We all know that one of the bad parts of D&D is caster supremacy.

We all know that one of the bad parts of D&D is caster supremacy. It's while and bad and I should feel bad for wanting more of it.

But what if...I have this one player who for a while now, will be the only player whose work schedule matches mine. We've talked about it, and we've settled on a non-serious Isekai campaign where main character syndrome runs rampant around his character. As one of the symptoms of main character syndrome, I want to put this player in the most munchkin-friendly system with the most egregrious caster supremacy available. Surely, there's something more exploitable than D&D out there, but which system would that be?

> Captcha: H 0XXPP
Yes captcha, the PC's PP will also be Haxx

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    Mage the Ascension of course. Remember to turn vampires into lawn chairs.

    • 2 years ago

      Caster Supremacy doesn't have a problem with 'wizards strong', it's problem is 'martials weak' + 'casters & martials are supposed to work together and both meaningfully contribute'.

      If everyone is a godlike wizard there is no issue. I agree with

      • 2 years ago

        >If everyone is a godlike wizard there is no issue.
        The issue then becomes that the rules system gets so unwieldy it's hard to play the game at all.

    • 2 years ago

      >the most munchkin-friendly system with the most egregrious caster supremacy available
      Ars Magica, baby.
      Everyone except the wizards are literally NPC canon fodder

      these guys

      Thanks for actually answering the question.

      define munchkin friendly
      3.5 iirc can build faster than light pcs with literally infinite stats at like level 4 with 1st party supplements if that

      Sorry I didn't get that you asked me to clarify until now. Munchkkin-friendly as in "it's really easy to break". What I envisioned was the classic scene where the Isekai protagonist, just recently Truck-Kun'ed out of existence, gets to choose one gift in the next world, and he'd say "then I...choose...<insert broken feat here>" and that was sort of the idea, that he would theorycraft himself in the game.

      But as is, I think I'll just say "we'll use 5e, you're a wizard but with the metamagic ability that sorcerers usually have in addition."

      • 2 years ago

        Ars Magica is awesome if you want to play in Mediaeval Europe or Middle East. Highly recommended.

        Never played Mage: the Ascension, but I heard good things about it, and I imagine WoD supports the main character syndrome you aim for.

        Another good way would be to pick up a generic system and switch on a subset of rules for the PC only - I'd go for Savage Worlds and allow Weird Science for the player for the isekai feel. He'd basically play a (mad) scientist in a world of magic.

      • 2 years ago

        What a delightful conversation. Truly, Ganker is the prolapsed butthole of the internet.

        What world your player is supposed to land in? Fantasy? Historical? Futuristic?

        • 2 years ago

          >What world your player is supposed to land in? Fantasy? Historical? Futuristic?
          Generic Isekai-land, so fantasy with potatoes and indoor plumbing.

  2. 2 years ago

    >We all know that one of the bad parts of D&D from 3.5e on might be caster supremacy.
    Edited for ccuracy

    • 2 years ago

      I'm glad you haven't had the misfortune of playing 5e, then.

      • 2 years ago

        Someone ran it for me.
        What a fricking shitshow.
        If your first cursory read through of the classes shows you 5-6 ways to frick over the rules, it is bad.
        In the 80's 5e would have been laughed off the market

        • 2 years ago

          I've not even glanced at the rules, but surely it can't be that bad? Can it?

          >Bad GMs are the designer's fault
          I knew a guy that gave every Traveller character maximum psionics and then wondered why the game was unbalanced.

          Nta, but no, the designer is responsible for ensuring there is some balance between classes when designing a crunch and combat focused game. Magic is easy to fix, lower hd, casting time, making it cost you something, etc. But no, by level 4 a finger waggler is pulling ahead of a martial by leaps and bounds. Toolbox casters are the worst, able to counter most situations with ease. Why have a rogue? Invisibility plus move silently is superior. Need a front line? Summon monster. ravening beast? Charm monster.
          It's not even funny.

          • 2 years ago

            >I've not even glanced at the rules, but surely it can't be that bad? Can it?
            They fricking are that bad.

          • 2 years ago

            >the designer is responsible for ensuring there is some balance between classes when designing a crunch and combat focused game
            and yet even with AD&D 1e, which has excellent balance, individual DMs always fricked with it and broke it!
            >the toughest, most powerful classes have high stat requirements, strict racial limits, higher XP costs, gear limits, etc.
            half of the DMs in the '80's
            >Naw, man, your chaotic evil Elf with a 9 Charisma can *totally* be a paladin!

