Welp, Diablo 4 is dead

Welp, Diablo 4 is dead

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  1. 12 months ago

    This game is going to wipe Diablo 4 off the map. Watch everyone on Ganker pretend they hate Diablo now when they were gushing over that slop 2 days ago

    • 12 months ago

      >a handful of coordinated shills are everyone

    • 12 months ago

      >v is a hive mind
      Different people have different opinion. What a shock.


      Welp, Diablo 4 is dead

      Played the open server test. The game is d3 with a light d2 coat of paint: ie. absolute trash. Add to that shitfest a ton of microtransactions, and the only ones playing it will be streamers and those gays that blindly play all the same games as the streamers they watch do.

    • 12 months ago

      >when they were gushing over that slop 2 days ago
      Huh? I swear some of you are from an alternate reality; D4 is universally reviled, has been since the horrific beta.

    • 12 months ago

      >Ganker LOVES D4!
      >Ganker LOVES PoE!
      When are you people going to stop lying out your ass? Wake me up when good games release.

    • 12 months ago

      its literally shit but Blizzard will rape anything good from Diablo 4 don't worry.

    • 12 months ago

      >listening to the 6 troonys promoting d4 trash

      have a nice day newbie. right now

    • 12 months ago

      I can enjoy both poe and d4. You are brainlet if you cannot enjoy many things for different aspects they offer. You are literally drone, be it poe or blizz kind.

    • 12 months ago

      >Watch everyone on Ganker pretend they hate Diablo now
      Bro, the people on Ganker who liked Diablo4 was in a minority and alot of them sounded like paid blizzard shills with sponsored talking points.

    • 12 months ago

      >This game is going to wipe Diablo 4 off the map.
      It would be funny if it did tbh.

    • 12 months ago

      Reading the replies to this post show it already started, you were right.
      >ugh dude no one likes it it’s DA SHIIILLLLLLLZ
      >dude it’s like 6 people spamming no one actually likes it

    • 12 months ago

      I dont even care about diablo, but I really dont care about PoE. the game play in PoE is just have 10 billion auras and left clicking and if you have a monster on your map with certain effects you die from 10 screens away.

  2. 12 months ago

    luv poe. wish they had a way to play old metas

  3. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 will kill itself. The game has way too much CC, far too many offensive stats.

  4. 12 months ago

    To who? Not the people who made it sell millions already, they literally only care about BIG AAA PRODUCT and don't want to look up 5 guides before even starting the game because oops regret orbs.


    This is probably the most surprising thing, it does look pretty great visually.

    • 12 months ago

      to anyone who has ever played both games.

      • 12 months ago

        So a tiny amount of people? The ARPG fanbase is pretty small all things considered. As egregious as D4's MTX shit is, POE has literal hundred dollar ones
        >muh F2P we gotta harpoon some whales to even get by

        • 12 months ago

          can't be that small considering poe and blizztrash are both successful

          • 12 months ago

            Blizzard sells and markets the shit out of it to a wide audience, its why the game is fundamentally not competing with POE. Ever. They have never tried. The scaling is fricked, by design. They want friends to play with each other even if their levels vary without it feeling like someone is just boosting like what happens in POE when someone starts a season late. POE's success is something we will really never know, I don't think a season launch will peak higher than D4's Twitch launch, and there really isn't many other ways to track it. You could bring up Steam count and then people will say
            >uhhhh I just use the launcher without Steam
            and start sounding like FF14 defenders.

            D4 can't even compete with fricking POE seasons as far as depth/design goes. POE2 with reducing some of the bloat and refining systems is another ballpark but its clear POE wants some of Diablo's cake and I think some people won't be happy with parts being dumbed down to get there.

        • 12 months ago

          >So a tiny amount of people? The ARPG fanbase is pretty small all things considered.
          Lulz what is it with loonytroons being beyond delusional. Yes anon you're totally right and the LGPTXAQ1%^& make up over 45% of America.

          • 12 months ago

            The only massive one is Diablo. You are delusional if you think POE2 full priced game could move Diablo-tier sales.

            • 12 months ago

              >Diablo-tier sales.
              I mean Chinks make up 85% of those sales now.

              • 12 months ago

                >I mean Chinks make up 85% of those sales now.
                Blizzard isn't in China anymore after the recent NetEase thing.

              • 12 months ago

                Lie harder Rabbi I'm sure it will work. China makes up most of Blizz's sales. They bowed down to Whinnie the pooh and sucked is wiener drying crying I'm so sorry master forgive us han monkies are the master race please don't ban us from China, we'll do anything.

              • 12 months ago

                >China makes up most of Blizz's sales
                They are literally not allowed in China right now, you clueless moron. NetEase was their way into the Chinese government for fast-tracked game acceptances, and they destroyed their deal with NetEase due to extreme greed.


          • 12 months ago

            I think we're talking about different things here. ARPG stands for action RPG. Not some sexuality thing.

            This place has rotted your brain if that's the first thing you think of whenever you see any kind of acronym.

        • 12 months ago

          >POE has literal hundred dollar ones
          Yes, but POE is free. Diablo 4 expects you to pay DLC for a full priced game, POE instead sells MTX Bundles for customization. Also I already know D4 is gonna sell power, Blizzard cannot be trusted

          • 12 months ago

            >POE is free
            anyone who knows the value of stash tabs knows this is a lie.

            • 12 months ago

              still free. no one is stopping you from playing with 4 tabs

              • 12 months ago

                oh shut up homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                its true. you can do everything in the game 100% f2p and buy shit only if you like the game

            • 12 months ago

              Fair. Even I had to give in and buy a stash tab bundle. Still much cheaper than buying a game, and I will stand by that you only need a few stash tabs at most.

    • 12 months ago

      Path of Exile 2 looks several gens above Diablo 4. This is like a PS3 game vs a PS4 game in comparison. Its actually stunning how much better POE2 looks and the fact that it will have trading and an economy + a better endgame loop will put this well above Diablo 4.

      • 12 months ago

        That's because PoE 2 has a strong art direction, which is notorious for a western studio, specially these days.
        This said, Diabloclones are a dead genre.

        • 12 months ago

          >That's because PoE 2 has a strong art direction

          Truly the kings and queens of art direction, and for a small price of 40$

          • 12 months ago

            I said 2.

            • 12 months ago

              >I said 2.
              PoE 2 is literally PoE 1 you dumb moron, it's a marketing term for what is essentially a 4.0 patch for PoE. It's the same game. That actual clown armor set will be in PoE2, you can actually buy it now and equip it on your PoE2 character when it comes out.

