Victoria II Multiplayer

For any mapgame paradox chuds there will be a Victoria 2 multiplayer game coming up 8/11 with a new alt hist mod Little Dark Age

Pisscord server invite: wgnjZEyNc

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  1. 11 months ago

    That map looks disgusting

    • 11 months ago

      But that's more or less what Europe looked like in 500 AD.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah and there's a reason there are no games for that era

        • 11 months ago

          >ck2 WTWSMS
          >total war atilla

          • 11 months ago

            >a mod (literally not a game)
            >deadest total war in history despite being one of the best and most fun mechanically

      • 11 months ago

        What is with that ebin centralized Celtic state eating England? (Why does England even exist in 500 AD?????)

        • 11 months ago

          We took that action with Dummonia and England for gamey reasons: Pops and soldier brigades. We place a emphasis on balance and playability above historicity. We combined the Britons (and the picts and the gaels...) and the Anglo-Saxons into two countries that hae a formable that can only be done when you control 100% of the region. We didn't want the player to spend 100 years slowly conquering tiny little independent nations. As a result, you end up with a country that is in the right size range for a great power. Britannia, the british formable (duh) differs greatly from Britain in this mod; while it is likewise a naval power with an extraordinary location, it is much weaker and has financial problems because it has no colonies (Dummonia starts with superior miltech while Anglo-Saxony has better commerce tech). But if you can outwit the Franks, the Scandinavians, and the Visigoths, America is yours for the taking.

          The United Baltic Duchy, Scandinavia, Germania, Lechia, Yugoslavia, Skythia, Hyperborea (finno-ugrian formable, nothing too memey), Pannonia, the Gothic Kingdom, the Holy Roman Empire, etc. are just a few examples of the formable countries. We combined them because we want the player to be able to build a large kingdom as quickly as possible.

          • 11 months ago

            knew you had to be chuds just from the mod name

            • 11 months ago

              KYS troon we didn’t ask you

              >We took that action with Dummonia and England for gamey reasons
              That's fricking moronic

              If I saw you in real life I would beat the shit out of you and force you to learn to enjoy things without crippling amounts of autism.

              • 11 months ago

                >If I saw you in real life I would beat the shit out of you and force you to learn to enjoy things without crippling amounts of autism.
                God I fricking wish, I'd love an excuse to throw wrists

              • 11 months ago

                >reddit spacing

          • 11 months ago

            >We took that action with Dummonia and England for gamey reasons
            That's fricking moronic

          • 11 months ago

            >We took that action with Dummonia and England for gamey reasons:
            Kaiserreich was a terrible mod and you should know that.
            Balance coming before realism and lore is something only a moron terribly hiding his wet dream could come up with.

            • 11 months ago

              Dude, this is a multiplayer mod first and foremost. It was developed by a Victoria II multiplayer community that has played multiplayer together for years. It was also never advertised as anything more than a multiplayer mod. That we managed to turn it into a playable singleplayer mod is nice, but singleplayer is a secondary thing that's only an afterthought. It is not our priority. If you're more interested in the mod, join the discord and ask our modders there.

            • 11 months ago

              Then ask him if you can make a fan fork and do what DoD fanfork did.

            • 11 months ago

              >Multiplayer mod
              Choose one

              • 11 months ago

                Not mutually exclusive.

            • 11 months ago

              >i'm a larping twat with an inferiority complex

            • 11 months ago

              I'm gonna guess that the modders are just trying to make a good mod, they're not trying to turn it into a history lesson.

            • 11 months ago

              How do you know when a mod is shit? When it's filled with roleplaying autists or rule lawyers who only get off on having control over a game and not actually playing it.
              I don't play the game with the fricking mentality of a 12 year old, I want to play the game how it's meant to be played. I don't care if I win or lose as long as it's an entertaining game.

              • 11 months ago

                >How do you know when a mod is shit? When it's filled with roleplaying autists or rule lawyers who only get off on having control over a game and not actually playing it.
                So, playing Vic2 as intended and in its best possible form?

              • 11 months ago

                >playing EU4 as intended and in its best possible form
                How the frick is powergaming playing as intended?

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't care if I win or lose as long as it's an entertaining game.
                Based. This is one of the reasons why I've stuck around in CK2 MP games despite it being very much filled with "roleplay morons" as you said.

