Was Starfield's issue that it was released after Game of the literal Decade?

Would it be better recieved if everyone didn't come from playing/comparing it to BG3??

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  1. 9 months ago

    While Starfield can and would have won goty last year, it cared more about its fans than chinese investments to disappoint them with unfinishing their game after the first act like BG3. Something that will cost it GOTY at any reputable outlet not tied to the CCP

    • 9 months ago

      don't kid yourselves. Starfield would only win GOTY if it were released in 2011. otherwise it's gonna be shat on beyond belief. Bethesda style games have no more place in the AAA landscape.

      • 9 months ago

        Baldur's gate is an unfaithful recreation of CRPGs from 2004, at earliest. By that logic. It can't win goty, either.
        If we're going purely on immersive content, a hallmark of RPGs, Starfield destroys BG3.

        • 9 months ago

          BG3 offers a fresh take to the CRPG genre and it shows with how well-received it has been by both journos and players alike. Bethesdrones and Xbots are literally insane

          • 9 months ago

            That's a commonly repeated stement by Tencent's shills:
            >BG3 offers a fresh take to the CRPG genre
            Please define what you mean. You have 30 seconds. You may not ask the poster next to you.

            • 9 months ago

              You are the biggest fricking moron in the thread. No game from 2004 does what BG3 does. You'd make a better argument comparing it to Divinity Original Sin 2 if you had half a brain in your wilted skull.
              This is the part where you deflect to tencent.

              Look at that, like clockwork. If only I had refreshed sooner!
              You are.
              A fricking. Loser b***h.

              • 9 months ago

                So you can't answer because you're just literally paid to promote the game. got it.

              • 9 months ago

                There's no point arguing with a paranoid loser with a vendetta against a fricking video game of all things. You are a pathetic man. You do this every day.

              • 9 months ago

                >a fricking. Lower b***h

                You simply cannot read this in anything bit an Indian accent its just too perfect. Thank you post again.

              • 9 months ago

                >Bloody. Bastard b***h!

          • 9 months ago

            There's literally nothing fresh or new about bg3. It's just div:os with a shitter system and more production value

            • 9 months ago

              Larian took what worked from Divinity and improved on it in BG3 + the production value just makes it a joy to play.
              It's basically the best single player video game form D&D simulator currently available to play.

              • 9 months ago

                There's zero improvement, it's literally the same with less features. It's objectively worse gameplay wise. Thank you D&D.

              • 9 months ago

                >Thank you D&D
                Well, yeah. If you don't like D&D but bought BG3 anyway you're a special kind of dumbass.

              • 9 months ago

                And it's not a matter of liking D&D or not, it just objectively has less gamefeatures, that's all. You sound like you've never played div:os games, it's fairly obvious too.

              • 9 months ago

                I enjoyed the DoS games particularly the first, didn't like the physical/magic armor system from the sequel.
                I am biased towards BG3 because I played the original PC games years ago and have always enjoyed D&D.

              • 9 months ago

                bg3 has absolutely nothing to do with the other bg games.
                They play nothing alike, they look nothing alike, they feel nothing alike, they aren't even connected by a story and settings have changed so much it's absically completely different.
                It's literally impossible to like BG3 because you're a fan of BG1&2. It can only be done despite being a fan of the previous games.

              • 9 months ago

                >bg3 has absolutely nothing to do with the other bg games.
                tell me you haven't finished bg3 without telling me you haven't finished bg3

              • 9 months ago

                >oy vey there's a wink wink moment during that one cut scene in a 150 hours game
                I hope you clapped like a good goy

        • 9 months ago

          You are the biggest fricking moron in the thread. No game from 2004 does what BG3 does. You'd make a better argument comparing it to Divinity Original Sin 2 if you had half a brain in your wilted skull.
          This is the part where you deflect to tencent.

        • 9 months ago

          >on immersive content
          Starfield has zero considering you teleport everywhere so...

          • 9 months ago

            Yeh nothing better than to trudge all the way back through the same terrain you just discovered doing absolutely nothing instead of already doing something else because the exploration was ended once you discovered the area you covered. Didn't the Halo games get criticised for back peddling through the same areas for padding because ppl zoom though all the other areas? Elden Ring, you roam around the same terrain on a horse, you may come across the same enemies or the few NPC's that are just there for the "lore", then you come across the boss & do the same hack, slash & roll as per all the others. BG3, is a RNG dice table top game where you move the camera across the battlefield like some armchair general & then click various buttons on the screen when your turn comes. Starfield has many many problems, personally I enjoy it but a 7 out of 10 is about right for it on release & yes Elden Ring, BG3 are worthy of 8-9 out of 10's & yet I will never really enjoy playing either of them due to the gameplay & style of that gameplay & yet I do like strategy game in the vein of Civilisation or 3rd person games (not hack, slash & roll ones tho).