              • 12 months ago

                This troon still coping with this misinformation after today trailer. Give it a rest bud, ya lost.

              • 12 months ago

                >PoE2 being the same game as PoE1 is misinformation

              • 12 months ago

                everyone knows poe2 is poe2 but just reskinned. Don''t worry, they will shit their game with clown suits soon enough. Now pay up piggie for these suits, game will not fund itself!

      • 12 months ago

        Imagine thinking trading is a good thing

        • 12 months ago

          trade is the endgame of proper arpgs.

          • 12 months ago

            >trade is the endgame of proper arpgs.
            >something based around cheating, duping, botting and RMTing is endgame
            >not having to play the game is endgame
            You know people might be right when they say trade league players have a generally lower IQ than SSF players.

            • 12 months ago

              yea thats how those games work. if you want you can only trade. the economy and the million ways to abuse it every ladder reset is what keeps them from dying.

              • 12 months ago

                >yea thats how those games work
                No it's not. I don't know a single person (including my PoE guild of 30 players) who actually plays trade leagues in PoE any more, because they offer no challenge or any sense of progress. This is even more the case in Diablo 2, the feeling of actually randomly dropping a valuable high rune or rare unique item is the real dopamine rush people play the game for after all these years, not buying Enigma after first few days and calling it quits.

                >the economy and the million ways to abuse it every ladder reset is what keeps them from dying.
                No, that's exactly what speeds up the dying. Everyone who plays trade drops the game after a week or two, because there's no challenge left and nothing to work for. SSF and actual content updates is what keeps the game from dying.

              • 12 months ago

                Its the opposite. there's nothing to do in ssf once you clear the game in a week. Doesn't matter how many made up stories you come up with ssf is a meme mode and most people play trade

              • 12 months ago

                >there's nothing to do in ssf
                There's almost endless amount of things to do in ssf, and by that I mean that if you played for 2800 hours straight (which means you're playing the entire league 24/7 without sleeping), you still wouldn't be able to get or craft enough gear to make a single min maxed top tier build per class. You'll be lucky if you can even just make one total.
                Meanwhile in trade, you can get BiS gear on week 2 for almost anything, and there's no reason to play anymore.

                >ssf is a meme mode and most people play trade
                >most people play trade
                Yes and most people quit PoE after the first 2 weeks because of trade and the reasons I mentioned you colossal moron, which is why the population at mid-league is about 10% of launch population. Good job actually repeating and confirming my exact point, but being to stupid to actually understand it.

              • 12 months ago

                there's no reason to minmax in ssf because you already cleared the game. in trade you minmax so you can get more wealth.
                people qutting has nothing to do with ssf. you're just making shit up to fit your narrative

              • 12 months ago

                >there's no reason to minmax in ssf because you already cleared the game. in trade you minmax so you can get more wealth.
                this is the mind of a trade-gay
                every arpg is about autistic min-maxing at the end-point of a build for getting 2% more power.

              • 12 months ago

                yes and trade offers way more minmaxing oppurtunities

              • 12 months ago

                >people qutting has nothing to do with ssf
                It literally has everything to do with ssf. The main reason ssf was even put as an official game mode is because people were complaining there's nothing to do in trade mode and the entire league was being "solved" after less than a week.

                > in trade you minmax so you can get more wealth.
                Did you actually ever played trade, and I mean properly played trade to the point of getting stacks of mirrors and having multiple characters with mirror worthy gear in every slot? The main way to do that is not by playing the game long term, it's by playing until you make your first mirror, and then flipping very expensive and rare shit on the market, basic rich getting richer scheme. Meanwhile the only way to get wealth in ssf (and wealth in SSF just means more resources for crafting, since you're not buying anything) is by actually playing the game.
                So you're basically arguing that playing the game is worse and a meme mode compared to not actually playing the game, but sitting in your hideout 24/7, and that this is what ARPGs should be like - spending more time refreshing the trade site than actually playing the game.
                Now read this again if you have to and try to understand just how much of a moron you are.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't even care about the graphics. The boss jumping out of the wall at the end of the trailer is more dungeon design than 99% of D4. The dungeons is D4 feel so static. Like maybe 2 interesting things happen in any of the story dungeons.

    • 12 months ago

      To whom

  5. 12 months ago

    >two years since they announced the game
    >all they have to show for it is a 15 second trailer
    Yeah there's something going on behind the scenes at the studio.

    • 12 months ago

      this game gets constant content updates and patches. it's kinda sad. I wish they had classic poe servers

    • 12 months ago

      It's a teaser. It said they will show more in July.

    • 12 months ago

      They have ExileCon this year which is where they will show it off completely. This was just to remind people it exists.

    • 12 months ago

      you're forgetting that during that time we had The Greatest Pandemic on Human History?

    • 12 months ago

      They didn't do the Blizzslop method of development, which is cut off all updates until the new improved version gets released and then release a shoddy shittier version of the game.

    • 12 months ago

      Why do you want money to go towards anything other than gameplay?

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      it was originally announced in like 2016 it was planned for 2020

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        it was planned for whenever D4 released. D4 is now released so PoE is going to rev up its media releases beginning with Exilecon next month

        • 12 months ago

          Fat bald moron though D4 was gonna drop in late 2024. Now he got caught with his pants down, and Xi is throbbing from 4 years of teasing tugjobs waiting for release. The amount of asset flipping and scrapping together "new" acts from existing atlas maps just to have something for release by the end of the year is gonna be hilarious to witness.

  6. 12 months ago

    If they ditch that garbo f2p system,maybe

  7. 12 months ago

    Is there any woke sjwshit in Path of Exile?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      The frick does this even mean

      • 12 months ago

        Does Path of Exile contain any cultural Marxism or is it a normal game free from clown world propaganda?

        • 12 months ago

          They throw dykes and other gay characters in from time to time, they’re woke just as much as anyone

          • 12 months ago

            fake news

      • 12 months ago

        Wtf is this low energy gaslighting. Or maybe you just woke up from a coma that you’ve been in since 2014

      • 12 months ago

        It means influence of israeli organized crime. We don't want to play games that have been fricked with by mobsters.

    • 12 months ago

      the ranger class is canonically a dyke and in act 2 when she kills the female bandit she says how hard it is for her to kill a pretty woman

      • 12 months ago

        >not wanting to kill women makes you a troony homosexual
        lol ok

        • 12 months ago

          ??? can't tell if moronic

          • 12 months ago

            The dyke is the worst character

      • 12 months ago

        >game with literally zero character
        >somehow manage to cram homosexualry into it
        confirmed made by raging perverts

    • 12 months ago

      Got rid of titty statue in the UI holding up orbs representing your health and magic. RIP statue breasts, you are missed.

