Warcraft: Chronicles of the Second War is OUT

For when the War 3 community gets shit done even when blizzard wants to kill them

Yes its reforged but the shit is tailor made and well done since custom campaigns never fricks around.

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  1. 5 months ago

    bombs are great

  2. 5 months ago

    Good thing they did Horde first, because like all long term passion projects like this turn out after the first major release, the passion is lost.
    Get fricked Alliancekeks

    • 5 months ago

      Alliance Campaign is Almost Done
      All is left is voice acting and a few stuff since they are being autistic enough to remake the cinematic finale

      • 5 months ago

        Shit already? Suppose they've got most of the assets. Guess we'll see if both campaigns are received well enough if they'll consider doing the expansion or not

    • 5 months ago

      >Good thing they did Horde first, because like all long term passion projects like this turn out after the first major release, the passion is lost.
      I think this speaks to something deeper, perhaps unintentionally. The Horde, whether it's the bad guys of WC2 or the good guys of WC3, really is a huge part of what sets Warcraft as an IP apart in many ways.

      The Alliance is fine, I enjoy them, but they aren't really "Warcraft unique" the way the Horde is. They're very generic. What makes the Alliance the Alliance are its unique characters/heroes - specifically, Lothar, Uther, Arthas, Garithos, etc. The Alliance's rank and file, however, is just kind of there for the fans of "traditional" fantasy.

      The Horde's rank and file, in comparison, contains a lot more personality and character, in my opinion. Their designs and silhouettes stand out more, their voice lines are more memorable and unique. The Horde has plenty of unique characters/heroes, Grom, Orgrim Doomhammer, Thrall, Rexxar, etc. but IMO is carried by its rank and file, which is the inverse of the Alliance.

      You play the Alliance campaign for the story of Arthas or to observe the fate of kingdoms. You play the Horde campaign for the grunts and peons.

  3. 5 months ago

    Looks great. What's the catch?

    • 5 months ago

      Reforged only.

      • 5 months ago

        just pirate 1.36a at the russian torrent website and call it a day.

        My heart stopped for a moment because I just saw the thumbnail and assumed there is some kind of WarCraft 2 Remaster...
        Which would objectively be the right thing to do. It would make the world better. Or make a new RTS but in that art style. Anyway.
        Then I got sad because I remember a time in my life when I would work on passion projects like this. But it's been years that I did anything out of intrinsic motivation.
        I had a WC2 Total Conversion in the works back for the original WC3 but only a few demo levels.

        that one is heldoom and lord penerolde remakes.
        heldoom is a 1:1 remake and Lord Penerold adds a twist that adds custom kingdom armies like dalaran footman having mana

        • 5 months ago

          >Lord Penerold adds a twist that adds custom kingdom armies like dalaran footman having mana
          That sounds cool and makes sense

    • 5 months ago

      Your typical Day 1 bug experience.

  4. 5 months ago

    suprised it actually released. asssumed it would be one of those projects teasing it could be out next year for the next decade

  5. 5 months ago

    My heart stopped for a moment because I just saw the thumbnail and assumed there is some kind of WarCraft 2 Remaster...
    Which would objectively be the right thing to do. It would make the world better. Or make a new RTS but in that art style. Anyway.
    Then I got sad because I remember a time in my life when I would work on passion projects like this. But it's been years that I did anything out of intrinsic motivation.
    I had a WC2 Total Conversion in the works back for the original WC3 but only a few demo levels.

    • 5 months ago

      >WarCraft 2 Remaster
      I mean it is in a way

  6. 5 months ago

    So what version of Warcraft 2's plot is this adapting.
    Purely the original, or like what WC3Reforged originally planned and is an MMO/Novel lore adaption of WC2, using Chronicles, WoW retcons and Tides of Darkness novel, given they're already using the MMO designs.

    • 5 months ago

      I assume it's mostly the novel version, probably because they have nothing to work with when it comes to regular WC2 version.
      I think Alleria's in the Alliance campaign, which should answer your question.

      • 5 months ago

        Suppose that's probably for the best but I can see those who expected a traditional remaster to be disappointed.

  7. 5 months ago

    I was just thinking about this yesterday. I refunded reforged, though, so I'll wait for the whole thing to be out before I consider playing it.

  8. 5 months ago

    Does reforged have a custom campaign browser in the main menu like Starcraft 2?

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think Reforged has custom campaign options in the first place, because Blizzard couldn't be bothered.
      There is a reason Reforged is despised by everyone.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, that's how it was when I refunded.

        Blizzard added the old custom campaign menu back

        works only on the version he states it but still it is not bad at all.
        oldest custom campaigns works on the newest versions, one being dwarf campaign, but it needs custom model updates, and the author has no plans for it now since someone has already done all of it on hive's model database.

