Wait, I understand now. You are the God of Fear & Hunger 1.4!

Kino moment. How does Miro do it?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Smooth moves, for a walking claymore that is.

  2. 1 year ago

    "Looks like we're about to get Fear and Hunger 2: Termina"

    Genius writing on Miro's part imo

    • 1 year ago

      >being baited by her ass
      >she a dude
      >open the image
      >same small size

  3. 1 year ago

    >Aye thanks for the doll
    >purifying ember

    • 1 year ago

      It still bothers me that if you curse the dagger it counts as if you never gifted it to her. Im sorry for wanting you to be useful without draining your fricking mind.

      • 1 year ago

        give her the skelly arm, it's okay-ish
        or just give her the mind regen ring

        • 1 year ago

          I did, i just hate relying on lucky scroll drops. But after early game she stops fricking around anymore.

          It's those damned Bremens' fault somehow.

          Cool art. Any non gremlin karin is apreciated, gremlin karin too but a bit less because it flanderized my already flanderized war covering wife

  4. 1 year ago

    Last thread died at 15 posts bros

    • 1 year ago

      Probably because of the Pav fricking Marina picture. Only e-girl and explicit porn is allowed here.

      • 1 year ago

        It's those damned Bremens' fault somehow.

        You guys posted the spanking image without censoring?

    • 1 year ago

      It's those damned Bremens' fault somehow.

      • 1 year ago

        >Single handedly carries the F&H sfw art community.
        How does he do it?

      • 1 year ago

        Bremen genes too powerful.

      • 1 year ago

        >The pile of shit she is sitting
        That is what too many meat lies dies to you kek

        • 1 year ago

          what did the meat lie about

          • 1 year ago

            It dying to you

        • 1 year ago

          >meat lies dies to you
          Either autocorrect or you need to go to bed

      • 1 year ago

        That's some very cute art.

    • 1 year ago

      I was literally stalking the catalogue and I didn't see it so either the OP fricked up or the jannies auto-saged it.

    • 1 year ago

      It's over, FeHsisters

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago


    Can some kind anon tell me what the important plugins for termina are? Idk maybe even what they do haha... jk...unless?

    Miro did an interview btw, he retweeted it if you are interested
    If you can't/don't want to read it:
    >He got the idea for the main ending early on, it was a "logical direction with rules and themes". The modern setting he had at first had a lighter tone.
    >Rher has always been main antagonist of the series, at least to humans (obvious for f&H 1, dont know if true for Termina).
    >Kentaro Miro doesn't want to comment on lore outside of the game (thats good).
    >Moonscorched are Miro's favorite enemy. The "moon revealing the truth", how they go from distorted features, to skin revealing inermost desires, to hardening exposed flesh. (Weird analogy to human nature but ok)
    >The obelisk is something he saw at an art exhibition. Had fear of buttoned shirts. Just a weird "feature".
    >His favorite character is Tanaka, even if "his quest isn't complete yet" (great taste).
    >There are things Orange hasnt seen anyone mention (probably doesn't browse 4ch), is against datamining, as it ruins secrets. More doppelgangers coming in the future.
    >Most content he wanted is in game. He wanted to add even more content, the examples are a variation of the Pillarman and other Iki Turso creature randomly walking around the city on day 3. Those didn't make it "yet".
    >First new content wll adrdress repayability, add a new route to the city to keep early game fresh and bring zone variety (lava/water zone incoming bros). New PC and Ending route are high on the list.
    >When first F&H was done he came with a thematic toughline for a trilogy. Has a good idea of what F&H3 will be about. Could take place after 2 or before 1. The former a more safe idea, the latter a wild card. Termina was the wild card of f&h2 (RIP Y2K Termina). Has ideas for spin-offs too.
    The interview mentions the overwhelmingly positive score, so is probably very recent. Also please answer my first question

    • 1 year ago

      >more stuff for Termina
      >Already talks about game 3 and spin-offs
      Is this homosexual for real?

      • 1 year ago

        He is on a league of his own, for having ambitions at least, which is good, trying to take on WAY more than you can is how good eurojank is born

        • 1 year ago

          I just hope, he is not gonna suffer burn out. Also no mentions of meteorite buff?
          >trying to take on WAY more than you can is how good eurojank is born
          Why is this always comes back to gay sex? But also true.

    • 1 year ago

      >His favorite character is Tanaka, even if "his quest isn't complete yet" (great taste).
      I knew Miro was a real one. SOON™

      • 1 year ago

        kinda want Tanaka to be Jeb Bush now

        • 1 year ago

          >SAMARIE: KEKED
          >PAV: KILLED
          Tanakabros our time is NOW.

          • 1 year ago

            Great job, anon

          • 1 year ago

            I would vote for Tanaka as a new god. The God of the GRIND thats right Tanka dont take your shit he will literally kill you with his brief case full of MONEY. But he is far to civilized even bother with violence.
            >Your taxes
            >your resume
            >your employement status

            see you monday moron, wear a suit.

          • 1 year ago

            The Bremen fear the Edo Warrior

          • 1 year ago

            thanks for the request anon
            im autistic when it comes to this ideas

            • 1 year ago

              give more ideas for the people

          • 1 year ago

            tank the poll with Tanaka votes when a poll comes up on who's next playable character

    • 1 year ago

      Is there something original in this game? First the karin valkyre, then the f&h god beign a copy of sh3 gluttons, the villagers are just bacon paintings, then the jan*tor from clive barker's jericho. Not even the pile of clothes is original in this game, i know that everything is an inspiration nowadays, but you an at least change them a bit or mix two designs together.

    • 1 year ago

      >Can some kind anon tell me what the important plugins for termina are? Idk maybe even what they do haha... jk...unless?
      Still waiting for an answer, not rushing tho, take all the time you need, love you a million. At least can someone tell me what are the plugins for overworld combat, limb removal and damage permanency?

      • 1 year ago

        >At least can someone tell me what are the plugins for overworld combat, limb removal and damage permanency?
        I legitimately do not understand what you're asking. Plugins? What do you mean "plugins" for overworld combat?

      • 1 year ago

        I’m at work right now so I can’t show pics but I’ll try to explain.
        >Overworld combat
        The game has a parallel event going that checks for the type of firearm equipped on the party leader, if there is ammo then If you pressed shift. The game then ‘fires’ another event in the same direction as the player behaving like a bullet, it travels a certain amount of tiles then teleports off the map for reuse. It is why you pause for so long after firing.
        >Limb loss
        The game holds hundreds of switches that check whether a creature is alive and dismembered. The game also has another parallel event that updates the sprites to match the damage. So regardless if you or an enemy lost a limb in the overworld or combat, the switch will track that status.
        >Damage permanence
        Things like bullets have a set amount of damage and enemies have a variable to track their health. If you were to shoot a villager once then entered combat then on turn 0 the game would adjust the villager’s health to match the variable. If that variable were to hit zero on the overworld then the enemy dies. It is also why you see enemies that are in groups die turn 0 if they died elsewhere.

        As far as I know plug-ins aren’t used for that stuff. Just some spaghetti eventing.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks man, that was of great help, it seems like Im better rewritting the whole thing on a new project then, make my own pasta. I remember seeing a limb based combat in one of his credited plugins on the first game credits. BUt it seems he did everything from scratch, impressive really.

          • 1 year ago

            If you're wondering about Miro's limb-based combat, each part of an enemy is its own enemy. It is why sometimes enemies attack multiple times per turn. (e.g. the guard's cleaver and stinger thrust). There is also a limit to how many foes you can have per battle. This includes the gas canister. It is also why The Mob can only be targeted as a whole rather than their limbs. For the player and their limbs, attacks have a chance to inflict a limb loss state.

            • 1 year ago

              The only reason the Mob is so bullshit is because you can't target their limbs, frick that fight.

        • 1 year ago

          >you were to shoot a villager once then entered combat then on turn 0 the game would adjust the villager’s health to match the variable
          Are you sure? I tried testing this with some enemies before and found that their torso still required the same amount of damage to kill before and after a few shots. Very easy to test on 300hp villagers as most weapons fall just shy of 300 damage.

          • 1 year ago

            nta but they do keep track to an extent, but it's very minimal. I don't have rpgmaker on me to check but from what I recall enemies take minor damage from the first 3 shots, then the rest don't effect their in combat health. And when I say minor damage I mean something like 12, 37, 75 damage for 1, 2, 3 shots.

            • 1 year ago

              That explains it.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks for this. The biggest thing I wanted to make in my own games is permadeath that functions exactly like f&h does. So the key is to make the variable for each enemy health something that is checked in the overworld... I must look more into this.

    • 1 year ago

      new content wll adrdress repayability, add a new route to the city to keep early game fresh and bring zone variety (lava/water zone incoming bros). New PC and Ending route are high on the list.
      I have high hopes for this, I hate that the 2 main ways of getting to the city is either the main gate (which you can't use if you save Henryk) or the sewer with the fricking neighbours. What the frick was he thinking putting extremyl dangerous enemies like them so early? In on of the main routes to the city? You can barely take one out with 2 party remembers. I just want every character to be playable with their unique endings. I want to play as Pav and August.

      • 1 year ago

        Im excited too, but i dont think the neighbours where the problem, my first game i reached the city throught the village bunker and avoided to find any neighbour without even trying to. You just need to keep going left and nothing else.

      • 1 year ago

        >with the fricking neighbours
        >*plops on the floor*
        >proceeds to tongue rape you for 60 damage

    • 1 year ago

      Link to the interview
      darkrpgs dot home dot blog/2023/01/16/the-darkest-secrets-of-fear-hunger-2-termina-second-interview-with-the-creator-miro-haverinen/

      • 1 year ago

        Why post it like this?

        • 1 year ago

          Is detected as spam, i tried to post it on the summary post but didn't let me, I assume that anon had the same problem too.

          • 1 year ago

            I wonder why is that. I tried posting the first interview he did on another thread also got the "Our system thinks your post is spam."

    • 1 year ago

      >the obelisk wasn't original
      >he's already satisfied with the content in the game when it's unfinished
      >3rd f&h (gee who would've thought of that ?!)
      can someone sodomise him so he stops being a hack ?

      • 1 year ago

        why are you gays so upset at references if you dont even know what its a reference to or that it even is one before its pointed out

      • 1 year ago

        Most modern fiction tend to have references to everything. Not sure why, but they do. Probably to showcase how "cultured" the author is.

        • 1 year ago

          >put something original in your game
          >some homosexual thought of the same thing 100 years ago
          >it is now a "reference"
          theres your reason

          • 1 year ago

            I was talking about fiction in general, you absolute Black person.
            And even if I didn't, this shit applies to F&H Termina as well, because it's chock-full of references. The very title itself + Rher references Majora's Mask.

  7. 1 year ago

    So how do I get four arms? I always get to that slab with only 2.

    • 1 year ago

      borrow some from your friends

      • 1 year ago

        If you have legarde you can always ask him for them, he no longer needs them after sitting on the throne. You can also use necromancy if you have an empty slot and take those.