    • 12 months ago

      They speak with New Zealand accents instead of how normal white people speak

    • 12 months ago

      Kind of. The biggest thing is because the developer is NZ, they seem to have felt compelled to heavily base the game off of Maori inspired type stuff that is spread throughout. A lot of the lore is all this polynesian type stuff that I assume is based on Maori.
      Somehow it doesn't bother me though because it just seems like the game lore. They don't beat you over the head with the ooga booga island culture being better than the Orathean culture or whatever from across the sea which seems Roman Empire based. That seems to be the main thing.

    • 12 months ago

      There's some but PoE is so lore barren and the majority of stuff you encounter is so old it predates wokeness.

      GGG also has some of the most draconian moderation of any online game

      • 12 months ago

        >Draconian moderation
        Mean while people were discussing 2 girl 1 cup, gore and beheading video and calling each other moron on global chat. Their moderation policy is just:
        1. Don't harass people
        2. You can't openly say Black person
        That's it

    • 12 months ago

      Kind of
      In one expansion's content (Heist) you team up with a thieves guild to do robbery/escape missions. Some of the npc dialogue there is pretty cringe 'Colonialism is LE BAD!' stuff, or worse reddit-tier writing about evil sexist dudebros who killed the heckin kitterino, but everyone hates Heist anyway (except that it prints currency because no-one runs it) & its optional lategame content now & no sign of that writing elsewhere.
      Ranger is a rug muncher but she's pretty low key about it.
      Some 'Church bad' vibes but it's a grimdark setting & everyone is bad including the PCs.

      On the other hand, a major villainess is an ex-prostitute, nude statue mobs plus the famous tittybitches.

  8. 12 months ago

    I doubt diablo will die or anything, they're on different platforms anyway

    • 12 months ago

      both are pc games primarily

      • 12 months ago

        Isnt that new Diablo a mobile thing?

      • 12 months ago

        Diablo isnt primary a PC Game since d3 Bro.

  9. 12 months ago

    >kiwislop 2nd serving

  10. 12 months ago

    I hope PoE 2 keeps running at 60 fps on my steam deck

    • 12 months ago

      even poe can't run at 60 on your plastic shit lol wtf you on about?

      • 12 months ago

        >even poe can't run at 60 on your plastic shit lol
        It absolutely can, right out of the box. Only time I get frame drops is when I trigger blight. I have like 500 hours of PoE on my deck. In fact I bought my deck specifically to play PoE when the gamepad support got released.

        • 12 months ago

          >Only time I get frame drops is when I trigger blight.
          And legion.
          And breach.
          And delirium.
          And betrayal.
          And harvest.
          And abyss.
          And ritual.
          And deep delve.
          And any map with increased pack size.
          And any generally "juiced" map.
          And any map with ground effects like burning ground.
          And any boss fights with lots of ground and arena effects.
          And playing any minion build.
          And playing in a party.

          But yeah if we ignore like 95% of end game, the game runs fine at 60fps on your shitbox lol.

          • 12 months ago

            No homie, I am telling you only blight makes the deck croak. After hundreds of hours I havent had any issues besidss. I am sorry your gay man PC is so shit you get frame drops with other content too.

            • 12 months ago

              >After hundreds of hours I havent had any issues besidss.
              Let's see what's more likely - Steam Deck magically running PoE better than best possible gaming desktops do, or you being a gigantic moronic homosexual that never got to actual PoE endgame and think that because you run white maps without any meaningful mods without issues it means the entire game runs without issues?

              Let's take a look at some examples

              Definitely runs great, silky smooth 9 fps on 100% deli maps and 21 fps on juiced red maps.

              • 12 months ago

                Works on my deck
                >t. finished end game twice with it

              • 12 months ago

                >9 fps gameplay is working
                We have a different definition of working then

  11. 12 months ago

    Damn, visually it looks far better than D4. Didn't expect this.

  12. 12 months ago

    D4 has nothing to offer after a couple dozen hours.
    It'd be dead even without PoE in the picture after a couple months.

  13. 12 months ago

    >most streamers finished diablo story already
    >most of them will play some more probably a week and move on to shill other games
    >a week after that diablo will be down the drain
    >same happened with overwatch

  14. 12 months ago

    >New comet spell
    I know what I'm going to be maining

  15. 12 months ago

    already better than d4 in every single way
    d4 lost so hard both poe2 and le will shit on it for years to come

  16. 12 months ago

    Obviously I'm missing something here.
    It's a teaser without UI , same feel as PoE but with better graphics I guess?

    No drops , no skills , no numbers , no ARPG goodness.

    What am I missing?

    • 12 months ago

      >What am I missing?
      The part where it's a teaser and at the end it said that they will show more at the end of July, during their own ExileCon thing.

      • 12 months ago

        yes but I'm asking about the reaction in these comments.

    • 12 months ago

      A frickin brain obviously

    • 12 months ago

      It's fake rage bait shilling as usual, and the occasional mind broken blizzard hater.

    • 12 months ago

      All the gameplay changes were announced like two years ago. It got delayed (cuz of covid I think?), so expect current gameplay info in July.

      • 12 months ago

        >Xer actually believes this
        you are gonna meltdown when you find out LMAO
        the cope will be absolutely unreal

    • 12 months ago

      You're missing the salty PoE shills making the second coming of christ out of a 15 sec video clip, since everyone else is busy playing D4.

    • 12 months ago


  17. 12 months ago

    There's almost no overlap between the target audiences of the two games

    • 12 months ago

      moronic opinion

      • 12 months ago


  18. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 was never alive. I guarantee you D4 will die BEFORE PoE 2 releases.

    • 12 months ago

      >I guarantee you D4 will die BEFORE PoE 2 releases.
      D2 lived for 20 years with minimal updates. D3 lived for 10 years with minimal updates. D4 will have constant updates every 3 months.

      • 12 months ago

        >D3 lived for 10 years with minimal updates
        lmao even
        >D2 lived for 20 years with minimal updates
        Completely false the last real update D2 got was 2005/6 till D2R came out. Diablo 2 had no updates minus fixing dupe exploits. Also the last update/last two fricked the game up horrible because surprise surprise they we're not blizzard north updatess. D2 lived for 20 years because its almost perfection then MXL came out giving us the real diablo 3 and then the SIGMA engine update came out for MXL giving us diablo 4. D2R sold well and is doing well because Activision refused to allow Blizzard to ruin the remake thus outsourced the game to people who gave a frick about it. The only thing that pisses me off about D2R is no modding yet when they can fuse the SIGMA engine to D2R oh my frick we will witness the greatest ARPG known to man be born.

