Warcraft 3 had an horrible ending

>Lord Garithos dead
>Daelin Gigachad Proudmoore dead
>Syckvanas ruining WoW
>Jaina Coalburned alive, was her fault Theramore's destruction
>Thrall alive

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  1. 8 months ago

    trying too hard

  2. 8 months ago

    israeli writing

  3. 8 months ago

    *is kino as frick in your path*

    I love it when games have the balls to make the bad guy win.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not mad that Lich King won, that was pretty cool and I would push harder to made him win in Wrath. My problem is with the female c**ts and the death of the cool good guys.

      • 8 months ago

        Garithos was cartoonishly and 100% pure evil and a garbage character and the non-ironic adoration he receives is proof chudcels are hypocrites.
        Daelin got kinda redeemed and Jaina grew up in BfA which was pretty cool.
        Sylvanas was an amazing character in Warcraft 3, got abandoned in WoW, only to be picked up again by nu-blizz who obviously did a terrible job.

        • 8 months ago

          >non-ironic adoration
          he's a cartoon villain from a video game like you said, i think most of the adoration is ironic and the remainder is due to chuds who haven't played/don't remember the game and adore a bastardized fanfic version of Garithos

        • 8 months ago

          How is Garithos evil? He is a Human, he fights for the Alliance, he follows the Light.
          >picked up the pieces after the Scourge destroyed Lordaeron two times
          >organized the resistance into a competent fighting force
          >Elves, who didn’t send any official help except some volunteers, are now a small band of destitute refugees, because their entire homeland was lost
          >ok Kael, since you are so few left, I don’t have much use for you on the frontlines, here is an easy scouting mission, which will preserve your numbers
          >hur dur I am an arrogant prince of a lost people, I want to fight on the frontlines, I want glory
          >but I also would have called you a genocidal butthole sending us to our death, if you actually did send me to me frontlines
          >tired of Elven arrogance and since Kael‘s troops are not the royal army of an existing allied nation, but just armed refugees of a kingdom, which no longer exists, Garithos didn’t have to be diplomatic and nice anymore and reminded him to follow orders
          >immediately starts associating with the Naga, who terrorized the Eastern Kingdoms, when Illidan tried to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy Northrend and who he himself even fought against
          >Garithos is reasonable, despite this huge red flag of Kael‘s corruption and just warned him to not do it again
          >to test his loyalty and the Elven prowess (like Kael wanted) Garithos commands him to defeat an undead army
          >he again met up with Naga, which at this point in the Warcraft universe would lead anyone to conclude that Kael has been corrupted

          The Bloodelf campaign has a huge protagonist‘s bias. Garithos did nothing wrong. It has literally never ended well a single time to cooperate with evil races and it’s always a trick.

          • 8 months ago

            to add to this
            >humans get their lands invaded and attacked not once but twice by orcs feat hellscream
            >have to begrudgingly make peace with the slaughterers of your race so you can fight some big bad
            >get attacked and have one of your paladins killed by fricking ELVES, causing the undead and demons in the region to notice your weakness and start their attack on your outpost right after
            >have to also make peace with said elves
            >get used as literal wall of fodder to buy time against archimonde
            humanity is in peril

          • 8 months ago

            >Imprisons Kaelthas for getting much needed help from the naga to defend from the undead because his forces were thinned by him
            >Has no problem with teaming up with undead later on

            Garithos is a hypocrite.

            • 8 months ago

              How is he a hypocrite? Sylvanas got her free will back. She isn’t happy about being undead and sees no joy in this curse. She could have sacrificed herself to save Lordaeron.

          • 7 months ago

            >treat dwarves like shit even though they're forever allies, ultimate bros and the brilliant craftsmen of human equipment since the second war
            This alone shows he was an unilateral evil racist moron. But he didn't stop there, he also betrayed the cooperative elves under his authority because of petty revenge while facing a world-ending threat. He's a piece of shit and a moron.

            The amount of bad faith Garithosgays are able to deploy to defend a parody of Hitler is frightening.

            • 7 months ago

              Go to bed, Gimli. The dwarves got lost in the forest and got away with a minor scolding, which is less than you'd expect in an actual organized army.

