Urban Magic School Ideas/World building

I've been brainstorming ideas for an urban fantasy wizard school, But I've been having a hard time coming up with a good central plot, aside from don't die or flunk out. Also, any other ideas for the setting would be appreciated.

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  1. 2 years ago

    plagiarize harry potter

    • 2 years ago

      nah he wants it to be good

      • 2 years ago

        Harry potter is good.

        • 2 years ago

          >Harry potter is good.
          It really isn't.

  2. 2 years ago

    Some idea's I've already come up with,

    Players trying to make extra cash by investing in crypto (Electrum, Flumph coin, ect.)

    Arcane YMCA with unique training and proficiency options if you have cash

    Having to track down a vampire celebrity, who has been plauging the local night life scene after escaping his rehab sponsor.

    Wizard gang War in the neighborhood the Players live

    Dragon politician running for reelection

    Having to take a sensitivity course because a player said "don't all lives matter?" To an elf lives matter guest speaker.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally none of these ideas would be fun to play. Not only are they just 'but magic!' versions of real world scenarios most players don't want to think about during a game, most wouldn't be mechanically interesting to play - what are you gonna do, roll a d100 to see if your shitcoin of choice moons? Make a fricking stealth check to get past the magical Black folk firing avada kedavras out the window of a stolen magic carpet?
      Might as well play some Powered by the Apocalypse shit where you roll to see if you infect the other players with Wizard HIV during a group unicorn horn dildo riding orgy.
      Good urban fantasy is about making relatable characters. Find ways to put modern characters on fantastic adventures rather than 'haha you can't put metal in the magic microwave either'

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    To clear something up- when you say urban fantasy, do you mean like 'takes place in our world, with a secret world of magic, ala Harry Potter', or do you mean 'fantasy setting that's similar in culture and technology to ours'? I'd advise the latter, as the former would really just be harry potter.

    • 2 years ago

      I forgot to clarify, but yeah it's supposed to be a fantasy world with similar tech level

      • 2 years ago

        Alright that's a better starting point in my mind.

        Now I think next question would be what is the wizards place in society? Are wizards absurdly common? Somewhat rare? And for what reasons?

        Cause a lot of the appeal of Harry Potter was it's fantastic nature. If wizards just go through the same high-school process but with wands, it's a very different type of story.

        Oh also, if you haven't seen it, you should check out Key and Peele's harry potter sketch, which is about the 'inner city' version of hogwarts. General recommendation to the thread too.

        • 2 years ago

          The general gist I had for wizards and other magic users along the lines of skilled tradesmen, there's a large amount of them, and they fufil important roles to keep society running, but most people don't need them on your day to day life.

          • 2 years ago

            I can see that working.

          • 2 years ago

            So like say plumbers? But a little more respectable?

            >Harry potter is good.
            It really isn't.

            A lot of people dunk on harry potter, but it's not a bad story. People just expect it to read like Tolkien with a broad expansive universe. Harry Potter is there to tell the story of the character of Harry Potter. And at that it does a good job, it tells what it needs about the world to tell that story. It not having an expansive world behind it isn't necessarilly bad.

  5. 2 years ago

    Is it a clap wizard school? Because then you get to figure out what the wizard equivalent of a school shooting looks like and how to solve it with thoughts and prayers.

    • 2 years ago

      >what the wizard equivalent of a school shooting looks like
      Well think about it, what would school shootings look like if every single student and teacher had a gun of their own and were trained to use it?

  6. 2 years ago

    Mudblood school shooter massacres multiple classes with a firearm to assert Muggle dominance.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        He didn't shoot up the school though right? He was more like a neo-nazi who had formed his own militia going around doing casual violence and targeted hits. It's just the wizarding british government was utterly feckless to do anything about it, resulting in basically a militia forming with the Order of the Phoenix being the only ones to oppose them.

        • 2 years ago

          Voldemort was racist against July babies. It's actually sorta the babyJesus story.

  7. 2 years ago

    https://gmquick.weebly.com/magic-school.html There's also GURPS IOU for a really weird school setting.

    • 2 years ago

      Arcana Academy has Tome of Mysteries which has some good plot ideas for a magic or monster school.

      • 2 years ago

        Err sorry, BOOK of mysteries under Kickstarter extras. Free community copies.

  8. 2 years ago

    here are some ideas.
    - panty hunt
    - sports tournament arc
    - crazy teachers
    - teacher needs help with flirting
    - the crazy kitchen / cleaning lady
    - bringing a pet to school and trying to hide it
    - experiment goes rogue / wild
    - garden work with man eating plants
    - dance party / prom night
    - christmas with snow
    - halloween with crazy costumes or transformation magic
    - the new kid
    - lost your homework
    - something gets stolen
    - detention hour
    - beach episode
    - hiking in the moutains
    - sleep over
    - make-over with costumes and new hair styles
    - horror in the night
    - evil rumours
    - trouble with the locals
    - going fishing or boating
    - the night before exams
    - unorthodox learning session with the teacher / friends
    - magic training goes wrong
    - getting a new magic wand
    - flying lessons with a broomstick
    - searching for weird materials for a witch brew
    - vampire bats
    - werewolfs
    - trolls
    - giant spiders
    - fish people
    - dragons

    • 2 years ago

      >flirty teacher
      I roll a save to get out of her beautiful arms. Her eyes start to glow red.

    • 2 years ago

      here is some more:
      - ghost hunt in the school mansion
      - falling in love with the teacher
      - love potion
      - little people / thoumblings / the littles in the school
      - race and class issues
      - going with the wrong croud
      - greasers / jocks / goths / nerds and preps
      - witchhunt
      - living puppets
      - possessed household items like brooms or hammers
      - danger in the ood craftshop
      - turning into a giant or turning little
      - genderbender
      - magic weapons
      - cursed items
      - talking paintings
      - gremlins and kobolds
      - drugs are le-bad
      - stress and burnout
      - cardgames
      - meta tabletop gaming
      - living knights armor
      - living magic painting
      - jumping into magic paintings
      - going back in time / timetravel
      - living dinosaur skeleton
      - crazy / disgusting cooking
      - inventing a new pet, pet goes wild
      - voting for the class representative
      - magic duels
      - magic duels tournament arc
      - the medium
      - playing with a ooija board
      - voodoo

      • 2 years ago

        >crazy cooking
        Cookies come alive and are ready for revenge. The cookbooks fly from the shelves like bullets and the floorboard starts to crumble, dropping everyone into a dark dungeon. All they have is a spatula.

  9. 2 years ago

    What about the necessary conditions to allow wizard schools to exist in the first place, what about those? And what are the pros and cons of schools versus apprenticeships?

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