        • 9 months ago

          Tell us what passes for immersive content in the mind of a bethestard

          • 9 months ago

            >loading screen
            >choose a planet
            >loading screen
            >see literally nothing at all
            >reach some building you've seen on another 20 planets
            >walk around for five minutes
            >reach a random invisible terrain limit
            >teleport back through another loading screen
            Peak immersion.

            • 9 months ago

              a random invisible terrain limit
              Are you suggesting that you have a space ship & yet instead of using that ship to go to anywhere on the planet you would prefer to walk as far as you want on that planet? I mean how fricking far do you want to walk on foot knowing the further you get away from the ship that is also the distance you have to then re-cross to get back to your ship if no fast travel exists? Oh but you would want fast travel to get back to your ship after walking for 5 hours knowing that a 5 hour trek back isn't nothing you would do & yet you fricking walked for 5 hours instead of using a fricking ship to pick any spot on the planet.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not that anon but I think a rover would solve that problem. Or an auto-pilot ship recall. Honestly if Starfield had the ship movement, planetary generation and rover systems from Elite Dangerous it'd be a contender for best space sim.

              • 9 months ago

                >Are you suggesting that you have a space ship & yet instead of using that ship to go to anywhere on the planet you would prefer to walk as far as you want on that planet?

                This entire sentence makes no sense.

                A) If you see something in the distance, you can't land your ship "closer", you'll land in a completely different tile instead.
                B) In that new tile, any interesting POI will require you to walk anyway.
                C) You'll find nothing more elsewhere, in fact it'll be the exact same thing.

                Just keep walking, it has less loading screens than
                >quick travel back to ship
                >land to different place
                >walk to POI

                The whole thing is fricked, don't expect logical actions to lead to positive results.

              • 9 months ago

                Once you discover new areas they are then available to go to. sure you may have no need to ever go back to them, but areas that have civilians/robots etc you might want to. The areas that are discovered are then available for fast travel to. No need to fly manually to them just because you need to go there for a few minutes. The game isn't a space flight experience & I know that space flight in games get's very tedious after a while. There is nothing to see in space. They could of course given ppl the option of flying to those POI, but at the end of the day it's really is just the same routine that get's boring after a while unless you like the "sim" part of flying.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                So you want to walk for as long as you want, you want le open world experience. Think about the reality of landing a ship, getting out the ship & then walking for miles in one direction & then knowing in order to get back to the ship you have to trek all the way back to the ship. why in the hell would you be walking for miles when you only went there for a few POI's? If you want to see another area go back in the ship & open the map & "land" there & do the same again negating the need to trek for miles? How many games is there were you actually travel for miles on foot in one direction & have no fast travel capability to move around the map? NMS of course you can fly around the whole planet. How many ppl actually do that spending hours flying scanning the terrain a le "sim" in 3rd person?

        • 9 months ago

          Working overtime tonight rajneesh? Soon you'll be able to afford that toilet so your neighbors will stop raping your son and daughter when they go out to take a shit in the night, keep posting I believe in you.

        • 9 months ago

          >If we're going purely on immersive content, a hallmark of RPGs, Starfield destroys BG3.
          Shit bait.

    • 9 months ago

      why do you like to spam the same thing? No one cares about minority shareholders.

  2. 9 months ago

    The issue is that Bethesda can't get their head out of Todd's ass to make something other than creation engine slop that feels like you've been playing the same game for the past DECADE and then regressing even further by removing key elements that made the formula work. But what the frick do gamers care, they'll eat that shit right up. They deserve starfield and what is to come.

  3. 9 months ago

    it's issue was the delusional, cult like player base and the bugs and shitty release etc https://youtu.be/jGL0gk-qjRU

  4. 9 months ago

    i don't understand why Starfield gays need to keep bringing up BG3. is it the insecurity that your precious little Toddlerslop will never even touch Game of the Year, let alone Best RPG of the year?

    • 9 months ago

      It's ironic because Starfield forced other games to postpone their launches or in BG3's case push them earlier. They got what they deserved.

  5. 9 months ago

    They only way this game would be received well is if it was released 10 years ago

  6. 9 months ago

    Both shit

  7. 9 months ago

    I hate that public forums have just become a proxy war between Chinks and Pajeets. Please, if you're not American, stop using the internet. Just go away.

