Wanted: Dead

Is this the worst 3D action game of the last 2 generations? Absolutely dreadful beyond the potentially so-bad-they're-good cutscenes. Utter shit combat system in every conceivable way and serves pretty well as a game designer's checklist of everything to avoid.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    It’s a frick ton of fun. I just wish it had a combo meter and the enemies were a bit less spongy

    • 3 months ago

      >It’s a frick ton of fun.

      • 3 months ago

        Over the top and cheesy as hell with lots of gore and fun combos you can do. Basically like a fun PS2 game

  2. 3 months ago

    The game got a big performance update on Steam that's worth checking out. It previous had TSR, FSR, and DLSS but it wasn't functional and didn't actually improve performance. The new update is supposed to finally fix it, add DLSS 3 and FSR2 and it has some balance tweaks. It's only $16 on Steam and you can find out if you like it in the first level. It's Devil's Third 2 without the bald guy.

    • 3 months ago

      Performance updates won't fix the inherently broken combat.

      • 3 months ago

        They're working on the combat, too. Latest patch added a new cover system.

        • 3 months ago

          >The cover system has been updated to enable a manual cover option. It is set as default, but can be switched back in the Options menu.
          oh frick I completely missed this one. didn't know it was different originally since I got it during the recent sale

    • 3 months ago

      >without the bald guy.
      Just put Devil's Third on Steam instead. I'd buy that.

      • 3 months ago

        Only good post in Tapir's shitty thread.

        • 3 months ago

          what did Devil's Third do better? I want to emulate it eventually.

          • 3 months ago

            Generally, more interesting bosses and combat encounters. Not all of them, there are some pretty rough misses, but they're all more interesting than any of Wanted: Dead's bosses except for that one guy with the suit. Gunplay and melee aren't as well balanced as in WD, but enemies feel much less spongy.
            I kinda view D3 and DW as inverses of each other so I don't blame if some people like WD more, but it feels so sterile in comparison to D3 which was constantly pulling shit involving the core gameplay with various degrees of success. I do wish the publisher for WD didn't force Soleil to focus on those minigames, terrible idea.

            • 3 months ago

              I also forgot to mention that it's probably best to emulate it. I played Devil's Third on the Wii U and it absolutely runs and looks like shit there. I really need to try Cemu or something and see if it looks any better.

            • 3 months ago

              I also forgot to mention that it's probably best to emulate it. I played Devil's Third on the Wii U and it absolutely runs and looks like shit there. I really need to try Cemu or something and see if it looks any better.

              one thing I did notice in Devil's Third videos is players seem to vary shooting and melee less but I chalked it up to not being able to find any actually-good Devil's Third playthroughs

              do you have any videos that show it off really well off-hand?

              • 3 months ago

                >do you have any videos that show it off really well off-hand?
                No, I haven't gotten into the habit of doing that for 3D action games yet, only 2D ones.

                Actually, that does make sense since Devil's Third doesn't balance the two as well as Wanted: Dead often leading to playthroughs preferring one or the other. The game itself also railroads you in certain playstyles with certain levels clearly being designed either for melee or gunplay. That being said, I remember it feeling more powerful, but I haven't played WD since returning it the day after launch. I would've picked it up on sale, but unfortunately I overspent and still had some payments to cover. How significant are the updates, are the bosses second phases actually harder now?

              • 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    It's one of the worst ones for sure. I know this will turn into yet another e-celeb shill thread though

    • 3 months ago

      Lmao I can't think of anyone with more moronic & try-hard contrarian ideas of game design than a certain Youtuber who shills this game.

      • 3 months ago

        >upload a playthrough to try and convince people game critics are wrong
        >janky kusoge gameplay top to bottom

        • 3 months ago

          I liked what I've seen from your webm. Already had it wish-listed anyway.

        • 3 months ago

          >gears of war multiplayer combat

        • 3 months ago

          This looks boring as frick, all these slow-ass janky animations and slow pacing of the fight

      • 3 months ago

        If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, I agree, he went full moron last year. Ultra contrarian just for the views. Dude was shilling the new Gungrave Gore just because it has a chaining mechanic. He actually convinced me to try the game on gamepass and it was one of the worst games I played last year. Pretty much every non-shmup video from him is unwatchable.

        • 3 months ago

          The fact that Mark and Boghog unironically defend old arcade beat-em-ups as anything but dated shallow-button mashers that are mildly fun with friends and nothing else (and only gained prominence to begin with through the implementing large sprites, 80s-90s graphics whoring) is really embarrassing.

