>"We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us.

>"We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us. Right now, there are various forms of entertainment besides video games. I believe that making people want to spend their precious time on video games, and Nintendo games no less, is a very harsh battle. We approach everything while resolved to the fact that at any time, people may start thinking they do not need Nintendo games anymore."
>...if you think about it from his perspective, he knows as President that Nintendo has had many peaks and valleys over the last few gaming generations. There's been a resulting low for every record high, and he doesn't want that cycle to continue.


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  1. 9 months ago

    >lol just kidding, they will buy anything

    • 9 months ago

      The wii u exists

      • 9 months ago

        so *that* happened

      • 9 months ago

        >Units sold Worldwide: 13.56 million (as of December 31, 2019)

        • 9 months ago

          yes anon, that's a massive flop. If the Switch's success is just "tendies will buy anything with nintendo on it" why did 90% of those "tendies" skip the Wii U?

          • 9 months ago

            Not to mention the other half of all nintendo consoles that got outsold by the competition. Snoy is the only brand that gets guaranteed 80 million sales no matter what they shit out.

          • 9 months ago

            >why did 90% of those "tendies" skip the Wii U?
            Because they didn't skip it. Those who did however, were the casuals, the non-gamers, the blue ocean customers Nintendo always needs to reach high sales.
            Tendies bought the 64, they bought the GameCube and the WiiU. They bought NintendoLabo cardboard. They WILL buy anything. The reason why those platforms didn't reach record sales was because Nintendo failed to tap into the casual market: women, parents, non-gamers, gift buyers. People who type "best electronic gifts for Christmas 202X" into Google and find a list containing the NEST, Hoverboards, Ember Mugs, Keurig, and the Switch/Wii.
            TLDR: Tendies will buy whatever Nintendo makes, but Nintendo can not rely on them to reach high sales.

            • 9 months ago

              That's Sony's Playstation

            • 9 months ago

              Good to know he's aware of it

              >Tendies will buy whatever Nintendo makes, but Nintendo can not rely on them to reach high sales.
              That's what Furukawa is talking about, yes

          • 9 months ago

            It took a fail more colossal than the Xbone for people not to buy a Nintendo product. The N64 was also largely shit and sold well, only Japan had some sense and so the much better Saturn was able to outsell it over there.

            Not to mention the other half of all nintendo consoles that got outsold by the competition. Snoy is the only brand that gets guaranteed 80 million sales no matter what they shit out.

            >Snoy is the only brand that gets guaranteed 80 million sales no matter what they shit out
            Because unlike Nintendo, Sony doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel every gen. They just make a standard console which is all people want. The entire reason the PS4 sold head over heels more than the competition in 8th gen is because Sony didn’t do any experimental bullshit and just made hardware and provided games

            • 9 months ago

              >The N64 was also largely shit and sold well
              More than every Sega console ever made

      • 9 months ago

        People literally unironically believed the wii u was a tablet add on for the wii & wondered why the frick it cost so much so they didn’t buy it.
        That doesn’t count.

        • 9 months ago

          >That doesn’t count.
          >gamecube losing to everything
          >N64 losing to nearly PS1

        • 9 months ago

          >they will buy ANYTHING
          >well no, not this
          which is it

        • 9 months ago

          This. I was running a cyber cafe back when the WiiU launched. I had to explain to so many parents that no, it's not a Wii attachment and yes it is an entirely new system.
          Can see the corner of the screen in pic related.
          And yes, we did have Battletoads. Damn near every version.

          • 9 months ago

            Looks pretty comfy. God, I miss cyber cafes.

        • 9 months ago

          >People literally unironically believed the wii u was a tablet add on for the wii
          I was one of those people, wasn't even paying attention to online discussions about it. I remember seeing it being used on wii Sports and just thinking "oh, so all Wii games now have some kind of first person mode, neat".

      • 9 months ago

        In the hardware sense, the wiiu was a piece of shit.
        And so was the Wii, the DS, the 3DS, and so is the switch. And for one that didn't sell a gorillion, four did. Just copy and paste some pokemon mario and zelda and call it a day, time to bank for 6 years while doing the bare minimum with hardaware that the entire userbase will complain from the second year onwards because it's an obsolete piece of shit that can't keep up and underperforms all the time and has the worst ports (if any)

      • 9 months ago

        They kept pushing out great looking games for WiiU but I just didn't fricking want one.

      • 9 months ago

        the name of it is the worst name i've ever seen for ANY PRODUCT. it didn't sell well because people legitimately thought it was an add-on

        • 9 months ago

          Whoever was in charge of the naming department for that generation of consoles should be chemically castrated. I bet it was the same moron who named the NEW Nintendo 3ds

      • 9 months ago

        wii u was such a fricking turd
        it feels unreal that it even existed

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          >Just finished watching that video
          strange scene of timing. Still, I understand Scott's disappointment with Zero. I didn't enjoy it either and it pretty much got me to have a hate boner for Miyamoto and Nintendo for over a year.

      • 9 months ago

        And it sold 13 million too many with no games, that was Nintendo bonus at its finest.

    • 9 months ago

      The only thing they have put out in years that anyone wanted is tears of the kingdom. So I know this quote is fake. There is no way they actually believed people wanted all this other shit.

      morons will buy anything. I garuntee this is exactly what he was thinking the whole time. Fpbp

    • 9 months ago

      Not really, their lowest as a company was during the N64 and GameCube despite those consoles having the best games, and they lost to a DVD player. Wii won because of the gimmick that even your grandpa enjoyed, but now that the fad is long and gone, much of that library is hardly looked at favorably. Wii U sold like shit, and the Switch sold gangbusters despite being a Wii U port machine and having way less features. Moral of the story, people say they like games, but buy things for the gimmicks. Ganker posters are no better since they seethe more about games more often than praising them, and a game releasing on a (free) different launcher is enough for them to ditch a game.

      • 9 months ago

        its simple really.
        company success is an inversion of qaulity of product. when video game companies are near bankruptcy they are forced to put out original and interesting games. when they have unlimited success and everyone buys their shit they put out whatever they want and tell the consumer to get fricked.
        it seems to be very common that companies are fricking everyone in the ass so hopefully a correction is coming soon.

        • 9 months ago

          This is pure arrogance and greed. If a company's reputation is high, they will try to get away selling as much shit as possible to boost quarterly profits until the consumers get wise and abandon them. But who cares about that, the CEOs can jump off with golden parachutes and leave the company to suffer.

          • 9 months ago

            >implying Japan CEOs are billionaires

            • 9 months ago

              Prease understandu


        • 9 months ago

          God Hand was only made because of the smashing success RE4 saw once it was ported to PS2.
          companies will also take risks at times of high success and they'll cost the company serious cash, but sometimes an actual treasure is born as a result.

    • 9 months ago

      Like the Virtual Boy?

    • 9 months ago

      God I hate Nintendo so much it’s unreal.

      Nintendo fans are like abused houswives. I should know because I just bought a Switch Oled today even though I resisted it for so long.

      If you have never bought a Nintendo console before consider yourself lucky, you have not been infected.

      • 9 months ago

        Domesticated dogs

    • 9 months ago

      The WiiU only sold 15 million units. So there's literally only 15 million genuine Nintendo fans.

      The rest are casuals.

  2. 9 months ago

    God I hate Nintendo so much it’s unreal.

    • 9 months ago

      >Nintendo: We may be number one now but we need to continue to fight for our consumers time
      How is anything he said bad?

      • 9 months ago


        >makes 7.8 trillion billion dollars on Pokemon games that barely function
        >"we arr in harshu batturu with society..."
        Oh frick off.

    • 9 months ago

      The feeling is mutual. The Japanese have a grave dislike of moronic, morbidly obese subhumans like you.

  3. 9 months ago

    So, more Zelda and Mario then.
    As per usual.

    • 9 months ago

      You get 1 Zelda game every 5-7 years. Same for mainline Mario. Both are better than whatever your favorite slop is.

    • 9 months ago

      >Finally get a good 2D Metroid, Pikmin, Fire Emblem, and 3D Kirby game
      >Prime 4 is still in the works
      I'm fine with future Nintendo going full corpo and only developing with whatever sales, the Switch delivered of so many underrated titles to keep me content for another 10 years.

      • 9 months ago

        developing with whatever sells* to normalgays,

  4. 9 months ago

    I only care about Zelda. I have a Switch and the only games I have on it are botw and totk. Nothing else they make is remotely relevant to me at all. I wont be buying their next machine until it gets a Zelda game and not a remake like Links Awakening as that's zero interest to me at all. The only Zelda remake id care about would be a big budget remake of OOT not a port of the 3ds remake.

    • 9 months ago

      Unironically, and I say this whole-heartedly, have a nice day.

      • 9 months ago

        Why? What other Nintendo stuff should I care about?

        • 9 months ago

          have a nice day.

          • 9 months ago

            This is just silly childish behaviour.

            • 9 months ago

              Opinion discarded

            • 9 months ago

              >Surprised "adults" who like Nintendo are childish


              • 9 months ago

                Nothing wrong with that. I'm still cackling like a hyena at what you guys think mature gaming is. I'll take childish any day of the week and twice on sunday.

              • 9 months ago

                Any adult playing video games is childish
                Double if they are a console warrior

      • 9 months ago

        Same. Frick that guy. He's the cancer killing Nintendo. Imagine proudly posting a wojak and admitting to only buying 2 zelda openslop games. You have the most robust library of all time for a Nintendo console and you choose to squander it for tech demos.

        • 9 months ago

          Not him, but I care even less about most of Nintendo's library. Only the 2D Zeldas interest me, the last of which was Link Between Worlds, Metroids, and to some degree, Fire Emblem and Mario Kart. I don't care about the 3D Marios, Splatoon, Pikmin, or really any other first party Nintendo title. Smash Bros might've been a play for me, but it's not high school anymore and I don't have a half dozen real life friends to sit down and play with.

          A lot of the third party Switch exclusives eventually get ported to PC, so there's not even those to hope for. Some of the killer apps like Golden Sun and Advance Wars are basically on ice and won't release for at least another generation, if ever.

          That said, I still find the Switch to be a far better buy than the Xbox (Which basically shares its entire library with PC) and the PS, it at least has a handful of games in its library worth playing.

          • 9 months ago

            How do I unsubscribe from your blog?

          • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      How do I unsubscribe from your blog?

      • 9 months ago

        You are actually seething for no good reason.

        • 9 months ago

          Meant for

          I only care about Zelda. I have a Switch and the only games I have on it are botw and totk. Nothing else they make is remotely relevant to me at all. I wont be buying their next machine until it gets a Zelda game and not a remake like Links Awakening as that's zero interest to me at all. The only Zelda remake id care about would be a big budget remake of OOT not a port of the 3ds remake.

          • 9 months ago

            but both of those are me

    • 9 months ago

      how can you stan so hard for a series that is little more than fitting the right shapes into the right holes?

      • 9 months ago

        Dunno. I really only like OOT and MM. I still keep playing every mainline game in the series that comes out though. I didn't even like botw and totk.

      • 9 months ago

        Imagine trying to go the le braindead easy route on Nintendo franchises of all things. 98% of them can be described as braindead. If anything, Zelda is at least middle of the road and not fully for 6 year olds. At least now since BOTW it isn't.

      • 9 months ago

        Because stuffing things into holes is what chads do, troony

        • 9 months ago

          dumb response since trannies also shove shit into holes on a daily basis

      • 9 months ago

        would you rather a character on your side keep screaming the answer in your ear every 1 to 2 mins like in god of war

        • 9 months ago

          >Walk into room
          >"Try pulling the lever over there"
          >Looking at the room because there is stuff to take on
          >"Dad, you should try that lever"
          >Walk towards said lever, because the constant dialogue fricking annoys me
          >Prompt pops up
          >"Pull the lever you fricking moron"
          >Turn off console

          • 9 months ago

            adults need a constant reminder in there games don't you know.

            • 9 months ago

              I hate this fricking trend and wished it died out.
              Accessibility like this is ruining immersion and a insult to the players intelligence. Why even make a puzzle when you get the answer handed to you after 20 seconds?

              • 9 months ago

                And you can't turn off those hints under any difficulty

              • 9 months ago

                I don't think it's ever going away. I think it's going get even worse only with more snarky npc companions.

              • 9 months ago

                Because gaming went mainstream and the mainstream is moronic. You might think it's insulting your intelligence, but for the average pleb it's matching their intelligence. Same reason why botw went so open world it lets you skip everything. Same level of casualization, different tactics. The latter just makes idiots feel smarter and if they're too stupid to figure something out it literally doesn't matter.

      • 9 months ago

        You've never played a Zelda game

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Lol have you heard of emulation?

      • 9 months ago

        Tendies are terrified of transfering files on a pc

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly a high profile remake of OoT is probably in their cards right now. The only games in desperate need of a remake are the Oracle games, and after that they don't really have anything else during long development hiatuses.

    • 9 months ago

      Just emulate them you dumb frick

    • 9 months ago

      don't care didn't read have a nice day

    • 9 months ago

      What do you play outside of Zelda anon?

