine
    Still the worst DaS game, gameplay comes first

  10. 12 months ago

    Until Elden Ring came along, Dark Souls 2 SOTFS was the only game in the franchise that gives you the feeling of adventure, like a long pilgrimage through a diverse, dark, and forgotten place.

    That's why DS2 is my favorite one in the franchise. Also, I love the lore and the NPCs.

    • 12 months ago

      my gaping butthole

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah that's how I feel, ds2 is actually long I if you do and explore everything. I'm just waiting for the elden ring dlc the game is to long to replay or NG+ I'm not going to NG+ then the dlc magically comes out but only available at like the end of the game in the top tree area with it being harder than the base game. So I have to farm to not be 1 or 2 shot. I beat elden ring mostly just using a claymore when it released. Then switched to blood rivers literally a cheat but cool. Maybe after the dlc I might ng+ but for dark souls 2 yeah a lot to explore. Dark souls 1 goes to shit mostly in the 2nd half, dark souls 2 does have shitty momentd but overall still has the feeling of the first half of dark souls 1 in areas if you want more of that. Overall I do like blood bornes theme and dungeons the most. I'll say blood borne is the best from a art and theme perspective. For me it's between dark souls 2 and blood borne... Honestly dark souls 3 is kinda trash with no magically feeling and demons souls gay

    • 12 months ago

      I agree, no souls game has ever felt nearly as adventurous.

    • 12 months ago

      >Dark Souls 2 SOTFS was the only game in the franchise that gives you the feeling of adventure
      Please disconnect your internet and set your PC on fire.

    • 12 months ago

      I liked how small and dense Ds1 compared to the rest of the series, it gave my classic RE2 vibes, but I still like ds2's world is pretty cool to run around in, honestly think Ds3 has my least favorite world in the souls series

  11. 12 months ago

    Build options. Different directions to start the game. I like how the combat is more distance focused than roll focused. Has a lot of really good armors, shame that the characters all have child bearing hips for some reason.

  12. 12 months ago

    I like that the enemies do things

    • 12 months ago

      And here he is, like clockwork

      • 12 months ago

        >Here's the same thread, like clockwork
        yes he's the weird one though

  13. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Here, have it in human resolution.

  14. 12 months ago

    I like that it has a unique setting and world, which only tangentially touches on the first game, broadening the scope of the series significantly.
    It also took a lot of risks by messing with the established formula, mixing up how Estus Flasks worked, infusions, NG+ and Ascetics, etc.
    Its biggest sins are:
    >kind of jank
    >muddy textures
    >the fantasy didn't feel as fresh and original as it did in DaS
    On release, the biggest complaints were about "gank squad" enemy placement and an abundance of humanoid enemies/ bosses, but those seem to have been forgotten.
    And that's about it. It's a rough gem.

    • 12 months ago

      >but those seem to have been forgotten
      Because nobody has played the original version of the game in years, and having other games in the series to play kind of softens enemy variety complaints

      • 12 months ago

        I suppose. But it's funny that the reputation the game had ar release stuck with it even after Scholar mitigated some of the issues. DaS2 hate is literally a meme at this point, carried on by people who hated it initially, those who bought into the original hate train, and those who use the original hate to justify their dislike of it because it's in competition with DaS3 for second place.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm sorry anon, but it having some of its issues slightly addressed while introducing others does not make it a great game, and neither does people no longer caring as much about it due to the passage of time
          At best that makes it forgettable, you're just somewhat obsessive and delusional because you personally love it and are assmad that everyone else made fun of it

        • 12 months ago

          I played it and did not care for it. That's it.

          • 12 months ago

            Neither did I when I first played it, since I just really wanted Dark Souls: Again Edition.
            I began to appreciate it for what it is, though.

    • 12 months ago

      >"Kind of" jank

      • 12 months ago

        Yes. All of the Souls games are jank in their own way, you know it as well as I do.
        DaS2's jank is mostly down to how different the movement is from DaS.
        >inb4 wonky hitboxes
        There are dozens of webms from each game in the series showing silly hitboxes.

        • 12 months ago

          No amount of downplaying by calling it 'different' will change how fricked locked 8-directional movement is anon

          • 12 months ago

            8-way direction is not what kills you, you're just bad.

            • 12 months ago

              >Someone has a complaint about something in the game
              >They must be saying it's difficult, I'll tell them to git gud
              Every time
              You're not a serious person with real opinions

              • 12 months ago

                >all complaints are valid
                IGN hire this man.

              • 12 months ago

                >all complaints must only relate to difficulty
                IGN hire this man.

    • 12 months ago

      ADP is a pretty grievous sin, anon

      • 12 months ago

        ADP is completely inconsequential. If you actually think it matters then you've been conditioned by reddit and the "community" to accept arbitrary metagame norms.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't use Reddit so I don't know their opinions about things, you'd need to explain that to me.
          ADP is bad because it takes what combat is based around and makes it stochastic, so enemy design has more chances for "woooooow I'm pressing buttons" moments.
          It was simply a poor idea. It adds friction to design where it doesn't need to exist.

          • 12 months ago

            >no guys you don't get it, it goes against the soulslike FORMULA

            • 12 months ago

              I didn't say that at all, anon. It seems like you're more interested in having a conversation with yourself than having one with me.

              • 12 months ago

                You literally said combat is based around i-frames. No it isn't. Tying I-frames to a stat doesn't suddenly make an extremely deterministic combat system "stochastic". You're a pseud and have nothing to contribute to discussion.

          • 12 months ago

            >you'd need to explain that to me.
            Who decided that the fast roll is the default of Souls combat? Why not a ninja flip? Why not a mid roll? Explain this in a way that makes in-game sense, not meta-gaming optimization sense. I know we all want the game to be as easy as it possibly can but you would've never known about iframes if not from an online source that told you it's the right/best way to play. If you simply liked rolling faster, well, DS2 has that on by default and actually lets you control your roll by varying armor weight, an obvious method compared to some hidden breakpoints.
            >there are variety of iframes
            Dark Souls had 4 different breakpoints of them. They've never been normalized, the game isn't designed around fast roll.
            >but you have to invest in ADP
            You have to invest in fast rolling in DS1 by abandoning heavier armor and most likely sacrificing one or even two of your rings slots to equipment load (havel+fap as your usual combo).

            • 12 months ago

              >fast roll
              I never said this lol
              Did you have this same argument with someone else and just assume that you could copy+paste your arguments and they would work? That seems a bit lazy.

              • 12 months ago

                >I never said this lol
                In your own words:
                > it takes what combat is based around and makes it stochastic
                What IS combat based around? If you say that it's balanced around just one type of roll, you'd be wrong. Mind you we're talking about ADP (=iframes).

              • 12 months ago

                Combat is based around midrolls in every game in the series and this point is irrefutable

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not sure how you can claim this when you don't even need to roll to evade every attack in not just 2 but 1 and demons souls as well

              • 12 months ago

                Combat is based around blocking first and foremost.

            • 12 months ago

              >They've never been normalized, the game isn't designed around fast roll.
              Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are four games in a row that they've made fast roll+ the normal and made it either impossible or almost impossible to go into an inferior dodge state. Medium rolling has been dead since 2.

