Wait... so I was the villain?

Wait... so I was the villain?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    OP is a brainlet.
    You save the princess at the end so you are obviously not evil.

    • 8 months ago

      She's trapped in an empty land with no one but a lame horse and the baby that used to be her boyfriend for all eternity. It's highly likely that she'll go insane before too long.

    • 8 months ago

      >You save the princess at the end so you are obviously not evil.
      What did those animals ever do to you anon, hmmm? Why'd you do it?

  2. 8 months ago

    >story-based "game"
    >no choice but to kill the collosus if you want to move the game forward (it's the whole point of the game)
    No, the developers were.

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn't say so. He was an ignorant teenager who acted on his emotions to try and do what he thought was right. The villian is Dormin

      Not every game with a plot needs to be a decision based branching RPG

    • 8 months ago

      >story-based "game"
      Some fricking moronic "human" you are.

  3. 8 months ago

    Just completed this yesterday. Some bosses were outright terribly fricking designed (last one for example). Story was good though. 6/10

    • 8 months ago

      you have to realize this is a 2004 game

      • 8 months ago

        2005, although most of the work happened in 03/04.

    • 8 months ago

      another victim of development hell, half of the game was scrapped.

      • 8 months ago

        Those colossus were cut in 2004 for a good reason

  4. 8 months ago

    >colossus 6 : you are trapped in the underground chamber
    >colossus 16 : you are trapped in the huge circular arena because the bridge is destroyed
    Only instances where backtracking isn't possible

  5. 8 months ago

    Time to post the leak again

    Calendar of the World ('Eras of the World')

    It is a substitute for the Common Era dating system used across most of the world. This is, or was, Mr. Ueda's way of denoting years in the Wanda universe, and it appears to be mostly equivalent to real life years, as far as I can tell. 'BWE' means 'Before World Era' and 'WE' means 'World Era'. It's the same as BC/AC.

    '2500 BWE' -- The Great Catastrophe

    A great catastrophe took place around this period, sweeping away most of the known world. It is not known what happened exactly, but it is written that this was a natural disaster. It wiped out most of mankind and reshaped the local topography, significantly altering the people's perception of their land. This population bottleneck reduced the spread of man upon the region from several million to nothing more than a few scattered pockets of nomadic survivors, which gradually banded together for the sake of survival.

    Over the course of the years, the survivors, now consisting of dozens of thousands of people, began to scatter abroad. They split in half, with one half heading towards the northwest and the other towards the southeast, and so it was.

  6. 8 months ago

    No, the woman was.

  7. 8 months ago

    2400 BWE -- The Plain at the End

    And it is written that it came to pass as the remaining half of the nomadic civilization journeyed southeastward, they came upon a plain in the land of Sinnar at the ends of the earth, and they colonized it and decided to stay there, making it their home.

    There were giants in the earth in those days, and powerful men and women of renown among the nomads, and it happened that they encountered these beings in their explorations of Sinnar and were awestruck by the giants and their kind, who came to be known as the Colossi.

    Being biologically immortal and varying in appearance to reflect their environment, it was said that these majestic beings were deities that embodied nature, and it came to pass that the mighty men and women of renown were outraged by the Colossi, for they considered them to be responsible for the great catastrophe that wiped out the known world. They rebelled and waged war against their kind, and called themselves the Dormin, meaning 'insurgent', for they were mighty hunters in the face of the gods.

    Gathering their people and taking up weapons, they formed an army and slayed one of the colossi. Its blood spilled, marking the land, and its corpse became a hillock of young sprouts of grass, and they found that every new colossus whose blood they spilled gravitated towards the first, and so on, and the hill grew.

    It is written in the storyboard that "They said; 'come and let us build a great monument from the corpses of the gods at the center of the land and make a name for ourselves, reaching the heavens, and we shall never again be led astray by the gods' catastrophes...", and it came to pass that very few giants were left in the land of Sinnar. The tower had become strong at their hands, and so they called it the Sky Tower, and built miniature versions of it across the land as a way of mocking the places where they'd felled the giants.

