Vanilla Hearts of Iron IV

A new HoI4 countrypack, Trial of Allegiance, would be released on March 7th, 2024
Featuring southern South American countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Announcement trailer here

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  1. 4 months ago

    >Featuring southern South American countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay

  2. 4 months ago

    Brazil first, of course

    • 4 months ago

      Giving you the choice to either stay neutral or quickly flip to fascism in the historical route is something I wasn't expecting, but it's pretty cool.
      After taking a small look at the non-hist focuses I must say I am slightly impressed. The Empire of Brazil restoration branch and the Communist branch are the most interesting mostly for the choices you can take for your country leader options and for the chance to strike back at Portugal in the former's. I wonder how things will change for the Royal Wedding branch of Portugal if the brazilian AI goes monarchist.
      I also wonder what other countries in South America will receive more changes besides Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

    • 4 months ago



      • 4 months ago

        Their tree seems larger than Argentina's and Brazil's one wtf

        The indio larp crap is cringe, but I guess that's just my opinion

        • 4 months ago

          There looks to be more forks and choices between focuses. The overall focus timing is probably the same. Don't let the sizes fool you. Spanish focus tree are Hugh Mongous, but every path is exhausted in 1942.

      • 4 months ago

        >Incas path
        as a KX player, i'm sold

      • 4 months ago

        long boy is going to become a fat boy

      • 4 months ago

        >Form the Kingdom of Chile
        This one's for you, Piñera...

        • 4 months ago

          >Actual chance of becoming a proper kingdom.
          Goddamn devs don't tease me like that

  3. 4 months ago

    at least it would not be a full-sized DLC

  4. 4 months ago

    Finally, a proper south american expansion

  5. 4 months ago

    Cool icon

    • 3 months ago

      It's actually higher res than the real thing, which is funny.

      >c-can I, at least, add, like, a gradient or shadows or something?

  6. 4 months ago

    This is perhaps the least excited I have ever been for something I won't pay for. Not only is it perhaps the least relevant region of the world with regards to WW2 history, but it's yet another soup of 50 crippling negative National Spirits that you're forced to follow a completely linear Focus path (full of 35 day focuses because powercreep) to fix before you actually start making decisions, and after all that you're rewarded with being an irrelevant bit player in a distant unrelated conflict because "we don't want minors to be disproportionately strong"
    But of course they also have to include the option to trigger an early war against the US so you can cheese them near the start of the game and pretend you aren't just playing as the US with extra steps.

    • 4 months ago

      you know that Great Depression was only 7 years ago in the game's start, right?

    • 4 months ago

      It probably has a market among alt-history types, but I agree with you. What major thing is missing anyway?

      • 4 months ago

        The only region of the game that's actually relevant to the war and hasn't yet received focus trees is Southeast Asia, but that's mainly because most of the nations in it are puppets or formables.

        That said, all of Asia is underserved in content, with most of the 'unique' focus trees either being total shit, being shared between them, being generic focus trees with a little extra tacked on, or all of the above.

        The Rangers is pretty good but I don't know if I should choose the Marines or Paratroopers for the next special forces doctrine.

        Marine doctrine is appealing because it's cheap; navy xp is easy to come by and naval doctrine barely matters so it gives you something to dump. That said, Pioneers are more specialized than Engineers and so only really worthwhile for units focusing on wet terrains.
        Paratrooper doctrine doesn't have a generally useful support company like the other 2, but the skill early in the tree that causes them to shred the org of every division in a state they drop into is fricking broken and way too good. It turns paratroopers into nukes

        • 4 months ago

          This game's development seems to be over then. How long can they stretch it? How long before they announce Hearts of Iron V?

          • 4 months ago

            >How long before they announce Hearts of Iron V?
            They better overhaul the Commonwealth before this happens.

            • 4 months ago

              The issue with this is twofold:
              Is it an update specifically to Together for Victory? If so, why? What's the point in updating an old DLC? Nobody who bought it already is going to spend more money because you did. Nobody that skipped it is going to buy it because you made a famously shitty DLC slightly less shitty. There isn't enough of a market left to recycle old DLC for it to be worth the devtime
              Is it a new DLC? If so, why does TfV exist? Is it replacing TfV? Then TfV owners are going to be pissed that they have to buy a new DLC to replace the shitty one they were duped into buying. Is it an addon to TfV? Then only TfV owners will bother and the combined cost of the two DLCs together will discourage people that didn't bother with TfV in the first place--because you're paying for a bad DLC just to access a less-bad replacement.

              There's no world where that kind of thing makes financial sense--not necessarily because making new focus trees is expensive or anything, but because Paradox has an established value for this content and what they expect consumers to pay for it. They don't have the luxury of devaluing that, or else people will realize they've been paying for 2 guys to edit text files and they could just be modding in better focus trees themselves.

              • 4 months ago

                EU4 did it with their latest DLC that focused solely on great power country updates.

              • 4 months ago

                They've tweaked the contents of previous DLCs before, Yugoslavia and I think Hungary had their focus trees tweaked in one of the patches.

          • 4 months ago

            They will stretch it for as long as they are physically able, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Because the simple truth is that nobody will buy a Hoi5 on the same engine with the same visuals after so much sunk cost in Hoi4 DLC. HOI5 will come with a new engine, when the technical and hardware realities of the industry mandate that a new engine is unequivocally necessary and not a second before.

          • 4 months ago

            In before infantry battalion designer.

            • 4 months ago

              Mech and car designer.

              • 4 months ago

                Mech could literally just borrow the tank designers. There's already a sub-option for half-track suspension available once you research mech. They just need to add Mechanized as a classification (like SPG, SPAA, TD, etc.) so you can use the same designer for it and even convert old tanks into troop carriers (exactly like the allies did with Kangaroos).

              • 4 months ago

                They really should just expand the tank designer into a land vehicle designer. I want my SP-H tank/IFV hybrid with flamethrowers and AA.

              • 4 months ago

                This would require them to actually balance the designer. Right now it's a fricking mess and most of the designs that come out of it are nonsense meant purely to game the system, or presets that follow historical designs and are consequently terrible.
                This is the reason I'd hate to have

                In before infantry battalion designer.

                Because instead of being an excuse to fiddle with order of battle and squad tactics it would just devolve to squads of 10MGs and no loaders because that's the best soft attack/breakthrough

              • 4 months ago

                >squads of 10MGs
                Only thing stopping that IRL was logistics and production. As long as player is willing to take the massive supply cost why shouldn't they outfit their infantry as they see fit?

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah but you have to keep looting dead Russians for ammo.

            • 4 months ago

              That would be great, but I want a individual soldier designer, I want to name each individual soldier and make sure he's married to a trad cristian wife with at least 5 kids

          • 4 months ago

            obviously they will try to milk it as long as possible - especially since it just fairly recently hit its all time high of players. But I gotta do wonder how much more shit they can pump out until the game starts to become literally unplayable. All the DLCs already are a huge drain on the performance and at some point the game might start getting super slow as early as '43 (like it is the case with most AI mods)

            • 4 months ago

              If they're anything like Valve, they won't stop until it's not profitable anymore, regardless of performance.
              "Get a better computer to run this ancient game" will be the solution years from now.

          • 4 months ago
            SAGE: TheUltimateTrollMAGA DJT2024 TheRTSGamer

            HOI4 is not old enough yet. Strangely, it also does not feel developed enough. CK2 with no DLC and CK2 with DLCs is like night and day. HOI4? Not so much

            • 4 months ago

              You miss some of the things that dlc provides once you have them. The thing is dlc's add a lot of garbage that was never fully developed and either detracts from the game or does nothing for the game either way so it feels like they do less.

          • 4 months ago

            >How long can they stretch it?
            Germany and Japan rework.
            >How long before they announce Hearts of Iron V?
            Well first EUV has to be around for like a year atleast until they announce a new game.

          • 4 months ago

            Why would they announce Hearts of Iron V?

            • 4 months ago

              Nah they'll probably focus on fixing/ditching Clausewitz and focus on EuV next. I see paradox trying to milk HoI4 as their new CK2 at least for a couple of more years

              • 4 months ago

                EU5 isn't happening, either. This isn't Civilization.

          • 4 months ago

            They're just going to be adding reworks now. The German, UK, Jap, and US trees are now utterly abysmal when you compare them to Italy or the USSR.

        • 4 months ago

          >The only region of the game that's actually relevant to the war and hasn't yet received focus trees is Southeast Asia, but that's mainly because most of the nations in it are puppets or formables.
          any good mods for the region?

        • 4 months ago

          >The only region of the game that's actually relevant to the war and hasn't yet received focus trees is Southeast Asia, but that's mainly because most of the nations in it are puppets or formables.
          any good mods for the region?

          Burma is a sideshow, they should give the pacific another pass though.

      • 4 months ago

        I would love to see more content for Africa that isn't meme-formables or anticolonialism. I don't think the game does a good job at portraying colonial troops at all, which gets you meme shit like stealing all of Indonesia's manpower as Luxembourg.

      • 4 months ago

        Alt-history is dumb in a game with a 36-45 scope. Any significant change feel forced and artificial because 90% of the time, their alt-path are utterly unrealistic.

        A good setting for alt history would have been 1836-1936. But instead they released the garbage that is Vic3.

    • 4 months ago

      /vst/ seethes whenever I say this, but the optimal HOI4 playthrough is minor-to-major. Most nu-Paradox games (CK2 on) are only enjoyable when you're starting from nothing and scrape your way to the top.

      Austria-Hungary (minus the cancerous RNG), Mexico, and Bulgaria are the best nations in HOI4 for that reason. Each playthrough consists of clawing your way from the basement to join the majors by 1939, at which point anything could happen. Maybe Mussolini wants a piece of the Balkans. Maybe Hitler spergs out. Maybe Churchill doesn't like your shiny new battleships. Etc., etc.

      Playing as a major is a boring roflstomp by comparison. You flex on the AI, win in 1937, invade Russia, and quit halfway through Barbarossa after the fiftieth encirclement as you start questioning your life decisions. You begin to realize the 2-3 hours you spend on defeating the Soviets will not in fact reverse the actual course of the war. You realize that the next 2-3 hours will be wasted on a foregone conclusion of clicking your little army men into empty spaces of virtual Russian tundra almost as bleak as real Russian tundra, waiting for virtual Russian men to give up on hope, as real Russian men already have. You quit, conscious of a vague sense of shame.

      • 4 months ago

        The issue is that there are so few minors that hit that sweetspot of strong enough to actually be consequential in time for WW2, but not so strong that you easily just out-math the AI without even trying.
        Like playing any of the Commonwealth countries is miserable because you've got as many penalties as fricking France but have to research how to build trucks and have like 4 civs and 50k recruitable pop to work with

      • 4 months ago

        I can't stand Bulgaria, I would rather deal with Austria-Hungary rng than having to flip Romania to communist
        Thanks Italy passive

      • 4 months ago

        >WW2 sim
        >Most fun parts are the broken and unrealistic alt history paths which are impossible to work without putting the AI on historical focuses or setting custom game rules to guarantee desireable outcomes

      • 4 months ago

        >/vst/ seethes whenever I say this, but the optimal HOI4 playthrough is minor-to-major
        you would have a point if PDX didnt release 2 dlc's (tank and air dlc) that singlehandedly cucked any fun in playing minors, relegating you to playing the same ol' support arty infantry to get 3 million casualties from moronic AI and meme cavalry divisions to battleplan the AI

      • 4 months ago

        You all need to go back to HOI3 and play with on very hard setting and with later start scenarios.
        Plus you need house rules.
        Then you can have a decent time.

        Here ya go. All on very hard difficulty.

        UK. 1940 start. UK may not have more than 10 divs in Europe unless France has fallen. No amphib landings on Baltic coast allowed unless France has fallen AND been liberated. No amphib landings on Japan allowed unless Singapore and Rangoon have fallen AND been liberated. All UK overseas garrisons must stay put. Disbanding them not allowed. That includes India unless Japan invades Burma and even then those divisions must not leave the India- Pacific region. No paradrops. No invading neutral countries.

        USA 1936 start. Must invoke prepare for war decision. Must declare war on everyone the moment it is possible. Check once a month, eventually you should be at war with every other country on the planet, lol. Yes, of course that includes the Soviets, the Axis, and the Allies. No paradrops. Have fun fighting your way the RN, IJN, KM, and every other bumfrick navy all at once.

        USSR 1941 start. Eastern theater forces must stay put unless either Moscow, Leningrad or Rostov has fallen. No paradrops. Fricking nail biting shit.

        Germany 1936. Germany not allowed to build any ground combat units. At all. Your starting army is all you get. Germany not allowed to have any allies. Germany may not puppet any nation.

        Germany 1944. Germany must enforce conquer on UK, USA, and Russia before 1948. Lots of fun.

        Still not enough? Okay then you start a 1936 game as a neutral observer, like Liberia or Switzerland, unpause on fast speed and just let the AI majors hammer it out until you see a near impossible to survive situation develop. That's usually Germany or Japan in late game, but not always. Then pause the game, switch to whatever nation is facing impending doom and see if you can save the day, turn the situation around and wrest victory from certain defeat.