          • 2 years ago

            >by level 4 a finger waggler is pulling ahead of a martial by leaps and bounds. Toolbox casters are the worst
            AD&D 1e - 4th level mages have 5 spells a day. The end.
            a spell. Once a day
            a spell. Once a day
            >Summon Monster
            only available at 5th+ level. Once a day.
            >Charm Monster
            Available when your mage is 7th level. Once a day.
            And to have a lot of stealth spells, you have no summon or charms, etc. To have summons no stealth or charms, etc.
            5e totally fricked it up with unlimited cantrips. But before that just *enforce the fricking rules* and remember the core idea of AD&D 1e - spells are a form of treasure and you have to find and learn them. And AD&D also limited to total spells per spell level you could ever learn AND the maximum spell level you could ever learn.
            You're an AD&D 1e mage with a 16 intelligence?
            A) you start with Read Magic, an offensive spell, a defensive spell, and one other. Randomly rolled.
            B) if you find a scroll of spell book of a spell of a level you can cast there is a 35% chance you can NEVER learn it.
            C) You can never, ever know more than 11 spells of each level
            D) You can never learn or cast 9th level spells.

            And 16 Intelligence is HIGH!
            you have an 11 Intelligence?
            A) same
            B) 65% chance of never being able to learn it
            C) no more than 7 spells per level
            D) never learn or cast spells of 6th or higher

            Both at 4th level - only 5 spells a day, no higher than 2nd level.
            They ain't replacing the fricking mercenary crossbow hireling, pal.
            This was largely the same for 2e

            this was forgotten and everyone suffers.

            • 2 years ago

              >5e totally fricked it up with unlimited cantrips
              That is the biggest issue with 4e/5e casters. Its bullshit.
              >oh but I want to be able to do something other than throwing darts and sitting still when my spells are over
              moronic adhd mentality.

              • 2 years ago

                In 4e everyone had the same number of powers per fight. Mages just could decide what power from the level they could cast every spell while everyone else decided at lvl up.
                Casters and archers basically played the same.

              • 2 years ago

                >but I want to be able to do something other than throwing darts and sitting still when my spells are over
                >moronic adhd mentality.
                Absolutely! If you think all you can do is stare or throw, you're too dumb to play RPGs

              • 2 years ago

                >Have no way to use my primary class features
                >Physical stats are shit because I need my mental stats for being a caster
                >No way to do anything of value in the fight or outside of it
                There's literally nothing else you can do in older editions, cantrips were the best thing to happen to casters in D&D because even if you're out of slots you can still participate in the fight and actually contribute rather than sitting on the sidelines with your thumb up your ass because you have zero ways to interact with the fight in a meaningful capacity.

              • 2 years ago

                you literally never played anything earlier than 3e and it shows

              • 2 years ago

                ah yeah that good old pre 3e where your caster was a wacky clown carrying 4 litres of flammable oil and 12 throwing knifes just to be able to have something to do after casting their 1 or 2 spells per day.

              • 2 years ago

                ok, moron

              • 2 years ago

                >Have no way to use my primary class features
                Dead giveaway that you are a contemporary player ill prepared for actual gaming.
                >Physical stats are shit because I need my mental stats for being a caster
                Confirmed as a dumbshit contemporary player. Older editions were totally random stats. You could have a good *anything* as a magic-user because random.
                >No way to do anything of value in the fight or outside of it
                >There's literally nothing else you can do in older editions
                >you have zero ways to interact with the fight in a meaningful capacity
                Proving that you're too fricking stupid to play RPGs.

                Some of the things players of low-level mages in my AD&D 1e campaign have done after they are out of spells
                >take over control of the hirelings from the henchmen to improve current morale and long-term loyalty and to make sure the hirelings are properly contributing
                >Skirt the edges of the battle to close & bar doors to prevent reinforcements for the foes and reduce odds of random encounters due to battle noise
                >Fall back and watch the escape route for potential ambushes to free up the attention of all other combatants
                >Reconnoiter side passages looking for info
                >Team up with other spell casters out of spells so the two of them could assist each other in grappling foes that are already fighting allies, taking them out of the fight
                >issuing coups de graces to downed foes not yet dead, especially regenerators
                >Preparing torches and oil to cover any possible retreat
                the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Which you seem to have none of.
                The old joke is
                >When confronted with a problem contemporary players look down at their sheet to see what powers they have. OG players look up to think about what they might do.
                Feels true

                >cantrips were the best thing to happen to sub-90 IQ players that can only do what is written down for them
                edited for accuracy.

