Unironically, how did they frick up this badly?

Unironically, how did they frick up this badly?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Retail -

    • 4 months ago

      I had hopes for it in phase 1, but shaman is truly becoming retail + tank spec in phase 2.
      Instead of anything interesting, it's just fricking DW maelstrom, lava burst resets, ancestral spirit, etc. all over again.
      Some of the hidden quests and things to find are cool, but it's not enough on its own, especially when the rewards are such a letdown.

  2. 4 months ago

    if you play WoW in 2024 you deserve everything bad that happens to you

  3. 4 months ago

    >equip new epic weapon
    >gearscore decreases
    also I finished gnomer today. I think I might unsub. The game is fairly dead compared to phase 1 and holy frick leveling was such a clown fiesta.

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        but enough of retail

        • 4 months ago

          Do people really pay $15 to play rehashed uninspired content?


    • 4 months ago

      but enough of retail

      sorry i meant to ask what was wrong with leveling? I didn't play it but what did they change that messed it up so bad?

      • 4 months ago

        Worst thing I can think of is that a lot of people gave up on questing and have started spamming SM dungeons rapid fire to level up instead.

      • 4 months ago

        >people barely speak english
        >extremely brainlet and unncessary wipes
        >even the most moronic mouthbreather still thinks he's in the right
        >no communication whatsoever
        >might as well play with bots or so it feels
        >the weirdest most emberassing toxic situations out of nowhere
        If my friends didn't play it I'd just unsub and never play this soulless piece of shit game ever again. And I never will after sod finishes

        • 4 months ago

          like holy shit I unironically didn't have a single dungeon run without people fighting with each other and I have to convince these subhumans to finish the fricking dungeon and that it's not that hard. The main playerbase are subhumans

        • 4 months ago

          like holy shit I unironically didn't have a single dungeon run without people fighting with each other and I have to convince these subhumans to finish the fricking dungeon and that it's not that hard. The main playerbase are subhumans

          the brown infestation strikes again, unlucky

        • 4 months ago

          What is wrong with xD and ^^? Stop taking things so seriously. Everyone Ive encountered is speaking more than passable english. I get a feeling, that what you describe, can be attributed to you too. I bet you are the one jn the wrong and toxic about it instead of the others. Idk how you even get in these situations, everyone is totally chill so far except some SM "hot shots"

      • 4 months ago

        25-40 has never EVER been a good leveling range outside of STV pvp interactions

        • 4 months ago

          This. A real classic+ would add questing content since in vanilla it was literally unfinished.

        • 4 months ago

          25-30 is rough, but 30-40 is full of KINO. shimmering flats, STV, arathi highlands, SM, etc

          • 4 months ago

            >shimmering flats, STV, arathi highlands, SM, etc
            There's about 10 quests between them

            • 4 months ago

              STV has significantly more than that.

              • 4 months ago

                Good luck doing quests in STV on a PVP server

    • 4 months ago

      This is how I feel. World feels dead. People are just dungeon grinding to max then raidlogging. Plus the economy is fricked thanks to gold selling.

    • 4 months ago

      Im not playing because the community is utter crap and there is no LFG tool to alleviate this

  4. 4 months ago

    >what if we turn classic in to retail and don't add any new content

    gee I wonder how that could go wrong

    • 4 months ago

      You forgot the timegating anon!

      • 4 months ago

        this time gating bullshit is so fricking moronic. Do they honestly expect us to do their shitty 10 man raid-dungeons and broken PvP events for 3 months each time? I unsubbed after clearing gnomer once. Dog shit.

  5. 4 months ago

    It's just retail-lite. It completely misses everything that makes Vanilla good.

    • 4 months ago

      plot twist: vanilla is fricking dog shit and you're riding a 10+ year nostalgia trip because your life is garbage and 'EVERYTHING USED TO BE BETTER I SWEAR' get over yourself and go to the gym pussy

      • 4 months ago

        >classic will fail!
        >its just nostalgia!

        t. you circa 2019

      • 4 months ago

        Vanilla is a good game tbh, it's not "just nostalgia", it's one of the greatest video games ever created, the problem is it's mismanaged by a bunch of morons who heavily pander to casuals which leads to a game infested with an even more moronic playerbase.