        • 4 months ago

          Its disappointing hoi3 didn't receive more love, warts and all its still the best stand alone ww2 GSG ever created. hoi4 has its advantages but it lacks soul, and the dumbing down makes it near impossible to have a challenge when playing solo.

          • 4 months ago

            >m-muh soul!
            I love this non-argument when someone wants to use their feels, instead of articulating properly.

            Because it makes the game shittier than it would otherwise be. It compartmentalizes content so it's not profitable to update or even fix content outside of dlc.

            You think we don't get updates, except when DLC hits, you fricking moron? Can you be any more obvious you're complaining about games you don't play?

            • 4 months ago

              Anon the commonwealth nations have been in desperate need of a rework forever but they won't be touched again until a dlc impacts them. But you wouldn't know that because you don't even play and if you do it's only to make grobgermanium blobs.

              • 4 months ago

                Are you just sad a few minors got power crept by mechanics introduced in later DLC's?

              • 4 months ago

                >t-those don't count ok?
                Besides if this next dlc wasn't specifically about south america those countries would be untouched too.

              • 4 months ago


                Squidward_looking_at_Spongebob_and_Patrick_through a_window.jpg

                It's okay to be salty. You're upset Paradox isn't doing what you think they ought to be doing, and that's okay. Unless you pirated everything, in which case, shut the frick up, your opinion doesn't matter.

              • 4 months ago

                >paracuck can't even make human arguments
                You got caught out on something you know nothing about and now you're mad, it would be ok but you aren't human and can't learn from this failure.

              • 4 months ago


                Are you projecting? It's not healthy. You should stop.

        • 3 months ago

          Haha, holy frick these sound fun as frick! Going to boot up hoi3 and try these.

        • 3 months ago

          Okay, for lack of anything better to do I took your advice. Played the USSR scenario like you said.
          Just how the FRICK do you possibly win????
          Its fricking impossible. The Germans just ride over you like a b***h.
          >Fricking nail biting shit.
          More like getting your ass so thoroughly beat you cant sit down for a week.

          • 3 months ago

            Frick dude, isn't that what you want? To be in position where you can be beaten? Rather than just painting the map. Just try it again. You have to try and conserve your strength, save as many divisions as you can, and not make premature counterattacks. You have to surrender a lot of ground and use the terrain, particularly the rivers, to its full advantage. There will be some hairy moments but it shouldn't be impossible.

        • 3 months ago

          >USA 1936 start. Must invoke prepare for war decision. Must declare war on everyone the moment it is possible. Check once a month, eventually you should be at war with every other country on the planet, lol. Yes, of course that includes the Soviets, the Axis, and the Allies. No paradrops. Have fun fighting your way the RN, IJN, KM, and every other bumfrick navy all at once.

          Nah dude, its too easy. With the prepare for war the USA becomes super powerful and can snowball its way across the world. The way the moronic AI uses its navy you have no problem obliterating every fleet in sight providing you build spare cags. You have more IC than you can use and building an immense reserve of convoys means you never have to worry about subs cutting your supplies.

  7. 4 months ago


    Properly built tank divisions have very high stats concentrated into their combat width but are very expensive.
    As a division, they suffer extreme terrain penalties in virtually every terrain but plains, as well as during river or amphibious crossings. They also have extremely high supply costs, which means you want to avoid putting too many in one place, want to focus on pushing from supply hub to supply hub, don't want to advance too far ahead of your logistics and want to avoid using them in austere environments where supply hubs are distant or absent.

    All that to say, they're situational. You typically want your divisions around 35width to specialize for plains (no penalty) and hills (minor penalty) and to pair them to fill the combat width, though their raw stats can still be high enough to overcome forests (moderate penalty). Avoid mountains and marshes, don't naval invade with them and only use them to push across rivers if the defender is already very weak. Also make sure your tank designs focus on maximizing soft attack and breakthrough while keeping costs reasonable and reliability high. Aim for 7-8km/h max speed. For pve, you only need a little armour because the AI doesn't stack enough penetration. 10-12IC per tank is a good benchmark for a 1938 medium.
    For the actual division, you generally want to aim for at least 30-35 organization, because the div will lose org while moving and you don't want it to run out too quickly on a push. Add in motorized or mechanized (if you can afford them) to increase org. Add flame tanks and engineers to help offset terrain penalties (especially forest/urban) and slowly fill out other support companies as your org allows. Remember that most doctrines will buff your division org a lot, so your division will be able to fit more support and need less mechanized as you advance doctrine. This also means it's better to invest early xp in doctrine rather than trying to fill an entire 35w division from scratch ASAP

  8. 4 months ago

    The Rangers is pretty good but I don't know if I should choose the Marines or Paratroopers for the next special forces doctrine.

    • 4 months ago

      bots are pretty good but I don't know if I should choose spambot1 or spambot2 for the next special spamming.

  9. 4 months ago

    Mods did it better, also, if I wanted to see brownies I would just leave my basement, I want to larp on my pure 1940's pure majority white western world, not see the brown shitholes in latin america

  10. 4 months ago

    >shitty germany tree
    >hey how about we do south america which did nothing during the war
    >to cash in on the converted three dollarinos each of those macacos will pay for our DLC

  11. 4 months ago

    Delete south america from the map

  12. 4 months ago

    It always shocks me how they don't revisit the major's focus trees every major content drop like this. UK still has some generic focuses in its tree, and Japan feels like its focus tree was made for a completely different game than what we have now. I get shitters like the commonwealth being left behind with time because nobody's lining up to shell out cash for Australia, but it's absurd that so many of the major factions have just been forgotten, and their entire theatre of war along with them.

    • 4 months ago

      Play EAW or KX if you want focus trees.

      • 3 months ago

        But focus trees are literally the entire game. If no one has a focus tree, literally nothing happens at all. (See mega campaigns)

        • 3 months ago

          You can script AI to justify wargoals. It even has events associated with it. First iteration Soviets was weird like that.

    • 4 months ago

      UK focus tree is also very, very boring and simple.

  13. 4 months ago

    >No Belgium, Luxembourg, Indonesia, Siam, Malaysia, Philippines trees
    >Add countries that did NOTHING
    I can't imagine the next gimmick to be better than ATT arms trading either

    • 4 months ago

      Majority of Gankerers on Ganker are south american.

    • 4 months ago

      those countries don't matter

      • 4 months ago

        And Uruguay does?

        • 4 months ago

          u r gay is getting a partial baltic like focus tree because it's right next to the majors.

          • 4 months ago

            >south american majors

            • 4 months ago

              okay well relative to south america they're majors and brazil deserves a tree but i'd much rather the dutch east indies and iran got content

              • 4 months ago

                I can see them making the allies even more impossible to win against after 42

              • 4 months ago

                They rarely have a problem with rubber imports because of the japanese, it's just going to be more starving divisions in italy.

              • 4 months ago

                I meant more about Brazil having like 50 millions manpower and having to get to them to capitulate to allies

              • 4 months ago

                tee bee haytch if I don't sealion early I don't really keep playing to deal with north america.

              • 4 months ago

                Dealing with the US is by far the worst part of any playthrough because the naval range limits make it absolutely impractical to cross either ocean. On the Atlantic side you have to island hop to fricking Greenland because apparently a distance crossed by sailboats in the 1600s is too big for diesel battleships, and on the pacific side you literally cannot reach the coast without following the arctic around to Alaska, because apparently ships can cruise from Panama to Hawaii but not from Hawaii to Panama. The whole thing just makes it a miserable slog to actually fricking get there.

    • 4 months ago

      There is no gimmick. This is just a focus tree pack, not like AAT.

  14. 4 months ago


    pls respond

  15. 4 months ago

    Barbarossa is the most miserable experience in the game, no matter if you're Germany or just some 3rd party that eventually has to take out the Comintern. The AI absolutely cannot handle the massive frontline, so you basically just march unopposed until there's no more supply hubs, but it just takes so much time basically not even playing the game until the fricks finally capitulate.
    Killing germany is fun because they'll concentrate forces and at least make you work for encirclements. Against the USSR you're just walking into tiles, and their spread out underpowered divisions are more like speedbumps than barriers.

    • 4 months ago

      Barbarossa and the Sino-Japanese war are the only interesting battlefields of the game. Everywhere else is just a steam roll in one direction or the other outside of the Congo which you just ignore all together

  16. 4 months ago

    Which DLC would you consider "essential"?

    • 4 months ago

      No Step Back, By Blood Alone and Man The Guns

      • 4 months ago

        The only good part of By Blood Alone was the new peace conferences and that got added to the base game too. You are basically paying money to make the game worse and for cheatcodes

        • 3 months ago

          You can't take navies, take resource rights, or demilitarize provinces without the DLC.

          • 3 months ago

            Thats all blatant cheatcode tier shit that the AI isn't even allowed to do. It feels like they balance the DLC exclusively around memes like Liberia world conquest

      • 4 months ago

        I still haven't given up hope that we'll get a DLC about Operation Unthinkable. I figured that the Scandinavia DLC was going to be the last one before they'd do such a thing, but I guess not.

        Hopefully players won't be forced to buy the DLC to have the correct Ecuador-Peru borders in South America that have been wrong since launch. Not that it matters to me since I haven't really played this game since Waking The Tiger, let alone actually purchase it.

        >another soup of 50 crippling negative National Spirits that you're forced to follow a completely linear Focus path (full of 35 day focuses because powercreep) to fix before you actually start making decisions, and after all that you're rewarded with being an irrelevant bit player in a distant unrelated conflict
        That's the idea behind country packs. From a business perspective, it's not stupid if people keep buying it.

        >nobody will buy a Hoi5 on the same engine with the same visuals after so much sunk cost in Hoi4 DLC
        It worked out for CK3, but I do agree that it's hard to make lightning strike twice.

        I forgot the name of the DLC, but it's been done with EUIV before. At least one of the old DLC's have features that have either been reworked by a later DLC, or the feature now comes with the base game because too many things would be broken without it. At this point, PDS has largely reverted to their pre-CK2 policy of the player basically needing to be fully caught up with DLC to have a proper gameplay experience, so overwriting what old DLC does with new DLC is less controversial now.

        IMO everything after Man The Guns has been bloat.

        So for the best experience all I need is base game + the custom ship DLC and custom tank DLC?

        • 4 months ago

          Not for those features really.
          Each dlc has at least one feature that should be in the core game and some crap that is at most neutral. The designers are one such feature which in the case of navy is a bit sad because that portion could be an entire game unto itself, it just doesn't really matter, and you have like one min/maxed ship design for each role based on who you're playing. With tanks there were actually more strategies to pick from before the designer min/maxing meta too. You could roleplay your tank designs, but army experience is at a premium until you finish doctrines.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah this. Designers add basically nothing to the game except giving you arbitrarily better tanks/planes than the AI if you minmax. The naval designer is the most worthless because the AI never uses post-1936 naval tech and important ships take so long to build that your starting navy (+ships you steal in peace conferences) will do 90% of the legwork every playthrough

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah this. Designers add basically nothing to the game except giving you arbitrarily better tanks/planes than the AI if you minmax. The naval designer is the most worthless because the AI never uses post-1936 naval tech and important ships take so long to build that your starting navy (+ships you steal in peace conferences) will do 90% of the legwork every playthrough

            >it just doesn't really matter, and you have like one min/maxed ship design for each role based on who you're playing
            They really shouldn't have added the designers. I remember as soon as they were announced for Man The Guns, basically everyone said they'd just get minmaxed to shit because that's just how things go with strategy games. It was likely added in the first place without much thought just because they already had the feature ready to go from East vs. West and just needed something for the next DLC. Now we have all these designers for making wunderwaffles instead of making the player pick from the historical builds, which I think takes away from the immersion of having to use strictly WWII hardware.

            • 4 months ago

              The main thing that annoys me is that a lot of the technology and hardware that was important to history is irrelevant or just plain shit in the designer, and the optimal stuff is shit like fricking Christie suspension, because otherwise the russians would get butthurt.

              • 4 months ago

                What's wrong with Christie suspension? Torsion bar being amazing for the reliability upsets me more.

              • 4 months ago

                That gif has no right to be so pleasant

              • 4 months ago

                Christie suspension was fine for light tanks because the system is small and easy to manage on light vehicles.
                But it rapidly grows in size and wastes internal volume as the tank gets larger.
                To put this into perspective, the overweight Panther tank's double torsion bar suspension probably used less internal volume than the much MUCH shittier T-34 suspension.

            • 4 months ago

              It also really doesn't help just how shit the navy UI and management portion is. I want to play as naval powers and actually use their navies in neat ways. But whenever I start a game as one and look at their ship list I just lose all desire to manage it and just do the standard thing of slamming everything into a doomstack. The countries I tryhard the most with navies are tertiary powers like greece where I can specialize in sub and destroyer fleets to wreck havoc on convoys and poorly screened capitals.