              • 12 months ago

                All of that came AFTER Dark Souls 2. The argument about ADP existed before all those games, they don't matter in this discussion. Fromsoft simplifying, streamlining and casualizing systems isn't a new thing, turns out nobody actually liked managing equipment load and the flow of the fight started to actually matter so balancing things around multiple different breakpoints was needless busywork considering The Community has deemed only one way of playing the games viable.

        • 12 months ago

          It's not, actually. Tying that stuff to a stat makes it more of an RPG, since it counterbalances builds.
          You can go base ADP and full heavy armour with greatshield (also meaning you block most damage and don't need to chug as often, so the increased item use speed is a trade-off).
          You can go Roll Souls, with a high investment in ADP and no/ light armour, with the bonus item use speed helping you make up for mistakes with quicker sips.
          You can go somewhere in between, and get a middle-of-the-road build.
          Mages will level ADP a little because they probably won't be using heavy armour, and leveling Attunement also raises your Agility, so you don't have to completely sacrifice your build for decent rolls.
          It's actually a decently thought-out system.

          You're moronic. ADP sucks as an RPG mechanic because it's more valuable than almost every other stat in the game and there is 0 reason not to pour levels into it, which is probably why the game is balanced for you to get way more souls than you would normally.

          • 12 months ago

            There is 0 reason to put points in ADP unless you started depraved

            • 12 months ago

              there's also literally 0 reasons to play DS2

          • 12 months ago

            >it's more valuable than almost every other stat in the game
            How so?

          • 12 months ago

            You're the only moron here. ADP does not require any investment to successfully beat the game, or even do well for that matter. When I first started playing I had to get used to the fact that I couldn't hide behind my shield because they were all ragged cardboard boxes at the start, and that I couldn't just naked roll through everything to solve all of my problems. Tying i-frames to a stat is a dumbfrick move, no doubt, but shitters crying about "muh rolls PHANTOM HITS" got hard-filtered by being forced to time shit and understand positioning rather than having a one-size-fits-all solution to everything.

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        It's not, actually. Tying that stuff to a stat makes it more of an RPG, since it counterbalances builds.
        You can go base ADP and full heavy armour with greatshield (also meaning you block most damage and don't need to chug as often, so the increased item use speed is a trade-off).
        You can go Roll Souls, with a high investment in ADP and no/ light armour, with the bonus item use speed helping you make up for mistakes with quicker sips.
        You can go somewhere in between, and get a middle-of-the-road build.
        Mages will level ADP a little because they probably won't be using heavy armour, and leveling Attunement also raises your Agility, so you don't have to completely sacrifice your build for decent rolls.
        It's actually a decently thought-out system.

        • 12 months ago

          >don't have to completely sacrifice your build for decent rolls
          you can get 40 adp in any build and be fine, adp is a complete non-issue
          i say this as someone who thinks 2 is the worst

          • 12 months ago

            Nobody asked

          • 12 months ago

            I just think the ADP hate is overblown. It works well within DaS2's own system, and people only point to it as a black mark on the game because it takes away something that DaS players took for granted.

            • 12 months ago

              It's a black mark on the game because not only is a shit feature, all the hitboxes in the game are broken.

              • 12 months ago

                Every single Souls game has examples of good and bad hitboxes.
                You can post the Black Knight webm, and I can post the Artorias sword flip over boss horizontals.
                You can post the DaS2 DSP Mimic, and I can post the DaS3 Archdragon Peak chain axes hitting you through the floor.

              • 12 months ago

                No game in the series has as bad of hitboxes as 2. Practically every enemy in the game has a broken attack

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 12 months ago

                How can I concede, when you just say ludicrous bullshit like that?
                Everyone here has played the game, you know. You can't just claim that virtually every enemy has broken hitbox on its attacks, because it's simply not true.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                Most of these are lingering hitboxes or the end of the attack animation not syncing with the end of the roll animation, like that infamous Pursuer webm. Not saying that there aren't some egregious examples in there, but we're literally talking about le shockwaves in 2023.
                I like the little DaS3 comparison, though, as though it doesn't also have a ton of moronic buggy hitboxes.

              • 12 months ago

                >the game is broken in different ways it's not the hitboxes

              • 12 months ago

                ds2 has some of the better hitboxes in the series though. Most of the egregious examples are animation warping on hit confirm

              • 12 months ago

                nah, some hitboxes aren't even on the weapon
                I don't know if this is a bug or if fromsoft legitimately didn't test the enemies to see if their hurtboxes lined up with their animations

            • 12 months ago

              ADP is just resistance from 1 except actually useful.
              It's not really necessary on any build as every starter class has more than enough agility barring depraved

              • 12 months ago

                >every starter class has more than enough agility
                god no, anything less than 105 feels like ass

              • 12 months ago

                literally a skill issue.
                You have more than enough i-frames on nearly every starter class

              • 12 months ago

                if you can get hurt during the roll animation then it's not enough to feel good to play
                this isn't an issue of skill, it's an issue of the game feeling good to play which darks souls 2 does the worst

              • 12 months ago

                Crutching on being arbitrarily invincible is a skill issue

              • 12 months ago

                then they should've done it the sekiro way, either have the iframes done right or not at all

              • 12 months ago

                Maybe they shouldn't design the entire game around iframes and then make your iframes not work

              • 12 months ago

                The game is not designed around i-frames

              • 12 months ago

                They didn't

                >nuh uh

              • 12 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                who are you quoting?

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                They didn't

              • 12 months ago

                I want to roll THROUGH Attacks

              • 12 months ago

                Rollcatching exists in ever souls game.

              • 12 months ago

                only at the end where it's clear you mistimed it

              • 12 months ago

                You shouldn't be invincible during animations in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                >this isn't an issue of skill
                It is, you are used to relying on a defensive move for offense like rolling through attacks, if you can't pull it off on a tighter budget you're simply not good enough. The purpose of rolling isn't defined by it having iframes, not in Souls games and especially not in other games. Think about rolling in Monster Hunter and you will immediately understand what I'm talking about.

              • 12 months ago

                i've already mentioned that if you have iframes they should feel GOOD or else they shouldn't even be in the game and treat dodging like sekiro

              • 12 months ago

                You people are so moronic. ADP doesn't do anything to change how the game "feels."

              • 12 months ago

                >get ghost chipped mid roll
                ah yeah, that's really good for game feel

              • 12 months ago

                >mistimes roll
                >gets hit
                wow muh feels

              • 12 months ago

                >have mechanic where dodging doesn't get you hit that's consistant through the series
                >except here where it maybe works half the time if you don't level ADP
                don't even bother with it if it's going to feel inconsistent and garbage
                and don't even pretend the dogshit hitboxes aren't a thing

              • 12 months ago

                I'm gonna respec to remove adp for my next playthrough to see if you pussies are right.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm in the middle of my bandit 85AGI playthrough right now and it doesn't feel any different.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                >have mechanic where dodging doesn't get you hit that's consistant through the series
                *only at fast roll, so again you're metagayging like a b***h. Think about how Dark Souls 2 also takes away your ability to cheese enemies with other forms of invincibility (opening chests or doors, going through fog walls, backstab and parrying to some degree), do you find that unfair as well? Why, just because "it's not like in the other game"?

              • 12 months ago

                <*only at fast roll,
                if you can't mid roll in des/ds1, you're bad
                if you can't mid roll in ds3/er, you're REALLY bad
                >you're metagayging
                my last playthrough was no armor with whips

              • 12 months ago

                >was no armor with whips
                Ah, so the regular fastrollspam R1? What about your fatroll fist weapon playthrough anon?

