Was he right? Also if I want to play this game in 3rd person mode (should I even?) which DLC am I supposed to buy?

Was he right? Also if I want to play this game in 3rd person mode (should I even?) which DLC am I supposed to buy? I can't find it on the steam page. Is the gold edition in general fine?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Form your own opinions dumb frick

    • 3 months ago

      it was fun make up your own mind you sheep

      >asks about goyslop game
      >ad for goyslop delivery in screenshot

      Are you guys real human beings? I don't get how I'm called the sheep or the shill, when you guys respond EXACTLY the same as every other bot on here to any thread featuring a YouTube video. I just want to talk about the game and the perception of it, while also learning how to get the 3rd person DLC.

      • 3 months ago

        Want me to tuck you in too? homosexual.

        • 3 months ago

          Get back in your cuck-cage, kid.

      • 3 months ago

        then don't start with a fricking sponsored youtube video

  2. 3 months ago

    it was fun make up your own mind you sheep

  3. 3 months ago

    >asks about goyslop game
    >ad for goyslop delivery in screenshot

  4. 3 months ago

    I ain't watching the video. What are his main points?

    • 3 months ago

      This moron literally said he missed a key item in a very obviously room in RE2 Remake, then had the gall to go on to criticize all of RE8 in the most petulant and arbitrary ways ever. Do you want specifics? Or just the general gist? Because there's a lot to say.

      But I really want you to take it home that he praised RE2R which is just about As linear. If not more. For him being stupid enough to missa key item (valve handle) and then criticized RE8.

      He has some valid points about some puzzles especially the piano one being so braindead that you can solve them on accident. But RE2 had puzzles like that too. Like the electric room puzzle that lets you get the key to the weapons room if I'm not mistaken. It just comes across as incredibly biased and arbitrary. But you'd have to watch for yourself to make your own judgement if you don't believe me. But I don't blame you if you don't want to watch 45 min of this moron whining.

      • 3 months ago

        Resident Evil 2 has a good setting with a good story and good encounters.

        Village is just a montage of horror trope spectacle one after the other with so loose connections to RE it makes 7 look like a cornerstone title by comparison.

      • 3 months ago

        8 is terrible even if under the mayo is a moron that thinks taking 8 hours to make a single point means you are smart.

  5. 3 months ago

    I liked it. Not as good as the first half of 7 but it's better than the last half of 7.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't really care to compare them at this point because RE7 has just about reached that same mythical status of 4 where people excuse "problems" it had. Just to end up complaining about a future game with those problems. But can anybody tell me wtf were the hard puzzles in RE7 that people keep alluding to?

      I'm not saying RE8 puzzles were all great, piano puzzle was dumb, but everything in the dollhouse was like significantly better than anything in RE7 and frick it. Most of the series, in terms of puzzles.

      What were the hard puzzles in RE7 that I hear about?

  6. 3 months ago

    I always thought it kinda sucked ass, and actually retroactively made 7 better.
    I really didn’t like how it felt like they were grasping at straws for a setting and decided to make some weird rogues’ gallery of horror tropes (notably boring woman horror tropes like werewolves and vampires and witches) that in my opinion didn’t really feel like it fit into Resident Evil at all. It feels like a big budget Outlast game more than anything else.

    It made me appreciate the smaller more concentrated setting that 7 had, which I initially disliked.

  7. 3 months ago

    No, he is a gay just like you, OP

  8. 3 months ago

    Ironic. Seeing as this is quite literally what RE4 is.

    Also every RE game has always relied on tropes, except for maybe RE5 and it's Africa setting.

  9. 3 months ago

    he's an outrage youtuber, he shits on popular games for clicks. You're a moron if you even consider watching his slop.

    • 3 months ago

      The correct phrase is rage farming.

  10. 3 months ago

    soooo...is anyone going to help me with that TPS mode problem? Is Gold Edition enough alone to have it unlocked?

    • 3 months ago

      Ask your wife's bull

    • 3 months ago

      I thought they added as a regular update.

      • 3 months ago

        >I thought they added as a regular update.

        For real? Cuz the cheaper I can get this off CDkeys. The better.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      are you blind?

      • 3 months ago

        >get to play as Lady D in 3rd person with lingerie mods
        Frick, I want to buy it now

  11. 3 months ago

    Still better than RE7 (troony dogshit)

  12. 3 months ago

    >OH SHIT
    ethan is an annoying homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      while i agree with you, you homosexuals like the same annoying homosexuals with other name

    • 3 months ago

      while i agree with you, you homosexuals like the same annoying homosexuals with other name

      Jill is worse, she was an insufferable b***h in RE3R. and in the Dead Island movie she is the most annoying c**t she ever was. I understand that she's angry about all the trauma and shit, but she's inconsiderate even when people is nice to her

      >what is this place Leon?
      >was used to transport weapons by the military
      >yes yes, thanks for the history lesson pal

      >this place is scary Leon
      >dont worry Jill, i think we are close
      >nooooooo really? don't tell me

      fricking b***h

      • 3 months ago

        can't say shit about the movies because i only watched the first 2 but worry not , i have this too

  13. 3 months ago

    >Be RE8
    >Have better gunplay and enemy design than RE7
    >Literally fix the enemy variety problem
    >Puzzles are shit, but puzzles are always shit in RE games and everyone who's not a moron knows this

    You morons can't make up your minds on whether you actually care about gameplay or not. On the gameplay from RE8 is better than 7 by a mile. Arguably better than 2, and 3 depending on what you value.