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah this. Designers add basically nothing to the game except giving you arbitrarily better tanks/planes than the AI if you minmax. The naval designer is the most worthless because the AI never uses post-1936 naval tech and important ships take so long to build that your starting navy (+ships you steal in peace conferences) will do 90% of the legwork every playthrough

            >it just doesn't really matter, and you have like one min/maxed ship design for each role based on who you're playing
            They really shouldn't have added the designers. I remember as soon as they were announced for Man The Guns, basically everyone said they'd just get minmaxed to shit because that's just how things go with strategy games. It was likely added in the first place without much thought just because they already had the feature ready to go from East vs. West and just needed something for the next DLC. Now we have all these designers for making wunderwaffles instead of making the player pick from the historical builds, which I think takes away from the immersion of having to use strictly WWII hardware.

            So could I just play the game without DLC?

            • 4 months ago

              I always ignore the spy dlc. It literally adds nothing worthwhile.

              • 4 months ago

                I think the spies are neat on paper but the amount of micro they ask is obnoxious. Its just not worth the effort of using them beyond collab governments and initial spy networks

              • 4 months ago

                The micro isn't that bad, it's just that 80% of what they can do is pointless, while the other 20% is prohibative because of the civ and equipment cost. You need enough of both that you don't feel it and that excludes most nations.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't get the spy hate, they're not hard to manage at all. With that being said, I exclusively use them for collab governments.

              • 4 months ago

                They're also just janky
                >set up intel network spanning the entirety of enemy nation
                >take 1 tile
                >the entire spy network recedes a full state across the entire front, removing all of its combat bonuses to the frontline
                >try to build a network on a new war participant mid-combat
                >spies keep getting sent home with no notification because I take the state they were chilling in, resetting the network's progress
                >spies get captured or die without a notification and you have no way of knowing until you check the the tab again (which doesn't have a proper hotkey, holy frick)
                And then there's just weird shit. Stealing blueprints is insanely strong because it's an unconditional research bonus independent of the techs your target actually has researched, so there's no reason to steal the blueprints of Germany with their counterintel when you can just do it to fricking Yemen for the same effect
                Stealing blueprints takes 3 agents to perform but most nations can't even get 3 agents unless they take over a faction first, and then your intel network resets unless you have a 4th to keep it active
                The vast majority of operations have basically no meaningful impact because they affect things like resistance that you can't even see (and the AI just cheats anyways)
                In practice, spy operations use the same resources as everything else (IC via civilian factories) meaning in practical terms you're trading tanks for operations, and the trade is almost never worthwhile.
                If you control a big faction, like the allies, you'll have more spies than you can realistically use
                Agents being captured is just a pointless speedbump since rescue operations always have a 100% chance of success.

                It's just all so painfully half-baked. All you really use agents for is set-it-and-forget it spy networks to boost intel, but they've set it up so that it's impossible to get useful amounts of intel without spying and spying for it involves no gameplay

              • 4 months ago

                Every nation can get 3 agents
                >1 from agency
                >1 from 5 upgrades
                >1 from illusive gentleman.
                It's still janky though. If they wanted to do the whole agent thing intel and operations needed to be handled differently.
                >you can just plop freidreich heffenpfeffer into london to gain intel, something that will require access into certain positions
                >but he has to be inserted via submarine with a month of civilian factory investment to get into the government. When he's already there, and already has connections with a whole goddamn intel network.
                It just all feels backwards. Like invading poland but I need a panzer commander in warsaw to generate the battle order to begin the invasion.

              • 4 months ago

                I almost forgot.
                I also have never seen my linguists gain nationalities from doing operations, nor have I seen agents level up. If this isn't a bugged feature or just forgotten about and never implemented, it doesn't work with how few operations are worthwhile.

              • 4 months ago

                Pretty sure it worked at one point and now its just a bugged

              • 4 months ago

                I think they should make that agent slots are tied with your overall industrial factory count, same goes with research slots

            • 4 months ago

              I played with just the base game for a while. Just use road to 56 as it adds significantly better focus trees than whatever garbage paradox pumps out.
              You're probably going to want some of the dlcs if only so you can engage with specific core aspects of the game though. Together for victory is garbage but it adds autonomy and lend leasing. Death or dishonor adds conversion and licensing. Waking the tiger adds a frickload of stuff including spearheads of all things. Those three are core and should really be wrapped into the base game at this point, but paradox.

              • 4 months ago

                So basically the "starter package"?
                >lend leasing
                >conversion and licensing
                What are these, if you don't mind explaining.

              • 4 months ago

                Autonomy is something that determines how independent your puppets are. It's most important in the commonwealth.
                Lend leasing is where you can send equipment to other countries that are at war. Conversion allows you to convert one type of equipment to another. It's gamey when you're converting guns but when you're converting old tanks to td's spaa, or spg's it matters. Licencing allows you to rent designs from other countries so you can produce them without researching them. Spearheads are a battleplan that tells that army to just penetrate and blitz to a point, mostly used with fast tank divisions if you don't want to micro everything.

            • 3 months ago

              Honestly it's more fun without it. Like the other poster said just play RT56 so you can have all the fun focus trees without having to learn any of the hyper autistic designer mechanics.

              The only thing that will be annoying about playing without DLC is the more restricted peace deal mechanics. For whatever fricking reason without one of the DLCs you can't steal ships or get resource/industrial concessions in the peace deal.

              • 3 months ago

                I only have the ones included int he starter pack and the only thing I think I want is the DLC that adds the marketplace.
                I love me some international arms dealing.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                I'm paranoid that steam will find out somehow and delete my account.

              • 3 months ago

                name a single case of steam banning someone for piracy

              • 3 months ago

                If it was a rational fear i wouldn't have used the word

  17. 4 months ago

    What are the best fighters you can make now?

    • 4 months ago

      Heavy machine guns with self sealing fuel tanks is enough to decimate the AI

    • 4 months ago

      Heavy machine guns with self sealing fuel tanks is enough to decimate the AI

      This. I'm not kidding the AI has not been programmed to utilise most features after MtG which makes it so even the most brain dead player will be meta

      >Agencies (apart from cyphers)
      >Railways. They will not build supply hubs, upgrade railways or play around supply. They Italy and UK attritioning on Egypt frontlines is a good example
      >Designers. They use dogshit presets and crutches given by focus trees that end up being annoying for players or downright broken like that Italian air focus that gives you a jet fighter in 1941
      >Lend Lease. They will always propose to give you far more than you need or have convoys for, wont protect the transit path and will grant it even if you are their most ardent ideological enemy so long as you've improved relations
      >Collab governments. The AI will not do the spy mission beyond tier 1 if ever and after they patched the AI doing it randomly I have never seen an ai controlled collab government
      >Also a bit of a side track but neither side of the Italian Civil War will do their unique focuses

  18. 4 months ago

    It's been a few years since I've played.
    what was the ideal division of width for units?
    Is it still 10/20/40?

    • 4 months ago

      Tile width has changed so optimal division width changed as well.
      12 is the minimum, for port garrisons and poverty line filler.
      Infantry should typically be around 21 width (9 inf + 1 arty) or up to 30 width. This is both to be economical, and because forest width is 60 and urban width is 80.
      Tanks want to be 35 width to fit best into plains, hills and deserts, which are 70.
      Mountains are 50 width just to frick with everything, so mountaineers should be 25.

  19. 4 months ago

    >declare war on Turkey
    >everyone gets sent home
    this cheat is so arbitrary

  20. 4 months ago

    >Featuring southern South American countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay
    Not "such as". Those are all the countries with trees. There is no fricking "such as".

  21. 4 months ago

    Why are you like this? Just let it happen, it will be over soon

  22. 4 months ago

    >he is a puppet of the soviet
    >he has his own faction
    >he won't stop starting wars against me when i'm also in the Comintern

  23. 4 months ago

    I don't understand why some airports aren't a circle directly in the middle, why are you like this game?

    • 4 months ago

      Heya ISP
      But seriously though, the airports have some weird mechanics when it comes to deploying planes and covering zones.

    • 4 months ago

      they go by state, the airport icon is just visual

      Heya ISP
      But seriously though, the airports have some weird mechanics when it comes to deploying planes and covering zones.

      if you set air forces automatically they might cancel their missions while traveling between air fields or if they surpass the plane cap, a bug which was introduced in NSB but still not addressed

  24. 4 months ago

    >South America
    Wow. Finally.
    Now when will the Pacific get a DLC with unique mechanics? Never? Okay.

  25. 4 months ago

    >Fixed order 66, something people a lot of people liked but not commie china joining allies

  26. 4 months ago

    So many Axis/Allies nations that have dogshit outdated focus trees yet they instead continue with adding irrelevant countries..

  27. 4 months ago

    Should I just max out civilian factories and convert them later, or is there an ideal ratio?

    • 4 months ago

      don't build any mils, sell any surplus and use the IC bonus to build more civs so you can buy anything you didn't produce
      international arms market is broken

    • 4 months ago

      General wisdom is to start building mils ~2 years before you plan to enter war. Before that, just focus on accumulating civs.

  28. 4 months ago

    hey paradox, I'm simply not going to pay $20 for a modpack! aha!

  29. 4 months ago

    I'm in hell

  30. 4 months ago

    The year is 1950. Stalin sits in a mudhut (current seat of the soviet government) with the last surviving member of the Politburo and a Red Army Private (head of the Stavka). The private suggests that maybe they should finally surrender, so Stalin orders him executed for treason and he is clubbed to death in the back yard because they're out of bullets.

    • 4 months ago

      As a fascist country, always do a collaborative government with the USSR. It's the only reasonable way to capitulate them without walking halfway to Sibera through empty, unsupplied tiles. Level 2 collab makes them captiluate when the 3 big cities fall--just leave Moscow for last because losing it unlocks broken focuses that help them drag out the war.

      • 4 months ago

        Hold on now, how long does they last? Forever? Then what about other wars?

        • 4 months ago

          The collab effect lasts until you capitulate them or lose the war, there's no time limit. It's strong as frick

          • 4 months ago

            Not the collab, the Moscow buffs

      • 4 months ago

        I was playing Finland and only meant to fight and "win" a historical Winter War by capturing Leningrad. Didn't manage to do it before Barbarossa, and Germany took one of the states required to form greater Finland so I had to cap the Soviets.

  31. 4 months ago

    >literally can't win as Ethiopia without using defensive command power
    >need cp for the anti colonialism decisions
    I hate that country

    • 4 months ago

      Lately a lot of the DLC countries feel like they were made to be NPCs controlled by the AI with no thought put towards whether playing them is actually fun.
      A tonne of shit where you have too many mandatory things sharing a resource, making it impossible to engage meaningfully with their mechanics without dragging the game to 1950

  32. 4 months ago

    Do you ever make tank destroyers, anti air tanks

    • 4 months ago

      Heavy SPAA is technically the optimal bathtub for Space Marine divisions because it's cost-effective and also provide anti-air so you don't need to give up a support slot for it.
      Outside of Space Marines, SPAA is objectively worse than regular towed AA because it's double the combat width.

      TDs are worthwhile specifically as an addon to tank divisions since you only need 1 TD to provide basically all of the piercing for the whole division. It can be smart to give your tank divisions a single expensive TD that's extremely minmaxed for armour and piercing and then cheap out on the armour of your actual tanks. The end result is most of your division is cheap but it still benefits from the stats of the one pricey unit that you only need like 30 of per division. However, since the AI's tank divisions are so terrible they barely function, TDs are generally more of a multiplayer thing.

  33. 4 months ago

    >you can only do it once xDD
    Great mechanic

    • 4 months ago

      >he didn't make resistance contacts first
      Skill issue.

      • 4 months ago

        A lot of work for something you can just conquer, t b h

        • 4 months ago

          You wanna pick a fight with the Allies, m80?

          • 4 months ago

            Assuming that's from the Africa achievement, provisional governments also work, you don't have to win against the allies, only drag the war long enough the conquered territories decide the join you.

            • 4 months ago

              It's the King of Kings path, the method is supposed to be you "interfering" in the war the uprising starts, and then annexing them quickly before it escalates.

              The idiot didn't realise that the way to go is to devolve Ethiopia through a focus, wait for them to finish their focus trees that upgrade their states, give them factories and bonuses and even upgrade state types and then reabsorbing them. AND he's doing it before annexing Saudi Arabia and then Yemen (navally invading Yemen too painful), which let's you restore empire of Aksum and get more cores, but doesn't block you from Horn of Africa, which gives EVEN MORE cores, etc. etc. The naval focus gives you some obsolete ships.

  34. 4 months ago

    Is there any in-depth guide to this game in text format for the current patch out there somewhere?

  35. 4 months ago

    How do I consistently invade the UK if I'm not Germany? It feels like I never have enough time or production to consistently produce ships for Operation Sea Lion unless I'm Germany, which is especially bad when I'm not in Germany's faction since I can't even put planes in their territory.

    • 4 months ago

      current patch UK will invariably just not put any ships into the channel for months at a time at points during the game. Just wait for that moment and then conga line your subs

    • 4 months ago

      The UK won't keep the Home Fleet home, so all you have to do is raid their convoys somewhere in the world that's away from europe and they'll steadily relocate all of their fleets over until there's nothing covering the English Channel.
      Failing that, you can just port strike them from Norway, or invade Ireland before starting a way with the UK and hit them from there.
      When an AI fleet takes damage, they'll immediately let them repair--deactivating their current mission. This makes it painfully easy to shut off all the fleets covering the channel for extended periods just with low-commitment naval bombing.

