Vampires as decadent artistocratics living in gothic castles is an overused trope that ultimately doomed these monsters to become a parody of themselv...

Vampires as decadent artistocratics living in gothic castles is an overused trope that ultimately doomed these monsters to become a parody of themselves. The idea of a vampire being a noble is so ingrained in the common sense that trying to make them anything but dracula with another name is effectively impossible. People would start to say shit like "but they're not real vampires". And for that they stopped being taken seriously.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Don't care, it's cool as frick and I'm gonna keep doing it.

  2. 12 months ago

    Carmilla is my favourite vampire

    • 12 months ago

      Carmilla > Mircalla > Millarca

  3. 12 months ago

    >trying to make them anything but dracula with another name is effectively impossible.
    just as it should be. the remake is never as good as the original

    • 12 months ago

      You mean Lord Ruthven?
      Read a book, idiot.

      • 12 months ago

        reading is for fricking gays

      • 12 months ago

        That's a vampyre not a vampire moron.

  4. 12 months ago

    People have been making non-aristocratic vampires for ages, what are you talking about?

  5. 12 months ago

    This is a motherfricker that has never read Salem's Lot, never seen Fright Night, never seen Near Dark, never seen From Duck Till Dawn, never even seen Lost boys.

    • 12 months ago

      I want to see from Duck til Dawn

      • 12 months ago

        It's the same movie but Quentin Tarantino is replaced by pic related.

    • 12 months ago

      To add to that:
      >30 Days of Night
      >Being Human
      >Let the Right One In
      >Only Lovers Left Alive
      And some that are still "aristocrats" but done better:
      >What We Do in the Shadows
      >Interview with the Vampire

  6. 12 months ago

    What Gothick novels have you actually read? What the frick do you actually know about Gothick art?

    • 12 months ago

      Enough to spell it correctly?

  7. 12 months ago

    >vampire are portrayed as aristocrats because they rely on the fact that they are leeching people to live their existence and survive
    You are welcome OP, no worries, you will get basic understanding of concepts when you will hit highschool.

    • 12 months ago

      Some types of capitalists would work well too but rightoids would reee about communism and leftoids about it being antisemitic because of the overlap with blood libels.

  8. 12 months ago

    It make perfect sense though, why would an immortal being risk getting caught by random strangers when he could just become a corrupt powerful person and do whatever he wants?

  9. 12 months ago

    it's either that or underground vampires from urban fantasy, like buffy, VtM, blade or twilight.
    your pick. it's not really the caste that bothers me though.
    it's the character. vampires are not supposed to feel any empathy, they oughta live to feed and that's it. a vampire does not feel love or affection, does not have a purpose, all he does is draining every living thing of its lifeforce, to grow fat and bloated and then kill some more. a vampire is nothing but a giant mosquito, remorseless, alien in its pursuit, cold and almost mechanical, like a fleshy automaton.

  10. 12 months ago

    >The idea of a vampire being a noble is so ingrained in the common sense that trying to make them anything but dracula with another name is effectively impossible. People would start to say shit like "but they're not real vampires".
    So I have this obscure game line called vampire:the masquerade to tell you about.

    • 12 months ago

      >most vampires are affiliated to an elite cabal of wealthy nuveau riche ruled by trillionaires
      >the rest are either decadent cultists or pathetic tankies, and the vast majority of them are past 12th gen.
      yeah no, vampire nobility is still the most recurring trope here.

      • 12 months ago

        I know you're just being obtuse anon but vtm is about being punks.

        • 12 months ago

          In any case, of you ask the average normie about vampires, which one will it come to mind, the bela lugosi knockoff or the beaner anarch from bloodlines?

          • 12 months ago

            >effectively impossible
            >average normie
            "The Dark Gift manifests differently in all of us. Some gain incredible speed, or inhuman strength, or dread presence. It appears in you, the Gift allows you to move goalposts with your mind."

            Not that anon, but in my country, the average normie will think of Edward before they think of Dracula. And most of them are aware of Lost Boys or other fiction where vampires aren't necessarily aristocrats

  11. 12 months ago

    It's not that all vampires are aristocrats it's that they often end up as aristocrats to survive. It's easier to buy blood than take it, moreso when you can't enter dwelling places without invitation. Vampires that don't rise to this level are more likely to die.

    Also I like the idea that it's the young aristocrats that are decadent and hedonistic. After a few centuries you either keep chasing the buzz but having to do more extreme things until something kills you or you stop giving a shit.

    Young vampires are the butthole predators that stalk the night for the unwary and delight in sadistic pursuits. But that tends to make people more likely to hire hunters to kill you. The ones that grow old have done so because they keep their shit under control.

    They often aren't aren't nice people as at an instinctive level they still see you as food and they have an option of cunning and savage brutality as they wouldn't survive agaist their own kind if hey didn't. But although many of them don't have morals they all, or at least the ones that matter, do have standards.

  12. 12 months ago

    >live forever
    >no morals
    >needs extreme control over environment to ensure survival
    >also needs to house retainers
    >need room for centuries of wealth and memorabilia
    >need secure place to murder people with no witnesses
    Yeah, geez. Why don’t vampires just rent?

  13. 12 months ago

    I decided long ago that if/when I ever run a Vampire game, there will be a reason very early on for the players to visit a club on Easter weekend, wherein they will be offered the "Easter Special", and pointed to a group of vampires strapped to inverted crosses, being flogged, bled, and having obscene acts performed on them in plain view. Directly afterwards, someone will comment that it's tacky as frick, but the stupid b***hes who were just turned a year or two ago are still reveling in the whole blasphemy and debauchery angle that popular culture has ingrained in them. Afterwards, the players will be invited downstairs to a boring-ass bar filled with smoke and soft jazz where everyone is sitting in the dim light, enjoying their blood in a wienertail glass and just making awkward small talk.

    I think it'd be quite effective at illustrating how stupid pop culture vampires are, while also giving them a reason to laugh at those who indulge in that kind of shit.

  14. 12 months ago

    >All this aimless and pointless projecting
    >No relation with actual traditional games

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