    • 1 year ago

      >he didn't kill every prison guard for a single leg and arm drop

  8. 1 year ago

    i suffer from early dementia, severe memory and am embarrassed to ask this,
    what is the dancing from, it is nostalgic for reasons beyond my comprehension. i have seen it before i'm sure, a super-imposed small thing dancing in front of still-shot onlookers. a music video of some kind maybe


    • 1 year ago

      I believe is from a video of a The sims 3 cat dancing, then jumpstarted in popularity when someone made the hollow knight ghost dance like that in front of the hollow knight i believe. If you search dancing cat sims you can find the original video.

      • 1 year ago

        god, thank you so much

        • 1 year ago

          No problem anon, the dance is also nostalgic to me because it reminds me to that song that makes me nostalgic, which is weird cause i never heard it in my life outside of the meme.

      • 1 year ago

        Not sims but some jap highschool simulator game

  9. 1 year ago

    If I did ending C and reload back to the tower to do ending B, do I keep Longinus reward? I would guess it is a global check that's not per save, so I could do that?

    • 1 year ago

      I reloaded my A ending save and couldn't learn A ending spells anymore, not sure if reloading was the reason or something else, but i would be careful with that. When i did C and B endings I saved in two different slots, one for C and the other for B. Just to be sure. And i kept both spells afterwards

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks, I don't mind fighting Perkele again, he's preatty easy once you figure out the gimmick. I will do the same.

        • 1 year ago

          >figure out the gimmick
          There is gimmick?

          • 1 year ago

            I swapped to a shotgun mid fight once he started blocking/reflecting my shit, I had Analyze on him so I just shot him down in the head while ignoring melee

            • 1 year ago

              Huh. I never knew he has reflect. Is this one where he covers his body with the wing, right?
              Never played doctor or picked up his skills. Does this thing guarantee headshots?

              • 1 year ago

                >he covers his body with the wing, right?
                Yeah, any melee attack to his moon arm or leg or head, or even the gasoline canister as I found out will not work and put you to 5hp, and reset your rev. Magic will reflect back to you, too.

                Yes it analyzes the critical weakness, so puts the head in the same state is if both legs were fricked. It starts blinking and you can maul at it.

          • 1 year ago

            Yes, his gimmick is being the worst designed boss in the history of videogames. Once he uses his counter attack skill you can no longer damage him with single targeted attacks or spells, only aoe items and spells. You dont have any? Frick you.

            • 1 year ago

              >worst designed boss in the history
              The one that decide to join the party after is the worst one. Not counting trying to solo The Logic and Centaur fights.

              >he covers his body with the wing, right?
              Yeah, any melee attack to his moon arm or leg or head, or even the gasoline canister as I found out will not work and put you to 5hp, and reset your rev. Magic will reflect back to you, too.

              Yes it analyzes the critical weakness, so puts the head in the same state is if both legs were fricked. It starts blinking and you can maul at it.

              Isn't this OP as shit for regular encounters?

              • 1 year ago

                Centaur is easier solo than with a party because they are more of a liability to keep alive, you only need ring of wraiths and either flesh puppetry or counter attack and you are good to go, just guard everything. Having an extra turn helps too. The other fights is bullshit i give you that

              • 1 year ago

                Oh, I didn't mean centaur solo. I'm just saying he sucks in general.

  10. 1 year ago

    I never saw anyone mention this armor and it's not in the pastebin list too. I found a makeshift amor in a chest made of kitchenware that has decent stats, but reduces your Agility by -10. You can even upgraded it further for better defense.

    • 1 year ago

      I guess that's why no one mentions it, it's a deathtrap

    • 1 year ago

      >Never mentioned
      >reduces agility by -10
      This is probably is the reason. You can get fluted armor with somewhat better stat and -5 penalty, but it's still too fricking much.

    • 1 year ago

      It sucks, i crafted it my first game without noticing the agility debuff and got abella killed because of that. It took me like 3 fights to notice, thats my fault actually

  11. 1 year ago

    >You can double attack doors if you have Greater Occultism, a fast spell to cast at the start, and Diplomacy
    It actuall bugs out so hard, you get 3 Rev from the start and can abuse doorbreaking. Also works on normal encounters, so you can basically one shot anything to the torso with a high damage weapon.

    • 1 year ago

      That's interesting

  12. 1 year ago

    so why did Rodon hired Cahara to retrieve Le'garde? I guess it was part of Le'garde's plot in some way but what do the officials have to gain from retrieving a guy they themselves sent to hell on earth with few chance of survival?

    • 1 year ago

      Different officials who were still loyal to Le'Garde.

    • 1 year ago

      Different officials who were still loyal to Le'Garde.

      Not even close. The game is pretty clear that they wanted to make an example of him with a public execution, but once he was incarcerated they had no hope of retrieving him to do so because there was absolutely no semblance of order in the dungeon. Once they realized that their commands to hulking rape abominations fell on deaf ears, they needed someone to infiltrate the dungeon to extract Legarde for his execution.

  13. 1 year ago

    If august ever becomes playable I wonder if miro will let him keep his ability to just parkour his way past gates, buildings, rubble, etc.. or maybe he'll just give him the bow and call it a day. Dude still took 2-3 shots to kill a half-cocooned so it's at least on par with a rifle

    • 1 year ago

      He needs to be an special character for it to make justice to his family status. Either make him extremely different, give him retrievable arrows and bow on par with rifle. Or make his coin toss one shot ability workk against bosses. Even make his whole combat style focused around headshooting enemies, having skills that improve the chance but making it his only way to aproach combat. Would be a nice twist on the dps rush infested fights. Also please answer

      >Can some kind anon tell me what the important plugins for termina are? Idk maybe even what they do haha... jk...unless?
      Still waiting for an answer, not rushing tho, take all the time you need, love you a million. At least can someone tell me what are the plugins for overworld combat, limb removal and damage permanency?


      • 1 year ago

        I don' think anyone from here really datamined much from the game other than the Premenitions modder

        • 1 year ago

          Its ok, im already searchng them individually. Probably faster than to wait for someone to spoon feed me.

      • 1 year ago

        >Can some kind anon tell me what the important plugins for termina are? Idk maybe even what they do haha... jk...unless?
        Still waiting for an answer, not rushing tho, take all the time you need, love you a million. At least can someone tell me what are the plugins for overworld combat, limb removal and damage permanency?

        Only ones who can answer you are the datamining anons and they seem to be asleep right now

    • 1 year ago

      He will probably copy the bow mechanics from the first game. They are probably in the files like everything else from the first game. Fun fact you can give yourself Passages of Mahavre and use it in the game.
      And I agree if Miro doesn't allow August to parkour through all gates, even the one to the temple in the shopping district, I will go on a crusade. We know he can do that and it will be pretty interesting having one character not be gated by progression blocks like that and can go literally anywhere from the very start. And I want a special Moonless interaction.

      • 1 year ago

        >They are probably in the files like everything else from the first game
        Well the Mahavre book is in the game. No details add. It's literally the same as it was in F&H. That made me wonder if Miro had something ambitious intended. Like not just time travel, but also one that allows us to visit ancient city and dungeon. Probably not. That would be really weird. Ha-ha.

      • 1 year ago

        >They are probably in the files like everything else from the first game
        Well the Mahavre book is in the game. No details add. It's literally the same as it was in F&H. That made me wonder if Miro had something ambitious intended. Like not just time travel, but also one that allows us to visit ancient city and dungeon. Probably not. That would be really weird. Ha-ha.

        It would be pretty neat if Auguste had some roof navigation, the slums looked like you could have some cool alternate routes climbing to the roofs.

  14. 1 year ago

    Damn damage spread makes it take too long to replicate hitting the actual damage cap (9999) but you get the idea. Also, for some reason only one hit of double combustion will benefit from scorched earth, the second does not. I think I've exhausted all the Marina memes I could do between this and maxing the whole Hexen barring Golden Gates.

    • 1 year ago

      Adding to this, you can literally kill Per'kele turn 1 with First Scorched Earth followed by Double Combustion on the torso. Total overkill damage.

      >Get flicked out after doing 0 damage
      >T-t-t-they were just afraid!
      Sure, Nas'rah. Have fun under the lake.

      >thinks those flames did 0 damage
      Francois the Toasted One would beg to differ.

      • 1 year ago

        >Francois the Toasted One would beg to differ.
        The New Gods are literally too depressed to give a damn, let alone put any effort to fight back.
        They've completed their six stages of grief. Nas'hrah is perpetually stuck in anger.

      • 1 year ago

        >Francois the Toasted One would beg to differ.
        He quite literally didn't care and doesn't care about you killing his past self either.

  15. 1 year ago

    Karin buying Wonderbread

    • 1 year ago
  16. 1 year ago

    So the priest in the orphanage was sacrificing children for Gro Goroths sake?

    • 1 year ago

      And the nuns were fricking the priests (and probably the children too) in rituals to Sylvian

      • 1 year ago

        Source? We don't get to see any nuns.

  17. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      stfu gayget

  18. 1 year ago


  19. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Lame ship. Post some the superior Marina ship

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Marina and me

        • 1 year ago

          More decent than Levi x Marina, so it's okay

      • 1 year ago

        They're the probably not legal and lying about their age ship

        • 1 year ago


  20. 1 year ago

    Look at her go!

  21. 1 year ago

    1.8 upate is a myth, the goverment wants you to believe otherwise. Dont be deceived by their lies

    • 1 year ago

      Work of the Bremen?????

  22. 1 year ago

    I just bought the two games. Anything I should know before launching the first one?

    • 1 year ago

      >Read on the wiki how to get dash with every character.
      >Mercenary is the easisest character, his skills make him a beast of his own.
      >Target wathever seems like could dismember you.
      >Guard stands for: /Guard turn 2 and every two turns after that./U/A/R/D/.
      >Begining left path is easier.
      >Knowledge is power, if you die think about what you should have done to prevent that.
      >You can sleep without risk after killing all enemies on the area.
      >If you get filtered try again, its not the first time it will happen, the atmosphere is difficult to digest.
      >Dont give up, skeleton.

    • 1 year ago

      Unironically play one or two games blind, and then start playing with the wiki open, i swear its almost the same experience as dying ten times to make a twenty minutes of progress. Most people just give up and jump to the sequel.

    • 1 year ago

      You WILL get raped

  23. 1 year ago

    I love Nas'hrah he is such a c**t

    • 1 year ago

      >Nas'hrah the half-man...
      >Better Half-man than being a crisp!

      • 1 year ago

        >not at peak power, missing his body
        >still btfos other new gods with ease
        >they just eject you instead of retaliating because they do not want a confrontation with him
        Remember that all the shit talk about him being unable to handle the pressure of Mahabre is pure salty cope. Man was and still is an absolute terror.

        • 1 year ago

          >Get flicked out after doing 0 damage
          >T-t-t-they were just afraid!
          Sure, Nas'rah. Have fun under the lake.

        • 1 year ago

          Sad that he decided to trashtalk Gro-goroth, maybe then he wouldn't be a mere decayed head

    • 1 year ago

      I kinda surprised he just doesnt take your body

      • 1 year ago

        He is probably too narcissistic to do so, and besides you might not be able to withstand his power, just like the husk

      • 1 year ago

        He probably can't.