  36. 4 months ago

    >literally no reason to build anything but subs

    • 4 months ago

      You need air superiority or else the enemy nav bombers will grind out your subs.

      • 4 months ago

        That's assuming their planes can not only get there but are also patrolling the sea, subs also have the highest range

  37. 4 months ago

    >have so many planes i don't want to manually deal with them anymore so i just give them to 1 dude
    >they can't keep air supremacy despite having like 5000 planes under the same guy
    What is even the point of this? Manually moving them to a region is so much better

  38. 4 months ago

    Is the Italian East Africa puppet that you can form via decision better or worse than an collaborationist Ethiopia?

    • 4 months ago

      Collaborationist Ethiopia > AOI

  39. 4 months ago

    I have decided those are the hardest
    Then again, I have done Tannu Tuva before they fixed order 66 ( the only achievement I used it on ), that could have been it.

    • 4 months ago

      Gonna try and grind for Prussia of the Balkans again, just sorta gave up last time

      • 4 months ago

        I have decided those are the hardest
        Then again, I have done Tannu Tuva before they fixed order 66 ( the only achievement I used it on ), that could have been it.


        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            You don't need Hungary? Which did you decide to fight? the allies?

            • 4 months ago

              No, you only need all cores of Greece, Yugoslavia, Romania and Albania. That includes Istria and other Balkan states owned by Italy, so you'll be fighting whoever Italy decides to join. Plus the fact that France is guaranteeing every single fricking country around you means that on historical you're pretty much forced to fight both blocks.
              >Which did you decide to fight? the allies?
              I got lucky with historical focuses off. Switzerland sniped Austria before Germany could, then declared war on France. I used that opportunity to attack Romania and Yugo, and got Albania via button clicking. Britain went communist and Germany monarchist so there was a bit of breathing room where I could puppet Hungary to use them as a buffer against Germany in the future. I capped France through Switzerland, made another buffer puppet then wardec'd Italy (who by then was part of the central powers with Turkey and Germany, and had taken over Greece) while they were busy with Russia and took the remaining states that were required.

              • 4 months ago

                I also had to go ahistorial, very shameful, and painful
                Getting Romania and Greece otherwise is just way too annoying with the commie path

  40. 4 months ago

    general HoI4 question: do independent regiments/brigades work? Like three battalions of heavy tank plus recon in the same stack as the normal infantry divisions?

    • 4 months ago

      The game is built around the divisional level being the base unit. You could build a division as a single brigade but recon being a support company is shared by the division and an armored brigade can't also contain infantry because they're not the same type. Divisions of single brigade sizes are commonly used as port guards or basic line holders for nations with industry issues, so infantry or cavalry.

    • 4 months ago

      There's no practical benefit to making templates smaller than the standard division. Divs don't share capabilities or actively support one another in combat--so for example you can't have one formation evacuate wounded to a second formation's medical company or one formation provide AT support to another. That kind of granularity just doesn't exist.
      The only reason to ever make a smaller "division" is to have cheap, economical fodder to occupy tiles and prevent the enemy from walking into them for free, such as guarding ports from naval invasions or cities/supply hubs from paratroopers

      This is something that bothers me, as an order of battle autist. I hate that there's no Corps level formation and we skip straight from Division to Army, that every division needs to carry around equipment that would usually be handled at a higher operational level and assigned as needed, that you can't really have dedicated AA, artillery, anti-tank or TD divisions like many WW2 participants used doctrinally because the combat system doesn't allow formations to actively support one another, and that we can't form detachments for specialized purposes or attach capabilities to divisions on an ad hoc basis to address short-term conditions.

      • 4 months ago

        The game is built around the divisional level being the base unit. You could build a division as a single brigade but recon being a support company is shared by the division and an armored brigade can't also contain infantry because they're not the same type. Divisions of single brigade sizes are commonly used as port guards or basic line holders for nations with industry issues, so infantry or cavalry.

        good to know, but a bit of a shame that we can't have the much more flexible option of independent brigades you can move between the divisions that need them the most

  41. 4 months ago

    Excuse me what are you doing?

    • 4 months ago

      Trying to cope with an assload of focuses you made him skip.

  42. 4 months ago

    Tips for Finland?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm going to assume the vanilla historical branch.
      There's two routes: the cheese route and the historical route. With the cheese route you get the fascist guys that give you manpower but ban fascism so it never ticks up. Then you just roll over the soviets.
      With the historical route you plan on letting the soviets take some land in the north to get them out of supply. You need to stretch your forces while you ramp up with manpower and army bonuses and then you just steamroll once you regain your ancient hyperwar tech advantage.
      Playing fully historically is pretty comfy bacause once they get a few tiles in they physically can't advance any more, you can get encirclements in the north to bleed them, and naval invasions are doomed to fail if you just guard your ports with a couple divisions on each. They'll land and you can just mop them up.

  43. 4 months ago

    >Tfw got We Will Rock You by doing nothing because the UK went communist

  44. 4 months ago

    What do I do now

    • 4 months ago

      Have you thought about playing the country you want to play the way you want to play it and just casually having fun?
      You can even disable ironman mode, give countries specific focus paths to follow or manually craft entire game scenarios via the console.

      • 4 months ago

        I guess I can finally try some of the mods, any recommendations? The ww1 one seemed interesting I supposseee

  45. 4 months ago

    Big fan of Communist China joining the allies and dragging them into a war with normal China, again.
    They shouldn't even be allowed to join any faction t b h.

    • 4 months ago

      Factions need a total rework, imo.
      They have no ideological standards or geopolitical objective, just "okay you got attacked by Nazis so I guess you're good enough for the Allies to defend you forever".

      Like imagine if factions worked more like geo-political dominions with memberships levels so you could have Spain helping the Axis with their economy without being part of the to-the-death struggle with the UK as well as allowing different factions to be allies with each other like Axis and Co-Prosperity Sphere, but also having mechanics for the balance of power between factions. Allow for post-WW2 setups like a struggle between Allies and Comintern or Axis and Co-Prosperity Sphere.

      Paradox's games are so frustrating in their shallowness. They want to focus on South America instead of the problems in the game since day 1.

      • 4 months ago

        Playing other paradox games just made me realize I really want a white peace option, I shouldn't have to fight France and the UK to the death as Ottoman ONLY for Syria, I should just be able to take it and ok bye, it should be locked to only some focuses though.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, it's really stupid. Like, you're Turkey and let's say you defeat the UK. That's great. But why stop at Syria at that point? You go from winning what was meant to be a regional war to being able to vore the entire British Empire if you so choose.

        • 4 months ago

          It's a problem with the shift in design focus.
          When the game came out it was just about ww2. There were other wars, but they were like seasonings or condiments to add depth to ww2. As it got more developed it switched to ww2 being just one of the many wars that could take place and the war system is too limited to manage anything besides one big war as the focus of the game. To make smaller conflicts work there needs to be more in depth war support mechanics and territorial demand mechanics, and I'm not sure they built the game to handle that in the first place with how buggy factions can be.

          • 4 months ago

            I think white peaces should happen until ww2 officially begin and only if you aren't in a faction
            And the UK should only guarantee in Europe and only after Munich
            Would fix all my problems with the game

            • 4 months ago

              Quiet, blobber.

              The communist path turned out to be the most interesting one

              Press F to pay respects to the Balkan country pack. It was a valiant attempt to make Democracy paths the most interesting.

              • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >do the focus to fight the warlords before Japan invades
      >random ones join the Comintern and drag me into war with the USSR in 1937
      >3 separate times

      Playing other paradox games just made me realize I really want a white peace option, I shouldn't have to fight France and the UK to the death as Ottoman ONLY for Syria, I should just be able to take it and ok bye, it should be locked to only some focuses though.

      This is an issue in general.
      Most of the Axis' war plans involved just kind of waiting out the allies and hoping they lost interest in fighting and agreed to a mediated peace. The Nazis were counting on Britain backing out of the war when France fell, and then were desperately hoping they could bomb them into submission without needing to invade, and then hoped they could sell the Suez back to them in exchange for peace. Japan based its whole strategic goals around creating a pacific buffer zone that could just stall the US long enough to arrange a peace deal.
      This were important and central concepts to the war that the game utterly cannot simulate because every war is a forever war.

  46. 4 months ago

    >South America getting unique focus trees before Thailand
    Is this some kind of a sick joke?

    • 4 months ago

      No, it's the team focusing on focus trees and stuff. It's a country pack, like the Balkans.

      >Last year, we announced the formation of a new team dedicated to content creation.
      Did you already forget?

      South East Asia rework would probably come with a core mechanic change.

    • 4 months ago

      Next dlc. And I genuinely hope Paradox actually do their research on SEA before tackling it.

      And regarding Thailand, the best you'd get for its fascist path is the Asian version of Quisling's Norway path minus the part where you're a puppet.

      • 4 months ago

        the Japanese quisling are actually Ba Maw (Burma), Laurel (Philippines), Pu Yi (Manchukuo), and Wang Jingwei (ROC)
        Phibun joined the Japanese willingly and Thailand becomes the Bulgaria of Southeast Asia
        Soekarno was almost beheaded because he too much leaning on the Indonesians and the territory remained a colony

        • 4 months ago

          Quisling joined nazis willingly as well. His whole deal was drawing inspiration from and imitating the nazi's rise to power, not because he believed in it ideologically but because he was an egotist that wanted to muscle his way into power on a wave of violent populism. When it failed to get enough traction on its own, he openly collaborated with the nazis and staged a coup in the capital ahead of the nazi invasion--once again not to actually affirm an ideological leadership of Norway, but just to demonstrate publicly to Hitler that he was a useful ally in the hopes he'd be placed in charge of the collaborationist government once his country fell. And he was.
          He was just a little worm that sold out his country for an ounce of power, choosing to bow and lick nazi boots for a taste of strength rather than stand for anything at all. That's why his name above all others has endured as a synonym for a uniquely pathetic kind of brown-noser even as other nazi collaborators are forgotten.

          • 4 months ago

            okay, but does Marshal Phibun too?
            he only seriously considering to join the Sphere after they mediated them with Vichy France when the French ships was almost bombing Bangkok for the 2nd time in the 1940 Skirmish

            • 4 months ago

              and later on Phibun willingly resigned with the full approval of the Regent when Allied-backed Seni Pramoj demanded it
              essentially Thailand pulled a Romania at Japan and vacated from the conquered territories in Malaya and Burma after Churchill threatened to occupy Thailand

        • 4 months ago

          Not quite. unlike quisling he had sympathies with the Japanese (for example, agreeing with Pan-Asianism as a means to thwart european influence in SEA, but against japanese wartime atrocities and the war in China) but he wasn't an overt fanatic at best, and never lusted for power unlike Quisling, Jingwei or even Mussert. Like all collaborationists in ww2 he was merely a figurehead and in reality the Japanese military government governed the country by decree. Ironically he was even controversially pardoned in 1948 along with other high ranking collaborators, including his buddies the Aquinos ,which are still strong to this day in the country and Yulo of TNO fame. He was even allowed to run for office a couple of years later, helped found some local universities, and most filipinos are at best ambivalent of his presidency knowing well he was a collaborationist.

  47. 4 months ago

    >Mexico can core half the us but neither Canada nor France can

    • 4 months ago

      The modern Canadian identity basically came about by being the group of British colonists who wanted nothing to do with the United States project. Cores in WA and AK? Yeah, I can see it. Anything else? Absolutely not.
      Outside of Louisiana and Quebec, the French had no serious presence in the United States. They just claimed a bunch of land they had fur trappers roaming around in.

      • 4 months ago

        >Implying it's out of character for Paradox to just say "frick it" and give Canada cores on the entire US via fascist focus tree

        • 4 months ago

          There's nothing stopping you from invading the US as Canada in-game. The purpose of cores is "rightful claims", with populations that wouldn't see themselves as occupied (or populations that are genocided, but Paradox wants to pretend that never happened during WW2).
          As I said, WA would be fine and I guess New England too if you wanted to be crazy, but the fact is average Americans would feel they are being occupied by Canadian conquerors and thus core wouldn't apply.

          • 4 months ago

            average americans feel they're are being occupied by Washington so that's nothing new.

            • 4 months ago

              Take your political brainworms elsewhere.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm not disagreeing with you, anon, I'm just saying that it's entirely within Paradox's character to just let you core the US as fascist Canada.

    • 4 months ago

      I just want Newfoundland to be able to join Confederation without needing to literally invade the UK for it. If I wanted cores in the US, I would just fricking play as US. Coring majors is lame.

  48. 4 months ago

    >Female leader or general
    >They are always amazing

  49. 4 months ago

    I hate paradox dlc policy

    • 4 months ago

      Do you even know it?

      • 4 months ago

        It's 20 dollar dlcs and a shitty 40 dollar basegame
        The whole hoi4 game or Eu4 would cost more than 100 dollars with all the dlcs don't take me for stupid fanboy

        • 4 months ago

          300 and 560 dollars, actually. Product of 8 and 10 years of continued development.

