Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

Just got the Dawn of War Master Collection on steam discounted at 85%

What am I in for?

I wanna get familiar with the game prior to diving head first into the Ultimate Apocolypse mod

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Ultimate Apocolypse
    Not great. Skip. I'd sooner use Unification.

    • 2 years ago

      Same shit, but even less consistent and stinks. Avoid bloatmods like fire.

      >What am I in for?
      a shitty flame war thread over 2 mod camps

      Yes, there's kitchen sink/overhaul gays who keep making moronic changes a d turning the game's already strained formula downright unplayable, and chill TitWars Chads laughing at their self-inflicted misery.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd recommend against that, if only because you can't play the campaign at all with it.

      >and your base is not preserved between missions so you have to rebuild everything every time.
      this is something unification fixed, btw

      I was looking for a thread to specifically ask about this. Is Unification worth it or should I just install a mod to make the camera zoom out more and be done with it?

      I've beaten the base game already and played DC until I got bored.

      • 2 years ago

        Unification adds a boatload of races, though the content varies between "vanilla stuff" like the Blood Angels and "May as well be playing Ultimate Apocalypse" like the World Eaters. But it's mostly just expanded vanilla for the original factions.
        It supposedly supports campaigns and has some extra game modes like survival.

  2. 2 years ago

    >What am I in for?
    a shitty flame war thread over 2 mod camps

  3. 2 years ago

    The UA mod is so different it's effectively a new game.

    The un-modded games are pretty fun though, both in sp and mp. Since you got the master collection, maybe you should try the originals first.

  4. 2 years ago

    >dawn of war 1 campaign
    the best of the best in story, gameplay, voiceacting, you name it.
    >winter assault
    meh/short story, and you swap between eldar/imperial guard for most missions which i didnt enjoy since i hate eldar. voice acting is meh.
    >dark crusade
    havent played yet, but i hear the campaign is a territory capturing overworld campaign and is pretty enjoyable, but the story is also meh.
    havent played it, but the general consensus is that it's utter shit in most regards, only use it for mods.
    you need to have all the games downloaded to play the various factions if you wish to do skirmish/multiplayer.

    • 2 years ago

      only plays 2 gives reviews of 4
      >Why do people do this?

      • 2 years ago

        because i can do what i want, Black person.

  5. 2 years ago




  6. 2 years ago

    What's wrong with the Soulstorm campaign? Should I just skip it?

    • 2 years ago

      It's just dark crusade but worse in every way. Forgettable strongholds, no banter between commanders, no special objective missions like in DC, and your base is not preserved between missions so you have to rebuild everything every time.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd recommend against that, if only because you can't play the campaign at all with it.

        >and your base is not preserved between missions so you have to rebuild everything every time.
        this is something unification fixed, btw

        • 2 years ago

          >this is something unification fixed, btw
          Doesn't matter if you don't want the rest of the shit the mod brings.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah all these overhaul mods are effectively new games. I guess this would be the best option.


    • 2 years ago

      Nah, you should play it. Play as dark eldar and slaughter sisters of battle with the wyches. It's the way I like to play.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ultimate Apocalypse
      its one of those things that sounds cool on paper / looks cool on screenshots, then you get to play it and it's an unbalanced mess with way too many redundant units / factions that doesn't make a coherent game, like yeah its fricking cool you have giant mechs n shit, but unless you have a dedicated group of friends to frick around in multiplayer it really does not make the game better

      >What's wrong with the Soulstorm campaign? Should I just skip it?
      It has a bunch of nonsensical lore if you're into warhammer setting
      Other than that... There basically is no story, it's just skirmishes connected by a global map, think like total war but really primitive.
      Dark Crusade is the same way but with less factions / gimmicks, it just feels better for irrational reasons

      The only story missions you get are faction starting locations and almost every single one of them is an unbalanced gimmick mission in the worst way, like how some maps endlessly spam relic units, other maps shit elite enemy armies into the middle of your base, etc etc., it's just too autistic / 'fake difficult' for me, but maybe someone is into that sort of thing

      ...But you tend to need soulstorm for most of the common mods and you can get it for fricking nothing on sale so may as well see for yourself, if you like it great, if not just play dark crusade for campaign and soulstorm for mods / skirmish.

