
It's over isn't? So much potential and a bottomless cash cow ruined by short term corporate greed.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Don't really care about your gay mama drama. Should I torrent 2 or 3?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >on an uncracked Denuvo version

      brain that small huh

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          linux, kys homosexual

          • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >Don't really care about your gay mama drama. Should I torrent 2 or 3?
      Buy 3 baseline, insteall creamapi and then you get everything for fricking free lmao

  2. 9 months ago

    The ESG bucks Hyenas will rake in will save it

    • 9 months ago

      at least it will be pretty funny to make fun of that game for a while

  3. 9 months ago

    The game's basically done, all that's left is Nagash, Thanquol, The Dogs Of War, a single update for the Monogod and WH1 races & Ogres each, and that's a wrap, folks!

    Then it's on to Total War: Warhammer 40.000.

    • 9 months ago

      >The game's basically done, all that's left is [enough shit for 4 years]

      • 9 months ago

        Compare it to everything that's already in the game, the missing content is miniscule

        • 9 months ago

          Compared to everything in the game, everything in WH3 so far is miniscule.

    • 9 months ago

      >So much potential

      >Then it's on to Total War: Warhammer 40.000.
      It won't happen and saying it will every thread won't make it. The Fantasy games already proved that Total War sucks when you include small count meme units, and that's basically all of 40k outside of attrition fights forever between the Guard and whatever villain takes priority during the latest story update

      • 9 months ago

        I think 40k is certainly adaptable to the Total War formula.
        All you do is make hybrid infantry like Free Company Militia the "baseline" unit instead of pure melee.
        As for squad sizes - that's always an abstraction of shit and Total War has always fudged the numbers downwards to only a few-thousand per fight at MOST instead of the tens os thousands that an army might actually represent. So scaling things up shouldn't be a problem either.

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          >I think 40k is certainly adaptable to the Total War formula
          Frick off already, you annoy everyone in /twg/ with this shit.

        • 9 months ago

          >As for squad sizes - that's always an abstraction of shit and Total War has always fudged the numbers downwards to only a few-thousand per fight at MOST instead of the tens os thousands that an army might actually represent. So scaling things up shouldn't be a problem either.
          The elite units in WH3 are already single entity or 4-20 entities. There's zero problem with having squad-size units

          • 9 months ago

            Not that guy but I still find it hard to think about how you could make a 40k game feel decent with the huge power imbalance between different factions/units. I'm trying to imagine imperial guard getting shredded by some rapid fire bolter and still being a threat on the battlefield. I don't think anyone wants to watch a space marine shoot some "elite commader" human in the face 40 times with a bolter to whittle away at his health bar.

            • 9 months ago

              Space Marines could get the chorf treatment, be extremely powerful on the battlefield but expensive and limited in numbers by a hard cap.
              Besides, lore accuracy isn't the most important aspect in these games.
              With a couple of archers, you could take down a Bloodthirster which would be nearly impossible in-universe but no TWWH player truly gives a shit. It's just for fun

              • 9 months ago

                A single unit of Halberdiers beat a bloodthirster in fantasy, fantasy isn’t full of pussies like 40k

              • 9 months ago

                >With a couple of archers, you could take down a Bloodthirster
                Tertiary detected

              • 9 months ago

                Why's that funny? You try being on the receiving end of rocks the size of bowling balls dropped from the sky
                It's primitive, but that doesn't make it any less deadly

              • 9 months ago

                To be fair, space marines are all over the place. Sometimes they're nigh invincible, sometimes some jungle man with a wooden spear can kill one.

              • 9 months ago

                >lore accuracy isn't the most important aspect in these games.
                yes it is. lore is the main factor for a warhammer game, but it becomes even more important the perceivably easier it is to implement it, which means it is more important than in the tabletop game.

              • 9 months ago

                >yes it is
                Oh? Is that why I can conquer the world as a shitter faction like Norsca? Is that why I can have infinite High Elf and Dwarf troops to occupy and settle the entire world provided I have the money for them despite the fact that they're supposed to be few in numbers? Is that why I can rid the world of Chaos despite the fact that it's literally impossible in-lore and the inhabitants are literally doomed? It's a sandbox game, moron. Fun is the most important factor

              • 9 months ago

                have a nice day you stupid fricking Black person

              • 9 months ago

                I graciously accept your concession.

        • 9 months ago

          You've never played a Total War game, have you? Its mechanics are fundamentally linked to large formation based warfare, and anything after WW1 is completely impossible. WW1 itself is just BARELY possible, and even then is clunky and unfun as frick.

          • 9 months ago

            >large formation based warfare,
            this hasnt been a thing in total war in literally over a decade now, since like shogun 2
            you just have blobs that break into other blobs

      • 9 months ago

        No 40k fan likes Darktide. This image is inaccurate.

        • 9 months ago

          >So much potential

          >Then it's on to Total War: Warhammer 40.000.
          It won't happen and saying it will every thread won't make it. The Fantasy games already proved that Total War sucks when you include small count meme units, and that's basically all of 40k outside of attrition fights forever between the Guard and whatever villain takes priority during the latest story update

          >eternal crusade grave
          >not being pissed on and graffitid over
          extremely inaccurate image

      • 9 months ago

        I don't understand why Fantasy fans pretend they are a poor, starving orphan when they have
        >Total Warhammer 1/2/3
        >Man of War: Corsair
        >Shadow of the Horned Rat
        >Vermintide 1 & 2
        >Warhammer Quest 1 & 2
        >Mark of Chaos
        >Age of Reckoning
        >Dark Omen
        And three blood bowl games

        • 9 months ago

          most of those games are not very good

          • 9 months ago

            Most 40k games are shit too man

            • 9 months ago

              yes, but there are many more of them, so even if the proportion of good to bad games is equal, the absolute number of good games is skewed towards 40K.

        • 9 months ago

          Mark of Chaos is awesome. You guys should all play it, it's genuinely a really interesting RTS.

        • 9 months ago

          Most of those you had to dig up from a google search. Most of those were old before you were a sperm cell

          • 9 months ago

            Oh keep coping, the only one I don't own yet is Dark Omen

            • 9 months ago

              >actually paid money for 40k mobile games on steam
              nothing you say means shit to me, sorry. you are a clown, I can smell the stench from your fat rolls through the screen ffs

        • 9 months ago

          Dark Omen is so fricking good, too bad its impossible to get to run on modern PC.

        • 9 months ago

          Cause for every 1-2 Fantasy game, Fantasy fans get a year. 40K gets 5-10

      • 9 months ago

        >Total War sucks when you include small count meme units
        But anon, I love playing it and I'm having a blast

      • 9 months ago

        i wish deathwing had been good

      • 9 months ago

        this picture is shit because it's ignoring that the 2 fantasy games pictured are quality where over 90% of the 40k list is either shit or mediocre

        dead, clunky, no replayability and no fun whatsoever in single player
        mediocre ARPG where you stop levelling up meaningfully long before you run out of story missions to do, AKA progression just fricking ends ridiculously quickly
        you mean the buggy, overwhelming negative game that somehow failed to learn anything from VT and made all the same mistakes as VT1 all over again on top of CREATING NEW PROBLEMS? yeah why aren't we happy about that?.....
        >dawn of war
        is 20 fricking years old at this point, I might as well have told you fantasy fans are eating good because of the DOS games for how shit of an example DoW is
        fine but niche (not everyone likes modern xcom systems)
        see the mechanicus answer, except EVEN MORE niche
        like a shitty 40k total conversion of a civ game, except with much less focus given to building and more put on war.....but then the combat is the same as civ anyway, so that's not fun
        >Space Marine
        good game....from 13 years ago
        >Necromunda underhive wars
        this barely counts as 40K, otherwise I might as well lump in Bloodbowl as a WHF IP and say that you are a hypocrite for pretending it doesn't exist
        >space hulk tactics

        wow out of that list that you are acting so jealous of there are only like <4 good games on there, everything else is trash but as

        I don't understand why Fantasy fans pretend they are a poor, starving orphan when they have
        >Total Warhammer 1/2/3
        >Man of War: Corsair
        >Shadow of the Horned Rat
        >Vermintide 1 & 2
        >Warhammer Quest 1 & 2
        >Mark of Chaos
        >Age of Reckoning
        >Dark Omen
        And three blood bowl games

        said, fantasy fans have
        >Total Warhammer 1/2/3
        >Man of War: Corsair
        >Shadow of the Horned Rat
        >Vermintide 1 & 2
        >Warhammer Quest 1 & 2
        >Mark of Chaos
        >Age of Reckoning
        >Dark Omen
        and yet for their meme picture they act like they ONLY have these 2 games because they counted the good ones and ignored the shit, they filled up the 40k side with shit to make it look like there was more

        • 9 months ago

          >like a shitty 40k total conversion of a civ game, except with much less focus given to building and more put on war.....but then the combat is the same as civ anyway, so that's not fun
          you have never played gladius.

      • 9 months ago

        Heresy-era would solve the small-unit thing for marines. Not eldar though.

    • 9 months ago

      Its never going to happen 40gay gay

      • 9 months ago

        When Hyenas tanks about a femtosecond after release there’s no way CA doesn’t turn to the 40k cash cow. They’re so broken they eat up Sloptide

    • 9 months ago

      Their license has expired and I doubt Games Workshop will offer a deal as good as the last one

      • 9 months ago

        Why would GW turn away free money? Every fricking WHgay would love to throw money away on virtual spess marines

        • 9 months ago

          Because they have all the leverage. If Games Workshop says give us a bigger share of the money what are Creative Assembly going to do about it?
          Go back to making historical games? They can't, they already burnt those bridges. Total warhammer is all they have now

          • 9 months ago

            they have hyenas now

          • 9 months ago

            They can just make their own fantasy IP.

        • 9 months ago

          >Why would GW turn away free money?
          Because believe it or not GW is even more moronic when it comes to business decisions than CA/Sega. They are also jealous and spiteful. Even if they don't cancel the license via not renewing they would very likely jack up the price to the point where it is no longer worth it to CA/Sega.

      • 9 months ago

        That makes no sense. TW Warhammer is one of the most profitable license they ever gave and single handedly revived massive interest in WH Fantasy

        • 9 months ago

          >That makes no sense
          That GW's MO, they do the most moronic shit and are sitting on a potentially very profitable IP but they just refuse to properly invest in video games because their higher ups are out of touch.

          • 9 months ago

            >sitting on billions in literal cross media gold mine
            >refuse to hand the license out to anyone with a budget bigger than an indie band to make it
            They really are the Nintendo of table top.

    • 9 months ago

      >Total War: Warhammer 40.000.
      LMAO, lol, even.
      TW is no more
      40k sales are tanking hard outside niche minis market, and that too being engulfed by 3d printing community

    • 9 months ago

      Their license has expired and I doubt Games Workshop will offer a deal as good as the last one

      Why would GW turn away free money? Every fricking WHgay would love to throw money away on virtual spess marines

      Because they have all the leverage. If Games Workshop says give us a bigger share of the money what are Creative Assembly going to do about it?
      Go back to making historical games? They can't, they already burnt those bridges. Total warhammer is all they have now

      >Why would GW turn away free money?
      Because believe it or not GW is even more moronic when it comes to business decisions than CA/Sega. They are also jealous and spiteful. Even if they don't cancel the license via not renewing they would very likely jack up the price to the point where it is no longer worth it to CA/Sega.

      Sega has been pulling developers off of Total War for 5 years now to work on Hyenas. They're milking the dried up cow for everything left in the teats and then they'll probably do some apologetics like "returning to our roots" and "we listened to the fans" when they announce either Medieval 3 or 3 Kingdoms 2 (lol)

      Hyenas of course will flop but Sega wants it to work.

      • 9 months ago

        >Hyenas of course will flop but Sega wants it to work.
        It is definitely headed towards becoming a case study in sunk cost fallacy.

      • 9 months ago

        >Hyenas of course will flop but Sega wants it to work.
        You would think Redfall would be a cautionary tale already.

        • 9 months ago

          or Lawbreakers or Battleborn or all of these other flop shooters that just get swept under the rug.

          • 9 months ago

            Every company wants a game as a service cash cow they can sell season passes to.

    • 9 months ago

      Emipre and Dorfs are getting something
      Cathay has two(?) dragon Black folk left
      Mum said Khorne, Nurgle and Slaany all get a turn
      Ogres have a lord and the ice units

      That's 5 DLCs at least.

    • 9 months ago

      Don’t you mean Total War: Age of Sigmar?

    • 9 months ago

      >It's Total War 40k.
      No, it's a 40k game in the vein of Halo Wars 2. You know, the other space IP RTS game CA made? Lmao

    • 9 months ago

      If they really wanted to throw all semblance of balance out the window, they could throw in some Sigmar special unlockable buff for Karl Franz[spoiler], Grimnir Gotrek but even beefier and Aenarion Tyrion but with both Majesty and Blood buffs campaigns.[/spoiler]

      • 9 months ago

        No end times stuff as GW will ask them to pay extra licensing fee for that.

