>Unity does an oppsie woopsie. >ENTIRE gaming industry goes ballistics and grabs them by the balls

>Unity does an oppsie woopsie
>ENTIRE gaming industry goes ballistics and grabs them by the balls
>Steam continues to 30% tax the PC space

Why the FRICK does Valve get a pass? They only have a fricking storefront while Unity has an actual engine.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Benchodsisters, our responses?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Imagine thinking Valve bad and Epic bad aren't mutually exclusive

    • 9 months ago

      Their mere existence gets people mad, for that alone they get a pass.
      >no engine
      You can literally license the Source Engine though.


    • 9 months ago

      starfield won.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      good morning

    • 9 months ago

      frick you bloody b***h bastard open bob

    • 9 months ago

      good morning

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        BASED streetshitters making arabs uncomfortable and walking around with their breasts on full display

      • 9 months ago

        >the women in india have obscene breasts
        o-oh no?!

    • 9 months ago

      The India meme is getting old.
      Now go on and reply with more indian phrases to my post.

      • 9 months ago

        I miss BEST ROBBARI posters

      • 9 months ago

        Doesn't mean it's not becoming any less accurate.

    • 9 months ago

      >yeah if I just say the same thing with an indian accent all anons will call me based haha i'm so good at this I don't even need to adress the point

    • 9 months ago

      steam bad, yes

    • 9 months ago

      Wouldnt this be UNITY BAD because unity competes with unreal?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I do for she

  2. 9 months ago

    because nintendo, ms, sony, humble, gog, the list goes on and on and on and on and on and charge the same.

    • 9 months ago

      Because gabe's got us by the balls and we've got unity by the balls

  3. 9 months ago

    Stores charge a markup

    • 9 months ago

      Paying for all those warehouses to house all these game discs really justifies 30%

      • 9 months ago

        Putting the game infront of the majority of PC gamers really justifies the 30%..

        • 9 months ago

          Who's fault is it that Steam has such a large percentage of PC gamers in their pocket.

          moronic Gamers.
          There is nothing steam offers you that is exclusive.

          • 9 months ago

            Sure there is, the ability to have a majority of the videogames I play together on one single stable platform, without the need to download 40 different launchers to play different games I want to play. It's the same launcher with the most to offer feature wise.
            Walmart is a monopoly, same with Dollar General, both are horrendous problems that prey on small towns, running out local businesses etc, until eventually you're dependent to do all your shopping there, or drive 30 minutes or even more to another town with locally ran businesses.

            This isn't an issue on PC. The digital world isn't brick and mortar. If there is a game I want to get, it takes me 30 seconds to go to that games website and buy it.

            I can easily minimize my steam window, go to www.minecraft.net ,and purchase a copy of the #1 selling game of all time, directly from them.

            Studios are not required to use steam. it doesn't stop any competition, it's just the best tool for the job.

            • 9 months ago

              >it doesn't stop any competition
              Try to make a phone OS and see how long it survives without Google apps (gmail, chrome etc).
              They might not be a monopoly in a strict meaning of the word and yet they still are an unavoidable market gatekeeper

              • 9 months ago

                steam isn't an operating system, that would be Microsoft

              • 9 months ago

                Explain SteamOS then.

              • 9 months ago

                I was going to mention it, but it's only used for their handheld (and it can be removed from it as well)

              • 9 months ago

                >We expect most SteamOS users to get SteamOS preinstalled on a Steam Machine. Although we have made SteamOS freely available for anybody to install, the installation experience is not intended for a non-technical user.
                >we have made SteamOS freely available for anybody to instal
                >available for anybody

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                it's a Linux distro.

              • 9 months ago

                Jesus Christ anti-Steam homosexuals are genuinely moronic.
                I just don't understand why other stores don't have customizable profiles

              • 9 months ago

                >I just don't understand why other stores don't have customizable profiles
                If you want social media, go to facebook
                If you want to dress up your avatar, go play Sims.
                If you want to display your game activity, achievements, go KYS

              • 9 months ago

                And if you want sexy women in vidya, just watch porn?

              • 9 months ago

                OS =/= App

                nta but
                >what is analogy

              • 9 months ago

                something the guy obviously can't use right because it's a shit analogy if it was one.

              • 9 months ago

                it was meant to demonstrate how something can effectively be a monopoly without fitting the legal definition of one, which I think it did decently. so maybe not an analogy actually, but a perfectly understandable thing nonetheless

              • 9 months ago

                it isn't a monopoly.

              • 9 months ago

                Steam meets the definition of monopoly power or working monopoly, at 25-50%+ of a market. Sadly it's like Twitter, it has such a first mover advantage even if steam went to shit few people would leave

              • 9 months ago

                OS =/= App

              • 9 months ago

                Maybe you shouldn't be making an OS if you don't have any idea to include a base level of apps mandatory for daily living, and or a platform that is incentivizing enough to draw other people to it.

              • 9 months ago

                >base level of apps mandatory for daily living
                It doesn't matter if you create your own shitty apps. Some people might use it but most consumers just want gmail, drive, youtube calendar etc.
                And you CAN'T integrate any of them without googles permission.

              • 9 months ago

                that's just what the people want bro 🙂

              • 9 months ago

                that's just what the people want bro 🙂

            • 9 months ago

              >Sure there is, the ability to have a majority of the videogames I play together on one single stable platform, without the need to download 40 different launchers to play different games I want to play.
              You wanna know something a Launcher isn't necessary at all it's bloatware, middleman software you are a mark.

              >I AM SO FRICKING SMART

              Gamer chuds are moronic because they willingly grovel to an unnecessary middleman that offers them nothing exclusive, but reserves the right to nuke their account including purchased games.

              Make a better client that has such superior functionality than Steam to the point where switching platforms entirely is justified.

              Oh wait, you can't, can you Timmy Tencent?

              You do not need a client, but why do you so desperately want one?

              • 9 months ago

                >isn't necessary
                I couldn't do everything else I do on steam without the launcher, so no.

              • 9 months ago

                >I couldn't do everything else I do on steam without the launcher, so no.
                A messenger?
                A friends list?
                A forum?
                Or Steam trading cards?

                Which one do you need steam so desperately for that you are willing to own none of the games you pay Volvo good money for?

                which alternative should we use? keep in mind that new GoG games require GoG galaxy which is just their version of a steam client.

                I don't think there is a solution, I think gamers are moronic.
                They sometimes complain about the right stuff but still buy the broken product they are the most pathetic of consoomers.

                You will have to start pirating if you want to own games in the near future

                Steam does not to my knowledge "nuke" your account, if you break certain rules like using cheats in source games, you receive a VAC ban, but most other games will use third-party anti-cheat clients that do not appear on your Steam profile. even with a VAC ban, you can still use most store features without any impediment. Steam forum bans do not affect any storefront or game features either, nor do they remove the ability to play games. The only cases wherein people's Steam accounts were truly destroyed in earnest was when they committed federal crimes linked to Steam, like the guy who launched illegal attacks on Steam's servers and database. There are also exclusive Steam features such as the Steam Workshop which is praised for its sheer ease of use, one of the best modding clients around and its free. You are also not an authority on what people need or what is necessary, know your place.

                Steam has nuked many accounts, they reserve the right to do it because they sometimes do it.

                Of course they don't ban people left and right but get on the bad side of a Steam Jannie and you might just loose access to all those games you payed for.

                You do not own the games in your steam library.
                Valve grants you the privilege to play them, as long as you obey their rules.

              • 9 months ago

                you own the DRM free games just as much as you own a physical disc you buy, just copy it to a USB drive or if you're autistic burn it to a disc, they cannot take the files from you.

              • 9 months ago

                Steam has no real always online DRM to speak of, hence why you can launch and play steam offline with your games. You can effortlessly crack steam games and you can remove the launcher entirely, playing them directly. Steam also cannot take away your games unless you commit a major, serious infraction, which 99% of bans are not. You are completely full of shit.

              • 9 months ago

                Largest aggregate of user reviews to determine if I'm going to like a game, or hate it before I even purchase it.
                Great window to be able to return purchases I do not want.
                Friendlists, which makes it as easy as the click of a button to invite my friends into my games, an overlay that allows me to directly communicate with my friends in a multitude of ways without having to alt-tab and exit my game.
                Linux support lets me game with my friends that do choose to run linux machines, or utilize the steam deck.
                best community workshop that makes it extremely simple for gamers to share their creations to change my game experience, without having to go through the heavily monetized subscription based cancer that is nexus games trying to shill you monthly subscriptions (They removed their lifetime subscription btw to be extra greedy), or suffer abhorrent download speeds.
                Allows for the creations of fleshed out mod lists that anybody can create and then pass to their friend, whom can instantaneously download it all at the click of a button. Making something like a custom project zomboid experience so easy even the moron in your friend group can set it up in a timely fashion before game night ends.

                This is barely scratching the service of what steam does offer its users, that you do not get anywhere else.

              • 9 months ago

                which alternative should we use? keep in mind that new GoG games require GoG galaxy which is just their version of a steam client.

              • 9 months ago

                Steam does not to my knowledge "nuke" your account, if you break certain rules like using cheats in source games, you receive a VAC ban, but most other games will use third-party anti-cheat clients that do not appear on your Steam profile. even with a VAC ban, you can still use most store features without any impediment. Steam forum bans do not affect any storefront or game features either, nor do they remove the ability to play games. The only cases wherein people's Steam accounts were truly destroyed in earnest was when they committed federal crimes linked to Steam, like the guy who launched illegal attacks on Steam's servers and database. There are also exclusive Steam features such as the Steam Workshop which is praised for its sheer ease of use, one of the best modding clients around and its free. You are also not an authority on what people need or what is necessary, know your place.

              • 9 months ago

                >You do not need a client, but why do you so desperately want one?
                Because as a gamer it's way easier to get all my games on Steam instead of hopping around to publisher's or developers websites and downloading each separately. And let's face it if Steam were not a thing someone else would hold the monopoly on it and publishers would still try to get a slice of the pie by having their own launchers like they do now.

                From a business pov I fully understand why Steam doesn't cut their 30%. They don't have to. They know there's no competition. At least for the 30% we get a good service.

            • 9 months ago

              >the ability to have a majority of the videogames I play together on one single stable platform, without the need to download 40 different launchers to play different games I want to play
              steam created the launcher problem; it is not the solution to it. it would be much better if you could download and play your games without a launcher, like with gog, and use something like lutris or playnite to have one app where you can manage your games from all the stores, would it not?

              • 9 months ago

                >steam created the launcher problem;
                lol, lmfao even

          • 9 months ago

            >fingers in ears

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Make a better client that has such superior functionality than Steam to the point where switching platforms entirely is justified.

            Oh wait, you can't, can you Timmy Tencent?

          • 9 months ago

            Pretty much none of my games would work on Linux without the work that Valve did.
            without them I'd have had to wait till 2030 or something to make the switch

            • 9 months ago

              And now Devs have even less incentive to make their games work natively on Linux.

              Steam has no real always online DRM to speak of, hence why you can launch and play steam offline with your games. You can effortlessly crack steam games and you can remove the launcher entirely, playing them directly. Steam also cannot take away your games unless you commit a major, serious infraction, which 99% of bans are not. You are completely full of shit.

              Piracy is the morally superior option, yes.
              As said before Steam is nothing but bloatware a money leaching middleman.

              >steam DRM
              >stopping anybody
              >from playing anything
              >in the dawn of history
              >and mankind

              Pirate Chads keep wining

              • 9 months ago

                Piracy is not morally superior, puhlease. I know you probably just figured out how to pirate like 2 days ago, but you'll come off that high and stop pretending that you're doing it for some kind of moral bullshit reasons eventually. Steam is not bloatware because it contains many useful and popular features and is overall a good convenience for any gamer to have.

              • 9 months ago

                >And now Devs have even less incentive
                they had literally ZERO incentive before anon
                the fact that fricking gamedevs are even TALKING about Linux being something that gamers actually use is HUGE progress, and you're simply exposing your ignorance of the topic with your nonsensical arguments.

  4. 9 months ago

    Give an artist a brush and canvass and he'll be able to make art.
    Give a musician a guitar and he'll be able to make music.

    Neither that guitar nor that brush will be able to grant them the opportunity to showcase their artistic product to thousands if not millions of people across the world in an exceedingly accessible manner.

    • 9 months ago

      >comparing Valve to the most israeli fricking industry stranglehold
      Good job

      • 9 months ago

        I'm just saying there's more to having a captive international audience of potential customers than just using an engine to make some literal who indieshit game.

    • 9 months ago

      the one guy who actually gets it. If you want Steam to stop having a monopoly, make something better than Steam. Protip: you can't.

      • 9 months ago

        pro tip: it's itch.io and gog by not putting shitty drm on their games and giving easy downloads and installations, not storefront autism which isn't needed.

        • 9 months ago

          steam doesn't put DRM on anyone's game that's the choice of each individual publisher, same as itch and if I'm not mistaken I believe games with DRM are allowed on GOG now as well.

          • 9 months ago

            this. some games don't need steam to launch you can make a direct shortcut to the exe

      • 9 months ago

        People don't want anything better, they want to keep using steam because they already got 2 decades worth of games on that platform.

        • 9 months ago

          is this vendor lock-in not a problem with steam and the proprietary launcher model in general?

        • 9 months ago

          >they already got 2 decades worth of games on that platform
          You won't own anything and you'll be happy

      • 9 months ago

        monopolies are good and are not inherently bad, the notion that a monopoly is "bad" is simply poorly justified Marxist/socialist/pluralist/leftist rabblerousing dogma. most monopolies are monopolies because they are better than everyone else and simply naturally drown out unworthy competition, or are not actually monopolies but are so good that nobody wants to use anything else because of the sheer convenience and established userbase, which steam is a case of

        • 9 months ago

          the notion that a monopoly is bad is based on the demonstrable fact of rail and oil monopolies being bad in the 1870s and 80s

          hell, the fricking Roman Empire had anti-monopoly laws

          • 9 months ago

            steam isn't controlling our oil prices, they don't even control their own stores prices, it's just a place to buy someone else's product.