          • 3 months ago

            If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, I agree, he went full moron last year. Ultra contrarian just for the views. Dude was shilling the new Gungrave Gore just because it has a chaining mechanic. He actually convinced me to try the game on gamepass and it was one of the worst games I played last year. Pretty much every non-shmup video from him is unwatchable.

            >talking about the gameplay of the most devoid-of-gameplay genre for 3 hours straight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYw7J2YQWC8

        • 3 months ago

          And he keeps doing this even now. His MGR/Sekiro overview is complete garbage to the point where I doubt he even played both games. That moron didn't know what Mikiri counter was, or that you could parry mid-air... I think he's taking his opinion directly from boghog for anything action or beat em up related.
          His entire point kept hinging on that in Sekiro you could abuse the parry and there was no incentive to play the game differently, which doesn't really make sense in context of MGR, where most people played it in the same way (parry and zandatsu spam) - And of course both games have enough tools and enemy properties to play around with dodging, side tools usage and animation cancels if anyone cares or experiments enough.

          • 3 months ago

            >complain the game is too reliant on parries
            >"he didn't even know about the other parries!"

            • 3 months ago

              My point is both games are the epitome of "parry game" but no one forces him to play that way. Both games have enough tools to practically never use it outside of two gimmick boss fights in each game.
              It's like complaining that MGR forces you to use Zandatsu QTE bullshit when in majority of the cases you could dodge the attack and do whatever the frick you want, but slow people that hate to experiment will never know that.
              And my comment on him not knowing those parries is rather clearly to showcase he didn't even know the most basic gameplay mechanics of the game and then complain "oh, it would have been cool if you could parry in mid-air... oh, you could do that uhhhh"

          • 3 months ago

            which game would you say has more mechanical depth unrelated to parrying? are they about on par?

            • 3 months ago

              Mechanical depth is on par. MGR has more moves, especially a plus are the remixed boss weapons and boss character DLC. Sekiro has more varied and interesting enemies, but suffers with enemy grouping because "muh immersion, monk must be at the monk temple map" so you have to resort to mods to improve the enemy grouping a bit. Both games have great side tools that are way more useful than most people might think, especially for boss fights for cancelling/interrupting attacks.

            • 3 months ago

              Semi-related but both shoot themselves in the foot. MGR menus are so unusable that changing weapons is slower than RE4 in what's supposed to be a fast action game and boss weapons count as a sidepiece to your katana replacing your heavy attack, meaning you have less options than you should.
              Sekiro on the other hand only let's you use one special art for some reason, but far worse is not having the prosthetic charms refill on respawn/bonfire but instead treating it like any other consumable you have to keep a supply. I'm certain almost every single complaint that prosthetics are useless outside of their 1 specific use is due to how israeli the game is with handing these charms early game, preventing experimentation. By the time you get enough souls to buy them in bulk "le L1 game" is already ingrained into your head

        • 3 months ago

          >fan of shoot-em-ups, a genre most of the gaming audience fundamentally misunderstands that was lucky enough to get a boost in popularity in the 2000s thanks to Touhou
          >"no you need to stop there, can't rock the boat too much, don't go further and say other games that lack the privilege of being represented by an otaku juggernaut might also be misunderstood"

          • 3 months ago

            If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, I agree, he went full moron last year. Ultra contrarian just for the views. Dude was shilling the new Gungrave Gore just because it has a chaining mechanic. He actually convinced me to try the game on gamepass and it was one of the worst games I played last year. Pretty much every non-shmup video from him is unwatchable.

            also what did he get wrong about Gungrave Gore? what made it such a horrible game? I never played Gore but a lot of what he said applies very well to the first PS1 game which I loved and from what I recall of the video "it's good because it has chaining" is a massive simplification

            • 3 months ago

              Didn't watch the video but I'm a gungrave fan and I didn't like gore. It just really missed the appeal of the first game by making it much longer and upgrade focused. It should be two hours long and very fat-free, and from there maybe add new campaigns or challenges or something if you want more playtime. It's every misstep from overdose but worse and with less appeal, with weaker music, characters, and a lamer basic artstyle. Gungrave felt like a wacky third person version of an arcade shmup, and no one wants a shmup to be twelve hours long.

              • 3 months ago

                hmmm this actually might get me to change my mind about getting it because I found Overdose really disappointing after the first game. it controls smoother but everything else felt like a downgrade, especially the level design going against the sense of constant forward momentum the first game had and encouraging too much memorization for such a long game

                I think Gungrave 1 was great but maybe, like NiGHTS and other "easy to finish hard to master" arcadey games, it should've forced the player to engage with the mastery-based mechanics more. based on Takeshi Koike's comments (Redline/Trava Fist Planet guy, he was in charge of Grave's animations) the game WAS meant to be very casual-friendly - the problem is super-casual gamers tend not to care for arcade design and just go "wtf, it's over already?"