      • 4 months ago

        classic already happened you fricking idiot

      • 4 months ago

        No you fricking Black person, some of us want to have the end game shit and just play socializing and showing off. I dont want to have to replace my gear every 4 months because morons like you MUST CONSOOOOOM new content. Go play retail you stupid Black person

    • 4 months ago

      and those things are... what exactly? I always remembered vanilla being a fricking leveling slog with piss easy boring raids and battlegrounds with no timers

  6. 4 months ago

    retail design team tries to make what they think soul is. i hate retail so i unsubbed.

  7. 4 months ago

    It was purposely bad so they could kill the "classic plus" movement. Now they can focus on shitting out their low effort classic versions of Cataclysm and beyond without the community whining at them for classic+

  8. 4 months ago

    Even if it were good the playerbase is absolutely insufferable. The warcraftlogs nerds taking braindead low level content super serious is about the funniest and gayest thing I've ever seen in an MMO.

    • 4 months ago

      >super serious
      homie you haven't seen how moronic and braindead the avarage wowplayer is. Unironically subhuman Black person IQ tier. There is no way you could finish even a dungeon with these morons. This is the only way to filter mouthbreathers out

    • 4 months ago

      Yup. It has a very “no fun allowed” kind of atmosphere.

    • 4 months ago


      I'm usually a sweaty nerd in mmos, but sod is literally a fricking seasonal meme server, it's like the one version of the game that has absolutley zero reason to be try-harded, seeing so many try-hard this game is easily the most pathetic and cringe thing I've ever witnessed.

      • 4 months ago

        As long as there are raids and premades rule BGs there will always be sweats.
        They shouldn't have added raids with lockouts in the first place, instead there should be more 5 man dungeons, maybe even casual 10 man dungeons/world bosses and solo/3-man queue modes for BGs. Then there would be absolutely no reason to tryhard unless you're going for server first clears.

        • 4 months ago

          >10 man dungeons
          It's kind of strange that they didn't do something like this, the season is about discovery, they could have made large dungeons full of branching paths and secrets that require communication and cooperation between players, like an Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider thing. It would capture the essence of discovery much better than lonely rune quests and boring copy-paste raids.

          • 4 months ago

            >they could have made large dungeons full of branching paths and secrets that require communication and cooperation between players, like an Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider thing. It would capture the essence of discovery much better than lonely rune quests and boring copy-paste raids.
            No, it would make pugs force you to watch the videos on how to do each encounter and where each secret is located

            • 4 months ago

              It's not like everyone in the raid would need to know everything to open hidden doors, at most they would need to spread out and pull a lever when the countdown reaches zero.
              There could be quests outside the dungeon like the key for UBRS which unlock new paths in the dungeon and stuff like that. It would be sweet.

            • 4 months ago

              Modern WoW devs do not have the balls and think players don't have the brains for a new BRD. They make this for retail tards, not for (You)

              • 4 months ago

                It's not about balls or brains, modern players don't have the patience to do something like a totally new brd. It will never happen again and even you would probably complain that it's too tedious if they ever did make something like it again.

              • 4 months ago

                I love dungeon crawlers but i would think it would suck because you would have to pug it with people who just want to do it as fast as possible, which means looking everything up beforehand and doing things "the right way" every time. WoW players are masters of sucking the fun out of every activity and they force Blizzard's hands with that mindset.

          • 4 months ago

            You need to remember who is making the game now anon, it's not people who know what they are doing.

            • 4 months ago

              It's a shame, even figuring out BRD back in the day was more in the spirit of discovery than anything they've added to the game so far.
              Imagine if there was a quest outside the dungeon that lets you get 1/3 pieces of 'Watever'defuk' and you need 3 players with 3 separate pieces of Whatever'defuk to open a door to a boss that drops some good caster items and the orb of Wo'givesashid. You can use the orb of Wo'givesashid at the last phase of the final boss to enter a portal to a treasure room. Hire me Blizzard. Actually I would rather kms than work at Blizzard

  9. 4 months ago

    Do people really pay $15 to play rehashed uninspired content?