              • 12 months ago

                i've done heavy armored playthroughs of 1&2 as well but that's not the issue

              • 12 months ago

                So you know that it's not the iframes that make the roll but the recovery speed and the distance covered, both of which aren't dependent on ADP. And you know that if you use your rolls defensively, iframes don't really play the key role in the roll. So where's the supposed consistency we're talking about?

              • 12 months ago

                >actually rolling isn't dependent on iframes

              • 12 months ago

                the fact you can get hit from attacks behind you that don't touch as you roll makes it pretty inconsistent

              • 12 months ago

                Bad hitboxes exist in every Souls game, what does ADP have to do with it?

              • 12 months ago

                less iframes makes bad hitboxes infinitely more noticeable and blatant

              • 12 months ago

                It just exposes your bad play more

              • 12 months ago

                you can't just deflect bad design with "s-skill issue" every time, sekiro is infinitely better and requires the most skill out of any of them

              • 12 months ago

                No it isn't and no it doesn't

              • 12 months ago

                >nuh uh
                amazing argument

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Sekiro isn't a souls game though. It's a Ninja Gaiden game that got marketed as a souls game.

              • 12 months ago

                >the game being broken means you're bad

              • 12 months ago

                if you can prove the game is actually broken, then do it. otherwise, just accept that you don't have the minor amount of brain activity required to play the game.

              • 12 months ago

                But then it does come down to how the rolling is used. Less attempts to cheese the fight by rolling through attacks, less opportunities to fail at it. Not to mention we're talking about absolute miniscule amount of attacks and hitboxes that are notorious for their insane behavior. Most of the game just works with 85 agility, exactly because the roll qualities such as distance, recovery and stamina consumption are disconnected from iframes in DS2. In a way, it gives you more freedom to experiment.

              • 12 months ago

                ADP makes the bad hitboxes in 2 worse (which are the worst in the series)

              • 12 months ago

                2 has the best hitboxes. It's the only souls game you could actually play at 5 iframes. DS3 gives you 13 and the hitboxes are still shit. When have you ever had a bad hitbox playing 2 with 13 iframes of adp? Doesn't happen. You wouldn't dodge shit in DS3 without iframes.

              • 12 months ago

                >2 has the best hitboxes

              • 12 months ago

                >Continues to get BTFO on every point
                >Replies with sneed when he has no retort

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Like all of them

              • 12 months ago

                Beautifully sums up why DS2 is the one I think about most often. It was a great sequel, even if you don't agree it was a good game. I still think the trilogy is one of the best series of all time, regardless of which entry is weakest.

      • 12 months ago

        ADP filters newbies who know nothing but "press B" from DS3. God forbid the game developers expect you to put some thought into how you play the game

        • 12 months ago

          >bad thing is le good actually
          remedial trolling

          • 12 months ago

            How is ADP bad? Actually articulate how it makes the game less good. You can't because it doesn't.

            yes, f3 is superior, contrarian pos

            How am I being contrarian by saying that FO4 is worse than NV? That also implies that it's worst than 3 because they're practically the same game.

            • 12 months ago

              don't reply to them, it's just morons spamming words they've heard other anons used in order to fit in. they don't actually have anything to add

            • 12 months ago

              >Actually articulate how it makes the game less good

              I don't use Reddit so I don't know their opinions about things, you'd need to explain that to me.
              ADP is bad because it takes what combat is based around and makes it stochastic, so enemy design has more chances for "woooooow I'm pressing buttons" moments.
              It was simply a poor idea. It adds friction to design where it doesn't need to exist.

              Making the thing you design your encounters around variable instead of static introduces complexities which cannot be properly accounted for with dev time.
              Obvious example- DaS1 is basically broken just by having fastroll

              By having a variable dodge roll based on a stat, you must adjust your gameplay not only to the enemy attack patterns you are learning but to your slight changes in roll timing as you level it up. The solution to this for the player who knows what is happening is obviously to rush ADP to where they want it ASAP.
              This friction is unnecessary. It added nothing to the game and wasted dev time. This is also ignoring that it took several days for the community to even figure out what the frick ADP did and why rolling felt so poor, aside from the aforesaid locked-direction rolling.
              "bad thing is le good actually" is the only reasonable response to people claiming ADP wasn't a failed experiment. waste of dev time, waste of player time, poor implementation, the list goes on. Das2 tried plenty of weird shit that worked great, ADP was not one of them.
              not gonna read your reply btw

              • 12 months ago

                it's not variable. a given amount of AGL corresponds directly to how many i-frames you have. All low AGL does is make your roll timings tighter. It is quite literally not "stochastic". It makes absolutely no sense that a random undead walks into the room instantly knowing how to warp his body around attacks like a professional knight. You have to get better at that, and what does leveling up represent? Just that. Improvement. It's a fricking RPG. You need to stop conceptualizing the game like it's God of War for 5 seconds and look at it as it's meant to be.

              • 12 months ago

                it's not variable. a given amount of AGL corresponds directly to how many i-frames you have. All low AGL does is make your roll timings tighter. It is quite literally not "stochastic". It makes absolutely no sense that a random undead walks into the room instantly knowing how to warp his body around attacks like a professional knight. You have to get better at that, and what does leveling up represent? Just that. Improvement. It's a fricking RPG. You need to stop conceptualizing the game like it's God of War for 5 seconds and look at it as it's meant to be.

                Here's the chart that shows how the AGL stat aligns with the number of i-frames you get. These hard numbers disprove your moronic assertion that ADP (and AGL by extension) causes the roll mechanic to be random.

              • 12 months ago

                >you must adjust your gameplay not only to the enemy attack patterns you are learning but to your slight changes in roll timing as you level it up
                Not in the slightest. This only takes place when you rely on rolling through attacks and NEED as much invincibility as humanly possible. The properties of the roll itself doesn't depend on agility.
                >The solution to this for the player who knows what is happening
                We return to your reddit metagaming again.
                >it took several days for the community to even figure out what the frick ADP did
                How long did it take "The Community" to figure out what iframe even are? I bet you couldn't play the game at all without knowing about them! Damn must've been dark ages or something.

              • 12 months ago

                Here's something that most you brainlets don't consider.
                At low weight, the roll travels father but in the same timespan.
                Therefore a 8 iframe roll at SL1 makes with under 30% weight acts more like a 11-12 iframe roll at 70% weight.
                So even though your iframes are tied to ADP, you can still buff it quite a bit by stripping naked, just like DS1.

                Another thing to consider is DS2 level up costs. On average the souls required to level in DS2 are 1/2 of that of DS1.
                And starting bosses like Dragonrioder or Last Giant give you 10K+ souls and 5K boss soul, that's enough to get 15 levels into ADP at the start of the game, getting DS1 fastroll tier iframes even at 70% weight 15 mins into the game, and not having to touch ADP level ever again unless you're going into the tryhard red arena.

    • 12 months ago

      The gank squad enemy placements haven't been forgotten by me at least, as soon as I realized it was the prinary thing killing my fun at every turn it became impossible to ever want to return.