          • 4 months ago

            Don't try to defend this bullshit fanboy
            Minecraft is 13 years old and only costs 30 bucks
            you just a paradox fanboy

            • 4 months ago

              Terraria is 10 bucks, and superior to Minecraft in every single way. What's your point?

              • 4 months ago

                You not only a paradox fanboy
                but also a terraria fanboy

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                fanboy, your opinion is invalid

    • 4 months ago

      Why? paypigs fund the company whilst I laught at them, and if I really want to try it out, I just creamapi it.

      • 4 months ago

        Because it makes the game shittier than it would otherwise be. It compartmentalizes content so it's not profitable to update or even fix content outside of dlc.

  50. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >No Peron
      It's shit

      • 4 months ago

        >Peron WILL be added thanks to pressure
        Yeah it's now Argenkino

      • 4 months ago

        >No Peron
        I wish.

    • 4 months ago

      >No Peron
      It's shit

      Have faith my brother, with enough pressure and begging he will be added as a leader.
      Overall? It's a solid focus for a minor, the unique icons for the focuses are pretty neat and the Conquistadores national spirit looks vert good for an early South American unification.

      • 4 months ago

        The communist path turned out to be the most interesting one

  51. 4 months ago

    >Mission: Pacify Ethiopia
    >Mission: Deploy 750k troops with your dog shit military industry
    >Mission: build 600 planes with your dog shit military industry
    Holy frick benny slow down

    • 4 months ago

      You WILL follow the Duce's directives

      • 4 months ago

        Ad interim

        Ad interim

        Ad interim

        • 4 months ago

          My Duce... the +2% bonus... isn't enough...

          • 4 months ago

            Questo era un Ordine!

    • 4 months ago

      this is why you don't complete the missions too fast
      otherwise the Duce would get uppity

    • 4 months ago

      Funfact, if you depose Mussolini and later eat Dalmatia, MonteBlackvia decisions and Albania via focus you can have him back as leader before swapping to Balbo, Grandi or Monarchist

    • 4 months ago

      >Pacify Ethiopia
      Always run into bugs with that one. Like when i dont even own the country
      >Deploy troops
      Easy to cheese
      >Build 600 planes
      Counts as having 600 not building 600 new ones. I always get it when im at war for some reason or right about to enter war.

      • 4 months ago

        >Like when i dont even own the country
        This is a skill issue. Imagine needing more than 2 months to capitulate them

        • 4 months ago

          I meant when i give it to a puppet moron

  52. 4 months ago

    get a room

  53. 4 months ago

    I played a lot of Darkest Hour and quite a bit of HoI 3, this in addition to also having way too many hours in other Paradox games like Ck2 and 3, Vicky 1-2 and EU3 but I always just quit HoI 4 after a few years pass in the game, often before the big war even kicks off, I hope the 5th game turns out to be better than this.

    • 4 months ago

      >I hope the 5th game turns out to be better than this.
      Are you kidding? If it is then it not be made by Paradox.
      Hoi5 by Paradox would include DEI features such as building elite brigades comprised solely of trannies and lesbians. These would receive invincibility boosts.
      The Axis would be programmed to lose. Always.
      All politicians would be replaced by wimmin of colour.
      And just unpausing the game would immediately result in you winning. You wouldn't even need to do anything. Just hit the HOI5 shortcut icon on your desktop and you would get "I WIN!" in big blazing letters on you computer's screen.
      >But wut if I wuz an Axis player? You said they would be programmed to always lose.
      Ah yes, normally that would just crash the game, but there would be a DLC that would enable you to win as an Axis player. Purchasable for $200. It would be called "I am a Nazi scumbag" Purchasing it would automatically notify the authorities in your country that you are a domestic terrorist and would down load fabricated evidence of your terrorist plans to their website.

      • 4 months ago

        right wingers and their constant fight against their own imagination

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          He's exaggerating for sure. However he's not wrong about the "I win" button. Left to Paradox hoi5 would be more of an idle mobile game, with loot boxes that enable you to win even faster.
          Its easy to see why, the original hoi games were designed for historical war-gaming grognards, and they excelled at scratching that itch. But now? There's far more money in catering to the dummies.

          • 4 months ago

            >mobile game
            >loot boxes
            Either tell me whose youtuber's opinions you are aping, or take your fricking meds, dipshit. I tire of seeing this stupid fricking moronation.

            • 4 months ago

              >Hoi4 is so cool i win all the time!
              Ah shut the frick up you arse dribble.

              • 4 months ago

                Frick your attempts to meme shit into existence, and frick you. HoI5 isn't happening. Shut the frick up.

              • 4 months ago

                Face it b***h, your black pimp father raped your prostitute mother while you will still in her womb. His penis butted your head so many times you are now permanently brain damaged.

              • 4 months ago

                you need to stop being so negative. it will come. one day

  54. 4 months ago

    >no path where you invite some obscure Italian royal to sit the throne of The Holy Catholic Kingdom of Argentina

    cringe beyond belief

  55. 4 months ago


    Pretty terrible, not a single paradox tutorial ever taught me anything, play it for real or find a friend

    • 4 months ago

      How good is the tutorial for the game? I've never really played grand strategy but am intrigued by this but don't want to have to watch 60 hours worth of guides just to not get destroyed the second I do anything. I don't have the game yet but from the streams I've seen it looks alright and the music is good.

      reposted because I'm fricking stupid and can't into game genres

      >play it for real

      So just jump in and figure shit out as I go?


      My favorite thing is being left alone so friends are not something I have

      • 4 months ago

        >How good is the tutorial for the game

  56. 4 months ago

    How should you design ships? Detectionmaxxing?

  57. 4 months ago

    What's the point of flame tanks after all the nerfs?

  58. 4 months ago

    I dont get why they dont just make a cold war game. Its obvious they want to

    • 4 months ago

      The meme answer their twitter account gave was that they can't find anyone with thick enough skin willing to take the abuse that will follow.

      • 4 months ago

        To make or to play it? Either way im praying esiocracy is good

        They cancelled East vs West to peddle HoI4, game desperately needed bugfixing and was cancelled before it could happen.

        I wondered what really happened with that. I played the very they had out and thought it was a decent enough start

        • 4 months ago

          >To make or to play it? Either way im praying esiocracy is good
          To handle the community outreach. :^)

          Paradox already has anarchists memeing in their studio. God knows what will happen to them once they start reading Cold War history.

    • 4 months ago

      They cancelled East vs West to peddle HoI4, game desperately needed bugfixing and was cancelled before it could happen.

      • 4 months ago

        >East vs West

        How about stop missing deadlines and stop cutting features, and STILL missing deadlines?

        BL-Logic released Terminal Conflict six years later, which is also Cold War.

      • 4 months ago

        >East vs West
        EvW was a legacy project at that point when they still allowed other studios to license their in house game engine up until it never got viable since Darkest Hour failed, the magna mundi fiasco happened and a lot of the other projects never caught up. They did actually backtrack on that policy last year when they released that meme Star Trek stellaris fork.

    • 4 months ago

      >Cold War
      They will frick it up.

      Just wait for espiocracy.

      • 4 months ago

        Ill believe espiocracy will be a thing when it actually releases

        >check out folder with all of my hoi4 saves
        >delete some of them because those save games are from the first half of 2019 kaiserreich
        >delete some more
        >decide to check properties to see the total space of the folder
        >1036 archives
        >3,53 GB of space
        >delete almost every archive
        >final weight of folder 176 MB
        Remember to delete save games to free up space in your computer, also TNO save games are the heaviest, over 40 kB every save game after just playing like 5 minutes, cold war save games are less heavy than those, kr save games are like cold war weight. EaW save games are lighter than those 3

        I have multiple terabyte hardrives so i dont check much but the most ive deleted was 40 gbs of saves

  59. 4 months ago

    >I'm more hyped for Chile than Brazil and Argentina
    I hope the new focuses are Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg , name of the expansion; the literally whos

    • 4 months ago

      This is just a content pack, like the Balkans. The main attention will probably going to be SEA for the main team.

  60. 4 months ago

    Falklands empire

  61. 4 months ago

    >Ibañez' so incompetent that he's the gateway for Paradox' Le wacky wholesome chungus™ nonsense routes

    • 4 months ago

      Well at least he can become president via election in the democratic route. Although they hinted there might be a way to avoid becoming a french kingdom or a mapuche state with him in charge.

  62. 4 months ago

    What is even the point of stationary anti-air? It sure isn't giving me air superiority or protecting my factories

    • 4 months ago

      they will absolutely frick up paratroopers even if you use a glider command

    • 4 months ago

      You basically need radar to make them effective but they do shoot down shit though its slow. Usually faster than it is to build planes though. Its only going to shoot down planes that are bombing you though.

  63. 4 months ago

    Get in

    • 4 months ago

      fun comments

      • 4 months ago

        >go three comments deep
        >spot seething Huezillian

  64. 4 months ago

    Are MPs worth putting on frontline infantry divisions now with the recovery rate buff?

  65. 4 months ago

    >5 months old
    >Sami still has no name

  66. 4 months ago

    hoi4 development is left to interns, why are we excited again?

    • 4 months ago

      Paraguay, Uruguay, and more!

      the one who created Brazil is the one who created Sweden
      and Chile's is a smalltime designer who finally gets a chance to make his own country content
      but yeah, Argentina (and Peron) was made by a new intern

      • 4 months ago

        Canada reworks, intredasting.

      • 4 months ago

        We did it boys

        >CHAD Domingo Perón gets his own uniuqe focuses icons plus leader trait.
        >War of the '41 that can give great bonuses for Peru or Ecuador if they win it.
        >Uruguay and Paraguay mini-focuses, with the Battle of River Plate event for the former if germans and brits fight in the sea near their ports.
        >New formable nations and releasables, Quebec can be freed at last plus meme Rapa Nui and new ways to frick over Mexico. The Central America formable got new options to core Yucatan and Panama.
        >Canada gets a bag of new goodies (leader traits for all ideologies, new focuses and the addition to get the UK canadian lands as democratic, tweaks to old ones with new bonusesand less research time and the mounties now are featured as the spy agency) plus a small industry concern for the US.
        >Shitton of new operatives for the US, Germany and Japan
        >Naval traits reworked
        >Amazon rework and full south american air zones rework
        Not bad at all. I'm glad they touched they also touched the Chaco War via a penalizing national spirit for Bolivia and Paraguay.

        • 4 months ago

          Shit, what a hell of a keystroke I had at the end. Should have double checked it.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >tfw there may be a chance of starting a civil war against Quebec after taking the Forced Quebec Conscription focus.

          • 4 months ago

            You only want to be an oppressor, but at least would do something, it's such a non choice right now.

      • 4 months ago

        >the one who created Brazil is the one who created Sweden
        It'll probably be fun then

  67. 4 months ago

    How are you meant to play countries that aren't a major? You have no ic and chances are no resources so your small ic gets even smaller.

    • 4 months ago

      Conquering other minors until you become a major. Forming Austria-Hungary via monarchist Hungary focus tree is a good example and a good starting major imo.

    • 4 months ago

      the ai isnt very smart so you outplay them

  68. 4 months ago

    We did it boys

  69. 4 months ago

    Add Antarctica to the map

  70. 4 months ago

    Update actually looks pretty good. Now if only they would get rid of that god awful new designer system

  71. 4 months ago

    >check out folder with all of my hoi4 saves
    >delete some of them because those save games are from the first half of 2019 kaiserreich
    >delete some more
    >decide to check properties to see the total space of the folder
    >1036 archives
    >3,53 GB of space
    >delete almost every archive
    >final weight of folder 176 MB
    Remember to delete save games to free up space in your computer, also TNO save games are the heaviest, over 40 kB every save game after just playing like 5 minutes, cold war save games are less heavy than those, kr save games are like cold war weight. EaW save games are lighter than those 3

    • 4 months ago

      >Think you're bullshitting, no way a mapgame save is that big
      >Check savegame file
      >Almost 6GB in total
      >The biggest save file by far is the one TNO game I played for like an hour, not the multiple multiplayer endgame saves

    • 4 months ago

      I delete my saves every single time, I actually hate having 1 up after I'm done with it

  72. 4 months ago

    Say what you will, but the Horn of Africa's focus tree is the perfect focus tree for all the countries in Africa barring South Africa

    • 4 months ago

      Any nation with a tree that messes up historical is bad

      • 4 months ago

        That bridge has been crossed when Hungary got a monarchist tree and Manchukuo became the stand in for "Fascist China" anon

        • 4 months ago

          Neither takes the route on historical. Hist Ethiopia will destabilize Africa if it survives long enough. Alt hist paths are fine but fricking up hist is annoying

          • 4 months ago

            >Hist Ethiopia will destabilize Africa if it survives long enough
            I've never really seen Ethiopia survive far enough but iirc if they did manage to, they would never really go as far beyond the Empower the Chambers/Federal Empire line

            • 4 months ago

              Many of my games go late and they will always destabilize africa if they are alive. Some of my games reaching into the 70s have most of africa released because of them

        • 4 months ago

          The Hungarian monarchist tree would have been fun if you actually had to fight off the Czechs to get the kang back

  73. 4 months ago

    Do you guys have any recommended quick guide video? Thinking about trying the game out

    • 4 months ago

      That one is about Japan, but it teaches the basics and is the most recent that I know of

      He has a few others

    • 4 months ago

      Ultimately, the best way to learn imo is to play historical Germany and just figure it out with small guides along the way. There are some good Steam guides you can reference as you go along.