    • 1 year ago

      How the FRICK do you pronounce his name

      • 1 year ago

        Like Nash and Sandra but you cut the S

      • 1 year ago

        As it's spelles. Nas, and then hrah. The latter being a harsh, guttural sound as expected of some middle eastern warlord.

    • 1 year ago

      wish he had some dialogue when the girl transforms.

  24. 1 year ago

    >the chest is empty
    >the door is too strong for you
    >theres nothing of interest here

    J U S T

    • 1 year ago

      >Another one of these.
      I hate perkele and his smug looking face.

    • 1 year ago

      >Start up new run.
      >Get Ring of Wraiths, Small Things Amulet, Salmonsnake Rune, Bremen Chestplate, Deathmask, Alchemellia I and a Lighter when clearing out oldtown. Absolute God-Tier run in the making.
      >Power surge, lose everything before being able to save.
      >Start another run.
      >Lose damn near every coin flip from chests, only able to get a Pigskin Gasmask and a Lugr.
      This is fricking bullshit.

  25. 1 year ago

    Olivia raping a withdrawal heavy levi with a promise of another shot after she's done

    • 1 year ago

      >While being a cripple
      What you just described is prostitution

    • 1 year ago

      >Olivia raping a withdrawal heavy levi with a promise of another shot after she's done
      Lame. Abella all motherly with a withdrawal heavy Levi while they frick. With lots of forehead kisses and saying that everything is gonna be okay and that he's a strong lad.

      • 1 year ago

        Now that is something I wanna see

  26. 1 year ago

    My AI wife Karin...

    • 1 year ago

      Nice Karin.

  27. 1 year ago

    I'd let Francois dominate me no homo

    • 1 year ago

      There's no way in hell this doesn't end up super homo

    • 1 year ago

      Do you have the source for that art?

  28. 1 year ago

    there's gotta be a character.ai of one of the characters by now right

    • 1 year ago

      Considering how lobotomized the ai is, they probably wouldn't be acurate at all

  29. 1 year ago

    So we know that Alll-mer is "One of the good ones", but how exactly is he good for humanity and in which way does his principles help it? We know those things from F&H and even the old gods in some ways. But im still not sure whats Chresus Jist deal other than Vengance and Purity?

    • 1 year ago

      >So we know that Alll-mer is "One of the good ones"
      How do
      know this?
      All we know is he is humanity to its full potential, a god of anger and revenge.

      • 1 year ago

        One of the good ones as in how the God of F&H helped humanity progress trohugh ages of Dread and Famine, with the power of Terror and Starvation. What is exactly the reason Alllmer helped humanity power through the ages of the avarage life expentacy of 25 years? And why is he still worshiped?, what primal ideologies does someone who requires human sacrifice exactly embody that make you go "Im gonna sacrifice someone today". I doubt a lot of priest are using blood sword or pursuing vengance on their day to day lifes

  30. 1 year ago

    please somebody make an edit in photoshop like dis but better
    im so frickin bad at it

    • 1 year ago

      Ay mama, ay diosito bendito, virgencita santa, la creatura de las guerras cubiertas.

      >His favorite character is Tanaka, even if "his quest isn't complete yet" (great taste).
      I knew Miro was a real one. SOON™

      There is still hope for Tanaka being the next playable character, and for Samaire not beign the next. Pure joy on my heart right now.

    • 1 year ago

      That's not too bad really.

    • 1 year ago

      I ain't touching shit, that's perfect

    • 1 year ago

      Anon it's perfect. Satoko Sauer or Karin Houjo my beloved wife

  31. 1 year ago

    You guys are my favorite thread on Ganker, i love you.

    • 1 year ago

      We love you too, anon.

  32. 1 year ago

    I want more OC

    • 1 year ago

      I wish i knew how to draw so i could make some, the artgays here make such cool OC

      • 1 year ago

        Same, though admittedly I'd either just do guro or a series of the girls getting face-fricked by the woodsman's parasite.

  33. 1 year ago

    Still mad at how irrelevant karin is compared to the rest of the cast

    • 1 year ago

      Isnt she the most popular character?

      • 1 year ago

        Ganker is a minority compromised mostly by Black folk and pedophiles. Whatever is popular here does not matter.

      • 1 year ago

        Besides Marina probably yes, and she is my favorite both because of her personality and because I love Dead Rising. But in the Main game she has nothing to do with the events. Probably the same as Tanaka but he has the whole Hero's Journey going on and a lot of events regarding him. Her only rediming quality is the party banter with Daan and her hatred towards Bremen. She doesn't even have any event on the news building or the apartment videotape if she is in your party.

      • 1 year ago

        Going by fan art, the OG crew, aka the demo characters, are more popular Marina mogs her by far the most.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean, is she any less relevant than Marcoh or Abella? Not every character needs to have close ties with Prehevil, the gods or the previous game.

      • 1 year ago

        Abella can at least read the coded letters

      • 1 year ago

        >s she any less relevant than Marcoh or Abella?
        Yes. This has been stablished thread after thread .

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, Abella is linked to the NLU, while Marcoh's irrelevance is eclipsed by his ability to punch eldritch abominations to death.

      • 1 year ago

        Marcoh has more interactions with the other characters.

  34. 1 year ago

    reposting from last thread since it died early.

    Bug report for Party Chat mod anon: I ran into an issue with party chat in a party of Marcoh (main), Abella, and Levi. Outside the church, entering Party Chat will bring up the character portraits, but not trigger the dialogue, and it will be stuck this way until moving to another screen and the dialogue for the screen moved to will play.
    I'm playing with Premonitions and Party Chat installed, including patch.

  35. 1 year ago

    The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mister Tanaka.

  36. 1 year ago

    >just picked up the first game on a whim today
    >first run has me lose my arm and get meatwall'd by a guard five minutes in and i somehow manage to just hang on and survive until reaching the mines
    >find a suspicious item near a lake and decide to take the bait, having nothing to lose
    >salmonsnake appears
    >have no chance of running so go out on a limb and try to talk to it
    >"Please don't!"
    >get axolotl'd to death as my pleas fall on deaf ears
    A few characters later
    >back in the mines, this time with all my limbs intact
    >run into some guy in yellow robes doing a dark souls channeler dance as my character starts to glow
    >my fricking leg gets deleted before i have time to process what's happening
    >run to the nearest map transition and make it through moments before he can do it a second time
    >actually initiate combat with one of them later and see that it's like some fricking hastur cultist looking wizard
    >hack off all his limbs and just spend the next few rounds interrogating him
    >he fricking gives me a key and an invitation to some sort of mage hideout

    this game is cool as frick, frustrating at times but for the most part it's good for a laugh just to see how much morbid bullshit is crammed into this game and absurdly punishing some things are
    6 hours in and i've gotten the E ending and also made it into dark mahabre (i teleported to the city in a book at one point and it was all lit up so im assuming this is like some sort of bad ending path) and feel like i've just scratched the surface

    • 1 year ago

      >he fricking gives me a key and an invitation to some sort of mage hideout
      Seek the meat

    • 1 year ago

      Some of us have played +60 hours and have barely scratched the surface of what the game has, its an autistic gem. You haven't seen anything yet, you could read the entire wiki and the game would still manage to hive you new surprises, enjoy your journey, and keep trying stuff.
      I played over 100 hours myself, did almost every ending, and just last week found a neat mechanic taht didn't even knew existed.

      • 1 year ago

        I remember having 100 hours and doing my 4th Ragnavaldr ending S run before discovering that Night Lurch, normally a bane of hard mode runs, can be made to skip turns with rotten meat. I didn't even find out what phobias do until like 70 hours in, and that was only because someone here explained it to me.

        • 1 year ago

          I recently learned Night Lurch can rape you before the battle even starts.

        • 1 year ago

          Wow, I didn't knew that, how did you get past the skind granny? She is the only boss I cant kill consistently, only managed to do the whole run once because empty scroll luck and sniffing a brown vial. Do you go for the penance armor always?
          So far, what exactly are the enemies we have "solved"
          >Throw sticks at dogs
          >Rotten Meat to night lurch
          >"Prepare to die" for ghouls
          >Dispell magic for mahabre ghouls.
          >Gnome eggs to stun Salmonsake.
          >"How little you know" with Francois
          >Step on spider
          >Talk with scarabs using mastery over insects.
          >Cut guards limb, guard attack attack guard.
          >Rotten meat to moonles on Non Hard mode.
          Any one Im missing?

          I recently learned Night Lurch can rape you before the battle even starts.

          I learned that recently too, It was such a good run too.

          • 1 year ago

            >Wow, I didn't knew that, how did you get past the skin granny?
            Once you know what to spend scrolls on she like any other boss becomes a cakewalk. White Angel soul is king. Taking out her arms is common sense, her coin flip attack is telegraphed, and the bleed I think can be dealt with by putting Phermones on a salmon snake wearer or a skeleton (i think the latter can't bleed from her attacks, may be misremembering).
            >solved enemies
            To add to the list
            >red vial on head makes Crow Mauler peck always miss, Iron Mask prevents blind
            >Chambara's wheels can be continuously jammed by poison ticks from throwing darts
            >making a kueh noise at cavegnomes skips a turn

            • 1 year ago

              >Nas'hrah the terror of cavegnomes

            • 1 year ago

              Ive always felt like she did too much damage for one player, but i guess I forgot necro and blood golem exist. Gonna try that when i do my monthly replay of the game.

              I heard this game is getting updates like more playable characters. Is that confirmed or is that just a guess?

              It was kind of confirmed on the interview, but we already expected to get update, as he launched the game unfinished because the overwhelming ammount of content he had planed. The original game released 2018, and kept getting sizeable updates all the way to janury 2021, totally different games the one at release from the one we have today, and he confirmed that he is going back to update that one too after he gets Termina "right".

          • 1 year ago

            >>Talk with scarabs using mastery over insects.
            sticks at dogs
            Meat to night lurch
            i never knew......... I never frickin knew....

    • 1 year ago

      based. you 100% get the game.
      >got the eclipse talisman on one of his first playthroughs
      amazing, i thought noone in the world discovered this naturally or that fast
      i was showing the game to a mate, the fricking bastard found plate armor and a helmet almost immediately; got attacked by two guards, one of them fricking missed his cleaver arm swing and my buddy just bodied him with pyromancy trick. the second guard lost his arm but got a successful coin toss, but because my mate had the best armor you can find early, it didnt kill him. my mate survived two guard attacks without even knowing what he was doing.
      then a cavegnome gave him an infection and he died 5 minutes later.
      based game

  37. 1 year ago

    Has there been any new content update?

  38. 1 year ago

    >be me
    >playing Termina for the first time
    >need to go from the Mayor's house to the west bunker for the key
    >quickest way is to go through old town
    >fricking Vile keeps destroying me
    >always make a plan to take out his limbs with the rifle first
    >he always gets me low
    >eventually escape his grasps, but don't kill him
    >get the key and run back to the old town
    >he shows up outta no where and kills me
    >hour and a half of progress lost
    >be me ten minutes ago
    >just found out you can kill Vile before he attacks via dialogue

    I both hate and love this game so goddamn much

  39. 1 year ago

    I heard this game is getting updates like more playable characters. Is that confirmed or is that just a guess?