        • 12 months ago

          >Completely false
          >the last real update D2 got was 2005/6
          Why are you disagreeing with me at first, and then agreeing right after?

          • 12 months ago

            because blizzard north did not make the last updates and blizzard made the game far far worse. On purpose mind you hoping the game would die. Because they are that petty.

      • 12 months ago

        >D4 will have constant updates every 3 months.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, that is literally their business model that they have talked about 50 times already. They rely on the 3 month seasons to sell battle passes and season-themed cosmetics.

          • 12 months ago

            Lol. Same Business Plan as Overwatch then. How'd that work out for them?

            • 12 months ago

              >Same Business Plan as Overwatch then
              It isn't.

      • 12 months ago

        >D3 lived for 10 years with minimal updates
        D3 died within 2 months

        • 12 months ago

          >D3 died within 2 months
          D3 is not only still alive and well after 10+ years and 28 seasons, it will get more players on season 29 launch than PoE does in last 5 years combined

          • 12 months ago
            • 12 months ago

              >no argument

              • 12 months ago

                >no proof

              • 12 months ago

                >make egregiously wild claim about Diablo 3 having players on its new season, more players than unique PoE players in the past five years combined even
                >expecting anyone to actually believe your drivel and not just laugh at you
                Are you intentionally baiting or something? You are required by law to say if you're baiting.

        • 12 months ago

          >D3 died within 2 months
          You must be completely unaware that D3 sold 15 million copies post-RoS, 2 years after its release.

    • 12 months ago

      >comparing public games to all lobbies
      what moron made this

      • 12 months ago

        Someone that actually played both titles.

  19. 12 months ago

    Is this the dedicated delusional contrarian thread? Sure rex2ak8jads like one.

  20. 12 months ago

    have to admit it looks better and the sourceres already showed more skills in 15 seconds that D4 has in total

    • 12 months ago

      4 skills? really?

  21. 12 months ago

    As someone who has played a lot of both Diablo and PoE I can say that they are not in competition for me. If I want a game that plays quick and feels great mechanically, I play Diablo, if I want a deep game to really delve into, I play PoE. Same genre, different approaches. To use a food analogy Diablo is fast food, PoE is a full meal. Both have their place.

  22. 12 months ago

    >Ganker suddenly realizes D4 is bad because of a new game

  23. 12 months ago

    the only thing that's dead is Poo of Exile 2 on release
    BFR is incapable of making an enjoyable game

  24. 12 months ago

    This is like comparing ARMA to Splatoon.
    It is honestly a good thing that Diablo IV just came out and so many people regard it as a decent game. The people who can't handle complexity or actually working for anything in a game can stick to that and stop screeching at the bald moron to turn PoE into every other ARPG available and in development.
    D4 will always have more players but PoE has its niche and isn't going anywhere.

    • 12 months ago

      PoE is about as complex as an average f2p mobile game. That means it's not complex because it's well designed and has strong game mechanics (in fact it's objectively incredibly poorly designed and shallow even when compared to 20+ year old ARPGs), it's "complex" because of 100 different bloated systems, skill trees and upgrade paths, which is something majority of mobile and korean mmos have. And just like those games, it's not designed to be a good game, it's designed to waste your time and get you to log in daily.

      • 12 months ago

        still 100x times more complex than any other arpg

        • 12 months ago

          >still 100x times more complex than any other arpg
          So is Raid Shadow Legends and every other mobile game of that type. And just like PoE, the actual "gameplay" in those games is about as complex as cookie clicker or any other idle game.

          • 12 months ago

            no they arent. play the game yourself first before posting cringe. copying your favourite streamer's build and strategy is not playing the game

      • 12 months ago

        You keep telling yourself that.

      • 12 months ago

        Name an example of a good game with a lot of depth.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              >No depth
              Really pathetic bait attempt coming from a homosexual playing a glorified dumbed down chink mobile game.

              Here's a small example of Nethack depth


              There are 98 pages related to various game winning and survival strategies. And note those are actual strategies, stuff you have to do in game, while interacting with the game, actual pure emergent gameplay distilled to it's core, they're not PoE mobile game tier "complexities" like "buy this cluster israeliteel so your right click spell will blow up 2.3 screens of useless trash enemies dropping useless trash items in 0.15s instead of 2.1 screens in 0.18s".

              And even if you read all of these 98 pages, you still wouldn't even get a small fraction of that games depth and literal decades of carefully implemented design choices put into it.

              • 12 months ago

                >98 pages
                >look at how complex it is!
                Only morons think the amount of words on page is complexity.

              • 12 months ago

                >Only morons think the amount of words on page is complexity.
                You got something mixed up here. Only morons think a bloated mess of a f2p chink grinder with 50 different skill trees is complexity - aka average PoE player playing this turd.
                Nethack not only doesn't have that, it has no graphics, you get the game that can run in any terminal, pick a class, and game starts, and literally everything you do from that point in game matters, every turn, every corpse you leave behind, every piece of food you chose to eat and when you chose to eat it, every door you open, every rock can be a run saving weapon, even the weakest weapon can be the difference between dying on floor 2 or winning the entire run. There's so much depth you could play it for next 10 years and still not get a single winning run, not because the game is too random and unfair, but because all those small mistakes you make along the way add up to a failed run at the end.
                Like I said, this is pure emergent gameplay at it's core and something the average skinnerbox brain rotted zoomer playing shitty games where 99.999% of content, drops, items and monsters don't matter, chasing the next dopamine hit of OMG I JUST GOT A +1 CORRUPTION ON MY EMPOWER NOW MY BUILD DOES 203 MIL DPS INSTEAD OF 200 MIL will never understand.

              • 12 months ago

                tldr. be more concise next time.

              • 12 months ago

                tldr. every choice can either save or kill your run down then line.

              • 12 months ago

                tldr you're an actual moron playing game made by morons for morons, not understanding what actual depth and complexity means

              • 12 months ago

                >blah blah blah
                wharever you say Black person

              • 12 months ago

                >Literally can't read
                >Calls others Black folk
                Oh the irony

              • 12 months ago

                theres a difference between being an illiterate Black person like you and not wanting to read some rant written by a low iq Black person. prove youre not a Black person right now. post hand.

              • 12 months ago

                >plays games made for moronic low IQ Black folk
                >can't read like a typical low IQ Black person
                >claims he's not a Black person
                I'll sooner believe Chris Wilson is not a bald moron than you not being a Black person moron

              • 12 months ago

                post hand.

              • 12 months ago

                You first Black person. If you're gonna make unbelievable claims, like not being an illiterate moronic Black person while not being able to read and understand my posts, then the burden of proof is on you.