  8. 8 months ago

    The Dormin were almost finished with their campaign against the Colossi, and it had passed that their bodies had deteriorated and become stripped of humanity from each of their kills, and it happened one day that it was not one of the gods whose fallen corpses gravitated towards the Sky Tower, but rather the Dormin insurgents themselves, who coalesced and merged into one another, forming a collective entity whose likeness was that of the Colossi they slaughtered, and so they came to believe that they had ascended into godhood by overthrowing the gods and taking their place, and thought that they could rule the land fairly, ensuring that the people were never again scattered by any catastrophes they judged to have come from the old gods.

    Now, the people who had abstained from the slaughter had become plentiful and their number ranked in the millions. They were awestruck by this turn of events, and thus a great divide took place, with several clans who believed that the Dormin had ascended into godhood through their deeds, and others who deemed the entity and their likeness as cursed and possessed by the dead spirits of the innocent creatures they had slaughtered, and these were the clans of the ancients.

    Each clan considered the other to be lethally at odds with their view of the subject matter, and it came to happen in the days of a brave elder, that the clans of the ancients divided from the ones who were in agreement with the Dormin and they all went out from the presence of the Sky Tower, building kingdoms and cities across the land, each after their own view.

  9. 8 months ago

    2000 BWE -- The Dormin Wars

    And it came to pass four hundred years later that the descendants of the clans serving the Dormin infringed upon the peaceful agreements of their ancestors and declared war with those who had been descended from the clans of the ancients, and their conflict was bloody, with thousands perishing all throughout.

    Finally, the elders from the clans of the ancients, overcoming their enemies in the end, made the decision of using the runes and magics their ancestors had drawn from the Colossi in order to cast away the Dormin themselves, who had up until this point remained neutral and watched the conflict from afar, refusing to intervene in the matters of those who they now considered to be mere mortals.

    Infuriated by their actions, the Dormin manifested and attempted to stop them, but the ancients gathered and used the ways of the giants to draw the Dormin's essence away from its vessel, rendering it powerless in the process, and it so came to happen that the power of the slain Colossi was split between twenty-four great idols, being attracted to both the statues erected by the peoples across the land and to the remaining Colossi, who had hid from the Dormin's wrath before its birth all those centuries ago, and corrupting them with the Dormin's matter.

    With the power of the giants who ruled the land sealed away into these incarnated vessels and statues, it came to pass that the peoples deemed the land cursed by its bloody history of conflict and disrespect of the natural order, and so they sealed it away forever, building a great bridge to evacuate the people from the lands forever, and so it was.

    This storyboard is dated July 6th, 2004. At the time, there were still 24 colossi.
    This is the only storyboard which has been kept, and since the number of Colossi was reduced, there is a chance Mr. Ueda decided to rewrite the story, too. But I don't think it changed much.

  10. 8 months ago

    Cool map

  11. 8 months ago

    probably the most overrated game I've ever played.

    • 8 months ago

      Name your top 5

      • 8 months ago

        Dark Souls 1, Hollow Knight, Prince of Persia/Celeste, Hotline Miami, Super Metroid.

        There isn't a single one of these games that ever escapes some sort of criticism, or get some complaint of "I dropped it because it essentially didn't hold my hand" And none of these games gets praise of being above videogames and truly "art".

        There's no argument. My taste is better, and SOTC is shit.

        If you want a game that does the climbing, jumping, and general traversal mechanics far superior than SOTC, then I'll throw Tomb Raider 1-3 in there as well. The only thing SOTC has going for it that TR lacks, is the "uniqueness" of the colossi. But being unique is overrated, and there are a dozens of "unique" indie games that people will never touch willingly.

        SOTC is an INCREDIBLY shallow game, and incredibly mindless aswell, only contrasted by its obtuseness, of which, contrary to intuition (which is moronic for judgement) telling you "how can something be obtuse and mindless?" I largely stumbled onto 90% of puzzle solutions accidentally because so many of them had zero logical throughline.