    • 11 months ago

      for the record i think the map looks very interesting albeit i will never play your mod. God bless

    • 11 months ago

      This map looks like something one of my autistic friends would make after learning how to use microsoft paint and being shown a world map. (not saying it's bad, but for a map that's all about the culture of the area, this just seems a little... off.)

    • 10 months ago

      This map looks like something one of my autistic friends would make after learning how to use microsoft paint and being shown a world map. (not saying it's bad, but for a map that's all about the culture of the area, this just seems a little... off.)

      The map of Asia is the least of the problems with this mod.

      I'm sorry guys but I can't help but see this when I zoom in and look at that province map. It reminds me of when I used to spend my hours in MS paint making cool fantasy maps or that one time I made a fantasy map in Ganker. I could make those 5 minute maps in Ganker look more interesting than this.
      I don't like the blobbed nature of it, or how its all so samey. I can't tell what's forest or what's jungle or what's steppe or what's just a field. Its all the same shade of green, the same shade of brown and the same shade of orange, all with the same level of saturation.

      >I don't like the map therefore it's bad

    • 10 months ago

      I'm sorry guys but I can't help but see this when I zoom in and look at that province map. It reminds me of when I used to spend my hours in MS paint making cool fantasy maps or that one time I made a fantasy map in Ganker. I could make those 5 minute maps in Ganker look more interesting than this.
      I don't like the blobbed nature of it, or how its all so samey. I can't tell what's forest or what's jungle or what's steppe or what's just a field. Its all the same shade of green, the same shade of brown and the same shade of orange, all with the same level of saturation.

      >I don't like the map therefore it's bad

      >I like this map because it's detailed therefore detailed maps are good
      You sound like a parrot.
      And you know what else is good? Art. Art made by children. What the frick are you? An autistic parrot? The point is that it's meant to look old and authentic in an RP-friendly, historical-fiction way. How exactly is it a step backward in realism when I could draw a map like that with one of my stick figures?

      This is the funniest shit ever. I'm going to start spamming this map so i get more of this shit.

  2. 11 months ago

    Paradox mp is disgusting. Watching zlewwik playing eu4 mp makes me want to puke

  3. 11 months ago

    why would you even try to depict the dark ages in vic2?
    does this have any mechanics at all that would make it more like the dark ages or is it just changing the countries around?

    • 11 months ago

      Yep. First off, the techs. You mobilize irregulars until you research Inorganic Chemistry (which unlocks gunpowder), among other changes to the armies including new models. There's also a bit of flavor and two events for every tag: Justinian's plague, which massively decreases pop growth, and the Little Ice Age, which increases pop militancy and migration push. Factories, railroads, goods and other stuff are mostly the same, though.

      Also, since America is empty, it's ripe for the taking for colonization. You can spawn colonial countries after researching state&gov and annex them after researching revolution&counterrev.

      • 11 months ago

        A multiplayer mod that's map only with no flavour seems easy enough but you'd be better off just making your own game than to do the total conversion necessary to make this enjoyable to play in single player.

  4. 11 months ago

    Post a picture of china and/or India

    • 11 months ago

      Here ou go. Notice that Taiwan, the Phillipines, Borneo, etc. start uncolonized. And, against my wishes, China and India start uncivilized. I think they should start civilized, but with shitty mil tech since they're supposed to lose hard to the barbarian uncivs such as the Hunas, who put an end to the Gupta golden age.

    • 10 months ago

      The map of Asia is the least of the problems with this mod.

  5. 11 months ago

    gotta say i love the accoustic guitar version of "little dark age"
    too bad the song was written by israelites

  6. 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago


  8. 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago


    My only hope is that someone strangles you with his bare hands and that you die screaming in sheer agony, with your last breath leaving you and your corpse as nothing more than a heap of flesh with your life slowly fading away from your eyes and your heart stopping, leaving you a dead pile of shit. You're just begging to have a heart attack. You're literally a debt to society.

    • 11 months ago


      How about this, shithead.

      I'll come up behind you with my knife and stab you right in the fricking nuts. I'll stab deep and twist. Then I'll rip your bollocks out all over the fricking place.

      Now you're a balls-less c**t. Hilarious. You'll soon be the laughing stock of the town as kids point and laugh at you, and even grown women will find you nothing more than a source of a mockery and a pitiful half-man.

