Warhammer, please explain

Why are there no chaos orks,
chaos elfs
chaos beastmen
chaos bretonnians
chaos ogres
chaos skaven
chaos lizardmen?
Dwarfs have their own chaos race, but why not these races? They would all be cool. I would personally enjoy chaos bretonnians the most.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Yes there are chaos elves and chaos ogres, stop clinging to the stale turd that is FB and embrace AoS.

    Beastmen and skaven have always been Chaos.

  2. 4 months ago

    >chaos orks
    they do exist but in isolated and rare cases because they are usually protected by the psychic/magic power of the waaagh generated when they dwell in groups.

    >chaos beastmen
    they ARE chaos, the children of chaos.

    >chaos bretonnians
    by the time a man falls to chaos they have already dropped the trappings of civilization aka a bret knight won't care about his heraldry when he turns to chaos and will choose new chaotic devices. Also Brets are less likely than other men to turn becaue of their cultural heritage and restrictive feudal system which is exactly why they still exist instead of being chaos worshippers like most men in the north.

    >chaos ogres
    literally a thing

    >chaos skaven
    already chaos but they have a minor chaos god instead.

    >chaos lizardmen
    nigh impossible since they were built to resist chaos, explanations differ from not having true souls to just being built different.

  3. 4 months ago

    >chaos elfs
    Nu-GW will try to deny and retcon this but Dark Elves are chaos Elves. Khaine = Khorne and Morathi runs a Slaaneshi cult.
    >chaos beastmen
    Beastmen are chaos moron.
    >chaos bretonnians
    Humans can be and are corrupted by chaos, just because "Chaos Bretonnians" aren't a playable faction doesn't mean there haven't been Bretonnians who were corrupted by chaos.
    >chaos ogres
    They exist.
    >chaos skaven
    Skaven are chaos.
    >chaos lizardmen
    The point of the Lizardmen is to fight chaos.

    What exactly was the point of this thread? You know all of this could've been explained by a 2 second Google search?

    • 4 months ago

      >Nu-GW will try to deny and retcon this but Dark Elves are chaos Elves. Khaine = Khorne and Morathi runs a Slaaneshi cult

      Good change, actually. Every evil faction being chaos aligned is gay and lame and it makes the Elves stand out more that they have the capacity to be insanely evil without falling to Chaos.

      Morathi thing I'm 50/50 on but honestly it makes the Elven pantheon more interesting to have a Slaanesh-like god.

      • 4 months ago

        As with everything else in Warhammer, it's best when there is room for doubt and everyone gets to bicker about it.

        >Dark Elves are chaos elves
        >Nu-GW will try to deny and retcon this
        the frick arey ou on about, DE were never chaos elves, morathi's slaanesh cult is literally the most recent lore and Khaine has never been Khorne.

        >Khaine has never been Khorne.
        Sounds like something an elf would say.

        Man, the anons in this thread are pretty based, actually. I'd play Warhammer Fantasy with most of you. Where are all these correct opinions in the 40k threads?

        Yes but you guys said ogres are already a chaos race.
        Chaos humans? Kill on sight
        (ogre default:chaos) Ogres? Ok you can be a mercenary for us and live in the special ogre ghetto part of the city!

        Except you. You must be pretending to be stupid at this point.

    • 4 months ago

      >Dark Elves are chaos elves
      >Nu-GW will try to deny and retcon this
      the frick arey ou on about, DE were never chaos elves, morathi's slaanesh cult is literally the most recent lore and Khaine has never been Khorne.

      • 4 months ago

        >Picrel, 4th edition army book for Dark Elves
        begone zoomer secondary moron

        Khaine isn't Khorne, save maybe in the oldest lore where they obviously played with the idea.
        >Khaine promotes secret murder and torture, Khorne hates sneaking and has no need for torture.
        >Khaine thinks poison is based, Khorne thinks it's cringe.
        >Khaine likes elaborate temples and rituals, Khorne says if you have time for that kind of homosexual shit you could've been killing.
        >Khaine grants temple assassins magic, Khorne sends daemons after any of his followers who use any magic, ever.

        It's like people who think Hashut is Khorne.

        Just because the god of murder and violence is brutish and barbaric in the form of human worship doesn't mean he can't more nuanced and sophistication when worshipped by elves. Elves in WHF are after all more sophisticated and nuanced.

        • 4 months ago

          Damn this picture is cool. What is it?

          >chaos elfs
          Nu-GW will try to deny and retcon this but Dark Elves are chaos Elves. Khaine = Khorne and Morathi runs a Slaaneshi cult.
          >chaos beastmen
          Beastmen are chaos moron.
          >chaos bretonnians
          Humans can be and are corrupted by chaos, just because "Chaos Bretonnians" aren't a playable faction doesn't mean there haven't been Bretonnians who were corrupted by chaos.
          >chaos ogres
          They exist.
          >chaos skaven
          Skaven are chaos.
          >chaos lizardmen
          The point of the Lizardmen is to fight chaos.

          What exactly was the point of this thread? You know all of this could've been explained by a 2 second Google search?

