Was Battle for Naboo bad or something?

Was Battle for Naboo bad or something?
I never see it being discussed at all, and the few times I've seen it mentioned its usually not in a positive way.

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    Bad? In comparison to other Star Wars games from that generation, yea, it was bad.

  2. 3 weeks ago

    From what I remember it was basically just Rogue Squadron with an Episode 1 skin so it can't have been too bad. I think it was just a late release and was overshadowed by Rogue Squadron 2.

    I'm just now seeing that there was a PC port. Suprised this has never been rereleased.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    I think it was hurt by the focus on ground vehicles

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Because nobody cared about playing as fricking Episode 1 Naboo fighters or dumbass Battle Droid shit.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    I rented it once but it was never as good as rogue squadron.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    It came out so late in the console’s lifespan that I didn’t even notice it existed until like 10 years later. And I was a huge Rogue Squadron fan too, autistically 100%ed the first one and got the second one at launch.

    By the time I found out about this one I had sold my N64 and could never get this game to emulate on a PC

    • 3 weeks ago

      100%'ing Rogue Squadron isn't autistic, it's a rite of passage

      • 3 weeks ago

        The TIE/d fighters were pure bullshit. They flat out maneuvered in impossible ways in the game. That mission SUCKED.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I rented it back in the day, it was alright but I didn't like it as much as most of the other SW games I was playing back then.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    That game is my childhood so I always prefered it over Rogue Squadron. It had lots of unique designs that were completely ignored in later instalments, such as the Heavy STAP and the Trade Federation bombers that were later replaced with the ones in Starfigher and the Hyenas down the line.
    I don't know why the PC port was never re-released, since Rogue Squadron's was. It's a bit clunky to run on modern systems from what I recall, which is a shame.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I would say two major reasons why this isn’t as fondly remembered, and I say this as someone who owned all the rogue squadron games when they were new:

    1. Contrary to what generation z wants to believe, we hated the prequels. I was young then but even I knew the prequels were shit coming from the special editions of the OT.
    Going from protecting Mos Eisely from a Tie Fighter assault as Luke and Wedge in X-Wings to farting around in an episode 1 landspeeder on naboo was a drastic drop in that feeling of grandiose adventure. We had our whole lives to fantasize about being an X-Wing pilot and destroying tie fighters for the rebel alliance. We didn’t care for blowing up a “droid army” as some galactic republic nobody in a movie we all hated.
    2. The levels in Battle for Naboo just aren’t as good as the original and it once again compares unfavorably. They had far less source material to work with at the time as well. They did the same game but worse in a worse setting.

    Basically it’s like what if Battlefront 2 (2017) was the same quality game but they forced you to only play sequel trash. You’d think “uhhhh this is dumb.”
    Granted the sequels are somehow far far worse than the prequels ever were but you get the picture.

    All that being said I liked this game a lot growing up and have nostalgia for it, it just doesn’t hold a candle to my memories of the first RS.

    PS, just because the sequels are purposely the most offensively bad films ever factory pressed doesn’t make the prequels good. Deal with it z-babies.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >The star wars stuff I liked as a kid is better than the star wars stuff you liked as a kid.

      The prequels were worth it just on the merits of pod racing and darth maul/Grievous.

      And you can shit on the clone wars all you want, but they are why we got the OG battlefront games, which very well might be the best starwars games of all time.

      PS, Droidekas were sick as hell

      • 3 weeks ago

        >pod racing
        A sequence that went on way too damn long
        >Darth Maul
        A boring loser who needed the EU just to make somewhat interesting
        A moronic jobber who was only ever cool in the 2D CN cartoon

        Not even that anon but I'm sick of morons pretending the Prequels were good. You just like the art direction.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Let me put it this way, the best star wars games all came from the prequels. (Battlefront and the two pod racing games)

          All movies are a little bit gay, so I prefer the movies that gave me better games.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >ignores half of battlefront's content is OG Trilogy
            >Pretending Kotor and Kotor 2 aren't the best games and have nothing to do with the prequels.
            >thinking a pod racing game has anything on tie fighter, dark forces, or rouge squadron

            • 3 weeks ago

              I guess you can eat a dick if you want, autistic homosexual. Have fun when no one else responds to your thread because you're an insufferable Black person

              • 3 weeks ago

                Maybe get better fricking taste in games homosexual

      • 3 weeks ago

        >The star wars stuff I liked as a kid is better than the star wars stuff you liked as a kid.
        Correct, if it isn’t the OT it isn’t Star Wars.
        Prequels are stupid and practical effects made Star Wars what it is.

