>want to get back into WoW Classic

>want to get back into WoW Classic
>literally impossible to find anybody who can answer some questions about the current state of the game

Have players become to fragmented or has the itnernet just become too useless to acqure that kind of information?

>look for answers on WoW forums
>bunch of morons answering questions nobody ever asked or attack the premise of your question
Literally "works on my machine" type shit

>look for answers on discords, because thats where all the people are supposed to be nowadays
>another bunch of morons and/or furries either spam discord emotes or zoomer tier humor gifs, after 3 hours somebody attempts to answer but can only link me the first google result
>any bigger discord servers require your fricking PHONE number to even write and ask questions

>try Ganker
>schizos posting anime shit, streamer shit or inside jokes

Where do you even look for vidya related answers or people to play with nowadays?

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  1. 8 months ago

    /vm/, also lurk more you fricking homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      >Have players become to fragmented or has the itnernet just become too useless to acqure that kind of information?

      both, back in 2006 you didn't have players in sealed off echo chambers like you do today with their little secret cliques on discord etc, it was much more centralized on bigger boards and the game chat itself.
      if you were looking for a guild back then, you'd spend 15 minutes in trade chat and that's it, you get an invite.
      today, you look for 2 days, people gear check you fifty times over before a 15yr old zoomer sends you a secret discord link and asks you to answer a bunch of dumb questions that have nothing to do with the fricking game.

      you also have people like who answer shit that nobody asks for (could've linked Ganker as well for all that answer is worth) and try to fit in badly, for reasons unknown.

      tldr; it's become harder to find people to play with and to find people to talk about games with, at least for semi-popular shit like MMOs

    • 8 months ago

      This board is pretty shit for any actual discussion, and honestly, a lot of the internet is when it comes to vague questions like this where you can’t just get a black and white answer. You have homosexuals like who just say absolutely anything because they’re probably lonely and just need to interact with anybody, or who the frick knows why you’d even waste the 10 seconds it takes to post that. It also doesn’t help that mmos now are inhabited by the absolute dregs of society more times than not, so you get autists who have 9000 hours in the game that don’t even give you a proper answer to your question because they’re so mind fricked.

      • 8 months ago

        this. especially since WoW is older than most children using this board nowadays

      • 8 months ago

        if you type a well thought out and rational post you'll get an answer. If your post is full of whining and being emotional, you get called a fricking gay. simple as. contribute to discussion and not being a baiting israelite

        • 8 months ago

          Pull your head out of your ass. Half the time if anyone posts a well thought out rational post asking for help, it gets ignored. The only way to get your shit answered on here is to post half baiting, inflammatory bullshit, or coomer shit that isn’t related to what you’re saying at all. I get you’re trying to save face because 2 people called you a homosexual, but let’s be real here, you know what you just posted is bs.

          • 8 months ago

            true and real

  2. 8 months ago

    Hello anon, I am one of the 0.5% of posters with more than 85 IQ on this board and who is mentally healthy. What is your question?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not the OP, but I'm wondering whether the world is alive at all, or if it's generally just filled with herb / mining / gas cloud bots. WPVP was my favorite aspect of WoW, and Wintergrasp was basically unplayable due to lag so my only option was going out into the world to merc people as druid.

      Doubt I'll touch WoW until Project Epoch releases, but I'm still curious.

      • 8 months ago

        the only iteration of classic that has any population anymore is hardcore realms.

        otherwise most of classic is literally in a state similar to retail, where everyone is max level doing max level content. WoWtoken and goldselling (especially GDKP) killed classic

        • 8 months ago

          I'm the 0.5% guy the first reply is the usual schizo guy. Hardcore Classic is decently populated, it has roughly the activity the old private servers had back in the day, not really close to actual Classic 2019 numbers though. Wrath Classic is less popular, but I'm not sure since I don't play it. "Classic Era" which are the normal servers are decently alive, both from normal players and from people continuing with characters that got killed in hardcore, but of course there is no new content. There are quite a few bots, but there always are

          Damn, that doesn't entirely surprise me, though. I have no interest in hardcore, especially if there's no capacity to frick with other players for fun.
          Ah, right, I forgot they introduced this fricking TRASH to Classic. Never mind, I'm never fricking coming back.