    • 1 year ago

      Confirmedish. The dev did an interview and listed new routes, endings and playable characters as high on his to do list for supporting the game

  40. 1 year ago

    Anyone have a link to the interview Miro did recently?

    • 1 year ago

      Scroll up

      Link to the interview
      darkrpgs dot home dot blog/2023/01/16/the-darkest-secrets-of-fear-hunger-2-termina-second-interview-with-the-creator-miro-haverinen/

    • 1 year ago


      Link to the interview
      darkrpgs dot home dot blog/2023/01/16/the-darkest-secrets-of-fear-hunger-2-termina-second-interview-with-the-creator-miro-haverinen/

      Replace "space dot space" with .
      He also retweeted it.

    • 1 year ago

      Link to the interview
      darkrpgs dot home dot blog/2023/01/16/the-darkest-secrets-of-fear-hunger-2-termina-second-interview-with-the-creator-miro-haverinen/

  41. 1 year ago

    How much replay value does this game have? I'm thinking of getting it, but I don't want a game I'll finish once or twice and call it a day.

    • 1 year ago

      The game is replayable as frick, we are still finding new shit from the first game and have a lot of doubts as to where to find some things from the second to this day. In fact the game expects you to frick shit up on your first try because there is more content if you play badly than if you try to save everyone. I say very replayable. First try will take you 5 hours of dying. First "this time for sure" try around 25 hours. Second around 15, subsequent games between 4 and 6 hours. There is also maso mode which adds a ton of hours, altought this are more "artificial" hours than new content hours, it still has exclusive content tho.
      The first game is more replayabale than Termina in its current state, so you can maybe try that one. Termina is going to have its first big update "soon" so you might still catch the threads.

      • 1 year ago

        Would you recommend a new player to play the first game or the second game? I heard the first game is much harder.

        • 1 year ago

          Play the first game so that you understand the mechanics. It took me about 10 hours to realize that the blue vials heal you.

        • 1 year ago

          Much harder, much better as an experience, much worse as a video game. Most of the anons here like the first game better, but Termina is way more accessible, forgiving, and way, WAY LESS cryptic in some things. I say give the first game a try, if you find it too hard search for some guides, its still better to experience it with a guide on hand than just watching it or not experiencing it at all. It also makes the second game more enjoyable, and Termina is still hard, just not as much as the OG.
          So i say give it a try, but don't feel ashamed if you drop it and jum straight to Termina. Its one of my favorite games, but sometimes the atmosphere makes you feel tired and overwhelmed, even if I know it like the back of my hand. There is just no real breathing room on that game.

          • 1 year ago

            Also forgot to tell you, but getting ending A while your head and toughts are in a bad place will heal your soul.

            • 1 year ago

              I love wholesome fanart like this, considering how fricked up the games really are

              • 1 year ago

                I usually hate wholesome everything, but for some reason I love the wholesome 100 keanu chungus art of the game, it probably has to do with how good but nice little interactions you get throught the course of it.

              • 1 year ago

                god that is just so lovely
                It might be more of the fact that all of the characters (aside from D'arce and The Girl) are kind of morally gray, so seeing them get along with each other makes my heart happy

              • 1 year ago

                It's very cute indeed

          • 1 year ago

            >termina way more accessible and forgiving
            absolutely not true
            >confusing as shit map
            >takes several minutes to get out of starting area, every time you die you will have to re-walk it
            >starting area is one of hardest parts of games with villagers everywhere, dogs guarding the most important area, and no directions
            >stuff that is completely unexplained or makes no sense like TV room, pile of clothes etc that will just make you scratch your head as to whether there is something to be figured out there, unlike in f&h1 where most shit actually pays off in some way
            >the mob just shows up instead of being like crow mauler in the first one where its foreshadowed and the game warns you, they even look like regular ass villagers
            >the gods and endings wont make any fricking sense to someone who didnt play the first game
            its not accessible to a new player at all.
            >find a guide
            frick off

            • 1 year ago

              >the gods
              Read the fricking bible, homie.
              >endings wont make any fricking sense
              Endings wont make any fricking sense, even if you played the first game.

              • 1 year ago

                >read the bible
                im trying to say that the first game has you directly confront some of the gods and see the birth of god of f&h while termina mostly mentions shit in nondescript text blurbs
                like the dicky god bible doesnt really explain at all what the frick she is iirc
                >endings wont make any sense even if you played the first game
                at least you will understand who is the man in yellow and what hes trying to do instead of feeling like a genuinely random dude doing random stuff
                same with perkele ending, the "reveal" wont make any sense if you didnt get ending B in the first game

              • 1 year ago

                >while termina mostly mentions shit in nondescript text blurbs
                First game does that too. So idk.
                >like the dicky god bible doesnt really explain at all what the frick she is iirc
                Nah, it's pretty much explain everything outside of why the child was special in the first place.
                >you will understand who is the man in yellow
                This knowledge doesn't pay offs in any way. And in both examples you mentioned, the characters tell you outright "why and how" The only pay off you get there is you asked the New Gods about Per'kele. Which is very specific thing to do in a first place.

  42. 1 year ago

    Im sensing a mayor lack of karin ritual poster this thread. Is he dead? Did the bremen finally catch him?

    • 1 year ago

      I found him and mindbroke him into making a bremen loving karin trad wife

    • 1 year ago

      The only ritual poster we had is the death mask one.

    • 1 year ago

      me on the left

    • 1 year ago

      Calculus is raping me in the ass, but I'm here.

    • 1 year ago

      he ded

  43. 1 year ago

    How do I solve the clock puzzle? I've been doing it for the past 2 hours but I just can't figure it out

    • 1 year ago

      talk to people around the museum to learn the answers
      if you're playing on an old copy the minute hand is 32.5 not 35

    • 1 year ago

      I forgot where to place the clock, but if i remember correctly you cant solve it if you haven't interacted with all the 3 persons that give you the clues.

  44. 1 year ago

    >Miro did an Interview not more than 2 days ago
    >Still no mention on when the new update will release, or whats the exact thing he has made progress towards.
    Im losing my fricking mind, where is the update YOU LAZY FRICK. UNINSTALL DISCORD AND MOVE YOUR ASS BACK TO YOUR PIRATED COPY OF RPG MAKER. I want replayability. I want playable Tanaka, I want different time windows to recruit some characters. And I want all of it NOW.

    • 1 year ago

      Samarie is in despair
      Paz romancing Marina has led her to despair

  45. 1 year ago

    Holy shit the MEAT GRINDER is so fricking broken, Abella best girl

  46. 1 year ago

    Is it odd I find the way caligura kills the other contestants weirdly brutal? With levi it takes multiple strikes and you can see the kid's brains leak out his body and with Henryk it just takes one swipe. Maybe it's because there's not a lot of on-screen death that isn't tanaka being beheaded.

    • 1 year ago

      For me it's weird how Levi doesn't fight back. Or how he acts in the city in general. If you meet him in school, he immediately perks up into combat stance, and his talk dialogue always mentions how he is focused and fearless, you can't even use persuation or intimidation on him. Yet Caligura just trashtalks him and walks up to him like it's nothing. There better be an explanation for it, like he found heroine in school and it gave him strenght back.

      • 1 year ago

        I tought it was implied that a non withdrawed Levi would actually beat the shit out of him. He says he doesn't want to fight him and as you said, he is the only one besides Daan that doesn't give upon your bullshit.

        >Start up new run.
        >Get Ring of Wraiths, Small Things Amulet, Salmonsnake Rune, Bremen Chestplate, Deathmask, Alchemellia I and a Lighter when clearing out oldtown. Absolute God-Tier run in the making.
        >Power surge, lose everything before being able to save.
        >Start another run.
        >Lose damn near every coin flip from chests, only able to get a Pigskin Gasmask and a Lugr.
        This is fricking bullshit.

        The lighter feels way better than the actual benefit it gives you, but frick me if lighting every light doesn't feel good, all of the candles you find in the game are probably enough to restore like 7 cycles of sanity too.

      • 1 year ago

        Contestants only having one fight (other than Pav) leads to a couple weird situations. Like attacking Levi when he's suffering from withdraw but then suddenly he's fine in combat, or worse attacking Olivia and suddenly she grows a wheelchair.

        What you guys think is the most op you can get in Termina just in general? I think there are two ways, as Marina and as Marcoh.

        As Marcoh or Levi
        >Either +2 attack if Marcoh or +25 hp if Levi
        >Sergal Mask.
        >Fatherless one armor.
        >Meat grinder
        >Leechmonger Ring
        >Salmonsnake Rune
        >Small thing's amulet (no way of getting atack besides engraving)
        >Gro'goroth engraving
        >+ 2 Attack from gro, +1 speed from f&h, +1 defense from allmy, +2 magic defense from sylv.
        >Greater occultism.
        >Perfect guard.
        >Greater meditation.
        >Persuation + Diplomacy.
        >First spice black smog
        >Second spice Whispers
        >Third spice mischief.

        Now for Marina it would be
        >Choose to pray to vinushka
        >Death Mask
        >Fatherless one armor.
        >Black Edge
        >Chac Chac
        >Chac Chac
        >Betel's Stone
        >F&H engraving
        >+2 M. Attack from vinush, +2 attack from gro, +2 defense from sylv, +1 defense from alll, +1 speed from f&h, +25 mind from rher.
        >Greater occultism.
        >Perfect guard.
        >Greater meditation.
        >Persuation + Diplomacy.
        >First spice Roots that Reap
        >Second spice Black Smog
        >Third spice mischief of rats.

        What do you think? Im a min max autist, I need answers.

        small thing amulet can be replaced in most important fights with pep pills, depending on how many you find. You need at least +1 agility to take double turns on the moon this way, but pretty much every other boss you should be fine with the base 10.

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't place much stock in the talk dialogue since it doesn't really change based on the situation and always paints you as the aggressor even if someone like august starts the fight. Might be a reach on my part but talking to him in the orphanage again it looks to be a mix of heroin withdrawal and moonscorching. Talking about voices in his head that urge him that it has to be this way and according to him it's been going on since he woke up. Might just be the withdrawal really but considering the reactions other contestants have to touching the tower (several of them can feel the transformation coming, levi and the others all take a similar clutching head pose like the cali encounter, Daan starts talking to pocketcat) and that he transforms if you don't talk to him he might have just needed your talk to ground himself before he losses it completely.

  47. 1 year ago

    Marinaz onnahole

  48. 1 year ago

    What you guys think is the most op you can get in Termina just in general? I think there are two ways, as Marina and as Marcoh.

    As Marcoh or Levi
    >Either +2 attack if Marcoh or +25 hp if Levi
    >Sergal Mask.
    >Fatherless one armor.
    >Meat grinder
    >Leechmonger Ring
    >Salmonsnake Rune
    >Small thing's amulet (no way of getting atack besides engraving)
    >Gro'goroth engraving
    >+ 2 Attack from gro, +1 speed from f&h, +1 defense from allmy, +2 magic defense from sylv.
    >Greater occultism.
    >Perfect guard.
    >Greater meditation.
    >Persuation + Diplomacy.
    >First spice black smog
    >Second spice Whispers
    >Third spice mischief.