              • 2 years ago

                >Actual /misc/homosexual
                You're talking out of your ass and have just proven by your image alone that you do not and never have played games.

              • 2 years ago

                >Why, no, I have only ever read the 5e PHB and have no idea how to play

              • 2 years ago

                have a nice day

              • 2 years ago

                Casters all get a ranged weapon (usually a light crossbow) as basic equipment. You blast away until your spells are gone and then you get to plink away with that while the martial players get to actually have an enjoyable combat encounter wherein they can contribute in a meaningful capacity and don't have to listen to you deliberate over what spell to cast for twenty minutes every turn for once.

              • 2 years ago

                That sounds like dogshit, and I say this as someone who exclusively plays frontline melee beatstick in any game I play.

                Also hirelings are AIDS and have no place in the hobby. As a GM I always make hirelings useless and kill them instantly or better yet offscreen, summons and hirelings turn combat into a slog and have no place in TTRPGs. If I wanted to put up with mass combat I'd play a wargame.

              • 2 years ago

                replying to the wrong anon, I see
                >hirelings turn combat into a slog and have no place in TTRPGs. If I wanted to put up with mass combat I'd play a wargame
                Another motherfricking nogamez newhomosexual that thinks TTRPGs are about pretending someone asked you to prom or LARPing having a GF.
                over 8% of the non-Appendices of the DMG is solely hirelings and henchmen.
                DnD is explicitly derived from wargames and maintains the elements of one.

                All you are doing is proving you never play or DM

              • 2 years ago

                >DnD is explicitly derived from wargames and maintains the elements of one.
                Barely, if you count grid-based combat as all the elements of a wargame then sure I guess, but D&D isn't the only TTRPG around.

                It is, however, the only TTRPG around where mass combat sucks dick and is incredibly dull.

                >All you are doing is proving you never play or DM
                Currently don't run D&D, wrapped up a game that went from 5-10 of 5e over the course of like a year a few weeks back, but I do run three games and play in 5, one of hwich is 5e. The more creatures - PCs or NPCs - there are in a combat, the slower it goes, regardless of system, and the more it sucks to run.

                Gaygag editions suck even worse because they're built from the ground up to be wargames, and I have no interest in GMing for or playing as a faceless, nameless literallywho with no personality, ties to the setting (of which there is none of course, it's a bland gray blob in old school D&D because it's a wargame and the world means nothing), or real relevance to anything happening.

              • 2 years ago

                >Barely, if you count grid-based combat, Armor Class, To Hit rolls, saving throws, morale, variable ranges for solo and mass combat, movement rates, encumbrance, and so on as all the elements of a wargame then sure I guess
                edited to be less ignorant

              • 2 years ago

                >wrapped up a game that went from 5-10 of 5e over the course of like a year a few weeks back
                so it took you a year to play 5 sessions of Babby's First RPG?

                >[AD&D is] Barely [a wargame
                >Gaygag editions suck even worse because they're built from the ground up to be wargames
                C'mon, nogamez - is it 'barely a wargame' or is it 'built from the ground up to be wargames'? Can't have it both ways, loser

              • 2 years ago

                >so it took you a year to play 5 sessions of Babby's First RPG?
                Why would they get a level every session? They got a level ever couple of months at best. I use milestones, they need to actually complete something of worth to level up.
                AD&D counts towards gaygag editions. 5e, the only edition that matters in 2022, is barely a wargame.

              • 2 years ago

                >nogame admitted

              • 2 years ago

                >It is, however, the only TTRPG around where mass combat sucks dick and is incredibly dull.
                peak nogames post

            • 2 years ago

              Once a day is all you need to the way most games are run.
              No one is running dungeon crawls with strict time keeping any more.
              In fact spellcasters are SO overpowered that even when you play the game conserving your spells because you are worried DM might drop more on you, you can still blast through encounters effortlessly.
              I'd say in the average narrative based game there's LESS than 1 encounter a day.