    • 9 months ago

      This but with Metroid Prime, Dread is too little too late I want the real deal because Prime is the most immersed I've ever been in a 3D nintendo game, I'd argue it's their only franchise worth caring about as an adult if Zelda didn't reboot itself out of the slump that it suffered for more than a decade thanks to Aonuma's influence (did this guy ever like Zelda in the first place?), people saying there's other nintendo games out there are coping when even Mario only gets a real entry once every console.

      Women are the ones keeping nintendo alive by playing the shit out of Animal Crossing, Pokemon and Mario Kart, if that means we still get videogames for men once in a while then they can milk those cows for all I care

    • 9 months ago

      I barely even play many games
      TOTK, Rain Code, and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk are the only new games I've played all year.

    • 9 months ago

      Kill all wojak tards.

  5. 9 months ago

    He's right btw. It's only a matter of time before zoom zoom get bored of console games and exclusively move on to mobile slop.

    • 9 months ago

      Mobile slop is even more boring and self cannibalizing. I can smell a backlash to mobile games coming soon.

  6. 9 months ago

    My family used to be full on nintendies from the NES days. But we fell out of it for the following reasons:
    >Modern hardware being shit (flimsy switch and defective wii U)
    >amazing Wii experience just grossly overshadowing their future. Even the console operating system had an intrinsic aesthetic. Zoomers and millenials can still recite Wii Shop and Mii Channel a decade after the console died.
    >paid online lmao
    >society being more isolated with digital technology = less excuses to bring friends over for couch co-op = all of Nintendo's multiplayer series like Smash, Mario Party, Mario Kart, and sports games take a big hit to their intrinsic value. Online multiplayer is just a better CPU opponent with 0 social interaction.
    >Trash virtual console that gets invalidated with each console.
    >Virtual console uses terrible in-house emulation
    >no backwards compatibility
    >Locked down hardware and OS make console modding unviable, as opposed to the Wii which could become a multi-purpose HTPC.
    >Big risk of getting banned from online for simply modding your own property, even if it's for a reason unrelated to the game you want to play.
    >No private server tools to compensate for being banned.
    >Switch controllers are literally too small for my father's hands.
    >Absolutely 0 quality control for Pokemon. The rapid deadlines cause them to shit out several generations of low-quality, buggy, repetitive shit in the name of profit. Younger audience = this will never be fixed until there's a moral outrage that upsets parents.
    >BOTW series... polarizing, to put politely.
    >Abuse of intellectual property laws that make Disney blush,
    >Multiple generations of young game devs who want to make derivative works like romhacks and game mods stalked by Nintendo's lawyers.
    >Melee community neglected/abused by Nintendo for two decades.
    >shit smash netcode
    >joycon drift
    >Jailing and making a debt slave out of someone who sold tools to help people mod the consoles they purchased.

    • 9 months ago

      >Harassing lawful emulation groups, whom courts have declared to be fair competitors in the market of making games playable.
      >Enforce copyright on games they don't even actively sell anymore.
      >Neglected various small IPs like Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Golden Sun, etc
      Meanwhile, let's look at the competition
      >No, not Sony or Microsoft, they ain't shit.
      >Mobile is a universal platform. Everyone has a smart phone.
      >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
      >Touch screen bridges generational gaps.
      >Powerful computers are becoming more affordable.
      >Complete control over the software and hardware components.
      >Several decades worth of free games.
      >Mouse and keyboard available
      >Modding culture is in full swing. Most games can be modded. Some facilitate and support it, extending replayability, getting more value out of purchases.
      >Integrates directly with social media services like Steam and Discord.
      >More F2P models for accessibility.
      >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
      >Emulators make it easier to mod console games and play romhacks.
      >Emulator netplay resurrects the online features of dead games.
      >Lost media replayable again thanks to repositories.
      Nintendo's old culture of locking down and controlling the user experience in the name of "quality" is slipping. The quality is dropping. And the modern digital age is all about freedom and derivative works. They need to adapt or they will lose their cultural status within the next 2-3 generations.

      • 9 months ago

        Let's merge lists anon
        >completely ruin someone's life by taking 30% of their future paychecks at age 50, even after serving a prison sentence
        >slippy cease and desist
        >etika joyconboyz design charity dmca
        >limited time games (all stars & mario 35)
        >fan game shutdowns (am2r, etc. just shut down when it released, good timing)
        >fan mods shutdowns (botw multiplayer, sm64 online, more i can't remember)
        >fan video shutdowns (glitches, behind the scenes, boundary break, vinesauce mario 64 chaos edition, pointcrow botw)
        >fan channel copyright strikes (vinesauce, pointcrow)
        >shutting down fan tournaments
        >removing game soundtracks with no way of listening to them officially anyway except for limited edition CDs only sold in Japan
        >now removed ridiculous partner program that had very odd revenue share and restrictions
        >joycon drift never being acknowledged (ok they finally caved)
        >amiibos artificial scarcity
        >mini consoles artificial scarcity
        >major game annoyances still staying in games (looking at you animal crossing)
        >paying for online and getting p2p multiplayer is atrocious, and with the new expansion it's even less worth it
        >drip feeding 30 year old games that have been sold as digital downloads for 15 years so you have to rebuy them over and over and now you can't even "own" them.
        >selling games at 70 euros just because you can, never really dropping prices
        >selling "remasters" for 70€ and they're getting less and less advanced every time
        >sending a private investigator to spy and stalk smealum doxxing him and having a whole flowchart of how they planned to deal with him
        >terrible refunds
        >carpetbombing the shit out of many great emulation/rom sites that had gone untouched for years
        >the constant DMCAs and C&Ds
        >sold a Super Mario Bros. rom they downloaded on the internet on their official wii shop
        >ran a price fixing cartel in europe
        >ripped off the actual creator of donkey kong (ikegami) by illegally manufacturing boards without their involvement

        • 9 months ago


          weren't they just responsible for the programming.

          • 9 months ago

            >The contract gave Ikegami exclusive rights for manufacturing Donkey Kong arcade boards. Due to the unexpected demand for the game, Nintendo ignored the clause and produced arcade boards of its own.

            The contract gave Ikegami exclusive rights for manufacturing Donkey Kong arcade boards. Due to the unexpected demand for the game, Nintendo ignored the clause and produced arcade boards of its own.

        • 9 months ago

          joyconboyz design charity dmca
          But that was based of them.

        • 9 months ago

          oh my god these are all good points. What's it called when there's so many things to complain about, that it's hard to get everything, and as a result, the target of criticism is more defended as a result?
          I forgot about a lot of these.
          I'll comment on the partner program. There was no partner program. Just like the React Brothers and ReactWorld, they tried to frame it like a media network ala Machinima. But all it served to do was seize a part of the ad revenue and moderate videos in the name of some claim of copyright ownership. There was no actual service being provided to help the creators like editing, review copies, etc.
          I'll also add that they apparently DMCA'd creators of NSFW models and assets. I know the guy who made that one Zelda Blender model who does the "*sigh* anal?" meme got hit. Also apparently a bowsette model creator too?
          Also frick amiibos, not just their scarcity. The figurine bonus content model was shit since the start of UB Funkeys.

          • 9 months ago

            RIP sableserviette the hottest botw porn creator

        • 9 months ago

          >Harassing lawful emulation groups, whom courts have declared to be fair competitors in the market of making games playable.
          >Enforce copyright on games they don't even actively sell anymore.
          >Neglected various small IPs like Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Golden Sun, etc
          Meanwhile, let's look at the competition
          >No, not Sony or Microsoft, they ain't shit.
          >Mobile is a universal platform. Everyone has a smart phone.
          >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
          >Touch screen bridges generational gaps.
          >Powerful computers are becoming more affordable.
          >Complete control over the software and hardware components.
          >Several decades worth of free games.
          >Mouse and keyboard available
          >Modding culture is in full swing. Most games can be modded. Some facilitate and support it, extending replayability, getting more value out of purchases.
          >Integrates directly with social media services like Steam and Discord.
          >More F2P models for accessibility.
          >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
          >Emulators make it easier to mod console games and play romhacks.
          >Emulator netplay resurrects the online features of dead games.
          >Lost media replayable again thanks to repositories.
          Nintendo's old culture of locking down and controlling the user experience in the name of "quality" is slipping. The quality is dropping. And the modern digital age is all about freedom and derivative works. They need to adapt or they will lose their cultural status within the next 2-3 generations.

          My family used to be full on nintendies from the NES days. But we fell out of it for the following reasons:
          >Modern hardware being shit (flimsy switch and defective wii U)
          >amazing Wii experience just grossly overshadowing their future. Even the console operating system had an intrinsic aesthetic. Zoomers and millenials can still recite Wii Shop and Mii Channel a decade after the console died.
          >paid online lmao
          >society being more isolated with digital technology = less excuses to bring friends over for couch co-op = all of Nintendo's multiplayer series like Smash, Mario Party, Mario Kart, and sports games take a big hit to their intrinsic value. Online multiplayer is just a better CPU opponent with 0 social interaction.
          >Trash virtual console that gets invalidated with each console.
          >Virtual console uses terrible in-house emulation
          >no backwards compatibility
          >Locked down hardware and OS make console modding unviable, as opposed to the Wii which could become a multi-purpose HTPC.
          >Big risk of getting banned from online for simply modding your own property, even if it's for a reason unrelated to the game you want to play.
          >No private server tools to compensate for being banned.
          >Switch controllers are literally too small for my father's hands.
          >Absolutely 0 quality control for Pokemon. The rapid deadlines cause them to shit out several generations of low-quality, buggy, repetitive shit in the name of profit. Younger audience = this will never be fixed until there's a moral outrage that upsets parents.
          >BOTW series... polarizing, to put politely.
          >Abuse of intellectual property laws that make Disney blush,
          >Multiple generations of young game devs who want to make derivative works like romhacks and game mods stalked by Nintendo's lawyers.
          >Melee community neglected/abused by Nintendo for two decades.
          >shit smash netcode
          >joycon drift
          >Jailing and making a debt slave out of someone who sold tools to help people mod the consoles they purchased.

          That's a lot of shit nobody read

        • 9 months ago

          >broke the law
          >IP theft isn't legal
          >well within their right to do so
          >fair but every game has a shelf life
          >it's their IP so it's fair game
          >same thing
          >same thing
          >same thing
          >not transformative enough to be protected under fair use
          >it's their games they have every right to shut down tournies
          >they own the rights to that music so it's fair game
          >they didn't have to let anyone have video's in the first place
          >fair enough
          >literal meme
          >see above
          >maybe don't break the law then
          >they where breaking the law
          >you said that already
          >there's zero proof of that

          I'm not defending nintendo but that's the law, maybe people need to remember that fan games/mods for other games only exist because they don't have the money to sue them

        • 9 months ago

          Nintendo started making yakuza goods, and continue to be yakuza run to this day

        • 9 months ago

          >more i can't remember
          That Super Mario Bros mutiplayer thing that got shut down, conveniently around the time when they released their own multiplayer SMB that got shut down anyways because it was a limited time game.

      • 9 months ago

        >F2p for more accessibility
        Enjoy watching fricking ads or your gacha bullshit Anon. Keep that shit far away from me.

      • 9 months ago

        >Mobile is a universal platform. Everyone has a smart phone.
        Phones are not gaming devices and never will be.
        >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
        >More F2P models for accessibility.
        And nothing should. It should be illegal. One upfront price and done is all that should be allowed.
        >Touch screen bridges generational gaps.
        Touch screens are not and will never be game controllers.
        >Powerful computers are becoming more affordable.
        Has nothing to do with a handheld because they go together.
        >Complete control over the software and hardware components.
        This is bad but that's just a general legal issue again. No company should be allowed to control what you do with your shit after you purchase it.
        >Several decades worth of free games.
        If it doesn't have a price it's worth playing exactly the same amount of hours as it's price. Part of the reason F2P shit should be illegal.
        >Mouse and keyboard available
        Is on the Switch too technically.
        >Modding culture is in full swing. Most games can be modded. Some facilitate and support it, extending replayability, getting more value out of purchases.
        If you don't want to play vanilla it's not worth purchasing to begin with. Stop buying dogshit not worth playing you moron. You'll just get more dogshit not worth playing.
        >Integrates directly with social media services like Steam and Discord.
        Gaming devices do not need any such thing.
        Refer to the second point.
        >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
        >Emulators make it easier to mod console games and play romhacks.
        >Emulator netplay resurrects the online features of dead games.
        >Lost media replayable again thanks to repositories.
        All of this is just general nonsense when it would make more sense for them to just keep making whatever they can. For every company in this. Take preos, make 'em in batches of 1K or every 6 months or something with little to no cost for them.

      • 9 months ago

        >More F2P models for accessibility.
        I was going to make fun of you, but then I remembered the ridiculous profits Diablo Immortal brought in.

      • 9 months ago

        >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
        >More F2P models for accessibility.
        They are usually used to lure in new players, get them invested and make them more likely to spend cash on microtransactions.
        >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
        It's always legal unless they use leaked source code or come prepackaged with bios files. Emulator devs already figured out how to avoid these issues, with a few exceptions like the Dolphin devs for whatever reason.