    Now for Marina it would be
    >Choose to pray to vinushka
    >Death Mask
    >Fatherless one armor.
    >Black Edge
    >Chac Chac
    >Chac Chac
    >Betel's Stone
    >F&H engraving
    >+2 M. Attack from vinush, +2 attack from gro, +2 defense from sylv, +1 defense from alll, +1 speed from f&h, +25 mind from rher.
    >Greater occultism.
    >Perfect guard.
    >Greater meditation.
    >Persuation + Diplomacy.
    >First spice Roots that Reap
    >Second spice Black Smog
    >Third spice mischief of rats.

    What do you think? Im a min max autist, I need answers.

    • 1 year ago

      You got it pretty much. Arguably for Marcoh, you can swap a small thing's amulet for the hardened heart and get the Cute & Funny engraving. You get a bit less damage but way more durability.

      • 1 year ago

        Contestants only having one fight (other than Pav) leads to a couple weird situations. Like attacking Levi when he's suffering from withdraw but then suddenly he's fine in combat, or worse attacking Olivia and suddenly she grows a wheelchair.
        small thing amulet can be replaced in most important fights with pep pills, depending on how many you find. You need at least +1 agility to take double turns on the moon this way, but pretty much every other boss you should be fine with the base 10.

        You guys are right, the extra tankiness might be worth over a bit of damage, in that case either Levi or Marcoh can achieve the perfect melee build with
        >F&H engrave instead of grogoroth
        >+25 hp with either
        >Replace small things amulet with either the heart, another leechmonger, or betel's stone.
        With those changes you lose 6 damage (from a weapon that attacks 3 times is probably 18) in exchange of being much more tanky or saving more resources. I like that.

        Calculus is raping me in the ass, but I'm here.

        >Kills Lei and Henryk
        >Tries to Kill Marcoh
        >Rapes Abella
        >Now is also raping karin poster.
        Damn, Calculus is truly unnstopable.

        • 1 year ago

          Women want him, men want to be him. Caligura is the man who can't be stopped. An unstoppable force of nature.

          • 1 year ago

            Can Miro not into hands or..?

            • 1 year ago

              Women want him, men want to be him. Caligura is the man who can't be stopped. An unstoppable force of nature.

              always wondered why caligura's hand in this form
              he looks like he has skin pocket

            • 1 year ago

              That's the edit

        • 1 year ago

          the only other things to consider is using fluted armor for some fights to protect your arms while freeing up an accessory slot. I use this for the moon with the leech ring, hardened heart, and betel stone. Also consider the bremen helmet for defense, blind immunity, and being much easier to get half the time over the sergal hat's bonuses.

    • 1 year ago

      don't forget you can get +1 to every stat with Tanaka's soul (Agility is first so only costs 1 soul)

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, dont know why I forgot about it, and to think that I used to say that there where too many soul stones on the game. Altough speed becomes irrelevant from that tree as you already get +1 from f&H tree and 5 from engraving, 16 is the soft spot. The max you can get without engraving is 14 (f&h, tanaka, and +2 from marcoh's training) which doesn't give you the extra turn. It might make a difference against the more agile bosses like hearthless, sergal, perkele and rher, but you will probably just pop some pep pills/brown vial on those fights tbh.

        Also now that I think about it, I was really interested on hearthless game, if only for morbid curiosity, I even feel a bit bad for him (her(him)), he was just a misunderstood autistic who liked to tryhard and was a bit annoying. Hope he comes back to his senses, by the way he acted he was probably a teenager, a college student at most. He can still salvage this run (his game dev career) and avoid getting raped by the guards (getting yelled at by his local mcdonald's manager).

      • 1 year ago

        What you guys think is the most op you can get in Termina just in general? I think there are two ways, as Marina and as Marcoh.

        As Marcoh or Levi
        >Either +2 attack if Marcoh or +25 hp if Levi
        >Sergal Mask.
        >Fatherless one armor.
        >Meat grinder
        >Leechmonger Ring
        >Salmonsnake Rune
        >Small thing's amulet (no way of getting atack besides engraving)
        >Gro'goroth engraving
        >+ 2 Attack from gro, +1 speed from f&h, +1 defense from allmy, +2 magic defense from sylv.
        >Greater occultism.
        >Perfect guard.
        >Greater meditation.
        >Persuation + Diplomacy.
        >First spice black smog
        >Second spice Whispers
        >Third spice mischief.

        Now for Marina it would be
        >Choose to pray to vinushka
        >Death Mask
        >Fatherless one armor.
        >Black Edge
        >Chac Chac
        >Chac Chac
        >Betel's Stone
        >F&H engraving
        >+2 M. Attack from vinush, +2 attack from gro, +2 defense from sylv, +1 defense from alll, +1 speed from f&h, +25 mind from rher.
        >Greater occultism.
        >Perfect guard.
        >Greater meditation.
        >Persuation + Diplomacy.
        >First spice Roots that Reap
        >Second spice Black Smog
        >Third spice mischief of rats.

        What do you think? Im a min max autist, I need answers.

        How do you get the souls of other people?

        • 1 year ago

          kill em or ask alll-homie to gift them to you with an empty croll

          • 1 year ago

            Oh, empty scrolls still exist in Termina? Didn't find any in my O'Saa playthrough. Do I need high Alll-mer affinity?

            Marina can abuse Samarie's glitch to fill the entire Hexen barring the last tier of one god affinity, so there is no "build" for her technically. Just take everything. And Red Virtue > Black Steel, as it attacks twice. The crit is greatly diminished compared to 1's Eastern Sword. If you want maximum damage you stack scorched earth with danse macabre triple chac chac heroin and then blast away with double combustion like so

            Samarie's glitch?

            • 1 year ago

              >Samarie's glitch?
              When you try to sleep at the bookstore as Marina, Samarie will interrupt you by breathing heavily while staring. If you kill her (very easy with the right talk option), the corpse she spawns next to the bed has infinite heads for you to sever. So long as you have bonesaws, you can keep severing her head over and over. As a bonus, you can quickly head over to pocketcat if you didn't see him yet, grab a bunch of books of enlightenment, and then savescum to maximize bonesaw rng and end up with maxed soul stones before even starting the effigy hunt.

              • 1 year ago

                >Even game can't handle Samarie's desire to provide Marina with all the heads
                Bravo Miro.

          • 1 year ago

            >ask alll-homie to gift them to you
            While it's a true for the F&H. No empty scrolls in Termina.

            Oh, empty scrolls still exist in Termina? Didn't find any in my O'Saa playthrough. Do I need high Alll-mer affinity?
            Samarie's glitch?

            >Do I need high Alll-mer affinity?
            Yeah. You need to draw All-Mer sigil in every circle you find and use crown of thorns 667 times.

            • 1 year ago

              >No empty scrolls in Termina.
              You can find an entire shelf full of unused empty scrolls, but no one know what they're used for nor the magic words to use them except Karin.

    • 1 year ago

      >first spice
      >not scorched earth
      >no dance macabra
      Heh. Also you forgot poison tip for both, when this thing can be applied to any weapon in hand and DoT damage is always usefull aganist bosses.

      • 1 year ago

        I completely forgot about le "quadruple your damage on three turns" dance macabre, good catch. Also forgot about adrenaline, altought i dont know how powerful it is compared to its magic counterpart

        • 1 year ago

          cool o'saa

    • 1 year ago

      Is there a way to guarantee a second chac-chac if you're not osaa?

      • 1 year ago

        No. You can get one in museum, but second is RNG.

    • 1 year ago

      Marina can abuse Samarie's glitch to fill the entire Hexen barring the last tier of one god affinity, so there is no "build" for her technically. Just take everything. And Red Virtue > Black Steel, as it attacks twice. The crit is greatly diminished compared to 1's Eastern Sword. If you want maximum damage you stack scorched earth with danse macabre triple chac chac heroin and then blast away with double combustion like so

      Damn damage spread makes it take too long to replicate hitting the actual damage cap (9999) but you get the idea. Also, for some reason only one hit of double combustion will benefit from scorched earth, the second does not. I think I've exhausted all the Marina memes I could do between this and maxing the whole Hexen barring Golden Gates.

  49. 1 year ago

    Marina is my trans wife

  50. 1 year ago
  51. 1 year ago

    >daan (he's me)
    >karin (my wife)
    >abella (my concubine)
    >olivia (my crippled gf)
    yep, its gaming time

  52. 1 year ago

    Again i will ask you this question, which god would you worship
    New god
    Old god
    Ascended god

    • 1 year ago

      I only have one god and it has never hit puberty.

    • 1 year ago

      I would worship the sulphur god

  53. 1 year ago

    Is there a full version of this image or is it just bait?

    • 1 year ago

      Still waiting on one more commission before I update the gallery, btw.

      • 1 year ago

        Ah the Kaban commissions guy! I thought I saw it once before but with all this AI generated shit floating around now I couldn't be sure if it was just some fever dream.

        • 1 year ago

          Nah, that artist who drew that pic is very talented (and cheap too!). He only asks for like, 3500 yen so I strongly encourage shooting him a commission or two since I don't think he's very picky about what e-girl he draws.

      • 1 year ago

        >Still waiting on one more commission
        You're doing God's work, anon.

        he ded


      • 1 year ago

        Oh frick off, I'm always gatekeept by this shit

        • 1 year ago

          Literally just log into e-hentai, anon.

  54. 1 year ago

    Just beat F&H1 for the first time after getting all 3 endings in Termina. Holy shit I wish Termina had a fake persona mode like this game does.

  55. 1 year ago

    Has anyone noticed how the Black Witch has the same dagger as the Crimson Fathers?

    • 1 year ago

      I would take 10 Black Witches over a Crimson Father, just what the frick was Miro thinking
      >can't shoot off their limbs, it only removes the useless left hand, not even the dagger one
      >have to hit the head
      >to hit the head you need to kill 3 fricking tentacles
      >you're short on one chatacter starting turn 2
      >still have to remobe the dagger, can't kill all the legs with 3 party members on turn 1
      >the only way to deal with him quickly is to have an AOE spell to kill all the legs

      • 1 year ago

        all of his limbs can be one shot, and if you glass him he can't use his mind control. He's only a problem if you're low on party members

        • 1 year ago

          >if you glass him he can't use his mind control
          I forget glass exist, it never seems to work for me. I can glass a Death Mask and he still hits everything just fine. But good to know tentaclefricks do have some weakness.

          • 1 year ago

            glass only has an 80% blind chance or something like that, so it doesn't always work. That's the main reason it's still not safe to fight them solo late game since if the glass fails you just die.

      • 1 year ago

        you can torso kill them in 1-2 turns you just need a decent full team, once I had 4 people most enemies outside of deathmasks, elite troops and end game bosses were just torso shot to death

      • 1 year ago

        >miro's going to make them harder

        • 1 year ago

          Rher please no more!

        • 1 year ago

          >marriage between crow mauler and crimson padre

          • 1 year ago

            >Crimson Mauler
            >his head and beak are seperate
            >he can peck a head and use mind control turn 2
            >glass doesn't work on the beak

      • 1 year ago

        Is the only enemy i struggle to deal with as a team of 2. His torso is surprisingly tanky, and your first trun is wasted cutting the arm and throwing glass at him. I alwast take at least some damage when his head transforms. Also, is targeting his other arm worth? I tought he casted spells with it but some anons are saying is useless to cut it.