    • 4 months ago

      I would advise against it unless you dont have a job.

  74. 4 months ago

    Balkanbros, what's the satisying country and mod between Hungary, Austria, and Romania?
    Having a good time with Hungary Expanded but not sure if I'm missing out by not playing a mod supported by RT56.

  75. 4 months ago

    So these are the only DLC I need right?
    Equipment Conversion
    Vassal Autonomy
    Field Marshals

    • 4 months ago

      Man the Guns has the naval designer and Government-in-Exiles.

      No Step Back has the armor designer and Railway Guns.

      By Blood Alone has the plane designer and the reworked peace conferences.

      Battle for Bosporus is just a country rework pack. Same as this upcoming one.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't care about that.
        >Railway Guns
        What's that?
        >reworked peace conferences
        Reworked how? Does that matter? If there is peace that means WWII is over and the game is over, right?
        >country rework pack
        Which counties?

        • 4 months ago

          Schwerer Gustav, but not worthless.

          Game isn't over until the end date is hit.

          Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

          • 4 months ago

            So then I'm not really missing anything then, cool. Thank you.

            • 4 months ago

              See you in a few hundred hours.

              • 4 months ago

                Should i pick a small county nobody cares about (South or Central America maybe) to start with or jump right in as one of the big boys?

              • 4 months ago

                Play smaller country, like a Commonwealth one, if you still want to contribute, while not getting shitstomped. Play Axis when you get better. Play Allied majors when you get really good. Start binging tutorials to figure out how to play better. Download total conversion mods to play even more. Lose a thousand hours of your life, yourself, and your sense of time. End up buying the rest of the DLC, anyway.

              • 4 months ago

                I've been on a WWII binge the last 2 months, mostly playing RTS games, and have been hoping this would go on sale.
                I've already watched some tutorials online but they were pretty 4+ years old.

              • 4 months ago

                None of the concepts really changed all that much. Except introduction of railways. It's all mostly content expansions.

              • 4 months ago

                >introduction of railways
                Well I guess I'll look for a video on that.
                Or has the in-game tutorial been updated to include that?

              • 4 months ago

                Probably? Hopefully? I dunno, but supply will regularly have your wiener. So you better be in the know.

              • 4 months ago

                >Officer Corps
                Oh shit this is new too.

              • 4 months ago

                No Step Back DLC.

              • 4 months ago

                Play smaller country, like a Commonwealth one, if you still want to contribute, while not getting shitstomped. Play Axis when you get better. Play Allied majors when you get really good. Start binging tutorials to figure out how to play better. Download total conversion mods to play even more. Lose a thousand hours of your life, yourself, and your sense of time. End up buying the rest of the DLC, anyway.

    • 3 months ago

      MTG makes naval combat so much better. NSB vastly improves supply system but tanks designer is meh. I actually really like the italy tree in BBA but I can understand why people don't like the DLC since plane designer kind of sucks.

      • 3 months ago

        >MTG makes naval combat so much better
        What does it add to naval combat besides the ship designer?
        >NSB vastly improves supply system
        How so?

        I know this is old but just paradrop in the three tile wide part of Peru behind the front line. This will cut of the Peruvian army from supply and you will be able to quickly grind them down by cycling attacks.

        Can I paradrop any kind of troop or just the paratrooper special forces?

        If you win the air and naval war you will win the land war. Air is most important, then naval, land will come naturally if you are able to win those two.

        Is this a general rule in the game or do you just mean when playing a shithole country fighting other shithole countries?

        • 3 months ago

          >Is this a general rule in the game or do you just mean when playing a shithole country fighting other shithole countries?
          General rule
          >Can I paradrop any kind of troop or just the paratrooper special forces?
          You can only paradrop the special forces, but any support company can be dropped.

          MTG allows you to change your shipping routes, lay naval mines, and the ship designer allows you to specifically tailor your fleets for different roles in combat, you really need to have ships for anti-submarine, scouting, screens, etc.

          • 3 months ago

            >have ships for anti-submarine, scouting, screens, etc.
            Isnt that what destroyers are for?

            >If America gets involved do you eventualy have to invade mainland America?
            The best method is to take the RN in a peace deal and use that to lock the US on their continent. Kreigsmarine + RN is enough to destroy the US navy. Japan should be able to take care of the rest. If they choke for whatever reason then yes you have to invade.


            • 3 months ago

              >Isnt that what destroyers are for?
              Yes but the different modules allows you to specialize your destroyers so they are more effective at each role.

              RN = Royal Navy. You can take navies in a peace deal.

              • 3 months ago

                >You can take navies in a peace deal
                Is that a. DLC? I didnt see that option when i beat Venezuela, but that is probably because they had no navy.

              • 3 months ago

                It's probably BBA then, since that DLC reworks peace talks.

        • 3 months ago

          >Is this a general rule
          General rule.
          CAS is insanely strong, so much so that mediocre infantry with CAS support will attack successfully into larger numbers of superior infantry. CAS essentially makes the stats of your land units irrelevant, just being in combat so that the CAS can do all the work for you is enough.
          Thus you invest most of your IC into winning the air war and building CAS to capitalize on winning air, then whatever is left over goes to land units.
          Navy matters because most of the world's rubber is in Borneo and everybody but the US and USSR needs to import fuel by sea. Controlling sea lanes allows you to cut off your foe's access to critical resources, starving out their production of air especially.

          • 3 months ago

            So it's all about the air power.
            Just as it should be.
            Thanks for the advice.

  76. 4 months ago

    So I can only import goods to lose production but not export them to gain production? Or is that just some limit in the tutorial or I'm missing something?

    • 4 months ago

      Resource exports go into a pool based on your export law. They're on the market and anyone who buys them pays you in civ factories. The idea is the same for the arms market but you decide what goes up and the price.

      • 4 months ago

        >the arms market
        Where is that?
        Or do you mean Lend Leasing?

      • 4 months ago

        >the arms market
        Where is that?
        Or do you mean Lend Leasing?

        Oh wait that's only in a DLC? Shit.

  77. 4 months ago

    Yeah this doesn't really tell me that much.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a lot simpler than they make it out.
      Rail transports supplies from your capitol to depots or naval bases. Naval bases ship supplies to other naval bases, depots send supplies out to individual units based on the depot or army motorization priority. Higher priority = more trucks used but also more range.
      If units are out of supply you need to turn on your anno or factorio brain and identify the bottleneck.
      You can intentionally leave supply deserts to frick an enemy advance. A finland strat is to just let Russia take the extreme north and repeatedly encircle what units they put there because they'll constantly be out of supply while you'll have set up depots right behind a fallback line.

      • 4 months ago

        So then the fact I'm FRICK on supplies is Etheopia's fault, not mine. (this is still the tutorial)

        Resource exports go into a pool based on your export law. They're on the market and anyone who buys them pays you in civ factories. The idea is the same for the arms market but you decide what goes up and the price.

        So I can export resources, I'm just not seeing it. It's tied to a law. I'll look harder. Hope that's not tied to a DLC.

  78. 4 months ago

    >go to war against Finland
    >they never surrender
    Please it's been 20 years I just want it all to finnish

  79. 4 months ago

    If I promote a level 4 guy to chief of X and he later levels up in combat to level 6, will his chief trait also improve? I know, dumb question.
    Also, does this apply to generals in weird roles, like those German and Japanese generals who are also air force chiefs?

  80. 4 months ago

    I can't do it bros. Even with my ally Peru, I can't take on Venezuela.

    • 4 months ago

      Communist Colombia shouldn't have much issues beating up Venezuela. You can get an achievement by restoring Gran Colombia too.

      • 4 months ago

        No matter what I do they outnumber me 3-1 and I just can't overcome that.

        I've never liked fighting them much, I always naval invade Carcass

        Tried that but they have to many people guarding the capitol.

    • 4 months ago

      I've never liked fighting them much, I always naval invade Carcass

      • 3 months ago

        finally got that to work. Doesn't work.
        The capital just switches places.

    • 4 months ago

      How the hell do you let the AI push you out of mountain tiles?

      • 4 months ago

        I have no idea.
        I don't have any special forces (mountaineers) if that matters.

        • 4 months ago

          Do you not have artillery and correct width divisions?

          • 4 months ago

            >Do you not have artillery
            I have no artillery at all.
            >correct width divisions?

            • 4 months ago

              Well, there's your problem. Didn't you watch tutorials on how combat happens?

              • 4 months ago

                Not one made recently.

                IT DIDN"T CHANGE.

                So the end-all-be-all width is still 20?

                I WANTED artillery, but since I only had a few military factories I went with Inf. Equipment, Support Equipment, Trucks, and CAS.

              • 4 months ago

                CAS isn't worth doing at all if your a third world shithole since its such a tech hassle compared to raw arty. Still if you had engineers and air support you should not being doing as bad as you are unless its something like not noticing your entire army is under strength

              • 4 months ago

                Well i didn't have enough supplies for engineers so i wasn't really making armies at all.

    • 4 months ago

      If you aren't on iron man, tag over to Venezuela for a few minutes and examine their division templates. The templates I use are based on what the devs taught the AI to build, though I still use 40W tanks for pushing.

      • 4 months ago

        >tag over to Venezuela
        Is that a console command?

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, so tag VEN

          • 3 months ago

            Well I checked.
            Each Venezuela division had a width of 21. 9 Infantry + 1 Artillery, with a artillery support.
            Where mine where 5 Infantry.
            So they have twice as many divisions as me, and each one is twice the size. I guess it makes sense they're pushing my shit in.

  81. 4 months ago

    Alt-history Brazil

  82. 4 months ago

    If they don't use the 'Nazis in Argentina (during the war' and 'Nazis escape to Argentina (after)' plotlines we riot

    • 4 months ago

      They did mentioned a small rework for Señor Hitler, so...

    • 4 months ago

      They literally already have, idiot. And for America, too. And Greece.

      • 4 months ago

        Well, then I hope they expand on that.

        • 4 months ago

          I'd prefer they synchronized the content, so it's not just a massive mess, but looks like genuine "alt-history" of different flavours of goofy. Like Restoring the Kaiser flipping France, etc. etc.

  83. 4 months ago

    So If I'm low on manpower but have lots of supplies, I can just convert one division to another type?

  84. 4 months ago



  85. 3 months ago

    I finally fricking did it.
    Now I need to decide what to do next.
    I could try and take Peru to revive Bolivar's legacy. The downside with that is Peru's army seems to be about equal to mine. Plus the area is nothing but fricking mountains.
    Or maybe I could try and take over Brazil? There army seems to be minuscule. The only thing is it's 90% Green Inferno and I'd have to walk my armies though it to get to the important bits. Unless I'm able to capture Rio with a naval invasion. That might be do-able.

    • 3 months ago

      take Peru and blast them with CAS and arty + mountaineers + pioneer

      • 3 months ago

        I don't have any CAS and I'd have to research mountaineers.
        What is poineer?

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't have any CAS and I'd have to research mountaineers.
          then you're fricked from getting a large amount of cored states and industry
          so since you didn't have Arms Against Tyranny (for pioneer special forces and arms market) what else the DLC you had besides Waking the Tiger?

          • 3 months ago


            So these are the only DLC I need right?
            Equipment Conversion
            Vassal Autonomy
            Field Marshals

            are the ones i have. I don't want the one that adds spies and i don't want the ones that add designers.
            I do want Arms Against Tyranny for the market but it wasn't on sale.

  86. 3 months ago

    >start playing
    >be overwhelmed with things to do
    >go for the tutorial, maybe then I'll grow a brain
    >capture Addis Abeba
    >I still know nothing

    • 3 months ago

      You only need to know like 10% of the mechanics to build großgermanisches. Just know the proper fighter/inf templates to build and have enough trucks for total motorization and you don't need to know anything else unless you're achievement hunting. Hell the vast majority of the playerbase still has no idea how the navy works

      • 3 months ago

        >the vast majority of the playerbase still has no idea how the navy works
        How do they play Japan?

        • 3 months ago

          >How do they play Japan?
          They don't.

          • 3 months ago

            I understand navy (it's gay and cringe, I give steel to the army)

  87. 3 months ago

    South america is such a shithole I just naval invade everything

    • 3 months ago

      How do I increase enemy intel? Buy a DLC?

      >naval invade everything
      I'm trying.

      • 3 months ago

        Dropping a spy there will increase intel

        • 3 months ago

          How do I do that without that shitty DLC I would never buy?

          • 3 months ago

            Why would you buy the dlcs when you can get them for free with auto creamapi?

            • 3 months ago

              Why would I use that shitty DLC at all?