  4. 9 months ago

    I don't think they'll just let it die, since that'd be putting all their egg in one, new and unproven, basket. Then again CA has proven themselves to be both extraordinarily moronic and lazy in the past, so who knows?

  5. 9 months ago

    CA be like
    >Best RTS of decade? Nat how about "trans rights the game"

    • 9 months ago

      what the absolute frick are those horrendous character designs

    • 9 months ago

      I can't wait for that shit to bomb.

    • 9 months ago

      >Best RTS of decade?
      Shogun 2 is over 10 years old now dude.

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine being pulled off the team doing the designs for Total Warhammer and being told you're now making a Rainbow Siege hero and he needs to look like Sonic.

      • 9 months ago

        Internal leaks show that ca are actually enthused about hyenas and want to drop total war entirely to focus on their next era which begins with hyenas.

        • 9 months ago

          Who at CA though? The bosses or the people doing the actual work? I feel like most twenty or thirty something game devs must realise dumping another hero shooter into the market is actually kind of a risk.

          • 9 months ago

            >people doing the actual work?
            Modern devs have changed bro.

            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              you can tell it's him having to do all the work, and it's crushing his soul, kek

        • 9 months ago

          Feel free to give me some proof that isn't just some upper management trying to convince other people they deserve to keep their jobs.

    • 9 months ago

      why do they insist on making black girls try to like space so much? they dont like space, they hate space because its bigger and blacker than them

      • 9 months ago

        it's because of that movie that pretending the strong wahmen of color were the only reason we landed on the moon

    • 9 months ago

      is the ESG check these companies get from israelites really worth producing games that they KNOW will bomb with audiences?

      seems like that's a losing strategy

      • 9 months ago

        Whether the games bomb or not doesn't matter to the people that can literally print more money.

        • 9 months ago

          right but CA can't print money

    • 9 months ago

      >the Taint
      is that seriously the name of the 'zone' for the game? good god. who gets paid for this shit?

    • 9 months ago

      I can't wait for that shit to bomb.

      What the frick is CA thinking?

      • 9 months ago

        They are not thinking at all.

      • 9 months ago

        They are not thinking at all.

        You are going to #JoinThePack and you are going to enjoy it, chuds.

    • 9 months ago

      Lol I am so glad I support companies who make characters for my gaze.
      Now THIS is a rainbow siege design

      • 9 months ago

        >posts gacha slop anime character
        You are moronic sir.

        • 9 months ago

          Cope with your troon CA characters, Gankeredditor. Hahaha.

          • 9 months ago

            >implying anyone would even cover for those abominations
            We have got Don Quixote over her fighting imaginary windmills to justify his gacha goy mindset.

            • 9 months ago

              shit made me chuckle. good shit non'

    • 9 months ago

      what can even be said

    • 9 months ago

      the height of garbage. That blackrock money is cursed.

    • 9 months ago

      Ganker would b***h about SMAC's faction leaders if they were released today. This 'culture war' nonsense needs to stop.

      • 9 months ago

        Read the Galaxia description
        He's a troony that was groomed at a drag show as a kid
        That's unironically, literally, genuinely the backstory CA gave him

        • 9 months ago

          And you'd probably claim something similar about Santiago - who is also trans. You're pathetically transparent.

          • 9 months ago

            Santiago is trans? Where was that mentioned

        • 9 months ago

          >As a young gay boy, sherman pemblebrook was a star-shaped puzzle piece in a world of square holes until he visited a drag show, and a queen was born

    • 9 months ago

      I wonder how Rome 2 gays felt about CA working Isolation?

      • 9 months ago

        *On Isolation

      • 9 months ago

        Probably didn't give a flying frick since CA back then didn't charge so much money for a dog shit DLC with 2$ worth of actual content.

      • 9 months ago

        Isolation was made by a completely different team brought from outside the company to specifically work on this project and was disbanded after it was done.

    • 9 months ago

      Okay, what the frick happened to character design? I understand that they want it to be "le quirky" but you can still be both quirky and have cool and appealing designs.

      Nothing about this makes me want to play it

      • 9 months ago

        I really don't know. This is going to be a lawbreakers level flop

      • 9 months ago

        cmon cleetus, they even included a gay redneck just for you

    • 9 months ago

      Never heard about this game before, but look at those fricking tumblr designs, I wouldn't have minded staying ignorant, kek

    • 9 months ago

      God it is infuriating how they are so desperate for diversity but are still 100% america centric. It is purely *american* diversity. There's no characters from actual different backgrounds, just a Black person and a mexiBlack person because those are the minorities they're used to.
      It's all the downsides of diversity and none of the upsides because everything still feels fricking samey.

  6. 9 months ago

    That's CA with every game post Shogun 2. Its only now that the CA's ineptitude hit fantasy fans the hardest. They'll slow down on dlc, release total war pharaoh or whatever other shitty game in an attempt to make more money and then when it bombs like all their half assed rushed released, they'll go back to milking Warhammer fans with some obscure character from the second white dwarf magazine.

  7. 9 months ago

    Its an absolutely fricking enormous game, theres really not much more to add and at this point its just starting to feel cramped. Add Thanquol, Neferata/vampires update, Ogres update, maybe better support for custom campaigns/mods, some more battle maps? and its pretty much set. It has a gorillion factions that are all unique and fun to play, a frickhuge map, a billion lords, tons of detail, its fine.

    • 9 months ago

      What about all that map at the bottom?

      • 9 months ago

        It is nothing. Generic "unknown" space only hinted at by lore, even Cathay was pushing it and making up ike 90% of its lore. I mean I GUESS it would be cool to have some new original stuff there but its pretty unnecessary.

        • 9 months ago

          Look at an actual map from the tabletop game.

          • 9 months ago

            Damn thats crazy! What armies did Ind, Kuresh, and Nippon have? What books were set there? Short stories? What concrete information of any kind do we have about them?

            Their entire purpose was to be vague undiscovered/unexplored territory.

            Isn't AI still fricky, npc armies break on long campaigns and siege maps are unplayable?

            no thats mostly fixed

            • 9 months ago

              They didn't have an army.
              Neither did Cathay.
              And that's how it should have stayed.

            • 9 months ago

              Are you telling me they fixed sieges? I am pretty sure they just said they did and it is still bad.

              • 9 months ago

                they could certainly be better but I find them enjoyable, and they don't take years anymore.

              • 9 months ago

                Not fixed but definetly improved.
                The AI shits itself but the maps are definetly better and more interesting

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know what people in this thread are smoking, but WH3's siege overhaul made sieges even worse and they were already some of the worst battles in the first two games.
                >siege equipment is still moronic. Rams are useless and ass ladders are still a thing when people have been asking for years to bring back buildable ladders.
                >maps are now bigger, which is supposed to make them more varied and interesting, but really just makes them more tedious since 90% of the maps are going to have no fighting going on in them
                >victory point captures makes cheesing hard battles too easy
                >spell interactions around walls are still bad
                >ai pathfinding is still horrible
                >still can't put artillery on walls despite that being teased like 5+ years ago
                >rarely get to play defensive sieges since the ai almost always prefers to starve the defenders out, even if the balance of power displays an advantage for them
                >the fricking gate bug is STILL in the game, which more often than not can lead to losing some of the most important units in your army
                There's probably even more I'm forgetting. These battles are terrible and they make up a huge portion of most factions campaigns. At some point, when I find myself wanting to auto-resolve like 50% of the battles in my campaign, I realize that I'm just not having fun, sadly.

            • 9 months ago

              So was Cathay, literally the entirety of the East was an excuse to keep Orcs win out of the story.

            • 9 months ago

              No its not you fricking liar, flying units are still bugged to shit to the point of being virtually useless. Ai still cant figure out pathfinding for siege maps. Cavalray mass is still bugged

          • 9 months ago

            This is extremely misrepresentative of the regions and their races. I've edited the pic to show exactly where each race tends to be primarily based.
            in the western/old world kingdoms, you have humans, but more than half of those are never represented in the tabletop game (ie: araby, estalia, tilea, border princes, etc)
            Similarly, just because there are kingdoms noted on the eastern portion of the map doesnt mean they need or ever have had representation. Cathay was literally invented by CA and it was a generally expedient addition due to having already launched Three Kingdoms and having China represented helps to push it in that profitable market.
            Reality is that the other anon is 99% correct. Short of some extremely popular, missing lords and heroes (And Nagash would be a valid army addition) there is almost no content left to add which wouldn't be severely risking "jumping the shark".

            As far as rumors go, you have: the lost isles in the east which are rumored to have some kind of lizard/mer-vampires and the wyrd jungles which are rumored to have Blacks (ie: it's africa).
            This stuff is getting really esoteric and beyond even what WFB has approached. The cathay worked because people always wanted an asian army, they even made a unit in the old Dog's of War, but its really about the limit of legit lore.

            Point is, when you really break down the map, there really isnt much room left. The map is established and there are few regions left to fill that wouldn't be repetitive to existing armies.

            • 9 months ago

              You forgot Orcs, Rats, and the vampire courts of Sylvania. They don't share with the tomb kings and if memory serves the territories surrounding them are pretty much no mans land with the occasional village of stupid people that are either thralls or about to be disappeared by whichever faction feels fighty at the time.

            • 9 months ago

              From what we already have on the map without expanding anything or creating OC factions:
              I want one more Kislev and Cathay lords, mainly to add more units to their roster so it would actually be "complete" and have some flavor in how you can build your armies like the Empire and Dwarfs can.
              I want two more Ogre lords mainly for different start positions, ogres are literally everywhere on the planet so anywhere on the map far from the two existing ones will do.
              Moving Malus back to the kiddie pool because there's literally no reason to play him other than his start position, so putting him next to Hellebron is a really moronic decision because you now have no reason to play him.
              I want an "expedition" Empire lord in the Mountains of Mourn who has to juggle between empire allegiance by "diplomatically" robbing cathay of their exotic shit and caravaning it back to the old world, keeping the ogres of the region pacified, and not pissing off cathay enough that they'd kick you out.
              A dwarf lord in the Spine of Sotek in lustria, mainly for variety's sake.

              This is all very feasible, not at all hard to do, and very cheap too due to low manpower required for it, so if we get these then I will be 100% satisfied with Warhammer 3.

          • 9 months ago

            This is extremely misrepresentative of the regions and their races. I've edited the pic to show exactly where each race tends to be primarily based.
            in the western/old world kingdoms, you have humans, but more than half of those are never represented in the tabletop game (ie: araby, estalia, tilea, border princes, etc)
            Similarly, just because there are kingdoms noted on the eastern portion of the map doesnt mean they need or ever have had representation. Cathay was literally invented by CA and it was a generally expedient addition due to having already launched Three Kingdoms and having China represented helps to push it in that profitable market.
            Reality is that the other anon is 99% correct. Short of some extremely popular, missing lords and heroes (And Nagash would be a valid army addition) there is almost no content left to add which wouldn't be severely risking "jumping the shark".

            As far as rumors go, you have: the lost isles in the east which are rumored to have some kind of lizard/mer-vampires and the wyrd jungles which are rumored to have Blacks (ie: it's africa).
            This stuff is getting really esoteric and beyond even what WFB has approached. The cathay worked because people always wanted an asian army, they even made a unit in the old Dog's of War, but its really about the limit of legit lore.

            Point is, when you really break down the map, there really isnt much room left. The map is established and there are few regions left to fill that wouldn't be repetitive to existing armies.

            its literally just earth with a gay elf donut

        • 9 months ago

          Ind is about as fleshed out as Cathay was
          >land where tilean trading company btfo local army and got trade goods
          >killed off in a sentence in end times

        • 9 months ago

          It's just weird having an otherwise fully made map but just having one weird empty spot of nothing there.
          It took me way too long to find out the Eastern Colonies are actually habitable.

          • 9 months ago

            Cathay looks ripe for another DLC with uhhh Cathayan Ogres and the Monkey King, which is when they'll open up Ind & Khuresh.

        • 9 months ago

          >more content is unnessecary
          >for a 300+ dollar game
          Give me what i paid for you israelite frick

          • 9 months ago

            You would be paying extra for that gay.

    • 9 months ago

      Isn't AI still fricky, npc armies break on long campaigns and siege maps are unplayable?

      • 9 months ago

        AI still fricking sucks even on the hardest difficulty. It basically sits around and waits for you to bombard it with artillery when it has the Balance of Power advantage. Campaign AI is fricked and takes forever because every army checks the entire map before making its next move. Sieges are still fricking horrible and a race to the capture point because the pathfinding is broken along with the AI.

    • 9 months ago

      How about a final invasion in IE?