              • 12 months ago

                >N-No you!
                Impressive. Truly ape-like Black person behavior

        • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >D4 will always have more players

  25. 12 months ago

    Nah. Chris Wilson is a major autist and will not modernize it at all. Plus it'll be bloated guaranteed. The idiot has gold on his hands but can't stop being a sperg. 90% of people don't want to deal with the huge talent grid and manual trading

    • 12 months ago

      and thats why he's based. he refuses to turn the game into mobileslop

      • 12 months ago

        >he refuses to turn the game into mobileslop

        no they arent. play the game yourself first before posting cringe. copying your favourite streamer's build and strategy is not playing the game

        >no they arent. play the game yourself first before posting cringe

        Remind me again, who said that PoE is a game designed to be played as a glorified idle/casual game while watching Netflix on the second screen. It couldn't have been Chis Wilson, savior of ARPGs, could it?

        • 12 months ago

          lolno. maybe you can play it in babymode sc like that

    • 12 months ago

      wow imagine making the game you want instead of chasing trends and designing for the lowest common denominator
      what a fricking moron

      • 12 months ago

        His design sucks and is only for autists

        • 12 months ago

          >only for autists
          that's the fricking point

    • 12 months ago

      >90% of people don't want to deal with the huge talent grid and manual trading
      The talent grid isn't even a problem. Anyone with half a brain can figure out something decent. The problem comes in when you have to balance your skill tree with your current equipment to maximise survivability and damage and good luck knowing about all of your crafting options, uniques, modifiers and possibities to enhance your gear. That's where the real autism comes into play and only guides will save you. Good luck knowing that burning doesn't scale with spell damage, but ignite does.

      • 12 months ago

        ignite doesn't scale with spell damage. burning from spells(rf, fire trap, etc) does

        • 12 months ago

          So I got that backwards, but it seems I only reinforced my my point.

      • 12 months ago

        do people go into eve threads and communities and cry about it being too hard? why are the path of exile "players" such insufferable b***hes?

        • 12 months ago

          People still playing eve online aren't pretending their game is anything other than a second/third job, in fact they'll gladly admit it's the reason they play it.
          Meanwhile PoE players pretend they play the game because it's hardcore and complex, while the main reason they actually play it is because it's a insanely casual zoomy shitshow and the only ARPG with such insane power creep that lets you easily make builds where you don't even have to interact with 99.99% of content in the game (because it dies as soon as it appears near your screen).
          These are the same type of people that cry about how Diablo 2 is badly designed because of monster immunities in hell, because having to interact, counter (or god forbid avoid) monsters gives them anxiety attacks. I mean just look at how much shit they gave to developers for introducing archnemesis OMG I CANT ONE SHOT THIS RARE MONSTER AND ITS REGENERATING HP FASTER THAN I DAMAGE IT HELP ME BALD moron MAN I CAN ONE SHOT UBER Black person BUT THIS ARCHNEMESIS KILLED ME SEND HELP CHRISTARDO

  26. 12 months ago

    >seething buyer's remorse from D4 keks

  27. 12 months ago

    D4 is already dead

  28. 12 months ago

    I just paid $100 for diablo, how do I get my money back

  29. 12 months ago

    How much do you want to bet melee will still be shit

  30. 12 months ago

    you called it

  31. 12 months ago

    PoE2 won't fix anything
    It's just a fancy coat of paint for people willing to keep putting up with 3G's bullshit
    Loot will remain shit
    Trade will remain shit
    Melee will get some neat new skills, but core issues will again remain unaddressed
    Bullshit one shot nonsense will still be there, they don't even try to balance content and they most certainly won't start now
    3G will still cry that the most interesting thing they ever did, trigger skills, is more fun than "hand casting" (actually LMAOing at them insisting on calling it that) yet won't do shit to make that fun too, just nerf triggers more

    And you WILL still spam 1 damage skill and maybe, swap to another for bossing, until your DPS is so high you don't need to. More sockets change nothing.
    It's not like leap slam or whatever is suddenly actually going to do damage with some more supports.

    Nobody gives a shit about more ascendancies. Might as well make existing ones better, or fricking improve the tree for once.

    Game was good but that was a long time ago, seemingly by pure dumb luck too. They are chasing perfection with PoE2, refusing to resolve issues NOW, instead hoping to do it all in this one update. No one has ever pulled that off. 3G won't either.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Most of this is debatable, but
      >Trade will remain shit
      is unfortunately reality.

  32. 12 months ago

    How would YOU fix melee then?

  33. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 will cost me $70 to try, plus more if I chose to buy the pass.
    POE 2 will cost me $0 to try, but will cost me maybe $20-30 for some stash tabs if they continue that admittedly shitty but generally acceptable (during sales) system.
    To be honest I would take my luck with any ARPG that asks a starting price of ~$40, but not 70. Even less so if it also has a cash shop an FOMOpass bullshit.

    • 12 months ago

      >MUH COSTS
      So according to your subhuman moron logic, free to play mobile games are better games than any real games, because they cost no money? Is that actually what you're trying to say, or just think you're making a clever argument but are too moronic to pull it off?
      Why spend 5$ on Diablo 1 when you can get Raid Shadow Legends for free, am I right?

    • 12 months ago

      Nah man. PoE can have the greatest systems in place but the rest of the game suffers from the freemium model. It juts looks, plays, and feels like absolute shit. Look at the teaser, a fricking caster walking into a house. Now go back and look at that first gameplay teaser trailer for D4.

      You need the Blizz bucks to make something special. You will never get that kino feeling form transitioning between the Fractured Peaks and the Dry Steppes in a freebie autism game franchise.

  34. 12 months ago

    D4 is really fun I like being able to login for like an hour or two and run into a group event kill a bunch of things or find a random side quest or large dungeon, then log off and continue living my life
    Instead of sitting hunched over my PC like an autist for 17 hours a day with a spreadsheet trying to shave 0.005 seconds off a clear time for a drop in a free game coz I can't afford their shit since I have no time to work coz I'm playing some gay gender locked game

    • 12 months ago

      Despite your claim, you sound very insecure about that.
      Lack of confidence in your own conviction perhaps?

      • 12 months ago

        Negative homie you can't hear my tone I'm typing

  35. 12 months ago

    looks good only because they chose the PS5 as the lead platform, can’t even begin to imagine playing this on an outdated pc

  36. 12 months ago

    Oh...oh no the poors are gathering their strength and in greater numbers this time!