              • 3 months ago

                Naval invading
                Collaboration government
                Fighting in general

              • 3 months ago

                >Naval invading
                Yeah but why does that mechanic exist if I don't even have the DLC?
                I can't naval invade now unless I have the DLC? Udder horseshit.

              • 3 months ago

                Play Hoi3 instead

              • 3 months ago

                Can you play every nation or just the major ones?

              • 3 months ago

                Every nation, including shit like Tibet, New Zealand, Liberia. But the smaller you are the less you can do. So for being Tibet for example you would basically just be a spectator.
                Some of the bigger minors, like Hungary, Brazil and Canada for example, you can do more interesting stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                >being Tibet for example you would basically just be a spectator.
                You can't send monks to kung fu the crap out of people?

              • 3 months ago

                You don't need spies to naval invade, but intel gives you supremacy
                Make more ships then

              • 3 months ago

                Well I'm stuck.
                They sank my navy because they had 1 light cruiser and all I had as destroyers.
                They have an air force. I don't but I'm working on it.
                I have more boots on the ground but that doesn't matter because they're defending mountains you have to cross rivers to get to.

                I'm going to try but now I only have one destroyer.

              • 3 months ago

                Try again without losing the ships
                Make an air force and paradrop
                Make railways
                tbh Peru is probably my one of most hated country to fight against, there's no way to make it fun

              • 3 months ago

                >Try again without losing the ships
                Okay but how to I not lose the ships? Is there some sort of RNG?

              • 3 months ago

                You can lose them, but it after landing

              • 3 months ago


                How do I increase enemy intel? Buy a DLC?

                >naval invade everything
                I'm trying.

                How do I naval invade if I can't get over 30% supremacy?

              • 3 months ago

                Prepare the invasion before declaring war on them

              • 3 months ago

                I did that.

              • 3 months ago

                I can't play the game for you
                But I think you made a mistake playing those nations with barely any dlcs

              • 3 months ago

                I think I've learned quit a bit from playing colombia.
                I think next game I'll try germany.

              • 3 months ago

                Easy nation, might have more fun

              • 3 months ago

                I mean If I can contour Venezuela as Columbia, Then contouring western europe as Germany should be a cinch.
                If America gets involved do you eventualy have to invade mainland America?
                I think realistically if it got bad enough America wouldn't wait for a mainland invasion to sign some sort of truce.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, unfortunately
                As Germany or any Axis nation you want to get the allies before the USA gets involved, before late 1941
                Get that sea lion going boy

              • 3 months ago

                Is the AI good enough to naval invade? Can i expect a D-Day? Usually in stratagy games AI cant into crossing water.
                The 4+year old tutorial i watched said you could forgo navy and just have torpedo bombers and fighters to cover them. Is that still.true?

              • 3 months ago

                AI will naval invade like crazy in most circumstances but I think they are hard programed to not invasion spam the German coast as much they would anywhere else until around 1943/4

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah, unfortunately
                >As Germany or any Axis nation you want to get the allies before the USA gets involved, before late 1941
                Is that possible if you start the war in 39?
                Since Hitler dun goofed and declared war on USSR, shouldn't I be able to avoid conflict with them entirely?
                Or save the USSR for after I take out France/UK? Would I also need to invade Canada and Australia?

              • 3 months ago

                Canada and Australia aren't major powers, but they can become one

              • 3 months ago

                Save the USSR? You meant try to go for naval invasion legit and not a paradrop cheese? Because that part of historical accuracy doesn't lie - going for 1943 invasion or later will go very poorly.

              • 3 months ago

                The meta strat is to cheese out an early molotov-ribbentrop so the instant you're done with France you can declare on the ussr and roll over them while they're still debuffed to shit.

              • 3 months ago

                UK and France AI are pretty much designed to be completely impotent. I go out of my way to not invade England before America joins the war because I like the world war aspect of my world war game but even then sometimes Italy or Vichy France gets off a landing and finishes them off themselves before I cant even start the war with the soviets

              • 3 months ago

                >If America gets involved do you eventualy have to invade mainland America?
                The best method is to take the RN in a peace deal and use that to lock the US on their continent. Kreigsmarine + RN is enough to destroy the US navy. Japan should be able to take care of the rest. If they choke for whatever reason then yes you have to invade.

              • 3 months ago

                If your getting a peace deal with the UK you can just steal Canada and invade from there. If you build some carriers the Germany navy will already be able to deal with whatever taskforces the mutts leave in the Atlantic without navy stealing

              • 3 months ago

                I know this is old but just paradrop in the three tile wide part of Peru behind the front line. This will cut of the Peruvian army from supply and you will be able to quickly grind them down by cycling attacks.

              • 3 months ago

                Should I try pumping more artillery into my infantry? I've got 1400 in surplus.

                If you win the air and naval war you will win the land war. Air is most important, then naval, land will come naturally if you are able to win those two.

      • 3 months ago

        Well I'm stuck.
        They sank my navy because they had 1 light cruiser and all I had as destroyers.
        They have an air force. I don't but I'm working on it.
        I have more boots on the ground but that doesn't matter because they're defending mountains you have to cross rivers to get to.

        I'm going to try but now I only have one destroyer.

        Should I try pumping more artillery into my infantry? I've got 1400 in surplus.

        Jesus, I still have nightmares playing the sudaca mod and having to fight the peruvian civil war or chasing like 5 brigades in the amazon when fighting the brazilian civil war, south america NEVER

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I'm thinking I should've picked Australia for my tooth cutting game. A nice big island far away from all the problems.

          • 3 months ago

            New Zealand. You get six research slots. You can be useful to Allies passively.

          • 3 months ago

            Nah man, is just that sudaca lands, untill the next dlc come out, were completely forgotten lol, logistical hells even with majors, only nukes fix it

      • 3 months ago

        I figured out the solution to this.
        Upgrading my radar towers on the coat.

  88. 3 months ago

    Should I try pumping more artillery into my infantry? I've got 1400 in surplus.

    • 3 months ago

      Double/triple arty divisions are absolute monsters but its not really worth it on stock infantry instead of special forces with how expensive it gets unless you're playing some ultra low manpower meme nation like Liberia or Sardinia.

  89. 3 months ago

    What would an actual Communist Germany tree look like had Paradox released one alongside the Monarchist/Democratic Path?

    • 3 months ago

      Something like Japan-tier Communist path.

  90. 3 months ago

    So what makes the paracuck threads here stand out from the gsg thread other than the fact people are actually using the reply function? Is that thread hijacked by schizos?

    • 3 months ago

      We actually play the games here.

  91. 3 months ago

    I'm not sure who would I like to play when the new DLC drops in 2 weeks. Monarchist Brazil and Historical Argentina are just too appealing for me, Fascist Chile being the other option coming close to the two.

    • 3 months ago

      only one true path

  92. 3 months ago

    Is there a way to make him my reichsprotectorate like before the latest DLC or is it just another one of Paradox's improvements?

    • 3 months ago

      Just click and read the next focuses. One of those is literally called Norwegian Reichsprotectorate.

  93. 3 months ago

    so with the devs breaking the promise by adding a literal who region in a ww2 game, which region should come next?
    Middle East or Southeast Asia?

    • 3 months ago

      Austria and Belgium (two nations that were directly involved in the war) would be nice :')

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      What promise?

    • 3 months ago

      they broke it a long time ago with Bosporus, dipshit

      • 3 months ago

        Did they promise not to outsource focus trees and release region packs?

  94. 3 months ago

    Is there literally any reason not to go Kodoha/Unaligned as Japan every game?

    >nicer map color
    >gets rid of Japan's worst debuffs like the PP and research penalties
    >can still fight Chiang, this time without his vassal swarm or the Marco Polo debuff
    >very high chance of Mao also declaring on him
    >can still fight the allies since you join the Axis

    • 3 months ago

      >the north

      Good luck fighting Allies.

      • 3 months ago

        That's the thing.
        The focus tree attempts to railroad you into attacking only the Soviets but thanks to joining the Axis and the Chinese giving free wargoals on themselves by sabotaging your shit, it just plays like fascist Japan but better.

  95. 3 months ago

    How do I figure out how many transport planes I need to paradrop?
    I can't find this information anywhere.

    • 3 months ago

      • 3 months ago

        Well shit I have nowhere near enough planes.

  96. 3 months ago

    What is better to spam, Destroyers or Submarines?
    I do not have MTG. I have single-digit dockyards.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Will protect your convoys from enemy subs but will die to any surface fleet that contests the waters
      Will hunt enemy convoys but can't protect your own and can't challenge surface ships. If the enemy has destroyers available, they'll guard their convoys and your subs will have relatively little impact unless you can position them in a distant logistic chokepoint like the cape of good hope or the suez/panama canals.

      • 3 months ago

        Would I be better of with light cruisers then?
        Is 1 light cruiser going to serve me better than 2-3 destroyers?

  97. 3 months ago

    Is this a good game?

    • 3 months ago


  98. 3 months ago

    • 3 months ago

      Wow this is some Kaiserredux shit

      • 3 months ago

        The event is already in the game, idiot. He can also show up in the US as Adam Hilt.

    • 3 months ago

      At long last, gangster infantry.

      • 3 months ago

        Italy should get some gangsters too

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >Lamento Boliviano

      • 3 months ago

        It's a meme born of a song's name. tl;dr off-screen dude asks a meme character to sing that song, they reply "Lamento Boliviano? Esa no me la se bro, pero yo también me lamentaría si fuera boliviano" (Bolivian Lament? Don't know that one bro, but I too would mourn if I was bolivian)

  99. 3 months ago

    Gonna try out Mexico.
    Communist or Fascist?

    • 3 months ago

      Commies get to do their united SA and Trotsky larp which is extremely wacky and fun. Facist Mexico is pretty normal

  100. 3 months ago

    invading russia is unfun and micromanagement hell

    • 3 months ago

      Russia and China are the only good fronts in the entire game.

      • 3 months ago

        China is easy, because when you invade with Japan, you can just expand on the coast, and chinese troops constantly shift around until outstreched, and easily grinded up. Russian front is fairly similar, you expand on the Black Sea coast. Neither is fun, but China is less of a grind, due to it's smaller size.

  101. 3 months ago

    So are tactical bombers a "jack of all trades, master of none" or do they actually do something better than the planes with dedicated roles?

    • 3 months ago

      Right now tactical bombers are straight up better than CAS at ground support because more plan = more dakka. No idea about strat bombing because the only reason to bother is destroying forts which is MP only territory

      • 3 months ago

        Is that still true if I don't have the plane-designer DLC?

        • 3 months ago

          Probably not. Just stick with CAS I guess

    • 3 months ago

      Tac bombers are just plus-sized CAS.
      The issue is that a plane's "role" for the purpose of multiplicative bonuses is determined by its first slot, and medium airframes can't have the CAS role. Which one is better at doing CAS just depends on what bonuses your country's MICs provide. Typically if you have a dedicated CAS designer then small frame CAS is the way to go, otherwise tacs.

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds like you might be talking about some DLC stuff I don't have.

  102. 3 months ago

    When I attach my CAS to an army why to they fly to an air base further away?

  103. 3 months ago

    >Become Facist Mexico
    >Completely sweep Central America
    >Was going to stop at Colombia but they're at war with Peru
    >Decide to go to war with them
    >Communist Colombia joined the Axis
    >Suddenly I'm pulled into a World War too
    >UK asks me to join the Allies
    >Allies are at war with Axis AND the Comintern (USSR + Scandenavia - Norway)

    Man crazy shit happens when you turn off world history.

  104. 3 months ago

    >set AI spain to anarchist
    >the anarchists spawn with a tiny slice of territory and are immediately fricked by the other much larger factions
    >doesn't impact the outcome at all
    >set AI spain to carlist
    >same thing happens
    >set AI spain to communist
    >the communists start with a big swathe of democratic spain's territory but none of the nationalists', essentially ruining them
    >the much larger nationalists easily capitulate democratic spain and now with over 2/3 of the country and no other enemies steamroll the communists
    What is even the point of having all of these alternate paths you can set if none of them impact the outcome at all?

    • 3 months ago

      Those meant to be player only.

  105. 3 months ago

    God air is the worst fricking thing about this game
    >outnumber German fighters in normandy 2-1
    >~70% air superiority
    >but any CAS i put in the air gets shot down en mass, like 50 planes per day
    >germany has 700 cas planes in the air but they're taking 0 losses and no disruption because my planes just won't engage
    >click a tile and instantly suffer 50 strength damage from bugged CAS
    >literally have to just sit here for a year and wait for the AI to slowly run out of planes before i can play the game.

    • 3 months ago

      Bro your self sealing tanks?

    • 3 months ago

      What are the defense and attack values, you dolt?

    • 3 months ago

      Fighters are the only planes that you are allowed to skip out on defense with. CAS and bombers NEED to have some kind of armor or they just drop like flies.