      • 9 months ago

        It is now heavily customizeable, by default there are multiple apocalypse options(pic related) it chooses one at random(other than ultimate crisis you need to enable that yourself) and you can enable or disable any of them you want, change the severity/when they show up, etc, and as for the actual gameplay aspect of it they're fine, I have no real problems with them

        So was Cathay, literally the entirety of the East was an excuse to keep Orcs win out of the story.

        Yeah cathay was kind of dumb and stretching it, though I will say they were a net positive since without that region the map would have been have even more nightmarishly crowded than it is now

        • 9 months ago

          >will say they were a net positive since without that region the map would have been have even more nightmarishly crowded than it is now
          Oh keep going anon you’re almost at why people want the other footnote nations.

    • 9 months ago

      There is absolutely no downside to every faction being a LL.
      It won't come to that, but it's not the kind of game where too much can become a bad thing

    • 9 months ago

      What about ind?snakemen of Khuresh? Southern realms? Nippon? Making skaelings based off inuits like theyre supposed to be and not just generic norscan chaos humans? How is it fricking modders are adding this content before ca is ? It would be excusable jf the game wasnt bugged to shit.

  8. 9 months ago

    Capitalism kills everything it touches. Many such cases

    • 9 months ago

      may you tell the class the reason why vidya are an industry to begin with 🙂 ?

  9. 9 months ago

    >fantasy killed itself twice by being greedy
    Classic James Workshop

  10. 9 months ago

    NO TOTAL WAR DOES NOT FRICKING WORK FOR 40K. YOU ARE FRICKING moronic HOLY SHIT. IMAGINE LOOKING AT SQUADS OF 4 OR 5 DUDES WITH HIGH TECH LONG DISTANCE WEAPONRY THAT CAN SHRED A HUMAN BEING IN ONE SHOT WITH PERFECT PRECISION AND THINKING "hmm those guys should stand completely still in an open field taking turns shooting each other! this is exactly the kind of warfare 40k is trying to depict!"

    Just fricking play Dawn of War and beg for another rts in the same style

    • 9 months ago

      You seem mad, but honestly I mostly agree even as a 40k fan. I'd be happy with a proper Dawn of war 1 or 2 sequal rather than a forced Total warhammer 40k game.
      >combination of BF GA and DoW 2 with space battles defining what troops and support you get for the land battles.
      Stop i cant only get so erect.

      • 9 months ago

        I am mad, its a dumb statement and it constantly shits up every discussion about the games

    • 9 months ago

      >this is exactly the kind of warfare 40k is trying to depict!
      It's literally what is depicted in multiple rule books throughout multiple editions. 1000 points tabletop games are not the only scale of conflict in 40K.

    • 9 months ago

      I just want a modern Dawn of War 1 or even an RTS similar to Wargame could work pretty well for 40k.
      Line battles as depicted in the TW series wouldn't. The gameplay would have to be so different it wouldn't really be a traditional Total War outside of the turn-based campaign map and real time battles.

  11. 9 months ago

    >It's over isn't?
    In a perfect world yes
    Im sure morons will buy the DLC sadly

  12. 9 months ago

    40k Chaos game when?

  13. 9 months ago

    Anyone with half a brain should have seen this coming since the wiener DLC.

  14. 9 months ago

    Here's your flagship title's AI, kyodai.


    • 9 months ago

      Actually embarrassing.
      What this game could be vs what they are making it become is absolutely depressing

    • 9 months ago

      AI is just too busy using its big brain to calculate every possible situation possible.
      If it actually did anything the player would instantly lose so to be fair it does nothing.

    • 9 months ago

      This is my post

      >First Total War game
      >First Warhammer game
      >Everyone fricking hates it
      >I enjoy it

      I really hope this gets fixed. I found it annoying to have all my spells and artillery immediately dodged, but this is overkill.

    • 9 months ago

      >20 years since the very first total war came out
      >AI is still shit

      • 9 months ago

        The AI was better back then, unironically. Go look up some gameplay footage of Shogun 1 or Med 1. Cavalry will immediately break off and disengage if you rush spearmen into counter them.

        • 9 months ago

          I think the risk map really helped. Getting rid of that was a huge mistake which, admittedly, they didn't know at the time. But with all the new features I genuinely don't think the AI can keep up on the campaign map.

          The battle map is a different story, I don't know what the frick they do there besides stop hiring ESG plugs.

  15. 9 months ago

    Post the Beastmen webm.
    Do it, cowards.

  16. 9 months ago

    Describe your ideal Warhammer game.

    • 9 months ago

      Age of Reckoning 2 unironically. Failing that I'd like something with Tomb Kings

      >With a couple of archers, you could take down a Bloodthirster
      Tertiary detected

      On the one hand Battle Reports are hardly canon, but on the other it's pretty funny to imagine this happened and honestly I think they should make it canon.

      • 9 months ago

        IIRC a CA developer said in an interview that the TWWH devs are familiar with the "Belakor jobbed to Tiqtakto throwing rocks" battle report and regard it as canon at the office.

    • 9 months ago

      Remember the old realm of chaos rules expansion for 6e?
      That. A full simulation of that. With a single-player campaign, a randomized adventure mode and online multiplayer.
      I would of course much prefer a re-release of those rules for the actual tabletop game, but I'll take what I can get.
      Also, warhammer online 2.

      • 9 months ago

        I'd like a quality, GOTY tier RPG. I know it won't ever happen, but a man can dream.

        • 9 months ago

          I was really hoping inquisitor would be something along those lines and while I was also prepared for it to be a fairly stripped down ARPG diablo style game more than a baldurs gate style game, I had no idea how simplistic it would be. for a game that is 80 GB and 80 dollars with all the DLC I was really expecting a bit more but its just hours and hours of shooting demons in samey levels. psykers barely even get any spells and they all basically amount to 'explosions'

    • 9 months ago

      AoS Hitman clone where you play a chameleon skink assassinating people who threaten the plan.

    • 9 months ago

      Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders, but with Dragon Age Origins type character creation.

    • 9 months ago

      >Describe your ideal Warhammer game.

      The sound of bolter fire, 'For The Emprah!' being answered by 'Death To The False Emprah!', Dreadnoughts wrestling with daemons, charging khorne berserkers getting divebombed by an aeroplane, psykers smiting, assassins sniping, artillery duels in the backline, my primarch stomping your primarch with a big sledgehammer...the future looks bright, /twg/bros!

    • 9 months ago

      Dawn of War was perfect. That but in 2023 with every faction and updated graphics. Too bad people can't make RTS anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      Kingdom Come Deliverance, but it's Bretonnia.

    • 9 months ago

      just find a way to adapt AGP or something of a similar theme, probably as a Wasteland 2/3 style TRPG

    • 9 months ago

      Dark Age of Camelot, but Warhammer.
      >they already did that
      no they didnt tho. the warhammer mmo was really bad and it wasnt anything like the open world in DAOC.
      I want a classical MMORPG with factional/regional PvP as the primary focus. If they added some survival genre elements into it as well, that'd be cool.

      Kingdom Come Deliverance, but it's Bretonnia.

      This would be a grand game as well.

    • 9 months ago

      Frogger but Warhammer

    • 9 months ago

      1st & 3rd person Open world sandbox playing as Malus Darkblade where you can pick & customize what powers you have when activating Tz'arkan, sailing the whole warhammer fantasy world fighting each and every race & faction throughout the game

      • 9 months ago

        Holy FRICK, this looks so kino. Imagine if CA weren't completely fricking brain dead and tried to make a good game.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't trust any company in this day and age to be able to do the Warhammer IP justice, It's a Miracle Total war warhammer 2 managed be so good despite it's flaws. All we can do is Hope the modding community doesn't Abandon Warhammer 3 like CA wants to. I Still want the Vampire counts to get a Bloodline overhaul DLC I want Abhorash as a Legendary Lord

          • 9 months ago

            Don't know much about WH3 modding but I saw this the other day and holy SHIT, I wish CA would just retire and let modders do their stuff officially.

            • 9 months ago

              ive just been running the game with like 40 mods, should I just use grimhammer? is it that good? and yeah, the fact they havent added araby or estalia yet is probably just to spite cataph for making better FLC than them

              • 9 months ago

                don't bother. The modder is a total israelite Black person who refuses to update his mod unless enough people sub to his Patreon.

          • 9 months ago

            /twg/ modder recently implemented animation editor in asset editor tool. hopefully someone else also figured out how to edit the audio

    • 9 months ago

      total war warhammer, but:
      -infantry unit has captain, champion, musician, flagbearer
      -campaign is not plagued with buffstacks and cheesy mechanics
      -duel system
      -correct portrayal of tabletop rules
      -spearmans or any units with long reach weapons or rules can attack further in melee (aka extra rank)

      • 9 months ago

        If riflemen can form ranks and fire by volley, it would be all I need.

    • 9 months ago

      a game where I play as Tyberos the Red Wake where it's basically just Wack-A-Mole but with filthy heretics as the moles and my power fist as the hammer

    • 9 months ago

      For Fantasy I just want Total War but it plays like Shogun 2, for 40k I just want another good Dawn of War game

    • 9 months ago

      caesar 3/factorio style game where you run a forge world

    • 9 months ago

      Battlefield but instead of soldiers vs soldiers, its astra militarum / adeptus astartes / mechanicus / craftworld eldar vs genestealer cultists / dark eldar / necrons / csm/ orks

  17. 9 months ago

    >late TWW2 was great and the perfect sandbox experience
    >all TWW3 needed was to expand the map, add new factions and fix some shit like diplomacy and sieges
    >completely fricked the optimization, changed the UI and made it worse, barebones terrible starting factions, focused on an annoying streamlined campaign instead of the sandbox and somewhat managed to make sieges even more dogshit
    I bought this crap on day 1 and got completely fricked. Never giving another cent to CA ever again.

    • 9 months ago

      you forgot
      >killed the emprie campaign with all the shit you have to dealt now

  18. 9 months ago

    >First Total War game
    >First Warhammer game
    >Everyone fricking hates it
    >I enjoy it

    • 9 months ago

      Play the older total war games.

      • 9 months ago

        I've tried Shogun 2 and 3 Kingdoms but they weren't too interesting to me.
        They all seem like red vs blue with the same units on all sides. I like the fantasy aspect of this game.

        • 9 months ago

          Coming from the older games Warhammer to me feels like a cashgrab with a lot of corners cut. Gunpowder troops shouldn't arc their shots in the air like they're archers but yet in WHTW they do. There's no reload animations either almost 7 years after the first game was released.

          I really don't give a shit about the monsters and magic when dogs act more like cavalry do in the older games than cavalry does in WHTW.

          • 9 months ago

            As someone new to the franchise, a lot of that is lost on me. I'm incredibly bad at the game and just enjoy how fantastical and colorful the world and factions are.
            Trying Shogun 2 / 3k put me to sleep after one battle. I'll try them again, there HAS to be a reason they're so highly regarded.

            • 9 months ago

              not that anon, but if you like fantasy then there is the Third Age mod for Medieval II

            • 9 months ago

              >There HAS to be a reason they're so highly regarded.
              Total war was about simulating historical battles using the period accurate tactics. Terrain, elevation, weather all played major important factors from the very first game in 2000. They shouldn't even WHTW a TW game at this point. It's so far divorced from its roots.

              I put like 400 hours into WH1 and another 300 into WH2 and I just don't think there's any depth to these games at all that will keep people playing them for another 20 years like people do for Rome 1 or Medieval 2.

            • 9 months ago

              I never played 3k, but Shogun's biggest appeal is how impactful playing strategically is. The game is very symmetrical with most factions sharing the same units, yes, but how battles play out is extremely varied because things like terrain, unit positioning, and how generals are used matter a lot. It's also a much more methodical game than something like Warhammer, which plays pretty fast by comparison.

              • 9 months ago

                Shogun 2 played pretty fast too. I would argue there is more variety in your battlefield toolbox in Shogun 2 than there is in Warhammer. There is no Kisho Ninja equivalent, no Odachi samurai equivalent that can change the tide of a melee with a proper charge.

                Combat moves both too fast and too slow in warhammer. Seeing a big chunky hitpoint bar drain slowly with units just kind of floating together doesn't feel anywhere near as satisfying as Katana Samurai chopping their way through eachother.

                Fall of the Samurai also has better gunpowder and artillery in it than anything else in the series. It's really pathetic that CA hasn't been able to top themselves from a decade ago with firearms and artillery.

              • 9 months ago

                It's maybe fast compared to older games, but I'm judging it by modern TW standards. There were many times in my harder difficulty playthroughs of Shogun 2 where I would spend minutes just posturing armies, getting into position and trying to claim hills before the enemy army without any actual combat happening.
                That sort of thing rarely happens for me in Warhammer unless I'm at a huge disadvantage, the battles are almost always straight to business right away.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh yeah I get what you mean with unit positioning. Warhammer is just a card battle game at this point where people see who brought what to the big dumb melee.