              • 2 years ago

                >you can still blast through encounters effortlessly.
                False, I'm playing a fullcaster and I got my shit pushed in because the enemy I was fighting was able to treat my 20 AC (25 with shield) like tissue paper thanks to having +10 to hit and none of my spells worked because it had immunity to all the damage types I had on hand + advantage against saving throws + wasn't humanoid + had hover so it couldn't be knocked prone + shat out damage on my weak saves every round.

              • 2 years ago

                That's exactly the problem that everyone who criticizes the caster supremacy concept always points out - the problem is not with the system, the problem is running the ruleset with a campaign format it's not designed for. Don't use D&D for fantasy games that are trying to be fantasy literature and you're fine.

              • 2 years ago

                >Once a day is all you need to the way most games are run.
                >No one is running dungeon crawls with strict time keeping any more.
                don't go bro tarded on me.

                All you are doing is admitting there is no caster supremacy, just shitty DMs that would rather be playwrights

            • 2 years ago

              >AD&D 1e
              I have never heard AD&D referred to this way. It's either called 2e or AD&D. 1e has always been B/X or BECMI.

              • 2 years ago

                AD&D 1st edition has a few rules differences from 2nd edition, and so they're often treated distinctly. Both AD&D and Basic diverge from OD&D, so calling Basic "1e" is inaccurate.

              • 2 years ago

                I suggest you get out more often

        • 2 years ago

          >If your first cursory read through of the classes shows you 5-6 ways to frick over the rules, it is bad.
          Care to share?

        • 2 years ago

          Stop being an overdramatic b***h. D&D 5e isn't good but it's not nearly as broken as 3E or 3.5. Its just aggressively mediocre.

          • 2 years ago

            >Its just aggressively mediocre
            Its very nearly as broken as 3/3.5e. Immortal PCs, coffee-locks, dragon wizards, etc. I haven't seen a Pun pun yet but it is embarrassingly easy to break 5e.

            • 2 years ago

              >Immortal PCs
              Funny, I've killed two PCs in the same module and every session I play is a brush with death.
              Got errata'd, doesn't work anymore.
              >dragon wizards
              And there's a problem with dragons being more difficult to fight? moron.
              >it is embarrassingly easy to break 5e.
              Really isn't, because you can only get so powerful and due to all the shit monsters get the GM can and will shut you down.

          • 2 years ago

            >look up 'advantage/Disadvatange'
            >read rules for Halflings
            >Read rules for Rogues
            >Realize anyone can frick up the system without effort
            not dramatic

            • 2 years ago

              >look up 'advantage/Disadvatange'
              It's about equal to a +1/-1 in practice. Hardly broken.
              >read rules for Halflings
              "Halflings don't exist in my setting"
              >Read rules for Rogues
              The frick is wrong with rogues other than them being sub-par? Are you mad because you can't just drop fireball on the party and TPK them? Monks get the same ability at the same level.
              >Realize anyone can frick up the system without effort
              It's really, really hard to frick up 5e. Like, stupid hard. You can houserule and homebrew and ban feats or rework feats or even whole classes and the system holds up way better than 3.PF where they vomited hundreds of splats of content that didn't play nice with each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's about equal to a +1/-1 in practice. Hardly broken.

              • 2 years ago

                >look up 'advantage/Disadvatange'
                It's about equal to a +1/-1 in practice. Hardly broken.
                >read rules for Halflings
                "Halflings don't exist in my setting"
                >Read rules for Rogues
                The frick is wrong with rogues other than them being sub-par? Are you mad because you can't just drop fireball on the party and TPK them? Monks get the same ability at the same level.
                >Realize anyone can frick up the system without effort
                It's really, really hard to frick up 5e. Like, stupid hard. You can houserule and homebrew and ban feats or rework feats or even whole classes and the system holds up way better than 3.PF where they vomited hundreds of splats of content that didn't play nice with each other.


              • 2 years ago

                >I can't do maths
                >I have to nerf the game to avoid it being fricked up
                >I can't see the obvious
                A halfling rogue can move through a larger opponent's space and gain automatic Advantage, thus automatically getting a Sneak Attack if they are a rogue.
                Any 9 year old can see this and realize its fricking stupid as shit.

                Is being as stupid as you are painful, or are you just oblivious?