        Sorry if this thread killed your elevent balls hurt gay shill thead anon

        >Blizzard added the old custom campaign menu back

    • 5 months ago

      Blizzard added the old custom campaign menu back

      >Lord Penerold adds a twist that adds custom kingdom armies like dalaran footman having mana
      That sounds cool and makes sense

      works only on the version he states it but still it is not bad at all.
      oldest custom campaigns works on the newest versions, one being dwarf campaign, but it needs custom model updates, and the author has no plans for it now since someone has already done all of it on hive's model database.

      the series is dead, don't care. shill elsewhere

      >Yes its reforged
      Its shit, Blizzard is shit.

      Sorry if this thread killed your elevent balls hurt gay shill thead anon

      • 5 months ago

        >autistic homosexuals actually work for blizzard for free
        Its shit.

  9. 5 months ago

    the series is dead, don't care. shill elsewhere

  10. 5 months ago

    >Yes its reforged
    Its shit, Blizzard is shit.

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    Post-Release Human Campaign:
    >Following the initial release, the Human Campaign, titled "Rise of the Alliance," is set to unfold. However, in a strategic move to balance the need for a respite with the desire for continuous content delivery, the team has decided to release the campaign in a serialized format. Instead of waiting for the completion of the full campaign, the developers will release individual Acts at regular intervals. This approach not only ensures a faster delivery of content but also facilitates easier development.
    >The Human Campaign: Rise of the Alliance will be divided into four Acts, each unveiling a segment of the narrative. Once all Acts are released, the team plans to compile them into a comprehensive campaign, maintaining the cohesiveness and immersive storytelling that Chronicles of the Second War is known for.

    Expansion Packs and Further Campaigns:
    >In addition to the Human Campaign, the developers have ambitious plans for expansion packs, providing players with more opportunities to explore the rich lore of Azeroth. The Orc Campaign, titled "Horde of Draenor," will serve as the first expansion pack, offering a fresh perspective on the Horde's struggles in Draenor.
    >Following that, the Human Campaign will continue with "Beyond the Dark Portal" as the second expansion pack. These expansions promise to introduce new challenges, characters, and storylines, expanding the Warcraft universe and delivering an enriched gaming experience.

    Warcraft: Chains of Conquest:
    >The grand finale on the roadmap for Chronicles of the Second War is "Warcraft: Chains of Conquest." This ambitious project will retell the tale of the First War, starting from the "Rise of the Horde" and the Draenei genocide, all the way to the destruction of Stormwind. The development of Warcraft: Chains of Conquest will also follow the "Acts" format, ensuring a consistent release schedule and faster content delivery.

    Ambitious, are we not?

    • 5 months ago

      Very. First release the Human campaign and then we'll see.
      Although, aren't the very same people working on the Re-Reforged mod? I expected this mod to be abandoned after a year or so, but it's still going and they are prepping to release the reworked Undead campaign.

      • 5 months ago

        Re-Reforged is another team, Scourge maps are almost complete.
        Human Campaign got the Campaign format and cleanup update, the problem is fricking blizzard thanks to Holly the b***h making sure to kill every single support this game has out of sheer spite as she is doing to wow right now with the bearded female dorfs shit, same tactic this sour b***h did to Everquest.

      • 5 months ago

        Suppose in theory they don't have to worry too much about needing to create all the models from scratch for each campaign.
        The only asset off the top of my head they'd need to work on would be Draenei and possibly any Draenor wild life depending how much they wanna adapt, but I'm pretty sure they've already got the Draenei stuff in the works. Then it's just custom models for characters like Garona, King Llane and a younger Khadgar?
        Medivh could be just reused from default reforged, then they've already got all the Orc and Human assets done

        • 5 months ago

          >The only asset off the top of my head they'd need to work on would be Draenei and possibly any Draenor wild life depending how much they wanna adapt,
          They already have the Draenei models mostly ready, they've been showing them off in the latest update.

          • 5 months ago

            Then yeah, outside of wildlife and maybe a few fancier Ogre models they look to be covered in the model department. So in theory they could pull it off, as long as the main team doesn't burn out after the Human campaign's finished.

            There is a Draenei campaign released not so long ago telling the early days of the horde's demonic influence and the purge that led to WC1, not bad either but it needs a previous version of War 3 to run due to JASS code

            sequel is getting made and covering the last stages of the first and second wars

            Hmm I'll consider checking it out sometime, thanks for the info anon

            • 5 months ago

              >Hmm I'll consider checking it out sometime, thanks for the info anon
              The campaign's good, but there is something... weird about it. It mostly follows the new, fanficky story and it doesn't always gel with the tone of WarCraft.

        • 5 months ago

          There is a Draenei campaign released not so long ago telling the early days of the horde's demonic influence and the purge that led to WC1, not bad either but it needs a previous version of War 3 to run due to JASS code

          sequel is getting made and covering the last stages of the first and second wars

  13. 5 months ago

    >wow ost
    nah I'm good

  14. 5 months ago

    Had an urge to play wc3 againthis winter, very noice

  15. 5 months ago

    if you are going to run this on 1.35 or 1.36.A
    play on borderless windowed because fullscreen sucks and you cant click on the "recent version of world editor" warnings

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