  10. 4 months ago
  11. 4 months ago

    >literally can't do anything as a healer outside of raid
    fricking gay shit what's the point of all this gear

    • 4 months ago

      ? almost all the gear in sod is healing AND damage unlike original classic, and the respec caps at 1g instead of fricking 50g

      • 4 months ago

        i have like 6 pieces that are pure healing

      • 4 months ago

        You are lying or moronic. Most items, especially phase 2 has dmg and healing items for casters.
        >Respec caps at 1g
        Yeah b***h, thats a good thing. Why would you wanna have it cost more? It's nice at 1g and you can play around with specs a bit

    • 4 months ago

      can't do anything as a healer outside of raid
      i mean you picked healer
      your endgame is sucking dick

  12. 4 months ago

    the fricking blood moon event is so shit

  13. 4 months ago

    >add new items to professions so if you want a cool new item you need to relearn a profession each phase
    >people will get tons of gold before reaching 60
    >your class will change every 2 weeks
    >add tons of gear each phase, which ruins lvl 60 raid gear and scaling completely

  14. 4 months ago

    I'm glad they did hardcore, but I believe the SoD timeline was already set before they added in hardcore(due to community demand and how easy it was for them to slap it together).

    SoD killed hardcore(population). I'm waiting for hc to get another streamer bump or something. I stopped playing months ago, but I resubbed a few days ago and can't decide what class to commit on. I have a 26 pally, 19 mage, 14 hunter, and I started a warrior who is 7 rn. I'm thinking I just need to try to get the pally to 60, but all the classes seem fun. If I can come up with a good rogue name, I will roll a rogue right now.

    Most people don't like hardcore, but I was waiting for a hardcore mode long before classic even existed. I remember people talking about it in-game way back in Cataclysm.
    >give me a mechanic that shows everyone my character has never died
    has been a think for a long time. I'm surprised it's not a standard thing in every MMO. There are tons of players that want to flex their e-peen on n00bs with some sort of thing that says "I have never died".

    • 4 months ago

      thats because guild wars 1 had it. An objectively thousand times better game.

      • 4 months ago

        >vaseline smeared artstyle
        >the entire game is segregated instances like FFXI
        no thanks

        • 4 months ago

          don't worry you missed out anyway. Meanwhile this is how latest xpac in retail looks like lol

          • 4 months ago

            How does this look worse than vanilla Searing Gorge

          • 4 months ago

            Haven't played retail since antorus and also played GW1 pre-asia expansion, not a fan

          • 4 months ago

            this looks like that last pokemon switch game

            • 4 months ago

              WoW looks infinitely better than Scarlet/Violet and WoW looks like shit.

          • 4 months ago

            this looks like the blackrock places in WOD

          • 4 months ago

            don't forget all the trannies they added and a whole troony race (canonically)

          • 4 months ago

            so this is the power of the world-famous wow art team that's carrying the game, huh?

          • 4 months ago

            Frick, blizzard doesn't give a shit anymore at this point.

          • 4 months ago

            I legit thought this was WoD with the blackhand orc dudes (i've forgotten their actual name)

    • 4 months ago

      They implemented it in the most moronic way possible. It should have been a status or title rather than a mechanic that actually deletes your fricking character if you die. There didn't need to be a whole server made for it. Of course Hardcore is dead now - it was always going to be a FotM thing that fizzled out as soon as streamers moved on. If there's no social incentive to do so, who the frick wants to play a version of the game where potentially dozens of hours of progress are deleted in a few seconds because of a stupid mistake?

  15. 4 months ago

    >game has been around literally 20 years
    >still can't do ANYTHING about the bots and RMT manipulating player economy

    • 4 months ago

      because those accounts are still paying for a sub so blizz doesn't care.

  16. 4 months ago

    When Wrathbabbies et to redesign Vanilla

  17. 4 months ago

    You now remember how Classic+ gays got baited

    • 4 months ago

      >playable ogres
      anyone who believed this was sub-zero IQ
      but I guess they are WoW players, so that was already a given

    • 4 months ago

      It’s nuts to me that people consider Wrath and Cata as “classic” WoW lmao.