    • 2 years ago

      >3.5 caster supremacy
      Meme perpetuated by nogame white-room theorycrafters not playing games in earnest.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The caster issue in 3.X is older than you, moron

          >the caster issue
          Is not a thing to anyone that actually played the game as intended.
          >older than you
          Wrong. I'm old enough to have played 3.0 (or even 2e) when it was new. Not everyone was born into the globohomosexual cultural hellscape in which we now live, little zoom-zoom.

      • 2 years ago

        The caster issue in 3.X is older than you, moron

  3. 2 years ago

    >the most munchkin-friendly system with the most egregrious caster supremacy available
    Ars Magica, baby.
    Everyone except the wizards are literally NPC canon fodder

    • 2 years ago

      Ars Magica explicitly and intentionally works like this. The wizards are the main characters, and everyone else is support or a disposable pawn.

      these guys

  4. 2 years ago

    define munchkin friendly
    3.5 iirc can build faster than light pcs with literally infinite stats at like level 4 with 1st party supplements if that

  5. 2 years ago

    Caster Supremacy is only as common as the GM allows it to be. A GM can easily and quickly completely and totally shut down a caster.

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely true.
      Even in 3.5e if the GM is good, no supremacy

      • 2 years ago

        Thirding this opinion, after level 8 the DM should start making anti-magic fields a common sight in combat encounters. If the Wizard doesn't have Silence cast on him in over half the encounters, you're not GMing right.

        Not to mention that most monsters in 3.5 have spell resistance, which limits the caster options considerably...
        Casters only get really broken at 14+. You can follow up and throw stronger monsters, but things get kinda fricked after that. You start fighting enemies with 2 templates and several class levels.
        >that's just absolving game developers of doing their job right by passing the buck down to DMs, not all of whom are capable of addressing the situation properly
        The GM adapting the enemies to the power level of the players is not some extraordinary solution or some homebrew. Its in there by design. Templates are in the DMG. SR is baked into the statblock. Many enemies are spellcasters themselves and have antimagic in their lists...

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely true.
      Even in 3.5e if the GM is good, no supremacy

      Thirding this opinion, after level 8 the DM should start making anti-magic fields a common sight in combat encounters. If the Wizard doesn't have Silence cast on him in over half the encounters, you're not GMing right.

      • 2 years ago

        Doesn't even hae to be Anti-magic fields. I play a Wizard/artificer in 5e and the guy we're dealing with right now is basically my worst possible matchup considering my spell list.

        Turns out, it's not just the GM being petty but there's in-universe reasons; this guy's using ancient crystal magitech from the race my character's from, and it's a golem, so obviously it's gonna be tough for me to take out; everything else in the setting is child's play for my PC because he's just got gear that much more advanced and magic that much stronger, so while at first I felt personally attacked and wanted to just kill the character with context I'm actually invested and plan to frick up the guy piloting this golem with emotional damage and race abilities instead.

      • 2 years ago

        That's stupid as frick.

        • 2 years ago

          Not an argument + L + Ratio + I can smell you from here + no u + cope + seethe + dilate

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely true.
      Even in 3.5e if the GM is good, no supremacy

      Thirding this opinion, after level 8 the DM should start making anti-magic fields a common sight in combat encounters. If the Wizard doesn't have Silence cast on him in over half the encounters, you're not GMing right.

      That's not solving or addressing the issue, that's just absolving game developers of doing their job right by passing the buck down to DMs, not all of whom are capable of addressing the situation properly

      • 2 years ago

        >Bad GMs are the designer's fault
        I knew a guy that gave every Traveller character maximum psionics and then wondered why the game was unbalanced.

      • 2 years ago

        making classes “balanced” was literally never “the developers’ job” and the class “balance” is entirely dictated by the GM simply by controlling the world
        if the entire game deals with undead, clerics get more potent and rouges get the shaft
        if the entire game deals with magic immune constructs, anti magic fields, beholders etc, fighters get more potent and wizards get the shaft
        the game has a million soft and hard counters to every class and especially channels for controlling the mage’s spell output and selection through resource management, it to mention encounter design, it’s your fault if you’re not using them

        • 2 years ago

          Seems you never had to built encounters. Broken classes are fun for nobody not even the player having one because it always ends in either remiving one player from combat or putting in one bigger mob that will kill the party once the munchkin is down.