        • 7 months ago

          Didn't they shit all over Arthas' character in WoW in the expansion with the lich king origin story? They just make him irredeemable again after characters like Jaina and Uther have guilt weighing in on themselves for leaving him alone to turn into the lich king, just so Sylvanas can be redeemed and not be a lich king on steroids?

          • 7 months ago

            Sylvanas isn't even the most interesting Windrunner

            • 7 months ago

              Neither is the one you posted moronic plot armored bawd you posted. All windrunners suck.

          • 7 months ago

            Jaina, Uther and Sylvanas, the Trinity of moronism.

            I want my bois Arthas, Garrosh and Garithos (Trinity of Basedness) back.

        • 7 months ago

          >Garithos was cartoonishly and 100% pure evil
          Not really.

  4. 8 months ago

    i don't remember any of that shit. all I remember is Arthas taking frostmourne and liching it up across Lordaeron and slaughtering peasants

    • 8 months ago

      That shit happened, good that you don't remember it, because indeed was shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Old Blizzard just had the balls to let the bad guys win, and it was a cool setup for their mmorp project

      You’re just remembering the end of Reign of Chaos’ human campaign and the beginning of the undead campaign.
      OP is talking about Frozen Throne’s undead campaign and the bonus Rexxar campaign (all campaigns cited in this post are masterpieces)

      • 8 months ago

        >Old Blizzard just had the balls to let the bad guys win, and it was a cool setup for their mmorp project
        As I said before:
        >I'm not mad that Lich King won, that was pretty cool and I would push harder to made him win in Wrath. My problem is with the female c**ts and the death of the cool good guys.

        >horrible ending
        And even more horrible ingame artstyle!

        Amen to that, bro.

        How is Garithos evil? He is a Human, he fights for the Alliance, he follows the Light.
        >picked up the pieces after the Scourge destroyed Lordaeron two times
        >organized the resistance into a competent fighting force
        >Elves, who didn’t send any official help except some volunteers, are now a small band of destitute refugees, because their entire homeland was lost
        >ok Kael, since you are so few left, I don’t have much use for you on the frontlines, here is an easy scouting mission, which will preserve your numbers
        >hur dur I am an arrogant prince of a lost people, I want to fight on the frontlines, I want glory
        >but I also would have called you a genocidal butthole sending us to our death, if you actually did send me to me frontlines
        >tired of Elven arrogance and since Kael‘s troops are not the royal army of an existing allied nation, but just armed refugees of a kingdom, which no longer exists, Garithos didn’t have to be diplomatic and nice anymore and reminded him to follow orders
        >immediately starts associating with the Naga, who terrorized the Eastern Kingdoms, when Illidan tried to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy Northrend and who he himself even fought against
        >Garithos is reasonable, despite this huge red flag of Kael‘s corruption and just warned him to not do it again
        >to test his loyalty and the Elven prowess (like Kael wanted) Garithos commands him to defeat an undead army
        >he again met up with Naga, which at this point in the Warcraft universe would lead anyone to conclude that Kael has been corrupted

        The Bloodelf campaign has a huge protagonist‘s bias. Garithos did nothing wrong. It has literally never ended well a single time to cooperate with evil races and it’s always a trick.

        >Garithos did nothing wrong.
        Well, he did just one thing wrong: he allowed Kael to join him in the first place. Garithos should had executed Kael the first time he saw him.

        >Imprisons Kaelthas for getting much needed help from the naga to defend from the undead because his forces were thinned by him
        >Has no problem with teaming up with undead later on

        Garithos is a hypocrite.

        >Kael is a fricking elf leading a bunch of arrogant elves
        >Sylvanas is an elf undead but less c**t that Kael and is leading HUMAN undeads
        Garithos wasn't an hypocrite, he just gave the HUMAN undeads one last chance to help their alive relatives.

        How is he a hypocrite? Sylvanas got her free will back. She isn’t happy about being undead and sees no joy in this curse. She could have sacrificed herself to save Lordaeron.