            • 9 months ago

              good job anon, thank you for explaining why Steam is monopoly when I was talking about why monopolies are considered bad to some lunatic who thinks being anti-monopoly is communism or something

        • 9 months ago

          There is no monopoly that exists without underhanded collusion with the state powers.
          You are a complete idiot if you think they form through market forces.

    • 9 months ago

      and guess what? that doesn't involve making anything, following this, steam isn't a good advertising tool, most games get sidetracked and lost forever thanks to his shit tags and moronic store placement so they aren't even doing that work, is better to use publicity from media exposure online or offline and get onto a donation service with varied storefronts, even people on dlsite get better revenue from there than steam on some cases.

      steam doesn't put DRM on anyone's game that's the choice of each individual publisher, same as itch and if I'm not mistaken I believe games with DRM are allowed on GOG now as well.

      steam is the drm tard, half life 2 had drm on the start stupid moronic Black person and that's the same drm which doesn't let you fricking install the games outside of fricking steam moronic frick.

      • 9 months ago

        steam is not a DRM it's a storefront just like GoG, why are you so angry about a topic you don't even understand?

      • 9 months ago

        >and guess what? that doesn't involve making anything
        And yet when Valve put in an immense amount of work and logistics to pierce through the Asian PC market, everyone and their mother came crawling back to Steam because no other digital vidya store was able to do it before them.

        • 9 months ago

          >pierce through the Asian PC Market
          by sucking massive chinadick as every western company has done before them, not really a bold new strategy lmao

          • 9 months ago

            they got Russians to buy games too, that alone is an insane accomplishment

            • 9 months ago

              Fair point, Gabe was 100% right about piracy being a service issue

          • 9 months ago

            You wish valve sucking china actually worked as intended. Every chink you see in the platform is avoiding the chink version because it has a pitiful selection of ccp approved games

        • 9 months ago

          >Valve put in an immense amount of work and logistics to pierce through the Asian PC market
          They could have gotten way more if they kicked out the campo santo c**ts that keep banning eastern games for arbitrary reasons. They actually really dropped the ball on that one.

      • 9 months ago

        it involves making steam, you dumb homosexual. Gabe executed a good idea first and is reaping rewards.

        • 9 months ago

          Except they continued to work on and improved steam. Since EGS's release steam has changed and improved more than EGS

      • 9 months ago

        If it was that simple Microsoft would have fricking won everything already because the windows store is everywhere.

        • 9 months ago

          Microsoft fricked up big time (in my opinion) by having a proprietary file format which makes modding extremely difficult or even finding your save files or editing single things like configs. it's the only reason I left goypass I just want the game files not encrypted nonsense.

        • 9 months ago

          they fricked that up to.
          appstore versions come with thier own problems and you have to jump through a dozen hoops to mod them (if they can be modded at all)

        • 9 months ago

          Microsoft HAVE won
          just the home consumer/gamer isnt their target audience
          like 90% of their customer-base are corporate and business.
          most of the reason they're wanting to move Windows to a subscription model soon is literally because businesses will have literally no choice but to comply with forking out $30k/month in windows licenses to keep operating

      • 9 months ago

        Steam has taken active steps to allow indie games to advertise themselves better with the NextFests, which is FAR more than other storefronts do

    • 9 months ago

      Its called a monopoly and its something that was supposed to be regulated.

  5. 9 months ago

    You're welcome to sell your game without steam.

    Do you want 70% of a feast or 100% of a grape?

    • 9 months ago

      how much does itch take?

      • 9 months ago

        zero percent of a strawberry

        • 9 months ago

          i only take blueberries and blackberries

          • 9 months ago

            That would be 20% conversion fee by payment operator thank you

      • 9 months ago

        10% of an olive

      • 9 months ago

        itchio also has much more strict moderation if i recall

    • 9 months ago

      10% of an olive

      zero percent of a strawberry

      >food analogy

      • 9 months ago

        stop complaining about them they're effective about getting the point across.

      • 9 months ago

        Food is something that is understood universally which is why you see food analogies so often.

        • 9 months ago

          We need to do burger analogies. Because mutts don't eat grapes

    • 9 months ago

      69% of a watermelon

    • 9 months ago

      You're welcome to code your game without Unity.

      • 9 months ago

        And people are. You even have chads like the caves of qud dev who ported the game to godot in less than a week from unity.

        • 9 months ago

          >chads like the caves of qud dev
          lol. lmao, even.
          >making a traditional roguelike in unity
          >it runs like complete and utter dogshit
          >switch to le python meme engine to spite corpo
          let me guess, the game is still going to run like shit

      • 9 months ago

        The problem is that people have invested a lot of time into Unity and it would cost them a lot of time to change to a different thing.

    • 9 months ago

      you point out an obvious problem with this kind of market gatekeeper but act like it's somehow a good thing done by the gatekeeper

    • 9 months ago

      >need steam or bullshit ip troll publishers to release good game.
      Frick off, corpo shill. No one ever needed that shit. Greedy fricks manipulated stupid fricks to turn it into the status quo. It's literally just nepotism that we all ignore because we think we'll get a slice of the pie.

  6. 9 months ago

    Valve literally only gets a pass on Ganker because Steam is the last major platform where you can say Black person and not get banned. Valve shouldn't get a pass because they are directly responsible for some of the industry's most dog shit practices.

    • 9 months ago

      never did, that is why the word v****drone is filtered

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      you will be banned for saying Black person on most forums on steam, and steam will automatically filter chat even in source games

  7. 9 months ago

    Go to bed Timmy

  8. 9 months ago


  9. 9 months ago

    I dont need your free games tim have a nice day

    • 9 months ago

      you mean you don't want 1200 literally who developer games that they scraped up from the bottom of the barrel? STEAM SHILL

  10. 9 months ago

    >timmy gets utterly BTFO by an indie dev on xitter
    >goes back to Ganker to make atrocious threads like this

    • 9 months ago

      saunce link

      • 9 months ago

        Based dusk dev took a shit on Timmy asking him why is unreal gone from all storefronts if Timmy cares about free market and customers being able to buy old products.

  11. 9 months ago

    Lmao, what happened that homosexuals got pissed off so hard by steam and went into a baby tantrum rage crusade?

    • 9 months ago

      >There there sweaty, here's 9 gorillion blacks

      >And that's a good thing, chud! Here's 9 gorillion more black females! 🙂 UPVOTE FOR VISIBILITY PLEASE! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • 9 months ago

        Damn. homies really gotta be tired to sleep thru a homie dyin'.

      • 9 months ago

        Those are some based dogs right there. I'm so glad I managed to live in a place that isn't anywhere near Black folk.

      • 9 months ago

        Can you sue someone's family if they give your dogs aids?

  12. 9 months ago

    Valve will get fricked right in gaben's gaping ass if they dare to asks for $0.20 charge per download & install.

  13. 9 months ago

    >digital store front charges a fee per sale
    What is your alternative suggestion? That they do it for free?

    • 9 months ago

      literally yes you trump loving fascist it literally costs them nothing and they make us pay anyway

      • 9 months ago

        Commies have the best economic comedy

      • 9 months ago

        You are fricking stupid.

      • 9 months ago

        >it literally costs them nothing and they make us pay anyway
        Sir The nedful

  14. 9 months ago

    Lmao I love how people here bring up some completely unrelated issue of monetization and for some reason conflate it to Steam's 30% cut.

    • 9 months ago

      that's called a segway

  15. 9 months ago

    Because Unity does the charge per install. So frick anyone who uses Unity from hereforth, because these companies will pass this bullshit onto the customers.
    And if you don't like Steam, use GOG. Steam charges tax because they're in America, GOG charges no tax because they're in Poland. If the same game is on both sites, I'll choose GOG first.

    • 9 months ago

      >didn't used to pay tax on online purchases even on steam
      Frick you DeSantis you c**t. Easily the worst thing he's ever done.

      • 9 months ago

        almost everywhere you're still supposed to pay taxes on the online order, the difference is you're supposed to be responsible for paying the tax rather than them collecting the tax to pay from the purchase
        you're not going to get audited over it, but you are supposed to be keeping track of purchases you did not pay tax on and paying the appropriate tax on them, legally

      • 9 months ago

        Nah you don't get it, he only raised taxes to own the libs.You see some leftest on twitter said they don't like taxes so the entire republican platform has to 180 on their beliefs to oppose that guy.

    • 9 months ago

      >Steam charges tax because they're in America,
      wait, what

  16. 9 months ago

    >make billions of dollars with Fortnite
    >still have an absolute disaster of a client that a random Indian tech support guy could make in a weekend

  17. 9 months ago

    valve helps linux which helps gaming and PCs in general, whereas you're either a israelite or a chink and are therefore only concerned with helping yourself. I don't give a shit if gaben got rich off of helping things I like.

  18. 9 months ago

    Sorry Mr. Goldstein but Valve is never going public, no matter how much you try and smear their name. And neither is Larian. 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      They take loans, bankers make demands, nothing is different

      • 9 months ago

        bankers only demand you pay the loan back

        • 9 months ago

          Welcome to 21th century grandpa https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/how-esg-linked-loans-help-to-hold-firms-accountable/

  19. 9 months ago

    >Why the FRICK does Valve get a pass?
    because no one else will make a worth a shit competitor lol

  20. 9 months ago

    Our entire civilization is nothing but leeches skimming some percentage off the top of other people's hard work. Get used to it, or better yet start doing it yourself

  21. 9 months ago

    >store wars
    we're now on what, year 6 of this shit? can't believe this crap still get posted.

    • 9 months ago

      Blame timmy

    • 9 months ago

      the microsoft store sucks. there, I said it.

    • 9 months ago

      all according to keikaku

      • 9 months ago

        >Saving money is good
        >Tim: We take 12% so devs can pass the savings onto you!
        >Devs: $59.99 + tax

    • 9 months ago

      Yep, Tim brought the dumbass console wars to PC. Him and the gays who eternally argue about which overpriced GPU is better

      • 9 months ago

        Storefront monopolies are a joke, but Nvidia really needs a serious competitor that can force them to drive innovation.

      • 9 months ago

        it's more like steam brought console bullshit to pc, but no one else did for like a decade, so there was no war

    • 9 months ago

      it's funny, most people have forgotten that Steam's biggest competitors have always been pirates - even now.
      People use Steam because it's convenient and tries to put the least amount of bullshit between you and the game and also gives you a bunch of convenient console style features thriving software - all in an effort to prevent you from just torrenting the game.
      Other storefronts? lol. They're a blip in the radar.

  22. 9 months ago

    gabe newell will die soon and his company will nosedive

  23. 9 months ago

    Valve got in early, its that simple. Same reason people never freaked out about bnet or the Riot launcher. Valve can get away with literal murder because they are hosting 18 years worth of peoples games, they could charge for online and other corporations would still fail to dethrone them.

  24. 9 months ago

    Sunk cost. Goysloppers have hundreds of games trapped in Steam. They'll never let go.

  25. 9 months ago

    continues to 30% tax the PC space
    How does this effect me as a consumer? Regardless of the 30% valve takes publishers would charge the same price. I do not give a single solitary frick about what a platform can do for developers and publishers. Valve has the best storefront with massive functionality therefore I will use it. Every other storefront is unusable dogshit. Until that changes I will continue buying games on steam when I'm not pirating them. have a nice day op you worthless Black person.

  26. 9 months ago

    >Unity retroactively changes their terms which would cause unforeseen debt to devs, also erodes trust as they could do the same again at any time
    >steam doesn't retroactively change their terms so devs know ahead of time that to expect when choosing to engage with them
    Yeah I wonder

    • 9 months ago

      Unity would have had every soul sucking israelite lawyer trying to spread their buttholes if they had gone through with it. I have no idea why they even tried. Maybe to make the change going forward less offensive.

      • 9 months ago

        It's usually a mountain of shit specifically to backtrack and deliver a regular sized shit without people complaining, it's pre planned bargaining where they pretend they "listened", the suits probably didn't expect the shit storm to get this huge, though

        Microsoft fricked up big time (in my opinion) by having a proprietary file format which makes modding extremely difficult or even finding your save files or editing single things like configs. it's the only reason I left goypass I just want the game files not encrypted nonsense.

        Microsoft store is their second attempt. They already fricked up with GFWL, back then steam was a lot smaller and they could have easily surpassed them if they weren't fricking morons smelling their own farts because the 360 was doing well

  27. 9 months ago

    >car dealership takes a cut of every sale
    >chinese factory that made the gears takes a cut from Ford everytime the customer starts their car
    if you can't see the difference you're a moron or a shill

  28. 9 months ago


    no storefront that I'm aware of specifically highlights indie games with demos with a whole event about them

  29. 9 months ago

    Ever since Epic Game Store launched there is always some anti-steam thread popping up and it always mentions the 30% tax.
    Surely this isn't a coincidence, right?

    • 9 months ago

      Nah it's not.

      Epic ran a massive smear campaign against Steam in 2019. It was so exhaustingly obnoxious that you can still feel its moronation to this day.

    • 9 months ago

      You also see a bunch of threads calling steam a monopoly but you never see them being made for Microsoft, despite one of them doing shady thing and getting a slap (on the wrist) for antitrust...