          • 2 years ago

            there are no broken classes, there are broken munchkin builds, and all you have to do is say you can’t play that
            literally just stop being bad

            • 2 years ago

              >There are no broken classes you can just build some to be broken
              Stupid cope. Literally the same edpecially since some become broken no matter what and that's a design fail.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >The zoomie admission of defeat
                Good you've come around.

              • 2 years ago

                >can’t deal with munchkinism and pretends it’s the game’s responsibility
                >calls someone a zoomedr
                you are a shit gm, I’m done fulfilling whatever path ethic need for social interaction you’re angling at here

              • 2 years ago

                >Calls names
                >"Nooooo you can't call ME names that's unethical"
                Can I have another (you)

        • 2 years ago

          >making classes “balanced” was literally never “the developers’ job”
          Eternal consoomer take. Balance is the only job a developer has.

          • 2 years ago

            the zoomer consumer take is that the product™ must be balanced and ready to use, normal people know they won’t be using the game as written anyway so they don’t give a shit

            • 2 years ago

              Bitch, please. If the system isn't balanced why would you pay for it? What exactly are you buying? The pretty pictures? The fluff you're ignoring anyway?
              You've just got Stockholm syndrome because you grew up on badly written systems.

              • 2 years ago

                >bitch, please
                stopped reading, confirmed zoomer

              • 2 years ago

                'balance' as a concept can only be applied to dogshit systems that revolve entirely about being fair little skirmish wargames anyway.

                Balance your level one asses against the tribe of ogres you walked right up to because 'well they're there so it must be a balanced encounter.'

              • 2 years ago

                >phrase that's been a fixture of board culture is the mark of a zoomer

              • 2 years ago


                >bitch, please
                stopped reading, confirmed zoomer

                'balance' as a concept can only be applied to dogshit systems that revolve entirely about being fair little skirmish wargames anyway.

                Balance your level one asses against the tribe of ogres you walked right up to because 'well they're there so it must be a balanced encounter.'

                >one player can't meaningfully contribute
                >one player steamrolls encounters with a single slot
                >that's the game working as intended and also "good"

              • 2 years ago

                You fricked up the encounter.

              • 2 years ago

                So your solution is throw out all encounters you've built every time the characters prepare spells just so they don't have an "I win button"? Sounds shit to me. You could just play something with fewer bullshit options...

              • 2 years ago

                What the frick are you even saying, moron?
                Genuinely, unironically, learn to fricking run games.

              • 2 years ago

                You're the homosexual arguing balance is irrelevant when tiers have been a thing for fricking ages. Running games is harder than it needs to be when you need to bend over backwards to make the fighter relevant for once.

              • 2 years ago

                painfully shit gm

              • 2 years ago

                You: I can invest hours to fix a broken system.
                Me: Why would you not just pick a better system?
                You: Haha you just can't do it. You must be so shit. Haha.

                >pic obviously related

              • 2 years ago

                >tumblr format

              • 2 years ago

                Not him.
                Making a fighter relevant is easy just do the intended 4 encounters or make huge swarms of lower tier enemies that aren't stacked up perfectly for aoe - mages will just run out while fighter boy stays relevant. The real problem with dnd are the chatacters who either stack defs until they can kill a dragon with a needle because 1dmg is more than 0. Or other convoluted shit you literally can't counter without wiping the party.
                Those exist and everyone running more than a lvl 1 intro session has seen them - you can deduce the dm experience of that other guy from that.

              • 2 years ago

                My fighter player will be sooo grateful for 4 encounters a day where they can't do shit against flying creatures or whatever...

                >tumblr format

                You're stupid enough I felt the need to overexplain the pic for you. Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                trying too hard

              • 2 years ago

                >being this dumb

                That's either for the archer, or he just needs to bring some javelins that run on str.
                Also you can get creative with skills, magic equipment if the level is high enough.

                Flying is just one example out of many things that shutdown fighters hard.
                Yes, javelins help. But how many of your fighters feats apply here? Seriously, this very issue has been discussed ad nauseum everywhere. Fricking OP mentions caster supremacy which only exists because of dumb shit like that.

              • 2 years ago

                Skills and Feats were a mistake.

              • 2 years ago

                >I want all TTRPG to be nothing more than Descent

              • 2 years ago

                Ehh, try allowing to buy Feats for money. With the cost depending on the level they are available at minimum - price them as spells for wizards as in 50gp per level.
                Double the cost of feats for any character with caster classes. 5 times the cost for a character with full caster class.
                So Dodge would be 50gp, Mobility would be 150 (can't take before level 3 without additional features on the character), Spring Attack 300gp. And so on.

