>wants to meet you. >doesn't talk to you through his roaming securitrons

>wants to meet you
>doesn't talk to you through his roaming securitrons
>doesn't let you bypass the credit check
>all so you can see his old dusty casino

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    >pay you 1000 caps for the job
    >entry to new vegas is 2000 caps
    So you're paying House 1000 caps for the privilege of completing the contract

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's a credit check, not an entry fee. You keep your caps.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Whoops, haven't played the game in a few years

      • 4 weeks ago

        I always thought that was dumb. I might mod that next time I play.
        btw does anyone have the NV character roll chart? I find nothing but casino shit online or other people's OCs when I try to look for it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I always thought that was dumb
          Repairing a few SMGs that you can loot from powder gangers or fiends will literally put you above 2k caps, if anything the credit check should be 10k or something

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah it should be higher or a credit fee, although that doesn't make as much sense. I guess they were thinking that the average npc would struggle to meet a higher value, so to speak, especially after traveling all the way from California only to be turned away at the door. House wouldn't want that.

            • 4 weeks ago

              The average player needs a gateway to what amounts to mid and end-game content, and 1000 caps is likely a lot for the average player. So that means they turn around and are forced to do quests and scavange and then come back.

              • 4 weeks ago

                1000 is a lot in fallout 3, but not vegas. You would have to beeline it right after goodsprings to have so little, which is not what the average player to do.
                You're right that that is probably what obsidian was thinking but I prefer to rationalize it in game.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >1000 is a lot in fallout 3, but not vegas. You would have to beeline it right after goodsprings to have so little, which is not what the average player to do.
                >You're right that that is probably what obsidian was thinking but I prefer to rationalize it in game.

                Think the average, non forward thinking player, who doesn't know there's a 1000 credit check, who doesn't know the game in and out and doesn't know anything. They likely have 100 caps because they just spent everything to repair their armor and weapon (likely still using the Varmint rifle and maybe the Service Rifle). So now they suddenly see they need 1000 and have to do quests and sell items, that might take a few hours of gameplay for them to do. During the process they also need to keep repairing and buying ammo, which drains more money.

                Everyone knows you can use the monorail (lol monorail?), or easy methods to get caps, but see things through the eyes of the average newbie clueless gamer.

              • 4 weeks ago

                1000 is a lot in fallout 3, but not vegas. You would have to beeline it right after goodsprings to have so little, which is not what the average player to do.
                You're right that that is probably what obsidian was thinking but I prefer to rationalize it in game.

                First time I played new vegas I got in through doing the king's quest to get the pass. Figured most people did it like that the first time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Maybe, it might be that because I had played 3 that I knew how to make money and keep it. But I've also tried to reach the gate with less than 2000 caps while following the expected route and it is basically impossible unless you never use vendors, perhaps just to buy all the stimpaks and more ammo if needed.
                I've only had less when I decide to sneak past the deathclaws so I can do those freeside quests at a low level.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >takes extremely autistic precautions to ensure the platinum chip will be delivered safely
    >leaves the terminals that allow access to his chamber and his central control system unlocked
    >said chamber has 0 defenses
    >but also went through the effort of making an automated system that delivers his 50-page long obituary to everyone within the entirety of California if he dies

    • 4 weeks ago

      Blame Obsidian for not finishing the game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'd rather blame Bethesda for not giving them enough time to finish the fricking game.

        • 4 weeks ago
          namek beijita

          The ones who made the deadline so short were the obsidian executives, you fricktard.
          Bethesda actually tried to help obsidian fit into the deadline they have put on themselves, and they very well might have, until PS3 release came in and cut a shitton of the game off.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'd rather blame Bethesda for not giving them enough time to finish the fricking game.

        >I'd rather blame Bethesda for not giving them enough time to finish the fricking game.

        They should have made their DLCs post-game content, which would have given them the budget for expansion of the main story and setting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There was a quest to unlock the terminal by going to a bunch of different locations (such as H&H Tools) to override it but they cut it out of the game last minute.
      The guy with an entire robot army having so few defences was always moronic either way. Incredibly underwhelming.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There was a quest to unlock the terminal by going to a bunch of different locations (such as H&H Tools) to override it but they cut it out of the game last minute.
      The guy with an entire robot army having so few defences was always moronic either way. Incredibly underwhelming.

      There should have been a Merc/Victor hit squad that comes after you if you kill House too. Victor, two other securitrons, and two human hitmen with heavy weapons. Victor proudly declares he can do this forever since he can't die.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    At the time, Benny has the Platinum Chip, not you, so you're not valuable. You are just some guy with a grievance against Benny who may or may not be useful, but effectively just a hobo who may just wander off on their own.

    If you actually show up to New Vegas, you're now useful since Benny is 100 meters away from you and he needs the chip. At that time you've either already killed Benny and looted the body, or you haven't so he tells you to do so.

    The bigger question is why hasn't House done this himself? It's shown that the management of The Tops sans Benny are still loyal to him, so if he explained the situation they'd just kill Benny for him. Benny's #2 (forget the name) is a very "don't rock the boat, and bite the hand that feeds you" kind of guy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      House says that he doesn't want an assault other casino frickin up business. even though you can do so by just walking up to him and announcing your intent to kill him, House says that using anyone else is likely to end in failure because of their lack of skills and ingenuity. The Tops #2 is a good follower, nothing more.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Benny has a loyal squad of his personal bodyguards, but other than that, the Tops management is against Benny and out number them. Though if they had asked Benny to show up suddenly he'd likely bolt or there'd be a shootout.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Swank only goes against Benny if he sees some proof that Benny is planning to overthrow House. Remember Benny only has plans at that point. He has the chip and a hacked securitron but hasn't actually made a real move against House that anyone can see.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Swank only goes against Benny if he sees some proof that Benny is planning to overthrow House.

        And what if House literally directly communicates to Swank that Benny is a turncoat, and that Benny is to be arrested (oh and Swank you're promoted). I literally can't see why this would fail. NPCs being NPCs, Benny would likely find a way to escape (as he can with you).

        Personally for quest-line completion, I like to steal Maria, scare Benny so that he leaves, then execute him with maria end-game. Letting Benny escape is the only way to get him to actually confess what his actual full plan and vision are. Effectively Yes-Man under Benny would be Mafia-land (a recrreation of new Reno). "Swinning Vegas" is just a mob town.

        That flies in the face of the mainline thinking that Yes-Man is some power fantasy. Effectively you're just a shitty mobster.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    New Vegas is too good a setting/story for Fallout. They should have been a Wild West and gambling game instead. And magic instead of science.

    >Mr. Hours is kept alive with Indian magic, and wants to go to the Indian burial grounds to revive an army of wraiths

  5. 4 weeks ago

    who controls securitroons if you kill house and don't install yes man? why don't they attack you on sight? after that?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    how do I convince House to support the Enclave? The money from the casinos could go a long way to funding a new West Coast Enclave

    • 4 weeks ago
      namek beijita

      >to funding a new West Coast Enclave
      And house wants to be in control of his own assets, not be a pawn in some government larp
      Enclave to him would just be NCR and BoS in one package.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >doesn't talk to you through his roaming securitrons
    He tells you why he couldn't do that. It's literally a dialogue option you absolute moron.

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