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  1. 2 years ago

    OP here, nvm figured it out

  2. 2 years ago

    No. At least not on the difficulty it recommends and indicates it was designed for. One of the most tedious games I have ever played and it basically has unneeded difficulty everywhere. Weapon pickups? Obstacles because every single weapon except the dagger is bad. Movement speed? You literally move twice as slow as you do moving horizontally at a jump. Not to mention there are many points where you need to go slow and many points where you need to go fast and it just becomes pointless memorization

    • 2 years ago

      >Ghost'n'Goblins plays like a Ghost'n'Goblins game
      That means the game is good

      • 2 years ago

        You've never played an old gng game

        • 2 years ago

          I've played every game in the series and this plays the same as the old ones. The only difference in Legend Mode is the magic system, which if anything makes the game less frustrating because it's an easy way to dodge damage or clear the screen. The series has always been about learning from your failure, learning how to deal with all the bullshit, planning a route, and then executing it properly.

          • 2 years ago

            >The series has always been about learning from your failure, learning how to deal with all the bullshit, planning a route, and then executing it properly.
            I'm a better player than you then because most gng sections require zero memorization if you're good. If you're playing it as basically a rhythm game of course it's going to feel the same

            • 2 years ago

              Congratulations, bro. Mad respect. I didn't feel this one was frustrating, though. I thought it was fun.

    • 2 years ago

      So you mean exactly like Ghosts and goblins? Sounds good to me, thanks anon

    • 2 years ago

      >Play G&G
      >It's hard
      WOW DOOD

    • 2 years ago

      Dagger is probably the most powerful weapon in the game but it's not universally the most useful. Crossbow can hit a lot of airborne enemies that the dagger can't, and the shield will protect you against projectiles. Anything other than those three weapons though are pretty bad I think. Being able to hold multiple weapons is probably the best magic to go for because of this.

  3. 2 years ago

    Yes, but Capcom did not correctly advertise to the people who like platformers (or anyone for that matter) so glue eating millennials who only play metroidvanias maligned it and since no ebin eceleb made a youtube video telling them it's actually good they did not know what to think.

    • 2 years ago

      the only probable reason this thread exists at all is because an eceleb talked about it

  4. 2 years ago

    2 hard 4 me
    I beat one stage on the hardest difficulty and I dropped it
    And I like hard games, or I thought I did, but this just felt like torture

  5. 2 years ago

    On one hand good for them to stick with gng flaws and all
    On the other those flows are huge and only exist to drain quarters from people in the arcade original
    Having a purposefully shit jump is legit bad game design and I wont suffer it, yes I can adapt to it yes I can just memorize the stage, its still a shit jump that feels like shit, this isnt the only flaw of the series but it is the biggest.

  6. 2 years ago

    Ultimate GnG is better

  7. 2 years ago

    I wanted to support this since it's unabashedly old-school game design, got the series creator out of retirement to make it, had a gorgeous artstyle, and was a modern Capcom game outside of their holy trinity of MH/RE/SF. But it came and went while I had other stuff going on and I never got around to it.

    I probably would've gotten filtered big time but I still regret not picking a week to pick it up and get as far as I can.

    • 2 years ago

      >I probably would've gotten filtered big time
      It has difficulty settings and anything other than the highest one is actually pretty easy. Anyway, why not get it now? It's not like it ceased existing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Anyway, why not get it now?
        Despite appreciating Capcom putting out IPs outside of that trinity I am nonetheless a fan of two of them, I'm playing Sunbreak currently (and when I'm not I'm playing DNF Duel).

  8. 2 years ago

    Yeah I liked it.

  9. 2 years ago

    >beat the first loop without any magic on legend
    >find out that I have to do the hellholes on all normal + shadow stages to get the true ending in the 2nd loop
    >go back to the normal caverns of the occult stage to get the black chest
    >it's now pretty much impossible to beat without magic because of the upped "1 skull" difficulty after you complete a playthrough
    did anyone manage to beat this stage without magic on legend 1 skull difficulty?
    the only thing that is preventing me from getting to the hellhole is the added jester right before red arremer flame

    • 2 years ago

      The actual game of the year, but heavily overlooked. No other gamer puts you in as many tense situations where you need to make decisions in a split second or die, while still feeling fair.

      Yeah, I did the entire game with the only magic being the treasure finder on legend. The normal hellholes are mostly pretty simple. What do you mean by the "1 skull" difficulty?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm talking about the skull icon that appears after you complete the game once (pic rel)
        Normal stages with that skull icon are significantly more difficult, so much so that I can't get to the hellhole on this stage anymore without using magic.
        I should probably restart a new file and beat the hellholes on my first playthrough.

        • 2 years ago

          Wow, that explains things. I had a much harder time with that level when I went back for the black chest, but I figured I just forgot the patterns or something.
          Are you talking about the jester near the second quarter of the level? I'm referring to the room with bats and the black chest.

          • 2 years ago

            yes that FRICKING jester is what fricks me up
            he spawns while you're jumping between candles and he's set up in a way where you can't stop him from snuffing out the flame that spawns the red arremer

            • 2 years ago

              Oof yeah he kicked my ass too. I can't quite recall my solution there - sometimes he spawns close and low enough to shoot, and sometimes he spawns farther left across the pit, too high up to shoot. I think my strategy was to just shoot 3 times quickly to force him to teleport away if he spawned near, and just keep running to the right if he was on the left position. If he shows up again, the red arremer candle will be off screen. GL anon, that part is pretty fricking hard.

              • 2 years ago

                alright thanks, I'll keep on trying
                at least now I know it's doable without using magic

        • 2 years ago

          >when the first stage becomes the hardest stage

          • 2 years ago

            This is a case where the rapid fire hits from the knife make things a lot easier. Personally I only swapped out the knife for the bow on a single hellhole, and nowhere else.

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