                Spells still will be stronger but at least martials would be able to get more than one trick going.

              • 2 years ago

                Also in most combat situations flying enemies aren't that high up so often they can just leap atk and you take the jumping roll for height + 8ft reach for Medium sized creatures. If he can somehow get a size or two bigger it's even easier. there are also very broken fighter builds.

              • 2 years ago

                Black person, you are complaining a fricking fighter can’t hit a flying enemy with a sword. Are you legitimately fricking moronic?

                Again: Flying is one of many things that will shutdown fighters.

                >there are also very broken fighter builds.
                Yes, there are. None of them are relevant after level 6-8 (except for that myrmidon + scholar or something archetype combo in PF).

                What do you think caster supremacy means?
                What tiers of classes in D&D?
                What is E6? Why would people ever play that?

              • 2 years ago

                >Flying is one of many things that will shutdown fighters.
                No, it isn’t. You’re being fricking moronic and doing the equivalent of saying an armed and armoured opponent shuts down a fighter because the fighter is naked and unarmed.

              • 2 years ago

                >No, it isn’t.
                But it is.

                >shuts down a fighter because the fighter is naked and unarmed.
                Everyone and their mothers flys, hovers, spiderwalks, creates walls or force cages and so on after 8th level. Meaning everyone goes against the naked and unarmed fighter.

              • 2 years ago

                You’re a parrot.

              • 2 years ago

                >Not viable after 6-8
                How? I played a fricking grappler that was my DMs nightmare all the way to lvl 16 and grapplers are notoriously for falling off in the late game but growth spell / items help. Basically once I won the grappling roll everything died two rounds after.
                Sure, the obvious powercreep is in most of the caster classes but there's enough elsewhere.
                The game is full of it and you always face a problem as dm when you are at the point where countering one PC kills all.

              • 2 years ago

                Good for you. That experience isn't indicative of the broader picture though. If your DM throws you foes you can kill in two rounds of fighter damage he's probably going easy on you.

                You’re a parrot.

                You're wilfully ignoring the facts.

              • 2 years ago

                Doesn't matter what he throws when everything dies hitting strength 0.
                DMG is optional because it took a bit longer.

              • 2 years ago

                That's either for the archer, or he just needs to bring some javelins that run on str.
                Also you can get creative with skills, magic equipment if the level is high enough.

              • 2 years ago

                Holy shit, is your complaint about balance that a fighter who restricts himself to melee can’t win against an enemy specifically designed to counter melee? Black person, learn how environment works or get that moron some ranged weapons.
                Hell, give him some bolas or a fricking grappling hook if you’re both too brainwashed by anime to understand you don’t fight everything with a club ffs

              • 2 years ago

                >tires don exit
                Have you been playing for all of five minutes or are you a nogames?

              • 2 years ago

                Black person, you are complaining a fricking fighter can’t hit a flying enemy with a sword. Are you legitimately fricking moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                >can’t even click the right post
                >feigns authority on muh board culture

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the one unable to recognize a decade old meme. Why don't you just go back?

              • 2 years ago

                >unironic ebonics

              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >if the entire game deals with magic immune constructs, anti magic fields, beholders etc, fighters get more potent and wizards get the shaft
          Constructs have spectacularly bad saves and magic immunity is not an inability to be affected by magic period, AMFs turn off magical gear and most forms of magical resistance while not stopping every spell, and beholders are shit for everyone to deal with, they're not a uniquely anti-Wizard enemy.

      • 2 years ago

        Is it really an issue if it isn't an issue at all?

  6. 2 years ago

    Dnd caster supremacy is a byproduct of the system assuming each group has 4 combat encounters between each rest and most parties just having 1 or 2.
    Solution: Play a system that assumes less encounters between rests.

  7. 2 years ago

    Ars Magica explicitly and intentionally works like this. The wizards are the main characters, and everyone else is support or a disposable pawn.

  8. 2 years ago

    Op here, and while I get that a) I totally stepped into a minefield here, and b) whatever you guys are discussing is more interesting than my attempt at making Isekai-shit, my goal is still to make Isekai-shit. As such, I *want* this character to pull ahead of a martial by leaps and bounds, I do not want balance, I want something so easily exploitable that it would be the hit self-insert anime of the season if it was an anime.