              • 9 months ago

                thats what it was
                thanks anon
                i always wondered why the battles in WH didnt feel right
                shits way too slow
                you spend the first 10min dying of old age waiting for the 2 armies to close the distance, then another 20min watching them gradually hack at each other until one side finally dies

                It's maybe fast compared to older games, but I'm judging it by modern TW standards. There were many times in my harder difficulty playthroughs of Shogun 2 where I would spend minutes just posturing armies, getting into position and trying to claim hills before the enemy army without any actual combat happening.
                That sort of thing rarely happens for me in Warhammer unless I'm at a huge disadvantage, the battles are almost always straight to business right away.

                >There were many times in my harder difficulty playthroughs of Shogun 2 where I would spend minutes just posturing armies, getting into position and trying to claim hills before the enemy army without any actual combat happening.
                and this is a good thing and exactly why people play the TW series
                problem with all the TW games after Shogun 2 is they stink of trying to appeal to casualgays and normalgays

              • 9 months ago

                you can speed it up vs AI.
                But yes, this is why I dont play online. It's bad enough to get hit with meme tactics and cheese tactics, but then to have to sit for half an hour on top of it. It sucks and it needs to go faster.
                Even in table top a combat between two units is often decided in one turn, two at most, before a rout.

                It's very checkers like that, and its closer to reality as the original GW game designers were into historical battles, in which units didnt stay long in melee's

              • 9 months ago

                >but Shogun's biggest appeal is how impactful playing strategically is
                also for me its the Ninja cutscenes, hands down best part of any TW game
                their biggest failure as a company was not having these in pretty much every other game

            • 9 months ago

              It took me a while to get into Shogun 2, try fall of the samurai first and if you like that go back into the base game

            • 9 months ago

              Seconding Fall of the Samurai as the differences between the two "main" faction groupings (Emperor vs Shogun) are much more significant than between the factions in Shogun 2's base game and Rise of the Samurai. If you want varied units then unironically consider Empire as you have
              >Native Americans
              >Indians (from India)
              Or Rome 1 if you don't mind playing older games. Medieval 2 also has decent unit variety between factions, but again it's a bit dated compared to Empire onwards. Just pirate them if you're worried about wasting money

    • 9 months ago

      The game is good because of the old stuff being a solid base, but anyone who has been playing for a while can see a steep decline in good will and quality from them.

  19. 9 months ago

    Yes, CA management is moronic. They potentially have years worth of more DLC they could do for comparatively minor investment but instead they choose to do less than minimal and hamstring the DLC team's efforts.

  20. 9 months ago

    This game made me obsess over Warhammer Fantasy and I sunk nearly 3k hours in Wh2. And a majority of that has been without mods. WH3 has been a constant struggle to enjoy. I'm not sure I've made it past turn 50 in any campaign I've tried. The worst part is how the chaos dwarfs seemingly tanked the game's performance. They fixed the UI lag, but it runs on ultra way worse than before. Range units going into melee or refusing to shoot has been the most frustrating bugs in battle and it's still not fixed without mods

  21. 9 months ago

    What's bad about it? Haven't been keeping up, I saw people complain about the campaign in the past but isn't immortal empires out now?

  22. 9 months ago

    Do anons think they'll cave in and lower the price - and once Pharaoh and Hyenas fail expand the team working on WHIII?
    What choice do they have?

    • 9 months ago

      They can't cave because then fans will try to pressure them every time due to precedence of it working once.
      The best you can hope for is a lower price for Thrones of Decay, but Shadows of Change is not changing price.

    • 9 months ago

      The price will never be lowered. At best, they'll add more content in response to this massive backlash. But dlc is never going below $20 again.

      • 9 months ago

        this is crazy we've gotten to this point. I mean 20 bucks used to be expansion type money. now it gets you one new faction, a couple new legendary lords and regiments of renown. that's just not that much content.

    • 9 months ago

      >Do anons think they'll cave in and lower the price
      Never ever, not because they would lose money, they would probably recover some, but because it sets a terrifying precedent that the community is allowed to make demands.
      This is a big no no for the suits who fear being held accountable by their customers.
      They will probably put a decent discount on it on christmas sales and hope it blows over.

    • 9 months ago

      The best you will get is a bigger sale but they cant lower the price, people already paid for it and they arent going to go through refunds.

    • 9 months ago

      Corpo suits would rather pull the plug and run off to another company before lowering a shameless price hike.

    • 9 months ago

      >Do anons think they'll cave in and lower the price
      all 3 games are still $99.99 and they're well over 6 years old at this point
      they'll never lower because they know that warhammergays will gladly pay it
      warhammergays have so much brain damage from huffing paint fumes that they think dropping $600 on a video game is a good deal compared to buying a few hundred $100 pieces of plastic to play dress up dolls on

  23. 9 months ago

    I know dooming is the only thing that gets dicks hard on Ganker but honestly, the new dlc looks fun. Ive been wanting new units for Kislev and Cathay since launch, itll be good to have them and the Hag looks fun to play.

    • 9 months ago

      >the new dlc looks fun
      it does, but not 25 bucks levels of fun
      >just pirate
      I will, but I would like the franchise to not go down the shitter so I also hope they reconsider this practice

      • 9 months ago

        I guess im just in a place where another 40+ hours of my time is worth 25 bucks. Im not thrilled its 25 bucks mind you, but im just not cosmically butthurt about it as most people seem to be. Especially odd to me in a place where everyone pirates as a point of pride.

        • 9 months ago

          >Especially odd to me in a place where everyone pirates as a point of pride
          If they do moronic shit like this they stop making good money
          If they stop making good money they stop making new shit
          If they stop making new shit I don't have anytning to pirate
          Also there is also the issue that the AI is dogshit and some stuff has been bugged for months.

          • 9 months ago

            I would be surprised if they lose any money from this. At worst they would break even to what they would usually make, which even that im skeptical about.

            • 9 months ago

              >At worst they would break even to what they would usually make
              An absolutely terrible outcome, as the bad reviews pile up, the good will is gone, overall their long term profits have been halved over absolutely 0 short term profits.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't care anyway as I haven't paid for any TW3 DLC (because it's worse than TW2), but I can understand people saying
          >Please don't let them normalise this price point
          Because it's never ever going to decrease and they're never ever going to put in more effort than they have to. You're just encouraging them to be homosexuals who put in less effort if you buy this DLC, much like everyone who paid for online multiplayer on console (which is now the norm, yay) or the Oblivion horse armor DLC.

          • 9 months ago

            I fought the online multiplayer on console for years and all my homosexual friends kept saying "its not that much money dude, just convince your parents its like another electrical bill"
            thats the kind of people shilling for this. I know


            A N Y O N E

            Who is in this thread saying things like:

            -It's not that bad
            -IM having fun
            -Imagine being this entitled
            -They've already given us so much
            -I'm still going to buy it

            etc. etc. is a fricking PAID MARKETER from CA or Sega and you need to report them and call them a HUGE Black person homosexual immediately. These Black person agents have been deployed on reddit and Ganker for over a YEAR now trying to shift, slide, and spread bullshit about this game to pump up sales and enough of the Black personcattle have finally woken up and started criticizing this bullshit. They're in THIS THREAD too, report them.

            BUY AN AD Black person.


            is still based for calling out the Black person homosexuals but there are genuinely a good amount of people that are just spoiled losers with rich parents who still make their mommy pay for their wow subscription. they are single-handedly ruining video games

        • 9 months ago

          I agree from the perspective that yeah it is silly you can get hours of game time from a DLC and pay less for it than you would paying for a meal at Applebees for two. But frick it, bullying companies is cool.

          • 9 months ago

            Trans btw

            • 9 months ago

              >boycotts bud light
              >burns his nike shoes
              >review bombs little mermaid

              • 9 months ago

                >don’t drink
                >don’t wear sneakers
                >don’t watch movies
                all wrong just like your self image

  24. 9 months ago

    >make a kislev baba yaga character whose job is to viciously defend kislev's territory from the forests
    >put her start position in fricking Naggarond

    • 9 months ago

      Way ahead of you, brah...I was mindbroken way back when they put Khatep in Naggarond, and Grombrindal was the final blow in my slow descent into madness.

    • 9 months ago

      Did they really?

    • 9 months ago

      But should she really be crammed into Kislev with the other lords? It's cramped around there as it is. I always end up playing Katarin anyways

      • 9 months ago

        I think it would be fine since the trailer implies she gets tricked by The Changeling into aggressing Katarin/Kostaltyn. It's not like you'd have to have 3 friendly factions right on top of each other without any infigting. I mean, look at how packed in the Chorfs are

      • 9 months ago

        dosent matter
        thy made kislev look like fricking shit for no reason

        • 9 months ago

          The motherland mod fixes that. Sorta. Not a fan of all the gold on some units, but the tzar guards look sweet

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah I really wish they went for a more grimslav look and not this homosexual furbear shit, thats what ruined space wolves

      • 9 months ago

        Kislev shouldn’t have more than 2 lords to begin with. They literally only exist to give chaos wins without destroying the empire.

    • 9 months ago

      >Alberic de Bourdeloux
      >Doesn't start in Bourdeloux
      >The Chevaliers de Lyonesse
      >Doesn't start in Lyonesse
      It's obvious they're just doing another 'and then they got posted to the other side of the world to deal with a foreign threat' crusade start, which ultimately makes the regions more fun

      Does nobody remember early TWW2 when Dark Elves and High Elves had basically an entire continent to themselves and the first 50 turns were basically nothing but confederation and steamrolling minor factions?

      • 9 months ago

        No one really minds when LLs have odd start positions provided there is even some minor lore justification, i.e. crusades, waaghs, historically relevant rivalry, etc. Ostankya starting over in DE land makes no sense given her entire focus is on the land and forests of Kislev. Even with her being able to forest hop like Wood Elves it doesn't make sense even if that will potentially give her an early move to Kislev.

        • 9 months ago

          You know for certain she doesn't have any justification for being there? I didn't buy it or get early access like you but I would've imagined that the reasoning would've been that she needs to travel the world's forests looking for rare ingredients to collect for hexes and her final ritual

          • 9 months ago

            She starts near kislev in RoC which is the story mode.
            In IE she starts there and since there is no story in IE this means her placement is compltely unjustified.

          • 9 months ago

            The only logical explanation is not a lore one but a gameplay one
            She uses magical forests for some of her mechanics like wood elves, and Morathi (a huge source of corruption) is nearby.

  25. 9 months ago

    >40K outlives warhammer fantasy

  26. 9 months ago


    A N Y O N E

    Who is in this thread saying things like:

    -It's not that bad
    -IM having fun
    -Imagine being this entitled
    -They've already given us so much
    -I'm still going to buy it

    etc. etc. is a fricking PAID MARKETER from CA or Sega and you need to report them and call them a HUGE Black person homosexual immediately. These Black person agents have been deployed on reddit and Ganker for over a YEAR now trying to shift, slide, and spread bullshit about this game to pump up sales and enough of the Black personcattle have finally woken up and started criticizing this bullshit. They're in THIS THREAD too, report them.

    BUY AN AD Black person.


    • 9 months ago

      Nah, I have made several posts complaining about the new DLC but I genuinely think some stuff is not THAT bad and I can totally see why someone new to total war might be just enjoying his time.

      • 9 months ago

        BUY AN AD Black person

        then have a nice day

    • 9 months ago

      This place is not a replacement for your schizo meds.

    • 9 months ago

      It's funny watching the TW subreddit slowly turn on their overlords but it's still too little too late. You'd figure they would've learned their lesson with Warhammer 3's launch.

      CA's replaced their core TW demographic with warhammer fanboys that don't give a shit about anything that isn't warhammer. I like warhammer as well but not at the expense of actual historical TW titles.

      • 9 months ago

        Historical fans are way more autistic than Fantasy. Like by a wide margin. They've gotten screwed over sure, but it's clearly sour grapes post WH2. They never recovered from Thrones of Britannia

        • 9 months ago

          Autistic how? Wanting an actual good game?

          I never recovered from Rome 2's actually. The well was poisoned from that point on. I had zero interest in Atilla, 3k, Pharaoh, Thrones or Troy. Warhammer 1/2 were fun but lazy.

          Pharaoh will be a half-assed "historical" game nobody cares about and when it flops they'll point to it and say "see? Historical fanboys didn't even play it". It just looks like an expansion to Troy.

          • 9 months ago

            Rome 2's launch*. Rome 2 Total War destroyed a lot of goodwill within the TW community.

      • 9 months ago

        >I like warhammer as well but not at the expense of actual historical TW titles.
        same. I am happy to have WHTW esp bcz it means i will never need to worry about tabletop again, but i also care about historical and i hate how the suits have thrown that out.

        Autistic how? Wanting an actual good game?