      • 3 months ago

        What? Just throw on a single plate of armor and the K/D of your fighters will triple

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah he's backwards. Fighters want agility and defence to improve their k/d
          For CAS, these stats are less relevant, because AA ignores both of them. They only matter if you need to put your CAS in heavily contested air space and usually you can just win air first, then CAS when it's safe since the AI always loses air

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah he's backwards. Fighters want agility and defence to improve their k/d
          For CAS, these stats are less relevant, because AA ignores both of them. They only matter if you need to put your CAS in heavily contested air space and usually you can just win air first, then CAS when it's safe since the AI always loses air

          I thought the meta was full glass canon, didn't know armor made a big difference

          • 3 months ago

            Lmao. Think of "Defense" as health, and "Agility" as evasion. You will never have 100% evasion, bit not having any means you die.

          • 3 months ago

            Air Defense is your HP as

            Lmao. Think of "Defense" as health, and "Agility" as evasion. You will never have 100% evasion, bit not having any means you die.

            said. When your AD is lower than your foe's Air Attack, you die in 1 hit. When it's higher, you take at least 2 hits.
            Because the 'meta' right now is to stack cannons, player-designed fighters will tend to have too much air attack for a light frame to practically be able to carry the AD necessary to survive a hit, so you focus on Agility instead.
            However, the AI makes shitty plane designs, which means armour on light frames can be worthwhile vs them.

            Medium and Heavy frames essentially have terrible agility and rely on armour for any survivability at all, but their armour plates are much more efficient so it's easier to stack enough armour on them to survive multiple hits even from a player-made fighter. This makes it more likely a plane that takes damage just gets 'disrupted' rather than being lost. It's also an argument in favour of Tactical Bombers, since can perform CAS in contested airspace without unsustainable losses.

            The best way to make your small frame CAS die less is to give it divebreaks and ensure its Agility during missions isn't absolutely 0 by fiddling with its payload. A little less ground attack can be worthwhile to keep Agility up, since it means you spend less IC replacing planes long-term. However, anti-air will still kill ridiculous numbers of CAS planes so in the end the biggest priority with them is just keeping them cheap enough to be replaceable. No stat affects losses from anti-air, only from enemy fighters.

  106. 3 months ago

    >Giving Ireland a try
    >Surely I can at least get Portugal or the Netherlands before anything happen
    >Quick civil war to turn fascist
    >Another civil war immediately after because I somehow stayed above 76% democratic
    >Another civil war
    Fine, we will vote for it, I love democracy

    • 3 months ago

      Facist Ireland seems pointless and boring compared to commie route. You are pretty much turning on easy mode for the Germs

  107. 3 months ago


  108. 3 months ago

    >set every axis to the maximum handicap slider so they stand a chance vs AI allies
    >max buffed Japan gets stonewalled by vanilla China at Beijing until 1940, then their front completely collapses and they're driven off the mainland entirely
    >loses so many divisions in the process that they fail their invasion of the Philippines later
    >max buffed italy gets crushed by vanilla UK in ethiopia and loses ~20 divisions, then gets crushed in North Africa and loses the rest of their army
    >capitulates to an allied invasion in '41 with virtually no resistance
    >max buff Germany sweeps Poland and France as quickly as usual and successfully Sealions, only to bogged down by bad supply in Britain before capitulating the UK
    >still Barbarossa's on schedule, but with 40 divisions trapped in the british isles.
    >it pulls all its air to the east, where it's immediately losing to vanilla soviets because it doesn't have enough divisions to man its front.
    >gets pushed back in the britain without supply and air and loses everything there
    >soviets are in berlin by '42
    >I didn't even do anything
    I'm dumbfounded.

  109. 3 months ago

    Just finished a historical greater Finland run with the new DLC. The new focus tree is fun and helps Finland a lot, but you are still at the mercy of low manpower and German AI for the continuation war.

    I was able to capitulate USSR with germany in 1948. Attacking USSR with no collabs suck, (I wasn't sure if my collabs would count to the surrender progress) because east of Moscow (which was captured in 1944) you get stuck in supply hell and you really need to just build a supply hubs and push peicemeal.

    I started rushing nukes and was able to use them to cause a capitulation once they were at 95% surrender progress.

    The naval war was pretty easy with the starting cruisers and some well-built 1936 light attack destroyers, and an armored light attack light cruiser. The navy came in handy when pushing out of leningrad and into Estonia.

    For the opening of the continuation war, I built a supply up in Lappi and was able to steamroll and encircle the large amount of Soviet soldiers in Murmansk. This also helps shrink the front, so the German AI won't send troops to your border there and die of attrition.

    There's a weird AI quirk where sometimes the German AI will flood your territory with troops, and will suddenly pull back with no warning. They always send you troops at the outbreak of the war, so you can do a quick offensive towards Murmansk while the Germans hold the line.

    • 3 months ago

      >you really need to just build a supply hubs and push peicemeal.
      The worst part about this is that supply hubs take so fricking long to build, but there really isn't any other option. You used to be able to kind of cheesy it with massed air supply transports but they nerfed those into the dirt.

      It's a pissof because it's very obvious that they set it up to require a collab to capitulate the USSR but also designed that to coincide with taking the 3 major cities. If you don't have access to collabs then you're forced to push through to the Urals at a pace of 4 tiles per year because that terrain literally just wasn't designed to be a battlefield. It's like if you couldn't capitulate the US without taking all the empty mountain tiles in Alaska.

      • 3 months ago

        I get that it's annoying, but supply hubs need to be expensive otherwise the supply system would be totally trivialized. I'm not sure what a good middle ground would be. IIRC in Hoi3 if you captured the 3 major cities Russia would get a "white peace" event where they would cede the west of the Urals to Germany, and keep everything else.

        Nukes are a great way to increase surrender progress, they are a must have if you are invading USSR or USA. Japan gets the special surrender event if they get nuked twice.

    • 3 months ago

      I forgot to add my piece about the DLC mechanics.

      The weapons market is an insanely powerful tool, it basically lets you produce equipment with your civs, but you don't have to spend any resources for it. As Finland, I bought most of my basic equipment on the market and focused my industry on making high planes, and some mechanized and armored divisions.

      The MIOs felt really unimpactful, and I don't see how they are an improvement over the designers that we had before the DLC. It's just more bloat. I would rather have the old system back.

      The special forces branch specialization is OK. I didn't really utilize it as much as I thought I would as finland, I just got up to the ski brigade for rangers on the moutnaineer branch. It might be nice if you are playing Japan or the US and Marines are extremely important. I'll have to play a Japan game to try it out.

      • 3 months ago

        The special forces trees are a mixed bag.
        Marines are good only because naval xp is super abundant and you can max them out before even getting into a war just by having some destroyers exercise. Pioneers are worse than regular engineers for most things so you only ever want them in Marine divisions.

        The problem with the mountaineer tree is that it's mostly the same bonuses as the Marine tree, except it takes army xp, which is always scarce because everything important uses it. Rangers are good because they're basically a direct upgrade to cavalry recon but it takes 4 doctrine unlocks to get them to that point and it's just hard to justify 240 army xp for that in a timeframe that still has game impact

        The paratrooper tree is stupid because it's mostly minor combat buffs. Paratroopers are bad at combat and that's not what anybody uses them for. Airbone light tanks are whatever, you'll never use them outside of paratrooper divs, and they add a lot of cost to a paratrooper division that isn't really used for combat.
        However one of the techs makes any paradrop crush the org of every division in the entire state they drop into, and that's game-breaking bullshit. It's basically a nuke but you can have it in 1939 and it affects a whole state instead of 1 tile. A whole state, like all of Normandy.

        • 3 months ago

          Not to mention that air XP isn't that hard to obtain either

    • 3 months ago

      >Just finished a historical greater Finland run with the new DLC. The new focus tree is fun and helps Finland a lot, but you are still at the mercy of low manpower and German AI for the continuation war.
      >I was able to capitulate USSR with germany in 1948. Attacking USSR with no collabs suck, (I wasn't sure if my collabs would count to the surrender progress) because east of Moscow (which was captured in 1944) you get stuck in supply hell and you really need to just build a supply hubs and push peicemeal.
      i got it much faster in March 1942, and the pain of waiting until September 1944 sucks i almost sleeping when waiting for it
      did it without AAT, La Resistance, Bosporus, and By Blood Alone

      • 3 months ago

        >i got it much faster in March 1942
        What was your build/strategy?

        • 3 months ago

          border with Leningrad: retreat to the fort lines
          Karjala, Kymi, and Kuopio: use the lands between the lakes as chokepoints, reinforce it with forts
          Oulu, Salla, and Petsamo: hold the border at all costs with forts
          hold all the harbors with at least one division, 6-width infantry with AA, maintenance, engineer, and arty support are enough (template A)
          use template A to man the fort, along with divisions with template B (12-width infantry with AA, maintenance, arty, and engineer support) to hold the chokepoints and frequently attacked spots
          template C (6 mot-inf and 2 mot-arty, with AA, maintenance, recon, and logistic) is used to push and capture supply hubs
          for the first 14 months, HOLD THE LINE, use last stand regularly, finish the "Coastal Garrison" foci to spawn more divisions and let the Template A divisions to move to other coastal tile or the front line
          create 6 Template C divisions to prepare for your offensive
          around March/April '41, use them to push from Salla to Kandalaksha and begin to conquer Kola Peninsula, build a naval base at Kandalaksha
          after you're done with Kola, move the offensive army to Joensuu at Karelia to begin your push towards Petrozavodsk
          keep pushing towards Barents Sea and build another port there to prepare for the push towards Arkangelsk
          crush the encircled divisions at Onega and secure a foothold in Olonets riverline
          Barbarossa would begin around June/July '41, if you already secured Onega-Olonets-Kola, then you can convert most of Template A divisions into Template B
          begin your push towards Leningrad and Moscow, capturing Tikhvin and Vologda along the way to deprieve the Societs from supply and only go to Arkhangelsk and Kazan after you captured Moscow
          do well, and you can outrun the Germans to the Urals, capping the Soviets in Magnitogorsk and Sverdlovsk

  110. 3 months ago

    I've only had to abuse paratroopers for the Austria-Hungary achievement and Ive felt 0 shame

  111. 3 months ago

    Making Germany great again
    >France never turn commie
    You had one job

  112. 3 months ago

    >All the new achievements are about taking out the USA or England

    • 3 months ago

      I count 8, maybe 9.

  113. 3 months ago

    >you have to get rubber from Borneo
    Is it not feasible to manufacture it locally?

    • 3 months ago

      You can research synthetic rubber and build refineries for it.
      The issue is that 1 civilian factory imports 8 rubber from borneo, but 15 civilian factories take half a year to build 1 refinery that produces 1 rubber (increasing progressively up to 5 by 1944 with tech) when they could have built another factory in that time instead.

      Basically importing is always more efficient unless it's impossible to import (ie you're at war with the allies), and since the region is not well defended you might as well just conquer it if you're at war with the allies.

  114. 3 months ago

    I want to try a funny meme build with Mobile Warfare. Is there a list of countries that get a Mobile Warfare advisor, or who get explicit bonuses to MW doctrine in their focus tree? I know the US and France both do but I'd like to see if there are any interesting minors I can try out with this.

  115. 3 months ago

    It's coming out Thursday. Which overhaul mod will have full compatibility first?

    • 3 months ago

      RT56 and KR?

  116. 3 months ago

    Patch notes just dropped

  117. 3 months ago

    >dlc is dropping tomorrow
    Shit, I've been barely paying attention. Why do companies keep releasing stuff on Thursdays?

  118. 3 months ago

    Is it piratable yet?

    • 3 months ago

      just got posted on csrin

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, but only the dlc updates, not a full pack.

  119. 3 months ago

    Cute stuff

    • 3 months ago

      It pleases my autism that these dudes at a table heads of state follow the same basic format of flag, long table, and people bickering in approximately the same places.

  120. 3 months ago

    So did they add anything worthwhile this patch that's worth stating a new game with, or should load the last patch as a "beta" and finish my current game.

    • 3 months ago

      A few new focuses for Canada, new industrials for US and Canada, a few new releasable and formable nations plus some tweaks to the central american one, they might have fricked the start of WW2 with historical focuses on by making Italy unable to join Germany after the fall of Poland and making South America kinda comfy to play with the new DLC. You can rush the argentinian focus tree and get Peron in 1937 before setting a new course or try form the Peru-Bolivia Confederation as the latter because despite the terrible Aftermath of the Chaco War national spirit you get unique and better generals than the non-existent starting ones from Peru. ||Watch out for the coup, though, or you will have a tough time recovering.||
      You can also wienerblock Venezuela by doing an actual blockade too, which is pretty neat.

  121. 3 months ago

    It's up on

  122. 3 months ago

    I miss AA start screen already, was much better than that dumb boat

  123. 3 months ago

    Would have liked new Canada and USA achievements since south america is a shithole

    • 3 months ago

      too blatant, you're supposed to talk about a germany rework

      • 3 months ago

        But I want a Jipang rework first

  124. 3 months ago

    Can you give me a QRD on the minor trees added since La resistance (Poland, Baltic, Nordics, Swiss, South America) and what makes them moronicly OP?

    • 3 months ago

      As Lithuania, you can core the entirety of Poland and the Baltics before WW2 virtually for free. This kind of design philosophy for minors has been the case for a while. I've not played much of the new DLC at all but you can get moronicly high manpower as Argentina and I assume this is the case for all of SA.

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