        • 3 months ago

          >Ultra contrarian just for the views
          his Wanted: Dead video has 48k views & the Gungrave Gore one has 14k. if the guy's an "e-celeb" on any level he's z-list. there's no real "get e-famous" incentive to make a detailed defense of a game everyone decided to either hate or only enjoy ironically, especially when videos that avoid commenting on the gameplay like the plague and instead aim for TVTropes-tier story "analysis" get immensely more views.

          why is it inconceivable that someone can legitimately enjoy a game without a "community" backing them up?

        • 3 months ago

          >Ultra contrarian just for the views
          his Wanted: Dead video has 48k views & the Gungrave Gore one has 14k. if the guy's an "e-celeb" on any level he's z-list. there's no real "get e-famous" incentive to make a detailed defense of a game everyone decided to either hate or only enjoy ironically, especially when videos that avoid commenting on the gameplay like the plague and instead aim for TVTropes-tier story "analysis" get immensely more views.

          why is it inconceivable that someone can legitimately enjoy a game without a "community" backing them up?

          You forgot how he hated the RE4 remake over the most arbitrary bullshit and ever since, Ganker latched on to him because half the users here are mindless contrarians like him. Honestly his videos on game design is even worse because he has nothing to say besides needing a timer (which makes no sense for a console game) or in-depth scoring system (which not many give a shit about in the first place and is not needed to learn hardcore gameplay).
          >why is it inconceivable that someone can legitimately enjoy a game without a "community" backing them up?
          The guy has a patreon where said niche community are giving him money to keep making contrarian videos. Where do you think the term "gameplay density" keeps getting spammed from when I bet everyone that says this didn't even 1CC a simple arcade game? His contrarianism is his brand.

      • 3 months ago

        If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, I agree, he went full moron last year. Ultra contrarian just for the views. Dude was shilling the new Gungrave Gore just because it has a chaining mechanic. He actually convinced me to try the game on gamepass and it was one of the worst games I played last year. Pretty much every non-shmup video from him is unwatchable.

        The fact that Mark and Boghog unironically defend old arcade beat-em-ups as anything but dated shallow-button mashers that are mildly fun with friends and nothing else (and only gained prominence to begin with through the implementing large sprites, 80s-90s graphics whoring) is really embarrassing.

        damn, his re4 review must have really pissed some anons off lmao

        • 3 months ago

          You forgot how he hated the RE4 remake over the most arbitrary bullshit and ever since, Ganker latched on to him because half the users here are mindless contrarians like him. Honestly his videos on game design is even worse because he has nothing to say besides needing a timer (which makes no sense for a console game) or in-depth scoring system (which not many give a shit about in the first place and is not needed to learn hardcore gameplay).
          >why is it inconceivable that someone can legitimately enjoy a game without a "community" backing them up?
          The guy has a patreon where said niche community are giving him money to keep making contrarian videos. Where do you think the term "gameplay density" keeps getting spammed from when I bet everyone that says this didn't even 1CC a simple arcade game? His contrarianism is his brand.


          his criticisms of the RE4 remake go way beyond "score & timer"; they boil down to "the game threw away the original's beat-em-up elements in favor of 'realistic' modern design staples, like gun sway & inertia, that decrease player control & precision; or simply trendy design decisions, like the "improved" movement and the inclusion of parrying, that feel tacked on & go against the appeal of the original game"

          how is that arbitrary? it's extremely specific criticism
          >The guy has a patreon where said niche community are giving him money to keep making contrarian videos
          so what's the solution to not being seen as a fake? just making no money at all off videos that take hours to make?

        • 3 months ago

          It wasn't just his demake review, that simple image he created made nu-Ganker posers extremely angry, the tweet perfectly explains why.

          • 3 months ago

            funniest part is some people tried to one-up him by saying "actually any game with unlockable moves is progressgay slop"

  4. 3 months ago

    my wife

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        The Black cannot appreciate a beautiful white woman

    • 3 months ago

      Insane that the anime version is uglier

      • 3 months ago

        Is it the hair?

        • 3 months ago

          Part of it. Other than that the anime version just looks so bland, almost like a background character.
          The 3D version at least has that dopey face that's kinda cute in a very strange way.