  37. 12 months ago

    D4 servers literally went offline when POE 2 announced its over bros Poe won

  38. 12 months ago

    i'll switch to it if it has controller support

  39. 12 months ago

    hope you guys are ready to buy a new graphics card to play anything above 15 fps with an endgame build

  40. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      is this a fricking joke

      kek just buy priority queue

    • 12 months ago

      is this a fricking joke

      what's wrong moronic goysumer, no priority queue subscription? you're not poor are you...?

  41. 12 months ago

    is this a fricking joke

    • 12 months ago

      >spend money
      >can't use product

  42. 12 months ago

    >years of development
    >PoE 2's graphics still aren't even close to Diablo
    >they're STILL not drawing every texture in 4K

    Sorry, sticking with Diablo.

    • 12 months ago

      Textures huh, yeah, shame about everything else.

      • 12 months ago

        >720 ultra-low settings

        Do people really game like this?

        • 12 months ago

          the downloaded empty environments from megascans are ok, but you can't hide those mobile texture spell effects

        • 12 months ago

          Funny a D4brainlet can't even understand how videos work.
          Maybe if the video had a green up arrow.

    • 12 months ago

      >hack and slash
      It's all about numbers, Anon. I don't care if it looks shit. I turn the Illusional Light and Gandalf effects to a minimum anyway, just so I can see my character.

      • 12 months ago

        >I don't care if it looks shit. I turn the Illusional Light and Gandalf effects to a minimum anyway, just so I can see my character.
        >just so I can see my character
        >meanwhile in actual PoE

        • 12 months ago

          who the frick opens during a blight

        • 12 months ago

          The only people playing PoE are playing SSF. Group gays and trade gays are just worse versions of D4 gays.

        • 12 months ago

          > arpg is plain and simple.jpg

        • 12 months ago

          That's not the norm tho
          That's the maximum amount of buff with the maximum amount of players casting the ultra maximum amount of spells to do the maximum amount of damage and get the maximum amount of loot on the maximum amount of...
          What you are looking at is litearally people tinkering to get the max of everything just for shit and giggles and views
          You can do that content with 5% of all that

        • 12 months ago

          where is cum meter?

        • 12 months ago

          >fondle my scrototem
          laughed out loud.

    • 12 months ago

      >sorry I'm sticking to goyslop!

    • 12 months ago

      >muh graphics

      Sorry, but you need to be at least 18 years old to post here. Nice homosexual character creator you have there lol

  43. 12 months ago

    why is there a queue for a single player game?

  44. 12 months ago

    >giving a shit about blizz shit in current year
    >giving a flying frick about kiwiBlack person shit after literally making their flagship worse year on year, patch on patch
    >thinking both current iterations aren't going to kill themselves within 6 months of their represent releases
    This is the last gasp for this brand of ARPGs. These two sacks of shit will kill it off for good.

  45. 12 months ago

    you're legitimately delusional if you think 90% of the casual ARPG playerbase is going to drop diablo for the "lol its more complicated so its better" alternative

    • 12 months ago

      They will do whatever streamers tell them to do.

    • 12 months ago

      See you in 2 months where you proclaim diablo 4 was "never good"

  46. 12 months ago

    The only good diablo was 2 and even than 2 has shit too it that just annoy me like act 2/3 running around looking for entrances isn’t fun. Call me a zoomer if you want but the appeal of these games is a lot of monsters to kill+loot and looking for the monsters isn’t enjoyable.
    Arcane sanctuary is just bad, maggot lair always gets shit but least it isn’t as dull as arcane sanctuary.
    Drinking potions directly from inv and refilling belt is just awkward. Poe potion system is just more elegant.
    I don’t like immunties. There fine in theroy but with every monster having an immune and too few ways to deal with it+no real reason to ever farm outside of dedicated spots that dont feature your immune. You might as well just farm in one area forever and that gets dull fast. Making a new character after 3rd playthough is far more fun instead of endgame
    I do still like it and poe but i am the guy that brings up borderlands 1/2in these threads because it is my favorite loot game but it is what it is. No other diablo remotely comes close to 2 and its sad people pretend the series is the greatest loot game of all time when i think i even actually prefer both grim dawn and titan quest to diablo 2 lol

    • 12 months ago

      >No other diablo remotely comes close to 2
      Grim Dawn

  47. 12 months ago

    What the hell is this??? I payed 200 for this?

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >games now $70
      >non-trivial amount of people paid $100 for this just to play a week early and get horse armor
      love the game but what the frick blizz

      • 12 months ago

        i just shutted down the game not even bothering playing it today this is horrible who is inside the servers some type of new breed of sloth species

      • 12 months ago

        It's fricking $90 in my country

        • 12 months ago

          yeah but you get paid more dumbass
          why can't kiwis understand forex rates

          • 12 months ago

            >yeah but you get paid more dumbass
            I'm slav

  48. 12 months ago

    Nah, not returning to this POS game that Chris drove to the ground (closed beta player from 2012 when spiders were named placeholders).
    Frick him he never tacked the game`s issues like melee being dogshit and defenses being about stacking HP.
    Could also care less about diablo 4 after they butchered game 3 with that gay ass storyline and no skill tree

    • 12 months ago

      >defenses being about stacking HP
      Meanwhile in reality, "tanky" builds these days have 2-3k life or energy shield and stack a bunch of other forms of mitigation
      Also why would melee ever be advantageous in any game or even in reality? Why would running up to every monster individually be better than just shooting projectiles from afar? Even with that said though there are melee builds that are pretty dominant like boneshatter.

  49. 12 months ago

    > the mob density in the teaser
    >every mobs attack is meaningless as the PC just keeps running in a straight line and doesnt even get hit.

  50. 12 months ago

    PoE schizos just can't stop thinking about Diablo 4.

    Quite literally mindbroken.

  51. 12 months ago


    remember anons, the poe doomsissy is an obese kraut who shills fallout 76 and new world

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds better then being a mazed homosexual mtf discord groomer. Keep your shilling to vg

  52. 12 months ago

    OP and the rest of the shills can go die in a fire.

    • 12 months ago

      my god that font looks like shit

    • 12 months ago

      >4 strength, 4 stam leather belt
      >aughh uhhh

  53. 12 months ago


    Well you're itoddler but still you can go to IRC and complain about janny. Not even joking. You can fire power tripping /vg/ jannies.

  54. 12 months ago

    >Diablo 3 obliterated PoE so hard that 10 years later they're still coping and seething
    >Diablo 4 will do the exact same to PoE 2
    like pottery

  55. 12 months ago

    I will play PoE2 if they tone down the autism. An ARPG benefits greatly from being deep, but PoE crossed the line into "it's so deep that it loops back and becomes annoying as frick" territory 100 times over.