          Ok then why are they not classified as daemons then ? If chaos is daemonic in its nature
          And why are ogres allowed to be mercenaries for humans and go to their cities and so on , but human mutants are kill on sight ?

          • 4 months ago

            >Ok then why are they not classified as daemons then ? If chaos is daemonic in its nature
            Because a daemon is a separate type of being.
            >And why are ogres allowed to be mercenaries for humans and go to their cities and so on , but human mutants are kill on sight ?
            Because mutants are corrupted and Ogres are not.

            • 4 months ago

              Daemons are literally spirits from the Realm of Chaos. Mortals are just mortals. Unless a Chaos God turns them into a daemon as a reward/to be funny. Ogres aren't humans, they're an entirely separate species created later. They're actually much more mutation-resistant than humans.

              Yes but you guys said ogres are already a chaos race.
              Chaos humans? Kill on sight
              (ogre default:chaos) Ogres? Ok you can be a mercenary for us and live in the special ogre ghetto part of the city!

              • 4 months ago

                Ogres are not a chaos race; there are just some ogres that fall to chaos.

              • 4 months ago

                Ogres do not default chaos, you misunderstood.

              • 4 months ago

                Ogres are specificaly mentioned as chaos resistant race. To become chaos they have to spend months or years on chaos wastes

              • 4 months ago

                Daemons are creatures created directly by a Chaos God and generally can't exist outside of the Realm of Chaos for very long without strong magic to sustain them. Ogres, Skaven, etc. are mortal races that have been corrupted by Chaos but not direct creations and don't need magic to keep existing.

          • 4 months ago

            Daemons are literally spirits from the Realm of Chaos. Mortals are just mortals. Unless a Chaos God turns them into a daemon as a reward/to be funny. Ogres aren't humans, they're an entirely separate species created later. They're actually much more mutation-resistant than humans.

          • 4 months ago

            >Ok then why are they not classified as daemons then ?
            Because they weren't borne out of the realm of chaos. They are mortal, however they have the potential to achieve daemonhood through dark deeds. Your average Björn Gürnivsøjânsen, local Norscan raider and fishing enthusiast is not a daemon because he is just a mortal, however he still is under the umbrella of what comforms the forces of chaos. He might one day become a daemon however. Same with skaven ascending into Verminlords, so on and so forth. Most of the forces of chaos are actually just that, mortals. Cultists, berserkers, raiders, rouge wizards, heretics, mutants, or chaotic races like beastmen and skaven, which both worship chaos gods and have their whole culture based around said gods, in the case of the skaven, the Horned Rat, and in the case of the beastmen either the whole pantheon or some gors have certain inclinations and decide to worship an individual chaos god over others.

    • 4 months ago

      Khaine isn't Khorne, save maybe in the oldest lore where they obviously played with the idea.
      >Khaine promotes secret murder and torture, Khorne hates sneaking and has no need for torture.
      >Khaine thinks poison is based, Khorne thinks it's cringe.
      >Khaine likes elaborate temples and rituals, Khorne says if you have time for that kind of homosexual shit you could've been killing.
      >Khaine grants temple assassins magic, Khorne sends daemons after any of his followers who use any magic, ever.

      It's like people who think Hashut is Khorne.

      • 4 months ago

        >It's like people who think Hashut is Khorne.
        To be fair, Chaos Dwarfs used to have a few models with a weird ersatz Khorne symbol, and even the canon books (Liber Chaotica: Khorne, namely) have played around with "hey doesn't Hashut kinda look like a Juggernaut?". It seemed like the implication was that Hashut used to be a bastard spawn or renegade aspect of Khorne that thought magic was a-okay.

        • 4 months ago

          >It seemed like the implication was that Hashut used to be a bastard spawn or renegade aspect of Khorne that thought magic was a-okay.
          There used to be khornate sorcerers back in the day, if I recall correctly.

      • 4 months ago

        are you moronic? its obviously because Khaine and Khorne look similar, they share symbols and they have similar themes

        • 4 months ago

          >they look similar, that means they're the same, despite having violently opposed beliefs

          • 4 months ago

            >"violently opposed beliefs"
            you're a dumb little c**t arent ya

            • 4 months ago

              Concession accepted.

              • 4 months ago

                not the anon you were originally responding to

    • 3 months ago

      >Khaine = Khorne

  4. 4 months ago

    We're you born moronic or is this something you've developed in later life?
    Instead of begging gw to make products, why don't you make your own? Why not convert, kitbash and create something not by the instructions, but entirely yours and bespoke. You don't need permission from anyone but you. All of these but chaos lizardmen and elves exist in the setting so go fricking crazy

  5. 4 months ago

    >Why are there no chaos orks
    There are, but they're not common enough to constitute a faction. Orcs (no k) curate apostasy zealously.
    >chaos elfs
    There are, they're the druchii, at least before the 8e retcons. The degree to which they know they're Chaos pawns varies by edition.
    >chaos beastmen
    All beastmen are Chaos beastmen.
    >chaos bretonnians
    Not sufficiently distinct from other Chaos humans to require their own army. The knight/peasant dynamic is already well reproduced between warriors and chaff like marauders.
    >chaos ogres
    There are.
    >chaos skaven
    All skaven are chaos skaven. The skaven punish apostasy very severely, but Pestilens and their thrall clans are thinly-veiled heretics worshiping Nurgle .
    >chaos lizardmen?
    Lizardmen have Chaos tainted offshoots, but these are rare enough to not need an army.