  8. 9 months ago

    >Larian is already working on a new IP
    with the stuff they learned from BG3 im sure this new game will be even better

  9. 9 months ago

    no, it’s issue is that it sucks ass

  10. 9 months ago

    It's a LGBT game with gay lore made for gays. Literally gone Home rpg edition, game for dumb normies like fifa and NBA 2k.

    • 9 months ago

      So the same thing as Baldurs Gate 3?

  11. 9 months ago

    I really don't understand how BG3 is getting this much of a circlejerk. I had a soft crash on the main menu and several hard crashes within the first two hours on top of generic pathfinder gameplay that seemed just as unpolished as when I last played it in early access three years ago. I don't really care if it gets good later. I played BG2 on launch at 4fps as I had a rent-a-center dell toaster to run it on and that still never crashed on me.

  12. 9 months ago

    Starfield was literally never going to get received fairly because Xbox and Microsoft. The fact that it is reviewed as well as it is is actually impressive since all of the Sony fanboys have been review bombing it.
    Baldur's Gate 3 is called game of the century by people who have never even made it out of Chapter 1. Chapter 3 is a disaster and almost the entirety of the ending was cut before launch. The only reason it gets shilled is because of sex

  13. 9 months ago

    It's just a bad game. Everything is bad.

    I realized every "limitation" this game introduced is just more waiting time doing nothing.

    >sellers have limited money
    >just wait 48 hours

    >having bigger fuel tanks allows to travel further
    >or just do several jumps with more loading screens

    >ship technicians have different parts
    >they're all within quick travel distance, just wait

    >you can't quick travel if you're overencumbered
    >just walk slowly for 10 minutes instead

    >you can't land right next to most POIs
    >just walk instead of landing closer

    >you can't jump directly within docking distance of most stations
    >just fly in a straight line and watch the docking cutscene lmao

    This is so terrible I could write a book about all its issues.

  14. 9 months ago

    BG3 is another troony game


    • 9 months ago

      why should anyone listen to this moronic homosexual?

      • 9 months ago

        No one is watching your shitty video and if its not your vid stop shilling your eclebs here

        Still a troony game and he has the balls to make videos about it among nothing but troony shills on youtube

    • 9 months ago

      No one is watching your shitty video and if its not your vid stop shilling your eclebs here

  15. 9 months ago

    It definitely didn't help. Most people would've been fine with Skyrim in Space – which is what everyone expected, let's be real – if they weren't halfway through playing a way better RPG.

  16. 9 months ago

    Starfield would have maybe won game of the year in 2021 that was a weak enough year for it win but the last 2 years have had at least one game that was substantially better then starfield It seriously feels dated by the standards of today in a lot of areas its a pretty good game but Its simply not on the quality level of the other big launches this year.

  17. 9 months ago

    >game of the decade

    please have a nice day zoomer

  18. 9 months ago

    Starfield problem is that it is a Bethesda game but this time there isn't a Skyrim following to actually cover all its problems.

  19. 9 months ago

    It would be better recieved if it was actually good. It tries to be cyberpunk x no man's sky game and fails at both

  20. 9 months ago

    As good as it is a game in a high fantasy setting will never be considered game of the decade

  21. 9 months ago

    >game of the decade
    GTA 6 hasn't come out yet.

  22. 9 months ago

    Starfield has multiple componants that are just straight up worse than Fallout 4, Especially the Companions, which is insane to me, the companions are so much worse than Fallout 4 that its hardly comparable. No way to direct them to do anything, they‘re all shallow as a puddle of water, have at max a single quest associated and worst of all there are only 4! Companions in comparison Base Game Fallout 4 has 13 full fledge, often multiple questline having companions which are diverse and unique. Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle is Starfield in a nutshell.

  23. 9 months ago

    Pretty sure.
    BG3 reminded everyone that RPG means more than just putting points into shitty skills that should have been default abilities to begin with and doing endless amounts of fetch quests across a vast empty field with varying colour filters.
    That said, even by beteshda standard starfield feels empty and lifeless, so it still wouldn't have been great.

  24. 9 months ago

    >game of the decade
    You didn't play past Act 1 and it shows.

  25. 9 months ago

    >after Game of the literal Decade?
    As opposed to game of the figurative decade?

  26. 9 months ago

    >Baldurs troons vs Plz do not REDEEM!
    i shit on both

  27. 9 months ago

    Starfields issue was that it was a mid game.

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