          >world pvp
          good luck finding a server that isn't 98% horde. server pops literally prove that world PVP doesnt work, and even on a PVP realm, people will find a way to not PVP (because it's an inconvenience and a waste of time for everyone involved)

          I'm Grobbulus, I'd be fine.

          • 8 months ago

            its only in wrath classic. but you're still playing in a totally cucked economy where your gold has zero value because of goldsellers and botfarms

      • 8 months ago

        >world pvp
        good luck finding a server that isn't 98% horde. server pops literally prove that world PVP doesnt work, and even on a PVP realm, people will find a way to not PVP (because it's an inconvenience and a waste of time for everyone involved)

        • 8 months ago

          theres literally a wrath server pvp with 10k players and a 50 50 ratio

          • 8 months ago

            yeah and im sure 90% those players boosted, or were already leveled from TBC, so they didn't have to deal with openworld PVP inhibiting you from getting to endgame

      • 8 months ago

        I'm the 0.5% guy the first reply is the usual schizo guy. Hardcore Classic is decently populated, it has roughly the activity the old private servers had back in the day, not really close to actual Classic 2019 numbers though. Wrath Classic is less popular, but I'm not sure since I don't play it. "Classic Era" which are the normal servers are decently alive, both from normal players and from people continuing with characters that got killed in hardcore, but of course there is no new content. There are quite a few bots, but there always are

    • 8 months ago

      the only iteration of classic that has any population anymore is hardcore realms.

      otherwise most of classic is literally in a state similar to retail, where everyone is max level doing max level content. WoWtoken and goldselling (especially GDKP) killed classic

      I have a bunch of Classic questions actually, I'll try to keep it short though:

      1. Is GDKP or buying loot for gold/money an issues in ERA classic? Assuming ERA classic is what I think it is, the original classic up to lvl 60, with Ragnaros and AQ etc...
      2. How do people find groups and guilds in classic? Afaik they don't have the lfg tool yet, so where do you look for mates to do stuff like scarlet monastery etc with?
      3. Same as above, only for guilds? The classic forums can't be the only platforms where people advertise for their guilds I guess.
      4. Where can I find reliable information on server populations? All I find it either outdated or absolutely DOG SHIT information based on the parsed data of some addons that some players have and others don't, meaning their data isn't worth shit.
      5. Are servers "sharded" or anything now? Does it even matter if you play on a dead server because of server pools etc? Still dont know how all of that works

      I just want to know that the Classic server I start on isn't like 97% Alliance vs 3% Horde or vice versa.

      • 8 months ago

        1. No, Classic era doesn't have tokens yet, yes it is what you think it is. Blizzard has said before they wouldn't add the token... to Wrath, but they did. Because it's ActiBlizzard and they are greedy liars, so it's always a possibility they will add it into Era
        2. You just ask for things in Trade or General chat, different servers also always have different "world" chats people join into
        3. Same as above
        4. None of them are fully reliable, but just click on the first few google search results, like https://ironforge.pro/population/era/
        5. They aren't sharded or anything, that was just a thing when a LOT of people are in the same zone

      • 8 months ago

        i will try to help as much i can

        most classic wow players are in vacation mode rn waiting for news on classic+ or som2. HC is a fun little minigame in the meantime. era servers are getting an uptick of players dying in hardcore as you can transfer off the hc server to era once you die. in general tho era is having a bit of a surge in players

        GDKPS are still very prevalent in literally every iteration of wow (retail, classic, era)

        most people find guilds through discord, groups in world chat or trade. discord guilds tend to be full of trannies though. you will only find boomer/dad guilds in the wow forums. you might have success on something like warcraftlogs too

        not sure on pop numbers but as far as i know theres only really a couple legit era realms like whitemane and fairbanks