      Then I'll get word that you've hung yourself in your bedroom or splattered your brains out all over the place with a gun. Double hilarious.

      Frick off before I frick you up, shithead

      • 11 months ago

        It's almost like people are calling out for me to tear off your fingers and shove them down your throat so than you can fricking choke on them and suffocate you literal waste of lie.

        Ii's absolutely mind boggling as to how the concept of someone shoving a chainsaw up your ass so that no one has to look at your drivel again escapes your thought process. The only reason anyone should ever be even associated with you is so that he can beat you until you're a complete fricking mush. Your mother would probably appreciate me putting a bullet through your brain case for the hell she went through to give birth to a subhuman like you.

        • 11 months ago

          Real funny. You little fricking toe rag.

          I'm going to stab you so far up your arse that you'll be on a shit bag for the rest of your life.

          Imagine that. In the extremely unlikely opportunity you ever lure some forlorn woman to your bed, she will have to put up with the stinking contents of your slowly filling colostomy bag over the course of the night.

          • 11 months ago

            It's shit like this that makes me want to slit your throat open with a goddamn box cutter and make you die a slow and painful death you goddamn idiot.

            Get your brain cut out and shoved in a blender. You're just asking for someone to pour a full tank of lighter fluid onto your body, with a lit match following shortly, and then you feel the pain of the heat burning your flesh off your human frame. The fact that you haven't somehow ended up getting into a car crash with shards of glass intensely piercing your body and slicing through your organs is a testament to how there is no justice in this world.

      • 11 months ago

        absolute ESL meltdown

  10. 11 months ago

    Will you work on making a custom map? While I don't hate, I just find it weird for lombardy being bassically slovakia + moravia

  11. 11 months ago

    Somehow the posters in this thread are exactly the sort of people I expected to enjoy Victoria II multiplayer.

    • 11 months ago

      Better then vic3s multiplayer

  12. 11 months ago

    Now show Southeast Asia

    • 11 months ago

      Sure. Sadly, China, India, Funnan, Yamato, Korea, etc. start uncivilized.

  13. 11 months ago


    >Losing your shit this hard over having a larpmod criticized

  14. 11 months ago

    Does Victoria have a best date to save a game so that the economy schizoing itself when everytime you reload lasts as little as possible (like HoI3 with 23:00 so that resources get updated at 00:00)?

    • 11 months ago

      Er, probably at the end of a month or year.

  15. 11 months ago

    time to play sexland

  16. 11 months ago



    How about this, shithead.

    I'll come up behind you with my knife and stab you right in the fricking nuts. I'll stab deep and twist. Then I'll rip your bollocks out all over the fricking place.

    Now you're a balls-less c**t. Hilarious. You'll soon be the laughing stock of the town as kids point and laugh at you, and even grown women will find you nothing more than a source of a mockery and a pitiful half-man.

    Then I'll get word that you've hung yourself in your bedroom or splattered your brains out all over the place with a gun. Double hilarious.

    Frick off before I frick you up, shithead

    The only sad part about someone like this is if they are so loud about their fighting skills, they're probably the sort to run to the police afterwards once they get beaten -- meaning if you win the fight you'd have to ensure they disapear afterwards and have a rock solid alibi

  17. 11 months ago

    update for the mod is out

    • 11 months ago

      Increased colonial migration from tech. 5% -> 7.5%

      In the past there were a lot of complaints over how the mod was not very much different from vanilla when it came to the new decisions. With this patch, however, that changes with tons of decisions for the colonies.

      • 11 months ago

        This looks extremely cool. Is the current version of the mod playable in its current state?

  18. 11 months ago


    should be, but maybe take a backup just in case something weird happens

  19. 11 months ago

    Colonial migration needs buffing

    • 11 months ago

      You mean colonial migration or emigration into the colonial nations? If it's the latter there is an event mid game that massively increases immigration push. That should help.

      • 11 months ago

        No, I mean colonial migration. It's disgusting to see places like the Canary Islands still being Berber majority.

        • 11 months ago

          Increased colonial migration from tech. 5% -> 7.5%

  20. 11 months ago

    Finished the first session yesterday. Lots of shenanigans. Need players on Asia though: Qi, Goguryeo, Yamato. They're all on the british sphere so you'll have access to goods. They're all in excellent positions to form their formables too.

