Warhammer Lore Question

>cute, naive, hyperactive and cheerful Elf-girl joins other Elven officials on a diplomatic mission
>is obsessed with Dwarven culture, but especially their technology and machines
>gushes over gyrocopters and other Dwarven inventions
>uses her formal status as an emissary to walk around the Dwarven Stronghold and visit and look at everything
>looks like this
How would Dwarves react to her? What would happen, if the Elves threaten to remove her, because they think she is jeopardizing their visit?

I am playing a homebrewed Warhammer tabletop game and need to know how Dwarves would react to her.

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  1. 4 months ago

    >how would warhammer dwarves react
    But yeah Dwarves are a secretive bunch, and while humans have sometimes been let into parts of their mountain homes I cant imagine that there wouldnt at least be be complaints by the locals about it.

  2. 4 months ago

    Please read a little bit about the setting and races involved before running the game, or stick with dnd

  3. 4 months ago

    The Dawi would kill her, or at least throw her out. Her status as an elven emissary would not be able to shield her from the consequences of being annoying as shit, and dwarves are extremely petty.

    Lore QRD: Elves and dwarves absolutely despise each other ever since the War of the Beard. Any elven diplomats would be laughed away at the gates (or shot at) unless the apocalypse was happening right that second. Even then, anything that could be somehow interpreted as a slight, no matter how far-fetched, could very well spiral into a complete breakdown of negotiations.
    Basically, the only way to justify that girl being allowed anywhere near a dwarfhold is her being the Changeling in disguise, attempting to sabotage elf-dwarf relations.

    • 4 months ago

      I disagree, I think that Dwarves are practical enough to let in the occasional Elven diplomat to talk about this or that. That's Diplomatic mission would absolutely be watching its every step, and would never even dream of bringing along a child.

      Maybe there is a dwarfish Burrough or district OP can have his little freak infiltrate and bother.

      • 4 months ago

        >That's Diplomatic mission would absolutely be watching its every step, and would never even dream of bringing along a child.
        She used her influence to come along. The diplomatic mission was forced to bring her along.

        • 4 months ago

          This child must have one hell of a political career going if she managed that, considering how much of a hit the Elves would be taking.
          Seriously, just read a lore wiki (Google is right there) and use that info to make a character that actually fits the setting, or go back to DnD 5e.

        • 4 months ago

          The elves know how bad their relationship with the dwarfs is, and how sensitive dwarfs are about absolutely everything. An inexperienced diplomat would not be allowed on this mission no matter whose sister she is.

          That's the canon answer. Given that you're not strictly adhering to the established background, and this thing has happened, I recommend you go with whatever you think would be most fun.

        • 4 months ago

          As anons have said that that's is incredibly unlikely, the elves have had some...moronic leadership in the past and something like that is consivable for some moronic noble. So much so that its sounds like the lead up to a minor conflict

    • 4 months ago

      I disagree, I think that Dwarves are practical enough to let in the occasional Elven diplomat to talk about this or that. That's Diplomatic mission would absolutely be watching its every step, and would never even dream of bringing along a child.

      Maybe there is a dwarfish Burrough or district OP can have his little freak infiltrate and bother.

      I wouldn’t say practical per say, but if the elves showed up to do some major league ass kissing (literally impossible, but this is a hypothetical after all) and were all like “oh we’re sorry for everything we did and we’re here to try and repay what we owe you” then the dwarves might tolerate it, although they’d still be suspicious af. If it was delegates from one of the far off elf colonies that didn’t really participate in the war of the beard, and thus wouldn’t really have any grudges in any dwarfs book, then in theory it might be possible.

      HOWEVER, while the elves wouldn’t give a shit about this girl doing her thing, the dwarves would immediately accuse her of bad intentions; that she’s trying to steal their secrets and spy on them. This level of paranoia isn’t even unwarranted because the druchi do spies and assassination shit all the time.

      • 4 months ago

        >Just the druchii
        He lacks critical information. https://youtube.com/watch?v=oqWPd0Low_8&pp=ygUXVGFycmlmZiBlbHZlbiBkaXBsb21hY3k%3D

  4. 4 months ago

    Maybe if she met some young engineers in Altdorf or Nuln they might be willing to be a little open. But inside a Hold? They're going to be kicking her out, angrily.

  5. 4 months ago

    Dwarfs are filled with so much seethe for elves that they have it as a racial trait during character creation.

  6. 4 months ago


  7. 4 months ago

    Oh look, the same spam-thread again.

  8. 4 months ago

    This is pasta, right? I feel like I've read this exact thing before.

  9. 4 months ago

    >How would Dwarves react to her?
    Which dwarf hold, and what dwarf nobles are in attendance? She might be met with curt formal manners or outright hostility if she's perceived as misbehaving or being rude. Such a minor member of a delegation would probably not be seen as a problem unless the dwarf heading up the reception thought her flitting about and questions were a deliberate insult. He might deliberately choose to do so, so keep that in mind.

    It is pretty unlikely that elven emissaries would be allowed into any karak proper unless the High King himself intervened and allowed it. Dwarfs jealously guard the defensive features of their fortresses and do not trust elves no matter how amiable they seem at first. On a person-by-person basis that can vary, and both the last High King and the last Phoenix King (before the ET nonsense) acknowledged that the ongoing bad feelings were stupid and needed to be set aside, but at any given time no dwarf is going to sneak an elf into the hold to satisfy her curiosity.

  10. 4 months ago

    Frick off and have a nice day

  11. 4 months ago

    >What if Jackson's Hobbit but a moeblob

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