    Why do morons actually pretend that the series was ever some hardcore horror game with the mega spooks! This series has always been a halfway between horror, and action adventure. Just just horror themed fantasy adventure. If you're REALLY that hardcore on "It needs to be scary" then sure, whatever. Pretend that 7 is better. But at least 8 tries to be its own thing and wasn't taking design notes from Amnesia and Outlast shit. You're joking if you pretend 7 and 8 are the same on that front. I much prefer "Mix Classic and post RE4 game design" than "Omg le spooky first person woooo"

    • 3 months ago

      I like it how you’re too afraid to reply to people.

  14. 3 months ago

    It was a perfectly fine game with better technical gameplay than 7, but both of them follow the tradition of blowing their entire load on one memorable section and then letting the rest of the game just fall where it may.

    >Village section: GOAT
    >After that: Can barely remember, some boring castle, and even worse island?

    >Beginning Baker mansion: Welcome to the family, son!
    >After that: There was a boat or something, wasn't there? And maybe some caves?

    >Castle Dimitrescu: Step on me, mommy! Eat me up, daughters!
    >After that: Some underground factory, a rehashed shooter section.

    • 3 months ago

      I actually think the Castle was the worst part about Village. The game really didn't open up until you were done with that.

    • 3 months ago

      >It was a perfectly fine game with better technical gameplay than 7, but both of them follow the tradition of blowing their entire load on one memorable section and then letting the rest of the game just fall where it may.

      WHAT? Okay firstly "memorable" is a stupid and subjective word. We should evaluate games on that basis because 1. The castle is actually when RE4 finally steps up and starts taking its mechanics seriously and pushing them to the limit.
      I'll admit, it's garbagely paced. But tis what it tis.

      Baker mansion: Welcome to the family, son!
      that: There was a boat or something, wasn't there? And maybe some caves?

      Okay sure. I don't disagree. Infact I'd say it wore thing way too fast. I actually got tired of the whole thing by the aftermath of the chainsaw fight with Jack. It simply doesn't have enough in way of combat or tension to carry something so linear (which is something RE8 deals with better)

      Dimitrescu: Step on me, mommy! Eat me up, daughters!
      that: Some underground factory, a rehashed shooter section.

      NAHH frick you. You're moronic no? The factory is LITERALLY the best part of the entire game that embodies the games mechanical identity the most. It's the level where it shows that that marriage of RE4 and RE1 IS possible, and can be done interestingly and engagingly. It also has the best enemy design and level design AND boss fights. In a series that sucks at boss fights.

      If we reduce all of this to "not memorable" that just means we're throwing away the best part of the GAME (because it's a GAME remember) that should be the blueprint to move on in some new installment and further improve upon or refine.

      • 3 months ago

        Well, we have different criteria I guess. Not saying I want movie games, but if I wanted pure gameplay and mechanics I'd play bing-bing wahoo or shmups. In this type of game I value appealing and unique atmosphere, characters, environments, music that can take me back there once it's over, like a travel memory, and I didn't get that from those. I forgot about the Donna/Angie section though, it was a bit indie horror-ish, but I didn't dislike it.

  15. 3 months ago

    Took you this long? After everyone already played it people were saying it was a bit of a let down. I feel even Capcom knew it so that's why they shrugged it off and handed the marketing to the VA's than doing anything else. It wasn't bad, wasn't good, had so much protentional to be the best RE game but it fell short. That's what's disappointing about it. Even thought the Lords were great, but they needed to be more fleshed out with more interaction and backstory. Alcina was basically just Mr.X 2.0, but I feel that they had nothing else to really do with her but just roam the castle.

    • 3 months ago

      Also, it was pretty much the first time I've ever seen a company just drop their game and product and just hand it to other people do deal with it. The girls did great with fan interaction and everything, but it still didn't end up selling as well as others even though the voice acting is A+(well besides Donna because she literally has one sentence)

    • 3 months ago

      >Even thought the Lords were great, but they needed to be more fleshed out with more interaction and backstory.

      I don't get it? Why are the newer games held to such a high standard? Where are the people asking for more interaction and back story in RE4? RE3? FRICK, even RE5 with its lore dumbs, has some shit character interaction, besides Wesker, if you like his moronic villain antics.

      >Alcina was basically just Mr.X 2.0, but I feel that they had nothing else to really do with her but just roam the castle.

      Ive never thought Mr.X was a good idea or well designed anyway so I don't care but even so. There's SO much more to the game than just that level, so much it does well or right. The doll puzzle was great, one of the best puzzles in the series in a long time that actually feels like one. The del Lago copy fight was honestly probably better than actual del Lago, both remake and OG. The industrial factory like I said, was a brilliant marriage of classic RE and RE4. And frick. It actually had some decent boss fights. Arguably even good, with the fricking pillar throwing dude and the flame dude, forgot his name. In a series that frequently has NO good boss fights whatsoever.

      I don't get the weird scrutiny for this game. I'm not saying it's the best game ever, but it gets downplayed way too much. Its already so rare to get a game this solid, why aren't we encouraging and valuing it good parts so that the series can be better? I notice this with 7 a bit too, but honestly, 7 is nearing RE4 status of "untouchable can't criticize, perfect RE game" or maybe it's just more REmake status.

      • 3 months ago

        It's because people found them really interesting, and wondered who they were before their Cadou and how they met Miranda. That's basically it, the only one we have something on is Miranda and I feel she should have stayed as an antagonist for the series. I found her really interesting. Maybe something on Alcina, possibly being a vocal Jazz singer in the 30's according to a CD in The Winters home.

        • 3 months ago

          It's mostly missed potential.
          All 4 Lords are really interesting, they are more than just monsters, like other villains in the series.
          Each one could have carried at the least a focused DLC sized conflict, but they last around an hour.

          Well hopefully the series will continue along these lines and we'll get to see them again instead of remakes. Not sure that's enough reason to knock on the game though but hm...idk.