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly I hope it's viral marketers, shills and shitposters obviously won't change their minds, but the idea that honest anons vehemently defend Epic to their dying breath makes me sad. For what, Fortnite? The Unreal Engine? At least consolegays have positive associations with the company that makes their favorite game series, and it's understandable they'd be soft on them e.g. Pokemon, Mario, Halo, etc. I just don't see how a consumer would give a frick about the 30% cut.
      I betg most industries are way worse then that. Pic related

      • 9 months ago

        >entered a typo right as I submitted

      • 9 months ago

        one industry being shit doesn't make the other better
        frick the epic games store as well as steam, the same monopoly based tactics.
        the 30% just had sense on retail by letting you basic download space, not a download which you paid before hand to publish and give to the server costs.

        • 9 months ago

          >the 30% just had sense on retail
          It was 50% or more on retail. Cope and seethe.

          • 9 months ago

            it was 30%
            the 30% came from the store, manufacturing and more, most games had advertisements, shell space, sometimes even transportation and publicity

            Steam wasn't the first digital store front, and GFWL and gog came out before steam became a juggernaut. Literally skill issue

            they came after steam existed and when steam was more known and started to sell more, it wasn't an skill issue, people in general should be buying from a variety of stores like gog and itch (frick epic) and to recognize steam issues to not generate monopolies.

            >most platforms just put the games there without giving priority to the ones with most sales so people always see a variety of games which in turn causes an increase of sales of not known games
            Which platforms are we talking about?

            Because Steam BY FAR has the most mature and extensive discoverability opportunities across the damn industry.

            discovery opportunities which have the same issue of putting the best sold instead of just putting the games randomly.
            the literal same issue.

            well let's just take a look at EGS's front page right now

            oh weird, big AAA titles highlighted over indie games


            one industry being shit doesn't make the other better
            frick the epic games store as well as steam, the same monopoly based tactics.
            the 30% just had sense on retail by letting you basic download space, not a download which you paid before hand to publish and give to the server costs.

            • 9 months ago

              EGS is another storefront. Unless you have an actual example of other storefronts being popularity-agnostic or whatever the frick your schizo brain came up with as a reason why Steam going out of its way to highlight indie games specifically is a bad thing actually

            • 9 months ago

              >discovery opportunities which have the same issue of putting the best sold instead of just putting the games randomly.
              Good games tend to sell decebtly therefore an algorithm that takes into account revenue made by a game helps surface good games. It's that fricking simple.

              Also, don't pretend any of these other platforms help indies out on the same scale Steam does. There are loads of indie success stories because they understood the opportunities Steam gave and took the initiative to take advantage of it. There hasn't been a single frickig indie on the EGS or PS store that exploded naturally outside of the ones already handpicked and curated by the platform holders. Meanwhile there are games on Steam journos or westerners have never even heard of yet have sold tremendously well because of Steam.

              • 9 months ago

                in fact I'm pretty sure an indie game this year hit it big specifically because of a NextFest (Dredge)

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah pretty much. Wih the combination of the Discovery Queue, Next Fests, themed festivals, the Steam algorithm, and loads of other shit Valve keeps iterating on, it's almost unfair how fricking robust Steam is in terms of discoverability.

            • 9 months ago

              >New service is less well known than existing service
              Literally every service to exist, that's not an excuse and steam was still small in 2007, if you're telling stores couldn't possibly complete then when steam concurrent players at 300k then they should just close their stores now that you get over 30 million concurrent players

        • 9 months ago

          by being the payment of the store space, the production

          what the hell are you saying, other platforms don't prioritize big games that pay them for big banner advertisements?

          most platforms just put the games there without giving priority to the ones with most sales so people always see a variety of games which in turn causes an increase of sales of not known games, instead of just putting the most sold ones and fricking this by making people which buy the more known products only and becoming accustomed to this.

          • 9 months ago

            >most platforms just put the games there without giving priority to the ones with most sales so people always see a variety of games which in turn causes an increase of sales of not known games
            Which platforms are we talking about?

            Because Steam BY FAR has the most mature and extensive discoverability opportunities across the damn industry.

          • 9 months ago

            well let's just take a look at EGS's front page right now

            oh weird, big AAA titles highlighted over indie games

            • 9 months ago

              Witchfire is an indie game in your picrel
              >inb4 frogshitter

          • 9 months ago

            well let's just take a look at EGS's front page right now

            oh weird, big AAA titles highlighted over indie games

            now let's take a peek over at what Steam has chosen to highlight

            big popular titles up top, sure, but hey look at that, an entire festival dedicated to a genre largely dominated by indie games in the modern era


            • 9 months ago

              filled with best sold games instead of a game from the genre it talks about aka 2D SHOOTERS
              there isn't any blue revolver or crimzon clover up there like it should be but fricking gungeon and twin stick shooters which sold a lot, it's the literal issue i'm talking about.
              most stores just put the games at random and you would get one twin stick shooter on the middle of the store, revolver on the first page or the second, crimzon on the first and any other random cases on a more general store which just puts the titles randomly.

              EGS is another storefront. Unless you have an actual example of other storefronts being popularity-agnostic or whatever the frick your schizo brain came up with as a reason why Steam going out of its way to highlight indie games specifically is a bad thing actually

              it's a shitty one which tries the same monopoly tactics as steam, thus shit.
              my issue with steam highlighting is because steam uses it to hide the real issue which is that it doesn't give a random placement on the store like a normal store should fricking do.

              • 9 months ago

                a lot of the top-highlighted titles have very few reviews, so it's clearly not just the best-selling or most popular titles (despite Gungeon being there too)

              • 9 months ago

                >few reviews
                1 game has them, the other have 5x more reviews than the 2d shooters which are the genre the fest talks about.
                a game which in general could be selling a lot and people aren't reviewing at the moment, that's my issue of steam.
                your image reflects that shit perfectly

                >discovery opportunities which have the same issue of putting the best sold instead of just putting the games randomly.
                Good games tend to sell decebtly therefore an algorithm that takes into account revenue made by a game helps surface good games. It's that fricking simple.

                Also, don't pretend any of these other platforms help indies out on the same scale Steam does. There are loads of indie success stories because they understood the opportunities Steam gave and took the initiative to take advantage of it. There hasn't been a single frickig indie on the EGS or PS store that exploded naturally outside of the ones already handpicked and curated by the platform holders. Meanwhile there are games on Steam journos or westerners have never even heard of yet have sold tremendously well because of Steam.

                and good games sometimes don't sell by the genre being niche and people not knowing about them, shitty games wouldn't sell by bad reviews, they don't need to downplaced by games which are put up there by people which by lack of experience buy things of low quality or a big company.
                by that logic ea games are excellent games just because normalgays buy the yearly fifa.
                those games which sold "well" were sold by external publicity and aren't a reflection of steam helping those games but by someone else shilling it or even journos uphelding it by following their biases instead of the general public playing it at all or not having a critical view of them.

                >New service is less well known than existing service
                Literally every service to exist, that's not an excuse and steam was still small in 2007, if you're telling stores couldn't possibly complete then when steam concurrent players at 300k then they should just close their stores now that you get over 30 million concurrent players

                300k is better than 0 at the start.
                that is an enough advantage, i don't have issues with steam being the dominant platform but that with it can generate a monopoly which will generate a worse outcome for pc games.

              • 9 months ago

                which sold well*
                sorry for the parenthesis.

              • 9 months ago

                >but that with it can generate a monopoly
                This again.
                Look at

                Tims twitter is a goldmine

                And you'll realize Steam isn't even close to a monopoly.
                >but those are different platforms!
                Mobile is where the money is at.

              • 9 months ago

                steam could become a monopoly of the pc game market, that's my issue in general.

                Vkd3d-proton didn't exist before valve, Vulkan extensions needed for games for shit like Witcher 3 probably wouldn't exist without valve, and dxvk devs wouldn't have the chance to dedicate themselves to the project of not employed by valve, then you have shit like kernel anti cheat and HDR support and fsync and gamescope and who knows what else

                Anything under a thousand isn't a huge seller regardless of your headcanon that hundreds of thousands of people might buy a game but only a few hundred leave a review

                one review is leaved each 63 sales on average
                it is a huge seller in comparison to 2d shooters as it sold 58,000 sales at least from review statistics.
                the other released today and 4000 people reviewed it, and this is by the bias of reviews being made a week after a games release normally
                these games sell well, most 2d shooters aka real shooters get 300 reviews making for 18900 sales.
                it's a real sales bias, games should just be put randomly and solve the issue on the first place by letting the free market making non advertised games have the same outcome.
                in comparison, crimzon clover world ignition which has 7 years before world explosion and is an excellent game sold 71001 copies only
                10100.1 copies each year
                there's a bias here.

              • 9 months ago

                >steam could become a monopoly of the pc game market
                Microsoft would never let that happen. Because that's M$ long term goal. You'd sooner see the Xbox gaming division close down than Steam become a monopoly. Your complaint is, unfortunate to say since its a food analogy, like the Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi dilemma. Is CC a monopoly? Some would say yes, but brand recognition does not equate to a monopoly.

              • 9 months ago

                it's not a bias, they just slapped anything with the (user-generated) Shoot-Em-Up tag in the event


              • 9 months ago

                >Use a worse service or steam might become a monopoly
                Why should consumers care here?

              • 9 months ago

                >worse service
                gog and itch are good services, they let you manage library, have drm free games and are nice services which make search easy, the only thing they don't have is software but they are basic services which most operative systems already have or are part of the game like controller support (something which steam uses by using the xinput standard

                >it's just that steam could become one
                No, they cannot. They don't have the potential to become a monopoly in the red ocean of hardware because their main marketshare is in PC, which is significantly smaller compared to mobile. Think of the numerous chinks, pajeets, and slavs that all use phones. It's billions of people. Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone has a laptop, a prebuilt, or a custom PC. For Steam to step towards becoming more than a market leader, they need to cripple the American mobile market leaders + foreign market leaders like tencent. A monopoly is not happening.

                they can do it on pc which is still a market, a monopoly is just having dominance on a certain industry and destroying all of the competition, something that steam could do on the pc market

                you really have no idea the difference between paying someone to do something specific and someone fooling around with open source development in their free time, do you?

                there isn't any difference, a open source person normally is someone who is interested and will make a great effort to make it, and this is without financial incentives to support more sells by making basic fixes for a driver which even if it gets you 1% more sales it will be by making 0.05% extra effort to make your game run on wine or just being on linux og.

                >It could maybe possibly exist!
                Yeah the sky is the limit, but here in the real world what we have has been mostly made by full time developers, and anything that would exist otherwise as a hobby project would be way behind than things are now, and things like Vulkan extensions or desks with EAC and BE couldn't have been done by random people either

                they could have been done like with opengl functions which were done on linux and wine.
                the same point, we live on the real world where these things were done on linux, graphic api's aren't fricking magic they are just general functions which work on linux and wine just uses a wrapper to translate basic functions, that's it, it isn't rocket science.

              • 9 months ago

                there is a huge difference, are you an actual child?

              • 9 months ago

                no, it's just that itch.io and gog functions are good and don't require specific software to function because they are already software functions for them or don't need any storefront specific software at all.
                put a real argument

                steam doesn't set game prices publishers do

                they could force a certain price tag if they become a monopoly or they could do worse and increase the cut and forcing devs onto worst deals or to increase prices.
                a monopoly means no competition anon

              • 9 months ago

                >a monopoly means no competition anon
                Ok and how would valve prevent others from competing? Are they going to buy Microsoft and prevent everyone from releasing stores on windows?

              • 9 months ago

                >they can do it on pc
                Steam is already a market leader on PC. They literally cannot become a monopoly because the market is already saturated with GoG, Epic, and Microsoft. To become a monopoly, Valve needs to step into the mobile market and aggressively shut down everybody else. But they haven't done that. Your illogical concern that they'll become a monopoly is like those old-fashioned blinkers they used to put on horses so they can only see straight and not see everything around them.

              • 9 months ago

                They are lacking features from steam and gog doesn't support Linux, unlike itch and steam. I don't think itch has any sort of drm free policy and I'd expect most games that are drm free there to also be drm free on steam when the game is in both

                gog and itch are web browser stores, they give the installers to download and that's it, on itch there is still the issue of people putting drm but that can be fixed by someone not buyin for shit drm games, they can give cheaper deals than steam and have unique games as well by dev choice.

                they could kill the others by other people not buying from them and killing them, making for a monopoly
                you are saying: >no, they cannot become a monopoly, they do monopoly tactics and kill the other small storefronts or make their userbases so thin that they get all of the control of the digital pc market

                >a monopoly means no competition anon
                Ok and how would valve prevent others from competing? Are they going to buy Microsoft and prevent everyone from releasing stores on windows?

                by making them go bankrupt or to be so meaningless that no one is in them

                Graphics apis have limits, why do you think Kronos made Vulkan? And even then extensions have to be made as limitations are found there as well

                yeah, my point is that the vulkan function translation for wine could have been done without valve something that is true

                Storefront monopolies are a joke, but Nvidia really needs a serious competitor that can force them to drive innovation.

                storefront monopolies aren't a joke, they are big things which can kill studies, increase the price of games and make for shitty deals for everyone involved.

              • 9 months ago

                can kill*

              • 9 months ago

                gog is not just a web store they have their own client like steam and it doesn't require games to be DRM free just as itch doesn't, where is the benefit?

              • 9 months ago

                Who was going to make the necessary Vulkan extensions? You need to be a Kronos member to even suggest them and that costs money, and again shit would be way behind still, and the gap would just keep increasing over time as new shit gets developed. Now go check the current shape of wine's Vulkan backend

              • 9 months ago

                They are lacking features from steam and gog doesn't support Linux, unlike itch and steam. I don't think itch has any sort of drm free policy and I'd expect most games that are drm free there to also be drm free on steam when the game is in both

              • 9 months ago

                >gog doesn't support Linux
                there's no linux version of gog galaxy, but linux versions of games can be distributed on gog

              • 9 months ago

                Graphics apis have limits, why do you think Kronos made Vulkan? And even then extensions have to be made as limitations are found there as well

              • 9 months ago

                homosexual leftists huffing their own farts and high on their own delusions of grandeur as per usual

              • 9 months ago

                >steam could become a monopoly of the pc game market, that's my issue in general.
                Valve is privately owned, and that fact alone mitigates a lot of the bad things about monopolies.