    • 2 years ago

      You don't need a statblock for that. Do you think those garbage writers create a framework that constrains the MC? No, they just do whatever the frick they want. If the MC wants to bathe in an onsen, they magically stumble across an onsen. If the MC wants a problem to disappear, he waves his hand and the problem disappears, the only variable is how many people are present to immediately suck his dick afterwards. So there's nothing in this thread that can possibly help you, since Isekai Protagonists don't have a class, they just want something to happen and it happens.

      making classes “balanced” was literally never “the developers’ job” and the class “balance” is entirely dictated by the GM simply by controlling the world
      if the entire game deals with undead, clerics get more potent and rouges get the shaft
      if the entire game deals with magic immune constructs, anti magic fields, beholders etc, fighters get more potent and wizards get the shaft
      the game has a million soft and hard counters to every class and especially channels for controlling the mage’s spell output and selection through resource management, it to mention encounter design, it’s your fault if you’re not using them

      However having a decent baseline makes it easier to let classes shine without having to work hard fricking over the casters in your group every week. For example, only Warriors could benefit from having a higher CON mod, everyone else capped at +2. Warriors had by far the best bonuses to hit, received Exceptional Strength, Fighters in particular improved even more on this by being the only weapon specialists and automatically attracting followers at level 9. They had very competitive saving throws at high levels (especially Paladins) instead of the literal garbage they have in 3e+, and could just outright use Scrolls (of protection) without having to make any kind of moronic check, and had the most attacks in the game without penalties. They were just a great class at baseline, until the new designers decided that gutting Martial classes and inserting skills and feats into the game as a replacement was a great idea without ever gutting the Caster's core: Spells.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Play GURPS
    >Use Ritual Path magic
    >Forbid martials from taking any master advantages, cinematic abilities, magic, or skills above 16 for 'not being realistic.'
    >Use as many optional bonuses to magic as you can find in pyramid articles.
    >Laugh as sword homosexuals get BTFO by DR20 forcefields and undercosted heart-attack rays.

  10. 2 years ago

    Maybe play something like RuneSlayers or Conand 2d20 where everyone is equally magical?

  11. 2 years ago

    hah D&Dwhiners are homosexual isekai weebs i knew it

  12. 2 years ago

    Improve weapon damage. Oh wait, you wouldn’t understand since you’ve never played

  13. 2 years ago

    >caster supremacy
    Assasin rogues and bear barbarians say hello. Same with fighters who get tools to get shit done.

  14. 2 years ago

    >that one coastardrone that never ran a game

  15. 2 years ago

    Bruh what is wrong with people here? Literally any other board people realize when someone is trolling and stop feeding them. This fricking thread is entirely one guy acting like an over-the-top 90s highschool movie antagonist and people taking him seriously.
    He is obviously baiting and trolling, why are you wasting time.

    • 2 years ago

      A voice of reason

  16. 2 years ago

    Pathfinder, with Psionics and Path of War.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Delete Wall of Force
    >Delete Forcecage
    >Delete Wish
    Wow...no more caster supremacy

    • 2 years ago

      So you're saying those are the three spells I have to give out as scrolls in the early game?

      • 2 years ago

        >Make scrolls for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level utility spells very common and advertised in your setting

        >Regularly throw your players off of high places
        >Present them with magical locks
        >Present them with gaps to jump across
        >Add complications that strand them with no access to food or water
        >Present them with optional puzzles written in ancient languages or magical in nature
        >Present them with invisible obstacles
        >Present them with objecrs that need to be interacted with from a distance
        >Present them with key objects in high places, up sheer walls, high in trees
        >Present them with magical darkness
        >Present them with areas that only small or tiny creatures can fit through

        Would it be based or cringe?

  18. 2 years ago

    >D&D is caster supremacy
    Which edition? AD&D? B/X? Not at lower levels, not at highers if your GM gives loot.
    3.x? Yea... I don't like 3.x.
    4e? Absolutely not. It's also mostly a board and card game where you RP.
    5e? Not if you have loot and play 8 to 10 encounters with 4 to 5 short rests, as intended. And if you're like our group you can do so over the course of 10 to 12 sessions. Needs adjusting to it though.

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