        I never recovered from Rome 2's actually. The well was poisoned from that point on. I had zero interest in Atilla, 3k, Pharaoh, Thrones or Troy. Warhammer 1/2 were fun but lazy.

        Pharaoh will be a half-assed "historical" game nobody cares about and when it flops they'll point to it and say "see? Historical fanboys didn't even play it". It just looks like an expansion to Troy.

        >I never recovered from Rome 2's actually.
        also same. WHTW is literally the only thing that brought me back because i desperately wanted a replacement for the retired fantasy tabletop.

    • 9 months ago

      >anyone that says anything that I don't agree with

      you need to take them meds son.

      • 9 months ago

        So you upset no one cared about your posts in the BG3 threads? Dont worry, Armored Core comes out tomorrow, you can be a moron in those threads.

        Explain the broken ass AI posted in this thread alone

        Explain the laundry list of bugs that only gets bigger with EVERY "patch"

        Explain the price hike

        and do all of that without abusing the "le fun" card. If you can't do that you need to get the frick out of this thread you gigantic shill Black folk

        • 9 months ago

          Explain your schizo posting outside of being off your meds.

          • 9 months ago

            I accept your concession troonymarketer, enjoy losing your """"""""job"""""""" after hyenas flops

      • 9 months ago

        youre right, he is a schizo and youre not a paid shill, youre just a buckbroken homosexual. a literal cuckold whose ancestors probably only survived the dark ages by bartering their youngest females. you are a weak link and the death of heroism in humanity. 2000 years ago your people were slaves

    • 9 months ago

      So you upset no one cared about your posts in the BG3 threads? Dont worry, Armored Core comes out tomorrow, you can be a moron in those threads.

    • 9 months ago

      True, although you need to understand that Warhammer fans are cucks and they have no problems with paying any amount of money just to play with toys.

  27. 9 months ago

    All I want is empire 2 with the scale of immortal empires and no stupid shit like le 1 province france. But instead we will get more bronze age shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Never happening hisbro.
      I've been a historygay since the begging but after TWW I can't go back to spearmannii v spearmannii...

    • 9 months ago

      Its funny to me Im old enough to remember when everyone in the TW community fricking despised the Empire games because gun line wars were seen as an abomination.

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't like empire at all. The engine felt terrible and we've been stuck with it ever since.

    • 9 months ago

      They'd frick it up and give you the Warhammer Handgunner peashooter longbows instead of Fall of the Samurai tier gunpowder.

      Also no naval battles either, remember when WH2gays were expecting those for the game? lmao

      Pharaoh is going to flop. This shit already looks so boring. If there's one thing people DON'T find fascinating about ancient Egypt it's the fricking battles. This is going to be the dullest spearmanii shit yet.

      Just a cashgrab out of a glorified Troy expansion they pawned off to Bulgarians. Even the youtube shills have nothing good to say about it.

      • 9 months ago

        >remember when WH2gays were expecting those for the game?
        I don't remember anyone expecting anything of the sort, since there's no fricking way to make naval battles while at the same time still use all the unique units, monsters, character mounts and so on.

      • 9 months ago

        >remember when WH2gays were expecting those for the game?
        I don't remember anyone expecting anything of the sort, since there's no fricking way to make naval battles while at the same time still use all the unique units, monsters, character mounts and so on.

        Naval units were planned for Warhammer 1 but were scrapped because Warhammer naval battles are a separate IP from the rest of it
        CA would have had to bought and maintained the rights to Man 'o' War Corsair as well as the rights to the standard Warhammer Fantasy
        The ships you see when embarking your units would have been the basis for each faction's naval units
        Album of naval unit icons: https://imgur.com/a/fjAjA

        • 9 months ago

          Such a piece of shit you can't even buy it.

          • 9 months ago

            It's because the devs stopped paying GW for the license. This actually happens to most Warhammer games after long enough because GW stands for Greedy israelite

            • 9 months ago

              Uhh guys can total war warhammer also end up discontinued and removed from steam if CA doesn't pay their licensing fee? Will we end up losing the game and unable to play the game we paid for from our libraries?

              • 9 months ago

                Yes it genuinely could and might
                If you own the game you can still play it but nobody will be able to buy it ever again, if you lose your Steam account you're fricked

              • 9 months ago

                If you bought the game on steam you can play it, just no one else can buy it after it was removed from the store. And you probably can't play MP but no one cares about that.

                Damn. It seems a likely scenario as CA doesnt seem to be pleased with the licensing costs or their association with GW.

              • 9 months ago

                If you bought the game on steam you can play it, just no one else can buy it after it was removed from the store. And you probably can't play MP but no one cares about that.

          • 9 months ago

            Corsair was a fun game but janky as frick. No idea why they ended up taking it off Steam though. Unless GW probably got frickey with license renewal demands.

    • 9 months ago

      >scale of immortal
      frick that
      the scale of EU4

      Its funny to me Im old enough to remember when everyone in the TW community fricking despised the Empire games because gun line wars were seen as an abomination.

      I didn't like empire at all. The engine felt terrible and we've been stuck with it ever since.

      FotS showed my they are, or at least were, more than capable of doing line warfare and naval battles right

    • 9 months ago

      i just want an actual bronze age good PROPER TW game and not mobile tier shit

  28. 9 months ago

    it actually is over since I have been the biggest payhomosexual for this game since it came out in 2016 and not only am i not getting this dlc i uninstalled the game since it's obvious it's never going to get better. i'm basically their main paypig target and i'm completely 100% out

    • 9 months ago

      >it actually is over since I have been the biggest payhomosexual for this game since it came out in 2016 and not only am i not getting this dlc i uninstalled the game since it's obvious it's never going to get better. i'm basically their main paypig target and i'm completely 100% out
      Same. the pricing is ridiculous. I would buy each DLC at release, I havent bought since 3 launched because of how shit and lazy theyve been about it all. It's a real insult tbh.
      I'll wait to see when they finish and maybe buy all the DLC im missing on a deep sale in a few years, but Id rather play warhammer2 than this pile of shit. At least 2 has great mods that wont be broken thru constant updates.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, I bought almost every DLC as well but on this one I'm out. I never regretted paying for DLC for TWWH since I got plenty of enjoyment out of the games but this shit is just too much.

  29. 9 months ago

    Pharaoh is going to flop. This shit already looks so boring. If there's one thing people DON'T find fascinating about ancient Egypt it's the fricking battles. This is going to be the dullest spearmanii shit yet.

  30. 9 months ago

    troony Black folk are moronic
    that is all

  31. 9 months ago

    I love how you gusy think CA had a choice
    >Uh moshi moshi CA-san We see ovarwash maku activrision many dorra if you make us ovarwash we make many dorra too
    >Mr Sega please Blizzard is a massive company they had 10 years to make overwatch we're profitable why not let us exists in our neice
    >Ah this is being most grevious new CA san you see many apologies but we must do corporate restructuring to maintain profits for shaar hodras, you understand CA san only with ovarwash dorra can we avoid such upleasetn outcome...
    >Yes Mr Sega...

    • 9 months ago

      >let us exists in our neice
      The ol' birmingham slip

  32. 9 months ago

    I hurt myself... today...

    • 9 months ago

      God the fact we actually brought the overall reviews (40,000 a month ago, 55,000 now) from very good to mixed in a matter of a few days is genuinely impressive
      keep going until its overall review is negative

      • 9 months ago

        >keep going until its overall review is negative
        That's almost impossible. I don't know what they have to do in order for that to happen, something like saying that all people who didn't buy the new DLC are sexist, racist and transphobic or something.

  33. 9 months ago

    I can't wrap my head around how CA has done nothing but spit at it's customers for years and for some reason people still think that WHIII, or any future title, can be immune to the 3K Treatment. CA is entirely morphed into Modern Corporate Entity at this point and should be considered no different than EA, Ubisoft, or similar. I do not like saying it. But it is true.

    • 9 months ago

      >still think that WHIII, or any future title, can be immune to the 3K Treatment
      WH3 is immune to being cancelled because it's the only thing keeping the company alive. If they cancel it - they are dead as FRICK.

      • 9 months ago

        Surely they've received enough Pharaoh preorders to float the company for a few years?

        • 9 months ago

          They spent a billion dollars on hyenas, no amount of we wuz can stop it

          • 9 months ago

            That's mostly SEGA money. Doesn't mean they won't get executed over it though.

  34. 9 months ago

    I'm not too sad.
    I've gotten 8 years worth of fun from these games.

  35. 9 months ago

    Every Total War has been the same game since Rome 2.

    It's amazing they've managed to milk the same cow for 10 years and even sold the literal exact same game 3 times.

    I hope nobody is excited to shift drag stacks of spearmanii and flank with spearmanii and put your ranged spearmanii behind your melee spearmanii like you've been doing for 20 years

    • 9 months ago

      you mean rome 1? i remember rams being fricked even back then

  36. 9 months ago

    Since it is pretty much confirmed that next dlc is tamurkhan vs elspeth. We will be probably getting an elemental incarnate of death. Lore wise is death magic even good against nurgle?

    • 9 months ago

      Fire is good against nurgle healing. The only good death spell is spirit leech.

    • 9 months ago

      >confirmed that next dlc is tamurkhan vs elspeth
      what ? when ?

    • 9 months ago

      the next dlc is nurgle-empire-dwarves

      • 9 months ago

        >General Campaign AI improvement
        >Ongoing Settlement Battle improvement
        25$ BTW

        • 9 months ago

          They did update the AI though. Not sure about settlement battles.

          • 9 months ago

            They didn't though.

            • 9 months ago


              Not really
              The upcoming patch makes them a tiny bit less AIDs by lowering the number of capture points apparently

              . Also, they changed relation values for AI in campaign so that certain factions don't get wiped by their neighbours and made battle AI more moronic than before

              • 9 months ago

                >Chud, don't you know they removed a capture point? This will make sieges better because............ Uhhhhhh........ Because.......... Well........... Because removing content is good, I don't know, STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!

              • 9 months ago

                It makes sieges better because there is now only one single main capture point that you have to defend, all the other capture points are optional.
                It means defending against large armies is actually possible without having 60 units involved in the defense, there's a single main plaza that must be defended at all costs and you can't simply lose the siege because the center of town was captured. The enemy has to capture your actual stronghold in the back of the siege map.

                Where did it go wrong? Was the Warhammer vision always doomed?

                Pure greed
                CA pulled away the vast majority of their dev team to work on Hyenas, leaving only 20 people to maintain and make content for Warhammer.
                Then, on top of everything else, they hiked up the prices by more than double for no reason while also releasing much less free content.

              • 9 months ago

                its not lowering the amount of content at all its just changing one of the two capture points in siege maps to side objectives
                players have been begging for this change since the game launched because the double capture point is cancer

      • 9 months ago

        Elspeth is Empire, anon.

      • 9 months ago

        moron kun. Tamurkhan is from nurgle side and Elspeth from empire.

      • 9 months ago

        >campaign AI improvements
        It has been proven, by code-diving modders, that there have been no campaign AI improvements since the big performance boost in TWWH2 because all NPC factions now use one and the same AI
        I'd ask who they're trying to fool but of course they're trying to fool normies who don't look into dev promises in the first place

    • 9 months ago

      >elemental incarnate of death
      Or it could be elemental incarnate of fire. They all cool as frick though. I still think the empire wizards (maybe atleast the Balthazar gelt faction) should be able to recruit all three elemental incarnate types as per lore.

    • 9 months ago

      Nurgle is shit by himself. Literally the weakest chaos faction

      • 9 months ago

        >This meme again
        Ku'gath outduels Skarbrand and N'kari and Nurgle marks no long lower unit speed
        Nurgle chosen greatweapons are the strongest infantry units in the game vs other infantry
        Lore of Nurgle has the best healing in the game

  37. 9 months ago

    Miss me with this shit, Changeling looks fun

    • 9 months ago

      it's impossible to lose as Changeling because he is unable to be attacked

      the only way the AI version dies is by throwing battles with no cults

      • 9 months ago

        Can't he still be spotted if there's an army / agent close enough? Just like beastmemes who are camped are invisible, unless they get spotted.

        • 9 months ago

          If a Changeling army is in an area where the city has a cult, then he's treated as being in ambush stance at all times with 0% detection rate but 0% ambush chance. An army can still move into his sphere of influence and it'll trigger an interception battle that the Changeling may accept or decline.

  38. 9 months ago

    >Our game is being criticized for being too easy
    >Hmmmm..... How about we make a LL that literally can't fricking lose and costs 25$?

    • 9 months ago

      If the LL makes it hard then people, complain that he is too underpowered and not worth it. If the LL makes it easy, people complain that he is OP. It's almost impossible to make a unique and balanced LL with such huge number of factions.

      • 9 months ago

        >If the LL makes it hard then people, complain that he is too underpowered and not worth it
        Shit that has never happened.

        • 9 months ago

          Oxotyl's dlc wouldn't have sold well if it didn't have the brass bull.