    • 4 months ago

      >increases level cap
      immediately misses the point

      It’s nuts to me that people consider Wrath and Cata as “classic” WoW lmao.

      nobody considers cataclysm a part of the "classic" era of the game and even wrath is pushing it, i feel like wrath is just the last expansion the average person thinks is truly good

  18. 4 months ago

    The PvP is the worst it's ever been. It's Shadowlands/BFA tier with how burst centric it is, but without any of the health/stamina pools to justify it by any means. This coupled with old school Vanilla CC and just ridiculous designs and no movement has made it a complete and utter shitshow. If anything, this phase has done everything to prove why certain changes were made to the game to compensate and it shows hardcore. The PvE is a mess that is trying to introduce the weirdest mechanics to a game that doesn't really justify it, this is mostly a thing with Thermaplugg than it is anything, but it's such a mess of design all around in Gnomer that you begin to wonder what the hell they were doing in the first place. Not that any of it is actually hard by any means, but it's crazy how they continue to just poorly design things.

  19. 4 months ago

    I thought WoW was dead.

  20. 4 months ago

    All my WOW addicted friends seem to love it. Can someone make them stop plz? I want to play good games with them again.

    • 4 months ago

      Anon, the people that still play WoW these days are never going to quit WoW, it's their game, and they will always be on it in some fashion or another.

      • 4 months ago

        The ones I know literally didn’t get into it until classic was released. That’s the weirdest thing about it. I could understand if the nostalgia was that strong but it just feels like playing an old and outdated game. Which it is.

        • 4 months ago

          they just got into it during the right time, lots of community going on back then on grobbulus and shit, but stuff like that always dies out given enough time, it's one of those experiences that happens every 15 years or so, repeats itself, and then dies again for the next 15.

          • 4 months ago

            I guess the social aspect is a big part of it. I just can’t do it with these games though. I made a character on release and did all the supposedly fun levelling stuff. It was just me and my friends standing around waiting for camps to respawn. Then when we finally got to the “good bit” we went through some dungeon while my friend told me what abilities to cast every 10 seconds or so. I guess that’s the good bit, hearing your friend get weird and passive aggressive cos you buffed him 1 second too late.

            • 4 months ago

              WoW has good bits to it, one of those being the community, but the community is also bad about it. They're constant meta chasing parsing autists who rage at everything and refuse to help in a lot of cases or get all pissy about everything. The world building and things are there, but it's also not there at all and told very poorly at times. It's like a case experiment of how to make the perfect formula not work, but still work.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah I avoid any game where I’m likely to encounter those kind of social issues. A lot of gamers seem to have no life outside of games so they rage over the most banal shit. It just feels so petty to be getting angry over this shit as a 30something year old man.

              • 4 months ago

                Sometimes its good to just vent when you're frustrated by poor game decisions. Sure it's just a game at the end of the day, but I get it. Though yeah, some take it way too far.

        • 4 months ago

          It's an old and outdated game that was so influential for being unable to put it down it spawned clones of itself for 20 entire years now

          • 4 months ago

            >For nearly 2 decades people kept trying to clone wow
            >For nearly 2 decades they all failed because it wasn't WoW's game design that made it successful
            I hate what WoW did to the genre, and it still hasn't recovered.

            • 4 months ago

              even if you hate wow it has several objectively great characteristics:
              runs on toaster (even in 2004)
              extremely low network requirements (runs on 56k)
              appealing low poly art
              extremely easy to navigate UI
              clientside favored netcode removes rubberbanding
              and then of course the actual main reason classic is considered good: the world can kill you and highly incentivizes grouping even in boring ass "kill 1 elite boar" quests, making an extremely simple braindead RPG into a highly enjoyable fantasy chatroom for casuals

              • 4 months ago

                WoW made grouping less important then any other memories at the time.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                i can still remember having a shitty integrated GPU in the 2000s and finally getting a 6600GT and being able to run WoW smoothly. it was like night and day.

  21. 4 months ago

    Gnomer sucks ass. Aside from the fact that LITERALLY NOBODY EVER LIKED GNOMER WHY THE FRICK DIDNT THEY MAKE A NEW WING OF SM OR MAKE CATH A RAID OR ULD? ULD WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY COOL I DONT FRICKING GET IT NOBODY LIKES GNOMER, but also it feels like a fricking retail raid. The entirety of p2 feels fake and gay, and it's such a dissapointment because I actually really liked p1. I leveled every fricking class to 25, but I got my priest to 40, cleared gnomer, and now I have no interest to play any more.