          Well, we have different criteria I guess. Not saying I want movie games, but if I wanted pure gameplay and mechanics I'd play bing-bing wahoo or shmups. In this type of game I value appealing and unique atmosphere, characters, environments, music that can take me back there once it's over, like a travel memory, and I didn't get that from those. I forgot about the Donna/Angie section though, it was a bit indie horror-ish, but I didn't dislike it.

          >but if I wanted pure gameplay and mechanics I'd play bing-bing wahoo or shmups.

          This doesn't mean anything though? No game is pure gameplay, even Mario trials to have a story. Unless you're talking solely about 2D games. In which case both Celeste and Hotline Miami. Games id actually call purer and deeper than Mario games, try to have a story, theme or aesthetic. And that are COUNTLESS of people that love those games almost entirely for that. Even more than the gameplay.

          I don't get what point you're going for? It's bad when the "movie game" has good gameplay, because it doesn't happen to appeal to your subjective preferences? That seems like such a shallow and arbitrary reason to dismiss the game. Just say it wasn't for you then. Not that it was bad, or mediocre. I like 8's storybook fairytale aesthetic. Everything simultaneously looks so lavish, but grounded. Like some kind of fairytale realism. It's so much more stylized than 7 was, and more than 2 was, and more than 3 was. I don't get how the game gets shit on so much, but then again. Subjective Preferences.

          Regardless. My point is just that it should get credit for being far more of a consistent and solid experience than most RE games tend to be. And for doing more right than wrong. So many of these criticisms feel like nitpicks. No offense.

          • 3 months ago

            The game had an amazing sound too, when one of the daughters came up behind you, it actually sounded like she was behind you. Got me a couple of times with the sudden loud laughing and "Rwar :3"'s.

      • 3 months ago

        It's mostly missed potential.
        All 4 Lords are really interesting, they are more than just monsters, like other villains in the series.
        Each one could have carried at the least a focused DLC sized conflict, but they last around an hour.

  16. 3 months ago

    The Donna "boss" fight grew on me, you realize you're actually playing a fricked up game of hide and seek with Donna and Ethans UFCing her ass all around the house as she runs and giggles like he's playing a game with her like a child . But beating her to death at the same time, and finishing her off with some scissors. Puts a really fricked up image in your head.

  17. 3 months ago

    It's a fine game.
    It goes too fricking fast though. All of the Lords have potential, but you don't spend enough time with them.
    Duke is the best character in the series in years.
    It' fun though, and that's what matters. I'd say 7 or 7.5/10

    • 3 months ago

      >The Duke
      Total Bro, and making him evil in the Shadows of Bootyhole DLC was so lame. This too
      >I-it was all a dream
      >OoOo is that ETHAN AT THE END?

  18. 3 months ago

    it was pretty good until you leave the castle, but thats just because it reminded me of RE4.

  19. 3 months ago

    The Factory was the best part of the game.

    • 3 months ago

      Damn right
      The bossfight at the end was just way too goofy otherwise it was great
      The whole game felt too open to be scary otherwise

    • 3 months ago

      Somebody fricking gets it. Finally a resi game that breaks the spell of "great first half, shit last half"

    • 3 months ago

      What he said

  20. 3 months ago

    Rad ending theme tho.

    • 3 months ago

      holy frick. I just realized I've heard this song before somewhere but never knew it was from here. Jesus wtf, where does Capcom get these people, first the banger VA's. Then this random singer, going crazy. I might be onions, but this song kinda gave me goosebumps

      • 3 months ago

        Aga Ujma sings the song, looks like she's a multi instrumentalist and a recording artist. I haven't heard her other stuff but I might check her out other stuff whenever. Seems like the VA's had some other stuff but Maggie and Bekka seem to have came out of nowhere other than Nicole Tompkins that has worked on other RE games. She's nu-jill in RE2R.

  21. 3 months ago

    Seems like a pretty good offer

  22. 3 months ago

    Mayo's taste in vidya is just so all over the place I really can't understand the logic behind the madness
    Although he's definitely an ADHD zoomer or something since he is literally incapable to pay attention to a game's story

    • 3 months ago

      It should tell you all you need to know about both Silent Hill 2, and Mayo, that it's one of his top videogame story's ever I'm pretty sure.

    • 3 months ago

      >he is literally incapable to pay attention to a game's story
      Nothing wrong with that since 99% of all video game writing is horse shit

      • 3 months ago

        It's not even hard to follow, you don't even need to give a shit about anything until you're out of the castle because it leaves everything else there. The real story starts after that and get's into depth but it's not something that's super hard to understand or is there a shit load of lore to follow and figure out. Like every other RE game the stories mostly in the notes you find.

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly, you get everything at the end in Miranda's lab. It pretty much explains all of it, the cadou, everything.

          It's something of a Frankenstein's Monster of different ideas all put into one game but the end product is still good.

          I've heard it described as being Hammer/classic euro horror inspired and I don't think that's far off at all. Alcina is basically fricking dracula but female.

          • 3 months ago

            >Miranda's lab
            >explains all of it
            Okay, well how long was Miranda masquerading as Ethan's wife? How did Chris know about it? Why were the Winters even in Romania when they could've been relocated to anywhere? How can Ethan not know he's a Mold Man for years? Is Ethan really "dead" or is Dream Eveline lying? How come Mia left Rosemary to be raised by Chris Redfield?

