Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines


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  1. 7 months ago

    Is this game actually a must-play or mostly niche?

    • 7 months ago

      Must play if you like fps rpgs or non-fantasy setting rpgs

    • 7 months ago

      It’s amazing until you get about half way through, and then it falls apart with lots of forced combat sections thrown in to cover up how unfinished it is. Just like every game Black Isle, Troika, and Obsidian ever made. People trash BioWare a lot, and deservedly so, but at least they were able to make finished games. Before EA bought them out at least.

      • 7 months ago

        that's a byproduct of those kind of RPGs. they're stupidly ambitious for what they could realistically do in the deadlines they're given and they don't make the money to justify this ambition so they inevitably close up shop or in obsidian's case gets bought out and basically put out watered down versions of what bethesda is putting out.

        meanwhile bethesda is treated as a punching bag by people but they're ultimately still better at making those kind of "forever game" and "immersive" RPGs and are able to make money with it. fallout 4 is one of their best selling game on top of being the most played game in it's franchise and despite it's criticisms starfield literally sold xbox's game pass service.

        • 7 months ago

          >Rogue group

          They're better organized than the Camarilla, and they have a group of opportunists with their own separate set of rules in the Tremere as a leading clan.

          • 7 months ago

            I mean the Camarilla does, damn it. Also I think Andrei is actually a rogue Sabbat though and acting alone.

    • 7 months ago

      I wouldn't call it must-play but it's special enough to deserve some attention. Maybe like, a must-consider-trying. You don't have to play it but you should at least consider playing it.

    • 7 months ago

      If you like RPGs and/or Vampires/Gothic stuff in anyway then its a must play. There are some bad sections but everything else more than makes up for those parts. Its worth at least one or two full playthroughs.

      >being an anarch
      i feel like the camarilla is more of a necessary evil in that having governing body would actually give weight to enforcing the masquerade and not drawing attention to the existence of vampires and would curb more rogue elements in the process.

      sure nines may refer to it as a pyramid scheme and WoD vampires are stupidly ambitious to the point where it just becomes natural selection/darwinism but i don't think you'd have rogue groups like the sabbat or that plague cultist in downtown nor would you have so many clanless hanging around if the camarilla was more established.

      Leftist vampires are as dumb and naive as Leftist kine who knew. Ventrue is Best Clan.

      • 7 months ago

        >Ventrue is Best Clan.
        my man.

        >Rogue group

        They're better organized than the Camarilla, and they have a group of opportunists with their own separate set of rules in the Tremere as a leading clan.

        I mean the Camarilla does, damn it. Also I think Andrei is actually a rogue Sabbat though and acting alone.

        >They're better organized than the Camarilla
        meanwhile they're doing the equivalent of nicolas cage running down the street screaming "I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE!"

        >the Camarilla have a group of opportunists with their own separate set of rules in the Tremere as a leading clan.
        i feel like the camarilla itself wouldn't have lasted as long if those opportunists made up the majority of their membership because they would've either killed themselves off or do something stupid like waking caine in an attempt for his power.

        • 7 months ago

          The Ventrue is the other leading clan and they're pretty public compared to the Lasombra and Tzimisce who stay in the shadows. Mostly Antitribu are troublemakers iirc shovelheads are made as a tactic to screw over Camarilla, it's not something Sabbat regularly do

        • 7 months ago

          >waking caine
          Caine isn't and was never "asleep", he is wandering in the "land of nod", God cursed him to do so.

        • 7 months ago

          >they're doing the equivalent of nicolas cage running down the street screaming "I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE!"

          They don't really mingle with humans out in the open too much. All Sabbat follow a Path to keep from going frenzy, so the "humanity" stat is irrelevant to them. They simply don't pretend to be human.

    • 7 months ago

      The facial animations alone make it worth playing. It's hard to overstate how expressive and life-like they make the characters feel. BTFOs every modern day movie game.

    • 7 months ago

      The role-playing elements are un-fricking-believably good. Combat sucks, but you can make it not suck with the right build.

    • 7 months ago

      I like it and I hate most other fps rpgs.

  2. 7 months ago

    >being an anarch
    i feel like the camarilla is more of a necessary evil in that having governing body would actually give weight to enforcing the masquerade and not drawing attention to the existence of vampires and would curb more rogue elements in the process.

    sure nines may refer to it as a pyramid scheme and WoD vampires are stupidly ambitious to the point where it just becomes natural selection/darwinism but i don't think you'd have rogue groups like the sabbat or that plague cultist in downtown nor would you have so many clanless hanging around if the camarilla was more established.

    • 7 months ago

      >t. Bertram

    • 7 months ago

      Frankly I say frick both factions. And the Que Jin for that matter too. Just leave me the frick alone

  3. 7 months ago

    Frick chinatown. Good game tho.

  4. 7 months ago

    Malkavian run is a meme that gets old real quick. Kinda like low iq fallout/arcanum. Nosferatu is much more interesting and unique.

    • 7 months ago

      That's funny, because I thought the exact opposite. Nosferatu really isn't that different of an experience, and the sewers end up being a major annoyance before you even leave Santa Monica. Also, the Nosferatu haven sucks and is introduced far too late in the game.
      The thing I disliked the most about Malkavian was the extremely repetitive schizoid voices, but otherwise I thought it was awesome.

  5. 7 months ago

    This lady was the only "faction" i ever genuinely wanted to side with. I don't remember why. The game wouldn't let me, anyway.

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