    • 12 months ago

      PoE is probably the least deep ARPG ever made in it's current state, it's basically a mobile autoplay game in disguise. The game is so dumbed down and simplified that you can get to yellow maps without even learning how to make anything resembling a build or coming close to anything resembling a challenge.
      Compare that with Diablo 1, a game that's so simple and primitive that you can't even really make builds in it, yet you need to pay attention to every monster on the screen, even trash white ones, your position and slow movement speed, use pulling and kiting (especially if you want to play melee), use limited spell scrolls you have, use rooms, doors, corridors, etc. if you want to beat it in hardcore mode - so even a 25 year old extremely primitive game has more actual depth when it comes to raw gameplay - you know actually interacting and fighting with monsters, than PoE does.

  56. 12 months ago

    tried to play poe multiple times, just too boring and repetitive

  57. 12 months ago

    >news july 28th
    the 'news' will be that its coming out in late 2025 and begging you to buy the new $600 supporter pack

    • 12 months ago

      And it'll be early access

    • 12 months ago

      If they start shilling $60-$240 supporter packs again I'll just drop the fricking game right there without even playing it.

  58. 12 months ago

    >Welp, Diablo 4 is dead

    Why, what happened? Did the Diablo 4 dev team rape a school bus full of kindergarteners? Because there's literally nothing Grinding Gear Games could ever fricking do to kill any of their competition at this point.

  59. 12 months ago

    poe2 is a nothingburger

  60. 12 months ago

    >company literally designs their game into the ground
    >announces sequel
    Yeah, not getting on that ride again.

  61. 12 months ago

    They're gonna make Ruthless a default mode, don't they?

  62. 12 months ago

    told yall that d4 was gonna be forgotten immediately after SGF. servers are dead, people cant log in, already got POE 2 coming out, nobody gives a FRICK, nobody gonna be leveling up and doing this shit all over again come season 1 start date

    • 12 months ago

      >servers are dead

    • 12 months ago

      crucible league is dead

      • 12 months ago

        PoE leagues have a week of players then it dies fast as the top 5% of players get their builds and content done and the other 95% get bored of the shitty league mechanics that haven't been good since Scourge

  63. 12 months ago

    >going to play both PoE2 and D4
    >will switch between either depending on which season looks more fun
    I can't stop winning bros

    • 12 months ago

      >depending on which season looks more fun
      Judging how Blizzard is updating their other games like Overwatch 2, WoW and Reforged, you're not going to return to D4 all that often.

      • 12 months ago

        Considering how D3 got updated without making money for multiple years and had fun seasons: D4 is going to offer a lot more fun than people think.

        • 12 months ago

          >Considering how D3 got updated without making money for multiple years
          With generally shitty updates, biggest one being Necromancer as new class and thats it.

  64. 12 months ago

    >see claims that path of exile has 20 million active players
    >steam only shows 200k at peak
    >Steam represents 70% of PC market
    I know there's a stand-alone client but am I really supposed to believe that the other 19.8 million players are using the stand-alone version, along with Xbox and Playstation?
    Is this another situation where most of the players are bots or in China?

    • 12 months ago

      Every fricking dicksucker for any game ever claims there's "a millions billions peoples" on the standalone version of [game] and I never see it. Same for MMOs that refuse to gut their shitty launchers for the Steam version

    • 12 months ago

      >20 million
      You might remember it wrong and added too many zeroes, the last milestone they reached was 200k.

      • 12 months ago


        But why can I find sites that day this

        • 12 months ago

          I like PoE but those numbers are hard to believe. You get around 130k-200k on Steam charts on League start, if you're gracious Standalone Launcher has the same amount, thats half a million during peak hours. Really hard to believe there would be so many consolegays playing PoE, especially when console players get new League starts with a week of delay.

          Maybe its like Darkest Dungeon and theres just crazy amount of koreans playing the game that we don't know of?

          • 12 months ago

            >if you're gracious Standalone Launcher has the same amount
            Lol what, nobody uses standalone launcher any more since they fixed Steam patching issues years ago, thinking that 100k+ extra people are on there is pure delusion, launcher is maybe 5-10% extra on top of Steam numbers.

            • 12 months ago

              why in the ever living frick would i ever use an extra launcher for a game that doesnt require it

              • 12 months ago

                PoE always required a launcher you dumb homosexual, I played the first closed beta in 2011 and even that came with shitty GGGs launcher. That launcher has been irrelevant and nobody uses it any more, since the only function it serves is patching the game, something which Steam does infinitely better now, since Valve has actual server infrastructure that lets you download patches at max speed, while GGGs launcher doesn't even come close.

    • 12 months ago

      >20 million active players
      >200k concurrent players
      what exactly do you think these numbers gauge

  65. 12 months ago

    >play both cause I’m not a poorgay
    wow that was hard

    you start to piece this conclusion together when Ganker praises games like genshin, blue archive and poe.

    All free2play can er for poorgays who cant afford to fully experience their only hobby. Apple creating consumer grade smart phones introducing the magnificence of the internet to poorgay subhumans was a disaster for human culture.

  66. 12 months ago


    >pre rendered deaths
    >choppy animations
    >fireworks display braindead battle system
    >5 million end tier weapon drops per run that are complete shit
    > slot machine crafting system

    yeah... think i will pass on both that shit game and diablo 4.

    • 12 months ago

      Name your favorite game.

      • 12 months ago

        i'm a big fortnite gamer right now.. it cannot be touched with how much it gets updates

      • 12 months ago

        v rising
        oxygen not included

      • 12 months ago

        Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

      • 12 months ago

        Dawn of War
        Dawn of War 2
        Civilization 5

    • 12 months ago

      so besides blogposting like a woman what reason did you enter this thread?
      its really not good for you to shit your pants in anger whenever you see an opportunity.

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. The absolute state.

      i'm a big fortnite gamer right now.. it cannot be touched with how much it gets updates

      I hate how they made Optimus Prime a midget and he looks shitty

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah both games can go frick themselves. I'll stick with D2 where slightly different numbers is as far as the rng autism goes.

  67. 12 months ago

    Holy shit all I hear about are Blizzard shills but every single post in this thread is shitting on Diablo and Blizzard lmfao you PoE chinks need a break

  68. 12 months ago

    I sure love spreadsheets

    • 12 months ago

      Kneel and admit you are a pleb.