            • 3 months ago

              >Okay, well how long was Miranda masquerading as Ethan's wife?
              It's been speculated from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It really doesn't say at any point during the game which would have been key info.
              >How did Chris know about it?
              I guess working with the BSAA and just being Chris.
              >Why were the Winters even in Romania when they could've been relocated to anywhere?
              Wasn't really answered but it's speculated that it was done on purpose to use The Winters as bait to get to Miranda. How Miranda knew to go after Ethan and Rose wasn't really explained either. Just that Miranda saw her as a vessel for her daughter, but why? Who the frick knows.
              >How can Ethan not know he's a Mold Man for years?
              He's literally just a copy, his consciousness is in the megamycete. So he's dead and gone, but his mold copy taking his place in the physical world.
              >Is Ethan really "dead" or is Dream Eveline lying?
              Yeah, he's dead, that head stomp by Jack was the one that did it. He was already infected by the time he stepped into the Bakers home because of the spores.
              >How come Mia left Rosemary to be raised by Chris Redfield?
              Another theory, it was possibly that Rose was born as a weapon for The Connections, which is how Miranda knew about Rose and her birth because Mia worked with Miranda previously with The Connections. But when Miranda was "killed" she just bounced out, and it being a "joke" that her name is Mia, which stands for "Missing in action".

              • 3 months ago

                ...so the only way to become a Mold Chad Dad in the RE universe is to die and let your Mold clone impregnate your wife?

              • 3 months ago

                I guess.

              • 3 months ago

                It's kinda weird they do the whole "you're not even the REAL Ethan!" Twist then expect us to feel bad when this...Mold clone blows himself up. So we're we supposed to care or feel empty? Does it matter that Rose gets to talk to Ethan Clone later? It's not even her REAL dad. Why even tease him coming back with the same ending cutscene twice? Hell, Rosemary was being cloned too. Yet it's assumed the audience shouldn't even give a shot about pic related.

              • 3 months ago

                Ethan is already Mold Daddy in the jar
                Half of the game is fighting your adopted jealous half-sister
                Fortunately Ethan is still with his adopted mod daughter in the ending

              • 3 months ago

                >It's about family
                >Eveline tries to torture Ethan into being mindbroken so he'll be her daddy
                >Mia lies to her husband about his condition and their daughter
                >Mold Dad is from Eveline's Mold
                >Eveline is a clone of Eva, Miranda's daughter
                >Miranda pretends to be Mold Dad's wife

                So if Miranda has sex with Mold Dad while posing as his wife it's technically Mold incest?

              • 3 months ago

                >How Miranda knew to go after Ethan and Rose wasn't really explained either. Just that Miranda saw her as a vessel for her daughter, but why? Who the frick knows.
                Seem like you missed the log about Wesker visiting her before making umbrella

              • 3 months ago

                What does that have to do with Ethan and Rose? Nothing, that was talking about her and SPENCER met.

              • 3 months ago

                They were still messaging, im not going to look for you if it's really a log or in the DLC tho.

              • 3 months ago

                It was Spencer. If you have no idea what you're talking about shut the frick up.

                It's kinda weird they do the whole "you're not even the REAL Ethan!" Twist then expect us to feel bad when this...Mold clone blows himself up. So we're we supposed to care or feel empty? Does it matter that Rose gets to talk to Ethan Clone later? It's not even her REAL dad. Why even tease him coming back with the same ending cutscene twice? Hell, Rosemary was being cloned too. Yet it's assumed the audience shouldn't even give a shot about pic related.

                They could have done so much better with Rose meeting Ethan, they could have made some eyes get watery but it was so half-ass. DAD? YEAH, IT'S ME BUT FRICK THAT, OTHER SHIT

              • 3 months ago

                >Hey dad let's hug...
                >Rose I'm...(insert awkward camera angle where face is hidden)...somehow dying from stab wound despite being a Mold Spirit
                >maybe give me some energy so I can get bet-
                >nope, dad, we're just going to hug until I wake up
                >whoa what a weird dream, huh, why am I holding a wedding ring
                >repeat final cutscene from main game with no added content

                Why did they do this?

              • 3 months ago

                Laziness, everything after the fact seems like they didn't have much hope in the game and gave us a lazy DLC. Honestly, the whole thing was pointless and makes it seem like Capcom thought Rose was going to be a huge character and icon in their US market. When that proved to be otherwise when people wanted more of the lords, and especially Alcina. The whole thing is non-sensible and tossed together without much thought. The only thing that made sense a bit was Miranda cloning Rose, but killing everyone of them off over stupid shit because she was CUH-RAZAY!!

  23. 3 months ago


  24. 3 months ago

    I would frick Daniella unironically

  25. 3 months ago

    It's something of a Frankenstein's Monster of different ideas all put into one game but the end product is still good.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's something of a Frankenstein's Monster of different ideas all put into one game but the end product is still good.

      Isn't that exactly what RE4 was when first released. It's development cycle seems to suggest that atleast, and how haphazardly put together it's plot and environments seem to be. And fricking enemy design. Man everything about RE4 was just so radically different and crazy. It was stuffed to the bring with new mechanics, new ideas, new setpieces. Just everything. And it all succeeded.

      To be honest RE8 feels like a type of game Shinji Mikami would make. Just probably not FPS.

      • 3 months ago

        Everyone shit on it, but I fricking loved it being an FPS, works so well with the horror aspect. Nothing more fun turning around and seeing one of those zombied out Madiens right up in your shit.

  26. 3 months ago

    No. The game had some great moments. Few youtubers are worth listening to especially when they're this wrong. Also for fricks sake, form your own opinion.

  27. 3 months ago

    She was fun in Mercenaries,
    you're just fricking tearing through lycans like nothing.

  28. 3 months ago

    Why am I In such a chill resident evil mood right now? I just currently love the entire series and everything it represents, even though I literally hate almost all the games for betraying me in one way or another. Maybe it's because I'm currently playing RE4 and having a good time.