              • 9 months ago

                being privately owned can still make a monopoly, if they kill all other store fronts they could remove sales over time and make games cost even more than physical by accustoming new users to the high costs or to lesser sales or to just make for awful paid features

              • 9 months ago

                steam doesn't set game prices publishers do

              • 9 months ago

                Gabe is satisfied with the status quo because steam is a money printing machine. He could be making 10x as much by israeliteing customers and his lifestyle wouldn't change at all, so he'd rather divert his efforts to being pro-consumer for all the goodwill it generates for him and his company. This is the benefit of being privately owned, a benevolent owner can forgo profits for customer satisfaction. A publically traded company will inevitably israelite its customers because stock owners want proffits to increase every year so their investment grows.

              • 9 months ago

                he could become israeli at any point anon, he already started israeliteing out by paid mods, private ownership even if better won't stop a person from making a monopoly if there isn't any competition, even worse when valve could use monopoly tactics like using his high values funds to give free shit or put games at extremely low prices through cheap licenses or to give cheap game publishing at any point and then closing the market off with that.

                gog is not just a web store they have their own client like steam and it doesn't require games to be DRM free just as itch doesn't, where is the benefit?

                yeah but it's very optional and isn't needed at all for gog and his functions to work.
                gog if i remember has to have all of their games on their storefronts to be drm free or they cannot be on the store, unless they are lying that's a point for gog.

                steam's "DRM" is so easy to crack that I was able to do that shit as a child

                drm being easy to crack doesn't mean that it wasn't there before, any game shouldn't have any kind of drm on any way, shape or form.

                Who was going to make the necessary Vulkan extensions? You need to be a Kronos member to even suggest them and that costs money, and again shit would be way behind still, and the gap would just keep increasing over time as new shit gets developed. Now go check the current shape of wine's Vulkan backend

                by not asking an extension, you just need to translate the already existing functions from direct3d to vulkan, something that just needs basic translations to vulkan functions.

              • 9 months ago

                If the extension wasn't needed then you wouldn't have companies going through the trouble of creating the extension and then having to also change it based on the feedback of other companies holy frick. Extensions are made because they are needed not for shits and giggles

              • 9 months ago

                It isn't a monopoly.

              • 9 months ago

                multiplayer games are allowed to have DRM on GoG they updated their stance last year also many new games REQUIRE the GoG galaxy client, it is no longer optional for many newer games

              • 9 months ago

                >any game shouldn't have any kind of drm on any way, shape or form.
                why the frick not? because you say so?

              • 9 months ago

                he should take it up with the publishers because it's their choice not the storefronts.

              • 9 months ago

                >paid mods
                god this was the most overreacted reddit bullshit I've ever seen.
                Valve were trying to make a system where modders could monetize some of their content in other games and the absolute morons thought they were making literally every mod into a paid one.
                That entire fiasco is the reason why you morons have to buy fricking microtransactions to customize your games and have far fewer options in doing that as well (e.g. no custom user made maps, no custom campaigns etc. only skins).
                Gamers deserve what AAA gaming has turned into.

              • 9 months ago

                We reached the paid mods endgame anyway. Just through patreon/dono paywalls and moronic discord modde cabals.

              • 9 months ago

                >any game shouldn't have
                the denial of reality is the very definition of delusion

              • 9 months ago

                >one review is leaved each 63 sales
                it's "left" btw

              • 9 months ago

                Anything under a thousand isn't a huge seller regardless of your headcanon that hundreds of thousands of people might buy a game but only a few hundred leave a review

              • 9 months ago

                >but that with it can generate a monopoly which will generate a worse outcome for pc games.
                Valve didn't have to employ any kind of anti-consumer practices to command marketshare. Their competition just decided to royally shoot themselves in the foot. Tim still thinks he can just force consumers to use EGS by taking games away from them and has never once considered using any of that money to improve his storefront or give anyone a real reason to use it beyond bringing cancerous platform warring shit to the PC landscape where it never existed before. This idea that Valve is a monopoly and bad for gaming is so fricking moronic. Every single alternative is run by money grubbing israelites and WORSE for gaming which is why steam is popular.

              • 9 months ago

                gog didn't shot themselves in the foot like itch.
                Epic games store should die by the monopoly practices they have, steam should be stopped before they start to make the service worse thanks to the chance of them getting the steam monopoly.

                Vkd3d-proton didn't exist before valve, Vulkan extensions needed for games for shit like Witcher 3 probably wouldn't exist without valve, and dxvk devs wouldn't have the chance to dedicate themselves to the project of not employed by valve, then you have shit like kernel anti cheat and HDR support and fsync and gamescope and who knows what else

                they would have existed by vulkan being open source and having people which can do API translations, a work that has been done on the first place on wine and could be repeated to do a vulkan solution, that's my point of steam making people believe that they are needed for things they can be done on open source, you are an example of it.

                steam could become a monopoly of the pc game market, that's my issue in general.

                one review is leaved each 63 sales on average
                it is a huge seller in comparison to 2d shooters as it sold 58,000 sales at least from review statistics.
                the other released today and 4000 people reviewed it, and this is by the bias of reviews being made a week after a games release normally
                these games sell well, most 2d shooters aka real shooters get 300 reviews making for 18900 sales.
                it's a real sales bias, games should just be put randomly and solve the issue on the first place by letting the free market making non advertised games have the same outcome.
                in comparison, crimzon clover world ignition which has 7 years before world explosion and is an excellent game sold 71001 copies only
                10100.1 copies each year
                there's a bias here.

                sorry for the slip of the finger 67 reviews.

                >steam could become a monopoly of the pc game market
                Microsoft would never let that happen. Because that's M$ long term goal. You'd sooner see the Xbox gaming division close down than Steam become a monopoly. Your complaint is, unfortunate to say since its a food analogy, like the Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi dilemma. Is CC a monopoly? Some would say yes, but brand recognition does not equate to a monopoly.

                M$ needs to die like a sack of shit, for that reason you shouldn't buy microgoyed products, i won't defend existing monopolies, it's just that steam could become one by the way they work at the moment.

              • 9 months ago

                >It could maybe possibly exist!
                Yeah the sky is the limit, but here in the real world what we have has been mostly made by full time developers, and anything that would exist otherwise as a hobby project would be way behind than things are now, and things like Vulkan extensions or desks with EAC and BE couldn't have been done by random people either

              • 9 months ago

                >it's just that steam could become one
                No, they cannot. They don't have the potential to become a monopoly in the red ocean of hardware because their main marketshare is in PC, which is significantly smaller compared to mobile. Think of the numerous chinks, pajeets, and slavs that all use phones. It's billions of people. Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone has a laptop, a prebuilt, or a custom PC. For Steam to step towards becoming more than a market leader, they need to cripple the American mobile market leaders + foreign market leaders like tencent. A monopoly is not happening.

              • 9 months ago

                you really have no idea the difference between paying someone to do something specific and someone fooling around with open source development in their free time, do you?

              • 9 months ago

                >same monopoly tactics as steam
                Such as? Being better than your competition does not make you a monopoly. There are plenty of storefronts to choose from and Epic seems to be the only company in the PC space employing monopolistic tactics.

              • 9 months ago

                the act of causing price drops by before capital to destroy the competition and getting into a dependency mechanism by making a social media and a lot more tools to force people on the ecosystem are tactics of a monopoly, all of the tactics that the epic shit games store uses are the ones who steam uses or used on the past except from making third party store exclusives through contract (and this is with a lack of investigation, i don't know if they have made third party exclusives or not).

      • 9 months ago

        Looks like I should be a sales agent.

      • 9 months ago

        original budget: 80% of it spent on marketing

    • 9 months ago

      No, it's not.
      You are on Ganker, this board is NOTHING but flame wars 24/7 From games, consoles, and all the way down to /misc/
      One homosexual alone would happily make these threads for a year cause he knows he is gonna get (you)s

    • 9 months ago

      Its funny that they ever thought people would give a single frick about the cut devs get, especially since games on EGS are the same price as they are on steam, and some times even MORE expensive on EGS

      • 9 months ago

        Epic visibly dont give a frick about the consumer, they treat them as moronic cattle whose voices can be ignored

    • 9 months ago

      You also never see anyone complaining about Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Google, and Apple doing the same thing

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >disrupt Steam's organic traffic
        Shilling isn't the solution to budge anyone out of Steam. Too bad Tim can't learn from this.

    • 9 months ago

      Steam is actually a worthwhile service compared to many other digital distributions platforms. Yes there are some consequences and questionable design choices and bloat, but its competitors are largely lacking for regular use. EGS is an easy example but it lacked a shopping cart for YEARS when people wanted that shit, all the while Tim was rambling on about dead set being a competitor.

      Retail was eating up way more than 30% too, so it's hardly the worst.

    • 9 months ago

      It's funny how Valve taxes you on it multiple times too.
      > Buy TF2 key (30% tax + local tax applied at checkout)
      > Sell key on market place (Pay the same 30% tax to Valve a second time)
      > "W-w-hy are gaymurrrs using third party sites to sell inventory items?" - Gay Ben

  30. 9 months ago


    >steam uses his own propietary drm which is inherently on all of the games
    its not on all games

  31. 9 months ago

    Scheme is a cult

  32. 9 months ago


    it's not anymore DRM than GoG is DRM, half life 2 has DRM, that does not mean that the entirety of the steam store has DRM, if a developer doesnt elect add DRM to their game you can install it and run the game without steam or an Internet connection even installed on your PC and you can copy the files anywhere you want and play from the exe. you don't even know what you're talking about.

  33. 9 months ago

    why does nobody ever mention the fact that you can simultaneously sell your game on other storefronts?

  34. 9 months ago


    >steam uses his own propietary drm which is inherently on all of the games
    it literally is not, there are hundreds of games that can be launched entirely independent of Steam once downloaded

  35. 9 months ago


    >something which happened by globalization and asians being enticed to play pc games by streamers, steam didn't do shit aside from shitty local lang options which aren't good for shit.
    You are fricking moronic.

    Watch this.

    Asia is HEAVY cash-based society. Valve established so much shit with Steam gift cards, by the way gift cards wouldn't be possible or as prevalent without the 30% cut, that allowed them to grow Steam so quickly in these regions. And yes, these hapoened BEFORE vtumors were ever a thing.

  36. 9 months ago

    I will not use your platform no matter how many times you shill it chink

  37. 9 months ago

    It helps that Steam's model is not capable of charging you more money than your game made in revenue

    • 9 months ago

      making money from your games is a bit capitalistic and problematic don't you think? it's better if all the proceeds go to Unity as they can make better use of it to save the world

  38. 9 months ago

    Seems like valve has healthy business model and does not need to resort on shitty tactics to make money, like goy pass or epic games. In addition they provide actual useful function with their frontend, like overlay, controller integration, couch mode, proton, chat, servers, etc ... Like gabe himself said, piracy is service issue.

    • 9 months ago

      >they provide actual useful function with their frontend, like overlay, controller integration, couch mode, proton, chat, servers
      seriously, i don't WANT to use steam but it's literally the best option 99% of the time because of all the functional shit they provide. remote play especially, but thankfully that works even with things you didn't purchase through Steam

  39. 9 months ago

    Yeah, their store should be free for developers, just like Playsta- I mean Micros- uh...

  40. 9 months ago


    >wait a month and you will see that they won't run for shit

  41. 9 months ago

    Because no dev should be angry at Unity for money reasons. The costs are still peanuts compared to the earnings you should be aiming to get. They should be angry at Unity for the manner the change was rollout'd which should make people question if the company is run by a bunch of monkeys. At the very least you know that Steam will still be there 10 years from now, the same cannot be said about Unity.

    • 9 months ago

      No, some devs should definitely be angry about the money

      • 9 months ago

        >unity takes more than 100% of your revenue

      • 9 months ago

        >revenue per download
        >graph caps out at 1$
        so as long as you're not giving your game away for free then it's basically a non-issue? sucks to be an f2p developer I guess

        • 9 months ago

          >not allowed to give your own game out
          >can be charged any amount of money at any time based on data you aren't privy to
          sounds really good

          • 9 months ago

            This guy is a genius comedian of truth and justice. 5 star post and such my friend.

        • 9 months ago

          >it's basically a non-issue?
          The thing is that their idea was supposed to "work" retroactively, maybe this way you can see where the real issue lies.

  42. 9 months ago

    Epic shills literally have nothing other than the whole "30%" argument.

  43. 9 months ago

    Because that's how stores work you fricking schizo? While Valve has done this since the dawn of time, Unity waited until it was in extremely popular use to pull this shit (let alone a rug-pull like this being unheard of in the game engine world).
    Now stop posting this shit, chang.

  44. 9 months ago

    Because ultimately the 30% tax doesn't impact the consumer. You are literally asking end users to sacrifice convenience for the sake of companies and corporations. While I agree that monopolies are almost always bad and the current state of GPU market evidences this Valve did nothing to break its users trust.

  45. 9 months ago

    Steam takes no cut if you generate a key or grant a copy to an account. You can sell those, allowing you to utilize their services for 0% cut. The only thing they require is that you also sell through their store at the same (or lower) price.
    >but everyone will buy it on their store anyway then!

  46. 9 months ago

    Given how Timmy is permenantly online, you know he is in this thread.
    Frick you Timmy

  47. 9 months ago

    there's alternative platforms that take a smaller tax + tip yet publishers and devs keep putting their games on steam. curious, guess it's worth it or something

  48. 9 months ago

    Because it was in the contract from the start you fricking buffoon.