    • 11 months ago

      I'll be in for this, my current game is nearing completion anyway.

    • 11 months ago

      >They're all in excellent positions to form their formables too.
      And which formable? If you mean Yamato -> Japan and Goguryeo -> Korea, then they're shit. You don't know about the historical events, you need to change them.

    • 11 months ago

      >Need players on Asia though: Qi, Goguryeo, Yamato.
      What about India?

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, India is in a good position too (they have even colonized Australia) but there's a player on it. At this point Yamato and Goguryeo should already have formed their formables so they're a bit behind where they should be. No worries though, the Britain player (me) has them sphered and is totally willing to help them. The East Asian hugbox shall triumph.

        • 11 months ago

          >East Asian hugbox
          >Yamato, QI and Goguryeo are still rivals
          How will you put them on the same alliance?

          • 11 months ago

            >How will you put them on the same alliance?
            By not being a moron and making them realize that the only thing I'd be doing with these countries is making them better

        • 11 months ago

          >The East Asian hugbox shall triumph.
          Why does this read like a fascist dog whistle?

    • 11 months ago

      >No one wants to play as China
      Why am I not surprised?

      >Need players on Asia
      Well here I am. I'll be joining as China since I think the region needs it.

    • 11 months ago

      Korea is one of the most fun nations to play because the whole thing is one giant power struggle for the throne, as you have to conquer every other Korean kingdom in order to form the Goryean Empire. So you can try and recreate the real history of Korea's unification.

      The only problem with Goguryeo is they lack the land to become the strongest in the region, so unless you are skilled at diplomacy you might have to pull some wacky shit. I ended up conquering Wei which was a pretty big help in regards to fighting the Qi and Skythia.

    • 11 months ago

      >Yamato British sphere

  21. 11 months ago


    I would say they are completely right. The mod is very interesting but still has a lot of room for improvement.

    Yeah, India is in a good position too (they have even colonized Australia) but there's a player on it. At this point Yamato and Goguryeo should already have formed their formables so they're a bit behind where they should be. No worries though, the Britain player (me) has them sphered and is totally willing to help them. The East Asian hugbox shall triumph.

    Just for shits and giggles what do you need to do to allow Goguryeo to form Korea? Do they just need to sphere their neighbors? If so how will Goguryeo reasonably get to become a great power?

    • 11 months ago

      No, it's different. They just need to own their core territory, and control the cores on the other nations that can form the formable. But sphering and puppeting is also available for most other formables.

      List of formables and the countries that may form them:

      Britannia Formable -> Dumnonia, England
      Germania Formable -> Saexland, Thrungia, Alemannia
      Pannonia Formable -> Lombards Gepids
      Slavic Formable -> Venedi, Antes, Vyatichi
      South Slavic Formable (Can also form the Slav formable) -> Sklaveni or Croatia
      Scandinavian Formable -> Sweden, Svealand, Jutland, or Norway
      Baltic Formable -> Pruthenia, Lithuania, or Latvia
      India Formable -> Hunas, Vakatakas, or Gupta Empire
      Steppe formable -> Rouran Confederation, Hephthalites, or Avars

      • 11 months ago

        Duh, obviously there's Asia too. I forgot.

        China formable -> Qi or Wei
        Goryean formable -> Goguryeo
        Japan formable -> Yamato

        • 11 months ago

          You know what is worse than having a big China? Having two big Chinas.

  22. 11 months ago


    BASED lad got the trannies SEETHING

    • 11 months ago

      bro wants to be 2016 pol sooo baad

      • 10 months ago

        >starts sentence with bro
        Do you happen to be a zoomer? And non-white/mixed raced? A tiktok user?

  23. 11 months ago

    I think the idea of having China and India being more developed is a great one. Maybe not making them civilized right off the bat, but giving them good economic reforms at the start oonce they've achieved certain requirements (say, they start at 50% civ progress, or something along those lines). If you really wanna play up the realism (which I think is not great so far, to be honest) then I'd also suggest giving those countries some sort of bonus to literacy and/or modifiers that focus on literacy and research, as those countries were more economically advanced than the Europeans. Gupta golden age, anyone? Meanwhile the slavs and shit didn't even have writing systems. It's not fair at all, even if it meant China starting as the top power.