  6. 4 months ago

    >chaos elfs
    >chaos ogres
    These exist in FB, are mentioned in fluff and have models.
    Chaos skaven and chaos beastmen are of course just regular skaven and beastmen.

  7. 4 months ago

    Skaven are literally chaos aligned, and so are beastmen?

  8. 4 months ago

    >chaos orks
    >chaos elfs
    >chaos beastmen
    all beastmen are chaos
    >chaos ogres
    >chaos skaven
    all skaven are chaos
    >chaos lizardmen
    they were made to resist chaos

  9. 4 months ago

    Orks are too stupid and are protected by gork and mork
    Beastmen are literally chaos humans
    Bretonnians are too disgusting for chaos
    Ogres fall to chaos
    Skaven literally have theor own chaos God
    Lizardmen were created by the old ones specifically to oppose chaos
    Chaos Dwarfs are weird because Dwarfs are supposed to be immune to chaos for the same reasons as Lizardmen are, but they arent that much of mutatuin and stuff going on so its okay

  10. 4 months ago

    >why isn't there more instead of less?
    >why aren't half the armies just chaos reskins of the other half?

  11. 4 months ago

    >Chaos Elfs
    Dark Elves used to be "Chaos Elves" more or less. They had a strong Slaanesh cult and regularly fought alongside Daemons. A classic bit of older Dark Elves lore was them summoning a chaos daemon army on Ulthuan and Tyrion/Teclis stopping it.
    >Chaos Beastmen
    all Beastmen (in Warhammer Fantasy) are Chaos
    >Chaos Bretonnians
    exist in lore
    >Chaos Ogres
    exist, and even ahve minis
    >Chaos Skaven
    All Skaven are Chaos, just committed to a different Chaos God (Horned Rat). It's heavily implied some Skaven such as Clan Pestileens soft-worship Nurgle though (their leader is literally called Nurglitch)
    >Chaos Lizardmen
    they're made from pure anti-chaos

    • 4 months ago

      I wanna see chaos knights who retain their knight aesthetic, not the "lol demon viking" thing that is pretty much enforced in modern warhammer fantasy.. I do like those bandits or marauders that used to be in earlier years. forgot what they are called.

  12. 4 months ago

    Making my own chapters
    >The Emperor's Burden (bundle of sticks is thier symbol)
    >The Cornucopians (split off from Imperial Fists due to Mandela Disagreement of M.37)
    >Big E Sez Ice Phresh (my own variations on the Mentors)
    >the Guardians of tendie IV (supporting guard chapter, motto, billions must fry)

    • 3 months ago

      >(bundle of sticks is thier symbol)
      So a literal gay group hhahahahahaha.

      • 3 months ago

        Their symbol is indeed the homosexual because all of us must carry His burden

  13. 4 months ago

    >chaos orks
    Waaagh energy protects them from chaos mindfrickery
    >chaos elfs
    Morathi runs an entire chaos cult
    >chaos beastmen
    This is because beastmen are already a chaos faction
    >chaos bretonnians
    Absolutely a thing, just not common enough for them to retain enough trappings of Bretonnian living to justify being a full faction
    >chaos ogres
    Are you moronic? This is a thing.
    >chaos skaven
    This is because skaven are already a chaos faction

  14. 4 months ago

    >chaos orks
    Chaos offers nothing that Gork and Mork already don't
    >chaos elfs
    Sorta dark elves/too many elven faction
    >chaos beastmen
    Already chaos, what sort of question is that?
    >chaos bretonnians
    In a grab back mix of chaos humans
    >chaos ogres
    Too fat
    >chaos skaven
    Already that
    >chaos lizardmen?
    Only thing they want is to kill chaos

  15. 3 months ago

    >warhammer will never have chaos beastmen or skaven
    why even live

  16. 3 months ago

    Bros I love chaos dwarfs so much it's unreal

  17. 3 months ago


    Phone posting. They can't see the rest of the thread and its too long for them to bother reading. Phone posting kills the brain.

  18. 3 months ago


    That post neglected to mention that there are chaos elves.

    Phone posting. They can't see the rest of the thread and its too long for them to bother reading. Phone posting kills the brain.

    I don't own a phone that can post on this site.

    • 3 months ago

      Then hurry up and die so I can inherit your house and old WFRP1e books Grandad

  19. 3 months ago

    >chaos elfs
    I actually don't remember if he was in elf in original lore tidbit.

  20. 3 months ago

    it's 'orcs' with a C, orks with a k is 40k.
    also there are chaos versions of each of those you secondary hobbylet moron, just not official kits for most of them.

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