        • 1 year ago

          >Also, is targeting his other arm worth?
          It's pretty much useless. Padre is one of few enemies that doesn't have b***hslap as free hand attack. Unless it's transformation form, he will use a tentacles instead.

    • 1 year ago

      It's just dagger for rituals?

      I would take 10 Black Witches over a Crimson Father, just what the frick was Miro thinking
      >can't shoot off their limbs, it only removes the useless left hand, not even the dagger one
      >have to hit the head
      >to hit the head you need to kill 3 fricking tentacles
      >you're short on one chatacter starting turn 2
      >still have to remobe the dagger, can't kill all the legs with 3 party members on turn 1
      >the only way to deal with him quickly is to have an AOE spell to kill all the legs

      >I would take 10 Black Witches
      In a row?

      • 1 year ago

        what a Bremen prostitute

  56. 1 year ago
  57. 1 year ago

    >You really are the Star Wars' Bounty Hunter

    • 1 year ago

      Wrong thread?

      • 1 year ago

        honestly I thought that guy was referencing a line from Termina since it's a shameless reference to another IP

        I summon you, Deathmask.
        Show yourself.

  58. 1 year ago

    Too epic funny. Feels bad man. The chad woke up. Sergal man AAWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO. Dirty degenerate furry. Covid reference, its a termina reference get it? Termina as in Majora mask?? Theres a moon. I love my wife Ketsueki DISCORD DRAMA INTERMISSION. Its a jojo reference, get it, episode 68 where jojo is locked by his own will? BWOOO OH MY LOGIC IS THAT F&H1 BOSS THEME??? Bloodborne lantern.

  59. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      No way it's not someone unfinished quest line. The only time you get the same text is when you help Henryk to find the food storage.

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        My guess is that it's some inside joke that only miro understands. Apparently everything else is based on something. Even the clothing obelisk is something he saw in an art museum and got scared of in real life due to his fear of collared shirts.

        • 1 year ago


  60. 1 year ago

    So, which one(s) of the endings of the first game are canon? Or did he just pulled out a dragon break where every endings are valid even if they contradict eachothers?

    • 1 year ago

      canon legitimately won't be settled until we get Fear and Hunger 3, so we probably don't have the canon ending yet since he'll be adding endings for the next two years
      If we had to pick one now, it'd definitely be Logic. Everything else just ends in status quo but shitloads of murder, and if 1 is anything to go by the status quo is not intended to be kept

      • 1 year ago

        I think he was asking about the first game, although considering termina references multiple endings from the 1st game he could do it again. Strictly speaking you only need 1 contestant to do logic so the other 13 could probably go in to do what they do in 4th day epilogues.

        • 1 year ago

          Sulfur's rebirth might be a thing too.

        • 1 year ago

          right now everyone needs to die to enter the tower but seeing as there's ways around rher and sulfur's powers maybe we'll get an ending where the team kicks the door in and fricks perkele up on their own terms

  61. 1 year ago
  62. 1 year ago

    Why do Marina and O'saa have such weird battle stances?

    • 1 year ago

      >both know magic
      >Marina spooky fingers
      >O'saa jiggaboo dance to blast your arms into orbit

      Olivia not even in battle stance.. how do you think she drift tackles even without arms and legs?

    • 1 year ago

      marina is doing a dark priest pose, but girly instead of a big bald man
      O'saa is dancing, which doesn't show well in a still portrait

    • 1 year ago

      O'saa is using La Danse Macabre, that's his skill

    • 1 year ago

      Marina uses flesh puppetry. Or she just showcasing her sick Church Organ skills. No wonder Samarie fell for her.

    • 1 year ago

      Karin's posing for the camera. Very photogenic.

    • 1 year ago

      O'saa is just the nigg version of the first game's yellow mages

    • 1 year ago

      karin looks pregnant here.

  63. 1 year ago

    awaken my Samarie bros

    • 1 year ago


  64. 1 year ago

    Where in the game is stated that Pav's full name is Pavel Yudin?

    • 1 year ago

      Day one. Pav will confront the Hastur guy before the Tower.

      • 1 year ago

        Pav and Kaiser event on day 1. Pav meets the Kaiser and points a gun at him, then asks the Kaiser knows why he's there. The Kaiser says Pavs origin and why he entered the Bremen army.

        >The surname is derived from the name Yuda - folk form of the name Judas
        Miro is genius???

    • 1 year ago

      Pav and Kaiser event on day 1. Pav meets the Kaiser and points a gun at him, then asks the Kaiser knows why he's there. The Kaiser says Pavs origin and why he entered the Bremen army.

  65. 1 year ago

    Mr and Mrs Yudin

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Samarie on suicide watch

      • 1 year ago

        Samarie x Domek

        • 1 year ago

          >Father Domek wants to take off his clothes

  66. 1 year ago

    so did someone solved how to recruit Marina in the mayor's house without her disappearing?

    • 1 year ago

      I've heard you can either wait until day 2 evening or you can kill samarie first and she won't disappear

  67. 1 year ago

    stop bully miro

  68. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Post more anon, this fuels the Pavarina drawanon.

  69. 1 year ago

    i hate waifugays but at least they are getting as fricked in the anus as i am

  70. 1 year ago

    this ship...

    • 1 year ago

      What do the strange runes say.

      • 1 year ago

        >Am I Kind?
        >are we Good???
        >Basa aru (????)

        google translate 🙁

      • 1 year ago

        >Well, am I good (kind)?
        >Of course...
        >OF COURSE!

        • 1 year ago

          i don't get it

          • 1 year ago

            he's bullying him

          • 1 year ago

            >Well, am I kind?
            >Of course...
            >Am I good??
            >OF COURSE!
            tried to translate it more prosaically

  71. 1 year ago

    Ragnvaldr is Daddy Af.
    With that out of the way,

    When he makes love with Cahara, Cahara will be willing and says.

    Cahara : "Sure thing bud."

    Cahara : "Just don't destroy my anus with those big muscles of yours." ;*~~))

    This implies that cahara's anus has been "destroyed" before you were able rescue him.

    Ahh my Fudanshi mind X_X

    when he makes love with D'arce, She'll will be willing (If you spend time with her long enough) and says.

    D'arce : "I've never done anything like this before"

    D'arce : "Please be gentle okay." ;*~~)

    This implies that she was almost got violated by the cave dweller.

    Enki is willing and it's the same with the link below.

    I'm sharing this information because I don't see any "show love" videos with ragnvaldr being the protagonist, dont ask why I searched it. Here's one if anybody wants to know .
    Okay thanks for reading this, I hope y'all have a nice day. -Person who currently lives in Light-


    • 1 year ago

      Miro, go back to fixing your fricking game.

    • 1 year ago

      I swear I saw this pasta somewhere else, was it the wiki page?
      How does this kind game attracts those kind of people

  72. 1 year ago
  73. 1 year ago

    Someone post Olivia doing O'saa dance

    • 1 year ago


  74. 1 year ago

    Bros I realized that F&H grimdark is my kind of storytelling, namely when bad stuff happens. I realized that in the tabletop style games I run, I have made a routine habit of punishing players with debuffs like limb loss and death, and always spent a lot of time building traumatic events that were personal to them.

    The existence of this sort of thing did not start with F&H for me, but a broader self-awareness that I do this as a writer.

    Anyway, anyone interested in playing a F&H inspired Discord-basee RPG? I don't know enough about the lore so it would be inspired in part by the same sort of energy you get out of Berserk and F&H without being those things. Maybe something akin to the dungeon of F&H in the first game. Maybe this idea is stupid. Anyone have thoughts or interest in such a thing?

    • 1 year ago

      Sure, why not. Just make it less gay than F&H and make sure to have a lot more rape in it.

      • 1 year ago

        That much I can assure you. I don't discriminate though unless the story calls for it. For example, in one of my previous tabletops, I had a dungeon with a monster boss that was like something out of resident evil. It was the alpha male of a new hybrid species that could only create more of itself by either capturing men and turning them into its underlings by forcefully mutating them the same way it was created, with domesticated qualities to make them subservient to the alpha, or by capturing women and copulating with them to create newborns that were genetically its own kin to promulgate not just the species but its own bloodline.

        Well, one of the players really did not like this. Not one bit. So much so that they thought it was basically just my own self indulgent porn when my intention was to create genuine horror. I felt those two fates were comparably terrible.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm including the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger and a very similar quest to my TTRPG sundays. Is it ok to copy somebody homework if they already did that in the first place?

  75. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Haha, look at her go

  76. 1 year ago

    purest ship

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


      lesbian ships are always troony self inserts with no exception, kys

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        im an ally of the hopeless romantic
        and Samarie has PURE INTENTIONS and PURE MOTIVES

        • 1 year ago

          Nice art

      • 1 year ago

        Go back to twitter.

    • 1 year ago

      goth cuck

    • 1 year ago


      what actually happened

  77. 1 year ago

    God that shit's freaky. Love it

  78. 1 year ago

    Too epic funny. Feels bad man. The chad woke up. Sergal man AAWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO. Dirty degenerate furry. Covid reference, its a termina reference get it? Termina as in Majora mask?? Theres a moon. I love my wife Ketsueki DISCORD DRAMA INTERMISSION. Its a jojo reference, get it, episode 68 where jojo is locked by his own will? BWOOO OH MY LOGIC IS THAT F&H1 BOSS THEME??? Bloodborne lantern.

    • 1 year ago

      I edit events but im thinking of an idea where
      if death mask wakes up from coffin
      it would prompt this copy pasta and then chase you down

      • 1 year ago

        or bypass the message and repeat the copypasta on loop until it triggers any battle or leave area

      • 1 year ago

        or bypass the message and repeat the copypasta on loop until it triggers any battle or leave area

        It should also do mind damage

  79. 1 year ago

    Is it hard for him to add some achievements? I want something to remember that I found a secret, did a special integration, save someone, unlocked something, or did x ending on y difficulty.

    • 1 year ago

      What is it with you cheevogays needing someone else to validate your accomplishments? You need a gold star for your effort? A trophy? They don't give you one for climbing mount everest, you do it because you want to.

      • 1 year ago

        >You need a gold star for your effort?

  80. 1 year ago

    I'm very curious about the demographic of people who are Fear and Hunger fans. Also, what kind of content do you want to see from the community?

    • 1 year ago

      homosexuals, slavs and slav homosexuals
      T. Skav homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      >who are Fear and Hunger fans
      Fujos, Slavs and Weirdos. The unholy trinity of any misery porn game.

    • 1 year ago

      I want more Marina x Samarie interaction

    • 1 year ago

      >Also, what kind of content do you want to see from the community?
      I want someone to mod in my cringe OC into the game.
      Also porn and Karins.

    • 1 year ago

      >Also, what kind of content do you want to see from the community?
      I want us to make a new website for the game, like those franchise dedicated blogs you used to see on the early 2000, or at the very least a booru; for being a niche game this game has more fan art than some games with 10 times its popularity. Also a new wiki would be cool.