    Actually, I believe that civilized China is actually weaker because it can't get conquest research points and gets stuck stuck with low literacy and few culture techs and +2 research points per day. This is a time when they're supposed to be overran by barbarians with better miltech, so to speak, after all.

    • 11 months ago

      I guess I'd like to see more focus on the pre-existing conditions of Asia. Also, I'd suggest giving Korea and/or India (India especially) a sort of "Golden Age" for when they first go civilized, to represent the early prosperity and culture of those areas (and maybe even China, too) at the time.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't think there's anything wrong with playing on an Asian-focused Victoria II, just that the mod has more to offer than what we've seen so far.

    • 11 months ago

      Though perhaps the fact that they have the same problem as they do in history is enough of a penalty as is, and with their huge manpower and tax they can develop fairly fast. I'm just arguing that, from the start, China has so many problems they can't even compare to the other major powers.

      The real issue with China (and India to a lesser extent) is that its super-power status is delayed until they civilize. All that matters in this timeframe is the ability to build units, do wars, and conquer (and maybe a little bit of economy). You're basically making China and India into a sort of "early super-powers" that are always OP. I would argue that China and India are the only major powers that shouldn't have colonial holdings at all, for historical reasons. Giving the Persians, Byzantines, Aksum, Japan, Korea colonies in Asia and the Pacific is totally fine, however.

    • 11 months ago

      >I think the idea of having China and India being more developed is a great one.
      It's literally about a time where China is being cucked by its own people you moron.

      • 11 months ago

        calm down weirdo

      • 11 months ago

        I wouldn't mind a bit of a boost to the Eastern cultures. The Chinese did actually invent the stirrup around that era, after all.

  24. 11 months ago

    Here's an idea for the next update, if the current one works out:

    Have the countries that are barbarians (like the Slavs and Huns) gain, when they become a great power, special bonuses to make them have an edge in a war (say, 50% discipline and morale, or faster cavalry recruitment or something (dunno if that's possible though). But if they're not GPs, then they don't get this bonus. Then it'd give the player more reason to become a GP and such

    To keep from being overpowered, then maybe have the bonus give a prestige penalty ot over time, so you need to be diligent to keep the GP strong, or risk losing it. Maybe -2 prestige per month?

  25. 11 months ago


    Based psycho

    • 11 months ago

      >I'm seething about some 12yo's comment in some shitty multiplayer mod thread
      I can't stop laughing lol. The comment itself was so autistic and the entire point was to piss off people for the fun of it and these autists are doing their usual thing of being moronic because it "insulted them"

  26. 11 months ago

    A lot of the historical events and decisions are pretty much "bad" for the player, to be honest. You should make them more flexible, because currently the player is pretty much railroaded into ignoring them.

    For instance, the Slavic migration into the western part of the Byzantine Empire is a lot more of a "bad" thing for the Byzantines, thus making them more likely to kill the South Slavic union than help them. Similarly, in Italia, the the decisions to migrate into Italia with a conquest CB (thus effectively killing Italia) is a really bad thing for game health, I'll bet. But the decisions and events don't seem to take that into account. I think they should still exist, but I don't know how to tweak them though. That's on you.

    Also, these "bad" decisions should cause revolts. The historical migration of the Slavs was a slow process, and not a sudden burst. So the events related to it shouldn't be sudden either, at least not as sudden as Yugo gaining cores on them outright. A lot of them (or all) should cause revolts in the provinces. After all, in real life, migration was a slow process, but it did cause unrest and uprisings, too. So why not reflect that in the game? Would it be possible to make the Thracian and Illyrian pops convert into South Slavic before Yugoslavia actually controls them?

    • 11 months ago

      If it's not flexible, that's actually a pretty good thing, because it makes the choice more impactful. If you were to make them more flexible, then they wouldn't be a choice even worth considering. Lombardia and Gepidia SHOULD take the risk of invading Italia before trying to form Pannonia. You can attack Italia and then form Pannonia, but not the other way around. Pannonia gets some cores on Italia too, so what's the point? Italia will always be an enemy of the Pannonia formables.

  27. 11 months ago

    I wish i could play multiplayer. But unfortunately, my laptop is broken.

  28. 11 months ago

    >No one wants to play as China
    Why am I not surprised?

  29. 11 months ago

    Looks like an interesting mod, will try it out later.