  49. 9 months ago


    NextFests are specifically for indie games, I'm pretty sure

    • 9 months ago

      yeah, my point is that other platform show general games without sell bias and just put the game directly, indies will be more numerous than AAA ones so they will get more sales and be much more of a success there than on steam.
      next fests are just cloaks to keep steam as the dominant platform.

      Games don't need to use the steam API, and using the steam API doesn't forcefully lock the game to client, but it's only indies that care to make it optional. Void stranger came out this month and it doesn't need steam to run, shovel knight and hollow knight don't need it as far as I remember

      thanks for the info anon.

      • 9 months ago

        what the hell are you saying, other platforms don't prioritize big games that pay them for big banner advertisements?

  50. 9 months ago


  51. 9 months ago


    Games don't need to use the steam API, and using the steam API doesn't forcefully lock the game to client, but it's only indies that care to make it optional. Void stranger came out this month and it doesn't need steam to run, shovel knight and hollow knight don't need it as far as I remember

    • 9 months ago

      And even if some game quits due to steam not running, you can just drop this in the game directory and move on with your life https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator

    • 9 months ago

      I dunno how indie you might consider it, but Baldur's Gate 3 also doesn't have Steamworks. And CDPR games don't have DRM on Steam either.

  52. 9 months ago

    If running a video game storefront is so simple why hasn't anyone been as successful as steam? It's been over a decade already

    • 9 months ago

      Cult of personality. Same reason troonytale was successful.

    • 9 months ago

      because the other competitors don't have the same market share beforehand, still they are on a good spot.
      go to itch.io and gog, don't go to the epic store tho, that's bullshit.

      • 9 months ago

        Steam wasn't the first digital store front, and GFWL and gog came out before steam became a juggernaut. Literally skill issue

    • 9 months ago

      These greedy gamers expect more than just a program where you pay us. We already wasted resources adding a library to our store, and they still want more!

  53. 9 months ago

    >another chinkcel/timmybot anti-steam thread

    Still not using your crap give it a rest homo.

  54. 9 months ago

    the last time valve did a woopsie was "Paid Mods"
    just search for that.

  55. 9 months ago

    because they offer a service that's worth 30%
    also you aren't a dev why do you care?

  56. 9 months ago

    Valve hasn't unilaterally added a recurring fee for something that they don't do anything to assist with.

    Could you imagine Valve charging for local game saves? That's the kind of frickery that Unity is pulling.

  57. 9 months ago

    I can't believe Tim Sweeney still comes to Ganker every day to personally attack Steam and indirectly shill EGS.

  58. 9 months ago

    30% is the industry standard
    there would be massive backlash if valve said, hey frick you we're going to retroactively nickle and dime you for every install

  59. 9 months ago

    >gaming industry
    We're not part of the gaming industry, moron. We're consumers, and Valve does good by us. That's literally all that's required of anyone selling something, strange that the rest of your bosses can't figure that out. The customer is king, Black person. Every other industry knows it, why does the gaming industry think they're different?

  60. 9 months ago

    Find me a store that doesn't sell with a profit margin, I dare you. It's literally how stores stay in business

  61. 9 months ago

    Why hasn't little Timmy made his own Epic Deck yet?

  62. 9 months ago

    Valve literally made gaming on Linux a viable thing.
    If it weren't for Gaben's big risk you'd all likely be forced to play on the Microsoft Windows 11™ Game Store with Remote Attestation DRM right now.

    • 9 months ago

      you would have the chance of playing on linux by most games running well on wine, the proton based fixes already existed on modified wine versions, it's just that steam put them together and just got to do basic fixes at most.
      this would have been done faster and better if steam wasn't there by people seeing the issue and fixing it instead of falling back on a company which will inherently take more time to fix games.

      • 9 months ago

        Vkd3d-proton didn't exist before valve, Vulkan extensions needed for games for shit like Witcher 3 probably wouldn't exist without valve, and dxvk devs wouldn't have the chance to dedicate themselves to the project of not employed by valve, then you have shit like kernel anti cheat and HDR support and fsync and gamescope and who knows what else

      • 9 months ago

        there really is no pleasing you people, huh?

        • 9 months ago

          i just said the truth that compatibility for most games on wine is alright and would have been made better if people didn't depended on a company and made wine better on the first place.

    • 9 months ago

      >Valve literally made gaming on Linux a viable thing.
      i remember back in the days before proton when I was gaming on linux and had to open the windows version of steam to play windows steam games. I could game just fine, but steam made it less convenient. Now steam has solved the problem it caused by allowing users to run windows games in the linux client, and people think this is what made linux gaming possible in the first place somehow.

  63. 9 months ago


    >sorry for being moronic on this aspect
    good on you for admitting. have a nice one.

  64. 9 months ago

    >ENTIRE gaming industry goes ballistics and grabs them by the balls
    elaborate? im pretty sure no one cared really

  65. 9 months ago

    Tims twitter is a goldmine

    • 9 months ago

      Epic isn't mentioned because it belongs to tencent. Timmy is just a western subsidiary.

    • 9 months ago

      >tim setting off alarms over israelitegle and apple
      >dead silent about tencent
      >dodges even speaking valve's name like gabe is a harry potter villain

      • 9 months ago

        His inability to say any criticism even constructive criticism about tencent should tell you who really holds the moneybags for his company.

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking ea and activision is wealthier than steam a bit surprising since they do actually spend the money on development and marketing and steam mostly only collects taxes

      • 9 months ago

        Valve probably sinks the large majority of their revenue back into Steam and Proton development. Competent Linux programmers ain't cheap, let alone those talented enough to actually push the envelope forward.

        • 9 months ago

          That Norwegian guy who helps out with Vulkan and resulted in AAA slop like Starfield running better on linux compared to windows is worth his weight in gold.

      • 9 months ago

        >wealthier than steam
        Keep in mind this is revenue, not profit. Sony makes a lot of money, but they also spend a lot of money to make their AAAA videogames.
        Technically Xbox is "negative 70 billion" after the acquisition of Activision.
        Nintendo has way higher margins than both, they are swimming in money right now.
        And Valve has like 300 employees and doesn't even make videogames. They are rich as frick.

    • 9 months ago

      >doesn't say shit about tencent
      lul nice going timmy

    • 9 months ago

      >The company in position #10
      Dude can't even say Valve's name. Kek what a b***h.

  66. 9 months ago

    Can someone less economically moronic than myself find what percent of the game market EGS currently holds? Have their hyperagressive and dishonest business practices achieved anything since 2018?

    • 9 months ago

      it's extremely negligible, games just don't fricking sell on the thing

    • 9 months ago

      EGS isn't profitable if you exclude the revenue generated from fortnite because exclusivity deals and game giveaways are not sustainable with a messily 12% cut from non-existent sales. It's been years of the same strategy trying to gain market share, and it isn't working. Several publishers like Square Enix have even come to the realization that EGS exclusivity is harmful to their IPs because their games lose relevance by the time they become available on Steam multiple years since the initial console release. Triple dipping doesn't work.

      • 9 months ago

        >Several publishers like Square Enix have even come to the realization that EGS exclusivity is harmful to their IPs because their games lose relevance
        Thr fact that people forget the entire Kingdom Hearts trilogy was ported is a testament to how poor the EGS name is.

        • 9 months ago

          It's literally like a marketing black hole. I didn't even know darkest dungeon had a sequel that had been out for years at this point because it was EGS exclusive.

  67. 9 months ago

    With steam, you are earning money and you have the better part of the deal too. With unity, you are just loosing money especially since you are also paying to use the engine in the first place. Its not rocket science OP

  68. 9 months ago

    Because Unity already charged $2000 per year per dev PC. They want to double dip.

  69. 9 months ago

    >le evil corporation is stealing my hard earned profits!
    >I will sell the game on le good communist site (0.0% fee)
    >wtf why is my game not selling

    • 9 months ago

      you point out an obvious problem with this kind of market gatekeeper but act like it's somehow a good thing done by the gatekeeper

      • 9 months ago

        >30 %
        And? Steam delivers an insane service. As a publisher you literally just drag and drop your game onto the Steam server and that's it. Also, all Steam codes the publisher sells or the publisher's reseller have no Steam "tax". Steam literally just charges for games that are bought on their launcher directly.

        Steam gives so much stuff in return, that complaining about the 30 % is just moronic.

        Just look at Baldur's Gate 3. Larian can literally push updates all the time, do everything they want to improve their game, and Steam literally makes sure everything will work.

        I think 30 % is an insanely cheap deal for
        >providing all the download speed
        >providing all the forum moderation
        >providing the whole infrastructure
        >promoting your game

        If you think that's nothing, just create your own launcher and see the reality. Especially if you have to deal with millions of customers, one "minor" problem can become a tsunami of millions of people complaining if something goes wrong.

        • 9 months ago

          i don't give much of a frick about the fee. I was talking about how your game will probably not sell if it's not on steam and how people think that's a good thing

  70. 9 months ago

    >Why the FRICK does Valve get a pass?
    because they were not only the first but still the only game store that gives discounts, lets you refund games and just fukken werks
    i'll unironically buy a game instead of just pirating it if it's cheap enough on Steam, just to save the bullshit of actually having to pirate it, update it, mod it etc without steam

  71. 9 months ago

    The problem with Unity is not the pricing model they chose but how they chose to force it on developers who were previously given a better pricing model. Valve did nothing of the kind so no one is upset at valve.

  72. 9 months ago

    Maybe because Steam feels like a store that I can trust. I've been on Steam since The Orange Box and never once has Steam FRICKED me. I also don't believe Steam ever will.

    Epic Game Store doesn't have nearly a quarter of the customer friendly functions Steam has and it added another fricking launcher which gamers universally HATE

    We don't need another store we have Steam, frick off

  73. 9 months ago

    Reminder that Steam gift cards and Steam keys wouldn't be possible without the 30% cut.

    • 9 months ago

      Regional pricing, too.

  74. 9 months ago

    Steam didn't try to pull the same shit that Unity did -- charging the dev every time a player installs a game.

  75. 9 months ago

    Why don't people complain about every other platform taking 30%? Why is it only steam that needs to lower their cut?

  76. 9 months ago

    the source engine isn't theirs?

  77. 9 months ago


  78. 9 months ago

    you know i was just thinking

    what if you sold your game on steam for 5 dollars, but then you sell a separate 'dlc' on your own website for 55 dollars that contains most of the actual game? won't you be able to dodge the 30% that way?

    • 9 months ago

      Can't dodge the cost of maintaining your little store in the long run. You need to pull a Jap bankruptcy if you ran out of money (rename your company and pick up your assets again for zero yen as demonstrated by a particular hentai game company.)

    • 9 months ago

      Assuming it's not already against some TOS somewhere, Steam would crack down on that pretty quick I feel. Even if they didn't, people are so spoiled by launchers/consoles being hit button, get game, that it'd probably hurt sales more than it'd save them from the Gaben tax

    • 9 months ago

      And how would people download and update the "dlc" then?

  79. 9 months ago

    Steam is not a monopoly, but everyone would be better off if it was. Valve should also charge 40% of you LGBTP shits to fund more Linux development.

  80. 9 months ago

    >They only have a storefront
    You fricking doughnut. At the bare minimum they also have a servers to actually fricking distribute (aka download) the games.
    Every fricking shop in the world has sells things at a higher price in order to make money in order to keep the shop running at the very least. So it's either 30% tax, raised base cost of every game, or Steam no longer exists.
    I think brand loyalty is pretty fricking moronic but if I were to be loyal to any corporation it would be Valve. If they went public I wouldn't but until then Gaben is God.

    • 9 months ago

      Bandwidth is incredibly cheap, so that's not really a great argument. I don't think 30% is a big deal anyway though since it's what pretty much everything charges (consoles, mobile, retail, etc).

      • 9 months ago

        it's cheap on a small scale but distributing thousands of terabytes a day globally adds up

      • 9 months ago

        bandwidth may be cheap but servers, storage, real estate and employees aren't

      • 9 months ago

        it's cheap on a small scale but distributing thousands of terabytes a day globally adds up

        it was about 44 billion gigabytes in 2022

  81. 9 months ago

    honestly i kinda hate steam and really wish something would replace it
    idk i just don't like that it's basically a 20 year old social media platform, i don't care for the community, steam groups, points store profile customizing etc, i just want a platform with a store, games, and a friends list
    also i really fricking hate the dumb trading cards and other inventory clutter bullshit frick i hate it so much no i don't want trading cards, no i don't want to flex paid skins, no i don't want to do trading, no i don't want an inventory full of bullshit shitty cosmetics from fricking cs, tf2, don't starve, rust, etc

    • 9 months ago

      so just ignore those things?

    • 9 months ago

      sounds like a you problem. i just click on the game on the store to buy game, click on game in my library to play game or browse workshop for mods. i ignore everything else and steam just works without any problems

    • 9 months ago

      Just set your profile to max privacy settings and never deal with the social media bullshit again.

    • 9 months ago

      >social platform
      I set my friends to offline and load straight to library on startup, turning off all notifications aside from download completion. Been comfy since 2013.

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks to steam I can buy online games with money from trading. I still pirate single players though unless there is a huge discount offer, again, thanks to steam.

  82. 9 months ago

    nobody likes the 30% tax steam does but it's literally the best platform both in tools and audience reach.