          • 9 months ago

            Oxotyl is bad, because his mechanics are boring as FRICK, not because he's weak.

            • 9 months ago

              >not because he's weak
              Man, oxotyl is shit. I've never seen one(1) person use him in multiplayer even as a meme.

        • 9 months ago

          Oxotyl's dlc wouldn't have sold well if it didn't have the brass bull.

          exactly. Oxotyl fricking sucks in combat, like it takes him forever to kill a SEM even though he shoots 3 times. That or the characters with range weapons sucks because CA didn't even bother to fix them.

          • 9 months ago

            >characters with range weapons sucks because CA didn't even bother to fix them
            Actually there was once a character with a ranged weapon that didn't suck ass. The multiplayer community made the forums and reddit unusable with their actual, incessant, 24/7 crying until he was gutted to the ground.

          • 9 months ago

            >even though he shoots 3 times
            I haven't played him myself (LZM are boring as frick), but if you're talking about a blunderbuss-style effect like the Gunnery Wights get then it's actually a nerf to shoot three shots unless they all do full damage because they come with accuracy penalties that mean you're usually only hitting 33% or 66% of your real damage

            >That or the characters with range weapons sucks
            Gunnery Wights and Luthor Harkon are actually really good. So are the WE Sisters but they're pretty much designed to be OP.

  39. 9 months ago

    >IE trailers shows the alliance of Order against Chaos
    Meanwhile, in the game:
    >There is no Chaos Invasion Late Game Crisis like in WH2

    • 9 months ago

      As I recall they were planning to revamp chaos undivided and the invasion as one of the first things post release, then the focus changed to hyenas and the dlc became this sporadic mess.

  40. 9 months ago

    At least his animations are good even if there's vore.

    • 9 months ago

      They are good BECAUSE of it, not in spite of it. Now get in.

      • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      are half of his attacks hitting the infantry instead of knocking them off and do no damage?

  41. 9 months ago

    warhammergays will spend hundreds on 10 tiny low quality, colorless figurines, they will eat this shit up

  42. 9 months ago

    you got 7 years of Total War
    that's as long as than the span from Medieval 2 to Rome 2
    be glad it existed for that long

  43. 9 months ago

    let's be all honest here
    volound won

    • 9 months ago

      But at what cost?

    • 9 months ago

      >t. volound

  44. 9 months ago

    as a newbie that doesn't care about the price of the dlc skyrocketing, is it better to get TWW2 or TWW3

    • 9 months ago

      The best thing to do is get whatever you need to get the full immortal empires, that might mean all 3 base games idk. dlc's you can pick and choose after a while because any of the base games have 100 hours of content.

      • 9 months ago

        You don't need three games to get IE.

        • 9 months ago

          You can't play base factions of 1 and 2 If you don't get those games.

          • 9 months ago

            Uhm hey sir, I'm here with the goalposts, where do you want them moved?

  45. 9 months ago

    What happened
    I don't play Total War but I was hoping Fantasy's success in video games would get me an rpg one day

    • 9 months ago

      Literally nothing. CA introduced the usual DLC and for some reason paypiggies choose now to throw a temper tantrum over the price despite the fact that the entire TW:WH series has been a cash crop.

      • 9 months ago

        This DLC costs 2,5 times more for no fricking reason, troony.

        • 9 months ago

          >no fricking reason
          >inflation? never heard of it

          • 9 months ago

            >Ehm.... Chud? Don't you know that inflation is 150 fricking % now?

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Inflation is not 150%, moron.

              • 9 months ago

                You're right, it's more like 500% judging from the price of eggs.

              • 9 months ago

                uhh don't you know chud? the fed uses SuperCore™ inflation now, which excludes those silly volatile things like food, water, electricity, and housing. No, you don't need to know how much the price on those is changing.

              • 9 months ago

                Move out of California

          • 9 months ago

            ? never heard of it
            >market growth? never heard of it
            If my production costs increase by 100% but my sales increase by 1000%, I won't suddenly charge double you stupid fricking troglodyte

          • 9 months ago

            Even adjusting for inflation, CA made a 24% increase to profits from 2021 to 2022.

            • 9 months ago

              CA also increased their employee count by 300%. Someone's got to pay all their community managers and influence relations managers.

              • 9 months ago

                >Every Community Manager who's left the company in recent years, does nothing bit shit talk the higher ups.
                It's almost impressive how they managed to piss off all their ex social staff.

              • 9 months ago

                Lel. They have a gender pay report in their website lol. Since when has that been statutory. ESG is the cancer that is going to make corporate even worse. The world is going to the dogs.

              • 9 months ago

                >CA also increased their employee count by 300%
                That's what we call mismanagement
                Usually, companies with integrity (not many around anymore) fix their internal issues before trying to squeeze more out of customers

    • 9 months ago

      3 in general has been mismanaged for a long time. It released in a sorry, buggy state (granted this is every Total War now) with a narrative campaign that no one cared about and Chaos stretched into four separate factions with serious roster issues. Players then had to wait over half a year for the sandbox campaign everyone bought the for, and it was only released in beta state alongside a lord pack for Warriors of Chaos which was more expensive than previous lord packs with the excuse that it contained 2 instead of 4 LLs and more units, but I'm actuality there was only 1 completely new unit with the rest being reskins and the lords had recycled campaign mechanics from the Chaps factions. The roadmap they released before Immortal Empires was also a major dissapointment, since it was pretty much just patches that touted basic fixes like replenishment for 3's base game factions as a major feature.

      Then after IE we got months of radio silence followed by Immortal Empires release trailer and Chaos Dwarf teaser. Immortal Empires came out of beta, despite them barely fixing any bugs, and while Chaos Dwarfs are fun, their mechanics are for the most parts recycled from other factions and the DLC was more expensive than any previous DLC while having 1 less lord than a lord pack in TWW2. Then we had months of radio silence with a new roadmap being constantly delayed, until we finally got it and it was actually finally promising. Then they shit on that hype by revealing that the latest DLC would be priced the same as the Chaps Dwarf DLC while barely offering more content than a lord pack in 2 when you count the free content that came along with them.

  46. 9 months ago

    >3 games since 2016
    >tons of DLC
    >short term

    Wait 10 years for remastered versions of both base games and DLC sold separately

  47. 9 months ago

    Well, it depends. I doubt they'll back off on this current DLC, but they may back off on future content. We shall see.

  48. 9 months ago

    >Make Hyena
    >Join the ACK

  49. 9 months ago

    Did they ever fix sieges and city fights?

    • 9 months ago

      Not really
      The upcoming patch makes them a tiny bit less AIDs by lowering the number of capture points apparently

    • 9 months ago

      No, they are making them worse with every patch.

  50. 9 months ago

    Where did it go wrong? Was the Warhammer vision always doomed?

    • 9 months ago

      Greed and incompetency.

    • 9 months ago

      warscape engine, it was doomed from the start

    • 9 months ago

      TWW3 launch. The main dev team don't know what they are doing or what makes the game fun. The DLC found their stride during the 2nd half of the TWW2 DLC cycle and were doing great. But then TWW3 happened and was all sorts of fricked up and then dumped onto the DLC team to unfrick. On top of their existing work of trying to make DLCs for the game. Doesn't help that they literally only get one guy to work on bugs, and CA insists on only patching with DLC updates anyway. It is genuinely fricking baffling how badly CA treats this game given it appeared to be a license to print money for a long time. Nor does it make sense for them the make veiled threats about dropping it since they have nothing to immediately fall back on, especially once HYENAS launches and bombs.

  51. 9 months ago

    i know now y'all pretend as if you've always been against this game, but you were cheering on it just a month ago
    a few of us warned you, volound warned you and you mocked him

  52. 9 months ago

    volound was right kek, enjoy hyenas

    • 9 months ago

      He's laughing at us...HE'S LAUGHING AT US

  53. 9 months ago

    My favourite game is Shogun 2 especially FotS

  54. 9 months ago

    Volound thinks GW are fascists cuz he saw a God Emperor Trump meme lol

  55. 9 months ago

    I feel like I'm burned out on TW WH, put in 2k and more hours into WH2, but barely 150 in WH3, just feels so... lackluster?

    Bros I think it's time for Medieval 3.

    • 9 months ago

      WH3 is shit.

      • 9 months ago

        I think you're right, feels like shit, especially AI, actual brainrot

        Not happening. Crusades are a non-starter.

        Too many trannies and Black folk work at CA, a medieval period is probably "problematic" for them and their views, we are more likely to get a TW Black person Kingdoms of Africa before they ever think about Medieval 3.

        • 9 months ago

          >a TW Black person Kingdoms of Africa before they ever think about Medieval 3.
          no because it doesn't sell
          we'll get medieval 3 with 90% of the general and units being Blacks, females and troons

          • 9 months ago

            Agreed, but when you look at the absolute garbage they are making, which will be DOA, idk if they really care about selling

    • 9 months ago

      Not happening. Crusades are a non-starter.

    • 9 months ago

      Because TWW3 was made by the main dev team who didn't know what the frick they were doing and didn't care. And the DLC team has only now gotten around to doing a DLC that affects base game factions. Unfortunately because it appears they have been given frick all resources there is minimal unfricking of either Cathay, Kislev, or Tzeentch. Probably the most notable thing to change with factions in this DLC is the Harmony change for Cathay and even then that change is relatively small though welcome.

  56. 9 months ago

    Cathay's army has no mechanical identity

    • 9 months ago

      Other than the Yin Yang system, unique lores of magic, and transforming lords you mean

      • 9 months ago

        >Yin Yang system
        >unique lores of magic
        Wow, the same shit that looks slightly different.
        >transforming lords

        • 9 months ago

          YY is something to do but doesn't give the army any real identity, it's just a passive buff. You might as well be saying HE is a unique army because of Martial Prowess
          Transforming Dragons is cool but it's not the army, it's the LL. You might as well be saying HE has a unique army because Eltharion can throw people in jail

          >unique lores of magic

          Yin Yang system affects how your entire army is positioned.
          It's very impactful to battles, and it isn't passive when you need to use proper positioning to take advantage of it.
          And the unique magic lores have shit that no other magic can do, like completely stop incoming missiles and reflect them

          • 9 months ago

            >Yin Yang system affects how your entire army is positioned.
            it has been removed with the 4.0

            • 9 months ago

              I'm fairly sure army Ying Yang is still in. What was changed was campaign Yin Yang which is now a provincial modifier with no downsides instead of a faction wide micromanagement simulator.

            • 9 months ago

              You're thinking of the harmony mechanic, which is an overworld mechanic not a battle mechanic
              And it was technically not removed, just changed so much that it might as well be it's on a province by province basis now instead of affecting your whole empire at once, which is way worse since now you don't have actually balance your buildings nation-wide so there's a lot less thought involved in managing your empire. On the other hand, it was super OP before since you'd get absurd income and growth bonuses when you had yin yang balanced

              Harmony doesn't even matter anymore with the war drum. Atleast it opens up more avenues to play Cathay as previously they were a chore to play as in MP.

              Is there a single unit in this DLC that isn't absurdly OP?

              • 9 months ago

                >which is an overworld mechanic not a battle mechanic
                Bruh what is battle harmony : Yin and Yang?

              • 9 months ago

                It's still in.
                The overworld yin yang system has been overhauled into uselessness.

              • 9 months ago

                >Is there a single unit in this DLC that isn't absurdly OP?
                The hag witches, mutalith vortex beast, blue scribes, jade/onyx lions are not that great as far as I've seen them perform for multiplayer. Kislev and beastmen are the clear winners of the DLC though.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                You can beat every single AI campaign battle with a sturdy lord and a flying vortex caster.

          • 9 months ago

            Harmony doesn't even matter anymore with the war drum. Atleast it opens up more avenues to play Cathay as previously they were a chore to play as in MP.

      • 9 months ago

        YY is something to do but doesn't give the army any real identity, it's just a passive buff. You might as well be saying HE is a unique army because of Martial Prowess
        Transforming Dragons is cool but it's not the army, it's the LL. You might as well be saying HE has a unique army because Eltharion can throw people in jail

        >unique lores of magic

        • 9 months ago

          It's a fricking human faction, what do you expect?

          • 9 months ago

            Empire is roster complete and can be played in a dozen ways that all share a throughline of identity
            Bretonnia is one of the most mechanically flavourful factions in the game
            Even Norsca has an identity as a rush-down faction with anti-monster skirmishers

            The game already has a braindead, generic faction with good basic tools (HE), what does it need Cathay for?

            • 9 months ago

              >what does it need Cathay for?
              To pander to its chink audience and 3 kingdoms gays?