    Anyway, Chill resi thread. If this thread dies, I'll make my own, featuring this link, to encourage chill https://youtu.be/toOK1o8kkE8?si=EHLOjwSnYNB1phm-&t=3532

  29. 3 months ago

    it was nice in 3rd person, but be aware "mercenary" is still in fps (not like it's good and you will play it more than 1 time and still SS it)

    • 3 months ago

      >(not like it's good and you will play it more than 1 time and still SS it)

      It's fine if mercenaries suck. I don't tend to like game modes like that. They feel too grindy and remind me of league of legends, roguelites and destiny 2. Just that whole sorta "game". I know people have had fun with it tho. Maybe if I'm REALLY desperate. But I accidentally own RE6 anyway, so I can just do that ones mercenaries.

  30. 3 months ago

    I thought 8 was really disappointing especially as a follow up to 7 that did so much to remapir the series. 8 is almost as bad as 6.

    Let me just say, house Benevento is so stupid and not fun it's crazy to me so many people like that part so much

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah angie is hell after first game, but i did it only 3 time, god bless the autistic speedrunner doing it forever.

    • 3 months ago


      Meant repair. Fricking auto correct on cellphones have gotten so much worse

    • 3 months ago

      Do people seriously talk like this? There can't seriously be people that think, not only that RE8 is like RE6, but also that action "destroys" the series to the point of disrepair?

      Beyond the stupid fact that Resident Evil was Never a horror franchise. Just horror themed action adventure. RE4 UNIRONICALLY saved the franchise. Not because of itself. But because it allowed for the existence of RE5 which TRULY saved the franchise. Because it made Resident Evil too big to fail. You're joking if

      1. You genuinely thought RE6 would kill the franchise. The RE formula is literally so easy to do, and it's so obvious what RE6 did wrong
      2. That something like RE7 couldn't or wouldn't exist after.

      How many fricking franchises have "home back to their roots" I can't believe the amount of morons that were GENUINELY outstanded at the fact. When there were so many hints with the REmake HD remaster, revelation games. ETC.

      People read this franchise so fricking wrong. The shitty series would have been dead if Mikami didn't get fricking bored of doing the same shallow sum of its parts shit, and FINALLY decided to design ACTUAL gameplay. HIS words btw. Because I don't think people realize how important it was for RE to FINALLY actually have some kind of gameplay identity beyond "Woah dude, you have to like be strategic and resource manage. Even though 90% of strategy is just trial and error and knowing what's ahead, because the puzzles are brain-dead "Item A to Door A" and combat is garbage because they copied a shitty JRPG game.

      It's so stupid that you can just say "Le not resident evil" and invalidate better gameplay than whatever nonsense people call "Resident Evil"

      • 3 months ago

        You have no clue about where the line between having elements and being a genre is drawn if you think Resident Evil is just a "horror themed" franchise you stupid frick I bet you think Silent Hill is the epitome of horror

  31. 3 months ago

    Let me guess. Was his criticism that it wasn't like Doom Eternal?

  32. 3 months ago

    It's garbage. Ergo, you would probably like it

    • 3 months ago

      >Ergo, you would probably like it

      What makes you say that anonymous individual?

  33. 3 months ago

    It’s a boring as frick rollercoaster where every separate section of the game is just borrowed concepts of other games (including older Resident Evil games) that did it better.
    But booby mommy milkers etc even though she dies first lmao

  34. 3 months ago

    Werewolf Chris not being real will always be disappointing.

    • 3 months ago

      >tfw No epic final where Chris turns into a werewolf and Ethan turns into a super mold monster and have an epic monster battle

      • 3 months ago

        Capcom dropped the ball on marketing so fricking hard. I have no idea why either, but that wolf/Chris poster was straight up bullshit marketing. The only "werewolves" were the Lycan's and Varcolac.

  35. 3 months ago

    I don't think so. It's no masterpiece, but it's more or less on the same level as RE7 so a solid 7/10. I know there are some people, mainly on here, who hate arcade elements in their survival horror. Personally, I think RE7 was slightly better at 8/10 and I didn't hate the boat or the mines as much as everyone else here seems to do, nor did I mind the lack of enemy variety because of how short the game is and it being a pseudo/remake of RE1 which also only really had a handful of different enemies in total not counting the crows, snakes, wasps and sharks. My only real gripes are how ugly the women are due to the new engine and the choice between Zoe and Mia not really mattering much at all.

    I did actually play the game though and they only really paid lip service to pussy Japs regarding the scares. There's still plenty of horror and plenty of scary moments in the game like Ethan getting his fingers chewed off, the castle basement, Donna's house (loved that Clock Tower reference) and so on. The only real difference from RE7 when it comes to scares is that it's never truly night outside, but rather evening in the moments just before twilight.

    • 3 months ago

      It's significantly better designed than 7 if you don't hold it to whatever arbitrary standard RE fans hold everything that isn't the classic games or RE4 too. And actually hold it up to the standard of RE4: Doing something different, and doing it well, even if that means forsaking a bit of horror.

      It addresses almost every complaint of 7, from enemy variety, to enemy design, to more varied environments, to better bossfights (generally) to better gunplay in general, to a mercenaries mode, and to feeling more arcadey. 8 is like a marriage of every era of RE.

      it's classic RE, while being RE4, while being RE7. And that makes it something special. As much as people pretend "This is the game for the masses" It was clearly not the game everybody wanted, seeing as it not only sold less than 7 and 2 remake. But also, because it tried to be something good and adventurous. Rather than just being something "horror".