      • 8 months ago

        1) i have no clue what ERA is, in this context. But yes, even when classic was active before TBC and Wrath, the only PUG raids that existed were GDKP, because why raid for gear when you can raid for gear AND to take money from whales?
        2) LFG (chat) and trade. good luck searching for 40 mins if you're a solo dps player (and good luck trying to get the tank and healer to wait just as long, together with you)
        3)forums if you want something serious, trade chat if you want a cesspool guild. is and always has been the case, for 19 years.
        4)dude literally use google
        5) sharding was to handle the ridiculous influx of players. also solved the problem of there being zero mobs in an area because everyone was farming simultaneously. We literally had 2 hour lines for questmobs on classic release -- you don't want that.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Ask people about the current state of the game
    >Receive nonsensical babbling everywhere you look

    Hey OP maybe that already fricking answered the question. The only full morons still eating blizzard's shit aren't capable of answering questions.

  4. 8 months ago

    Wait for blizzcon i guarantee they are pushing out something classic related.

  5. 8 months ago

    have u tried wowcg

  6. 8 months ago

    >works on my machine
    if your question is revolving around why this old fricking game isn't running on your current pc just fricking have a nice day.

  7. 8 months ago

    No need. Yes wpvp is gay and dead, yes add-ons work, yes it lets all the people who actually played vanilla know you didn't because none of us played what we already played almost two full decades ago, yes there are WoW tokens, yes people use GDKP and yes that's still only a good system if all of you are asocial and don't prioritize overall raid benefit, yes you take longer to find groups because spamming is your main tool and yes LFG is objectively better when you wanna level and frick off after, yes you will still only find zoomers who lack basic human awareness.

    Anything else?

  8. 8 months ago

    I can safely tell you that chasing that magical feeling you once had around 2004-06 will not be found with WoW Classic in 2023. It's very much like going back to an abusive ex.

    • 8 months ago

      well, you can have that magical feeling if you had friends to play with but only on classic release

      the game is too solved. it's a 20 year old game after all, and the internet and internet communities have evolved. you literally can't go back, without going back. and even then, you'd need a brain wipe yourself

      • 8 months ago

        It's true but it's a bitter truth. I wish I had a future to look forward to but I don't so instead I'm stuck in a past that doesn't exist anymore unable to go back.

    • 8 months ago

      I played Shadowlands like 8 months ago, before the release of the troony dragon shit.
      Anyway, I loved the loot system in those PUG raids. Basically, every player got his individual loot from a boss.
      You could see what other people had gotten in on their chars, but there was no inherent need to roll on any shit.
      It wasn't like "okay guys, we killed zorblox the firedragon and he dropped 1 sword, 1 helmet and 2 cloaks! time to roll on the sword, everyone!". you just had your own loot and that was cool. If you already had better stuff, you could still trade it with other players or give it to them for free, which was nice as well.

      Does that exist to any extent in Classic Era or do people just have to bid gold or dkp fantasy points based on how well they sucked up to the guild leader's fat wife or some shit?

      My biggest fear is that you and others might be right and the big nostalgia flash from ~18 years ago won't happen ;_;

      • 8 months ago

        what ur describing is called personal loot and only exists in retail

      • 8 months ago

        >he doesnt know
        you cant trade anything that is an ilvl upgrade for you. even if it's a ring with shit secondaries for your spec, because it has 5 more stam than your current equip, you cannot trade it.

        DKP doesnt get used. it's GDKP, where basically instead of using DKP you use gold, and you bid on pieces of gear. at the end, the raid lead splits the gold evenly among every player in the raid.

        and if you're in a guild, masterloot is and always has been the same. there's a loot priority list, and you don't get to see it. raid leader's wife could be getting all the gear and you'd have no clue unless you're there every week for every boss kill

      • 8 months ago

        go play a private server. see if it gives you the nostalgia you want. at least that way you aren't paying $15 just to "experience" classic (for a month)

      • 8 months ago

        poor anon. wait until you find out about no shared mob tagging.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Asking about WoW.
    >On Ganker.
    There's your problem.