  30. 11 months ago

    There are some weird bordergore issues but at least the performance is crisp and I haven't experienced crashes yet.

  31. 11 months ago

    Japan should be more developed. or even start as civilized. Maybe it's because I'm an unironic Weeb, but also, Shintoism is not really animism. It's just more of a folk religion than Buddhism. I get that there were missionaries, but the map is kind of... too Westernized and too identical to vanilla. Maybe the Japanese provinces could be more "diverse" in culture, so to speak. There should be more of "old japan" as well.
    And maybe the Emishi could be "animist" but I'm nitpicking.

  32. 11 months ago

    I believe the Herules were in Slovakia and the Vandal kingdom didn't extend so far south. Both the Vandals and Romans had issues with Mauri to the south.

    • 11 months ago

      The map is simplified a fair bit. See

      We took that action with Dummonia and England for gamey reasons: Pops and soldier brigades. We place a emphasis on balance and playability above historicity. We combined the Britons (and the picts and the gaels...) and the Anglo-Saxons into two countries that hae a formable that can only be done when you control 100% of the region. We didn't want the player to spend 100 years slowly conquering tiny little independent nations. As a result, you end up with a country that is in the right size range for a great power. Britannia, the british formable (duh) differs greatly from Britain in this mod; while it is likewise a naval power with an extraordinary location, it is much weaker and has financial problems because it has no colonies (Dummonia starts with superior miltech while Anglo-Saxony has better commerce tech). But if you can outwit the Franks, the Scandinavians, and the Visigoths, America is yours for the taking.

      The United Baltic Duchy, Scandinavia, Germania, Lechia, Yugoslavia, Skythia, Hyperborea (finno-ugrian formable, nothing too memey), Pannonia, the Gothic Kingdom, the Holy Roman Empire, etc. are just a few examples of the formable countries. We combined them because we want the player to be able to build a large kingdom as quickly as possible.

      Lombardia is staying that way but perhaps Mauretenia could be transferred some of Vandals's land in the south to better represent the berbers.

      • 10 months ago

        >The map is simplified a fair bit.
        I don't think you know what "simplified" means.

        • 10 months ago

          That's not the whole point of the mod though. It's to focus on making nations evenly sized as much as realism reasonably. The map does exactly that and to call it simplified is stupid.

          • 10 months ago

            *as much as realism reasonably allows

          • 10 months ago

            If you actually look at this mod's dev blog on their pisscord circlejerk, it is actually the exact opposite of this, it's supposed to be an expansive mod covering the world.
            But then again, when has a mod ever kept the development goals of its concept?

            • 10 months ago

              That was not what I meant.
              I don't care about keeping the dev goals. I only care about developing the mod and hearing feedback.

  33. 11 months ago

    There should be decisions to create colonial nations over the ruins of the Native American kingdoms of you manage to annex them tbh
    I was very disappointed I had to changeowner all of Mexico to Rio Grande after conquering the filthy Nahua

  34. 11 months ago

    The new colonization system is really cool. I have no idea what should be done in the next patch with the colonies, it seems like a very hard system to understand.
    But anyway, i really wish they did something more with the map of the East Asia, like Japan being a fully developed country, it just doesn't make any sense being only partially developed, same for China.

  35. 11 months ago


    Japan should be more developed. or even start as civilized. Maybe it's because I'm an unironic Weeb, but also, Shintoism is not really animism. It's just more of a folk religion than Buddhism. I get that there were missionaries, but the map is kind of... too Westernized and too identical to vanilla. Maybe the Japanese provinces could be more "diverse" in culture, so to speak. There should be more of "old japan" as well.
    And maybe the Emishi could be "animist" but I'm nitpicking.


    I had no idea Japan even had a concept of ethnic differences that early.

  36. 11 months ago


    >ayy rmao
    I'm Yayoi and I'm aryan as frick. I'm not some low-IQ Japanese aboriginal and I don't speak some half-assed Siberian language.

    • 11 months ago

      me too. i am also a weeb, but i am more an autist for realism (and japan is my homeland as well). the yayoi built japan and everything japanese we know comes from them

  37. 11 months ago

    Nubian empire/kingdoms. Maybe we could get some more flavor into the area and not just be one big blob of nothing like vanilla? Can Aksum realistically challenge Byz's grip in the region? I notice they have a formable if they eat all the neighboring nations. Does this mean they are just a Byz slave?