      • 3 months ago

        >better bossfights
        Personally, I really disliked that all the bosses were giant targets like Jack's final form in RE7. I was so disappointed that you couldn't fight Heisenberg in his human form.
        >varied environments
        I mean yeah maybe a little? It's only really the Factory and Castle that stands out so the same as RE7 with the Mansion and the Greenhouse.
        The reason why I think RE7 is better despite agreeing with you on some of the other improvements that Village brought is just because of how massive an Evil Dead 2 fanboy I am. Fricking love that movie so much.
        >It sold less than 7 and 2 remake
        I don't think this is a fair comparison. 7 took 6 years to pass 10+ million and 2make was a surprise smash hit, but also took 4 years to pass 10 million and Village is almost at 10 million already despite "only" being out for 3 years (almost 4 now). By comparison, RE3make sits at 8.60 million likely due to PC coomers since that one actually is seen as universally disappointing.

    • 3 months ago

      >I did actually play the game though and they only really paid lip service to pussy Japs regarding the scares.
      But Capcom mocked them for it with the puppets, they listened to them, but at the same time gave them shit for it. I thought it was bullshit too, how the frick are you going to play a horror game and not expect horror? They gave fans what they wanted for years, then you get people whining about how it wasn't fixed camera, or that it was too scary, and everyone else that actually enjoyed it and finally got a more aspect from the series that it actually needed for once were ignored.

      • 3 months ago

        >they listened to them
        Except they didn't really listen to them if you read my post or even just played the game. You said it yourself, they mocked them for it and were mostly paying lip service by the only difference being that it's never night outside aside from the very end where the village is in flames so as to still light everything up.

        Personally, I think they never should've given that interview where they said that they listened to Jap feedback and wanted Resident Evil to be "something that anybody can feel comfortable jumping in and playing" which will never work with horror anything, that's why horror will never be truly mainstream like fantasy or capeshit and so on. It's the nature of the genre, both a blessing and a curse. Horror will NEVER be for "everyone" by its definition, there's even less of an elusive wider audience to be gotten here. Resident Evil's massive and continued success is as far as the horror genre will ever go for video games. I doubt we'll ever see a survival horror pass the 20 million sales mark.

        My point is that the majority of this board saw that article get posted here and started making up typical bullshit about the game "not being horror" because of that ONE fricking interview just like how they called RE7 an "Outlast clone" despite Outlast not having any combat whatsoever and it took fricking years before that particular shitpost stopped getting spammed as much.

        Found the article.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, I just don't understand it. The disturbing imagery, the gore, the creepiness, the unsettlingness, the sounds, everything. It was great, then people play a horror game, a Resident Evil game that needed more actuall horror in the franchise and go "It's too scawy :("


          • 3 months ago

            People b***hed about the first dead space being too scary which caused the sequel's horror elements to be nerfed.
            Companies are always going to chase maximum sales numbers so this will keep happening unfortunately.

            • 3 months ago

              I always see Ganker claim that Dead Space isn't scary at all and that the sequel is superior and I've always suspected it's because they're just too pussy for the Ishumura. Their number one excuse is "muh jumpscares", but the only real jumpscares in the game are whenever a Necromorph barges through a vent. They made the right choice by making Isaac a mute and the audio design which is a key ingredient for good horror is immaculate. Not being able to pause the game, not even when using the upgrade bench also keeps your heart pounding as you never know if a Necromorph is about to creep on you from behind.

              Game is an absolute masterpiece in tension and suspense and the Ishimura is as iconic as the Mansion from RE1 in my book.

              • 3 months ago

                >Their number one excuse is "muh jumpscares"
                How does that even count as a jump scare? The game establishes very early on that they will come out through vents to hunt you at any moment. I loved that shit, it made every vent I encountered a possible threat & they really used that well having ones you walked past have necromorphs creep out & stalk you. Between that, the sound design with shit creaking & metal clanking & not being able to pause it created a great sense of paranoia.
                >Game is an absolute masterpiece in tension and suspense and the Ishimura is as iconic as the Mansion from RE1 in my book.
                Agreed 100% at least for the original, never played the remake but I saw it & even though they made slime sections less tedious they really butchered the frick out of that game especially with the audio.

              • 3 months ago

                Strictly talking about the OG. I've had zero interest in playing the remake ever since all the woke shit they stuffed in as well as completely changing the lighting and scenery which ruins the overall feel of the Ishimura and by adding so many new random characters on board the ship and voicing Isaac and seeing his face from the get go you no longer feel as isolated and alone which is what made the original so effective. Not to mention the Denuvo.

                Whilst I still haven't played it yet, I know Schofield got a lot of flak for Callisto being less than stellar, but listening to the interview he gave to Ars Technica on the development of DS1 really shows how much care and attention to detail he and his team had when creating the game. The dude spends 20 minutes talking about the drag tentacle alone, a bit that lasted 40 seconds and was only in 2-3 areas in the entire game. Truly a shame what happened with Callisto and now he's completely gone from the industry I think.

                The interview is a little over an hour long but anyone who's a fan of DS1 should see it at least once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9rjpTZN_Aw

              • 3 months ago

                DS1 was fricking rad.

  36. 3 months ago

    Rose dlc was fricking BASED though (cause of Eveline)

    • 3 months ago

      Not enough Eveline. Why was she in Ethan's house in the Megamycete? When Ethan threw Rose out what did he do to stop Eveline? Did Ethan pretend to be her daddy since he had nothing else to do until Rose showed up? Also didn't Eveline win since Ethan is "wounded" the last time we see him?

      • 3 months ago

        I don't really remember all the plot beats, but judging by how much Eveline was seething and bullying Rose, I think it's safe to say Ethan ignored her advances all the way through. He needs correction

        • 3 months ago

          There was no advances, get your pedophile fantasy bullshit out of here you sick frick.