      • 9 months ago

        Pikmin shouldn’t be in the neglected IPs list. It’s Miyamoto’s beloved pet project that he personally goes up to bat for at least once every console generation despite middling sales, not to mention the newest game selling extremely well. They even stick Pikmin in as Easter eggs in other projects, like the Mario movie and the theme park. Pikmin won’t die until Miyamoto does.

      • 9 months ago

        >putting metroid and pikmin in the same tier as f-zero

        f-zero fans would kill for f-zero to be 'neglected' the way pikmin and metroid have

    • 9 months ago

      >Melee community neglected/abused by Nintendo for two decades.
      they literally have no obligation to meleetards

    • 9 months ago

      >Harassing lawful emulation groups, whom courts have declared to be fair competitors in the market of making games playable.
      >Enforce copyright on games they don't even actively sell anymore.
      >Neglected various small IPs like Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Golden Sun, etc
      Meanwhile, let's look at the competition
      >No, not Sony or Microsoft, they ain't shit.
      >Mobile is a universal platform. Everyone has a smart phone.
      >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
      >Touch screen bridges generational gaps.
      >Powerful computers are becoming more affordable.
      >Complete control over the software and hardware components.
      >Several decades worth of free games.
      >Mouse and keyboard available
      >Modding culture is in full swing. Most games can be modded. Some facilitate and support it, extending replayability, getting more value out of purchases.
      >Integrates directly with social media services like Steam and Discord.
      >More F2P models for accessibility.
      >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
      >Emulators make it easier to mod console games and play romhacks.
      >Emulator netplay resurrects the online features of dead games.
      >Lost media replayable again thanks to repositories.
      Nintendo's old culture of locking down and controlling the user experience in the name of "quality" is slipping. The quality is dropping. And the modern digital age is all about freedom and derivative works. They need to adapt or they will lose their cultural status within the next 2-3 generations.

      Let's merge lists anon
      >completely ruin someone's life by taking 30% of their future paychecks at age 50, even after serving a prison sentence
      >slippy cease and desist
      >etika joyconboyz design charity dmca
      >limited time games (all stars & mario 35)
      >fan game shutdowns (am2r, etc. just shut down when it released, good timing)
      >fan mods shutdowns (botw multiplayer, sm64 online, more i can't remember)
      >fan video shutdowns (glitches, behind the scenes, boundary break, vinesauce mario 64 chaos edition, pointcrow botw)
      >fan channel copyright strikes (vinesauce, pointcrow)
      >shutting down fan tournaments
      >removing game soundtracks with no way of listening to them officially anyway except for limited edition CDs only sold in Japan
      >now removed ridiculous partner program that had very odd revenue share and restrictions
      >joycon drift never being acknowledged (ok they finally caved)
      >amiibos artificial scarcity
      >mini consoles artificial scarcity
      >major game annoyances still staying in games (looking at you animal crossing)
      >paying for online and getting p2p multiplayer is atrocious, and with the new expansion it's even less worth it
      >drip feeding 30 year old games that have been sold as digital downloads for 15 years so you have to rebuy them over and over and now you can't even "own" them.
      >selling games at 70 euros just because you can, never really dropping prices
      >selling "remasters" for 70€ and they're getting less and less advanced every time
      >sending a private investigator to spy and stalk smealum doxxing him and having a whole flowchart of how they planned to deal with him
      >terrible refunds
      >carpetbombing the shit out of many great emulation/rom sites that had gone untouched for years
      >the constant DMCAs and C&Ds
      >sold a Super Mario Bros. rom they downloaded on the internet on their official wii shop
      >ran a price fixing cartel in europe
      >ripped off the actual creator of donkey kong (ikegami) by illegally manufacturing boards without their involvement


    • 9 months ago

      >My family used to be full on nintendies from the NES days. But we fell out of it for the following reasons:
      >All this shit
      What kind of family do you have that cares that much? Most people who moved on from Nintendo is because the games to interest them.

      • 9 months ago

        *no longer

      • 9 months ago

        It's a non white ESL or white robot aspie attempting to act like a normal person but failing hard

    • 9 months ago

      >Trash virtual console that gets invalidated with each console
      This is the big one for me. I remember first learning about the Wii's VC and feeling pretty excited about it. Back them, my expectations were that your purchases in one system would carry over to another, as long as you had the account and the system supported it.

      Nintendo could seriously have had their own equivalent of Steam for retro console games, something that would have been great for those who wanted to try out retro games legally without dealing with greedy scalpers, resellers and collectors. Japanese exclusive games could receive official english patches and more obscure games would be back into circulation, leading to more cult classics.

      But no, instead they chose to sell Mario 64 for the millionth time and the same "Nintendo starter pack" games for the fanboys who have no interest in trying out anything else in the system. The SNES mini is a fricking joke and NSO is Nintendo spitting on the face of anyone who's interested in exploring the retro library. Thank god for piracy and emulation because if it depended on these c**ts, everybody would be circlejerking over the same 5 games [insert youtuber here] played when he was 10 until the death of the universe.

      • 9 months ago

        How do I unsubscribe from your blog?

        • 9 months ago

          You forgot to take your ADHD pills today.

          • 9 months ago

            And you need to reduce your adderall consumption to less than 20 mgs

      • 9 months ago

        >This is the big one for me. I remember first learning about the Wii's VC and feeling pretty excited about it
        Same. I accumulated quite a few games on the virtual console, especially after they let you transfer them from the wii to the wii u. I thought that'd become the norm. Then they said nope and left it all to rot on my wii u and 3ds to shovel out some paid online rental service. Frick that, fool me once, there won't be a second time, I'm pirating all my shit back. Made me feel like an idiot for spending that much money thinking I'd be able to build up a proper collection of all my old games and ones I missed out on thinking they'd do the bare minimum of consumer friendliness and allow them to be transferred to new systems.

        • 9 months ago

          Less blogging, less addies and less replying to yourself

          • 9 months ago

            have a nice day

            • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          >Made me feel like an idiot for spending that much money thinking I'd be able to build up a proper collection of all my old games and ones I missed out on
          I get the feeling that a lot of people thought the same thing. I was lucky enough to only spend cash on two games because I wasn't used to digital purchases at the time and my family didn't trusted the service itself. Nowadays, my hacked Wii has several libraries worth of games, including some serious hidden gems that Nintendo would never put on the NSO because it's not Mario or Zelda.

    • 9 months ago

      >Harassing lawful emulation groups, whom courts have declared to be fair competitors in the market of making games playable.
      >Enforce copyright on games they don't even actively sell anymore.
      >Neglected various small IPs like Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Golden Sun, etc
      Meanwhile, let's look at the competition
      >No, not Sony or Microsoft, they ain't shit.
      >Mobile is a universal platform. Everyone has a smart phone.
      >Everything but Minecraft uses a F2P model.
      >Touch screen bridges generational gaps.
      >Powerful computers are becoming more affordable.
      >Complete control over the software and hardware components.
      >Several decades worth of free games.
      >Mouse and keyboard available
      >Modding culture is in full swing. Most games can be modded. Some facilitate and support it, extending replayability, getting more value out of purchases.
      >Integrates directly with social media services like Steam and Discord.
      >More F2P models for accessibility.
      >Emulation, to varying degrees of legality
      >Emulators make it easier to mod console games and play romhacks.
      >Emulator netplay resurrects the online features of dead games.
      >Lost media replayable again thanks to repositories.
      Nintendo's old culture of locking down and controlling the user experience in the name of "quality" is slipping. The quality is dropping. And the modern digital age is all about freedom and derivative works. They need to adapt or they will lose their cultural status within the next 2-3 generations.

      Let's merge lists anon
      >completely ruin someone's life by taking 30% of their future paychecks at age 50, even after serving a prison sentence
      >slippy cease and desist
      >etika joyconboyz design charity dmca
      >limited time games (all stars & mario 35)
      >fan game shutdowns (am2r, etc. just shut down when it released, good timing)
      >fan mods shutdowns (botw multiplayer, sm64 online, more i can't remember)
      >fan video shutdowns (glitches, behind the scenes, boundary break, vinesauce mario 64 chaos edition, pointcrow botw)
      >fan channel copyright strikes (vinesauce, pointcrow)
      >shutting down fan tournaments
      >removing game soundtracks with no way of listening to them officially anyway except for limited edition CDs only sold in Japan
      >now removed ridiculous partner program that had very odd revenue share and restrictions
      >joycon drift never being acknowledged (ok they finally caved)
      >amiibos artificial scarcity
      >mini consoles artificial scarcity
      >major game annoyances still staying in games (looking at you animal crossing)
      >paying for online and getting p2p multiplayer is atrocious, and with the new expansion it's even less worth it
      >drip feeding 30 year old games that have been sold as digital downloads for 15 years so you have to rebuy them over and over and now you can't even "own" them.
      >selling games at 70 euros just because you can, never really dropping prices
      >selling "remasters" for 70€ and they're getting less and less advanced every time
      >sending a private investigator to spy and stalk smealum doxxing him and having a whole flowchart of how they planned to deal with him
      >terrible refunds
      >carpetbombing the shit out of many great emulation/rom sites that had gone untouched for years
      >the constant DMCAs and C&Ds
      >sold a Super Mario Bros. rom they downloaded on the internet on their official wii shop
      >ran a price fixing cartel in europe
      >ripped off the actual creator of donkey kong (ikegami) by illegally manufacturing boards without their involvement

      Good points, I wish I caught this thread earlier.

    • 9 months ago

      You sound like an angry dweeb nobody but autisms care about this shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >Online multiplayer is just a better CPU opponent with 0 social interaction.

      This. Nintendo cant do voice chat right at all. No lobbies no nothing. Nintendo have always been shit with online interactions

    • 9 months ago

      >Botw - polarising
      Its literally one of the most popular games of all time. You can critque it however you like (even though its just the core zelda experience with a bigger hub world to explore), but it sold more than 6x as much as the zelda title before it and more than double what Oot sold.
      Nintendo doesnt control pokemon games. Game Freak has free reign and cant be stopped because of contractual obligations

      • 9 months ago

        >Its literally one of the most popular games of all time
        So is pokemon and new horizons and people hate what they've become too. Botw is polarizing to zelda fans, largely because it brought in so many newbies who are now going to get pandered to with nothing but more botw.
        >Game Freak has free reign
        No they don't, nintendo has a huge share in both gamefreak and pokemon as an ip. Nintendo could tell them to get their shit together if they wanted to. They don't because why should they, that'd cost more time and money and the games sell like crack regardless.

        • 9 months ago

          >a huge share in both gamefreak and pokemon
          *creature inc

        • 9 months ago

          >No they don't, nintendo has a huge share in both gamefreak and pokemon as an ip.
          It's an equal ownership between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc.
          Nintendo doesn't seem to have any direct influence on the games, other than the platform and as an advertising partner. They seemed really annoyed when they had to provide refunds for S/V.
          Though perhaps Nintendo is the driving force behind yearly releases, because it is in their (and GFs and Creatures) intrerest to keep a steady influx of new Pokemon for anime, merchandise and TGC additions.

        • 9 months ago

          >Nintendo has a huge share in both game freak and pokemon as an ip
          Game Freak has as much control over the Franchise as nintendo or creatures does. Nintendo cant pull rank on them.
          And as the founders of the franchise they have the power to do whatever they like with the games, creatures will keep quiet as long as they dont frick about with the release cycles of the rest of the merch (which makes 90% of their revenue anyway) and nintendo can only rubber stamp the games as they release.
          If nintendo truly had any power, none of the recent mainline games would have been released in the state they were in. Given nintendos track record for cancelling and delaying titles for qa purposes.
          Pokemon is too big for nintendo to control as much as anyone would like. If they could the games would be released to a much higher standard

          • 9 months ago

            >I know nothing about the subject, but I order you to obey me
            video games?

            • 9 months ago

              Sounds to me like you're the clueless one if you think nintendo is the one making decisions about pokemon games

          • 9 months ago

            Nintendo owns a third of pokemon and part of creatures inc. They have power. Hell iwata so proudly shared his story of how he went over there and fixed up GS. And while iwata wasn't part of nintendo at the time he was made president of hal through nintendo's influence, and unlike nintendo owning a good chunk of pokemon, hal is a fully independent developer that nintendo nonetheless had enough sway over to get a man promoted to president and assist him during that time. I don't think nintendo cares so long as pokemon keeps making money. If they had full control maybe it wouldn't have so many bugs, but it'd almost certainly be just as sterile and regurgitated as something like nsmb or new horizons.

    • 9 months ago

      >opens with nintendies
      okay, eric

  7. 9 months ago

    switch 2 cofnirmed flop

  8. 9 months ago

    Maybe just make a console without shit hardware for a change

    • 9 months ago

      Then they can‘t sell hardware for a profit anymore. They‘re too greedy to do that

    • 9 months ago

      Why does everyone always say this? They used to make good hardware prior to the Wii and yet each console sold less than the previous. They had no choice but to take things in a different direction. It's clearly working for them.

      • 9 months ago

        They say that because the times they failed, and had good hardware, there was always some caveat that muddies the results. The SNES was a completely normal and strong console for its time. No weird gimmicks and will be remembered as a great success. N64 was powerful but a pain in the ass for many third parties when the benefits of CD against traditional cartridges became evident. The GCN finally used discs but they didn't hold as much as a standard DVD, plus the GCN couldn't play DVDs for those parents that would rather buy a two-in-one system/DVD player.

