Was it really as good as they say?

Was it really as good as they say? I've actually never played it (even on emulator) but I'm curious as to how good it actually was. Main complaints I've heard are:
>Controls are good EXCEPT when really precise movement is needed (narrow platforms etc)
>Too much repitition
>Camera sucks in places
Also IMO the visual design of the levels seems a bit bare-bones but I can give that a pass because it was an N64 launch title and one of the first of its kind. Bobblehead Bowser was a bit weird though.

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  1. 12 months ago

    I don't like how mario will try and walk in a circle rather than just turn back around, when trying to turn around sometimes you might walk your ass off a platform because he just doesn't want to just turn around, he has to circle back.

    and the only other problem is the camera, it's set to specific spots, and you can only snap it to those other spots only. there's a part in wet dry world where the camera seems like it's an enemy combatant.

    but other than that it's great. you pop back out of the levels after each star but that's so you can decide to go to other levels and switch it up so you dont get burn out.

    if you play the PC port then it's nearly flawless, and why not do that. there's a branch of the port that's online multiplayer, and it has public lobbies. you can co-op with strangers right now. but do not say racist stuff, I got kicked from a server because someone pissed me off and I told him what he was.

    • 12 months ago

      It was incredible at the time. I think it's suffered the same fate as the classic Sierra games in that they're meant to be played in a very different manner to how people (myself included) play games now. You were meant to just explore and experiment and have play sessions where you didn't achieve anything. I think it's fortunate that it managed to find a new lease of life through speed running, and while that isn't for me, it's impressive to watch.

      I also agree with anon regarding the circle walking. That was really my only bugbear on returning to it.

    • 12 months ago

      >I don't like how mario will try and walk in a circle rather than just turn back around
      he will 180 if you flick the analog up hard instead of slowly moving it up. i saw this exact same complaint from some homosexual youtuber too

      • 12 months ago

        this game ismeant to be played using the N64 controller. playing in any other way will make it not work right and feel right. these kids probably play on a shitty emulator and don’t know what is missing

        • 12 months ago

          >I don't like how mario will try and walk in a circle rather than just turn back around
          he will 180 if you flick the analog up hard instead of slowly moving it up. i saw this exact same complaint from some homosexual youtuber too

          he will only cut a hard 180 if you are running, after which point he will slide and you can perform a backward or sideflip whatever

      • 12 months ago

        and even then, mario will also do a 180 if you have him crawl. I do this to carefully position myself all the time.
        git gud, zoomies

  2. 12 months ago

    Controlling Mario feels great, which is the real core value of the game, and it gets more fun the more you play, and the more you master those controls.
    The game has this interesting, surreal kind of tone to it, due to heavy use of stock textures, and Nintendo learning how to do 3D graphics in general, during the development of the game, and a lot of people like that. The fact that one of the more memorable enemies is just a round marbled texture with legs is distinctive. You only got those kind of things in games in that exact window of time.
    In terms of level design, it's a bit dated, and I think 3D Mario level design has only really kept getting better over the years.

  3. 12 months ago

    At the time it was, you should really give it a try. Anti-Nintendo shitposting aside it's an essential 90s game

  4. 12 months ago

    While these are legitimate criticisms, it's mostly fun unless you are going for 100% competition. Then you'll need to complete the frustrating stuff too.

    • 12 months ago

      >unless you are going for 100% competition
      If it wasn't for the obnoxious garbage 100 coin stars this game would be fun to 100% all the way through

  5. 12 months ago

    In 2023? It's better than they say.

  6. 12 months ago

    It's one of the best games ever made

  7. 12 months ago

    >I've actually never played it
    Emulator, PC port or original hardware.
    The remake is OK too but pretty different.
    Why make this thread?

    • 12 months ago

      >Why make this thread?
      Honestly out of curiosity; I fully intend to play the game, I think it looks a lot of fun, but it's one of those games that has a borderline-mythical reputation online to the point where honest discussion is hard to have at times because views on the game can be clouded by nostalgia or console-warring homosexualry (both for and against the game).
      Objectively it looks like a really fun game with some minor flaws, but in some circles saying something as harmless as "I wish the camera was a bit better" or "It'd be nice if collecting a star gave you the option to stay in the level or go back to the castle" can drive people into a frothing rage for levelling any criticism (no matter how small) against a sacred cow.
      Again though, I fully intend to play it. Was just interested to see what /vr/ thought.

      • 12 months ago

        It's a classic, but that doesn't mean the game is perfect. The tiny levels and the repetitive structure were very obvious flaws even for the standards of time.

        People have known that Super Mario 64 is the GOAT since the day it released.

        I wish magazines like this one had told me about the good and bad things of the game instead of acting like fanboys. Don't remember which one was, but one of them even claimed that the game had no popping. It's not a serious problem by any mean, but the game does have popping. Why fricking lie to your readers? Because of things like this I completely stop paying attention to reviewers, which is kinda sad because I think it's a great game overall.

  8. 12 months ago

    The game is fine. The complaints are somewhat valid but they don't really hinder the game at all. It was still kind of revolutionary for its time, though imo it's not the best 3D platformer of that gen or even on N64.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Was it really as good as they say?
    yep. It's the only /vr/ I can play time and time again and never ever get bored of it. who knows how much of it is based in nostalgia but I played DK64/Banjo/Crash/Spyro at the time and I never go back to those (except Crash 2/3, but that's apples to oranges) so I think there really is something special about SM64

    >Controls are good EXCEPT when really precise movement is needed (narrow platforms etc)
    I think this feels more like the victim of the camera. Specifically in those upper level sections of wet-dry world and Tik-Tok Clock. But it's also so deeply ingrained in how I play the game that even with the source port allowing for a much better camera I still prefer lakitu.
    >Too much repitition
    They definitely cheaped out on a few stars. And they seemed to have given up on boss fights after the first two worlds (lol) besides bowser of course. I do love the Pyramid boss though, but I think most players don't even get that star.

