Well lads, should I play BDO or Lost Ark for my next time wasting MMO?

Well lads, should I play BDO or Lost Ark for my next time wasting MMO? I have like 400+ hours in both, but only enough time to do one of them. I like my character way more in BDO and the combat is fun, but Lost Ark has fun dungeons/raids.

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  1. 2 years ago

    what ilevel is your main in lost ark? I honestly have no idea how far someone starting recently would get with about 400 hours

    • 2 years ago

      Hmm, I think 1350 iirc? Haven't played since the first month of launch. Though thats a deadeye, and I would probably maybe change my main to my paladin who is 1180 iirc

  2. 2 years ago

    you should play neither of these garbage, soulless grind for eternity simulators

  3. 2 years ago

    Neither. If you must play a f2p one then go for something like runescape or even guild wars 2, hell i'll even say buying ESO is a better choice than playing any of these 2, specially since Lost Ark american version is unfinished and they are still adding stuff the korean version already has and BD end game is pvp but its p2w

    • 2 years ago

      I have like 2k hrs in GW2 and it always feels even more pointless than any other mmo Ive ever played. ESO is the worst combat of all the mmos that are popular right now.

    • 2 years ago

      >or even guild wars 2
      Why would you recommend that pozzed piece of shit?

  4. 2 years ago

    You don't have to do this!

    • 2 years ago

      I have no one and nothing in my life, it must be done anon.

      • 2 years ago

        neither I do, but there's a limit of times I can kill yoho and already surpased it, just play other games, one after another, pirate if you need to, but frick lost ark and that boring grind, I'm burnt of yoho, chaos and una dailies, EVERY FRICKING DAY THE SAME, just to be able to RNG a gear upgrade which doesn't change shit

  5. 2 years ago

    for what it's worth lost ark has a hyper express event going atm that'll get you one character to 1370 with relative ease.

  6. 2 years ago

    Feels like a shill thread, but I'll entertain you OP.

    I've been playing BDO on and off, ever since it was only accessible through russian and korean VPNs. That's more than a decade now, I think. While there's a metric frickton of things you can do in BDO, basically all of it comes back to grinding mobs. Level 64? Grinding. Equipment or money for equipment? Grinding. Rare items you need to collect piece by piece? More grinding. Oh, you feel like taking a shortcut from the PEN roulette RNG and do those "guaranteed" item questlines? Well you need money and drops. You guessed it, from grinding. Every now and again you go fight a boss - with your alts so you don't need to leave your grindspot and risk your crystals getting blown -, and you can frick around with endless hours of chopping trees, but you'll always be blown away by someone grinding earpieces at Star's end.

    All that said, I still prefer it to basically all other MMOs. The combat is really unique, fluent, and FUN. Talking about PVE here. Even after all these years sunk into the game, I still find it amazingly satisfying to see that little stagger animation when you land a hit. You're not confined to one or two optimal rotations either, since you always grind at spots you kill mobs in two hits tops, you can play however the frick you want. And, personally, the big interconnected world without constant loading screens is a big plus too.

    If you can overlook the efficiency autism that everything comes down to, and can live with p2w shitters who will unavoidably breeze through the content, then I see no reason not to play BDO.

    • 2 years ago

      The lack of loading screens is a huge draw for me for BDO, I fricking despise load screen after load screen games since it ruins my immersion. A problem BDO does have though in that same camp is so much fricking UI clutter, too much interaction with UI. I dream of an MMO with Dark souls minimalist UI interaction. One thing I guess Im looking for also is an easy way to meet people. Both seem like the same amount of interaction with others, unfortunately both pretty heavy on single player realistically despite LA having the raids/dungeons, in turn BDO has the group farm spots and node war shit. There is no easy pick for me

      • 2 years ago

        I dunno man, the god awful pop in that plagues BDO is just as cancer as loading screens for me.

        • 2 years ago

          Major gripe I had back when it came out in 2016 and for a long time. These days, I barely notice it though. I think I've been beaten down by how shit the mmo genres gotten that I stopped nitpicking graphics.

          >One thing I guess Im looking for also is an easy way to meet people
          Teaming up for bosses and grinding is a pretty easy process, one which is done in social interaction via chat only, reminiscent of the good old wow days when trade chat made raid groups. And yeah, there are guild activities too, and then some misc stuff like taking a couple of buddies and hunting ocean mobs. I've made my own Epheria Sailboat, chopping all that fricking wood by hand, but sailing it across the ocean for the first time felt amazing.