        THIS. But apparently writers were necrophilics, so they made Sylvanas win and Garithos lost.

        Garithos is so cool that he didn't even appear in Shadowlands: literal 'MEMBER?berry expansion, because he would smash the shit out of Sylvanas (and Anduin for being a necrophilic-cuck).

        • 8 months ago

          >he just gave the HUMAN undeads one last chance to help their alive relatives.
          Strange thing we never get to hear them speak in WC3

          • 7 months ago

            We do. Unless you count banshees as elves.

            • 7 months ago

              They are though

  5. 8 months ago

    I really liked Tyrande campaign, in the way that you just sneak around, and either pick on the forces fighting each other, or do a fighting retreat against demons.

  6. 8 months ago

    Finished Reign of Chaos a few days ago, now about to do blood elf campaign on Frozen Throne.
    Man they put an impressive amount of work into some of the maps and all the tiny little secrets, my only issue has been that the difficulty is kinda all over the place with the hardest missions so far being the orc lumber one and human uther holdout while the final missions have been kinda easy apart from the undead and i suppose night elf ones (though the latter should be expected as its literally the last mission of RoC)

  7. 8 months ago

    >horrible ending
    And even more horrible ingame artstyle!

  8. 8 months ago

    It was made by a israeli cuck what do you expect, its the same thing they want for western civilization

    • 7 months ago

      For it to exist and not be destroyed by doomsday cults?

  9. 8 months ago

    i'm glad illidan got fricked. take that xX_gh0st420Face_Xx your edgy hero totally jobbed

    • 8 months ago

      Illidan does nothing but fail in wc3 but that’s fine because he’s cool

  10. 7 months ago

    Pre-lich king Arthas is one of my favourite characters
    >talks shit to his enemies
    >treats his undead subjects with respect (calls literal rotting ghouls and abominations his warriors, a bug on steroids "mighty one", a bunch of banshees ladies etc) and seems to genuinely care for his bros.
    >always offers his enemies a way out (Sylvanas doesent count since she was being a b***h and deserved it)

    • 7 months ago

      Remember when Fantasy genre was cool and comfy, I remember and is sad. (Honestly I never like the Lich King being the spirit of a green-skin.)

      • 7 months ago

        When revolting creeps like the people at Blizzard aren't raping every woman in sight, they're "subverting" the fantasy genre and trying their hardest to absolutely shit it up.
        This is because they hate, and seek to destroy, anything related to western culture and mythology.
        >guys what if elves were... le bad? and orcs were misunderstood noble savages? meet me later in the cosby room, we can discuss it over the next gang rape.

        • 7 months ago

          >Western culture and mythology
          >Diet Tolkien by way of Diet Warhammer fantasy.

        • 7 months ago

          Every race was "misunderstood".

          Humans and elves got their land invaded, of course they would try and fight the invaders/defend their territory.

          Orcs were manipulated/mindcontrolled, once they became free they just wanted a place to call home, it was Thrall that was "honorable" and way smarter than your average anyone, Grom and everyone else was a savage, granted they're not mindless brutes like classic orcs but that's not ihnerently bad
          Undead were just mindless minions, Alleria got assraped by Arthas and once she became free she had already become the same kind of butthole Arthas was, I found it funny that she didn't even realized it and she justified her actions in the same way Arthas did

          The burning legion was basically the only real bad guys (and eventually Arthas), of course everyone was unwilling to trust each other they were strangers at best and old enemies at worst, even with Medivh's intervention their alliance lasted about a single battle because the alternative was everyone dying.

          Frick WoW's lore, that shit is worst than fanfiction.

          • 7 months ago

            >Orcs were manipulated/mindcontrolled
            Orcs were fricking Black folk and the only reason why they're not portrayed as complete villains is Thrall. They were not mind controlled when they drank demon cum AGAIN to be able to defeat the Elves who were only trying to protect their sacred forest from barbarians. And they did that every where they went.
            >Go to kalimdor, decide it's your land and genocide centaurs quillboars harpies etc
            >Go to the forests, decide to chop them down and kill the god of the elves
            >fail, get jacked up on demon blood, try again
            >find humans minding their business
            >attack them
            Non stop with these buttholes.