    This dogshit game was about to hit a 8k peak and due to hitting the front page again while on sale spiked up to 15k players for a week which was hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales even after the tax

    • 9 months ago

      >nobody likes the 30% tax steam does
      nobody actually fricking cares because it makes 0 difference to consumers

      • 9 months ago

        who cares about the consumers? We're talking about developers here moron

        • 9 months ago

          consumers are what drive the market so developers can suck a fat one, hence why platform exclusivity bullshit and catering to publishers over consumers does not work and EGS is still bleeding money

        • 9 months ago

          Why are you trying to talk about developers? Nobody here is a developer and nobody besides developers gives a shit about developers. Why does a dev making 18% less matter to me if the savings aren't passed onto me? I'm the consumer, i'm the one who decides which store succeeds, not frickin phil phish.
          Beyond that, shut the frick up making 70% of 1000 sales is still objectively better than making 88% of 10 sales. Steam has more users and consumers because its a better platform for consumers and offers more support for the products than any other store.

  83. 9 months ago

    imagine if valve was owned by tim sweeney

  84. 9 months ago

    >steam has always been doing the thing
    >unity only now starts to do the thing
    >why is everyone mad at unity right now instead of steam!?!?
    You are the most moronic type of poster

  85. 9 months ago
  86. 9 months ago

    >Want game on Xbox
    >Want game on Playstation
    >want game on Nintendy

    woooow it's literally nothing.

    • 9 months ago

      gog is an option

      If gamers weren't moronic there would be more stores like gog.

      • 9 months ago

        Gog doesn't offer me anywhere near the level of features that steam does.

        • 9 months ago

          those "features" of steam have no reason to be tied to a store

          • 9 months ago

            >Features that make gaming easier, more connected have no purpose on a game storefront

            • 9 months ago

              not sure what features you're talking about exactly, but they could probably integrate with a store while still being their own separate thing and thus work regardless of where you got your game. I was thinking of the workshop, steam link, and remote play

              • 9 months ago

                Workshop works as well as it does because it automatically organizations, sorts and downloads everything at once.
                This would not work near as seemless on a regular website.

              • 9 months ago

                it doesn't have to be a regular website to exist outside of a storefront

              • 9 months ago

                There is no reason why it should be multiple applications if the services can run on one platform.

              • 9 months ago

                the reason is that it wouldn't force you to buy a game in a certain store in order to use those features

              • 9 months ago

                Those features just wouldn't be included in the game.

      • 9 months ago

        gog also charges 30% genius

        • 9 months ago

          Don't lie steam marketing shill

          Gog doesn't offer me anywhere near the level of features that steam does.

          The little shiny extra features make you give up the essentials.
          Gamers are ngmi

          • 9 months ago

            There is no essentials.
            I've used Steam for longer than you've been alive and since you were in diapers.
            Never had an issue that was steams fault.
            This sounds like a (You) problem.
            Infact, being tied to steam actually saved my account in another online game when it got compromised since I still had access to it on steam due to being linked to my steam account.

          • 9 months ago

            >marketing shill
            >GOG.com offers indie developers a typical 70/30 split on revenue (meaning GOG.com takes 30% of the sale), as well as an option for an upfront payment to the developer, with GOG.com then taking 40% of the sales until the upfront payment has been covered, reverting the cost back to 30%
            who's the shill? you can't even be bothered to look up what you're talking about and instead defend a company based on nothing, and by the way GoG doesn't require DRM free on their platform either. many games on GoG have DRM.

            • 9 months ago

              There is no essentials.
              I've used Steam for longer than you've been alive and since you were in diapers.
              Never had an issue that was steams fault.
              This sounds like a (You) problem.
              Infact, being tied to steam actually saved my account in another online game when it got compromised since I still had access to it on steam due to being linked to my steam account.

              The Steam Drones are out in full force defending the honor of a platform that milks them for money. Gamers are NGMI

              How does Gaben's ass smell?

              • 9 months ago

                >Call someone a liar
                >Get BTFO'd with gays from GOG's own website
                kek, again my steam account is older than you are zoomzoom.
                please come back to this website when you're 18+

              • 9 months ago

                ironic considering you're the dumbass lying about a platform to suck it's ass when I was just stating facts.

                Did I insult the honor of your favorite merchant Gaben.

                You are the most pathetic people I know, fanboying a storefront.


              • 9 months ago

                Your game is shit.

              • 9 months ago

                I didn't even mention steam in my posts, that's how deranged and pathetic you are, it's a store to buy games from, why would I care lol.

              • 9 months ago

                ironic considering you're the dumbass lying about a platform to suck it's ass when I was just stating facts.

  87. 9 months ago

    Unironically speaking... Unreal is going on the same direction than Unity?

    • 9 months ago

      If Sweeney Timbuktu realizes that Unity can get away with it, he'll be screaming and screeching while quietly implementing it himself.

    • 9 months ago

      Unreal is really trying to be a true AAA engine, but it'll never happen on the scale Tim wants because AAA developers will never stop primarily using proprietary engines

  88. 9 months ago

    How much do you think Walmart takes when it sells a game ?

  89. 9 months ago

    I like Valve. I like Steam.

    • 9 months ago

      But gabe has fed friends

  90. 9 months ago

    >Best selling game of all time
    >had its own launcher
    >released solely on PC first
    >received 100% of their profits
    Idk moronic devs, what if you just idk made a better game?

    • 9 months ago

      But that requires effort and thinking! We want press button = your money lost!

  91. 9 months ago
  92. 9 months ago

    so does any platform other than steam have easily rebindable controller buttons?

  93. 9 months ago

    >steam users: 1 billion
    >gabes networth, 4 billion

    >epic games users: 2390 million
    >tim sweenys networth, 8 billion

    >gabes the israeli one

    huh. i wonder how tim made that money

    • 9 months ago

      Not trough epic games thats for sure. Wasn't he quite open about epic games being a money sink so far?

    • 9 months ago

      >2390 million
      So 2.3 times of the steam? Whats he complaining about

  94. 9 months ago

    do you have any idea how expensive data services are? youtube has still never turned a profit.

  95. 9 months ago

    >storefront monopolies aren't a joke, they are big things which can kill studies, increase the price of games and make for shitty deals for everyone involved.
    "No." 30% for a storefront is a business expense. If you can't afford that, your game was shit, and you deserve to go under. Studios aren't people. Nobody cares if they did. Play capitalism like the rest of the world.

    Of course, they could just go the route of not selling it on Steam, if it's actually good, like Minecraft. Thing is their game was never good.

  96. 9 months ago


    steam's "DRM" is so easy to crack that I was able to do that shit as a child

  97. 9 months ago

    >Why the FRICK does Valve get a pass?
    Because no on can make better store/launcher for some reason.
    >decided to check out epic store the other day
    >starts loading for 5 minutes without any indication of what's going on
    >instead of main page it wants me to log in now despite me using it a month prior and ticking the box "REMEMBER ME"
    >takes another 5 minutes because 2 factor authentication
    >finally get in and trying to browse some games
    >starts freezing and loading like I'm on 90s modem internet
    I don't care how much Valve charges developers. They can either pay 30% or I'll just pirate because it would be less hustle than trying to use some piece of shit launcher.

    • 9 months ago

      >Because no on can make better store/launcher for some reason.
      gog and itch
      maybe humble

    • 9 months ago

      another 5 minutes because 2 factor authentication
      at least it uses standard t-otp while steam requires its own app. how exactly does it take 5 minutes to open your otp app and write the six digits?

  98. 9 months ago

    Gamer get what they deserve, they deserve Steam. They also deserve what Steam is turning into.

  99. 9 months ago

    You answered your question yourself.
    Steam started with 30% cut and got a monopoly due to no competition.
    Unity provided a reasonable service and then suddenly change it.

  100. 9 months ago

    techically valve has Source Engine but that's semi-private with you needing to ask them to get it

  101. 9 months ago

    how the frick is this even a thread when valve has released 2 games recently?
    >inb4 muh NO VR AND CS2 DOESNT COUNT
    just because you're not playing them doesn't mean nobody else is

  102. 9 months ago

    Where's all the BCI shit Gaben's been working on? I don't wanna die

  103. 9 months ago

    The frick timmy gon do?

  104. 9 months ago

    >M-Muh 30 percent cut

  105. 9 months ago

    Steam isn't a monopoly, it's a market leader. 30% cut is also standard across most storefronts and platforms. Tim Epic's tactics for this fight never have and never will work. Instead of trying to make his product better to compete he tries and brings others down to his level.

  106. 9 months ago


    >wait a month
    >without it steam wouldn't work at all to link anything on the game itself
    amerimutt qtard

  107. 9 months ago

    Why do Valve live so rent free in people's minds?

    • 9 months ago

      In Timmy's mind, it pays 30% more rent.

  108. 9 months ago

    Valve has an engine, and their own games.

  109. 9 months ago

    >Why the FRICK does Valve get a pass
    Nobody is stopping you from making you own launcher and sell game directly.

    • 9 months ago

      It's the same leftist homosexuals and linux trannies making these threads verbatim back to back. don't bother with arguments, they'll just inundate you with leftist/marxist drivel and dishonest appeals to emotion or morals.

      • 9 months ago

        >linux trannies

        Linuxgays suck off Valve though? They're the ones more than happy with the 30% because the cash directly goes into their meme distros.

        • 9 months ago

          there are a lot of contrarian linuxsisters who hate valve because they are jealous about the big boy coming in and doing all their work for them in an orderly fashion, as opposed to allowing them to split their work between 200 literally who distros and discord servers

          • 9 months ago

            Those are just wingays false flagging, every Linuxgay I know are happy for steam giving a shit about them when literally every other platform store doesn't

            • 9 months ago

              you're underestimating how neurotic linuxotherkin are, they literally spend their time tinkering with an OS that makes everything you do more inconvenient

  110. 9 months ago

    Make your own store then.

  111. 9 months ago

    This is the free market you Black folk. Unity assumed people would be willing to put with their bullshit, the market slapped their ass.

    Valve created a service so above and beyond everyone else indieshitters can just bitterly suck it in and accept the 30% because it does mean something. The fact that it's still the same cut for almost 20 years now means the free market is satisfied with it no matter how much morons kvetch.

    • 9 months ago

      >The fact that it's still the same cut for almost 20 years now means the free market is satisfied with it no matter how much morons kvetch.
      Actually, they did change it some years back, but that was targeted strictly at the giant studios and big publishers. Past $10 million they only take 25%, and past $50 million they take 20%.

  112. 9 months ago

    imagine if epic actually improved their store and used the lower fees to cut costs for the consoomer instead of charging the exact same price as steam and thinking anyone gives a frick about x companies profit margins.

    • 9 months ago

      That's too hard, steam needs to reduce their cut or else it's unfair

    • 9 months ago

      Point is Steam can't be detroned. By definition. Like with all these digital services they prosper because of the monopolisation. First good service takes all marker
      >single os
      >single Facebook
      >single YouTube
      >single Twitter
      >single Steam
      You don't need more, user don't need bazillion services with content spread across them. User benefits from all content been in one place. So great attraction of monopolisation. Ofc course owner of the monopoly can frick up things and it falls apart. And then would be multitude of services competing, but this would never obtain succes o the first. You literally can't replicate success of the Steam. (Or YouTube.)
      Its core mistake Steam competion makes. There can't be 2 Steams.

      • 9 months ago

        >single Facebook
        Social media will always come up and down in cycles, it has before and it will continue to do such.
        Zoomers and gen alpha see facebook as a way to communicate with their parents.
        They aren't communicating with their friends on facebook. It's for old people.
        >single YouTube
        Video streaming is extremely unprofitable, actually. YouTube itself wasn't turning a profit until quite recently in the last few years.
        >single Twitter
        You mean the thing a billionaire manchild is directly running into the ground and everybody desperately wants off like a sinking ship?

        • 9 months ago

          >You mean the thing a billionaire manchild is directly running into the ground and everybody desperately wants off like a sinking ship?
          2 more weeks guys

        • 9 months ago

          >You mean the thing a billionaire manchild is directly running into the ground and everybody desperately wants off like a sinking ship?
          Like I said owner can destroy monopoly from inside. But. You can't enter same river twice. On remains of this monopoly there would be no new Twitter. There would would be multuide competing services who would never replicate former success.
          "Defeating steam" means compleat fragmentation of the market and no same success steam had. By default companies aiming with their stores to be 2 steam can't win.

          Its perfectly viable to seek to not pay steam sahre and sell game by yourself (thx internet and digital logistic costs and neglegibale). If.your game is good and stamps money it IS right desision. See Riot and LoL.

          But it's nonviable to try to grow into second Steam.

          • 9 months ago

            >There would would be multuide competing services who would never replicate former success.
            And eventually one will win out in popularity based off features offered etc. If Twitter breaks up, there will be a multitude of competing services, but eventually one will attract more new people, faster than others, based off the services it provides to their users.
            Then it'll spread by word of mouth to other people, and someone will eventually come out on top. There might even be mergers. Instagram for example, bought out by meta.

            • 9 months ago

              >And eventually one will win out in popularity based off features offered etc.
              No. Such total monopolisation only happens when industry starts. First bird gets all the glory. But when you restart market you have too many competion who understand already established market and therefore no service can offer decisive advantage. You can't enter same river twice. When there was your service and no or very bad competition. Now pool is filled with same sharks as you.

              • 9 months ago

                When the service is a communication platform, and social media, it's a lot different.
                Facebook was the first, now it's gone the way Facebook millennials treated myspace grandpas.
                Just because you don't use TikTok doesn't mean it isn't insanely popular among the youth. New generations tend to think shit old people used is lame, and uncool, and try to find their own place. Nobody wants their parents reading their social media posts when they're young, and new generations almost always have more people than previous ones, making them the eventual biggest slice of the market pie.

                Social Media is a bit different than a digital storefront, or a supermarket chain.

              • 9 months ago

                It's the same circle with TikTok.
                There is need for ADHD platform for ADHD zoomer brains... and TikTok came first served first. Same story for new market.
                And there would be no second TikTok.

              • 9 months ago

                >TikTok came first served first
                Vine came first.

              • 9 months ago

                Vine was thee trash though.

