>want to get into DnD but don't know anyone. >got my sister's boyfriend into it

>want to get into DnD but don't know anyone
>got my sister's boyfriend into it
>the people he plays 40k with suddenly start getting into it
>they invite him to play
>he spends every weekend playing
>doesn't bother to invite me once
That's a dick move right?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >That's a dick move right?
    Well your sister would know his dick moves better than we would.

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    A group is a pretty big commitment anon. Don't take it personally, these are people you'd be spending several hours with every weekend pretty much. Assuming we weren't in need of players, I'd also be a bit dodgy about inviting a "friend of a friend" to the group. Good roleplay takes some pretty carefully cultivated personal dynamics, and it's always a bit of an adjustment inviting new people. Still if you want to get involved maybe ask if you can try to run a one-shot some time, to put your best foot forwards.

    • 4 months ago

      I get your point but he literally knows I'm a seasoned DnD player- I got him into the hobby

      • 4 months ago

        He might just assume that you have a group already since you’re a veteran DND player or he just thinks you’re embarrassing

      • 4 months ago

        >I got him into the hobby
        So? That might be the problem itself. If he's new like you say he is, then there's a good chance his friends are also new and they don't want someone of a higher ceiling coming in while they newbie this shit. Also while you might be his friend, his friends are not by extension also your friends and in many group sessions it's not really polite to being in outsiders on a whim.

  3. 4 months ago

    Depends on how big the group is. If they've already got, like, 6 people, then adding another person is really gonna be pushing it. I don't blame you for feeling left out though.

  4. 4 months ago

    You can just ask if you can join. Or you can take the hint and go find your own group of friends.

    • 4 months ago

      Tbh work is really busy right now so I'm not even sure I could join if I wanted, just felt like it was a bummer

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't want to play anyways, I jut feel I should be invited.
        I found the problem. You're a whiny b***h.

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't want to play anyways, I jut feel I should be invited.
        I found the problem. You're a whiny b***h.

        Based and Perturabo-pilled.

        • 4 months ago

          Truly the most /tg/ of Primarchs.

  5. 4 months ago

    I didn't think he'd like it at first- he doesn't drink and his gf always ribs us for being nerds but fair points there I suppose. I've got a game I'm running with two friends I know through 40k so I might invite him and see how it goes as a general offer

  6. 4 months ago

    Not at all. You aren't entitled to join a group just because you know someone (or even everyone) there. He isn't obliged to invite you just because he's fricking your sister.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Tell him you want to try to DM
    >Invite him to play
    >Tell him that he can bring some friends if he wants to
    bada bing bada boom.

  8. 4 months ago

    Groups are constrained by numbers my dude. If you've already got 5 players in a group then inviting a sixth is just going to slow things down and make a campaign harder to run. And for newer GMs an even smaller group might be better.

    • 4 months ago

      I went to a buddy's game at his college once. He invited me, nobody minded having him and they were all pretty cool but there was like 13 people not counting myself (Yes I did play a halfling burglar as it seemed the thing to do)but while it was fun it took forever for ANYTHING to get done. Not gonna lie though, would play with any of those dudes again.

  9. 4 months ago

    Dick move confirmed but whatevs

  10. 4 months ago

    He probably just doesn't like you.

  11. 4 months ago

    depends on how well you know the guy i guess.

    if you have normie friends try to get them into it. if that dosen't work, look for open game nights at your lgs. if that dosen't work, look for internet people, i recommend foundry vtt.

    just be aware you will probably have to be the one DMing, which is actually the most fun part so don't be scared.

  12. 4 months ago

    are there any AI gm models worth a damn yet? i wouldn't mind only getting to run precon modules if I could play solo so i don't have to put up with normalgay group members

    • 4 months ago

      Last I checked, AI has no ability to grep the words it spews forth and it leads to continuity problems. They'd be decent at generating prompts and the like though


      >want to get into DnD but don't know anyone
      >got my sister's boyfriend into it
      >the people he plays 40k with suddenly start getting into it
      >they invite him to play
      >he spends every weekend playing
      >doesn't bother to invite me once
      That's a dick move right?

      >That's a dick move right?
      Hard to say. No pun intended. There are countless reasons why they didn't invite you, but you did say his friends invited him, so he might not even feel it's in his space to bring someone in from the outside.
      You could always ask though, maybe as a guest player to see how it works out. Just try not to let it get awkward if things don't work out there or between him and your sis.

      • 4 months ago

        Countless possible* reasons. Whatever. You get what I mean

        • 4 months ago

          DO you stink, are you obese, are you really awkward and misjudge social situations and make shit inappropriate jokes? might be why.
          If none of the above, mb just awkward, you are his gf's brother, is a messy dynamic. if they break up theeeen... what.

      • 4 months ago

        >Last I checked, AI has no ability to grep the words it spews forth and it leads to continuity problems. They'd be decent at generating prompts and the like though
        damn. I figured that if one could be fed specific modules like tomb of annihilation, curse of strahd, or wild sheep chase an AI would have enough structure to be a passable DM while still being flexible enough to adapt to crazy bullshit

        • 4 months ago

          At present, chat AI can keep a coherent narrative for about 2000 words before it starts ignoring what it previously wrote.

  13. 4 months ago

    Well, there's a chance he just doesn't like you, but have you tried asking? Trade some game stories with him, maybe offer to run a game for him.

  14. 4 months ago

    How many players does the group have? Prior experience has made me reluctant to ever have more than 5, myself included. Additionally, he may not feel like he has the right to invite you, especially if he's not the DM.

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