            • 7 months ago

              yeah, but don't you understand? Eventually one of the orcs kind of feels bad, and does a token gesture, which totally redeems the entire race!
              and over!
              and over!

      • 7 months ago

        >Remember when Fantasy genre was cool and comfy
        I was ten year old once upon a time too.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not just age, anon. There's a reason LOTR films and old WC3 are timelessly enjoyable.
          Nowadays everything has to be subversive and inclusive; The actual irony of non-woke rapists writing better strong female characters than any woke millennial writers of today is astounding.
          Everyone will remember LOTR 100 years from now. I bet you already forgot rings of power happened.

          • 7 months ago

            WC 3 was subversive. Well, okay, it was just copying the plot of Starcraft. But that still made it subversive compared to the first two games. Hell, the Hobbit was subversive as frick. LOTR by comparision plays everything much more straight, and even then it still has it's moments.

            The issue isn't subversion, it's not woke, it's not even capitalism. It's a lack of creativity. The fact that standard fantasy is even a thing is ridiculous. It turns what should be an actual genre into essentially an aethestic. It doesn't help that so much of what defines modern fantasy is tied to D&D, an literal boardgame.

            >Everyone will remember LOTR 100 years from now. I bet you already forgot rings of power happened.
            I did not, despite the fact I never watched it. Mostly because it is still going to be the most expensive tv show for a while

            • 7 months ago

              >WC 3 was subversive. Well, okay, it was just copying the plot of Starcraft.
              Eh, I wouldn't call WC3 subversive, though it was cool to see it not afraid to murder characters, or turn arthas evil, it was still mostly a classic fallen hero story (arthas, illidan) combined with orcs promoted from 'generic enemy race' into something with actual flavor
              Undead and Demons were still 100% unambiguously evil, a millennial writer would try to make them sympathetic and redeemable and ''morally grey''.

              It was also fun to see some humans (garithos, daelin) portrayed as racist buttholes, that's all there was to them but somehow they still spark discussion over whether they were right or wrong. They were simplistic and basic but something about the way they were presented still had enough to warrant threads like the one we're in 20+ years later.
              Meanwhile every generic Black person elf from any <modern fantasy thing> will be forgotten within a year, maybe 3. Not because of racism but because they're not interesting in any way.
              >The fact that standard fantasy is even a thing is ridiculous.
              It's also funny how warcraft was always just a warhammer ripoff yet the sheer quality of presentation made all 3 RTS games stand out in their own ways.

            • 7 months ago

              if AI slop has taught us anything its creativity is overrated. Take concept, modify it 10%, call it original. Its literally what engineering is to invention. But how do you pull a novel, compelling concept out of thin air when your audience is always the same and only responds to the same prompts?

              I have concluded that the issue is far worse than just a lack of creativity, These writers have even lost touch with common humanity - they have no understanding of what makes a story compelling because the goal posts are relative to their own perception, which is wildly distorted ESG troony fanny shit.

              That aside, to make the story compelling again they would need to create the struggle of winners and losers, but this kind of story is completely alien to their gynocentric hug box culture. All they can regurgitate are hallmark Christmas film tier plot lines.

          • 7 months ago

            >Everyone will remember LOTR 100 years from now. I bet you already forgot rings of power happened.
            No. By then they will have memory holed the Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy and replaced it with lawd dem bix noods.

      • 7 months ago

        Lich King being an orc is gay, I agree

    • 7 months ago

      It really feels like all WoW villains have the same personality

    • 7 months ago

      This. Warcraft 3 Artigas lich king would have been kino. Sadly he merged with his orc helm and became a dumbass.