              • 9 months ago

                vine was SOVL

              • 9 months ago

                vine can't first, you are actually a moron and need to stop posting

      • 9 months ago

        >single Facebook
        lol wrong
        >single twitter
        I mean, threads tried but I don't think anyone but deranged lefties were asking for twitter only MORE censored
        >single YouTube
        it doesn't make them money
        >single OS
        in what respect? Linux is the main OS for many businesses and phones use it too
        >single steam
        it has competitors, albeit moronic ones.

  113. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Customers are king. I don't give a single frick about devs that can't compete in the industry.

      • 9 months ago

        hate this notion that because something or someone is big, they cannot be defended or you cannot advocate for them, childish persecution complex with a bit of underdog worship homosexualry

        If the million dollar company is still providing the best service even after over 20 years, maybe that's a sign that you should step up

        Who are you even arguing with morons?
        What do any of that has to do with you simping for billionaires?
        You getting paid mann co supply crate keys for those posts?
        Will they murder your family if you won't simp for companies for free?
        Or are you trying to fit in ebin Gankeridya Ganker culture by bringing up the indians and epic games at the sight of every anti steam post?

        Steam sucks dicks and so are you.


        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            nice retort dumbass

            • 9 months ago

              No need for a retort since you missed the point

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >moron trying to get the last word to win his imaginary Ganker fight

                >leftist is confronted with dissent on topic
                >projects by claiming that the person dissenting must have some kind of ulterior motive and cannot possibly be arguing sincerely
                >does not understand that people can have principles or argue for things even without ulterior gain, to the leftist everything is a moral consequentialist fight with no morals, hypocrisy or belief in anything inherent

                >moron bringing burger politics out of nowhere

                I forgot how much this place sucked.
                You go on your fruitless internet fights defending billionaires to own the imaginary enemies you made on your mind.
                I'll blacklist this shithole and hopefully never comeback.

              • 9 months ago

                Anon it's not about defending billionaires it's about refuting your bullshit arguments that you make in bad faith. As I said, you cannot fathom people making arguments and defending things in earnest, everything to you is some performative display of "defending x" or "condemning y" because you are a leftist narcissist with no inherent morals or convictions.
                >I'll blacklist this shithole and hopefully never comeback.
                LOL see you tomorrow anon

              • 9 months ago

                Cope/seethe/mald etc etc

        • 9 months ago

          why are you so mad at a store? lol this freak is literally seething

        • 9 months ago

          >leftist is confronted with dissent on topic
          >projects by claiming that the person dissenting must have some kind of ulterior motive and cannot possibly be arguing sincerely
          >does not understand that people can have principles or argue for things even without ulterior gain, to the leftist everything is a moral consequentialist fight with no morals, hypocrisy or belief in anything inherent

    • 9 months ago

      hate this notion that because something or someone is big, they cannot be defended or you cannot advocate for them, childish persecution complex with a bit of underdog worship homosexualry

    • 9 months ago

      If the million dollar company is still providing the best service even after over 20 years, maybe that's a sign that you should step up

  114. 9 months ago

    Based monopolist just doing what he does best.

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically though.

      The world would be a better place if the ~~*powers at be*~~ did close to nothing and just rendered the services expected of them and nothing more.

  115. 9 months ago

    >something happens
    >something unrelated doesn't happen
    >OP: WTF

  116. 9 months ago

    Why would customers (not consumers) care about back end pricing?

    All that matters is the retail price we pay. I don't see anyone offering 30% discounts anywhere...

  117. 9 months ago

    steam has progressive %

  118. 9 months ago

    Because Steam isn't just a store. It does a ton of shit you mostly are unaware of. I was without the internet a while back, I went to a friends house, had them download a game, then they made a backup of it with Steam, put it on a USB stick which I took home and used Steam to restore that backup. Boom now I can play that game.

    Can Epic Game Store do this? Can this be done on Xbox? On PS5? On Switch? No, of course it cannot. And Steam has tons of features like this you'll never be aware of until you need to use them. Not just for it's customers, but for developers too.
    Steam actually does things to earn it's 30%. Most other platforms do not.

  119. 9 months ago

    >Which one do you need steam so desperately for that you are willing to own none of the games you pay Volvo good money for?
    I own all of them, they're all backed up onto my system, and there is nothing stopping me from playing them without steam.

    • 9 months ago

      As long as it doesn't require steam DRM

      you own the DRM free games just as much as you own a physical disc you buy, just copy it to a USB drive or if you're autistic burn it to a disc, they cannot take the files from you.

      Yes Steam is useless bloatware a middleman that leaches money and exerts power over Gamer bros.

      • 9 months ago

        >steam DRM
        >stopping anybody
        >from playing anything
        >in the dawn of history
        >and mankind

      • 9 months ago

        point is whether you legally own them or not is irrelevant because they can't take the files away from you, you effectively own all of them aside from multiplayer titles that require a login regardless of steam and Denuvo games that aren't cracked. Steam has DRM free games and for games with steamworks DRM is barely a DRM at all, it's cracked for all of them.

        • 9 months ago

          That's how it is right now with most games.
          Some games require a server connection to work etc.

          Gamers are morons and won't stop this trend and even if Game streaming stays a pipedream, they are still able to stream parts of the game and have good performance.

          Largest aggregate of user reviews to determine if I'm going to like a game, or hate it before I even purchase it.
          Great window to be able to return purchases I do not want.
          Friendlists, which makes it as easy as the click of a button to invite my friends into my games, an overlay that allows me to directly communicate with my friends in a multitude of ways without having to alt-tab and exit my game.
          Linux support lets me game with my friends that do choose to run linux machines, or utilize the steam deck.
          best community workshop that makes it extremely simple for gamers to share their creations to change my game experience, without having to go through the heavily monetized subscription based cancer that is nexus games trying to shill you monthly subscriptions (They removed their lifetime subscription btw to be extra greedy), or suffer abhorrent download speeds.
          Allows for the creations of fleshed out mod lists that anybody can create and then pass to their friend, whom can instantaneously download it all at the click of a button. Making something like a custom project zomboid experience so easy even the moron in your friend group can set it up in a timely fashion before game night ends.

          This is barely scratching the service of what steam does offer its users, that you do not get anywhere else.

          >Largest aggregate of user reviews
          muh majority opinion

          plus that is the Fault of Gamer Chuds looking for that all in one app.

          You are still pretending like a launcher is a good thing while the only thing you praise is basically a online forum and communication app.

          Piracy is not morally superior, puhlease. I know you probably just figured out how to pirate like 2 days ago, but you'll come off that high and stop pretending that you're doing it for some kind of moral bullshit reasons eventually. Steam is not bloatware because it contains many useful and popular features and is overall a good convenience for any gamer to have.

          piracy is morally superior.
          piracy mean no filthy israeli producer that supports the destruction of what I like sees a cent of my money.

          >And now Devs have even less incentive
          they had literally ZERO incentive before anon
          the fact that fricking gamedevs are even TALKING about Linux being something that gamers actually use is HUGE progress, and you're simply exposing your ignorance of the topic with your nonsensical arguments.

          They had 0.1 before and now they have 0.00001

          I pirate every game unless the dev themselves sells it directly on their own website.

          • 9 months ago

            >muh majority opinion
            That would be if I was a moron who looked at "95% of the players liked it" instead of reading through multiple reviewers, and their experiencing playing the game, and take away from the gameplay video if I liked it or not.
            >only thing you praise is basically a online forum and communication app.
            Nope, I posted plenty more things in that post you didn't actually address because you're a seething moron who lies.

            • 9 months ago

              Yes a forum for video games is a good thing when looking for information about video games.
              And how does this justify a launcher?
              >Nope, I posted plenty more things
              Nothing that justifies a Launcher.
              All the things you mention can and are often replaced by other option.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nothing that justifies a Launcher.
                All those features combined into one program justifies a launcher.
                In fact, it's much preferable to not having it come in a launcher, web browsers are much more poorly optimized, and websites are just plain worse.
                Steam has a website right now, and it's worse to use in every way to the launcher, even basic shit like shopping.

              • 9 months ago

                >All those features combined into one program justifies a launcher.

                And this is why gamers deserve to own nothing.
                TS or even Discord and a gaming Forum is all you need to avoid a parasitic middleman.
                Steam combines these two features in one and Gamers bend over, because they are two lazy to open two apps instead of one.

                Gamers are the most pathetic consoomers.

              • 9 months ago

                >TS or even Discord and a gaming Forum is all you need to avoid a parasitic middleman.
                >have to alt tab out of the game to message my friend I'm playing something with while not on a call
                Or I could just press shift+tab, click my friends name and type him a message in the overlay, that's extremely useful.

                You haven't said why any of these features are bad
                why when Steam does it?

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah dude just sign up for 3-4 different things and deal with nexusmods being shit instead of one button installs, get on a discord or pay for a teamspeak and get a parsec account if you want to do local multiplayer over the internet
                >you're all consoomers by the way
                Contrarian or being a moron on purpose?

                You mouth breathing morons really deserve the way gaming is going.
                >I am too fat to click two icons instead of one
                Enjoy your ESG compliant goyslop that you don't even own and get socially engineered by Steams TOS.

              • 9 months ago

                >I use convenient platform, and it's multitude of features that save me time consistently
                not an argument
                >Enjoy your ESG compliant goyslop that you don't even own
                anon, Steam hosts a multitude of chudgames made by chudgamers and sell them consistently to chuds. Come up with an actual argument.

              • 9 months ago

                There is not a single game on Steam with a +Black person license

                you do you I guess
                I'm gonna continue using Steam.
                After a long day's work, I just can't be assed to do all the bullshit you're doing just to play a fricking game for 2 hours.

                Being a lazy frick and ignoring trends never has negative consequences, right?

                You have nothing even remotely resembling a fricking argument. Say why it's bad. Tell me how it's a bad thing that I am using something that objectively has features other places do not have, like making one button install modpacks for multiplayer games.
                I don't even know how you can unironically spout your mongoloid buzzwords about 'ESG goyslop' while telling people to use fricking nexusmods and discord, so I know I'm asking a lot out of you to say something coherent and worth reading, but you can do it, Billy.

                The biggest and most important point is that Steam social engineer you.
                Steam boosts the product it likes and deboost or bans products it doesn't like regardless of what gamers want. Steam makes decisions for you.
                Steam gathers all your data and sells it to 3rd parties that use compile it and use it against you.
                If you misbehave than steam can rob you of the money you spent to purchase products on their website.

              • 9 months ago

                You have nothing even remotely resembling a fricking argument. Say why it's bad. Tell me how it's a bad thing that I am using something that objectively has features other places do not have, like making one button install modpacks for multiplayer games.
                I don't even know how you can unironically spout your mongoloid buzzwords about 'ESG goyslop' while telling people to use fricking nexusmods and discord, so I know I'm asking a lot out of you to say something coherent and worth reading, but you can do it, Billy.

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah dude just sign up for 3-4 different things and deal with nexusmods being shit instead of one button installs, get on a discord or pay for a teamspeak and get a parsec account if you want to do local multiplayer over the internet
                >you're all consoomers by the way
                Contrarian or being a moron on purpose?

              • 9 months ago

                ego-user who thinks that making things deliberately difficult and convoluted for himself equals him being a genius that has gamed the system. a rare combination of contrarianism and autism. most commonly found in linux uers

              • 9 months ago

                it's just pressing buttons and having some account passwords and usernames.
                they have good deals which aren't on steam.
                go to itch.io.

          • 9 months ago

            you do you I guess
            I'm gonna continue using Steam.
            After a long day's work, I just can't be assed to do all the bullshit you're doing just to play a fricking game for 2 hours.

  120. 9 months ago

    Member when they said it would always be a nice guy and that all the other companys are evil

  121. 9 months ago

    >Steam continues to 30% tax the PC space
    And Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Google. Why is it always Valve that gets singled out for what's the standard?

    • 9 months ago

      You know why.

    • 9 months ago

      Because everyone has an opinion, no matter how uninformed. This is how social programming works. Competing corporations can easily drag down competitors with information warfare alone.
      >Everyone takes 30% but general populace doesnt know it
      >Steam takes 30% but gets headlines due to reasons, most people get impression that this is ridiculous and bad since it sounds big
      >Small minority checks the facts and realizes this is normal, but they are minority
      >Now majority opinion is that Steam = greedy and any action against it are much more likely to succeed

    • 9 months ago

      >Why is it always Valve that gets singled out for what's the standard?
      Because publicly traded companies want to throw privately owned family businesses under the bus.

  122. 9 months ago

    Reminder that Timmy crawled away crying and screaming from the PC market talking about how it was doomed and full of pirates and the real money was on consoles. He's an opportunistic rat waving free games in front of your face because you are the product.

  123. 9 months ago

    Because developers are powerless to resist the consumer. If a middleware company like Unity fricks up no one will boycott them for switching engine.

  124. 9 months ago

    Been half a decade now and the only thing people can still muster is the half assed BUT MUH 30% CUT!!!!111111 talking point they can't even defend properly lmao.

  125. 9 months ago

    Because unfortunately, even with how far steam has been falling as of late, it still manages to beat out a large majority of storefronts available. I would love to see a competent competitor to make steam get their shit together.

  126. 9 months ago

    It's all PR. Notice how often Bobby Kotick's "yacht" gets mentioned as some example of his greed running Blizzard into the ground or Timmy gets accused of greed? Gabe actually does own a superyacht. He affords it by skimming 30% off the back of small developers while giving sweeheart 20-15% deals for the likes of Activision. He has also let Valve become a complete joke of a game studio who can barely shit out one game per decade.

    • 9 months ago

      Bobby doesn't own the company and has done nothing but run it into the ground so he shouldn't be making that kind of money in the first place, furthermore the lower split in regards to steam is after a set amount of revenue which makes sense considering they would have already provided more than enough money to cover costs should their game reach that amount.