  10. 8 months ago

    Grobbulus is only like that because it's RP so it attracts Alliance players and keeps away annoying tryhard gays. If it were normal PvP then it'd be nothing but Orc Warrs and Undead Rogues/Mages flooding the server like every other one

  11. 8 months ago

    >Where do you even look for vidya related answers
    unironically reddit (through a google search)
    >or people to play with nowadays?
    I don't

  12. 8 months ago

    It's weird, for how much the internet has expanded and the exponentially growing amount of people using it, communities are back to being as tribal as BBS. The only game I play now that has a pretty defined internal community is TF2, everything else has subcommunities of subcommunities of subcommunities in their own corner of the internet.
    The internet used to be a place where you could make friends, now having a set group of friends going into something seems to be the status quo. It's always being on the outside looking in.

    • 8 months ago

      I can understand why people today are hestitant when it comes to even adding new people to play with.

      when I was playing SL about a year ago, I joined a guild for relaxed levelling, normal raiding and dungeon runs.
      I work long hours and sometimes have 2 or 3 days in a row off to compensate, so my online times are all over the place compared to the 9 to 5 crowd.

      anyway, I join the guild and observe guild chat a bit, chat and ask a few questions and eventually they ask my first name and tell me to join voice.
      the fist name shit always felt off to me, not gonna lie.
      I have online buddies from 2003 that I play with regularly for 20 years now and we still use our online handles, although I know more about their lives than their fricking wives do.
      it's just a kind of threshhold that always felt weird to me, calling people by their first names in an online game

      anyway, I make up a first name and join the fricking discord because apparently teamspeak isnt cool anymore

      >like 5 fricking "discord bots" greet you, give you your own "rank" and ask you to select the color for your name tag and other shit
      >everybody had discord tags that basically represent their whole fricking CV
      >join the voice channel, 6 ppl in it
      >somebody is playing music in the background and occasionally answers, although nobody is talking to him. I understand that he's either talking with his mom or into his phone or some shit
      >a girl that I can just HEAR is fricking fat talking about WoW lore, how the orcs burned down ashenvale or some shit, who cares. and about sylvanas and what a "bitch" she was, literal fanfic level
      >2 old geezers that have their IRL age in their fricking discord tags, both are 54+ and are kinda pedo-booming
      >some guy that I just KNOW is trans, based on his profile pic: selfie with added instagram freckles and a white headset with plastic cat ears
      >lastly, a girl around 30 who plays a healer and only talks every 20 minutes. to her cat

      noped outta there the next day

      • 8 months ago

        discord is free. that's literally the only reason why people use it.

        teamspeak is also too ancient for zoomers to figure out how it works. if they cant send embedded memes, they won't use it.

        they were using skype before discord, if they were even old enough.

      • 8 months ago

        my guy WoW guilds have been like this since at least Cataclysm

      • 8 months ago

        most WoW guilds still use ventrillo and teamspeak. only the ~top100 guilds though. because they're all a bunch of boomers who have been mythic raiding for years, and were heroic raiding mythic came out. I have CE friends who can attest to this

        if you want to be surrounded by more "like-minded people" your solution is to git gud

    • 8 months ago

      >It's always being on the outside looking in

      >45hr week
      >live alone, no gf or friends
      >in a clean apartment that I rent, almost no furniture, some stuff still in boxes
      >put most of my money into a savings account and ETFs
      >not spending money anything really, except for groceries
      >go swimming and running several times a week
      >read books every night for an hour
      >no real hobbies, no GAMES
      >just refreshing the same ~10 tabs every few minutes on my computer
      >for exactly 3 years now
      >every evening, every day, all week, every month, all year long. the same shit.
      >finally decide there's a chance that WoW classic could help me with my itch for a game

      >decide TOMORROW is the day where I resub
      >every day I look up server population statistics, videos on which class is the least shit, read up on how chinese gold sellers ruined the game already, how nobody knows whats gonna happen with classic plus...

      it's always tomorrow... I planned to resub like 2 weeks ago, yet it just CAN NOT DO IT

      what am I even doing with my life?