              • 9 months ago

                >we want Chinese representation
                They already have Skaven for that

                It's not about "need" per se. It's about the setting's reality. The Empire is the major Human faction in the west. There was no 'need' for it, it just exists. Just like Nekhehara was a vanilla human faction before Nagash fricked everything up. Cathay is a Human faction in the west. It exists there. CA decided to add it to the game, because it was unexplored territory. Is its roster good? No, it's very incomplete and barebones. But the "necessity" of Cathay doesn't matter, it exists in the setting and if you want to move the campaign map east then you include Cathay.

                >we just put it there because we had to fill out the map

                Cathay's army has no mechanical identity

              • 9 months ago

                Seethe. Cathay is a vanilla human faction. It plays like a vanilla human faction. Empire is Holy Roman Empire themed, Britannia is France themed, Cathay is China themed. They're all fairly boring, Empire just has more toys to play with because it's the protagonist faction.

              • 9 months ago

                >mechanical identity? oh you must mean flavour, yeah they're China flavoured

              • 9 months ago

                >mechanical identity? oh you must mean flavor, yeah they're chivalry flavored
                >mechanical identity? oh, you must mean EVERYTHING. yeah, they just have everything.

              • 9 months ago

                You don't count positioning autism and defensive playstyles as a "mechanical identity", you don't count unique magic effects and transformations as "mechanical identity", and you don't count Chinese thematics as a "mechanical identity", so what the frick do you mean by "mechanical identity"?

                Bretonnia have a heavy focus on cav and chaff, with top tier melee heroes
                Empire are the ultimate toolkit faction, with units that generally fall behind more specialised factions but make up for it with combined-arms tactics and lords/heroes that buff up their flimsy front line

                Cathay, uh, are "vanilla"
                and uhh their LLs are monster-caster hybrids

              • 9 months ago

                >emphasizing Bretonnia's cavalry while ignoring virtually everyone has cav save for a few exceptions, and emphasizing Cathay's powerful air units and big single model units
                If anything Bretonnia is the most vanilla of them all.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Bret have the best cavalry in the game and the most focus on cav (and also a really good air game, which I didn't mention)

                >(de)emphasizing Cathay's powerful air units and big single model units
                powerful air unit*
                big single model unit*
                Neither of which make up the identity of the faction

                Cathay has a heavy focus on defensive infantry and ranged superiority, with chaff and elite infantry options who get better when properly positioned near units of the opposite battle harmony.

                Fancy way of saying
                >yeah they have spearmanii and bowmanii
                >put your spearmen near your bowmen and they get stat boosts

              • 9 months ago

                Cathay right now has such a barebones roster that it barely has multiple examples of anything.

              • 9 months ago

                Logma riders are good, but not strategy-defining which is why not even people shilling for social credit score deposits ITT are saying that Cathay is an air-superiority faction like VC or Brets
                Terracottas are whatever

                Also, notice how this is a long winded way of saying "Nuh uh".
                Cathay has unique attributes and stat distributions that no other human faction has, you just claim they don't count.

                >that no other human faction has
                'Human' doesn't mean anything. Being the tankiest 'human' faction doesn't mean anything, because there is no throughline attribute that ties all the human factions together that makes that distinction important enough

                You might as well be saying HE are unique because they're more defensive than DE

                Nice reductionism homosexual.
                Bretonnia is horsemanii and bowmanii, if you put your bowmanii near your horsemanii the bowmanii get stat boosts

                >Bretonnia is horsemanii and bowmanii
                Yeah and? No other faction specialises in horsemanii, no other faction is defined by their horsemanii - that's mechanical identity.

              • 9 months ago

                Cathay are tall dwarfs we covered this already
                That's their mechanical identity, dwarfs but not manlets

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Taller than grudge gnomes anyway

              • 9 months ago

                Like let me put it this way, if you compare Cathay's most common melee infantry unit the Jade Warriors with max positioning autism buffs to Dwarf Longbeards their stats are nearly identical
                Cathay are Dwarfs
                That's it
                They're dwarfs with positioning autism and transforming lords
                We have 3 different factions in the game that are just Dwarfs

                Copy pasting the Dwarfs is not an identity.

                'Human' means quite a great deal. Just like the dwarves are limited by their race (lol no cavalry) or the Vampire Counts (lol no ranged except magic and some Empire archers), Cathay is limited by the fact it is majority humans wielding mundane weapons. Seethe.

                >Cathay is limited by the fact it is majority humans wielding mundane weapons
                Considering 90% of the units in this game use a mundane weapon, and Cathay has more fantastical elements than every other human faction, what exactly does this mean mechanically (and not flavour-wise)?

                >You might as well be saying HE are unique because they're more defensive than DE
                Kind of?
                HE and DE are extremely distinct from one another

                Being more defensive than DE is not a unique faction trait, even if the factions do share a last name. Having different stats than Empire units is not a unique faction trait either, unless it coalesces into a unique specialty

              • 9 months ago

                >Being more defensive than DE is not a unique faction trait
                If you wanna compare specifically those two, there's massive differences
                Now I will preface this in saying that DE and HE are probably my least played factions, but DE have a lot of skirmishing units (including hybrid ranged ones), some even stalking, while HE have a lot of shielded spear plus bow infantry, just talking about low tier infantry for now. Later on DE get monstrous units while HE don't and so on.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes, but what I'm saying is you SHOULDN'T judge the identity of a faction based on what it doesn't share with a faction of the same race. Comparing HEs to DEs just because they're elves or Cathay to humans just because they're human is about as pointless as comparing Beastmen to Skaven just because they're furries, you need to compare it to every faction in the game at determine it's niche from there

              • 9 months ago

                >same race
                That's and entirely pointless arguments
                Empire and VC would be the same, one's just undead
                Empire and Kislev would be the same, one's just colder
                Empire and Norsca would be the same, one's just wilder
                Thinking in "race" here is completely pointless. I think the only "race identity" twwh3 has is dwarves and chorfs both being slow? And even then chorfs have laborers to offset that entire deal

              • 9 months ago

                >That's an entirely pointless argument*
                I'm getting fricking tired

              • 9 months ago

                >Empire and VC would be the same, one's just undead
                Well no, because they both play completely differently and have unique strengths that no other faction shares
                What exactly is your point here?

              • 9 months ago

                >What exactly is your point here?
                That they're the same RACE, you know, the entire thing we argued about here? Like HE and DE are the same race?

              • 9 months ago

                >Like HE and DE are the same race?
                So what? Why should you compare HE to DE over HE and any other faction in the game? What makes having the world 'elf' in the name so special?

              • 9 months ago

                You SHOULDN'T, I am AGREEING with you
                At best you can expect units of the same race to share more similarities than units of different races do, but even that's not always the case

              • 9 months ago

                'Human' means quite a great deal. Just like the dwarves are limited by their race (lol no cavalry) or the Vampire Counts (lol no ranged except magic and some Empire archers), Cathay is limited by the fact it is majority humans wielding mundane weapons. Seethe.

              • 9 months ago

                >Cathay is limited by the fact it is majority humans wielding mundane weapons
                Except for all those cannons and crane gunners... Hurr fricking durr.

              • 9 months ago

                >Anon thinks gunpowder is magical
                This you?

              • 9 months ago

                >warpstone isn't magical

              • 9 months ago

                You're thinking of Warplock Jezzails.

              • 9 months ago

                Like let me put it this way, if you compare Cathay's most common melee infantry unit the Jade Warriors with max positioning autism buffs to Dwarf Longbeards their stats are nearly identical
                Cathay are Dwarfs
                That's it
                They're dwarfs with positioning autism and transforming lords
                We have 3 different factions in the game that are just Dwarfs

              • 9 months ago

                >Cathay are Dwarfs
                Except much faster, not as tanky, not as hybrid-y and with less versatile ranged unity
                On second thought, they're not at all dwarves huh

              • 9 months ago

                >Much faster
                >Not as tanky
                Their Jade Warriors and Celestial Dragon Guards are almost the exact same as Longbeards and Ironbreakers respectively
                >not as hybrid-y
                Again, Jade Warriors and Dragon Guard are just as hybrid-y as their Dwarf counterparts
                >less versatile ranged unity
                You mean more? Given that Cahtay has a flying rocket platform

                >Cathay are Dwarfs
                >That's it
                >reductio ad absurdum

                You can easily say that a third of the new factions in 3 are just Dwarfs with some minor changes
                Cathay are Dwarfs with positioning autism
                Chaos Dwarfs are Dwarfs with goblins and monsters
                Nurgle is Dwarfs with healing and poison instead of ranged weapons

              • 9 months ago

                >Jade Warriors and Dragon Guard are just as hybrid-y as their Dwarf counterparts

                >Jade Warrior Crossbowmen
                Entities: 90
                Speed: 30
                Melee Attack: 16
                Melee Defence: 16
                Base Damage: 21
                Base Missile Damage: 18
                Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 6
                Entities: 80
                Speed: 28
                Melee Attack: 18
                Melee Defence: 28
                Weapon Strength: 28
                Base Missile Damage: 18
                Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 6

                So yeah, I will concede that the speed isn't "much" faster, only a tiny bit, but in terms of being more of a hybrid, even quarrelers already win, those are equal in cost and building tier. Obviously Jade Warriors (without crossbows) aren't hybrids at all since they lack, well, anything other than being melee meat.

                >You mean more? Given that Cathay has a flying rocket platform
                I should have specified, I meant specifically missile infantry.
                Cathay has bowmen, crossbowmen, shotgunners, rifles
                Dwarves have crossbowmen, rifles, flame throwers, torpedoes, throwing axes
                But even if you want to count artillery, Cathay has a few flavors of rockets (flying and groundbound) and cannons while dwarves have catapults, cannons, flame cannons, ballistae and organ guns (which are similar to rockets, really)
                Dwarves have so much shit Cathay doesn't have because Cathay has cav and a few monsters in exchange

              • 9 months ago

                >doesn't show armor
                >doesn't separate weapon strength between piercing and non piercing
                >base damage? you mean weapon strength
                >doesn't show charge bonus
                >doesn't show mass

              • 9 months ago

                >Post literally the entire statblock or nothing matters REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
                Are you just going to ignore that the original argument was about them being "the same unit" or at least very similar and me showing that they're very different in a lot of parts is enough? I don't have to keep going on when my point is already proven
                And yes, I meant weapon strength, we call what you're doing "nitpicking"

              • 9 months ago

                Sorry chuddy but chinks are the new dwarfs now

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah yeah and now add Empire crossbowmen and they're also almost the same unit, just less armor and cheaper but hey we started ignoring differences already, might as well continue right?

              • 9 months ago

                You're not including positioning autism buffs on those crosbowmanii
                Shielded crossbowmanii with max buffs and defensive stance active has 10 more armor for 4 less melee defense when compared to quarrelers and is otherwise basically identical

              • 9 months ago

                Look, I'm not going to autistically keep wiki-scraping or firing up the game here, the fact that you need autistic position buffs with Cathay but not with Dwarves is ALSO proof that they're very different lmao

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah yeah and now add Empire crossbowmen and they're also almost the same unit, just less armor and cheaper but hey we started ignoring differences already, might as well continue right?

                Jade Warriors with max positioning buffs:
                32 MA
                46 MD
                90 Armor
                76 Leadership
                21 WS / 7 AP

                30 MA
                48 MD
                100 Armor
                80 Leadership
                25 WS / 7 AP

                Wow so heckin different Catay are definitely not dwarfs!!!
                Also Jade Warriors are tier 1 and you can get them on turn 1 as Cathay while Dwarfs have to wait to unlock Longbeards so Cathay actually gets a much better frontline than Dwarfs do in early game

              • 9 months ago

                >heck yeah it's all the same, I am demonstrating this by showing literally every number but ONE (1) being different from one another
                Can't tell if moronic or baiting anymore, especially since one includes buffs and the other doesn't

              • 9 months ago

                A difference of 2 fricking points in terms of MA and MD is nothing
                Hell a difference of 10 armor is functionally next to nothing mechanically speaking
                And by the time that Dwarfs get Longbeards, Cathay gets Celestial Dragon Guard who fulfill the same role as Ironbreakers in the Dwarf roster

              • 9 months ago

                >it's the exact same because... because I said so okay??

              • 9 months ago

                Chance to hit = ( 35 + (Icon stat attack Melee attack - Icon stat defence Melee defense) ) %
                So a unit with 32 MA attacking a unit with 48 MD has the exact same chance to hit as a unit with 30 MA attacking a unit with 46 MD
                The two points on either side cancel each other out and don't fricking matter

              • 9 months ago

                >especially since one includes buffs and the other doesn't
                Of course I'm including the buffs, the buffs are a part of the Cathay units
                Why would you ever put yourself in a position where you DON'T get battle harmony buffs?
                There are no equivalent buffs baked into the Dwarfs

              • 9 months ago

                Longbeards have a leadership aura, making it clear that they fulfill a role beyond just being frontline meat
                Also, you won't always be in the position to get battle harmony buffs, your archers could have routed or the enemy could have pelted you with artillery, forcing you into different positions
                Sure it's nice to always think that you can do your positioning autism, but flying monsters routing your archers says otherwise

              • 9 months ago

                That's why you have some cavalry or peasants sitting in the rear ready to defend and stop any positioning breakage, or you box up completely and simply shoot down flyers
                Dwarfs need to do this too btw, you don't want enemy cavalry hitting your quarellers
                In fact I'd say late game Cathay armies with flying artillery and Dragon Guard crossbows have a tougher backline than even Dwarfs do, as long as the enemy can't reach your Sky Junks.
                Dwarfs don't really have an equivalent for Dragon Guard Crossbows. I mean Bugman Rangers are sort of similar I guess, but much lighter armor and non-AP missiles. Their artillery will always be vulnerable to flanking and their ranged infantry isn't as tough as Dragon Guard.