    The design definitely feels barebones in a lot of places and you can tell that they went all out on some levels (cool cool mountain, boo's haunt, hazy maze cave) and slapped together others just to increase the course list (wet-dry world, rainbow ride, snowman's land)
    But all in all it's still one of the best games ever made and the only TRULY essential N64 play for any serious gamer.

    I just wish they would have made a sequel towards the end of the N64's life. I can only imagine what they would have come up with for level design and new mechanics.

    • 12 months ago

      I dislike Wet Dry World but I always liked Rainbow Ride. I didn't even find Snowman's Land until later because of where it's located

      • 12 months ago

        wet dry world always confused me as a kid. it has a weird spooky feeling despite not being scary or dark at all.
        when I figured out the water height trick it absolutely blew my mind that they could do something like that. The last two stars I was missing in the game finally came to me and it was such a cool moment

  10. 12 months ago


    Why would you post that image if not to discredit your own argument? Did you even read it?

  11. 12 months ago

    I played it a bit and one thing I will say about it is that it delights in itself and it's own 3D-ness. Yes, you CAN climb that tree, yes, you CAN look under that bridge, and there's usually something interesting or rewarding hidden away there. Contrast this with the massive, vacuous empty spaces presented by Morrisons or GTA games. I much prefer the Nintendo approach.

  12. 12 months ago

    Why don't you play it for yourself and find out? Seriously, what is the point of this thread? Are zoomers that scared of playing old games?

    • 12 months ago

      Muh muh liminal space !!! This is not how a real castle would be !!!

  13. 12 months ago

    this is still the last mario I ever gave a shit about because he was still allowed to just hop around the place without being suffocated in gimmicks.

  14. 12 months ago

    go back to Wrong board
    this board is not for minors

  15. 12 months ago

    Are the controls and camera complaints a revisionist thing? Or are they pushed by people who didnt grow up with the game?I played SM64 as a kid when it came out and replayed it a many other times growing up, and I never felt stunted by the controls or the camera. If anything, everytime I picked up the game I was pleased with how well Mario controls when compared to other 3D platformers.

    • 12 months ago

      Camera issues are mentioned in old reviews, but they obviously weren't enough to bring the ratings down much.
      >The biggest flaw in the gameplay is the camera angles from which you view the action. Nintendo obviously spent some time developing a ‘smart-cam’ to follow the action from useful angles, but it doesn’t work as well as it should. Often your view of Mario is blocked by large objects. If you have the time you can usually rotate the camera manually, but that doesn’t help when the thing blocking your view is the boss that you’re fighting. There is a camera mode that follows directly behind Mario (the Mario butt-cam) but it’s generally not a very good perspective. Jumping Flash solved this problem by relying on a 1st person perspective (and sky-high jumps), but that still wouldn’t be a very useful angle for Mario. Unfortunately, the camera really just needs to be even smarter.

      >Overall, the biggest obstacle in the game is finding the correct viewpoint. The camera, which moves on its own (unless directed manually by using the four gold buttons), tries to find the optimal angle to view the action, though occasionally you're simply not able to see where you're going. Additionally, frustration sets in as you spin the camera around while simultaneously attempting to run across a moving plank or tip-toeing across a tiny ledge. But getting the hang of SM64 is all a matter of practice, and as soon you catch on, you will execute these skills unconsciously.

  16. 12 months ago

    yes, its literally the only 64 game still worth playing

    • 12 months ago

      more or less this if you aren't autistic about mario kart or wait actually Mario party 2/3 are also worth playing this guy doesn't know what he's talking about

  17. 12 months ago

    >I've actually never played it (even on emulator) but I'm curious as to how good it actually was
    Well you're in luck fricktard there's a very easy way to learn how good it is and it's called fricking downloading it and playing it on an emulator you FRICKING INVALID

  18. 12 months ago

    >Controls are good EXCEPT when really precise movement is needed (narrow platforms etc)
    Who told you this?

  19. 12 months ago


    I like it more now than when I was a kid. I liked Mario 64 as a kid, but I always liked DK64 more. Mario 64 has obviously aged better.

  20. 12 months ago

    it's a pretty cool game, i never played it a ton like a lot of people, but anytime i did play and just explore levels it was a lot of fun.

    i remember it having really cool level design, lots of secrets and stuff.
    it's one that i would like to go back and play on emulator now for sure.

  21. 12 months ago

    It's a good game and I even bothered to get all the stars, but I really don't understand why it has attracted such a strong obsession with dissecting it to the tiniest, most insignificant details. I'm not complaining, I just don't get why.

  22. 12 months ago

    The movement and engine might be the GOAT as far as platformers are concerned. A sequel with many hard linear levels akin to the Bowser levels would've been extraordinary.

  23. 12 months ago

    The flying in this game is absolutely atrocious.

    • 12 months ago

      All you wanna do is zoom a zoom zoom zoom in my /vr/

  24. 12 months ago

    People have known that Super Mario 64 is the GOAT since the day it released.

    • 12 months ago

      realizing that I could inch the stick forward and Mario would creep past the sleeping piranha flower was a real "holy shit" moment

  25. 12 months ago

    t. just played it for the first time a month or two ago

  26. 12 months ago

    it's extremely good, at the time it was so crazy you can't imagine

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