    • 4 months ago

      They could have chosen iconic large dungeons like ZF or Ulduar and they chose the repurposed faction capital infamous for skips because people hate it. Also the number of times i have wiped in vanilla to pets pulling the entire dungeon at the cog skip or the mine hallway has cemented it in my head as the worst dungeon ever. Dumb frickers.

    • 4 months ago

      They REALLY should have taken a hint in p1 that there needs to be more than just 1 raid.

  22. 4 months ago

    WoW has been dead for like 10 years dude

  23. 4 months ago

    >Play this 20 year old game with retail shit added into it
    >play these boring "dungeons"

    No thanks.

  24. 4 months ago


  25. 4 months ago

    Mandatory cryptic rune quests fricking suck, raiding sucks and the class balance really sucks. It's like they're testing just how little effort they can put into the content of an eventual classic+ server before it bombs, currently they're rehashing the same shitty pattern from phase 1 to check player retention.
    I'm not paying a monthly fee to be a lab rat and neither should you.

    • 4 months ago

      Phase 1 was at least comfy, not perfect, but comfy. This one is just a mess. It honestly feels like the P1 designs and damage were meant for P2.

  26. 4 months ago

    Phase 1 was fine.

    Phase 2, the 25-40 grind sucks, should've applied the 50% xp buff to the entire level up process. The new runes are pretty boring for half the classes. The balance is totally fricked with melee hunters 2 button rotation doing more damage that anyone else, plus the Gnomeregan bosses all having super high armor value that just artificially lowers all the melee specs and just makes them feel worse to play for half the raid.

  27. 4 months ago

    Well lets see what we can "discover" in Phase 2:

    >steady shot
    >aspect of the viper
    >trap launcher

    >maelstrom weapon


    >frostfire bolt
    >hot streak
    >missile barrage
    >brain freeze

    >pain suppression

    >shuriken toss
    >master of subtlety

    >portal of summoning
    >soul harvesting

    >rallying cry

    How original, the same abilities you've been using for 15 years! Again!

    • 4 months ago

      Maelstrom's honestly kinda lame but fine cause it leans into the shaman being a melee spellcaster. What's genuinely disgusting is they are backporting the worst iteration of shaman into classic instead of leaning into classic shaman design.

      Honestly, aside from the new roles for classes, a lot of the runes are a whiff

    • 4 months ago

      I had to give them the opportunity, but they wasted it as I expected.

  28. 4 months ago

    stfu homosexual. you'll keep playing it because it has the world "classic" on it. if shadowlands classic released right now you'd jump up and down in your chair clapping with excitement. you're a fricking loser

  29. 4 months ago

    Imagine playing blizzard games anymore.

  30. 4 months ago

    > hilarious level of classic Blizzard time-gating to milk subs
    > insane gear from new dungeons that puts level 60 gear to shame
    > gear is way better itemized compared with typical vanilla gear
    > comically large power boost via runes
    > uninspiring rune design that is mostly a copy and paste from other versions of the game
    All of these factors compound into a shitshow where you are deleted in half a second in PvP. Vanilla is supposed to be the drawn-out boomer version of the game where you can actually react and have a decent experience even if you get shit on. This aversion to PvP changes it into a instance-based raidlog simulator aka WotLK. Unlike WotLK, the world is a large part of the vanilla experience so sitting in an instance or being time-gated to 2-3 zones for 6 months just isn't a good experience. Furthermore you're limited to a single dungeon for that same 6 months. Its supposed to be Classic+ but instead they've managed to effectively make it LESS of a game.

  31. 4 months ago

    I tried but I just couldn't be fricked leveling again

  32. 4 months ago

    >no seal twisting
    >aegis is a rune
    >exorcist is a rune, overshadowing all other leg slot runes
    >pushing the shockadin meme and it's still doing 30% less damage than ret, which is a bottom tier dps as is

  33. 4 months ago

    It was all downhill after vanilla.
    It never got better after molten core. You can all go frick yourselves.