          No defending this. I just sorta learned to live with it. You can customize the UI to some extent and turn off many alerts that the game throws in your face, but there are some really annoying fricking popins too.

          In my like 560hrs of BDO, I haven't had any luck with finding people to play with. Its always just something Id like to have happen but never does.

          • 2 years ago

            What servers do you play on? I'm on EU, and usually go to Kama 4, or Rulupee 1. Or Arsha, when I don't want to waste drop scrolls. I see people talk in group chat constantly, asking about platoons for this and that boss, or grind/scroll LFGs/LFMs.

            • 2 years ago

              NA, playing on seasonal servers rn working on an archer that I'll make my main. I usually dont pay attention to chat

              • 2 years ago

                >I play the worst class and don't look at chat
                >why can't I find people to play with?
                Really joggins the ol' noggin.

              • 2 years ago

                Didn't make a point of why I can't find people to play with, I said it ends up never happening. Lets not pretend class matters in BDO, only stats.

      • 2 years ago

        >One thing I guess Im looking for also is an easy way to meet people
        Teaming up for bosses and grinding is a pretty easy process, one which is done in social interaction via chat only, reminiscent of the good old wow days when trade chat made raid groups. And yeah, there are guild activities too, and then some misc stuff like taking a couple of buddies and hunting ocean mobs. I've made my own Epheria Sailboat, chopping all that fricking wood by hand, but sailing it across the ocean for the first time felt amazing.

        No defending this. I just sorta learned to live with it. You can customize the UI to some extent and turn off many alerts that the game throws in your face, but there are some really annoying fricking popins too.

      • 2 years ago

        >UI clutter
        May not seem like it but the game is totally playable if you disable a ton of the dogshit they push in your face. Would recommend.
        >UI interaction
        Yeah there's no avoiding this part but I feel you can't have a game with that amount of detail without that much interaction sadly.
        >Easy way to meet people
        It's not just group spots and node wars. Join an active guild that's cool with other guilds, become a merc, do Arena of Solare when it drops again, join hunting discords, run Atoraxxion. I'll admit BDO sucks in the pve multiplayer aspect since it lacks the mmo trinity and doesn't have typical structured raids or group content but it definitely does exist. It's just not the same as other mmo's that force endgame group content.

        • 2 years ago

          What could be lopped off here? I've messed with it a lil bit but if ya got more to suggest, shoot.

          • 2 years ago

            You could hide the quest progress, there's a mouseover option you can use. If you want less screen clutter in cities hiding player names is great.
            If you're grinding you don't really need anything but the rage and hp bar. Use the combat focus mode for easy setup.

            • 2 years ago

              I think I must have missed the mouse over stuff, I'll have to look into that next time I'm on, that would be very dank

          • 2 years ago

            I'm assuming you have a bunch of the popups and notifs disabled, but at the very least:
            Toggle the buttons on the bottom right by clicking the X
            Get rid of the key help
            Drop your UI scale to the lowest you're comfy with

            I personally like having my healthbar hidden and just use the one above my head, letting me move my buffs lower. You're also wasting space by having your abilities above your health without at least moving all of it down.

            I also have one chat tab just empty so I can effectively hide it without messing with my UI settings.

            I'd suggest moving your buffs to the right side at least so that they don't flow over to the middle of your screen.

            You could hide the quest progress, there's a mouseover option you can use. If you want less screen clutter in cities hiding player names is great.
            If you're grinding you don't really need anything but the rage and hp bar. Use the combat focus mode for easy setup.

            Your guardian look slick as hell

  7. 2 years ago

    Death by burning or death by drowning?
    Both really suck. Use a bullet instead.

  8. 2 years ago

    >ITC autists are still putting an elephant in the tavern every week
    fricking why

  9. 2 years ago

    I just recently dropped Lost Ark (reached around ilvl 1470). It's really a waste of time. I don't know how this game could have been alive for so long. The raids are fun, but you do it once and you've seen it all, it only becomes a waste of time after that. You'll say that all MMO are a waste of time, but the problem with Lost Ark is that there's nothing else except for the raids. No exploration, no guild content, no pvp...

  10. 2 years ago

    Try Destiny 2. At least that way you get some actual content rather than the soulless grindfest bugman shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I got 900 hrs of D2, the season stuff has gotten very stale for me.

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