  9. 9 months ago

    How about Nintendo EDP actually make more fricking games then? They were willing to make a sequel to 1+2 Switch before making a sequel to Star Fox, F-Zero, ARMS, Mother, Punch-Out!!, 2D Zelda, Kid Icarus, StarTropics, etc etc etc. Nintendo is more concerned with theme parks and movies than the console currently printing them money

  10. 9 months ago

    Nintendo died with Iwata.

    • 9 months ago

      If you're going to even remotely pretend the Wii was good for anything but sales, you are the problem. I don't care about a corporations money, flat out, no ifs ands or buts end of story. The Wii casualized, streamlined, simplified and outright ruined a lot of franchises to appeal to the widest potential demographic, and the Wii and WiiU were his disasters. Money aside those eras were dramatically horrible for Nintendo and pretending otherwise is damaging to the core audience who never ever lowered their standards. Unfortunately for us we're the vast minority among you wiimote flinging casuals now so have at it.

      Iwata and his stooges were only good for their Nintendo directs/stage presence, they were good showman, thats it. much like subspace emissary in brawl, they're only good for the cutscenes. Iwata shoulda stayed a programmer.

    • 9 months ago


  11. 9 months ago

    Every Switch debut game for a Nintendo franchise has broken series records. Nintendo is still very a known name in gaming.
    It turns out when you advertise that your product clearly, people want to buy it.

    • 9 months ago

      >It turns out when you advertise that your product clearly, people want to buy it.

      • 9 months ago

        Why did you post an image of a couch anon?

  12. 9 months ago

    He's talking about the mobile market. Smartphones are the biggest threat to Nintendo because theyre the ones in the handheld space. If Apple or Samsung seriously decided to pursue gaming and make their next flagship phone basically a Nintendo Switch with its own RingFit and Animal Crossing and shit that could put Nintendo in a very difficult position

    • 9 months ago

      are they really though?
      I never could get into mobile like with pc or consoles, its way too whale focused
      even Nintendo mobile ventures flopped

    • 9 months ago

      They are pretty fricked in that regard, who in their right mind is going to pull their Switch out in public to play Zelda when you can just use your phone for literally anything like youtube to kill time, not even a manchild nintendie would be taking their fricking stick and also risk getting it robbed from their hands. But then again, nintendies are really something else.

      • 9 months ago

        >portable means playing in public
        I love how Switch seethers keep making this mistake and crying tasty salty tears

      • 9 months ago

        That's why the playstation shita flopped, because it was just a portable peripheral. Nobody is going think "I want to play Odyssey but I already have a phone, I'm so confused." They will just play odyssey because phones are only good for internet. Switch doesn't even have an internet browser and its going to be the best selling console ever.

  13. 9 months ago

    basically they want to sell you outdated hardware at a modern price, they know youll buy it but it'll be a wii u 2 scenario because they got wienery

  14. 9 months ago

    Prime 4 will be switch 2 exclusive wont it

    • 9 months ago

      it's a shoe-in for Switch 3's launch week

      • 9 months ago

        its jover

  15. 9 months ago

    literally what is he even talking about
    all they have to do is make mario #72552 and zelda #52677 and they're set

  16. 9 months ago

    Why is everyone seething on this thread?

    • 9 months ago

      Nintendo Derangement Syndrome

    • 9 months ago

      Everything thing that western games journalism has pushed as being what makes a good game (realistic graphics, LGBT and POC pandering, online multiplayer, hollywood writing and voice acting, cinematic gameplay, etc) are things nintendo don't put in their games. So when Nintendo succeeds and out sells their darlings like Last of Us 2 or Baldurs Gate 3 it makes them seethe.
      Lots of people who grew up watching shit like IGN and G4 also hold these opinions and are incredibly bewildered by Nintendo's success as well

      • 9 months ago

        >scrolls past tons of criticism to point out they haven't gone woke yet as the reason people are upset with them
        when they inevitably bend the knee to trannies you'll still be defending them

        • 9 months ago

          What criticsm? Crying about graphics and framerate? Most people get used to what a game looks like and forget about it five minutes into a game.
          That shit matters more to people who don't play games

      • 9 months ago

        >Culture war moron cannot think about anything except the culture war.
        Commit suicide immediately.

      • 9 months ago

        Nintendo has continously done "POC pandering" with their latest games.
        >Animal Crossing
        and soon
        >Mario (there will be a dark-skinned prince character and the Flower Kingdom Toads are dark-skinned)

        • 9 months ago

          Oh you think POC pandering means "any color other than white male exists" so that's why you're confused

          • 9 months ago

            >Oh you think POC pandering means "any color other than white male exists"
            That is quite literally what it means, yes.

            • 9 months ago

              Nah. pandering is something like TLOU's character Dina. She's israeli. And it could have ended at that. Nope. There NEEDED to be a cutscene where Ellie and Dina were in a israeli temple and Dina explains what israelites and the Torah are, and some homosexual diatribe about how "her people" have been persecuted for thousands of years. Oh also she's a lesbian. But does it end at that? Nope! It's her entire character and personality and purpose for being in the game. Oh and the same for Ellie. Oh and the main antag is somehow also a woman, probably a troony. Oh and the only white male character gets killed off.


              You can make your animal crossing character black if you want

              • 9 months ago

                Every sentence is wrong

              • 9 months ago

                Not really


          • 9 months ago

            somethings are a bit too much, in Zelda it feels off since Gerudos are already the dark skin race, where the hell did the darky hylian come from? did the hylians own darky slaves then emancipated them? not a huge deal persay but it doesn't go with the setting

            in Pikmin the fact it was kinda an "oh ofc" moment when they made the commander a black woman

            • 9 months ago

              >somethings are a bit too much
              For incels, yes

              • 9 months ago

                I have a family and I am not white to begin with, find a new silver bullet because it doesn't work on me

              • 9 months ago

                Stop pandering

        • 9 months ago

          >Mario (there will be a dark-skinned prince character and the Flower Kingdom Toads are dark-skinned)

        • 9 months ago

          You now remember that one king in SMB3 who looked like Mario's pajeet twin

          • 9 months ago

            It was a deliberate joke.
            >Water Land is shaped like Japan
            >castle is where Kyoto is located, e.g. Nintendo's HQ
            >King of the kingdom resembles Mario

        • 9 months ago

          How could you say that and miss Pokemon?
          Look at the opening to the new anime. Show me where the light skinned men are.

    • 9 months ago

      No idea. I think it's fair what Furukawa said and people are losing their minds here for some reason lmao. They just need to make the release of the switch 2 right and everything else will be fine.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it's basically a 'literally nothing' statement that boils down to " There's a lot of avenues for entertainment now and if we stop making things that people like then people will stop liking us!"

    • 9 months ago

      I just dislike the usual corporate bullshit they pull like dmca fan content and copyrighting mechanics that other games already have.
      They make good games, but there's a limit on how israeli you can be.
      Same shit with blizzard, ubisoft, etc. They all made games I loved, but if you treat your customers and fans badly, you will not earn any goodwill from me.

    • 9 months ago

      >dude why are people upset about a predatory corporation
      Why don't you fricking read the posts, Black person?

      • 9 months ago

        >predatory corporation
        This accusation keeps getting thrown around but all the arguments of it boil down to shit like:
        >WAAAAH Nintendo won't let me buy Super Mario 64 for the dozenth time on their newest hardware! They hate game preservation!
        >WAAAAAAAAH They won't let me pirate their games!
        Or pretty much any of the flimsy crybaby excuses you see with posters like

        >prease pay attention to us consumaa

        Maybe if you didn't punish everyone who made videos of, hacks of, fangames of, or tournaments of, your products, there'd be more hype around them. Get fricked, jap.

        who whine about everything from not being able to literally break user license agreements to being butthurt that pedo congregation events (i.e. Smash tournaments) aren't looked upon kindly by the big N. Nothing Nintendo does is "predatory" except for its fanbase.

      • 9 months ago

        Pirates aren't consumers. Property laws aren't israeli. You will never be a woman.

        • 9 months ago

          >predatory corporation
          This accusation keeps getting thrown around but all the arguments of it boil down to shit like:
          >WAAAAH Nintendo won't let me buy Super Mario 64 for the dozenth time on their newest hardware! They hate game preservation!
          >WAAAAAAAAH They won't let me pirate their games!
          Or pretty much any of the flimsy crybaby excuses you see with posters like [...] who whine about everything from not being able to literally break user license agreements to being butthurt that pedo congregation events (i.e. Smash tournaments) aren't looked upon kindly by the big N. Nothing Nintendo does is "predatory" except for its fanbase.

          Here's something a little more substantial than a greentext for you contrarians to chew on:

          • 9 months ago

            Didn't click
            Didn't smash that like button
            Didn't subscribe
            Didn't turn on notifications
            Didn't comment below

          • 9 months ago

            a cherrypicking israelitetuber crying about being ratio'd on twatter is not a good point made gay.

        • 9 months ago

          Copyright laws aren't property laws, homosexual

          • 9 months ago

            3 seconds

            • 9 months ago

              you're talking to some third world piece of shit who buys gay porn at his local turkish bazaar

  17. 9 months ago

    Millions of tendies are leaving Nintendo and converting to Christianity. Nintendo heads are freaking out.

  18. 9 months ago

    >We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us.
    haha, yeah...

  19. 9 months ago

    >We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us.
    >So anyway here's Sticker Star 4.

    • 9 months ago

      >No new Star Fox
      >No new F Zero
      >No new Kid Icarus
      Frick man if it weren't for Shiggy we wouldn't have had a new Pikmin either. They're just trying to save face with their stockholders at this point

  20. 9 months ago

    Can you let Camelot make an RPG instead of third rate mario runoff sludge?

  21. 9 months ago

    I mean, he's not wrong. People don't play the same games for as long as they used to, so if the machine doesn't keep cranking out games, people will get bored and look elsewhere. That being said, can I get a good Pokemon game and an F-Zero? The latter won't sell shit, but I'll buy it.

  22. 9 months ago

    People want all the niche games; people want Zelda with dungeons. They are destroying their core base by trying to appease everyone at once.

    • 9 months ago

      >"""people""" want Zelda with dungeons
      Only you do, gay.

      • 9 months ago

        Oh, I guess I just imagined the sales of all the other Zelda games.

        • 9 months ago

          No one on planet earth wants another Ocarina reskin, that's in the past.

          • 9 months ago

            The newer system will be old very fast if they do it yet again.

            • 9 months ago

              No it won't. This "system" is amasing and was perfect twice. If they do it again I will have fun and enjoy the game and it's soul again.

              • 9 months ago

                It was fun for me too again, though I still missed a lot of things they stopped including in the newer games, and I will be far less interested if they pull the "explain the plot 4 times in a row" idea a 3rd time. Even the second time around felt less weighty.

            • 9 months ago

              It got old a few hours into totk. Literally all they had to do and all everyone asked for was to add proper dungeons and items to the world of botw in totk. Instead they spent 6 years adding gimmicky vehicle building so zoomies could post tiktoks for a week before moving on, the depths that are so bad you‘d think it was ai generated and the barely existent sky islands. I have no faith in them making a good zelda game again

          • 9 months ago

            Speak for yourself, plenty of people still like the old format and Zelda diehards would buy it regardless

          • 9 months ago

            People want it more than a BoTW reskin. ToTK was dropped hard and fast, literally nobody I know was talking about it after 2 weeks.

            • 9 months ago

              People were too busy playing it.
              Never happened.

    • 9 months ago

      It's going to be really funny when BotW/TotK's audience doesn't come close to fully transferring over to the next system and Zelda game.

      >if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us
      >since the Switch came out people have been asking for ports of WWHD and TPHD
      >along with more Star Fox, F-Zero, and finally releasing that Rouge Squad HD collection THATS FRICKING FINISHED but locked away
      >lol no here's more roms for a subscription fee!
      TPHD pisses me off the most. TP is my favourite Zelda and the port would cost them nothing.

      I will not accept a TPHD port if it doesn't run at 60fps this time around, same for WWHD (maybe also cut back the bloom jesus christ). They should've been able to hit 60 easily even on WiiU.

  23. 9 months ago

    >if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us
    >since the Switch came out people have been asking for ports of WWHD and TPHD
    >along with more Star Fox, F-Zero, and finally releasing that Rouge Squad HD collection THATS FRICKING FINISHED but locked away
    >lol no here's more roms for a subscription fee!
    TPHD pisses me off the most. TP is my favourite Zelda and the port would cost them nothing.

    • 9 months ago

      Was a million times worse than the original and if you really did like the game you would know that. Also
      >Would rather pay 70 bucks for an inferior port than a few bucks a month for the original game plus several others

    • 9 months ago

      >I will not accept a TPHD port if it doesn't run at 60fps this time around, same for WWHD (maybe also cut back the bloom jesus christ)
      Concerning TPHD I think that suffers from the same issue as RAGE did, with the whole MEGATEXTURES thing. People who've ripped models and explored the files have said the textures are fricking massive. Perhaps a future proofing method to resell over and over? Either way you're not wrong though. The fact that ANY game runs at under 60fps is beyond absurd to me.