      • 12 months ago

        I like that it has a unique setting and world, which only tangentially touches on the first game, broadening the scope of the series significantly.
        It also took a lot of risks by messing with the established formula, mixing up how Estus Flasks worked, infusions, NG+ and Ascetics, etc.
        Its biggest sins are:
        >kind of jank
        >muddy textures
        >the fantasy didn't feel as fresh and original as it did in DaS
        On release, the biggest complaints were about "gank squad" enemy placement and an abundance of humanoid enemies/ bosses, but those seem to have been forgotten.
        And that's about it. It's a rough gem.

        I honestly never had an issue with ganks. I would throw knives to pull them in one by one or pick off bigger enemies with poison arrows.

  15. 12 months ago

    No weapon before or after dual Bone Fists has been so satisfying to use.

  16. 12 months ago

    Most of all I love the spin it was giving to the concepts introduced in DS1. The world it has built around the idea of fading memories and cycles nobody can count now and how you're trying to unravel the whole canvas of time to get to the essence of how this state of the world came to be. Other than that I like the characters quite a bit, the way some of them are trying to find their place as human beings now that neither them nor people around them are human any longer, some of them talking in a kind of subdued, calm way, something I've noticed Elden Ring also did. I like that the zones are small but there's more of them than in previous games and they don't overstay their welcome, you visit all kind of themed areas with different color pallets and different level hazards. It makes the game a lot easier to replay, you feel like you accomplish more faster. I like the flavor they've added despite core ideas being so rough, most of all how NG+ actually changes some stuff. And there are tons of other things. All in all it captures the same "diamond in the rough" feeling Dark Souls 1 had to me. It's far from perfect but I find a lot of things to enjoy about it.

  17. 12 months ago

    Depth, freedom, non-linearity, customization, levels, challenge, length, story, replayability, mechanics, rpg elements, variety, gameplay. I never get bored playing it because there's always something to do. I like that your character actually has a personal motive. It's that little bit of encouragement to push on and overcome all the challenges. It's the most rewarding souls game when you just think back where you started after all you've done and actually accomplished. Any other souls game you do nothing, feel duped and die. It's both grueling and punishing, and the comfiest videogame ever made.

  18. 12 months ago

    It's a fun adventure game
    I like how combat feels more methodical
    Weapon and armor variety is some of the best
    Characters aren't all paranoid schizophrenics which is a refreshing change
    Majula is the nicest looking and peaceful hub area in the series
    DLC's are great

    The game has a myriad of issues and undersold in a two steps forward one step back manner, but the things that did work gives it a life of its own that's not found in the rest of the series.

  19. 12 months ago

    It is King's Field V. That is all that needs to be said.

  20. 12 months ago

    I've been saying it for years, I-frames completely takes the fun out of the games it artificially pads out playtimes and adds nothing to value to the game. It's a lazy excuse to put in braindead encounters where you just wait and roll forward and spend hours just waiting and poking away at everything with zero effort put in.

    Elden Ring tried to solve it but they replaced it with an even more obnoxious system designed to weed out parrygays, further reducing DPS to essentially nothing and making every fight about "come back with better gear or spend the next 40 minutes rolling around".

    Dark Souls 2 heavily nerfed rollgayging to the point that most encounters need an alternative gameplan. The early game economy is pretty shit, and so you have to think about managing your souls in order to make the mid-game less shit. Dark Souls 2 is all about good management, whereas in the other souls games there's absolutely nothing to mismanage.

    >nooo i accidentally ate my firekeeper soul
    cool, but never ever happening again.

    >nooo i forgot to trigger zanzibart's laugh before the boss fight
    who cares.

    >nooo i depleted my infinite stamina by rollgayging 900 times in a row and swinging 400 times in a row
    skill issue.

    >noooo i accidentally sipped 50 estus instead of 40 now I'm out.
    skill issue.

    >nooo i mistimed my 900th parry in a row my invulnerability was stolen
    who cares.

    >noooo i died in two hits even though the boss dies in three hits
    who cares.

    All subsequent souls games were fake hard. SOTFS is actually hard.

  21. 12 months ago

    People always took issue with the "cycles" concept that DaS2 introduced, as if there could be a sequel to Dark Souls without it.
    >inb4 it could have been set during an Age of Dark
    That also implies cycles, and the existence of a DaS2 practically necessitates a DaS3, so you're stuck with a cycle format either way.
    It's pefectly consistent with the established lore, in any case.

  22. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 was the first game a buddy gifted to me on steam, we used to play together, I loved the atmosphere, Majula is still my favorite hud area of all DS games, the game looks kinda ugly, but I'm not a graphics gay. I dunno man, I just really love the game.
    It doesn't feel adventurous or epic like DS1 or 3, it just has a sad feeling to it, and it feels great

  23. 12 months ago

    >ds2gay in 2 threads at once
    he's working overtime today

    • 12 months ago

      There are many of us.

      • 12 months ago

        Many? Theres dozens! DOZENS.

  24. 12 months ago

    Pure sovlfvl KINO

  25. 12 months ago


  26. 12 months ago

    Play it yourself and find out.

  27. 12 months ago

    Most biomes of any souls game. The scope of the adventure feels somehow bigger than elden ring despite being a fraction of the size. The game is essentially 4 acts long, with each act having freedom to play it however you want.

    >act 1 four lord souls (optional)
    >act 2 ashen mist heart
    >act 3 giant kinship
    >act 4 DLCs (optional)

  28. 12 months ago

    The player doesn't turn on a dime, enemies can't attack through walls, enemies will aggro if you shoot them, lighting is important in places, the strategic combat doesn't force the player to rely on i-frames, etc. For all the care that was put into perfecting the mechanics it's baffling that the iron keep elevator and the poopwalk falconer made it in and created the B-team meme.

    • 12 months ago

      >71 results found
      mental illness

      • 12 months ago

        I saved that webm the other day and it was the first time I ever posted it.
        I think you're the mentally ill one for looking up a hash on an archive website over a post in a thread on Ganker.org about a decade old game, within ten minutes of the post being made.

  29. 12 months ago

    It's the best for building characters, despite how fricking weirdly connected the world is it feels the most like an adventure to me, it has the best magic in the Souls series, the best NG+, and the most fun PVP. I also really like how varied items are and that things like life gems and the herbs let you avoid wasting Estus before bosses or recharge your more expensive spells on the fly.

  30. 12 months ago

    >it's got more build variety
    i'll never understand this meme since it has as much build variety as any souls game

    • 12 months ago

      "build variety" is a buzzword phrase spammed by one of the main Ganker schizos, he never elaborates he just drops it in every thread like a sperg

    • 12 months ago

      It means that any build you choose will be "good", as opposed to DaS, where there were no good whips, and daggers were a meme. Or DaS3, where Faith and Magic are completely gimped.
      I went a Dex/ Int hybrid last time through, and it worked great.

      • 12 months ago

        Fromsoft being incompetent and having literally dozens of useless weapons in the game for no reason has been a thing since before you were born

        • 12 months ago

          Customization is not the same as build variety.

          • 12 months ago

            You don't even know what that means, you just said random words

            • 12 months ago

              A build is a viable way of playing. Build variety means there is multiple unique ways of playing. If the builds were all the same, then there. wouldn't be any build variety. Having multiple weapons to choose from, that are inconsequential to the build, doesn't mean anything for the build variety. Choosing between two 1h weapons of identical stats is not build variety, it's essentially a cosmetic decision i.e. customization.

              • 12 months ago

                That doesn't make any sense.