        I shan't say anymore. Game had some moments I liked like the 14th colossus, but they were few and far between and contrasted with largely shit bosses and shallow gameplay that required zero thought and more often than not ended too soon.

        • 8 months ago

          >DaS and Celestegay criticising a game for being overrated

        • 8 months ago

          Any and all opinions entirely discarded

        • 8 months ago

          >troon knight
          >troonline miami
          >fricking prince of persia
          holy shit, nice bait lmao. almost made me read your post.

        • 8 months ago

          >Dark Souls 1

  12. 8 months ago

    >Philosoma (1995)
    >Macross Digital Mission VFX (1997)
    >Sky Odyssey (2000)
    >SotC (2005)
    Why doesn't Kow Otani compose more gaming soundtracks? These are the only ones.

    • 8 months ago

      It's really a damn shame, his anime soundtracks are top-tier.

  13. 8 months ago

    >director/lead game designer/writer : Fumito Ueda
    >producer : Kenji Kaido
    >executive producer : Yasuhide Kobayashi
    >supervisors : Akira Satou, Fumiya Takeno, Masatsuka Saeki
    >main programmers : Jinji Horagai, Hajime Sugiyama, Takuya Seki
    >Yorda/Agro animator : Atsuko Fukuyama
    What they have in common, staff wise.

  14. 8 months ago

    I would love for an indie studio to turn the original co-op idea and make a full-fledged game out of it. But then again, they would probably frick it up by adding bloated shitty mechanics like levels and armor/weapon stats and turn it into a souls-like


    • 8 months ago

      wops, wrong video


  15. 8 months ago

    Favorite Ueda game


  16. 8 months ago

    hol'up... "Man" was the real monster all along?!

  17. 8 months ago

    >USA (rushed version) : september 2001
    >JP : december 2001
    >PAL : march 2002

    >USA/JP : october 2005
    >PAL : february 2006

    >Last Guardian
    >worldwide : december 2016
    New game announcenent when?

  18. 8 months ago

    It's incredible this game was made more than 15 years ago, all the systems, it's so good, that it's clear Nintendo took notes for BotW and TotK, and they couldn't even match the artistry.

    • 8 months ago

      It's clear that they polished the gameplay first, it's so smooth and responsive, it's uncommon seeing this on story driven games.

  19. 8 months ago

    Interesting how this is the only area in Ico which is designed so that Yorda isn't able to backtrack. Once she reaches that place with the trees (at 4:03), there is no way to make her go back to the previous area (the windmill). No other choice except to keep moving forward.


  20. 8 months ago

    Fumito Ueda is one of the saddest cases in the gaming industry history. A man with so much storytelling and creative skills who did so few games.

  21. 8 months ago

    literally me.

  22. 8 months ago

    Last Guardian didn't look any different back when it was a PS3 game. This is from 2010, and PS4 launched in 2013.


  23. 8 months ago

    Nice how the PS3 versions were sold separately in japan.

  24. 8 months ago

    I think this would've played upon reaching the scrapped desert area with Worm. The development name of this track is "desert_19"


    • 8 months ago

      This one is harder to say. Development name is "swamp_25"


      • 8 months ago

        I always got the impression this theme got scrapped as it sounded way too upbeat for a colossus' prelude

  25. 8 months ago

    >Deja Vu
    >"Yorda's metal cage is lowered"
    >Who Are You?
    >"Ico helps Yorda back on her feet and tells her that they must escape"
    >"Yorda opens the first idol door"
    >"Yorda opens all the other idol doors"
    >"Ico solves the first box puzzle/unlocks the secret weapon"
    >The Gate
    >"east/west arena reflectors shoot energy towards the main gate"
    >"Ico pushes the reflector of west arena so that it points towards the right direction"
    >"Ico and Yorda are separated at the bridge"
    >"Ico finds the magic sword on the cave"
    >"Ico sees the smoke creatures around Yorda's stone body"
    >Castle in the Mist
    >You Were There
    What a great soundtrack

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