      Was a million times worse than the original and if you really did like the game you would know that. Also
      >Would rather pay 70 bucks for an inferior port than a few bucks a month for the original game plus several others

      >Was a million times worse than the original
      Nice meme.

      • 9 months ago

        Not a meme it's a fact moron. Kys. In fact since you're so damn loose with your money and will give 70 dollars for nothing, you might as well give us all 70 bucks.

        • 9 months ago

          Nice meme.

          • 9 months ago

            Not a meme, play the game. NOW. Go to any part that had effects, they removed all the soul. When you look at the reveal trailer and they show the side by side you will at first assume the original is the new one.

    • 9 months ago

      TPHD would be yet another instance of free money. Besides, it was the most sold Zelda ever for a long time, so I figured they'd have ported it to Switch by now.

    • 9 months ago

      He looks fat. I want to frick his belly.

    • 9 months ago

      People who beg or complain for ports blow my mind. Emulate. Stop rewarding them for screwing you over.

  24. 9 months ago

    >harsh battle

    bring back free online and virtual console and I'm back. Nothing hard about that.

    • 9 months ago

      Just form a family group plan and bring in 7 suckers to join it. You can even lie about how many are in the group and easily make a profit. $80 is a lot, but getting 7 people to pay you $20 for joining is a sweet deal.

  25. 9 months ago

    People rag on Gamefreak all the time for their games lacking polish but Nintendo has released so many half games on Switch ever since it worked for Splatoon 1. Animal Crossing, Smash, Mario Sports, Switch Sports, Mario Maker 2, Splatoon 2 and 3 off the top of my head were all released unfinished. And in many ways were worse off because of it. They completely ruined every Mario Sports game on Switch. Smash Ultimate is a completely bare bones game outside of roster wank. Animal Crossing not a single person looks back at the game fondly. The worst part is they just completely give up half way through and say frick it we made our money time to work on the next half game. Nintendo does not get enough shit for this practice.

    • 9 months ago

      Hey, dipshit. You know your favorite RPG? That was also released unfinished.

    • 9 months ago

      actual fricking moron take, you know shit from frick, stop talking

      • 9 months ago

        What about what I said was wrong? Animal Crossing was a fricking shit bare bones game that has less furniture than the fricking mobile game. Nobody played it after the first few months. Smash Ultimate no one gives a frick about after the roster autism died because that was the only thing carrying it. Mario Maker 2 they never added another style despite the game having a section for "other styles". Every single Mario Sports game on Switch is the worst one in the franchise with less to do than 20 year old games. In the first place saying Nintendo pulls shitty moves isn't even saying Gamefreak is guilt free. It's just that Nintendo is a sacred cow that's my best friend that invited me to his wedding and donates money to fund my grandpa's emergency surgery. What could Nintendo possibly do wrong?

    • 9 months ago

      Really stirred up the hive with this one

      • 9 months ago

        You got 3 replies in 2 hours

        • 9 months ago

          You mean you sent three replies in 2 hours, that's how this works, right? Everyone with a similar opinion is the same person according to you

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah you're seething

            • 9 months ago

              I'm not the one getting upset over others rightfully calling out the awful dripfeed content system Nintendo keeps doing with their games, something that deserves to be brought up especially now that games like Splatoon 3 are seriously lacking in new additions compared to how Splatoon 1 and 2 handled their additional updates

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm not the one getting upset
                Yes you are

              • 9 months ago

                no u

    • 9 months ago

      >half games

    • 9 months ago

      well gamefreak released a broken and half baked game so I see no problem then

    • 9 months ago

      I agree with everything except Smash being bare bones. The loss of decent sports party games has been a bummer. I've been playing Mario Golf and Tennis on Dolphin netplay with a friend and they are both great games with unlockable maps and characters. It totally feels like the smaller titles come out half baked.

      • 9 months ago

        >half games

        What do you do in the game outside of versus matches? The story mode is trash. Nothing else has any replay value. There's literally nothing to unlock since they wanted to appease instant gratification gays. Stages are all there from the start and all the characters basically just show up effortlessly. The pngs you collect don't have a blurb or even tell you what game it's from. At launch there were 4 new original stages. 4 fricking stages. Then they charged you 60 dollars on top of the price of the base game to actually have new stages. People really forget that Smash Ultimate is a 120 dollar game. You get charged the price of the whole game again for stages that should have been in, some music a lot of it not even remixes, some pngs, and then the characters. A bunch of that that probably should have been in at launch like Cloud's png. Realistically when was the last time you even touched the game in the past 3 years?

        • 9 months ago

          You only have like 20% of the roster when starting fresh moron.

        • 9 months ago

          >the most content out of any fighting game on the base game is le... not enough

        • 9 months ago

          Why did you buy a multiplayer fighting game when you don't have any friends?

        • 9 months ago

          All the replies to this post are moronic or clearly rostergays who doesn't actually play the game

    • 9 months ago

      In GF's case, it's because they are famous for only making one game, so it's easier to notice all the shit that gets removed or worsened with each new installment. It would be like if they released a new CoD and removed the ability to crouch or the new FIFA only had 25% of its roster.

  26. 9 months ago

    They should be making pokemon games that appeal to me, a 32 year old who played from age 8 to 26 but couldn't stomach the post-gen 5 moron simulator.

  27. 9 months ago

    >clickbait title
    >Furukawa gives a throwaway answer about player retention
    Sounds like a nothingburger, but leave it to Ganker to try and twist it as something bad.

    • 9 months ago

      The sentiment isn't wrong in a vacuum. What people take issue with is how well Nintendo actually adheres to it.

  28. 9 months ago

    don't worry as long as you keep making shitty games like tears of kingdom and mario in wedding dress zommers and cuckolds will keep buying nintendo

    • 9 months ago

      Don't forget pirates cucks and emulator trannies will also be playing those games.

  29. 9 months ago

    Why can't Nintendo shitposters ever name any other franchises than Mario and Zelda?

    • 9 months ago

      smash :^3

    • 9 months ago

      Because they're still mindfricked from the 90s when those two obliterated the entire field of games

    • 9 months ago

      Goes against their narrative. Can't really call the Switch a "Bing Bang, Thank You M'am" machine if it has games from many genres.

    • 9 months ago

      Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Star Fox, Kirby, Donkey Kong

      This isn't hard. Now name those Playstation franchises that HAVEN'T been thrown into the Sony vault.

  30. 9 months ago

    Gamecube - failure
    Wii - success
    Wii U - failure
    Switch - success
    Switch 2 - ???

  31. 9 months ago

    >makes 7.8 trillion billion dollars on Pokemon games that barely function
    >"we arr in harshu batturu with society..."
    Oh frick off.

    • 9 months ago

      Game Freak developes Pokémon.

  32. 9 months ago

    They're preparing to return to PC. The investors have been badgering them, they will win.

  33. 9 months ago

    He's correct, and the idea that art and media must know be eternally battling the likes of TikTok, Twitch, Youtube and social media for people's attention is pretty sad.

  34. 9 months ago

    >okay guys, we need to start figuring out how to not lose our playerbase
    >why don't we just make more games with the ips we haven't acknowledged in anyway outside of smash bros
    >no you're crazy mr anon clearly this means they want MORE fire emblem, zelda, and xenoblade! (and one (1) nes rom)
    They're doing this to themselves, honestly. They have all these fricking ips they do absolutely nothing with outside of being smash bros nfts and keep shitting out the same games every couple of years who the frick isn't gonna get bored of it. why the frick did it take a LITERAL DECADE for a Pikmin sequel? Why did Metroid not get another 2d game for almost TWO decades? Better yet let's take a look at Custom Robo, it hasn't gotten a single fricking game since 2006

    • 9 months ago

      >keep shitting out the same games every couple of years
      I can't think of any Nintendo game outside of pokemon that does this, and Pokemon is Gamefreak. Anyway, enjoy your yearly from software rehash.

      • 9 months ago

        >I can't think of any Nintendo game outside of pokemon
        Right, I don't know what that anon is on, it takes them 6-10 years to shit out the same game.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah that's about right. Much better than the release pacing of Spiderman, God of War, Horizon Zero dawn, and TLOU, and any fromsoftware title

    • 9 months ago

      You bing bing wahoo morons really are the most stupid Nintendo Black folk that there is. Fire Emblem and Xenoblade isn't stopping them from making other games. have a nice day now!

      • 9 months ago

        It unironically does. It fills their quota for scheduled first party releases per year, and based on the reception they'll just rinse and repeat. Why make a new F-Zero when Fire Emblem sold so well? Just milk the series until you can't anymore.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        sorry but no new paper mario game for you until 2030 arlo

      • 9 months ago

        god that guy is obnoxious

    • 9 months ago

      fire emblem is co-owned with intsys like pokemon with game freak.
      intsys can do whatever they want they aren't Nintendo.
      Zelda has it's own dev team since the nes they only work with zelda
      Monolith left bamco because they wanted to make more xeno games nintendo then brought and then allow them to do do it.
      they help with other franchises but if they weren't allowed to make xeno games they would probably leave and the xenoblade games are profitable

    • 9 months ago

      Nintendo have more IPs than they do development teams and a lot of those development teams are dedicated to certain IP because that IP keeps the lights on, Pikmin 4 will pay for itself and the development of more Pikmin games but Pikmin 4 won't pay for Nintendo's offices, maintenance, clerical staff etc, Nintendo relies on large games like Zelda Mario and Smash to keep their whole operation going while smaller games keep development teams profitable, Nintendo are quite literally right now working on doubling their internal development staff, but who knows how that will play out, most likely it will just result in Nintendo doing significantly less outsourcing including outsourcing to their own development partners, but this won't result in more investments in development partner titles, so you're still not getting F-Zero, unless Nintendo farms it off to Whyforward.

    • 9 months ago

      I feel like they keep catering to the lowest common denominator
      Think of Mario Odyssey. I know it was developed directly alongside the switch, but the entire game has annoying prompts on how to use the motion controls that you can't turn off. Some actions even require the motion controls to use effectively.
      Then look at the new Mario Party games. Absolute moron proofed with like 50% of the content of Mario Party 2 and an absolutely sterile artstyle too.
      And now that streaming is the new thing, you can't even buy virtual console stuff now. Most people will see another subscription service and think "wow look at all these games I get to play".

      Unfortunately Nintendo has a rabid fanbase who put up with the shitty decisions the company makes, but then again they can't really do anything about it. DLC for Animal Crossing and fricking MARIO KART locked behind a higher tier of a paid online subscription service that barely even works.

      Shit like Mario 3D All Stars is just the icing on the cake.
      I don't know how fricking stupid you could be to buy the 100th rerelease of a 30 year old port for $60 that hasn't been upgraded in any appreciable way, and doesn't even have Galaxy 2. But of course it's a limited time deal for some insane reason, so buy it or get fricked.

      Meanwhile you can play OoT and Mario 64 on your PC with 1 billion times more effort and upgrades put into them than Nintendo ever has or ever will.

      t. schizo

      • 9 months ago

        >DLC for Animal Crossing and fricking MARIO KART locked behind a higher tier of a paid online subscription service that barely even works.
        The DLC isn't exclusive to the online subscription, moron. You can buy it separately

      • 9 months ago

        Completely agree. You are a schizo.

      • 9 months ago

        >the shitty decisions the company makes
        >a DLC
        >a subscription
        Damn if that's the worst they do they're angels by Valve and Sony's standards

        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              Valve is so much more consumer friendly than nintendo it's not even funny. The only reason someone defending nintendo would try to randomly deflect to valve would be salt over the deck

              • 9 months ago

                >Valve is so much more consumer friendly than nintendo it's not even funny.

                >defending corporations
                Why do you need human rights again?

                Boy that would be embarassing if that was your post too

              • 9 months ago

                Simply pointing out an obvious fact is not defending anyone. Fanboys wouldn't understand that because you must defend your corporation and will lose it over any facts you dislike.

              • 9 months ago

                Meant for

                >defending corporations
                Why do you need human rights again?

              • 9 months ago

                >Valve is so much more consumer friendly
                So user friendly they sell bitcoin miners and malware! I sure love curated platforms that sell shit that can brick my PC.

    • 9 months ago

      According to interviews Pikmin 4 was in development hell for years. They wanted to make it so you could recruit all kinds of animals into your squad but couldn’t make it work sensibly, so they scrapped the entire game and retooled the animal buddy system into Oatchi.

  35. 9 months ago

    >still not Xenoblade X port to switch

    frick you

  36. 9 months ago

    This guy sounds like a coward, Nintendo is dead. Looking back iwata had balls of steel.

  37. 9 months ago

    Pure lipservice. They sure as hell aren't putting any effort in to do anything about it.

  38. 9 months ago

    I used to be a massive zelda fan, but botw and totk has absolutely soured my favorite franchise. hell, theyve all sucked since ocarina came out.

  39. 9 months ago

    Can't wait for the next nintendo console gimmick to be akin to a Bop It, with it's impressive computing power rivaling that of a Fisher Price tablet. Gaming will be forever changed when pressing buttons is not the only form of function but twisting and pulling on individual parts of the machine are added to the equation, not unlike how motion controls were sensational for their time.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Even better is when that outsells the PS6

  40. 9 months ago

    Nintendo will never have to worry about a console flopping again now that they the safety net of the Pokemon fanbase supporting them. They WILL "buy it anyway" just to play Pokemon and JUST Pokemon.
    That might not do anything for the rest of their games but at least the hardware sales are safe and secure.