              • 12 months ago

                It's not my fault, you're moronic.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm older than you, and you can make most things work in DaS2 with the right build and infusions.
          Powerstance alone already opens up a ton of options, and Mundane may be a meme, but it has its uses.

          • 12 months ago

            >I'm older than you
            this has nothing to do with fromsoft being incompetent and releasing games since before you were born with dozens of useless weapons and items

            • 12 months ago

              Okay, anon.

      • 12 months ago

        as someone who's done a whip run of every game i think 1 and 2 whips are both pretty shit and ER is king of whips

    • 12 months ago

      It means you can respec your builds at any point in the game which is totally fine and good and it definitely doesn't undermine the importance of your choice of stats at all.

  31. 12 months ago

    Terminal levels of contrarianism.

  32. 12 months ago

    I had fun playing it so i liked it.

  33. 12 months ago

    Best Weapon and Armor variety until ER
    That's literally all I need

  34. 12 months ago

    I dunno, was fun enough, at least I prefer it over 3. I actually don’t like SotFS, feels like they bought in to their “it’s super hard” meme a bit too much with all the fricking enemy additions that kinda turned it in to a slog. 1’s still the best in my eyes, but I prefer bloodborne, sekiro and Elden ring over all of them, but it’s nice to come back too

  35. 12 months ago

    I love mundane builds

  36. 12 months ago

    >Lots of unique weapons, spells, and armor sets for customization
    >Lots of very different locations
    >Interesting lore that's different from DaS1
    >Fun DLCs

  37. 12 months ago

    The online was good and powerstancing was fun.
    That's about it, it wasn't that good.

    • 12 months ago

      If it hadn't been a direct follow-up to the first Dark Souls, and existed in a vacuum, people would have praised it endlessly.

  38. 12 months ago

    Someone here compared it to the journey in Lord of the Rings and while I thought it's quite far fetched, it just makes sense to me. DS1 is more about exploration, DS2 is about a journey. The game also has this weird disjointed and lonely feel to it, and I can't tell if it's because of the troubled development or not. Still offers an unique experience.

  39. 12 months ago

    From what I've gathered it's mostly that the multiplayer is supposedly far better than the other games' multiplayer. I don't play multiplayer so I don't give a shit, and I think the original DS2 is okay at best, with Scholar of the First Sin being total dogshit.

  40. 12 months ago

    It's the greatest adventure game and RPG of all time. Action, story, graphics is all top tier. Beats the snot out of any western made RPG.

  41. 12 months ago

    the attention they get with contrarian statements in favor of the game
    that's all there is to it
    the whole thing started as just a big meme that attracted a small audience of subhumans that assumed the jest was genuine

    • 12 months ago

      >contrarian statements in favor of the game
      Dark souls 2 is well received outside of your echo chamber

      • 12 months ago

        isn't it the worst selling souls game

        • 12 months ago

          No that's Demon Souls and Bloodborne.

          • 12 months ago

            >nuh uh

            • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          Yep. That's why us DS2 Chads are the most authentic fans. DS3 is mainstream normie trash and most DS1 tards never played it.

          • 12 months ago

            DS3 opened the floodgates for normie trash this is true.

            • 12 months ago

              You realize souls exists as a franchise because gaming media shilled so hard for it right

              • 12 months ago

                The influx of secondaries is clear when you look at the sales.

              • 12 months ago

                Demon's souls would have flopped and miyazaki would have been out a job if western media didn't tout it as the second coming of Christ

              • 12 months ago

                miyazaki is a hack and never contributed anything. It's the same shit for every frontman ideas guy being carried by actual talent in the studio.

              • 12 months ago

                Cope. You only say that because there aren't any Americ**t game developers with the same visionary talent.

              • 12 months ago

                It's the same story for all of them.
                Kojima especially.
                It generally the mid level leadership that pull everything together

              • 12 months ago

                > names another jap
                You just proved my point.

              • 12 months ago

                >miyazaki is a hack and never contributed anything
                not true, he plagiarized berserk in practically every game he made

              • 12 months ago

                I guess you can't be a hack if you were never talented from the start

              • 12 months ago

                Wrong. It's because Dark Souls is such a good game that everyone who played it became totally obsessed.

        • 12 months ago

          >implying sales = quality
          ngmi. You might as well go play candy crush, the greatest game of all time according to your metric.

          • 12 months ago

            >sales =/= quality only when I'm on the receiving end of this argument

      • 12 months ago

        everywhere you go everyone will acknowledge it's a widely accepted fact dark souls 2 is considered the black sheep, regardless of if they agree

  42. 12 months ago

    >Best multiplayer in the series
    >Best covenants in the series
    >Best hub in the series
    >Literally the only game with a NG+ worth playing

    It's pretty decent. Basically a proto-Elden Ring now that I think about it.

  43. 12 months ago

    >pretends to like vanilla DS2 after years of "DS2 bad" even though the "contrarians" only appeared after SOTFS released.
    what kind of homosexualry is this?

  44. 12 months ago

    >what do fans of Dark Souls 2 like about this game?
    The entire game has an arcadey feel to it that makes it feel like you're playing an actual video game rather than participating in a world. While it's a point of criticism that the game's world doesn't make a lot of sense structurally, it also gave it the freedom to try a lot of dumb shit the other games wouldn't be able to get away with, and it feels like it didn't take itself too seriously. We've got a weapon that lets you uppercut knights into magma, spells to lob miniature suns at people, an npc invader that goes out of their way to frick with you, you can trick a boss into walking off a cliff if you avoid setting up the arena correctly, the game is perfectly fine with you just telling the last two lord souls to frick off and move on with your life, you fight a chariot driver in a spiral run, you can tell the cycle to go frick itself and break free of it with by the guidance of an autistic sorcerer, run through a crypt where homosexual undead ring bells that summon the assrape brigade.

    There's a lot of charm to the game that people overlook because it doesn't play EXACTLY like Dark Souls, and the result of that was Dark Souls 3 which had the charm of a fricking mosquito and a paint-by-the-numbers approach to the souls formula. It wasn't perfect, you can even argue mediocre at best and that you don't like it, but if you can't see WHY people could possibly like the game then you're a fricking plebeian.

    • 12 months ago

      >playing an actual video game rather than participating in a world
      I like that about it as well but I remember back in the day when DS1 was considered the hardcore elite vidya by the masses, the immersion and non-game-ness was considered one of its appeal points. Strange times.

      • 12 months ago

        It's not really hard to understand. A game that is immersive goes out of its way to make you feel like you're not playing a game, which is good if the world is good. A game that is not immersive has to go out of its way to make the experience fun for you to counterbalance it. A good game should do one or the other, the shitty games will fall right in the middle where they TRY to immerse you in a world and fail completely. Nu God of War would be a prime example of a shit game that is neither immersive nor fun.

        • 12 months ago

          To be fair DS1 really felt immersive to the max to me. But I had no problem with immersion in DS2 as well, but for different reasons I guess. But I always felt like it's not as monolithic as DS1, no wonder considering its troubled development. I think they did what the could and just added a bunch of fun stuff on top of it to compensate.