          • 3 months ago

            honestly I don't care that much to defend the aesthetics. they're just ok but then I feel the same about Ninja Gaiden and DoA

          • 3 months ago

            the weird face and the thick accent were oddly endearing somehow

    • 3 months ago

      She's cute, I appreciate her tattoos.
      >cue the troony screeching about tattoos

  5. 3 months ago

    hardest logo to read of all time just dropped

    • 3 months ago

      You're not a grindcore fan I'd wager.

      • 3 months ago

        why would I be

  6. 3 months ago

    I wonder if this will be the next Lollipop Chainsaw or Onechanbara

  7. 3 months ago

    It’s pretty good

  8. 3 months ago

    The samurai jack game sucked and it was enough for me not to want to touch this.

    • 3 months ago

      didn't play Jack but the last thread had a bunch of people saying the Jack game was really good and Wanted: Dead is horrible unplayable slop so maybe you'd like it more lol

  9. 3 months ago

    It literally plays like a PS2 action game. Most of the homosexuals here have no clue what actually makes a game good and this thread shows it

    • 3 months ago

      >It literally plays like a PS2 action game.
      Samurai Western is a way more fun of a game than this dogshit. There is no reason to defend it just because some e-celeb told you about it.

      • 3 months ago

        An eceleb didn’t i don’t watch youtubers. I got it because i liked devil’s third which also was like a PS2 style action game. Not everyone watches ecelebs dude. I’d still get my info from magazines if i could honestly

        • 3 months ago

          >I got it because i liked devil’s third which also was like a PS2 style action game
          When I think of PS2 style action games, I think of Devil May Cry, Godhand, the Castlevania PS2 games, Shinobi and Kingdom Hearts 2 on critical mode. All of these games are way more fun and fluid than this shit. It's insane how the people defend this boring trash put it on the same level as actual fricking juggernaut games that birthed the entire genre.

          • 3 months ago

            I never said they’re as good but they’re certainly no worse than the PS2 castlevania games

          • 3 months ago

            ok but why? I like God Hand, I like DMC, I like Shinobi, I like KH2 critical mode (haven't played the 3D Castlevanias) and immediately felt right at home in Wanted: Dead

            in the last thread I had to wait for hours for anything approaching direct gameplay criticism beyond the vague meme word "jank". I did end up agreeing about the AI and cover mechanics being wonky (sticking to cover & finding the right angles requires more memorization & routing than it should). a lot of the rest seemed very specifically tied to mouse + keyboard controls (which the game is not designed for) or wanting the game to just be Ninja Gaiden, though.

        • 3 months ago

          from my limited exposure it kinda looks like magazines went to shit at some point in the 90s when writers were crying about Metal Slug having "no replay value" because you can credit-spam through it and became obsessed with technology-based "great leaps forward" over core game design

    • 3 months ago

      >It literally plays like a PS2 action game
      It's even jankier than most PS2 games, you're fricking insane.

      • 3 months ago

        Have you actually played it? It runs pretty smooth overall, and outside of some weird animations it looks and runs fine

      • 3 months ago

        No, it isn't. You clearly don't play games or you're missing a chromosome.

        • 3 months ago

          >It literally plays like a PS2 action game
          It's even jankier than most PS2 games, you're fricking insane.

          I do think the overtly goofy AI and glitches make it more akin to something like Gothic or Sonic Adventure than something truly polished but games like that tend to live or die on whether they present a unique experience or not

          how many games feature the same style of combat? Devil's Third and...?

          This looks boring as frick, all these slow-ass janky animations and slow pacing of the fight

          so janky means slow now?

  10. 3 months ago


    I regret just going "ok that's a valid criticism :)" at this comment in the last thread but in my defense I was tired & bored of arguing. just based on my very casual play the gun attacks are really helpful for hitstunning enemies you can't immediately melee and even play a subtler role in immediately guiding you directly towards enemies you may otherwise take extra time locating. not to mention staggering enemies or taking out already-staggered enemies from a distance. it's a middle ground and link between ranged and close-quarters combat
    >but the shurikens are better
    yeah the game's half melee half third-person shooting. if the melee was too powerful you wouldn't need to shoot ever.

  11. 3 months ago

    >dude it's good because...it's slow and janky like a ps2 game!!
    You never played any ps2 games because most action games on PS2 wipe the floor with this trash.

    • 3 months ago

      again what does "janky" mean? what are your specific criticisms of the combat mechanics?

  12. 3 months ago


  13. 3 months ago

    >almost 70 replies
    >not a single reference to the queen of Ganker
    her career truly is dead isn't it

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