      • 1 year ago

        This right here is a great idea. I would love to see that.

    • 1 year ago

      >Also, what kind of content do you want to see from the community?
      I want someone to mod in my cringe OC into the game.
      Also porn and Karins.

      Need a Goku mod. Change Rher with Beerus and Per'Kele with Frieza. Heartless get replaced by Jiren.

    • 1 year ago

      If Miro counts as part of the community, I would love to see a content update before these threads stop hitting bump limit.

      • 1 year ago

        Doubt it's going to happen.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm a slav living outside of a Slavic country so when finding out that slavs as a whole like the series I concluded that it's a shared mental illness. As for what I'd like to see, sexy softcore art of the female cast. The fujos already have plenty to work with.

      • 1 year ago

        >who are Fear and Hunger fans
        Fujos, Slavs and Weirdos. The unholy trinity of any misery porn game.

        homosexuals, slavs and slav homosexuals
        T. Skav homosexual

        I am an American but half of my family ancestry is basically eastern European israelites... Is this the source...? Am I a true slav in my very memetic DNA?

    • 1 year ago

      >Also, what kind of content do you want to see from the community?
      Ungodly amounts of rape.

  81. 1 year ago

    we should be able to use necromancy on dead contestants

    • 1 year ago

      if they are dead someone took their soul

      • 1 year ago

        but I want my zombie karin

    • 1 year ago

      Of all the disappointing things about necromancy, being unable to revive contestants makes sense. The way it works in F&H is that you forcibly pull the soul of the deceased back into the corpse rather than just imbuing it with your energy and will. This can't work on contestants because you have already absorbed their soul into your own. What you should be able to do, however, is receive a wider range of monstrosities.

      Give me a tier 3 Gro'Goroth Greater Necromancy that let's you revive blood golem tier Beekeepers or Death Masks. Give me the option to revive all the villagers so that I have an excess of corpses to choose from. Give me a tier 3 Gro'Goroth/Vinushka overlap skill called corpse explosion so that I can then use these disposable villagers as one time use bombs on enemies.

    • 1 year ago

      Blackmancy in general bad in termina.
      >no skellies
      >ghouls can't equip weapons
      >no marriage so can't even frick them in the ass anymore

  82. 1 year ago

    Is the gro circle at the orphanage still bugged? doing a maso run and dont want to backtrack to the circles, should i draw one or is the orphanage enough to max old gre'gory?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not bugged, used it across several runs during current patch including a maso run. You cannot max Gro'Goroth on that alone however as you can only sacrifice/blood sacrifice once per circle. Still need to draw another gro sigil.

      • 1 year ago

        >blood sacrifice once per circle
        Is this maso run thing? Pretty sure you can spill as much blood as you want.

        • 1 year ago

          I mean bugged as in it lets you use sacrifice an infinite number of times. I read somewhere it let you max gro with just that one circle.

          Last time I tried that it didn't work, and the bug before was apparently people getting stuck in an infinite animation loop with blood sacrifice at that specific circle.

          If it's true that you can spam blood sacrifice there, then I might have to redo yet another Marina run because then she can truly fill the entire Hexen.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean bugged as in it lets you use sacrifice an infinite number of times. I read somewhere it let you max gro with just that one circle.

      • 1 year ago

        Apparently you can max it with a single circle by healing to full health before blood sacrificing again.
        The 'loop' bug was fixed but I don't know about that one.

        • 1 year ago

          You can sacrifice even with 1 hp, you just die. What I'm referring to is how attempting to blood sacrifice again gives the message "the circle has been exhausted"

  83. 1 year ago

    can someone draw or edit a photo of karin on joe rogan?

    • 1 year ago

      Karin x Alex Jones is my OTP.

  84. 1 year ago

    Kind of a stupid question, is there a way to get oil other than random drops? I remember watching fatherless ketsukei maso mode and at some point dozed off and when I looked back he had something stupid like 25 oil just a few minutes after reachng the city. Did he get it somewhere, or is it a salmonsnake rune the first 20 minutes kind of thing?
    Asking because murky vials feel so good to use against crimson father, ronteals and other foul creatures.

    • 1 year ago

      I think you can buy Oil at the babygay shop in the Old Town

  85. 1 year ago

    I'm about to start fear and hunger 2.
    Is it just as much trial and error?

    • 1 year ago

      >I am about to eat a second lemon, is it as sour as the first?

    • 1 year ago

      Did you play the demo? Answer is no.

      • 1 year ago

        it has like 3x the trial and error dude
        >even getting to the first bunker is fricking moronic because you have to go through dogs unlike the first game where you have 2 routes
        >the mob, centaur, genie etc are impossible unless you know what you are doing
        >more confusing map so you will spend half the time bumblefricking around and likely get assaulted

        • 1 year ago

          I don't think any of this examples work. You don't really even need to get to the first bunker and unlike first game, dogs will not maul you to death in two rounds. There is at least 3 ways to reach the city and no 30 minutes time limit.
          >the mob, centaur, genie etc are impossible
          I can agree with centaur. But the mob? Genie? A single fricking genie in entire game unless you are playing on extra hard mode and you probably not going to discover him ever. And the mob btfo you once and after that you learn either to avoid them or abuse entire body stun trick.
          >more confusing map
          An actuall fricking map. Which is more than the first game had to offer. Meanwhile how much you can do in first game, was tied to a fricking Dash.

        • 1 year ago

          >even getting to the first bunker is fricking moronic because you have to go through dogs unlike the first game where you have 2 routes
          And unlike the first game the dogs pose much less threat. Even without knowing about the rotten meat trick, you shouldn't take huge damage from them and continuing to the bunker more or less saves your entire early game by giving you a good ally earlier than you'd ever get one in the first.
          >the mob, centaur, genie etc are impossible unless you know what you are doing
          They're also meant to be completely avoided and don't even drop loot. Killing them is purely a flex for experienced players.
          >more confusing map so you will spend half the time bumblefricking around and likely get assaulted
          The map is more intricate but I don't get this complaint that it's confusing barring the other two bunker positions. The map you get from the train helps navigation outside of those two exceptions. You also have more time to bumble around due to slower hunger and sanity drain.

    • 1 year ago

      The whole game is trail and error if you're playing blind. Enjoy.

    • 1 year ago

      It is much fairer than the first game, in my opinion.

  86. 1 year ago

    >The hanging people in the department store and some dried dude with a free ring
    I feel like something else should be happening here other than a freebie but okay.

    • 1 year ago

      >people being tied up and feed to birds
      >that one corpse on the fence covered in barbed wire
      >entire floor 3 department store
      More like tormented one shenanigans, but he only got rather underwhelming cameo. I wonder if something bigger went down before the festival.

  87. 1 year ago

    Anyone saying that Termina is fairer than 1 is delusional
    >no Dash
    >En Garde is worse
    >harder start
    >only one companion to recruit, when going solo is significantly harder in Termina
    >barely any cloth in the early game, and bleed is everywhere
    And don't even start me on the hurr durr muh Sylvian limb restoration hurr durr muh Yellow Dance Macabre one shot 3 rev 360 Double Roots that Reap, you still need to RNG drop chalk and skin bible of Sylvian.

    • 1 year ago

      I read somewhere in the discord that Miro is going to add dash in future updates,but it will be way slower and will make your hunger drain faster

      • 1 year ago

        So it's a free skill since hunger isn't an issue in this game with how much foos you get and Henryk being a thing

      • 1 year ago

        I think Miro should add option for if you are playing Olivia, you could ask someone to bridal carry your ass around. I hate stairs.

      • 1 year ago

        >The game's name is Fear and Hunger
        >The game's fear and hunger mechanic are very bare bones, and not really central to the gameplay whatsoever. Feels like it's included just because of the game's namesake
        >Miro is trying to fix that with a shittier dash from the first game
        The game should've been called Cut Their Limbs Off Until You Can Bonk Their Head

        • 1 year ago

          The mechanics did play a role in the first game when played blind. Before you know where to go and how to deal with enemies you spend a lot of time running around like a headless chicken to where the threat of actually dying from hunger was real. Termina nerfing hunger does away with this, but then brings it back in Maso mode where the sanity drain is absolutely unreal.

    • 1 year ago

      >no Dash
      So? Dash was mandatory because base walk speed couldn't outrun Guards, ruining the intro because you were pigeonholed into skipping other cool choices for it. In Termina only Centaur outruns your basic speed which is between base 1 and dash, dash would only be a convenience not a game changer for fleeing enemies.
      >En Garde is worse
      3/4 characters wouldn't even get it until endgame usually in 1. 95% of my runs didn't have early En Garde.
      >harder start
      There's barely any enemies that can delimb you at the start and all of them run slower than you compared to Guards which couldn't even be avoided without dash being everywhere in 1. There's also only a handful of enemies with the same lethality as Mad Rush from guard.
      >only one companion to recruit, when going solo is significantly harder in Termina.
      You can also recruit Levi and Black Kalev readily, and even O'saa if you're feeling adventurous without passing time. Abella is also recruited within the same time as the girl despite being stronger.
      >barely any cloth in the early game, and bleed is everywhere
      Valid point actually, even if the sources of bleed are easily avoided once you know what you're doing.
      What on earth are you talking about? Death Masks do not start appearing until day 1 afternoon at the earliest and even then it is random. Moreover, dash is irrelevant because again, they only match your speed. Running from death mask without dash is the same as running from Guards with dash.
      Way more stable in Termina due to no duplicates and Pocketcat. In 1 you could get your 4th studies of Sylvian I before getting a single Alchemelia.

    • 1 year ago

      >barely any cloth in the early game, and bleed is everywhere
      This kinda piss me off since you cant rip bed sheets or clothers lying around to get rags

    • 1 year ago

      any cloth in the early game, and bleed is everywhere
      Only good point.

  88. 1 year ago

    I just started playing the first game, I picked the mercenary and while I was experimenting I noticed that Lockpicking, Escape Plan and Dashing made the game much more easy to navigate.
    Now, once I had the crow bed and forced RNG to have plate armor and helmet, also killed the Ser Seymor for his claymore. I finally started to enjoy the game.
    I have Miasma now and I am killing everything that bothers me, but still Im getting killed by some critters here and there but I manage alright by either escaping and dashing my way to loot and other rooms. Also got myself Monless, Le'Garde and Nashrah.
    After some save scuming, I got an empty scroll, Ancient book, book of enlightenment andforgotten memories.

    Am I playing the game as intended? Are the other class the same bullshit RNG save scum to have an enjoyable experience? How do I recruit the other dudes in my party? I met Enki and Ragnvldr

    • 1 year ago

      Also should I take En Garde or Counter for my merc?

      • 1 year ago

        >En Garde
        All the way

        • 1 year ago

          Do I have to waste an empty scroll for it? Book of Forgotten Memories keeps giving me Steal

    • 1 year ago

      >Am I playing the game as intended?
      Pretty much, outside of the save scumming. Cahera is the easiest to play as whereas Outlander is the hardest, for what it's worth.

      • 1 year ago

        >Outlander is the hardest
        U frickin wot
        Dark Priest is far worse than outlander. At least outlander can take out Guard arms with his base loadout and doesn't have gear restrictions. Dark Priest has absolutely nothing going for him.