  45. 12 months ago

    Going through it right now, only as far as No Man's Wharf/Lost Bastille. It doesn't seem as polished as DaS1 and there's a lot of extremely odd mechanics that drag it down, but the sense of exploration is great.
    I've generally always liked the adventurous side of Dark Souls more than the boss encounters, so I'm having more fun than I did with Dark Souls 3

    • 12 months ago

      Mabey it's only me but playing souls games (and ER to a lesser extent sadly tbh) on the first playthrough always felt really suspenseful and almost scary. Not because of some scary monster or whatever but because you never know what's up ahead of you
      When you enter a new area you don't know what new thing could be around the corner that could frick you up and send you back to the bonfire.
      A non-horror game managed to be more scary then any actually horror game by letting you frick around and find out.

      • 12 months ago

        Sucks that there's an actual punishment for dying in DS2, I liked how in DS1 you could scout out an area when you were low on souls and it wouldn't matter. Being able to teleport from the beginning also feels like a cop-out, but at least it's better than 3 where you can't even walk out of the starter area
        Also the fact that enemies stop spawning after a certain number of kills is cool as shit. Really fits the theme plus it makes it less tedious to retread ground

        • 12 months ago

          It was always my head canon in souls 1 and 3 that you are not a single chosen undead, your some random ass hollow soilder zombie that bumbled into an area and then died, and when you respawn your another one that just happend to bumble into the same area decades or centuries later and managed to inch a little further forwards, as hollows are naturally attracted to the kiln. This happens for such a long time and world is in such a state of decay that eventually through pure brownian motion one of the chosen undead eventually make it to the kiln

          • 12 months ago

            Black person, ds1 literally tells you that you are a random shmuck and the whole chosen undead thing is made up

          • 12 months ago

            I had a similar headcanon for my characters where I would make multiple, one for scouting around finding traps and loot locations, another for learning enemy patterns parry timings stuff like that, undead are basically just zerglings that can be used for whatever purpose.

  46. 12 months ago


  47. 12 months ago

    i like how shit it is. makes me appreciate their other games more.

  48. 12 months ago

    Feels like a proper fantasy RPG
    Amazing art direction
    You can pick up any weapon and it becomes viable all the way to the end-game
    Covenants that combined PVP and PVE and that had an objective. Bell and rat covenant is so much fun
    Improved online mechanics and Online features that enhance the experience, like being summoned for the looking glass knight fight as a minion
    Poison is a useful mechanic for the player
    Good armor and weapon design
    You can go and progress whatever area you want the moment you reach majula
    Bonfire Ascetic so you can turn whatever area you want into ng+
    Covenant of the champions to give yourself a tougher challenge with ng+ difficulty and infinite respawning invaders

    • 12 months ago

      I wish they didn't delete covenants after 2

    • 12 months ago

      I miss mundane infusion, armor stat scaling and the FRICKING spices, unironically one of the most flexible build-enabling tool in the game.

  49. 12 months ago

    The parts that weren't touched by the romhack team.

    • 12 months ago

      SOTFS is unequivocally and undeniably the best way to play DS2, you moronic c**t. go back

  50. 12 months ago

    The DLC and how the final release was a vast improvement of the game overall.
    In the original DSII good fricking luck upgrading your weapons and armor early game since you had to travel far and deep in order to unlock the blacksmiths daughter, while DSII:SotFS made it so the "secret" blacksmith of the next area could sell you all the supplies needed to level up gear to mid level if you had enough souls.
    >tfw dual wielding basic ass clubs for the first time
    with meh str stat you could destroy bosses

  51. 12 months ago

    In Dark Souls 1 rolling was really useful but also kinda jank, and a lot of people prefer pointedly not fast rolling for an arguably more authentic experience. A lot of DS1 dodging was using sprint for positioning and sometimes it was optimal to block -Bed of Chaos is great if you learned by then two-handing a shield makes you immune to its attacks -like you DID kill Ceaseless without a guide right?
    DS2 uses ADP and VIT to balance the effectiveness of rolling while making the animation the same for everyone -some bosses punish a lack of I-frames, but others are unaffected by I-frames and will wear your stamina down with consecutive attacks if you can't roll far enough to get away. A better way of thinking of ADP is that in every other game your character lost 30 stat points before you got any say, whereas DS2 noticeably throws 30 points at you right away and provides the equipment to make any starting investment viable. In the style of DS1, most attacks can be avoided by using sprint or blocking, and there are many complained-of attacks that no amount of I-frames will help yet are easily sidestepped, like the Ogre's grab which has a small lingering hitbox that idiots roll backwards from. In addition, sprinting feels way better in DS2. Coming into DS2 from 1, your character feels more mobile regardless of stat-whining.
    DS3 and Bloodborn jumped the shark and turned the series into the roll fest some wanted it to be and others really fricking didn't want it to be. Enemies from then on have combos which go on forever and will often stop before the chain is done, able to start attacking again right away, making then almost-never vulnerable and tedious to fight at high-level, yet punishing at low-level play because the only game is memorization. Midir even has a "tell" at the end of every chain where he tilts his head to confirm you can attack, cementing the series' fall into rhythm game mediocrity.
    TLDR: 2 isn't perfect but FROM pivoted 180 to worst timeline.

  52. 12 months ago

    I like Majula the most out of all Fromsoft hub zones, especially once you've gotten all the NPCs to move in.

    I like that I have a lot more freedom in where I go and what challenges I tackle first, not quite to the extent of Demon's Souls but around the same as the original Dark Souls if not more so.

    I like the powerstancing mechanic.

    I adored the covenants, and some of my best memories of this franchise are from the hours I spent defending or invading the bell towers. Souls PvP in general was at its peak in this game.

  53. 12 months ago

    >The drakes in Dragon's Aerie

  54. 12 months ago

    because despite its flaws, it still is a fun game with lots of weapon/build variety.

  55. 12 months ago

    if it came out from another company as its own IP i think a lot of the same people saying its shit would be saying it is a flawed masterpiece. The controls and mechanics are just similar enough to dark souls 1 to look like a dark souls game but just different enough to feel like a different IP. The animations of some enemies is bad, and your character is not as fast or agile as in other games unless you invest stats into being fast and use fast weapons.

    I like the level design. no mans warf has different types of hidden walls you open either by hitting or pressing the activation key. There is a sense of progression through the level of using torches to spread the light, there are shortcuts to open, a few secrets. The level design i think was very good in some parts, and maybe too simple in others. I think it only gets unfair criticisms because the world design was less interesting than dark souls first half.
    I think a lot of the criticism it got was just people who struggled to learn ds1 who were upset 2 was different. the game is more well received now by people who started with ER or ds3 because they werent expecting an interconnected level design similar to undeadburg.

    im sick to death of souls but if i had to replay one it would be 2.

    • 12 months ago

      DS1's world isn't even interconnected like people claim to.
      >Oh, but anon, if you look down from the undead burgh you can see blight town
      Yeah, and where the frick is the Lake of Ash? People b***h about the volcano on top of the windmill but the Lake of Ash is no better.
      Also, interconnectivity is a hinderance to begin with. The best zone in all of DS1 is the Painted World and its completely disconnected from all the other zones in the game.

      • 12 months ago

        But anon, you can see that one bloodstain from aallll the way from up there!

      • 12 months ago

        > the Painted World and its completely disconnected
        its a painting, you literally go into the painting, its magic. i dont even care about the dark souls 2 elevator but this is bad example.