      • 8 months ago

        maybe wow classic isn't the hobby you need
        maybe you need to put energy into finding a different one rather than put energy into trying and failing to resub to wow? i wish i could tell you what, i'm getting into guns but that's not for everyone

      • 8 months ago

        dont resub if you dont have friends to play with.

        go play a private server unless you're a retail moron

      • 8 months ago

        Black person you're having a crisis over not subscribing to a 20 year old MMO with non-existent devs and an abhorent community, get a fricking grip

  13. 8 months ago

    >at the end, the raid lead splits the gold evenly among every player in the raid.

    I'm not even sure why that is such a bad system then?
    Even if you play on a server full of gold sellers and in a raid full of gold BUYERS, don't you profit from just being part of the raid anyway?

    Assuming some whale buy the big sword for 5000 gold, these players should inflate the cut you get magnificantly.
    Basically you can get gold (to spend on items yourself) just by taking part in raids and not getting loot.

    Am I overlooking something here?

    • 8 months ago

      if u arent already in the clique ur bricked. if you go into a run and don't spend money you WILL be blacklisted and not invited again. you will never be marked as a 'carry' because youre simply too far behind/dont have the connects

    • 8 months ago

      were talking about millions of gold here. this is highly organized crime syndicate levels of frickery going on that you are definitely overlooking

    • 8 months ago

      okay moron let me do the math for you:

      you can buy, right now, 20,000 gold for $40. Fred from Accounting can easily get that in an hour of work. He gets invited, with zero gear, to a GDKP, to go buy gear so he can prove to his friends that he isn't some normie pleb and flex on his friends at work. Now to Fred, he doesn't care how much money he has to spend to get his gear, because he can keep throwing more and more gold at it just to get his gear.

      now you, anon, have zero gear and go into a GDKP. you're just like Fred, except you believe in "integrity" and "putting in work for your rewards." let's say in this hypothetical situation, you're a mage and you decide to goldfarm the trash mobs in ZG for money. you're getting the equivalent of $0.50 per hour. you finally mass up 1000 gold to try to buy into a GDKP. but Fred is out here pushing every bid up to 2000.

      Bob with his 5 carry friends are hosting a GDKP, and they aren't inviting anyone with purple gear on. Fred instantly gets invited. You whisper Bob, and he asks you how much gold you have.

      then you never get invited, and get blacklisted

      end of story.

    • 8 months ago

      If the gold is distributed (it’s usually not) you just inflate the values which mean gold buyers and no lifers will always get first dibs. So, I mean, yeah if you are either if those then sure works out for you.

  14. 8 months ago

    >the itnernet just become too useless to acqure that kind of information?
    this one

  15. 8 months ago

    State of the game:
    >You can pay to level boost past old content, leaving Azeroth completely barren and Outland empty outside of leveling DKs
    >Wrath has WoW tokens now
    >WPvP is dead outside of 1 or 2 servers with healthy faction balance
    >Minmaxing and raidlogging culture has completely taken over
    >Vanilla is only popular because of hardcore servers, normal Vanilla is dead
    Hope that answers your question

    • 8 months ago

      >normal vanilla is dead
      >he doesn't know

      • 8 months ago

        >doesnt know
        what exactly?

        • 8 months ago

          the initial Era servers that were abandoned by everyone because they fell for the expansion meme are now clustered together and have thousands of players

          • 8 months ago

            server recommendations by any chance?

            • 8 months ago

              play firemaw EU or whitemane NA, be prepared for GDKP frickery but there are good guilds lurking if you keep an eye on their pug recruitments on their raid days.
              simple as.

  16. 8 months ago

    WoW Classic is shit. There your questions are answered.

  17. 8 months ago

    play firemaw EU or whitemane NA, be prepared for GDKP frickery but there are good guilds lurking if you keep an eye on their pug recruitments on their raid days.
    simple as.

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