  34. 4 months ago

    >game fun
    >community is just WoW players
    bad game. people were sneething and malding that it took like 4 whole fricking days of uptime before they found the warlock tanking rune. RRGGHHHH I HATE HAVING TO DISCOVER SHIT I WANTED TO DO RAIDING ON DAY 2!!!!
    oh and also it was infested with bots and rwt carries by like hour 3, many people straight up saw conga lines of bots flying through the ground in stormwind

    • 4 months ago

      You didn't discover shit, you waited for someone to post a guide on youtube/wowhead like everyone else. Searching for a needle in a haystack is not fun.

  35. 4 months ago

    Never really played WoW before and I hopped into this with a few friends, and I'm finding the pvp to be pretty fun. I really missed having an open world pvp mmo ever since Archeage died.

  36. 4 months ago

    Half of these "runes" are completely fricking useless. Why would a rogue use shiv over mutilate or saber slash? Whose fricking braindead idea was this?

    • 4 months ago

      you want choice don't you? don't make me take away your talent points again

  37. 4 months ago

    I was sold on this being a return to form for Vanilla where the world would be the main character and I'd be out adventuring and questing with friends. That couldn't have been further from the truth.

    Are there any MMOs out there where the focus is grouping up and doing shit with people and not massively focused on endgame shit?

    • 4 months ago

      For new MMOs, no not really. The trend for awhile is making instanced solo content for players to do with the only group content being mainly end game instanced raids/dungeons or instanced arenas. Open world content and group-based leveling content is dead.

    • 4 months ago

      >Are there any MMOs out there where the focus is grouping up and doing shit with people and not massively focused on endgame shit?
      Only if it was released before 2000.
      Monsters and Memories has a dumb name, but they're trying to play so close to the EQ formula that it might give terminal p99 players somewhere to go once it finally launches in five years or whatever.

  38. 4 months ago

    is gnomer overtuned compared to bfd or is it just me?

    • 4 months ago

      The bosses have insane amounts of armor combined with lots of anti-melee mechanics. So yeah, its probably overtuned for what it should be.

  39. 4 months ago

    I wonder why anyone continues to play any iteration of Blizzard's WoW at this point.

    You've been horribly burned many times before, by people who have nothing but scorn for you. Every time you say you've had enough, you're lulled back in by empty promises that the next expansion will be different. That the developers are listening to your feedback, and that the game will return to glory.

    Yet here you are. History repeats itself. Surely, some part of you can see the pattern, the writing on the wall.

    Wouldn't you rather walk away from something that is unsatisfactory? Are you more comfortable being abused and miserable?

    • 4 months ago

      even in its shitty state wow is still one of the best MMO on the market

  40. 4 months ago

    I'm kind of nostalgic for classic wow in 2019 tbh

  41. 4 months ago

    SoD makes no sense. What the frick is the point of farming a raid if the gear is going to be useless once you start leveling again before the next raid and you don't need the gear to kill the bosses? Like it's a cool concept, but they should have made the dungeon raids level 60 and just let you start with level 60 characters. They could have scaled the entire world up to level 60 and kept the abilities as rewards for completing quests and released more zones when they released a new raid.

  42. 4 months ago

    >mfw so much gold and nothing to spend it on
    >on Cursader Strike NA
    >just start paying Night Elf girls to give me naked lapdances
    >a few even add me on discord for easy calls for their services

  43. 4 months ago

    morons thinking nu-Blizzard will make anything good are only themselves to blame.

  44. 4 months ago

    They're Blizzard. One of the worst developers in videogames today. Owned by Activision one of the worst companies in videogame history.
    How are you morons still surprised with every release you buy? Stop supporting these soulless corporations already. Jesus Christ.

  45. 4 months ago

    >start leveling a week late
    >level ?? on mounts everywhere
    phase 1 sod will be remembered as the peak

    • 4 months ago

      SoD won't be remembered at all. It's a failed experiment, like Season of Mastery.

  46. 4 months ago

    It's almost like...Blizzard...only hires...incompetent ideologues that are willing to work for cheap and using the platform of Blizzards IPs.
    Did you think they hired the old Vanilla team from 20ish years ago to do SoD?

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