        • 12 months ago

          Way to miss the point. Painted world is the best zone in the game, in pretty much everything. The atmosphere, the enemies, the exploration, the feel, it's all top notch and they were able to make it top notch because they didn't worry about having to link it anywhere. They were just like, screw it, we'll make this zone a painting the the player warps into and put the painting somewhere. We'll drop lore hints about it later, through some items, maybe.
          When the zones don't have to be connected to each other, it allows the game creators to make better zones.

      • 12 months ago

        >where the frick is the Lake of Ash?
        Right here, in Tomb of the Giants.
        Well, at least the canopies of the trees that hold up the world.

  56. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >unsheathes twin avelyn

  57. 12 months ago

    For me, it's that last game From made with the classic Souls formula we see in DeS, DS1, and DS2. It was executed the most poorly, but atleast it still the same as those games. You can not say the same for any game From made after.

  58. 12 months ago

    This video explains why some people like it and some dislike it

    • 12 months ago

      >2 hours
      What is with these people?

  59. 12 months ago

    The art design is legitimately great even if the execution doesn't live up to it a lot of the time. DS2 is like the ultimate game that should be incredible when you try to picture it in your mind, but isn't in reality, and I guess some people just force themselves to ignore all the glaring flaws

  60. 12 months ago


  61. 12 months ago

    I'm not actually a dark souls 2 fan, but I think it's dark magic and pyromancy is worth praising at least.
    Forbidden fun has never really been the same after 2.

  62. 12 months ago

    The gank squad boss is garbage, but I never did it more than once. Just don't go there.

  63. 12 months ago

    Noob here. I heard str is easier than dex for pve, is that true?

    • 12 months ago

      they are both fine

    • 12 months ago

      Depends on a weapon but if I remember correctly str also increases your defenses and heavy armor scales with it the most (and needs str to begin with), so in a way yeah. Generally damage types are more important to consider, str has easier access to blunt damage while dex has more pierce options, both are good to have so you can just go quality (40/40 str/dex) and enjoy the benefits. Some giant str weapons also have pancake R2 attacks which are godsent.

  64. 12 months ago

    I miss the Iron Keep bridge PvP

  65. 12 months ago

    not a fan but DS2 had the best PvP experience minus soul memory

  66. 12 months ago

    Is magic fun in DS2?

    • 12 months ago

      no, because in their infinite wisdom they decided to lots of elemental resistance to late game enemies. good luck doing fume knight as a hexer.

      • 12 months ago

        Yes. Some of the best spells in the franchise.

        Who should I believe?

        • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Yes. Some of the best spells in the franchise.

    • 12 months ago

      Speedrun the iron crown for infinite casts

  67. 12 months ago

    Is there anybody on PC that has a spare Heide knight chest piece? I've farmed all the early ones to extinction and no luck.

    • 12 months ago

      Join Company of Champions covenant and keep farming

      • 12 months ago

        Does champion stop enemies from despawning, and can I leave it after? I like the surprisingly alive co-op.

        • 12 months ago

          >Does champion stop enemies from despawning
          >can I leave it after?

    • 12 months ago

      I am once again asking if anybody on PC has a spare one of Heide Knight chest. I have been farming for like four hours now and I have multiples of the other pieces, but no chest.

      • 12 months ago

        >on PC
        Just spawn it with Cheat Engine yourself, moron, the game's pretty much dead.

        • 12 months ago

          >the game's pretty much dead
          I've been getting summoned and invaded all day wtf are you talking about?

          • 12 months ago

            Then just beg on Steam forums? Why ask here

            • 12 months ago

              >Why talk about video games on a video game board
              Typical Ganker user.

              • 12 months ago

                Uh yeah so after they shut down prepare to die servers and I had purchased 3 as well, I pirate 2, so I cannot connect to online to give you the chest, sry

              • 12 months ago

                Thank you for the blog?

  68. 12 months ago

    It is unironically the 'Resident Evil 0' of Souls games.

  69. 12 months ago

    DS2 is a technical mess but it's still better then DS3. 3 is so fricking boring as soulless that I can barley remeber anything about it despite beating it twice
    >weapons are pointless, defualt longsword is the best weapon in the game
    >no reason to explore because all your armor is sold by a merchant at the home base , so no fashion souls
    >boring uninspired level design , half the game takes place in the same swamp
    Atleat in DS2 you got some interesting levels, such as pirate coves and dragon cliffs

    • 12 months ago

      >weapons are pointless, defualt longsword is the best weapon in the game
      No, and you could say the same of every game
      >no reason to explore because all your armor is sold by a merchant at the home base , so no fashion souls
      The merchant only sells boss armor. There's plenty of armor in the world, not counting weapons and spells, why are you pretending the only reason to explore is to get amor? Also how does having all the armor at the merchant prevent fashion souls, that would be literally the opposite.
      >boring uninspired level design , half the game takes place in the same swamp
      DS3 has some of the best level design. Different levels are not as interconnected as DS1, but the levels themselves are far more intricate. Also, what swamp are you even talking about, there's only one area with one (two if you count the small one in the Ringed City)

      Irrythil, undead settlement, archives, archdragon peak are all just as interesting as no man's wharf

    • 12 months ago

      >defualt longsword is the best weapon in the game
      this is the only thing i take issue with. the best weapon in the game is the Lothric Straight Sword because it has a higher crit mod

  70. 12 months ago

    I've only played 1 and 2 and they're so similar I don't see the point in this argument, a decade after DS2 came out. Not 1:1 the same, but pretty similar.

  71. 12 months ago

    Best magic system, with the ability to aim magic in 1st person. Best dual wielding system. Best fashion. Best puzzles i.e. there's actual puzzles that aren't just fake walls.

  72. 12 months ago

    The atmosphere, it's a really cozy game, it feels like some kind of eerie fairy tale. I also like the fact the game tries to have some personality. The ties with the first Dark Souls are there, but they are subtle enough so the game can still have its own story. Some really intesting mechanics, etc.

    It's a shame the game went through development hell, so it was not as polished as many people were expecting.

  73. 12 months ago

    when i first played DS2 i thought it was dogshit. Then after i beat it i started playing the multiplayer and it was amazing, at least better than DS1. I have pretty much the same playtime on both games just becuase of that.

  74. 12 months ago

    The attention from being shitters. They are like whiney children.

  75. 12 months ago

    Builds and amount of viable weapons and spells

  76. 12 months ago

    Dark Souls 3 has some excellent bosses. But I didn't really find the rest of the game all that good. I liked 2 more, even though it has many trash bossfights

  77. 12 months ago


    Thread died while I was working on something. People are starting to upload presets, and the official ones (both configurations and LUTs) are apparently going to be rolled out in successive updates soon, at least according to the developer.

  78. 12 months ago

    Objectively has the best and most fun NG+ in the series by an enormous margin

  79. 12 months ago

    I like the power stance mechanic, and despite the jank I still think it's pretty fun, I can still see why people don't like though

  80. 12 months ago

    Its fun.

  81. 12 months ago

    flames of old


  82. 12 months ago

    vanilla has better difficulty?

  83. 12 months ago

    """"""""""build variety"""""""""""
    that's it

  84. 12 months ago

    I enjoyed it on release
    Could never understand all the hate about it, but that was also after PC fanbase got its access to the series (prior to that the fanbase was pretty chill about both DeS and DaS)..

  85. 12 months ago

    the only reason why DAS2 has a rabid fanbase is because steamcucks had the worst port of DS1 and didnt even have demons souls or BB. It's just sloppy seconds tbh.

