We already have Chess 2, so let's make Chess 3.

We already have Chess 2, so let's make Chess 3.

Every piece now has one skill that can be used once per move/turn/round/game. Which skills should each piece have, /tg/?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Up to four pawns in a 2x2 square can move in tandem as a squad. This does not count pawns which haven't moved yet. They must all move in the same direction (up, diagonal left, diagonal right) if possible; if a pawn would not be able to move, such as if a piece is in front of it or a diagonal move would move it off of the board, that pawn does not move. Squad movement cannot be used at the same time as moving a pawn two spaces from their starting position. Squads can capture multiple piece when possible.

    • 2 years ago

      pawns that last 5 turns gain veterancy status, can move like a king but cannot be a queen unless it takes another piece doing so

      squads with a veteran in it can move one more space, squads made up of veterans are a commando unit which gets the knight rule of jumping over pieces

    • 2 years ago

      Already exists

  2. 2 years ago

    Bishops can turn pawns into choir boys when next to one but can't move the same turn the promote a choir boy
    Choir boys can move 2 spaces diagonally and when they reach the opponent's backside they become a bishop

  3. 2 years ago

    Knights now have an air dash

  4. 2 years ago

    Knights get the Airborne Sigil. Rooks get the Mighty Leap sigil.

  5. 2 years ago

    Queen can teleport anywhere on the board but can't move again the next turn

    • 2 years ago

      Also the King can gain the movement range of either the queen or the knight for one turn.

  6. 2 years ago

    All skills are per turn or passive effects.

    Black Pawn - Expendable: Sacrifices itself to move a black knight to the sacrificed pawn's square. Can't be used to give check.

    White Pawn - Tactical Retreat: If forward movement is blocked by any piece then it can move backward 1 square.

    Black Knight - Charge: Move forward in a line until blocked by any piece without capturing.

    White Knight - Queen's Guard: On the turn immediately after white's queen is threatened by a bishop, rook, or queen, and there is at least 1 empty square between the threat and white's queen, any white knight can choose to interpose between the threat and white's queen on the square directly adjacent to white's queen.

    Black Bishop - Moral Relativism: On the turn immediately after a black bishop is threatened, it can move 1 square horizontally without capturing.

    White Bishop - Inspire: Any white pawn defended by a white bishop has a diagonal capture range of 2 instead of 1.

    Black's Rook - Battering Ram: If capturing a white pawn, black's rook has the option to capture the piece in the square directly adjacent to the white pawn in the black rook's line of movement, but the black rook is removed from the board. Can't be used to give check.

    White Rook - Majesty: If white's king and a white rook are in their initial squares, he may castle regardless of prior piece movement including castling.

    Black Queen - Seduction: Black can move any white piece threatened by black's queen 1 square toward black's queen. Can't be used to capture or give check.

    White's Queen - Compassion: Sacrifices itself to return any 3 white pieces to their initial position. Can't be used to give check, can't be used if the revived piece's initial position is occupied. Promoted pawns are revived as pawns.

    Black King - Cunning: Can swap places with any adjacent black piece to move out of check.

    White King - Wisdom: Can return to its initial square from anywhere on the board to move out of check.

    • 2 years ago

      Neat concepts but maybe instead allow each player to slot those abilities onto their army but the other player gets to know obviously.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, like a system to bid from a giant pool of skills at the outset would be fun and go a long way towards balancing the unavoidable mess. I was just riffing on a theme for each color, with black being about tactical aggression and white creating strong, closed structures.

  7. 2 years ago

    ITT: Sub-1000s brainstorming a game they might be less shit at.

    • 2 years ago

      It's funny, isn't it? Once the common shitter tries fischer random and discovers that his "you're only beating me because you memorized openings!" cope doesn't work, he's drawn to increasingly more and more bizarre variants.

    • 2 years ago

      It's funny, isn't it? Once the common shitter tries fischer random and discovers that his "you're only beating me because you memorized openings!" cope doesn't work, he's drawn to increasingly more and more bizarre variants.

      Chessgays at its finest. They keep projecting refusing to admit their moronic old game can still be improved.

      Not implying this thread is improving the game btw, this is clearly just for fun and you both are homosexuals.

  8. 2 years ago

    If the black king ever has an opportunity to take the white queen, he can instead choose to impregnate her. This means that on the black player's turn he can, instead of moving, return to the board any lost pawn as long as it within one square of the white queen

    • 2 years ago

      But then he stays in check. Doesn't make sense.

  9. 2 years ago

    Pawns - Phalange/Hold the line: If there is a line of at least 3 pawns standing next to each other and one of them gets defeated, the enemy piece that defeated it also immediately gets defeated

    Knights - Cavalry charge: whenever a knight defeats an enemy piece, it can force all enemy pieces on the squares adjacent to the one he landed on to move one square in the direction away from the knight, as long as it's an legitimate move for the given piece. Pawns move one field backwards instead.

    Bishops - Divine ressurection: once per game, each bishop can bring back a defeated piece immediately after it had defeated an enemy piece of the same type. The resurrected piece appears in its normal starting position. This cannot be done if this square is occupied by another piece

    Rooks - Artillery blast: once per game, each rook can defeat an enemy piece under the same rules as usual, but without actually moving to its position

    Queen - A royal double: once per game, the queen can switch positions with the king, no matter where they are. This can be done even if the king is being checked, but not if he would become checked after switching.

    King - Inspire: once per game, a piece that begins its move on a square adjacent to its king can make two moves right after another. This cannot be used to make a check or mate

  10. 2 years ago

    >"Let's make a new version of Chess!"
    >Unknowingly plagiarizes a Fairy Chess variant made in the 19th century

    Every time...

    • 2 years ago


      Then, time to make Chess 4!

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