    • 7 months ago

      even back in the WC3 day, I felt a giant missed opportunity with Arthas. Imagine if we had this instead:
      >as Ner'zhul begins to lose his influence due to Illidan, Arthas regains part of his free will like Sylvannas
      >he remembers being manipulated by Ner'zhul and Mal'Ganis into killing his own beloved people
      >he bides his time, still feigning loyalty to the Lich King and the plot plays out as normal until the ending
      >he still fights Illidan because he wants to kill Ner'zhul personally
      >instead of merging with Ner'zhul in the end, Arthas destroys both the Frozen Throne and the helm of domination
      >instead of the end credit being him playing rock for some reason, it's Arthas charging the leaderless Scourge alone, his ultimate fate unknown
      >the game now begins and ends with Arthas betraying a faction

      • 7 months ago

        >Arthas still ends up as the Lich King anyway

      • 7 months ago

        nah that's lame, original ending is fine

      • 7 months ago

        Considering how Ner'Zhul and Arthas ended, them merging into one entity would end up with them having the memories and experiences of both of them as the new Lich King.

        Ner'Zhul became the Lich King due to the Burning Legion forcing him into this (they already reduced him to a soul and they'd reduce him further). Thus his fate was an even worse kind of slavery and him slaughtering the Nerubians, causing the Plague that devastated Lordaeron and everything Arthas did under his control...all because he didn't want the Legion to control the Orcs and then was put in a situation that forced him into compliance. By that time what was left of him turned cold and evil.

        Arthas also became a kind of slave thanks to Frostmourne. His conscience removed and his will shackled to Ner'Zhul (and thus the Burning Legion), he did tons of atrocities to his own people and their allies. All because he wanted to avenge his people and save them from the Plague. Even in TFT he was still evil since he was still strongly connected to the Lich King (who was also still evil).

        If there were a true WarCraft IV, then it would have the new Lich King plotting one hell of a vengeance on the Burning Legion for the stuff both Ner'Zhul and Arthas went through and what they did during WCIII and TFT. Really. Them turning into evil buttholes wasn't something they chose and they were for most of the time under the control of a greater power. So it would be pretty natural here to see the Undead Scourge reap the Burning Legion a new one after all the shit the latter group did with the former being the biggest victims of circumstances out of their control.

  11. 7 months ago

    The horrible ending is that it was succeeded by WoW.

    • 7 months ago

      It's true though
      >the whole point of WC3's story is that mortal races should stop their stupid wars because divided they'll be conquered by the demonic legions
      >nah frick that shit its time to fight again
      inadvertently wow's horrible writing proved daelin proudmoore right, the writers really went full schizo mode with the orcs
      >war is.... le bad?
      >war lost. war is... le bad?
      >repeat until wow ends
      WC3's ending would be a perfect conclusion to the franchise & faction war but blizzard are so creatively bankrupt all they can do is circle the drain without anything ever being resolved, and giving ooga booga orcs massive plot armor because somehow a few hundred greenskins starving in a desert are a real threat to
      >an ancient empire of elves who're friends with dragons and stone giants
      >a human city of one hundred thousand people who survived famine, drought, plague and war for the past 30 years
      >an industrial era army in the dwarves with guns, tanks and artillery
      >literal space goat space marines

      • 7 months ago

        But the orcs have allies in the trolls who were bullied out of their lands in Stranglethorn Vale, the cows who somehow lost half their height between WC3 and WoW and the undead humans who for some reason joined their former archenemies in helping kill their former friends and families after regaining their free will.

        • 7 months ago

          >allies in the trolls who were bullied out of their lands in Stranglethorn Vale
          they have the allegiance of one half of the darkspear tribe which has a surviving population of maybe 100 after they were sodomized by their people, then murlocs, then the kul'tiran fleet who were chasing after Thrall, and then split in half by a crazy witch doctor clan
          >the cows
          the bloodhoof tribe, which has a surviving population of maybe 100 after they were sodomized by centaurs and other hostile wildlife
          >the undead
          the horde are allies of the undead, not the other way around
          now bend over and breathe in this green gas

    • 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    the real horrible ending is being murdered by blizzard with their reforged and its new EULA shit

  13. 7 months ago

    Sylvanas is the worst character

  14. 7 months ago

    Remember when Warcraft was about coming together to defeat great evil? Remember when Grom described Night Elves as "taller and far more savage"? What happened to that? What happened to Warcraft 4?