          • 3 months ago

            Um, rude

            >Eveline is now the most powerful entity in the Megamycete
            >has her coveted daddy firmly in her grasp
            >Rose can do nothing but cry herself to sleep after letting her chance slip through her fingers

            Eveline won. Thank you CAPCOM!

            Based Evie dabbing on Mia's pushover spawn

            • 3 months ago

              >wearing her daddy's shirt
              Such a good girl. I wonder what she did to earn such a privilege

              • 3 months ago

                Here's hoping that Capcom will bring us up to speed on that in RE9. Till then, we can only speculate...

              • 3 months ago

                Here's hoping that Capcom will bring us up to speed on that in RE9. Till then, we can only speculate...

                >Eveline is now the most powerful entity in the Megamycete
                >has her coveted daddy firmly in her grasp
                >Rose can do nothing but cry herself to sleep after letting her chance slip through her fingers

                Eveline won. Thank you CAPCOM!

                Frick this nonsense i Want a buddy cop partner game with those two way after Shadows of Rose.

                >The Duke brings both Ethan and Eveline back.
                >Its like 5 years after shadows of Rose alot changed
                >Ethan accept that Rose and Mia already moved on and he doesnt chase then
                >Ethan and Eveline actually build a friendship in the two decades they are in the mold world,
                >Eveline tantrum in SoR was just jealousy that Ethan resolved easily after Rose was gone.

                the Duke bring then back because Miranda was the only one that was controlling the mold hivemind(the black god she keeps talking about) and after Rose killed her,they wake up and spread all over the real world.Ethan and Eveline are the only ones that can destroy it because they have anough willpower to resist him in all those years in the mold world

                Cue a game about then going around the world killing the mold spread and bonding in a special way

                The father story is now done...Now its about the revenant know as Ethan/Michael and his creator/confidant Eva/Eveline finding a better future for each other.

        • 3 months ago

          >Eveline is now the most powerful entity in the Megamycete
          >has her coveted daddy firmly in her grasp
          >Rose can do nothing but cry herself to sleep after letting her chance slip through her fingers

          Eveline won. Thank you CAPCOM!

  37. 3 months ago

    youtube personality thread, into the trash it goes. either make a thread around an opinion for discussion or kys

    • 3 months ago

      We are discussing everything, have you been reading the 93 posts?

  38. 3 months ago

    It would be a fine game if they like, doubled the amount of enemies and made late-game weapons accessible earlier on. As it is the game's combat is annoyingly concentrated in a few areas and then is an afterthought for the rest of the game

    • 3 months ago

      >It would be a fine game if they like, doubled the amount of enemies and made late-game weapons accessible earlier on. As it is the game's combat is annoyingly concentrated in a few areas and then is an afterthought for the rest of the game

      I don't get how people still don't understand that the game is literally just supposed to be an RE1-3 character in an RE4 world. The combat still doesn't have any flashy kicks or combos or hip fire or anything like that. Fundementally it's the same as RE7 and RE2R. It's just that, how they're approached and engaged with changed based on the context of the environment and the amount/type of enemy. If your being funneled enemies in a tight corridor. With your character that is not only deliberately slow, but also can't roundhouse kick whole groups. Then you're playing survival horror RE. If you're in an open area, being given lots of guns, and a flood of enemies. You're playing RE4.

      The game isn't actually either of them. It's more like a cross inbetween. There's a YouTube I could link that explains it perfectly but basically it's this:

      Each individual enemy is still a threat, like they would be Ina classic RE game. But they're also simultaneously not as simple. They dart around more, and you can't affect them other than aiming and shooting. The reason they're not spammed is because each individual enemy is threatening enough.

      I'm guessing you didn't play on hardcore, if you didn't understand this. The enemies are supposed to be like one of those super zombies in the classic games that takes more shots than the others in a tight corridor. Except sometimes they're spammed (not as much as 4) so that you have to be quick on your feet like RE4.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not saying the combat needs to be as involved as RE4 just that it needed more of it. The mercenaries mode shows how fun the game could be if there was just more enemies scattered throughout in the later parts of the game where managing more than 1 of them becomes easier

        • 3 months ago

          But why? That would just make it RE4 but without kicking.

          The more I hear about mercenaries mode, the more I'm convinced that it works not because any particular combat system is good or designed for it. But literally because it brute forced "fun" by design. It sounds like the kind of game mode that spoils the mundane, but meaningful tension of only having to face 2 or 3 enemies.

          Believe it or not RE8 is trying to be something new, something different, despite how much that doesn't seem like it. It seems to be taking the same principle of RE4 of "how can I make this core tank control combat interesting?" because honest RE4 is just a more aggressive spin on that. The limb system already actually existed in the classic games. They were just not designed with it in mind and therefore not utilized.

          Anyway. I don't think I can make an argument for this. It's weird to criticize a game for not being something you wanted, rather than on its own merits, makes things feel arbitrary, but at the same time, I can't blame you, because the game itself gave you a taste with mercenaries, a mode designed literally to be played over and over again and keep you addicted and engaged.

  39. 3 months ago

    RE7 is just an all around better game. far closer to it's survival horror roots than 8 ever was.

    • 3 months ago

      >RE7 is just an all around better game.

      I have no fricking idea wtf "better game" means to some of you when you settle for a game with worse gameplay, and level design.

      I guess it just means "feels like that thing from my childhood :D"

      • 3 months ago

        It means that he thought that RE7 was a better game. If that's hard for you to understand find an adult, or something that's more mentally well off to explain that to you. Don't get too much drool on your keyboard now buddy.

      • 3 months ago

        the gameplay is worse in 8
        7 is clunky but that works in 7 since it's a survival horror game you are meant to feel weak
        8 is an action game so these same slow clunky controls don't work.

