Unity shoehorning AI slop into the engine

Sad. Unity is already bad enough.
Thank the heavens Unreal Engine isn't touching AI or LLM's with a ten foot pole.
Maybe UE will finally be a viable option for gamedevs

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  1. 10 months ago

    Ue is for 3d and fps the way to go. Unity is for every application a solid second choice. Most problems come from idiot devs.

  2. 10 months ago

    I'm still using 2017 version for hobby dev. New versions seem fricked up.

    • 10 months ago

      Some things like materials got way more convoluted, but we got cool new stuff like 2d lights. Other features straight up stopped working and they have not even bothered to remove them

  3. 10 months ago

    everyone will use AI when there's an actual breakthrough, same as VR. they're both just dead techs until we stop emulating them and actually make them reality.

    • 10 months ago

      AI and VR are a perfect comparison, because both technologies are just slop using buzzwords related to things people actually want. ML algos and strapping bulky screens to your face have essentially nothing to do with either AI or VR, but that's what these technologies are marketed as for morons.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I genuinely have no fricking clue why people got so hyped about VR. It's not fricking "real" in the slightest, you're just standing in your room with a screen taped to your head waving plastic controllers around like an absolute moron. You don't actually "touch" anything or experience any sensations. It's just wack.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I genuinely have no fricking clue why people got so hyped about VR. It's not fricking "real" in the slightest, you're just standing in your room with a screen taped to your head waving plastic controllers around like an absolute moron. You don't actually "touch" anything or experience any sensations. It's just wack.

        >I am moronic.
        Why do you nigs always act like everyone was saying that VR was just like real life?

        • 10 months ago

          What do you think the R stands for?

          The internet in general is far closer to VR than strapping screens to your face with motion tracking.

          • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      AI is already used now though. It's mostly just used for grunt work though.
      An example is you can tell ai to take a material, duplicate it 100 times, and make each copy a different shade of red and then name all the files based on the colour they are.
      A person could do this and it takes no real skill at all, but it would take them time, while an AI can do it in seconds.

      This is what AI is currently being used for. Literal grunt work anyone could do.

  4. 10 months ago

    Aw sick, just what I wanted. Making it even EASIER for random morons to shit out asset flips.

  5. 10 months ago

    Hes not wrong.

    >need to make house
    >ai give me house mesh
    >ai give me texture
    >edit as needed
    It will make production way faster, only stupid people can't see that. Within tye next 10 years you will see solo devs making games with the scope of a PS2 or 360 game. Imagine something the quality and scope of Silent Hill 2 made by one dev and not have it take 10 years.

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, I want to see games made by talentless hacks who don't even know how to make a good videogame because they let a computer do all the work for them.

      • 10 months ago

        So no different to any other game

      • 10 months ago

        We didn't always have digital art software or even compilers you fricking luddite.
        Indies do not have the budget to hire a large team hence why they're indies.
        Take your assumptions and strawman arguments and shove them up your gaping butthole

        • 10 months ago

          If you want to "make a game" but refuse to actually put genuine effort into it, you're a hack. It's as simple as that.
          Sorry this hurts your feelings. But if there's no effort, there's no passion either.

          • 10 months ago

            You're moronic.

      • 10 months ago

        talent-less hacks just import pre-made assets for free

        • 10 months ago

          Yes? And with AI, they will be able to make asset flips even more efficiently. I love the future.

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe in 50 years but 10 years is way too generous
      The 'singularity' is a meme

    • 10 months ago

      There are already a million pre-generated assets anyone can download from unity and slap into their shitty project. There are plenty of games that directly use houses and shit off the store.

      The lack of any cohesive art direction creates games that look and feel cheap.

      • 10 months ago

        >AAA studios create soulless garbage
        >indies create soulless garbage
        >AI will further streamline gamedev and anyone and their mother will be able to create anything
        Anon at some point, you need to stop complaining and just "do it yourself" if you catch my drift.
        Gamedev is going to get piss-easy.
        Just don't buy soulless crap and create your own kino.
        Let nature run its course.

        • 10 months ago

          >Gamedev is going to get piss-easy.
          Says increasingly nervous man for the ninth time this year.

          Any moron can copy code off github and auto-generate trash. The difficult part of game creation will always be the human aspect, and that doesn't suddenly get any easier because you can click a button and get a textured object instead of having to spend 5 seconds searching for it first.

          You both vastly overestimate the ability of current "AI", and vastly underestimate where the bulk of game dev work is.

          • 10 months ago

            This post reeks of projection.
            Did I mention we did not always even have game engines?
            Gamedev, and life itself, is going to get easier.
            Sorry you spent a decade killing yourself thinking it had some great meaning.

        • 10 months ago

          This post reeks of projection.
          Did I mention we did not always even have game engines?
          Gamedev, and life itself, is going to get easier.
          Sorry you spent a decade killing yourself thinking it had some great meaning.

          You're a genuine moron and a bugman. I suggest you get aborted.

  6. 10 months ago

    I keep forgetting that the moron is a head of Unity. No wonder they are bleeding money.

    • 10 months ago

      Hes not wrong.

      >need to make house
      >ai give me house mesh
      >ai give me texture
      >edit as needed
      It will make production way faster, only stupid people can't see that. Within tye next 10 years you will see solo devs making games with the scope of a PS2 or 360 game. Imagine something the quality and scope of Silent Hill 2 made by one dev and not have it take 10 years.

      wait, john spaghettio is the fricking CEO of Unity?



  7. 10 months ago

    I didn't know Bolsonaro was CEO of Unity.

  8. 10 months ago

    This is """AI""" was literally just ripping free assets from sketchfab lol. AI is just a buzzword to hype investors up. True gamedevs don't care.

  9. 10 months ago

    Ai is overrated. Ai code is poo tier and that won't be changing anytime soon. It's all marketing like VR.

  10. 10 months ago

    AI won

    • 10 months ago

      Indeed. Luddites are irrelevant.

  11. 10 months ago

    Riccitiello looks very similar to Bolsonaro.

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