      • 2 years ago
  7. 2 years ago

    Ive been playing the blood ravens campaign in DC and it's made me realize that i just use my heroes along with three space marine squads with respective upgrades to steamroll the AI before they can do anything. Otherwise, i can't win for shit if we get to late game with vehicles and the such. Anyone have tips to actually get good and not cheese the game?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried grey knights?

      • 2 years ago

        I usually take them with a chaplain and theyre really solid with their ranged bolters doing so much damage. Though, they tend to get themselves killed if i dont wrangle them while in melee.

        If you sit in your corner and let the AI take the whole map you will get steamrolled. Be aggressive and expansionary.

        Yeah, i started playing really slow with the bad habit of capturing 2-3 control points without building LPs in them, rushing two generators after my barracks which didn't benefit me in the slightest and mismanaging my resources in general.

    • 2 years ago

      If you sit in your corner and let the AI take the whole map you will get steamrolled. Be aggressive and expansionary.

    • 2 years ago

      General Tips
      >Learn to identify what points you can reasonably hold or will create good holding positions. You'll want to cap these after capping the points immediately next to/in your base. Get LPs on them ASAP and upgrade them as soon as is feasible.
      >Both generators and LPs give you an immediate injection of the resource you generate. This effectively cuts LP costs by about half (it's been a while so can't recall the exact numbers).
      >Your general priority for capping should be SPs>Relics>Critical Locations. Despite the name, critical locations are only really relevant if specific win conditions are on. Otherwise, they're an SP that you can't build on and takes longer to capture. Relics are similar but you can build on them.
      >Don't go all in on maxing out squad size before getting to T2. You want to be frugal with your requisition until you tech up because if your opponent gets vehicles out before you hit T2, you're in deep shit because there's no anti-armor available.
      >Don't be afraid to let a turret or LP take fire instead of your units in the early game. They can take more punishment for cost than your infantry. Even an unupgraded LP will take way more damage than two Marines will for the same price.
      SM specific:
      >Flamers are only good in specific circumstances. Most armies will either have a way to negate moral damage or can just field units that don't have morale when they tech up, leaving flamers a waste of a weapon slot.
      >Don't mix heavy weapon ranges. If you want a plasma gun, only put plasma guns on the squad, but you can mix Heavy Bolters and Missile launchers. The reason for this is that the squad engages based on the the longest ranged weapon, so if you have a missile launcher mixed with 3 plasma guns and give an attack order, they'll stop to fire when the missile launcher enters range, leaving you with 3 idle heavy weapons.
      >Don't bother reinforcing scouts until T2. They are overpriced for their member cost until you can get upgrades on all.

      • 2 years ago

        >Don't bother reinforcing scouts until T2. They are overpriced for their member cost until you can get upgrades on all.
        Are they worth upgrading at all? I usually build a servitor and two scouts to capture points asap. After that i kind of forget about them due to their mediocre damage and the fact that they get picked off too easily to really invest into some upgrades

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, scouts with sniper rifles are excellent units. Contrary to flamers which just do morale damage and mediocre HP damage, Sniper rifles do high morale damage and can pick models off of squads very well. It was (and still might be) a possible strategy to spam an absurd amount of scouts with sniper rifles. Really 1 or two won't hurt 95% of the time, they're just not that great until T2 when you can research infiltration and the weapon slot upgrade to give every member a sniper rifle. At T1, they're too easy to pick out and remove even though snipers perform well.

  8. 2 years ago

    saving UA later when I can get quicker

    t.play with fast speed and fast resource speed plus increasing how many units on field by playing teams 2v2

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        asiaticclicker's thoughts are as erratic and incoherent as his hand movements.

  9. 2 years ago

    Kind of a dumb question, but is there a free mode that lets you simply check out all the units and upgrades? Trying to get a handle on all the options Tau have, beyond doing skirmishes over and over.

    • 2 years ago


      if you're talking about mods though, I can't help you

  10. 2 years ago

    Just play all the Marine/Chaos/Eldar campaigns to get the gist of it

  11. 2 years ago

    This ugly son of a b***h is turning guardsmen into termies and basically you're fricking moronic.

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