        • 1 year ago

          Dark priest suppose to be the only one character that could use greater blood magic, but since Miro is kinda moronic almost everyone can learn greater blood magic and greater blood magic is not that great. If that makes sense.

          • 1 year ago

            Well that's exactly my point. He doesn't even start with anything that leverages that potential strength because he has to sacrifice dash to get any spells and the ones he gets suck.

            Cant you have an OP Dark Priest by having a marriage then giving him a penance armor and Sergal Spear?

            You can do that with anyone though. Also eastern sword > Sergal Spear

            You can't equip penance as a marriage

            Yes you can, I've recently done just that during a run. Works on abominable marriage too. It's a workaround to not being able to equip from menu because you walk into the armor on field.

            • 1 year ago

              >You can do that with anyone though.
              But DP can have magik at the start, and (iirc) can access Marriage with his ghouls. Something not possible with the other characters.

              • 1 year ago

                >can access Marriage with his ghouls in hard mode

              • 1 year ago

                >magick at the start
                You mean Pyromancy Miss? Yeah that piece of dogshit spell sure is worth missing dash.
                >necromancy marriage
                Still not worth skipping dash for though a solid option. Besides, by the time you know enough about the game to rush this option, you are better off getting dash and knowing the path to Legarde, during which you can also grab D'arce and even Cahara if you're super quick. At this point neither necromancy nor marriage really matters.

              • 1 year ago

                I was talking about hard mode, since you cant recruit anyone.

              • 1 year ago

                You can't marriage in hard mode. Well, technically you can, but it locks you out of ending S. Also you still don't want to forgo dash on Hard. Instead, you use dash to rush to clear out all the bookcases/weapon stands and can decide within 10 minutes whether the run is worth keeping.

            • 1 year ago

              >Well that's exactly my point.
              I mean shit balance doesn't really means Dark priest is bad class. It's just means Miro is bad at game design.

              • 1 year ago

                I am not arguing that he's unusable or anything. I was just responding to the claim that Outlander is the worst, and that is clearly not the case because dark priest clearly stands below him.

              • 1 year ago

                I guess outlander is harder to play compare to both merc/knight. And most people probably will avoid spellcaster on their first playthrough.

        • 1 year ago

          Cant you have an OP Dark Priest by having a marriage then giving him a penance armor and Sergal Spear?

          • 1 year ago

            >OP Dark Priest by having a marriage then giving him a penance armor and Sergal Spear?
            At this point almost any class would be OP.

          • 1 year ago

            You can't equip penance as a marriage

      • 1 year ago

        How can you have a good time without save scum?
        Just to get to Le'Garde on time you need a lot of explosives, the best early weapons and armors are locked behind coin flips too.

        • 1 year ago

          >Just to get to Le'Garde on time you need a lot of explosives
          Just go down the tree, anon. If you're lucky you can also nab infinite lucky coins there too.

          • 1 year ago

            But getting to the tree you need explosives too.

            • 1 year ago

              You only need one.

  89. 1 year ago

    >THEY ARE REAL !!!!!

    • 1 year ago

      Ofcourse they are real dumb dumb explain magic

      • 1 year ago

        Magic is just the gayer version of science, duh.

    • 1 year ago

      whopsed the little mustache

  90. 1 year ago

    how do i extract game files?

    • 1 year ago


  91. 1 year ago

    alright i yield, where the frick do i find a wheelchair?

    • 1 year ago

      You don't. The wheelchair finds you.
      Tanaka and Marcoh will find one for Olivia on Day 2, if they're still alive. Not sure what happens if you're playing as Marcoh.

      • 1 year ago

        Tanaka will find it himself. If they're both dead, apparently it spawns in a random place in the city.

        • 1 year ago

          >getting a party member now is officially RNG.

          welp, i guess that ends my Jotaru run

          • 1 year ago

            go to the west of the woodsman's house anon

          • 1 year ago

            Get flesh puppetry instead to become discount stand user. Olivia is not a good party member.

            • 1 year ago

              >Olivia is not a good party member.
              What are her skills? Because playing as her feels strong thanks to grass

              • 1 year ago

                >What are her skills?
                About that...

              • 1 year ago

                why? she's not vegetable(yet)

              • 1 year ago

                Shit you right. She is just less entertaining version of that crippled b***h from that lesbian VN.

              • 1 year ago

                >requires sunlight
                >whole town is in a fog 80% of the time

                that bad huh?

              • 1 year ago

                I think it's suppose to work during morning. I mean you could just park the crew and get can of g-fuel or make macaroni and cheese. But it's pretty bad when you compare her to well everyone else.

              • 1 year ago

                This was disappointing. I thought she'd at least have that nettle stuff she can use if you fight her. Or hell, even just giving you her botany skill by proxy like Abella's short circuit or Karin's lockpick would have at least made her worth adding to the party every once in a while.

  92. 1 year ago


  93. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >"stupid sexy eyepatch queer why you dont buy my theories"

    • 1 year ago

      That's a very good Karin.

    • 1 year ago

      "BREMEN could be here" she thought "I've never been in this city before. There could be BREMEN anywhere" The scorching moon felt awful against her bare chest "I HATE BREMEN" she thought. Lost Haven / Shillings reverberated The Bop, making it pulsate even as the 6 million meat pies circulated through her tiny veins and washed away her (merited) fear of queers after dark. "With La Danse Macabre, you can dance anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

    • 1 year ago

      ya got a site?

      • 1 year ago


  94. 1 year ago

    >be hungry
    poor axelot 🙁

    • 1 year ago

      Salmonsnake soul is too good

  95. 1 year ago

    >Can't get raped by Father Hugo
    Well that's a disappointment.

    • 1 year ago

      Why would you want that anyway?

      • 1 year ago

        Kinky pedophile gets naked and ambushes you, just feels natural.

        • 1 year ago

          I think it was some ritual. Maybe he didn't want to ruin his clothes too. There is cool detail that you can tell what priests going to cast by sigils on their hands. He seems to be more into worship of Vinushka. Or maybe I'm just reading into that too much.

    • 1 year ago

      You're too old, that's why

  96. 1 year ago

    There anything else in the orphanage other than the ouija board, ritual circles and the effigy I should be aware of?

    • 1 year ago

      Free soulstone near hexen? Also trenchgun will oneshot cherubs.

      • 1 year ago

        Anon, Lugr will one shot Cherubs (and fecal hounds too). Save the shotguns for double tapping Crimson Fathers.

        • 1 year ago

          >Save the shotguns for double tapping Crimson Fathers.
          Also the Death Masks. Blowing those homosexuals away and then double-tapping them while they're on the ground is oddly really satisfying.

        • 1 year ago

          >save the
          No. I WILL kill all the children with a trenchgun.
          To be fair if you have three people, you not going to have that much troubles with cherubs to waste ammo here.

          • 1 year ago

            I only discovered that thanks to maso pushing me to try anything to deal with those frickers. Very rough to solo the groups.

  97. 1 year ago

    why were the apartments covered in cum

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry bro I was having a good time.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean you locked in some spooky place and only thing on TV is either static or that broadcast about people dying here. Better make the last moments count.

  98. 1 year ago

    Bros how do I get to the X on the bottom left of my map. I got all the way up to the bunker and still dont have that 3rd scope connected

    • 1 year ago

      Bro your Deepest Woods?

      • 1 year ago

        I must've skimmed over something and ended up only getting that ladder shortcut back to the train. I'll go back and check

        • 1 year ago

          The path is pretty well hidden

        • 1 year ago

          bottom left and then up

          • 1 year ago

            The path is pretty well hidden


  99. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      bans may take a while to be approved my a moderator

  100. 1 year ago

    I miss her

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw you will never deepthroat her girlwiener
      We were cursed from the moment when we were born.

    • 1 year ago

      post the rest.

  101. 1 year ago

    just died to an instant death trap in the deep forest the moment I stepped in it
    frick this I didn't see shit, I don't remember hidden death trap like that in the first game they were all pretty obvious

    • 1 year ago

      Another blind anon, taken before his time
      Hint, look for wooden slats

    • 1 year ago

      Sight issue.

    • 1 year ago

      me too, wtf. I need a coin toss

  102. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Since when does that work? Last time I tried shooting it, I get the same message as needles where he just tanks the shots with no limb damage.

      • 1 year ago

        It does work but it takes like 7+ rifle shots. Also works on father hugo but shooting him is a fricking waste if you get his arms off him fast enough

        • 1 year ago

          Works as in straight up fricking kills them btw, not just maiming them

          • 1 year ago

            Killing I knew, I thought they were immune to maiming however.

            NTA. Rifle has small chance to remove enemies limbs in overworld. I thought it's a Levi specific skill, untill I tried it on death masks with different characters.

            It's not a small chance, it's 100% guaranteed on any enemy not outright immune to it. Levi's skill makes pistols also dismember and makes rifles have a chance to instantly kill.

            • 1 year ago

              >it's 100% guaranteed

      • 1 year ago

        NTA. Rifle has small chance to remove enemies limbs in overworld. I thought it's a Levi specific skill, untill I tried it on death masks with different characters.

  103. 1 year ago

    How do I git gud with the first game?
    Not going to spoil myself with a guide, but general tactics to get through the game.
    For now, I only got ending E.

    • 1 year ago

      >How do I git gud with the first game?
      1. Avoid combat until you can gangbang homosexuals
      2. Block before a coin flip comes up during combat to avoid flipping a coin entirely
      3. You can make perfectly safe save points by murdering all enemies in that area (map).

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks fren

        • 1 year ago

          Also, you can harvest the souls you need to access the throne from the other player characters or just wish for them with empty scrolls. I remember getting a shitton of empty scrolls and wishing for the New Gods' souls and avoiding ever having to fight Valteil and Chambarra, skipping straight to golem, shit was fricked but it's really cool a game lets you do that if you know what specifically to ask for.

  104. 1 year ago

    >the little girl can get in front of others in order to take a blow
    damn now I feel bad for treating her like shit

  105. 1 year ago

    >Marina ending B
    >Samari somehow resurrected herself and stalked you
    Crazy b***h

    • 1 year ago

      She is obviously a New God. I mean the signs were here all along.

      • 1 year ago

        She's probably some kind of artificial demi-god given that she was used to try and contact the Old Gods.

  106. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >Daan was in Termina for the furry convention

  107. 1 year ago

    how do i kill the rifleman on the way to the church without a gun? i have to take damage everytime i pass thought there

    • 1 year ago

      Humping the car where he stand will initiate the combat. Or just shoot him.

    • 1 year ago

      Just get as close as you can to him and interact. It'll trigger a fight. You might have to be on the raised sidewalk to do it.

  108. 1 year ago

    how fricking rude

  109. 1 year ago

    what's the best character to start as in termina for a first playthrough?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Marcoh or Levi (but be sure to skip the story for Levi)

    • 1 year ago


      Just don't give him a weapon

    • 1 year ago

      Marcoh, Karin or Levi don't skip Levi history but don't do the suicide mission choice.

    • 1 year ago

      Karin for lockpicking and cheesing the popo with diplomacy.

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