  38. 10 months ago

    How about some more native flavor to the Americas?
    So many tribes, so many cool cultures, yet we have the same old three or four tribes.

  39. 10 months ago

    I've never seen a more autistic mod, and I've seen a lot of them.

  40. 10 months ago

    I really like it so far. Very detailed, great cultures and countries. The only thing I would change is the map colors, I think the map colors are really off. Make it like a proper darkish map with darker continents and with countries highlighted with proper, light colors. The thing that bugs me the most is the weird coloring of all those empty landmasses.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm sorry guys but I can't help but see this when I zoom in and look at that province map. It reminds me of when I used to spend my hours in MS paint making cool fantasy maps or that one time I made a fantasy map in Ganker. I could make those 5 minute maps in Ganker look more interesting than this.
      I don't like the blobbed nature of it, or how its all so samey. I can't tell what's forest or what's jungle or what's steppe or what's just a field. Its all the same shade of green, the same shade of brown and the same shade of orange, all with the same level of saturation.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't actually know what you mean. I feel like the textures are different enough that I can tell which is steppe, which is forest, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      >I don't like the map therefore it's bad

      >I like this map because it's detailed therefore detailed maps are good
      You sound like a parrot.
      And you know what else is good? Art. Art made by children. What the frick are you? An autistic parrot? The point is that it's meant to look old and authentic in an RP-friendly, historical-fiction way. How exactly is it a step backward in realism when I could draw a map like that with one of my stick figures?

      • 10 months ago

        >The map is realistic and important because it's historical fiction
        You can't have it both ways. And you can't just use the fact that it's "historical fiction" as an excuse.

  41. 10 months ago

    How about a rework of the Middle East, Persia and India?
    They all deserve their own thing going on. Persia is very flat and one-dimensional, like the rest of southwestern Asia, but there could be some cool stuff going on in India and a rework of the Levant area (Persia/Mesopotamia/etc) might be in order. Preferably so that Persia doesn't get constantly sandwiched between a Byz and Gupta alliance. I feel like it should be able to take on Byz in an 1v1 which currently isn't possible thanks to Byz's pop advantage.

    • 10 months ago

      I like that but this mod isn't really centered on the far East. So much about Asia is centered on India and central Asia with little focus on South East Asia and China.

    • 10 months ago

      The mod is great, and they should add some more flavor for the middle east like they do for europe.

      I like that but this mod isn't really centered on the far East. So much about Asia is centered on India and central Asia with little focus on South East Asia and China.

      I think a good compromise would be to replace the Byz-Persian rivalry, as it seems like it was more of an afterthought at best, with some kind of India-Byz rivalry somehow. It could be a simple rework of the two so the mod is consistent.
      Or India becomes more focused on. I know a good mod is supposed to be "in depth" and that takes too much time and work, but it should at least be in depth in a few key regions. Otherwise it's better than none at all, even if I know it's a mod and isn't perfect in terms of scope.

      • 10 months ago

        What about the Americas? We've barely been given anything to do there and I'd like to know more about some of the colonial nations and how they were conceived. The best I've found out is that Eburakon is the latin name for what is now the city of York. You know, New York, New Eburakon... I'm hoping to see more things along those lines. Parallels with real life stuff but still Roman in essence.

        Native America needs a lot of love, as I know the vanilla nations are a joke in terms of having any real flavor. They're unplayable!

  42. 10 months ago

    The mod is great, and they should add some more flavor for the middle east like they do for europe.

  43. 10 months ago

    You're all a bunch of Black folk with zero understanding of how cultures work in real life.

  44. 10 months ago

    Make Nihon start with a naval base seeing as they are already above naval cap at the start. And 5 frigates and 10 clippers is a very humble navy to begin with.

  45. 10 months ago

    I like the idea of some kind of China and India-focused rivalry in the East. Too bad the meta even for them is just rushing for the American uncivs.

  46. 10 months ago

    The map looks like a fricking preschooler who didn't want to share his markers with the other kids just colored the map with random crayons with all the shades of green and brown and orange.

  47. 10 months ago

    Third session is starting today in about 4 hours and 40 minutes and goes on for 4 hours. Hope you can make it. I'm going to be there, but I can't seem to get rid of that sperg smell, even with proper social hygiene.

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