        Let me put it this way, the best star wars games all came from the prequels. (Battlefront and the two pod racing games)

        All movies are a little bit gay, so I prefer the movies that gave me better games.

        >Let me put it this way, the best star wars games all came from the prequels (Battlefront and the two pod racing games)
        lel are you kidding me?
        There is one good pod racing game, the PS2 one is mediocre. Nobody on earth would call that the best Star Wars game are you out of your fricking mind lol.
        Battlefront 1+2 have just as much OT content as PT content, they were just released along side the prequel film releases.
        In fact, fan reception of the prequels was so bad they didn’t even put clone wars shit on the COVER of the first battlefront game. Remember that. That’s extremely telling, they knew advertising it with clone wars shit would be worse for sales.
        Nobody said a good word about the prequels until zoomers got older.

        Zoomcels, prequels are bad, the entire prequel media empire was crap outside of literally the N64 pod racing game.

        t. Millenial boomer sex-having king

  10. 3 weeks ago

    The Naboo Starfighter looks gay. Yellow is gay. It should have just been all silver or something. Stupid gay ship.

    • 3 weeks ago

      This is also true. It was unlockable in Rogue Squadron. It flew a lot like the X-Wing, except it was better in every single way. Faster, more maneuverable, better lasers, better shield, but it wasn't nearly as cool. I'd still use the X-Wing even after unlocking the Naboo Starfighter.

      >The star wars stuff I liked as a kid is better than the star wars stuff you liked as a kid.
      Correct, if it isn’t the OT it isn’t Star Wars.
      Prequels are stupid and practical effects made Star Wars what it is.
      >Let me put it this way, the best star wars games all came from the prequels (Battlefront and the two pod racing games)
      lel are you kidding me?
      There is one good pod racing game, the PS2 one is mediocre. Nobody on earth would call that the best Star Wars game are you out of your fricking mind lol.
      Battlefront 1+2 have just as much OT content as PT content, they were just released along side the prequel film releases.
      In fact, fan reception of the prequels was so bad they didn’t even put clone wars shit on the COVER of the first battlefront game. Remember that. That’s extremely telling, they knew advertising it with clone wars shit would be worse for sales.
      Nobody said a good word about the prequels until zoomers got older.

      Zoomcels, prequels are bad, the entire prequel media empire was crap outside of literally the N64 pod racing game.

      t. Millenial boomer sex-having king

      I didn't even like the pod racing game. It only became a little interesting if you did the cheat that let you pilot a podracer with 2 controllers. That was actually pretty cool. When it came to racing on the N64 though, I was still sticking with MarioKart64.
      I think you're being overly harsh about the PT however. They are not all of the same quality and Revenge of the Sith is fantastic. Honestly, it's the only movie needed to tell the story about the fall of Anakin to the dark side. Watch that on its own and ignore the first 2.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Don’t let my curmudgeony ways stop you from enjoying anything.
        I’ll never ever like the prequels because I’m a purist, but if you like them that’s fine.

        The only thing you can’t like are the sequels. If you like the sequels you aren’t human.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Not bad, just not as much fun as Rogue Squadron due to the weakers missions and lamer vehicles you could operate.
          Still had a better graphics engine and my wish would be Rogue Squadron using the Naboo Engine instead.

          >The only thing you can’t like are the sequels. If you like the sequels you aren’t human.
          I never hated the prequels myself, but they aren't as good as the originals as well.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >The only thing you can’t like are the sequels.
          Pretty ironic given TFA is better than any of the prequels in terms of quality. Yes, the prequels are that bad, granted they aren't TLJ or RotSW bad

          • 3 weeks ago

            Nobody wants to watch that remake of A New Hope. We'll just watch the original.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Nobody wants to watch that remake of A New Hope
              But you still watch Return of the Jedi

              • 3 weeks ago

                You're trying too hard anon.

    • 3 weeks ago

      What are you talking about? It looks fine to me.

      • 3 weeks ago

        That's because you are a homo

        • 3 weeks ago

          No I think that's (You)

  11. 3 weeks ago

    never played it, however on a related note, picrel and its' sequel are two of the best star wars games, with the best comms chatter of any flight arcade game.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Holy shit disagree. This game was ass.
      >we have rogue squadron at home

  12. 3 weeks ago

    The Super Mario World + Luigi Sprite is peak to me.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    >zoomer: I like the pod racing
    >millennial: pod racing is the only thing that was good
    seem like everyone agrees, pod racing is the best man

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