  41. 9 months ago

    Ganker sez: none of nintendo's other IP, work, or hardware development matters at all, only pokemon

  42. 9 months ago

    >>"We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us.
    >allows Gamefreak to continuously kill off interest in Pokemon despite the best efforts of the Pokemon Company, Toei, and other contracted companies to desperately keep it alive

    • 9 months ago

      >kill off interest
      >continues to break records every single time a new game comes out
      The numbers do not lie and they tell Game Freak they are doing nothing wrong.
      Ganker isn't real life

      • 9 months ago

        Ganker isn't even relevant on Ganker

      • 9 months ago

        Pokemon is literally bigger than it's been since Pokemania ended. The mainline games on the Switch are now surpassing Gold and Silver's sales after 20 years of stagnation.

        If you think that Pokemon is selling for the game itself, and not for the marketing and branding, then you're bigger morons than the people who tried to boycott Harry Potter. The games are killing off interest and good will, and the franchise is only held up by the gargantuan efforts being put in by everyone other than Game Freak. Deprecated and dying fanboys like yourself can drag your feet all you want trying to defend what is now the weakest and most worthless part of Pokemon, but the reality is that you could replace Gamefreak with literally anyone else and you'd get just the same numbers, if not far better with an actually competent team of developers and designers working on Pokemon.

        • 9 months ago

          Gamefreak is shit but let's not act like the Pokemon Company isn't part of the problem.

          Pokemon made 11.6 billion Biden bucks in merchandise last year.
          That's the real money making machine. everything else is just a vehicle for promoting the merchandise.

          Game Freak cannot slow down because they need that new game, that new anime, that new manga, whatever, to promote the new pokemon to plaster onto t-shirts and toys and shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Those companies are just as much part of the problem as GF is because GF still has to adhere to the schedule. GF is moronic for wanting to keep the team small, but the others are just as much.

    • 9 months ago

      Pokemon is literally bigger than it's been since Pokemania ended. The mainline games on the Switch are now surpassing Gold and Silver's sales after 20 years of stagnation.

      • 9 months ago

        Tbf I think that's because of how POPULAR the switch actually is, for example bomberman managed go revive itself after being a dead IP ever since Konami bought Hudsonsoft with Bomberman R, and it was all thanks to thr fact that it was a switch launch title

  43. 9 months ago

    >Nintendo make new IP
    >Nintendo make new game for X franchise.
    >REEEEEE GIB new games.

    • 9 months ago

      Why can't they do both, dumb tranime poster

      • 9 months ago

        Because the games you want them to release suck ass and don't sell while the games I want them to release sell gangbusters

      • 9 months ago

        Unironically, probably not enough space to put talent in and keep a close eye on. They're making another giant building to house new employees but that won't be done until 2025-2026, and who knows who they'll actually hire for that building. I'm hoping it's game developers but it could be movieshit because they're branching out.

  44. 9 months ago

    >people may start thinking they do not need Nintendo games anymore
    Everybody and their mom (literally in this context) has been buying up the Switch and games for it like it was crack cocaine, is he really worried that people will just suddenly stop buying Nintendo crap one day like it was cryptocurrency?

    • 9 months ago

      they can screw everything up by releasing a switch 2 without changing the name like what happened with the wii u and no one will buy it

      • 9 months ago

        The situation is different now.
        The Switch keeps selling like crazy. The Switch 2 being mistaken for the OG Switch system family would likely help sales if anything.
        This is why the Switch 2 needs to be backwards compatible. Nintendo can just transfer the Switch's momentum onto the successor.

        • 9 months ago

          >Nintendo can just transfer the Switch's momentum onto the successor
          At the expense of selling people the same games over and over again. I think nintendo will get wienery. They know their handhelds sell no matter what.

          • 9 months ago

            >At the expense of selling people the same games over and over again
            They're not Sony. Switch sold on exclusives.

        • 9 months ago

          >Nintendo can just transfer the Switch's momentum onto the successor.
          nintendo's track record shows that after a successful console they immediately lose it

          • 9 months ago

            No it doesn't. Nintendo never lost a portable gen

            • 9 months ago

              >Nintendo never lost a portable ge
              theres VIrtua Boy, a huge exception yeah but I'm just saying

              • 9 months ago

                Not him but I dont think the virtual boy can really be called a portable game system. Like I know it kinda was but christ look at the frickin thing. What the frick was nintendo thinking with that thing.

              • 9 months ago

                it makes me hope that Nintendo will not go for VR for the Super Switch, but they did try 3D again with the 3DS and it nearly killed it

          • 9 months ago

            Even if the Switch 2 can't reach Switch numbers, I can't imagine doing any worse than the 3DS and that still sold 75 million when all was said and done.

            • 9 months ago

              nta but just one bingbing wahoo friend of mine bought 4 models: 3ds fat, new 3ds xl, 2ds brick and 2dsxl). Those 75 million units account for less than 40 million people, for sure.
              Just my two cents.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd estimate it's more like 45-50 million. I had two myself, but I wad young at the time and remember plenty of other people who had a 3ds and hardly used it, so they definitely never purchased a second

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, on second thought 50 mill sounds more reasonable.

                Your math is off. It would be 74,999,996, not 40 million.

                I have been bested at the math of mathics. What a woe is the me.

              • 9 months ago

                Your math is off. It would be 74,999,996, not 40 million.

      • 9 months ago

        I still don't buy the Wii U's name being the reason it failed. I still firmly believe the real issue was the hardware being too weak compared to PS4/Xbone and multiple publishers straight up pulling support for it like EA did.

        • 9 months ago

          >I still firmly believe the real issue was the hardware being too weak compared to PS4/Xbone
          Now do Switch compared to PS4/Xbone

          • 9 months ago

            >nVidia Tegra X1 APU
            >DDR4 RAM with double the size and far greater speed than the Wii U's DDR3 memory
            >Doesn't need to stream ass-ets to a second screen that also doubles as a tethered tablet/controller
            >Isn't a fricking PowerPC in {CURRENT YEAR}
            >Actual handheld portable device
            Now I know you're moronic and don't know anything about what we're talking about.

            • 9 months ago

              >he thinks there was a massive performance leap from WiiU to Switch and that's why people bought it
              Lol. Fricking idiot. Lmao.

              • 9 months ago

                It's around about double the power.

              • 9 months ago

                Now compare it to PS4 and Xbone.

  45. 9 months ago

    I just want the stuff that was on the DS and 3DS, idc about Zelda or Mario. Pokemon also killed my interest via the dex shit on Switch. Kirby and Pikmin are the only first party ones I care for.
    I want a new Devil Survivor, more EO, Cattle Call developed titles, and odd rpgs

    • 9 months ago

      I'd say ask third parties but they are all trying to avoid the Switch and invest in Playstation/Xbox instead.

  46. 9 months ago

    Unless they severely mismanage their IPs they'll be fine. They might go full moron on the hardware and frick themselves over for a generation, but that won't affect Mario's overall popularity, for example. Right now all they need to do is release a more powerful switch and they should be fine, shit, they could follow the mobile phone model and just release a more powerful switch every gen.

    • 9 months ago

      N64 actually lost (I'd guess they made money tho), Gamecube didn't pan out, Wii was their biggest thing since NES, WiiU was a flop, Switch surpassed Wii and NES. So I bet Switch 2 will be pretty risky and won't be a Switch, might be a 4k machine since they can take advantage of the market and release a separate portable console

      • 9 months ago

        None of their handhelds really flopped though and this combined strategy clearly worked well so I don't see them splitting it up again. They may very well go full moron, and frick it up, but they'll have to try really hard. They somehow always manage to make money though, I think even the fricking Wii U ended up in the green towards the end.

  47. 9 months ago

    so what did he really say in japanese

  48. 9 months ago

    nonsense, I spent 1000 hours playing and replaying xenobong 3

  49. 9 months ago

    Clearly he just needs to learn a lesson from Masuda.

    >wi no incrude kantento becazu wi no wan kampete wiff mobiru

  50. 9 months ago

    >wee gibu kusutomerusu uwato dei uwanto
    >wee gibu eburiwan shitto VIDEOGAME uwitto shitto SPECS
    This doesn't add up.

  51. 9 months ago

    Drop the open worlds. Stop pretending you care about us when you shovel Ubisoft timewasting/list of chores slop with a Zelda mod.
    Solid 60 fps (And I mean GameCube tier solid) at 1080p minimum in portable mode. I'm not pretending Nintendo will be 4k capable for another decade at this point.
    F-Zero exists.
    Zelda should be a T rated series to get more scary themes like in Twilight Princess.
    Make games like you made them on the GameCube.

    • 9 months ago

      >gamecube baby thinks his opinions matter

      • 9 months ago

        We get it, you hate solid games.

        • 9 months ago

          >enjoying solid games instead of liquid games
          Fricking water hater go back to rockeddit

  52. 9 months ago

    He is 100% correct. Nintendo's modern line ups are stagnating hard in comparison to the amount of new IPs and titles their competitors have been getting through NOT alienating themselves to shitty shitty children's tablet hardware.

    • 9 months ago

      >the amount of new IPs and titles their competitors have been getting through
      What new IPs?

    • 9 months ago

      >the amount of new IPs and titles their competitors have been getting through

    • 9 months ago

      >Nintendo's modern line ups are stagnating hard in comparison to the amount of new IPs and titles their competitors have been getting through
      IPs on switch are shattering franchise sales records left and right

      • 9 months ago

        He clearly meant stagnate because it doesn't pander enough to their west ass with POCs, lesbians, onions milk and whatever they pull out of their dicks to cry this month

  53. 9 months ago

    They have to put their thumb on the pulse. Super Mario Switch and Run, made by the Simpsons hit and run developers and featuring Mario kart physics for cars and splatoon physics for squirt guns instead of real guns. It's already getting made.

    • 9 months ago

      wait what?

  54. 9 months ago

    >>"We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us
    Is that why we haven't seen any F Zero or DK or fricking Metroid for that matter if the creator himself didn't do it

    • 9 months ago

      There's some dude who bought Nintendo shares just so he could get into shareholder meetings and pester Furukawa about F-Zero. Sadly his strategy has not paid off in F-Zeroes.

      • 9 months ago

        Furukawa probably looked at the F-Zero series sales history and raughed

        • 9 months ago

          F-Zero outsells Xenoblade

          • 9 months ago

            F Zero games actually sold less and less with every game. The first game was like the retro version of Arms, where people only bought it because there wasn't much else on the new Nintendo system at launch. It was never long running franchise material to begin with

            • 9 months ago

              Arms only have one game tf

              • 9 months ago

                and if it ever has a sequel, there'll be a 50% dropoff in sales

          • 9 months ago

            Not by much I'd imagine, if that's even true.

            • 9 months ago

              It's not true, Xenoblade is at 8 million sales and counting.
              But lets avoid turning this into another xenoblade seethe thread.

              • 9 months ago

                never able to outsell F-Zero SNES

              • 9 months ago

                I figured. I even believe a new F-Zero or a GX remaster would break sales records for the franchise because everything on switch does, but I don't understand this idea that it's going to be some massive hit. Much like Metroid, my favorite Nintendo series, the main character is more popular than the genre and the games. It is what it is.

              • 9 months ago

                Not updated, 2 is at 2.7 million, DE is at 1.88 million

            • 9 months ago

              The last game being f-zero climax is really fitting.

          • 9 months ago

            F-Zero doesn't have a studio like Monolith Soft behind it.

            • 9 months ago

              Pretty much. Nintendo has the policy of "why make the same game twice?" so wont make sequels unless they offer something really different while Monolith Soft is made by people who just want to tell a story and care less about gameplay.
              Splatoon is the only real exception but that's online multiplayer shit, hardly a game at all

              • 9 months ago

                >Nintendo has the policy of "why make the same game twice?
                That policy only really applies to taking resources away from a core ip to put it onto a side one, once an IP gets a dedicated team it will get regular new entries, just look at Metroid, at least for this point in time, the complete acquisition of Mercury Steam is looming, once that goes through Metroid will be dead again.

              • 9 months ago

                Funny how they have the opposite attitude for selling the same game twice. Hello eshop! What's that, I can't play your games anymore? Only on the Switch now? Okay!

              • 9 months ago

                >I can't play your games anymore?
                Huh? You can play and continue to download every game you ever got.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nintendo has the policy of "why make the same game twice?"
                They fail pretty fricking hard at that "policy". Sounds like bullshit.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nintendo has the policy of "why make the same game twice
                Then they make the same mario kart for the 6th time since Double Dash, or the same 2d Mario game since Mario World 2, or the same Pikmin since Pikmin, or the same etc etc

            • 9 months ago

              thats true

              and if it ever has a sequel, there'll be a 50% dropoff in sales

              Xenoblade has a drop off too with the coomerb8 toned down

  55. 9 months ago

    Pp only want nsfw games and a good gameplay loop.

