Wait, Did Nasu just BTFO all of?

>Explains how the issues in modern pokemon have existed forever
>Explains how it's the coporate Nintendo's fault and their shitty rules that the game is bad and not Gamefreak/Masuda/Ohmori
>Explains how the franchise always had bad designed mons, even in gen 1 and that GF never adopted a new design philosophy
>Explains how the shift to 3D isnt the start of the downfall of Pokemon, but it just exacerbated and highlighted existing problems
>Explains how the games always had cut corners, even in 2D Pokemon and proves it by showing proof that the idle animation in gen 5 are just illusion of trad sprite animation
>Explains how GF has always recycled designs and gives concrete proof of it (the sprite of anorith, lairon)
>Explains how GF has never made the 3d pokemon models
>Explains how replacing GF with another company wont change anything
>Explains how PBR ripped assets from Nintendo 64 models
>Explains how major battle (ie champions) never flopped and gives proof of it
>Explains how every pokemon game we'rent good at the first try and only got good in their third release
>Explains how Pokemon has always been shit
>Explains how no one knows when pokemon fell off and has always been ambiguous
Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about your modern pokemon games arguments? By all means, watch the whole video, i promise you that you can't debunk it.

>inb4 i get told to shut the frick up by someone who hasn't watched the video and is triggered by these FACTS
>inb4 someone calls me a gamefreak shill
>inb4 someone calls me a zoomer
>inb4 someone uses anecdotal evidence
>inb4 someone says that im wrong
>inb4 someone calls me a cuck
>inb4 someone says "ywnbaw"
>inb4 "muh slide thread"
>inb4 "sage" because /vp/tard is triggered by a different opinion
i'm open to having my mind changed. but only with reliable sources that explain why pokemon games look like what it is now.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >he needs a wiki to learn how to troll /vp/

  2. 9 months ago
  3. 9 months ago

    >he needs a wiki to learn how to troll /vp/

  4. 9 months ago

    >he needs a wiki to learn how to troll /vp/

  5. 9 months ago

    >he needs a wiki to learn how to troll /vp/

  6. 9 months ago

    >he needs a wiki to learn how to troll /vp/

  7. 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago


    >try to raid /vp/
    >get btfo
    >sperg out like a gay
    Couldn't be me lads

    • 9 months ago

      They're a minor annoyance at best after exhausting day and night spamming the same shit. It's hilarious really

  9. 9 months ago

    Is there an alternative games to Pokemon for me?
    look for
    >game without Fairies
    >non-competitive game
    >game with anti-pokemon designs
    >anti-RPG game
    >anti-Nintendo game
    >game whose target is the total opposite of pokemon.
    >game without cute designs

  10. 9 months ago

    I don't know who this YouTuber is and he seems to assert a lot of things rather than "explaining" them, but I generally agree with a lot of the points in his video.

    I think a lot of his ire seems to be aimed at people who played the older games once as kids and then hold them up as examples of perfection against modern games.

    But that doesn't describe everyone. Some of us were already adults when some of these games came out. And we can play them again today with a critical eye to see if they really were as great as we remember.

    It does not really matter who is responsible for the problems with the modern games. Gamefreak, Nintendo, TPC, third parties contracted for assets and development... Wherever the fault lies, these problems still made it into the final product with all of the stakeholder companies' approval. And it is their responsibility to make sure it does not happen in the future.

    "The guy I hired to do the work for me did a shitty job so it is not my fault when he does a shitty job when I hire him again" does not fly. The buck stops with the company selling the product.

    Whether it is incompetence, or a lack of time and resources, it is the contracting company's job to make sure the work is up to snuff.

    I suppose you got another view count on your favourite Youtuber's video out of me.

  11. 9 months ago


    how are you not bored yet of this fruitless crusade of yours

    • 9 months ago

      These morons are literal children, that's why. Watch as he seethes about this again

      • 9 months ago

        now this is reminding me of the moronic wikia raids i used to do at 10 years old

  12. 9 months ago


    There are no arguments because the argument's been done and dusted a long time ago. You'd know this if you didn't need a wiki to troll /vp/.

  13. 9 months ago

    >It's another:
    >TRUST me bro, the games have always been shit
    >TRUST me bro, the people that are 100% responsible for the shit pokémon designs, shit game design, non-existent map design, shit game balance, aren't at fault at all
    >TRUST me bro, every gen has string cheese mascots and men in duck fursuits walking around like homosexuals
    >TRUST me bro, asset reuse with a dev company 5% of the size of the current one is EXACTLY the same thing
    >just TRUST me bro
    Why the frick would I care what this moron has to say about Pokémon?

    • 9 months ago

      hey, gholdengo is cool and epic and sexy

  14. 9 months ago

    did he explain why the old games oozed soul whilst the newer ones are totally devoid of it?

    • 9 months ago

      He explained that the "soul" you saw in the old games is just a hallucination brought about by your memberberries addiction.

      • 9 months ago

        yeah i'm sure the 30 year old franchise has yet peak

  15. 9 months ago

    Wait, Is Kinoko Nasu a Pokemon director now?

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