              • 9 months ago

                >Cathay are Dwarfs
                >That's it
                >reductio ad absurdum

              • 9 months ago

                >You might as well be saying HE are unique because they're more defensive than DE
                Kind of?
                HE and DE are extremely distinct from one another

              • 9 months ago

                Also, notice how this is a long winded way of saying "Nuh uh".
                Cathay has unique attributes and stat distributions that no other human faction has, you just claim they don't count.

              • 9 months ago

                Nice reductionism homosexual.
                Bretonnia is horsemanii and bowmanii, if you put your bowmanii near your horsemanii the bowmanii get stat boosts

              • 9 months ago

                Don't forget to charge your horsemanii to get the big charge boost.

              • 9 months ago

                >if you put your bowmanii near your horsemanii the bowmanii get stat boosts
                But they don't though?

              • 9 months ago

                But they do though?

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >leadership is such a useless stat lmao

              • 9 months ago

                You mean they get to die instead of routing? Routing is a beneficial thing in a campaign, it's only a bad thing in weird 1v1 battles nobody actually cares about

              • 9 months ago

                >it doesn't matter in niche scenarios I made up in my head!

              • 9 months ago

                >campaign = niche
                >implying battles = norm
                you are either genuinely autistic and need to remove yourself from the conversation or too moronic to talk with the adults, reddit might be a better place for you

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah it is since they have like 40 leadership otherwise
                Also >the stat boost doesn't count as a stat boost because I say it doesn't

              • 9 months ago

                >>the stat boost doesn't count as a stat boost because I say it doesn't
                This but unironically
                The context was obviously about substantial, iconic stat boosts and not a weird tiny leadership bonus that doesn't matter
                If we wanna move the goalposts there, everyone gets that buff in the form of "flanks secure" and other such bonuses

              • 9 months ago

                >If we wanna move the goalposts there
                You're the only one moving goaltposts my brother

              • 9 months ago

                Cathay has a heavy focus on defensive infantry and ranged superiority, with chaff and elite infantry options who get better when properly positioned near units of the opposite battle harmony.

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah, they just have everything.
                Yeah like a solid roster of monstrous units like uh... Uhm.. Yeah and like stalking ambushers like uh.. yeah uhm like...
                Okay but they have fast infantry-sized anti-infantry flankers like uh..
                So yeah it doesn't matter that the Empire lacks a ton of shit, they have everything okay???

              • 9 months ago

                >monstrous units
                >stalking ambushers
                >fast infantry-sized anti-infantry flankers
                Flagellants, they just lack anti-infantry but practically fill the same role as high DPS infintry flankers.

              • 9 months ago

                Horses, just because you call them "monstrous" doesn't make them actually fill the role of say, trolls or mammoths
                They stalk but that's where it ends. They're still ranged units and as such will get deleted by anything in a 1v1
                Good job just randomly skipping over the "fast" part, I was clearly talking about units like warhounds

              • 9 months ago

                You don't count positioning autism and defensive playstyles as a "mechanical identity", you don't count unique magic effects and transformations as "mechanical identity", and you don't count Chinese thematics as a "mechanical identity", so what the frick do you mean by "mechanical identity"?

            • 9 months ago

              It's not about "need" per se. It's about the setting's reality. The Empire is the major Human faction in the west. There was no 'need' for it, it just exists. Just like Nekhehara was a vanilla human faction before Nagash fricked everything up. Cathay is a Human faction in the west. It exists there. CA decided to add it to the game, because it was unexplored territory. Is its roster good? No, it's very incomplete and barebones. But the "necessity" of Cathay doesn't matter, it exists in the setting and if you want to move the campaign map east then you include Cathay.

              • 9 months ago

                >Cathay is a Human faction in the west.

            • 9 months ago

              Cathay are tall dwarfs with positioning autism, or at least they were before the war drum made their mechanics obsolete.

              • 9 months ago


                take mid tier dwarf units bump them down a tier and lock half their stats away behind stupid bullshit buffs that force you to sit there and wait for your enemy to reach you

                that's cathay

                they also get cavalry and magic but its so bad that they might as well not have it

    • 9 months ago

      I'm still right btw

  57. 9 months ago

    >Patches have broken AI once every year or two since TWW1, it gets fixed in a few weeks
    >A patch breaks the AI
    Mother fricker, almost every single patch makes some system or rather completely fricked. Play on the hot fixes, not the patch drops. And if that gets you butthurt, then sure, that's fair, but don't pretend that this is anything new. This has been the case with CA for over a decade now.

    • 9 months ago

      >hot fixes
      Oh no no no no

    • 9 months ago

      >it gets fixed in a few weeks
      It doesn't though.
      They literally never fix the AI.
      It just gets more and more broken successively and by now is completely nonfunctional.

  58. 9 months ago

    It's not over, everyone leaving negative reviews is still going to consoom.

  59. 9 months ago

    mods will fix it

    • 9 months ago


  60. 9 months ago

    It was over when they started developing moronic fantasy games instead of historical kino

    All their new historical games other than Thrones of Britannia have been Warhammer reskins and it fricking sucks

  61. 9 months ago

    >when you realize CA didn't increase DLC price because of greed but because they literally would not be able to afford having 900 PR employees

    • 9 months ago

      >CA also increased their employee count by 300%
      That's what we call mismanagement
      Usually, companies with integrity (not many around anymore) fix their internal issues before trying to squeeze more out of customers

      It's not mismanagement. Without having so many influencers and community managers CA wouldn't be able to advertise Hyenas nearly as effectively. Their strategy is to ensure that Hyenas becomes the next Fortnite. Once all the zoomers are hooked on it their profits will increase exponentially and they can finally reinvest in their Total War franchise.

      • 9 months ago

        Ah frick I forgot the part where they hired the future-divining scrying wizard that told them of that success

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah dude let's pretend that advertising has no effect on product success. That's why Coke is such an obscure brand!

          • 9 months ago

            Which is why all the successful companies just hire advertising first and then become successful
            Let's just ignore the part where it's the other way around

            • 9 months ago

              >all the successful companies just hire advertising first and then become successful
              This is unironically true in the 21st century. If you're not big enough to advertise your product you'll be cornered out of the market.

      • 9 months ago

        >they can finally reinvest in their Total War franchise.

  62. 9 months ago

    Wtf is wrong with modern companies? They would all sell their souls to the devil if it means they can earn a single cent more on a purchase.

  63. 9 months ago

    I'd say for CA just do more cross promotion stuff like Gotrek, Felix and Ulrika, which I count because they were always in their own small part of the Warhammer Fantasy World. But the only other thing I think they could cross promote with, being Vermintide. Already shares a good chunk of each games surviving player base.

    • 9 months ago

      There's already a tasteful vermintide reference in one of the Empire provinces. Not much more you could do than that.

      • 9 months ago

        When in doubt, ride nostalgia. Bring out the Grudgebringers.

  64. 9 months ago

    Wtf is Hyenas? Lawbreakers?

  65. 9 months ago

    nah, that very corporate greed has nothing else it could leech off of.
    either they stay with TWH3 or they get no money at all.

    • 9 months ago

      You underestimate CA and GW's ability to make terrible decisions.

  66. 9 months ago

    I wish, troonyhammer ruined tw. Unfortunately paypiggies will keep supporting it no matter how much they cry while doing it.

  67. 9 months ago

    What's over? This is the only game that funds the whole company at this point. After Hyenas horrifically crashes and burns they are just going to double-down on TWW3 and cave into demands for random shit like nippon the devs said was unlikely and and then kuresh or whatever that the devs said was never ever

  68. 9 months ago

    I thought we we were about to usher in an exciting era of WHF, where CA worked in tandem with GW to expand and flesh out the warhammer universe.

    Everyone was shocked to see when Toal War tackled the Vampire Coast 4 years ago and later on Grand Cathay itself. Most couldn't even imagine it'd get so far back when the original warhammer game released.

    Oh well, HYENAS it is then.

  69. 9 months ago

    I'll do the same I always did, wait till the race packs are at a heavy discount.
    Never cared much for the Lord packs. Although lmao at them trying to justify
    >W-well, our expenses went up!
    It doesn't really matter. The price of goods is not decided by their inherent value, it's decided by how much people are willing to pay for it. Otherwise there'd be plenty of shit that would be a lot cheaper.
    And they clearly overshot the mark of what people are willing to pay. Trying to "convince" them that they are being unreasonable when they complain about this only makes things work.
    Why do these morons even pay an assload for PR departments if apparently no one in there has any idea how PR works?

    • 9 months ago

      >wait till the race packs are at a heavy discount.
      and then you will still pay 150% more, which means that that heavy discount will cost as much as the previous lord packs when they were new.
      this price increase was enacted with the full knowledge that many people will only buy it for 50% off, so they simply doubled the price, so that people will be forced to pay full price even when they thrift, and then some.

      • 9 months ago

        The price hike doesn't affect the race pack though, since that was released before it.
        I'm not aware of any more coming after the Chaos Dwarves, might just be me having missed some announcement though

        • 9 months ago

          People are speculating vampire lizards but nothing is confirmed yet AFAIK

        • 9 months ago

          Incorrect, moron. The race pack IS the price hike. The reason why the community didn't rebel that time was because trannies defended it by saying "Oh, well, it's a RACE PACK, so it's worth it".

          • 9 months ago

            But the race packs have always been more expensive than the lord/unit packs.
            Including TK and Vampire homosexuals from 2.

            • 9 months ago

              They didn't cost 25$ though.

              • 9 months ago

                Chorfs have a larger roster than Coast

              • 9 months ago

                ... in alternative reality.

              • 9 months ago

                Ignoring units who just have weapon variants, Coast has 19 units vs Chorf's 23

              • 9 months ago

                Ignoring units who just have weapon variants, Coast has 19 units vs Chorf's 23

                Or if you want to count each Gunnery Mob Coast unit separately since they have different projectiles, it's 22 vs 23 meaning Chorfs still have more

              • 9 months ago

                You are conveniently forgetting that VC costs 19 dollars and gives you F O U R LLs, while CD costs 25$ for 3 LLs

              • 9 months ago

                >1 unit is worth 5 extra dollars

          • 9 months ago

            It was a much smaller price hike, more people were willing to accept it

            • 9 months ago

              ??? No, the CD got the price up to 25$. What are you talking about?

              • 9 months ago

                Racepacks were always around 20, it's a 25% increase
                Lordpacks used to be around 10 to 15, it's a much steeper increase.
                Overall I diagnose you with stupidity.

    • 9 months ago

      >I'll do the same I always did, wait till the race packs are at a heavy discount.
      The only race pack in this game (Chaos Dwarfes) is fricking DOGSHIT that costs 2,5 more than it should. It gives you a new """"race"""" that just reuses mechanics from different races, 3 LL that are all the same. So, essentially, you are buying a race pack for 25$ that gives you 1 LL.

  70. 9 months ago

    >release broken game based on a (well enough or at least better) functioning foundation
    >increase dlc price while decreasing relative content
    >inflation has increased costs by 10%, therefore price increases by 150%
    >threaten to discontinue working on the game if the dlc doesn't sell
    >work on the game so far has been a semi annual patch that hardly adressess bugs that have existed since before release
    Is there a worse way to that they could have handled this? CA management fricked an extremely safe cash cow so bad with all of WH3.

  71. 9 months ago

    Is there a Warhammer game that is a virtual version of the table top version

    • 9 months ago

      This game is the closest to whfb we have ever gotten in vidya as far as I know

  72. 9 months ago

    How come the changeling can become boris but he is still not playable? Are they saving it for the DLC this winter?

    • 9 months ago

      What? Boris is playable.

      • 9 months ago

        Toddbringer, the empiregay

    • 9 months ago

      It's a tease hopefully. He will be playable by the nemesis crown update. By the way, the changeling killing boris like nothing is such a dick move. The guy dueled khazrak and took his eye.

  73. 9 months ago

    Whoever decided that Domination victory should just be "Get half of the map lol" should end his life as soon as possible.

  74. 9 months ago

    Why the frick did they waste all that time and money on the Rifts campaign and fricking Cathay FRICK

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