    • 9 months ago

      You're thinking about Ganker. Ganker doesn't even want games, it wants prerendered porn videos and pornographic drawings to spam them on Ganker for (You)s.

  56. 9 months ago

    I'm sure using Denuvo is going to help them get more people to spend time with their games. Good luck because apparently somebody hasn't got the memo.

    • 9 months ago

      It's just how business works.
      But I kinda think you know that. No rational person really thinks "anti piracy things are purely anti consumer nonsense and don't actually do anything". Nintendo is trying to protect their games from thieves like you. Such strong opinions tend to typically come from people who are staunchly pro-piracy anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        >defending corporations
        Why do you need human rights again?

  57. 9 months ago

    Nintendo successfully tricked the world into thinking their videogame console doesn’t compete with the other videogame consoles to the point that they aren’t even brought up in antitrust anymore despite currently having the 3rd most popular dedicated videogame device ever.

    • 9 months ago


      They were one of the focal points of the antitrust lawsuit and the entire reason Sony and their pocket FTC lawyers lost.

    • 9 months ago

      Their existence is one of the main reasons Sony got BTFO, what the frick are you on about

  58. 9 months ago

    >prease pay attention to us consumaa

    Maybe if you didn't punish everyone who made videos of, hacks of, fangames of, or tournaments of, your products, there'd be more hype around them. Get fricked, jap.

    • 9 months ago

      >Maybe if you didn't punish everyone who made videos of, hacks of, fangames of, or tournaments of, your products, there'd be more hype around them. Get fricked, jap.
      They're only really vindictive around Pokemon and that's more because GF and the Pokemon company are insane

      • 9 months ago



        Here's something a little more substantial than a greentext for you contrarians to chew on:

        They did their best to crush competitive Smash Melee tournaments.

        • 9 months ago

          >waaaa waaaa why can't I host an official smash tournament during covid with a pirated copy of smash bros while shit talking Nintendo on twitter

          • 9 months ago

            Watch the video, fignuts. None of that happened. Your fanboyism is embarassing.

            • 9 months ago

              Didn't click
              Didn't smash that like button
              Didn't subscribe
              Didn't turn on notifications
              Didn't comment below

  59. 9 months ago

    If Nintendo was a person, they'd literally the guy who would curb stomp someone for cosplaying as them and then wonder why people who are just wearing shirts of them suddenly stop cheering.

  60. 9 months ago

    >Harsh Battle
    No shit? This is pretty much the bog-standard mindset in most entertainment industries for a long time. There are limitless entertainment options for people, so you need to make sure the games you are making and selling are good enough to get people off YouTube, Netflix, or watching sports. Same is true for other industries as well in regard to competing with games. If you start to think of your entertainment company as only competing with others in your industry, then you could very well find yourself getting stood up by your customers when big launches happen in other industry's and suck the oxygen out of the room.

    • 9 months ago

      >There are limitless entertainment options for people
      And yet they all watch and do the same shit

  61. 9 months ago

    Nintendo in their Xth consecutive year of selling out to the casual audience that will drop their games to look at TikTok.
    Every single time.

  62. 9 months ago

    >P-p-prease audience
    *DMCA strikes music channels
    >W-w-we want you to
    *sues fangame creators*
    >We want you to rike us!
    *locks extra memory storage behind expensive off-shoot memory cards*
    >W-w-we wantu you backu!
    *cancels games people actually want*
    >W-w-we rike you prease stay!!!
    *keeps prices of games at full even 10 years after release*
    >W-w-we wantu you to prease stay with us!
    *resells ROMs they downloaded off video game preservation websites then gets them shut down*
    *sells terrible "lite" consoles running off stolen emulator software with frick all games"

  63. 9 months ago

    > Shit hardware.
    > Mobile tier shovelware catalog.
    > Full prized roms.

    Yeah, it's a real mystery, Scoob.

  64. 9 months ago

    The only good nintendo franchises are Zelda, Fire Emblem, SMT, and Smash. Everything else is cringe kiddy shit.

    • 9 months ago

      >nintendo franchise
      >nuzelda and fe
      >not cringe shit
      Smash can at least be fun with friends after a drink, its autistic as hell community aside.

    • 9 months ago

      >Fire Emblem

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Shin Megami Tensei

        • 9 months ago

          I know that but it's not a Nintendo franchise

          • 9 months ago

            SMT4, SMT4A, SMT5, SMT Strange Journey, SMT, SMT Devil Survivor 1, and SMT Devil Survivor 2 are all only available on nintendo devices, assuming you're not using an emulator.
            SMT hasn't been on the playstation since 2003 with Nocturne.

            • 9 months ago

              Still not a Nintendo franchise

              • 9 months ago

                True. Nintendo doesn't it make it, but they've convinced Atlas to only release SMT games on Nintendo consoles.

              • 9 months ago

                Well i don't entirely disagree with that but soul hackers 2 was on everything but the switch even if that game sucked. It's like saying monster hunter is a Nintendo franchise or professor Layton because they are on their consoles.

    • 9 months ago

      SMT isn't a Nintendo franchise but I do hope we see SMT VI on Switch 2

    • 9 months ago

      nuzelda and fire emblem are cringe as frick. Who the frick played the new fire emblem and thought "Oh Geez what an amazing story!"

      • 9 months ago

        No one plays Fire Emblem for the story...you play it for the gameplay, anon

  65. 9 months ago

    maybe don't charge $70 for a game that runs and looks like a Wii game if you want people to keep buying your shit

  66. 9 months ago

    >try to distance yourself from your consumer base as far as possible
    >DMCA devoted fan content
    >offer a shitty online service with ROMs they took off the internet
    >Not offering refunds on digital purchases, including pre-orders pre-release.
    >wtf, why are we having a hard time retaining them?
    Yeah one can wonder Nintendo.

  67. 9 months ago

    Splatoon 2/3 shows Nintendo is declining in quality. The Splatoon franchise as a whole.
    Great ideas, design, gameplay. But the matchmaking... the terrible kits... All ruin it so badly.
    If I buy the next Nintendo console it will more or less be for Zelda/Mario. But I know Splatoon 4 will most likely suck. And it sucks because it will just suck up more Nintendo devs making something annoyingly boring. Just another shooting franchise at the end of the day that had potential.

    • 9 months ago

      >But the matchmaking... the terrible kits... All ruin it so badly
      Splatoon is an embodiment of nintendo's decline in quality not for those reasons, but because they're zero effort asset flips, something nintendo's been doing a lot lately since they know people are going to buy it all in droves anyway no matter what. Splatoon is basically a gaas at this point, just instead of selling skins, they use fomo to make you buy another $60 game to keep getting updates and allow participation in splatfests.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't care, didn't ask.

        • 9 months ago

          Don't care, said it anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        I disagree

  68. 9 months ago

    >copy paste the same 5 games over and over again on a new console/handheld every 3 years
    >act surprised when even Japanese stop buying it when the economy starts to go to shit

  69. 9 months ago

    >release pokemon games on gameboy, gameboy advance and fix Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 to play them
    >Pokegays buys the shitty NSO+ service in masses
    That's all they have to do if they want to print money. Project 64 and a bunch of other emulators already do that shit perfectly but they WILL get consumers anyway

  70. 9 months ago

    >Wii Nunchuck prongs for the joycons
    >GC octagonal gates and ripple fatcaps for the analog stick
    >fix the fricking drift issue btw
    >Potrait mode grip as an standard option for the screen
    >which opens the door for DS style games
    >pointers which open the door for wii games using the faster cursor controls
    >GC Analog triggers

    and I'll be happy

  71. 9 months ago

    He’s right. We have less time than ever and more entertainment as ever. Even something as video games requires investment. A lot time it’s more fun to just hope on discord for some server drama

    • 9 months ago

      I was with you until the last sentence. Server drama? Seriously? The "less time to play" problem has a simple answer: either play single player games that allow you to save/savestate at any time, or play multiplayer games that let you drop in and drop out of the action at any time.
      Yes, a more long term solution is to find a lifestyle with more free time, but this is the short term solution.

    • 9 months ago

      You are just a moronic teenager.

  72. 9 months ago

    Entertainment was more fun when we didn’t have an over abundance of it.
    Dozens of Nintendo IPs to play, other games, movies, TV, anime, streamers, YouTube etc etc.

    Plus you have to work 2 jobs and still can’t afford a house. Post on social media or you don’t any friends. Etc.

    Back in the day you had your 2 NES games or couple of PlayStation games. We just have too much things fighting for our attention and failing at life the more we pay attention to this stuff. There simply isn’t enough time.

    • 9 months ago

      >Entertainment was more fun when we didn’t have an over abundance of it.
      Was it frick. You only think that because you've forgotten all the crap that everyone had to put up with. The likes of the Iraq war, Big Brother and all the other reality junk in the 00's, but before then it was repeats of TV shows from decades ago. Wanna know the biggest problem with gaming right now? It's that we've reached that point again where all the games play the same. I'm talking about open world stat investment games. They've been going on for decades and I would be surprised there are well over a hundred games with this formula. Wouldn't hurt to have a bunch of games that break this mold.

    • 9 months ago

      >Entertainment was more fun when we didn’t have an over abundance of it.

  73. 9 months ago

    >Dedicated gaming hardware
    The writing has been on the wall for a decade. Toys like consoles and handhelds are on borrowed time thanks to powerful, multimedia utility devices like phones and PCs (which keep improving, while the toys keep degrading). Console manufacturers are just too greedy with how weak, gimped, and overpriced their hardware is.

    • 9 months ago

      thats why ninty should focus on making a better controller as to steam decks

      the switch has the advantage of being malleable thanks to the joy cons

    • 9 months ago

      Other way around. There's almost no need for a dedicated gaming PC when the other "high end" gaming consoles play every PC game for $500 or less and the function oriented platforms like Switch outsell the Steam Deck tablet over 100 to 1.

      • 9 months ago

        There's no such thing as "dedicated gaming PC" that's just console moron cope. Everyone owns a PC, and you can play games on it with minimal investment. Whether it's low end causal, or high end enthusiast, consoles cannot compete.

        • 9 months ago

          >Whether it's low end causal, or high end enthusiast
          Saw the steam survey bro. It's all low low low low end and 3rd worlders that make up the most of PC gaming. This isn't a sustainable market. Consoles tap into actual money. PCs are bleeding exclusives at a rate never seen before and nobody develops for PC only anymore. Low barrier of entry means all browns. Enjoy your hackers.

        • 9 months ago

          Everyone owns a phone. Some people own laptops with integrated graphics. Neither can compete with consoles when it comes to gaming power. You are a drooling moron.

    • 9 months ago

      >PCs (which keep improving

      Improvements in pc gaming stopped being a thing years ago dude. More performance for more money isn't an improvement it's filling in the lineup they didn't already launch.

  74. 9 months ago

    Switch is actually the first time Nintendo has really been "back" since the SNES. Yes they handhelds and the Wii were big successes, but those aren't seen as core gaming products by general consumers the way the Switch is. This is anecdotal BS from me, but this generation is the first time ANY of my friends (aged 27-32) have been interested in Nintendo games since childhood. Maybe one or two of them had a Wii but none of the actual good games on it.

    They're in a very, very different position culturally speaking compared to any success they've had in the last 25+ years.

    • 9 months ago

      One possibility people aren't talking about enough, is the prospect that this is just the beginning of an era of Nintendo dominance. The Playstation was by far the most succesful console to ever exist by the end of its life, but then it was outsold by the PS2 next generation.

      I think there's a chance the next Nintendo console will be that kind of situation.

      • 9 months ago

        Replying to my own post here, scrap this part
        >The Playstation was by far the most succesful console to ever exist by the end of its life
        The gameboy was more succesful.

        Of course, the point still stands, the PSX was still the winner of its generation in terms of home consoles

      • 9 months ago

        PS1 and PS2 were successful in units of hardware sold and 3rd party software skimming. Switch has hardware and profits and 1st party software.

        • 9 months ago

          People also buy a lot of third party games on Switch, more than on 3ds and Wiil U, in fact.

          • 9 months ago

            That $69c indie game counts towards this, only a handful of third party games are past 1 million units and many of them were massively discounted to get there, but it's understandable that few third parties find major success on Switch, third parties don't even try, almost entirely none of them manage to even match the quality/polish of something like Xenoblade or Astral Chain.

  75. 9 months ago

    He has a point though. There is way too much damn entertainment for the western world and Asia. Unless you live in some third world shithole where you are too poor to afford entertainment. The options feel limitless. Especially if you aren't some over entitled zoomer

    • 9 months ago

      >The options feel limitless.

  76. 9 months ago

    Nintendo gonna move on from vidya like they moved on from trading cards.

    • 9 months ago

      They've been trying.

      • 9 months ago

        member when we thought this meant we will get a sequel to Eternal Darkness, for the sanity meter, good times

        • 9 months ago

          Remember when people thought it'd be some cool gimmick that changes gameplay based on your heartbeat but it turned out to be a literal heartbeat sensor just to measure your health?

  77. 9 months ago

    I think Nintendo could look more into publishing original IPs made by other developers. Then again last gen we did lose Flagship and Alpha Dream. Nintendo also published some Level 5 games in the west too that didn't do too well. Snack World Gold is has dead online.