    • 9 months ago

      There is nothing wrong with people owning yachts. Owning a yacht does not make you greedy. They are literally just buying things and enjoying life. There is nothing wrong with this. You are just poor and bitter, and look to bring everyone else down like a crab in a bucket. There is no sound argument for hating a person for owning a yacht that amounts to anything other than "monkey see other monkey have nice thing, monkey hate monkey now!"

      • 9 months ago

        If its through honest work, but Gabe I'd a leech living off rent seeking regeessive taxes much like governments do. You sound like a 14 year old who has never had to pay a tax to middlemen or just a boot licker.

        • 9 months ago

          You're a complete moron, there is no point addressing your incoherent babble. You won't listen anyway.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes frick right off

        • 9 months ago

          yeah those pesky leech governments demanding money for stupid things like roads and public services!

    • 9 months ago

      >the man who started the company and ran it successfully for two decades owns a yacht!
      >he's worse than the floating CEO who destroys companies and piecemeals the parts for his bonus that also owns a yacht!
      Do you even fricking hear yourself

  127. 9 months ago

    Why is the 30% cut bad when steam keys give valve 0 % cut and steam gift cards are only possible because they take the 30% cut?

    • 9 months ago

      You don't think devs wouldn't take a deal of 15% general cut even if generated keys cost them 15%? How about giving people options to select which services they want from Valve and paying for them if they do.

      • 9 months ago

        would this result in a 15% lower price for my games? no of course it wouldn't. I don't fricking care.

        • 9 months ago

          Then why the frick the argument about the cost of generated keys. That's not consumer facing either.

        • 9 months ago

          Then why the frick the argument about the cost of generated keys. That's not consumer facing either.

          Steam keys do often try to undercut Steam's sales so key resellers tend to cheaper which is an entire industry propped up by Valve's own volition made possible by the 30% cut.

  128. 9 months ago

    continues to 30% tax the PC space

    If you don't know... it's actually a lot less than going through an actual publisher. Before Steam came... everyone had to pay that 60-70% tax to big players like EA just to get their game published.

    When Steam came, people loved it since they will publish your game for you on Steam for just 30%. This is why everyone still sticks with Steam. And people don't generally trust Epic since they're chinks. Epic thought it would be a good idea to shit on Steam for charging 30%, but honestly...Epic's own model isn't working out for them since they haven't been profitable in forever and only coasting on Chink government money.

    • 9 months ago

      That has nothing to do with Valve really, plenty of games still use publishers with things like 100% recoup (you don't get a dollar of profit until the publisher makes ALL their money back). Steam replaced brick and mortar not publishers

      if you make a game, per dollar you get roughly: $1 * 0.7 Steam tax * 0.5 publisher * 0.85 gov tax. Them you might have other expenses like unity tax/licenses. you're lucky to see about 20 cents per dollar on a game sale

  129. 9 months ago

    Why are pirategays so insecure?

  130. 9 months ago

    Back in the day the charge for selling in a retail store was 70%. Publishers probably remember this while indies are only as big as they are today because they don't have to manufacture physical discs and then work out a deal with retailers.
    The 30% only looks bad to indies who only get like 10 sales anyway. If big publishers have a problem they can just make their own storefront (they won't). Some indies like the dev behind Starsector sell on their own website.
    Tim just looks dumb trying to push the "le 30% unfair" shtick. Nobody earnestly buys it.

    • 9 months ago

      >Back in the day the charge for selling in a retail store was 70%
      It wasn't

  131. 9 months ago

    What's the alternative that provides at least as good if not better on user experience

  132. 9 months ago

    >company massively changes their prices giving completely unexpected pricing changes to many in develop and already released games
    >people are upset
    >steam continues with a sustainable, standard price they've used for two decades now
    >people are not upset

  133. 9 months ago

    I agree, 30% is pretty fricked up, 10% should be the absolute max.

    • 9 months ago

      Not even Epic goes that low and their dogshit store has bled money for years.

    • 9 months ago

      the industry has agreed on 30% and it's really none of our concern unless you're the head of a gaming company.

    • 9 months ago

      They're both corporations.
      One has the game they want people to play, the other has the eyeballs to sell it.

    • 9 months ago

      Make your own launcher and it'll be 100%.
      Oh wait, you fricking can't because you're incompetent morons and nobody is downloading origins or ubisoft connect for the one single good game on top of the trash heap.

  134. 9 months ago

    I'm not a huge Valve fan but I recall what Gabe said years ago when entering the Russian market: people will gladly pay you when you make it easy and simple for them.

    That was about piracy but it rings true here as well. If Unity made licensing their engine simple instead of making the prospect of paying one day a looming horror, developers would be lining up to pay. For instance, stress that all development on the engine is always free. When putting the game for sale have a number of options available for licensing plans so that it is very clear what they are going to cost and allow the developer to choose the leash and collar they will be wearing.

    What they instead have done is allow some wannabe Wall-Street wolf pups salivate over a handful of big indie hits and dream about the percentage the company should have gotten in their mind, unable to understand the realities of the field. I don't know what the frick they teach in business school these days.

    • 9 months ago

      >I don't know what the frick they teach in business school these days.
      Lot of the same shit, people have just been made a lot greedier about what they deserve.

  135. 9 months ago

    comparing selling store to mf engine

  136. 9 months ago


    >it's awful
    subjective opinion
    >doesnt give any benefit
    allows developers and publishers to protect their games from illegal tampering and piracy
    >danger to privacy
    no DRM really interferes with privacy in a practical sense, besides the fact that privacy in the modern internet age is an impossible feat. simply being connected to the internet makes privacy void for most computers, but most people get on fine because they are not paranoid and have nothing to hide.
    >danger to system performance
    true largely only for denuvo which has made strides in improving performance and mitigating impact, but it is an unavoidable aspect of any DRM that it will take system resources.

    • 9 months ago

      >any game shouldn't have
      the denial of reality is the very definition of delusion

      >any game shouldn't have any kind of drm on any way, shape or form.
      why the frick not? because you say so?

      Man, I never thought I would see the day where gamers would unironically go out of their way to defend DRM...

      • 9 months ago

        >gamers protecting efforts that are specifically against them as people.
        Yeah those aren't gamers friend. Not even gatekeeping. They are specifically there to convince stupid people that gamers believe this.

        • 9 months ago

          Those replies all make sense now. Basically, they are creating an illusion of a fake public opinion until enough buy into it and make that opinion a reality.

    • 9 months ago

      it's awful objectively by drm causing compatibility issues (which inherently does by using certain components which can be uncompatible for certain systems, thus cause issues on this even if the game doesn't require them), don't give any benefit by pirates not buying the product on the first place by not being people who want to give money to the product on the first place and reducing sales by not having a way to see the quality of it and get their mind changed into buying it and the danger to privacy is legitimate by drm checking if there is a tamper through telemetry of the game data, disc of the user and internet usage or other things on nearly all cases thus being a danger to privacy which you downplay, even more when a lot of the things these companies grab are things like family photos, personal things from couples and normally personal data from any type of id
      >but you should have put that data
      yeah but it isn't the fault of the person putting the data even more when they aren't advised directly or not even advised that their data will be stolen on some way or another and shouldn't feel the risk of this shit happening by a fricking videogame.
      the last one is true outside of denuvo, securom caused lag and could damage the dvd reader of the system and other drm's do this shit repeatedly by having the need for his functioning to over check for a useless procedure which hurts the final user by forcing him to install on just one pc, get onto issues with online play even if they paid and follow the moronic policies and wasted storage and performance in exchange for a worst experience, there isn't a reason to defend drm aside from being a moronic who works at one of these companies.

      • 9 months ago

        What do you suggest that companies do to prevent piracy besides using DRM?

        • 9 months ago

          Make a good game that people are willing to pay for.

          • 9 months ago

            But they do that, and yet people still pirate a game, never pay for it and the developers essentially miss a sale that would have otherwise been made.

            • 9 months ago

              >they do that
              name a single AAA publisher

            • 9 months ago

              >developers miss a sale
              Not a thing. Never was. Disproven many times. Fricking mongrel

        • 9 months ago

          accept that people who don't want to buy something will never buy it and that it's ironically better to use piracy to increase sales by exposure, piracy has been proven on real studies that it increases sales by people liking the product and wanting to give money to the creator instead of drm which causes a person who doesn't want to give money to the product to never enjoy it and not having any interest into buying it and for interested people who want to buy it but cannot to be sure of giving money by the quality of the product.

          • 9 months ago

            Piracy is illegal and causes a loss of sales. People who want to play the game would logically buy it, but if the option to get it for free is there, most people will take this illegal route rather than giving their money. Despite what outdated and dubious studies might say, piracy absolutely does impact sales and is absolutely not a service problem, it is very easy to buy games on steam, yet a thriving piracy scene exists, and people wait months or years for Denuvo games to be cracked rather than simply pay for the game. I pirate games all the time and have been doing so for years, but this notion that piracy is morally or legally defensible is hogwash. It's digital theft pure and simple, and we do it because we can get away with it.

            • 9 months ago

              it's the opposite, studies have shown that people who download for free will buy on the future by having a better service on the legal way or more likely, by supporting someone, this has been proven time and time again with a lot of games, games without drm always become best sellers.
              people who don't want will never pay not finding value there, the way to change that is by showing value and piracy is the maximum value portrayal by showing the product completely and encouraging sales of originally non clients, people who cannot pay aren't clients at the moment by not having any kind of way or resource to pay on the first place so there isn't any benefit from stopping them from playing aside from losing a client by lack of exposure and lack of security which people short of budget need to buy games by knowing that they won't do it for a while again.
              a thriving piracy scene exists by people testing things and buying, piracy won't disappear and that's a good thing for game quality and the creation of new clients which will get a better experience on the legal way or they will know that the support of others will make for new projects of the people involved (this was shown by a music album which was released as a torrent in pirate bay with a donation link which got more profits there than on itunes and other services, being a commercial success thanks to that, drm causes a loss of sales by removing potential customers and making for a worse quality product which will reduce sales.
              "In Rainbows entered the Billboard chart, the U.K. Album Chart and the United World Chart at No. 1, and went on to sell millions worldwide. According to Radiohead's publisher, Warner Chappell, In Rainbows made more money before the album was physically released than the total sales for the band's previous album, Hail to the Thief."
              this is another example by giving the album for free

        • 9 months ago

          BG3 sold well without denuvo

        • 9 months ago

          Wrong question considering piracy doesn't affect sales. People who aren't going to buy something, won't. Even if they want to play it. I want a kobe beef steak. But i will never pay a hundred to a thousand dollars for one. It just doesn't seem like a reasonable use of resources. I wouldn't say no to a free one.
          That's how it breaks down.

          • 9 months ago

            your argument is nonsensical. so a guy offers kobe beef steak, you want it, but you'd rather not pay for it? so... you want to steal it? you just don't like the price, therefore you are justified in taking it for free? i don't get what you're saying here

            • 9 months ago

              >you want to steal it?

              • 9 months ago

                In this case, you are still gaining access to a service or product without the legal requirement of paying for it. You consume the game without paying what you owe, and distribute it among other people who will also almost always never pay for the game after completing the pirated version. The developers lose a sale they would otherwise have made and have their work effectively stolen in a sense. I pirate mate, but this wouldn't hold up in court.

      • 9 months ago

        not even have issues playing online only, playing the game at all as well.

  137. 9 months ago

    I want Unity to die and Unreal to rise the licence prising to force devs to use epicgaystore so this knife gay will have a reason to whip his gays to make Source 2 into an actual 3rd party engine (never ever).

  138. 9 months ago

    Valve didn't want to charge per game download even though they technically are losing money every time someone downloads a game. Unity loses nothing at all when someone downloads a game but for some reason they do want to charge. It's actually back asswards, Valve should be the one charging the developer every install and Unity should be a pure cut per sale.

  139. 9 months ago

    30% is the industry standard so blame fricking retail and every other industry that came before him

  140. 9 months ago

    This image makes no sense. Steam does more shit than any of those garbage services you're trying to shill.

  141. 9 months ago

    >30 %
    And? Steam delivers an insane service. As a publisher you literally just drag and drop your game onto the Steam server and that's it. Also, all Steam codes the publisher sells or the publisher's reseller have no Steam "tax". Steam literally just charges for games that are bought on their launcher directly.

    Steam gives so much stuff in return, that complaining about the 30 % is just moronic.

    Just look at Baldur's Gate 3. Larian can literally push updates all the time, do everything they want to improve their game, and Steam literally makes sure everything will work.

    I think 30 % is an insanely cheap deal for
    >providing all the download speed
    >providing all the forum moderation
    >providing the whole infrastructure
    >promoting your game

    If you think that's nothing, just create your own launcher and see the reality. Especially if you have to deal with millions of customers, one "minor" problem can become a tsunami of millions of people complaining if something goes wrong.

    • 9 months ago

      Steam service is actually bloated shit anon. Inventory, cards, badges, profile awards, community forums full of b***hy morons, "curators", joke reviews, steam groups and chats with 5 active people, etc.

      It used to be about games, it's turning into a pseudo social media platform for zoomies with no irl friends

  142. 9 months ago

    EA, Ubisoft and Epic launchers constantly logging me out is amusingly enough stopping me from buying their games. I'm deathly allergic to remembering multiple passwords, so if they can't keep me logged in to my account, I'll go years without ever logging in and seeing the store, unless a major release happens.

  143. 9 months ago


    can't tell if bait or genuine moron
    the 30% is only for developers, not consumers

  144. 9 months ago

    >30% is standard gays again
    Apple are quite israeli and even they have reduced their store fee to 15% for most developers now, what is Steams's excuse?

  145. 9 months ago

    because steam made half life 2

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