        • 3 months ago

          >8 is an action game so these same slow clunky controls don't work.

          Are you moronic? Besides the fact that the mechanics are literally fundementally different which you would know if you played hard mode since blocking no longer has an active window, but is always active.

          RE4 is also deliberately slow, and even more "clunky" what a stupid word. And what a stupid moron you are to even attempt to make this argument while RE4 exists. I bet you're going to make up some moronic argument about how "RE4 IS SO RESPONSIVE THOUGH!" yeah, responsively slow. This is a game that doesn't allow you to even change your sensitivity. A game where you need to press two buttons to reload. A game where you need to press 2 buttons to nice. Three if you count pushing the analog stick down. A game where you have to go into your inventory every time you want to switch weapons, or throw a grenade
          Frick off. There's no excuse. People just have this incredibly weird, I want to say almost "NPC" perception where they CANNOT allow RE8 to be a good game, or better game than RE7 or 90% of RE games since they all frequently shit the bed in the latter half and RE8 doesn't.

          I don't get it. But like this

          It means that he thought that RE7 was a better game. If that's hard for you to understand find an adult, or something that's more mentally well off to explain that to you. Don't get too much drool on your keyboard now buddy.

          genius of a moron said. If you just feel like a game is a better game. It just is, and only morons that drool on their keyboard don't understand this.

          But seriously though. It's so funny when your expose the deep seated contradictions and biases laden in this community. Some of these game garner such mystical status' that people unironically make arguments like this without thinking.

          • 3 months ago

            I liked RE8 dude, I just thought it could have been better. I even bought a fricking signed print from Maggie/Alcina.

        • 3 months ago

          I don't know how many more times it needs to be said, but survival horror are action games too the only thing that matters is how that action is presented and you just said it yourself that 8 has clunky controls which is what makes it a survival horror and not a straight action adventure game

        • 3 months ago

          I'd say that pic is one of the top 10 "FRICKING NOPE" moments in vidya. You saw that light flickering, you knew you were about to get in to some shit.

  40. 3 months ago

    it was okay, but it definitely went dumb in a few places

  41. 3 months ago

    RE7 had a western consultant which is why it resembles blair witch project
    then capcom got wienery and didn't think they needed a consultant for RE8 which is why it turned into some jap shit again, which they doubled down on in the DLC

    • 3 months ago

      That's why it was better.

  42. 3 months ago

    In hindsight RE8 is more in the spirit of RE4 than the RE4 remake was.

    • 3 months ago

      How so? The only way I can see it, is that it embody the dark souls principle of:
      -Simple and Weak Player moveset
      -Strong and Varied enemy behaviour

      Is that it? 4make gives the player character itself more tools personally, but the enemy design doesn't actually change THAT drastically from the original. Especially if you compare original Pro mode to Remake Hardcore.

      They act almost EXACTLY the same, and I'd argue they're more effective in the original because of that. Shit feels more frantic because they're fast, and you're slow, but most importantly because you're slow and clunky (for lack of better word) you need to reload on the spot, and you move back slowly, so even if you get to the point where the enemies are being less aggressive than Remake. It's still effective because in OG, the AMOUNT of enemies actually matters. You can't just run around all day till you get your shot.

      It's so weird. I'm sure that the remake is harder, but the original just feels tougher to get through for me. Like it takes more work and effort. Anyway, I'll stop now.

      • 3 months ago

        It doesn't take itself seriously & it embraces the camp & indulges in its over the top ridiculousness just like the original RE4 did. Remake took all that away & tried to be super cereal.

  43. 3 months ago

    under the mayo is a moron. to be fair, he's able to form arguments and criticize things he doesn't like even in the face of overwhelming popularity, but his arguments suck.
    also doom eternal is his favorite game ever

    • 3 months ago

      Under the Mayo is also one of those morons who think survival horror is about avoiding combat and that there's an arbitrary limit for how much or little action there can be and enemies can't be allowed to give you currency or ammo because his only frame of reference for the genre is Resident Evil. I doubt he's ever played any other golden age franchises like Fatal Frame or Silent Hill

  44. 3 months ago


  45. 3 months ago

    >Best VA

    • 3 months ago

      she's nice but Capcom should stop reusing VAs for so many characters

  46. 3 months ago

    im not even opening this thread, why the frick would i let some moron on youtube decide my opinions for me? these homosexuals always huff their own farts.

    • 3 months ago

      He's basically right and wrong.

  47. 3 months ago


    RE7 story makes more sense when you determine Ethan isn't looking for Mia because she's his wife but because it's his job to get mycomycete sample

  48. 3 months ago
  49. 3 months ago

    It's creepy how most of you aren't American but you love American youtubers

    • 3 months ago

      I'm scared too.

      • 3 months ago

        Just goes to show that America has the rest of the world by the balls.
        Yet you slurp the culture up every day.

  50. 3 months ago

    Outlastzoomers wanted another Outlast ripoff but instead got a Resident Evil game, must have been traumatizing after Resident Evii [sig].

  51. 3 months ago

    >Ethan is a mold clone!

    Holy frick people you still cant get it?Ethan got resurrected by the mold just like Jack/Mia.
    Seriously where did you people get the Ethan mold clone thing?
    Look at this scene in RE He is already regenerating at this point.

    • 3 months ago

      they think because he died and resurrected he isn't himself anymore, thus a clone

      • 3 months ago

        By that logic Mia was a clone too since she died multiple times yet came back thanks to the Mold.

  52. 3 months ago

    >I didn’t like it, so now YOU can’t like it

    Baby logic.

  53. 3 months ago

    i can't take this moron seriously since his absolutely stupid ultrakill videos

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