    The games world building is atrocious, so is the stat system, lets not forget the lava on top of swamp shit. it's just terrible all around.

    • 12 months ago

      Just imagine a visible mountain behind earthen peak. Solves everything?

      • 12 months ago

        it solves nothing. you can't have a lava lake on top of a swamp. it's just fricking pathetic. if the elevator went downwards it would still be a HORRIBLE progression of the world map, but it would at least not bend the rules of the eucleadic and chemical/physical kind.

    • 12 months ago

      >lets not forget the lava on top of swamp shit.
      this phrase alone is enough to guarantee a free (You)

    • 12 months ago

      Does this make sense now?

      • 12 months ago

        >swamp needs lots of moist
        >it's next to a volcano, oneof the driest surfaces we can think of.
        No. It will never make sense.

        • 12 months ago

          you are so beyond moronic, holy frick. Harvest Valley isn't a fricking swamp. It's filled with poisonous gas. You know? The kind that volcanoes emit?
          have a nice day if you can't intuit that hoooooly shit

    • 12 months ago

      Nice edited image with 300% gamma and -300% contrast bro.

  86. 12 months ago

    i always use guides and OP builds in fromsoft games, so the bad balancing and i-frame issues never affected me
    i enjoyed the game because it had a very unique atmosphere, the game was comfortably surreal
    i enjoyed the experience

  87. 12 months ago

    IT's because DAS2 was the only good soulsborne pchomo's had for 10 years straight. poor them.

  88. 12 months ago

    it was a dark souls game that was released between the 1st and the 3rd one, it retained enough of the elements without being as wonky as the 1st one, some of the bosses were okay, the challenge was still there, the ending was okay, apart from the headless enemies the enemy design was okay'ish, the weapons worked fine, it gave me pretty much what i expected (i didn't like the idea of dark areas requiring a torch so it didn't bother me that that area shown in the test demo was gutted and false advertisement)

    not the best release in the series, still better than most crap pumped out, vendrick's story is interesting

  89. 12 months ago

    all the variety and esoteric bullshit
    it sure as hell isn't a perfect game, but it is really fricking interesting

  90. 12 months ago

    DS2 is visually extermely unpolished and downright ugly in some areas like Harvest Vallet + Windmill, but in terms of mechanics it became the core template for these games.
    Both DS3 and ER have tons of influence from DS2 and Yui Tanimura, worked alongside Miyazaki on both DS3 and ER as co-director and did most of the combat/boss moves.
    Tons of ideas got ported over nearly 1:1 because they worked very well:

    >estus shard/golden seed system
    >midroll up to 70% weight
    >rolling in any direction while locked on
    >effigy/ember/rune arc useable at any time and get HP back to max or get stat boost via great rune effects
    >hit stun limit in PvP to prevent infinite stunlocks
    >casting magic also consumes stamina to limit perpetual spam
    >backstabs have 2 way confirmation via a grab animation
    >guardbreak on a blocking enemy allows for a riposte
    >jumping attacks on all weapons unpariable
    >ultra/colossal weapons unpariable when 2H, except rolling/running attacks
    >reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels that allowed for strategic trades but not facetanking endgame bosses
    >parry frames active at the apex of the shield swing, not instantly at the start
    >4 ring slots so you can still have some interesting synergies and use of niche effects instead of having 90% of players just put on Havel's ring and Ring of Favor
    >blue sentinels to save hosts from invaders
    >limited respec
    >longer messages with 2 phrase structure
    >messages heal you for 25% if you're online when they get rated as "good"
    >power stancing with any 2 weapons of the same class (only ER)
    >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
    >rolling in water raises fire def by 20% and lowers lightning def by 20% (only ER)

    • 12 months ago

      >rolling in poison/rot covers you and build up the status (only ER)
      I distinctly remember one of the few pits of poison liquid in Harvest Valley having this quality

    • 12 months ago

      I don't remember, did the snow covering your armor visual effect came back for ER? It was a pretty neat detail in DS2, I think you could even warm yourself back up in pharros-locked water pool in the coop snowfield.

    • 12 months ago

      Tanimura didn't do most of the boss moves or combat. Outside of ER Lead Animation Designer who was an animator for DS2 and DS3, most gameplay, combat and animation designer mostly worked on DS1, BB or DS3. The lead battle designer IIRC worked on DS2 and that's it

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        It's very obvious how many DS3 and ER bosses have a mix of fast attacks and slowed overly delayed attacks, something that really started hard in DS2.
        Miyazaki clearly enjoys being the dungeon master, doing the lore, level design and overall big picture, but Tanimura and the rest of the leads are do the movesets, frame counting and crunching the numbers.
        There's also many ER bosses where you can barely time attacks between indivisual swings of a combo with even the largest, slowest weapons and still roll the next attack, and that can't be a coincidence, shit it frame counted, as long as you're willing to do some close calls instead of backpedaling for 3 mins waiting for a big opening.

        • 12 months ago

          Miyazaki is an atypical ideas guy and doesn't handle gameplay mechanics

          • 12 months ago

            The gameplay mechanics are essential to make souls what it is, he clearly has a big influence on those.
            But that's different from the number crunching, frame counting and endless adjusting of the angles of the boss move sets.

            • 12 months ago

              This is true, but miyazaki doesn't do much aside from being a front man for the company

  91. 12 months ago

    I enjoy the way humanity works in this game. And maybe consumables in general.
    Think of humanity as a ressource like food. The more you struggle, the more you have to rest/eat. So its like a ressource you can manage, that also serves as a punishment for losing.
    The same is true for ascetic bonfires, and to a lesser degree pharros lockstones or branches. I just wish these ressources were not so badly utilized.

  92. 12 months ago

    The armor system.

    Having the I-Frames and stamina regen operate as a sliding scale based on weight, instead of hard cutoffs, meant that I was making legit choices about what I was wearing. Incrementally using lighter and lighter armor as I became more comfortable with Fume Knight was one of the highlights of the game for me

  93. 12 months ago

    How much more dynamic and emergent the gameplay is. It's Dark Souls 1 on steroids.

  94. 12 months ago

    Higher enemy counts, more aggressive enemies, relentless pursuit, strategic healing. Everything that makes the game so challenging and more fun to play than any other souls game.

  95. 12 months ago

    I love the game, its fun, i think playing it is fun. I love making a new build and breaking the game. I just love it.
    I prefer ds2 over 3 unmodded.

    • 12 months ago

      If these games didn't have online, I'd agree.
      But DS3's asymetrical 3v1 invasions with constant PvPvE are just too fricking fun to pass up.
      DS2's has decent invasions, but the lack of healing on invaders minus miracles forces you into uncreative builds like rapier/spear poke spam or magic one shots.

  96. 12 months ago

    The hitboxes and fluid animations

  97. 12 months ago

    The movement in this game is so fricking good you don't even need the iframes.

    • 12 months ago

      Sprinting around bosses to evade thrusts is something doable in every souls game.

      • 12 months ago

        You couldn't sprint locked on before 2

  98. 12 months ago

    The game is very good, not a great souls game, but very good as its own thing. The biggest problem was that it didn't meet the expectations set upon it by those of us who expected an actual "Dark Souls 2".

    Call it King's Field 5 and 90% of the complaints go out of the window.

  99. 12 months ago

    the only thing I liked were the torches and the genderswap coffin which temporarily made me schizo

  100. 12 months ago

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