    Instead, homosexual vidya gaymers decided to reward developers for paying up front AND pay a monthly fee. And I've been seething ever since. Now vidya industry in the state that it is, because it couldn't have been anything else, and I am enjoying every second. Blizc**ts don't deserve any better.

  15. 7 months ago

    ITT: secondaries inject their culture war obsessions in a 20 year old game

    • 7 months ago

      OP has some nu-warcraft image in the OP, it was always going to be a dogshit thread.

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously, this fricking site, I don't know why I keep coming back here to be surrounded by politically obsessed man-children who complain about the world while ironically never leaving their goddam basement and doing anything in said world.

      On topic, I've been replaying WC3. Finished RoC the other day, almost done with TFT. Been eyeing these campaigns, any favorites? Curse of the Forsaken and Rise of the Blood Elves seem pretty good.

      • 7 months ago

        Make a separate thread about it instead of having your post get buried on this one.

    • 7 months ago

      >nooooo don't talk about the culture subversion let us shit all over your hobbies in piece!

  16. 7 months ago

    I've always hated how much of a downgrade it is for Arthas to go from unstoppable death machine at the end of the human campaign to level 1 death knight at the start of the undead campaign. They should have at least let him keep his chaos damage type. It makes no sense why he's still using Frostmourne but it doesn't deal special damage anymore.

  17. 7 months ago

    >after decades it turns out it turns out that all the schizo racists like Daelin and Garithos were completely right
    The greatest mistake of Arthas was simply resurrecting Sylvanas.

  18. 7 months ago

    Warcraft 1/2
    >kino almost no story
    Wacraft 3/WoW
    >modern writer slop

    • 7 months ago


      it actually adds up to an entire hour, huh

  19. 7 months ago

    I don't know about yall and this contrarianism, but Warcraft 3 was universally liked by everyone 20 years ago and all the slop came from the WoW MMO.

    • 7 months ago

      OP is talking about The Frozen Throne and just being a racist.

  20. 7 months ago

    I really liked all the Warcraft games, is there something out there that's similar to them, Warcraft 3 specifically? Already know about Armies of Exigo.

    • 7 months ago

      >is there something out there that's similar to them, Warcraft 3 specifically?
      Not much unfortunately, RTS/RPG hybrid is largely euro/slavjank
      Age of Empires 3 feels a bit warcrafty, though more the campaign than the skirmishes
      Then there's games like Spellforce and Heroes of Annihilated Empires that tried the whole hero RTS thing, but they didn't age very well, however they could still be fun for someone who doesn't mind the jank
      The russian king's bounty games (The Legend / Crossworlds) play very differently but something about the feel of the world and the music has that distinct 'warcraft' vibe to it

      However, there's truly nothing exactly like warcraft 3, that game was one of a kind
      Warcraft 1/2 however, you can find most generic RTS like C&C are basically that same game but with tanks and trucks
      Obviously Starcraft but I never liked it

      • 7 months ago

        >However, there's truly nothing exactly like warcraft 3, that game was one of a kind
        Yeah, just as I thought. I do have Spellforce and Heroes of Annihilated Empires, I finished the base game of Spellforce 1 and now that I think about it it's probably the closest thing to Warcraft 3 aside from Armies of Exigo. To be honest I just want to play more Warcraft 3. I just wish there were new campaigns or something. But I wouldn't want current Blizzard to make the new campaigns either because these morons will frick it up and make it gay as shit. Imagine sitting on so many great IP's and you can't do anything with it because you are too greedy and moronic.

  21. 7 months ago

    Just womderin'... doesn't the fact that Garithos and Daelin were universally seen as piece of shit villains back in the day make you feel that your current beliefs are just a tad unhinged and moronic?

  22. 7 months ago

    man, I remember playing WC3 for the first time in 2007 as 9 year old
    crazy time
    a few years later I even played the original DotA,
    good nostalgia

  23. 7 months ago

    Did they kick you out of /misc/ for being too insufferable even for them? Just have a nice day.

    • 7 months ago

      What's the point in posting some empty Ganker level response like this an entire month after OP made this thread? He's probably not even here anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        he got lost on the way to reddit

  24. 7 months ago


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