    I know people want to see old IPs but to revive them you will have to update a new game to new hardware. Kid Icarus Uprising was made for 3DS's touch screen. A port or sequel will need to adapt to Switch's non-touchscreen controls.

  78. 9 months ago

    I wish Nintendo could update Mario Maker 2 with a new game style. Currently it feels unfinished. Then again there's only two levels that are popular: Kaizo and auto-Mario.

    • 9 months ago

      Mario Maker 3 will add Mario Wonder's style

      • 9 months ago

        They're going to have to change a lot with Mario Maker 3 to make it work. At the same time Nintendo is afraid of giving players too much control over making things.

        • 9 months ago


  79. 9 months ago

    How? They are the only console on the market!

  80. 9 months ago

    >Oh no our audience is leaving us
    >How do we fix this
    >A new F-Zero?
    >No, Mario Kart only
    >Why do we keep losing customers

    • 9 months ago

      they didn't mean the tendies, they mean the handheld market in general getting tighter with mobile and steamdecks

      • 9 months ago

        They are in a bind with the Switch 2, I don't think people really realize that. They can't just do a straight spec upgrade, it comes with big caveats for a handheld. It's likely they'll go with some kind of gimmick, but that's risky and now they'd be releasing in a market with vastly better alternatives whereas they had free reign as the only handheld when they launched the switch.

        • 9 months ago

          We have chink handheld emulation boxes with better specs at half the price that can emulate some switch games with no problem. The switch 2 can definitely upspec on the cheap

          • 9 months ago

            Like what? The deck is the cheapest of the bunch and it's still considerably more expensive and its cheapest model is likely being sold at a loss which is something nintendo doesn't do. And it's not just about the price, it's also about things like battery life and fan noise. If they're not at least matching the deck specs people are going to question why they should bother with such a minuscule upgrade.

            • 9 months ago

              I was watching a review on a retroid console last night and the dude was playing a couple of switch games on it. Cant remember the exact model but it was only $150.

        • 9 months ago

          Switch 2 will still be the only handheld/hybrid console on the market. It will run unopposed until Switch 3.

          • 9 months ago

            >hybrid console
            Marketing bs, just like sony's streaming handheld. A handheld with an hdmi port is not unique to the switch. The only unique part about that is the switch neuters itself in handheld mode instead of giving you access to a game's settings to determine for yourself.

            • 9 months ago

              Oh my beloved PSP-2000 you were taken from us too soon

            • 9 months ago

              HDMI cables don't improve resolution or performance

              • 9 months ago

                >The only unique part about that is the switch neuters itself in handheld mode instead of giving you access to a game's settings to determine for yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                It self castrates and becomes a troony of 4 different races.

              • 9 months ago

                HDMI cables don't improve resolution or performance

              • 9 months ago

                You want me to agree then? Correct, there is no HDMI cable that improves resolution or performance. Same goes for the Switch's. Nothing about the dock improves the Switch's performance. You do not get a boost in dock mode, it's the exact opposite, the Switch downgrades itself in handheld mode.

              • 9 months ago

                It's the same thing. You're just wording it different to be snarky because you are angry.

              • 9 months ago

                It is very much not the same thing. One is marketing bs to shill it as a feature, the other is the truth.

              • 9 months ago

                I disagree

          • 9 months ago

            Steam Deck and it's clones are already out and it's only a matter of time before one of them natively runs gamepass in a official capacity

            • 9 months ago

              Those are all PCs, not consoles.

              • 9 months ago

                The deck is all the convenience of a console with the freedom and control of a pc. It's the best of both worlds and it's why it took off despite virtually no marketing, no retailers, not sold in a bunch of countries and is constantly out of stock, whereas other UMPCs flounder.

              • 9 months ago

                Shilling your tablet doesn't make it a console

              • 9 months ago

                Good, if it were a console it would suck. It's good because it's not a console, it just has the convenience of one.

              • 9 months ago

                Doesn't have that either.

              • 9 months ago

                You're right, it'd be doing it a disservice to compare any part of it to a console. it is much more convenient than that. Much more feature rich and consumer friendly.

              • 9 months ago

                I disagree

  81. 9 months ago

    Who is he kidding? Nintendies soihomosexuals will open their mouths in awe during the next nintendo direct kek.

  82. 9 months ago

    >and he doesn't want that cycle to continue.
    This sounds like investor speak for "We're going to play it safe for the next gen, just release sequels of franchises that were popular with Switch".

  83. 9 months ago

    Nintendo lost me from spending thousands in switch related stuff because they still refuse to fix the joycon problems.

  84. 9 months ago

    Did zelda totk spiritually bomb?
    I literally see no one talking about this game. Not even normies, while I remember botw being a cultural phenomenon back then. Tons of streamers dropped it soon too, a lot of threads can't reach the bump limit, only that future tr oon self inserting as Zelda fricking Link spams trying to keep it relevant but the rest? Zero. Nada. While I see bg3 everywhere still.
    Is the yakuza buying out all those copies like Disney does with ticket movies?

    • 9 months ago

      is this the new "ARMS failed" meme? ToTK is outpacing BoTW in sales and I wish it did fail for being a rehash that took 6 years for no reason other than getting a dumb gimmick to work thats rather annoying to use to begin with

      • 9 months ago

        People talked about botw
        Nobody talks about totk

    • 9 months ago

      It just gets like 3+ threads hitting bump limit every day, but other than that yeah no one talks about it.

      • 9 months ago

        Which ones, the zelink anon samegayging and dumping fanarts?

        • 9 months ago

          This. Midna threads have more people discussing than TOTK Zelda ones lmao

    • 9 months ago

      I mean, it's kinda settled that TotK was a DLC, so not much to talk about when the game is just following the footsteps closely from its predecessor.
      Also, the glitches that were game breaking were not patched out early, so many just did them and beat the game early.

    • 9 months ago

      I feel like a jackass for defending this game honestly. Sayin "they're just hiding everything guys". They sold me the same fricking game with legos that you can ignore. It's like the opposite of skyward sword, the game is too open and lets you fly everywhere, it's so fricking boring. The depths were a waste of time MMO grindslop fest with barely anything to discover. It's telling to me that fubiyashi was so focused on the building aspect, he practically admitted he added it for tik tok views. Barely any new moves, no new weapon types, no new lynel type enemy, abunch of shitter enemies, 3 new overworld bosses across fricking two and a quarter maps. 5 dungeons, again, terrible final dungeon, moreso just a shitty short cave, same copy pasted story and setup from botw.
      It's ironic that they tried so hard to move away from the limiting conventions of zelda, just to turn around and sell the same frickin game again because of call of duty sales.

      • 9 months ago

        Less adderall, less posting blogs

    • 9 months ago

      People had a ton of goodwill going into it, but it's pretty clear it was a huge disappointment for a bunch of reasons. It's not like a shit game or anything like NH that journos were blindsided by people not liking, but it was absolutely the bare minimum possible and for a 6 year wait for $70 that stings. Nintendo in general has a pokemon tier audience though so wouldn't be surprised if we get a BotW 3 and the exact same thing happens.

    • 9 months ago

      Even zeldagays are embarrassed to admit the game is just a dlc

      • 9 months ago

        Nobody hates botw and it's dlc more than zeldagays. Botwgays and zeldagays despise each other.

    • 9 months ago

      it's a half-assed minecraft mod of a 6-year-old game

    • 9 months ago

      >Did zelda totk spiritually bomb?

      This Anon hit it right on the head:

      People had a ton of goodwill going into it, but it's pretty clear it was a huge disappointment for a bunch of reasons. It's not like a shit game or anything like NH that journos were blindsided by people not liking, but it was absolutely the bare minimum possible and for a 6 year wait for $70 that stings. Nintendo in general has a pokemon tier audience though so wouldn't be surprised if we get a BotW 3 and the exact same thing happens.

      >People had a ton of goodwill going into it

      People had really high expectations going into TOTK because BOTW was such a solid proof of concept. Sales really reflect that. I think a lot of people were on the same page with what they had in their head, "just a little polish, tighten some of the mechanics, more enemies, weapons, and it'll be perfect." I also think people were expecting something more like Majora's Mask: a more experimental asset flip diving more into story, character, etc.. "We've confirmed we'll pay for this, so show us some heart and some warts" kind of thing.

      There's nothing technically ""insufficient""" about TOTK, it's just 'as good' as BOTW, but it's just kind of underwhelming after a 6 year wait. ?What did they spend all that dev time on?

      • 9 months ago

        Snoys trying to push this new moronic definition of "asset flip" is really pathetic

    • 9 months ago

      will you be saying the same thing when starfield comes out and nobody talking about bearfricker 3 anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      It didn't fix any of the core issues, didn't expand on the story (reboot instead), and since it's literally just BotW with Gmod sloppily pasted on top of it there is nothing to discuss. All the driving points were already discussed 6 years ago with BotW.

    • 9 months ago

      BG3 is the flavor of the month. Check back in a few weeks, maybe sooner if Starfield takes off. ToTK had a bunch of threads when it was fresh, complete with moronic journo articles about raising the bar forever and devs being baffled etc. Starfield will have its fair share of shilling as well.

  85. 9 months ago

    >spiritually bombed
    is this the beginning of an epic meme?

  86. 9 months ago

    nintendo can eat shit til they put out a new f zero

  87. 9 months ago

    >We always keep in mind that if we do not keep putting out things that people truly want, they'll get bored of us.

    I don't want to hear them vomit this fricking bullshit after what they did to my sweet baby girl Animal Crossing.
    You've got an extremely popular "home making and house decorating village sim" game that just had done everything right: it already has a sizable loyal consumer-base, it released during the pandemic ensuring a massive capture of new fans, it's the literal perfect game for drip-feed paid (and free) seasonal content, as well as getting those online subscriptions renewed, and then they fricking dropped it in favor of working on Splatoon. I don't say that to shit on Splatoon, but you'd think a massive company like Nintendo would be able to fricking do both.

    Tears of the Kingdom did not take 6 years to fricking make.
    The Pikmin people went 12 years without a sequel (Pikmin 4 looks really good though).
    Isn't there like 3-4 Fire Emblem Games on this console?
    ?Where the frick is Donkey Kong or Metroid for that matter?
    ???Where is Kid Icarus/F-Zero/Golden Sun/Punch-Out/*IP Nintendo is consciously aware of, but has sitting collecting dust on a shelf*???
    Why the frick does it feel like after they dropped the 3DS that they just.. Shrunk the entire companies work force by like 200%? They're out here making 3 games a year.

    • 9 months ago

      >I don't say that to shit on Splatoon
      You should be because splatoon 3 was a shameless rehash of a sequel as well. They dropped new horizons just to put virtually zero effort into justifying splatoon 3's existence beyond fomo over future updates and splatfests.

    • 9 months ago

      Take your meds furry schizo. It's just a game go play something else

  88. 9 months ago

    if they start doing what everyone else is doing in an attempt to lure customers they'll doom themselves

  89. 9 months ago

    Do games like fortnite and minecraft pose a threat to them? Do younger generations even make content or watch/talk about nintendo things? I remember when I was younger and discussion and fan creation used to be more active. Is more not hip enough like FNAF or Friday funky

    • 9 months ago

      Their core audience is by far 20-40 year olds despite them trying to pander so hard to 10 year olds. Make of that what you will, but they know it's not sustainable.

  90. 9 months ago

    unironically women are a chunk of the reason the switch is successful, is clearly the most femoid friendly platform among Xbox, Playstation and PC

    look at the best selling games on switch
    >Animal Crossing, notorious a woman's "game" I literally have noticed grown women play animal crossing on a flight quite a few times
    >LoZ suddenly overtaking mainline Mario, fujos fricking love bishonens like Link, it helped with BoTW being so popular
    >Kirby is on an upswing with peak popularity being cutesyb8 for women like Sanrio

    • 9 months ago

      Nintenchads are getting mad pussy with their switches, true

    • 9 months ago

      This plus pedos

      • 9 months ago

        That's playstation

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah splatoon online is full of them kek, cant blame nintendo for removing chat

  91. 9 months ago

    they want that esg score

    • 9 months ago

      >m-m-muh TENCENT

  92. 9 months ago



    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  93. 9 months ago

    Well he's done a damn good job I'd say

  94. 9 months ago

    Of course they have problems retaining a customer base. Nintendo makes videogame systems for children to play. Those children grow up and stop having an interest in childrens things. It's called growing up and it's normal.

  95. 9 months ago

    Why dont Nintendo make good games anymore?

  96. 9 months ago

    This really really shows how most people there don't play video games. Those fanfictions are horrible.

  97. 9 months ago

    The easy solution for Nintardo is massive backwards compatibility and older titles natively emulated on Switch. That's it. I regularly interact with the Tendie fandom and they all, I shit you not, feel bad about pirating their older game for emulation. Them just selling that shit for a lower price for native emulation would bring them big bucks.

    • 9 months ago

      That just gets a few bucks from people already invested. It doesn't bring in new people or stop old users from getting bored and moving on.

  98. 9 months ago

    >There's been a resulting low for every record high, and he doesn't want that cycle to continue.
    Every company must always grow infinitely never bad years every year must be better than the last!

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