  69. 12 months ago

    if you seriously play asiaticclick number go up games you need to have a nice day STAT

  70. 12 months ago

    Frick I am so hyped for this. I used to be a huge Blizzgay and then I discovered PoE shortly after realizing how dog shit Diablo 3 was. 11k hours and it's my fave ARPG ever. Nothing compares in terms of itemization and build diversity. PoE 2 gonna frickin rule I already know it. Trust in based daddy Chris

  71. 12 months ago

    Remember, 94% of GGG is owned by TENCENT

    • 12 months ago

      Remember bobby kneel

  72. 12 months ago

    Are they going to make it buy to play and do away with all those ridiculously priced "micro" transactions? No? Then I don't give a frick and won't support it. It's a shame too, I've played POE and it's fun and feels satisfying to play, but I refuse to support anything with this kind of homosexual monetization.

  73. 12 months ago

    I've FC'd all zones so what do I do now? The same boring nightmare dungeon mechanics that D3 did? As of now you can't even go back to Hell which was the most interesting and atmospheric part of the game. So we are just sitting here doing useless events in a mundane overworld I don't give a shit about geographically? Why can't boss reply runs as a community or some shit. Are they kidding or am I just fricking moron or both

    • 12 months ago

      you will pay 70$ for blizz slop and enjoy it.

      • 12 months ago

        Jokes on you moron I bought the ultimate edition

  74. 12 months ago

    You can tell a lot about an ARPG fan based on their opinion of path of exile. I've come to the point where I just ignore anything that comes out of someone's mouth if they dislike path of exile while preferring any other ARPG. Sadly though, the fact that anyone at ALL bought diablo 4 after diablo 3 tells me it'll never be dead, blizzard can always put out garbage slop and people will always buy it. Can't wait for PoE 2.

    • 12 months ago

      reads like copypasta but I think you need to cook it a little longer

      • 12 months ago

        Nope, just my opinion. Every time you ask someone about PoE you get the same recycled copes from the usual crowds. The exact same people that will do 2,000 kurast runs for a single high rune drop will tell you that running several hundred visually and strategically distinct maps for drops is "repetitive". They'll say that all the loot in PoE is trash and crafting is bad, proving they've never actually done any, meanwhile the same is true for any diablo game - only difference being the sheer volume of builds you can make around "trash" uniques in PoE and good gear you can craft is much, much higher. It does absolutely everything an ARPG fan would want from build diversity to map diversity, HUGE endgame with all kinds of viable things to do - want to just run endlessly down a dungeonlike corridor? Farm up sulphite and delve. Want to run challenging bosses or just string bosses together? Plenty of maps. Want a more casual farming run today because work was stressful? Pull a few of the easier maps out of your pool and maybe put fewer mods on it. Want a challenge? Grab a t16 and vaal that b***h into oblivion.

        I could go on, but there's no reason for anyone to shun PoE beyond meme reasons that scream "I didn't really give it a chance I just want to play what I'm comfortable with" which, for the record, is completely fine. But I won't listen to their broader opinions about game design if they're going to admit that what they really want is to do baal runs for 600 years.

        • 12 months ago

          Is this a meme copypasta? I almost thought this Black person is serious until
          >volume of builds you can make around "trash" uniques
          >visually and strategically distinct maps

          Now I know it's a joke post, just not sure if original or pasta from poe generals?

          • 12 months ago

            What ARPG has better build diversity than path of exile?

            • 12 months ago

              Titan Quest
              You can mix different classes together

            • 12 months ago

              Literally any of them. Diablo 1 has no builds, yet it has better build diversity, because there is actual difference in how you approach and fight monsters. Gor example playing melee is drastically different and requires much different positioning compared to playing with a bow, kiting monsters into hallways, fighting in doorways, using level layouts to your advantage otherwise you get destroyed even by regular monsters deeper down.
              Meanwhile "diversity" in PoE is actual 2 builds, yes 2 builds - first build is something that one shots enemies in a big circle around you, second build is something that one shots enemies in a big cone/area in front of you. That's it, there's your build diversity, now you just need to pick which color you want those effects to be, red, green, blue, in shape of cats, etc.

            • 12 months ago

              It's not a more diverse selection, but I really like how skills evolve with passives in Last Epoch.
              The chain lightning spell gets a passive that makes it so it only chains to the initial target and does a frickload more damage at the cost of halving your total chains. Also necromancer skull shotugn

    • 12 months ago

      >I've come to the point where I just ignore anything that comes out of someone's mouth if they dislike path of exile while preferring any other ARPG
      Chris go to work man, it's not the weekend yet and July 28th is approaching fast and all you had to show for last 2 years of PoE 2 development is 15 seconds of PoE 1 gameplay. You think Tencent is happy with this?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah pretty much. I used to be a huge Blizzgay, then I bought and played Diablo 3, realized how fricking boring the loot and builds are, discovered PoE and never looked back. Dropped Blizzard forever after the RMAH. Why would someone want to PAY to play an inferior game when PoE offers way more interesting loot, builds, end game, crafting and it's free. It just bottles my mind that millions of pigs will pay $70+tip for the shallow piece of dog shit that is D4. Some people just like a dumbed down game, I guess.

      • 12 months ago

        >when PoE offers way more interesting loot
        Holy bald moron cope, I have never seen a single loot based game that has such insane quantity of useless worthless trash with useless worthless stats dropping like PoE. The fact that someone can claim a game that absolutely requires an item filter that removes 99.99% of item drops as an example of a game with good loot can't be anything other than a mentally ill freak, since even the paid shills that are paid to play and promote PoE agree that loot system in the game is absolute garbage.

    • 12 months ago

      >I've come to the point where I just ignore anything that comes out of someone's mouth if they dislike path of exile while preferring any other ARPG
      Other arpgs are objectively better though. The genre peaked with d1, d2 and titan quest. Literally nothing compares to them, and every modern arpg that tries completely fails to live up to them because they always think they know better or want to monetize it harder and both of these things make a worse game.

      • 12 months ago

        I disagree, I don't see how path of exile didn't improve on everything those games did well.

        • 12 months ago

          Not only it didn't improve, it turned the game from something where you fight and engage monsters to something where you press a button and 3 screens worth of enemies die.
          It's an actual regression of the genre, from an actual action RPG to a glorified idle mobile autoplay game.
          You know how Titan Quest and D2 had mods, some of them specifically made as a joke, adding things like 50x enemy density and 50x AoE and damage on your skills, with +300% movement speed. Well that's PoE for the last 6 or so years, except it's not a joke, it's an actual game they expect you to take seriously.

          • 12 months ago

            >Press a button and 3 screens die
            Right, after you've completed 10 full acts, grinded your way through hundreds of maps, reached the endgame and likely followed a guide. You can just as easily play slower builds or take the game at your own pace, or do content where you're fighting bosses or anything like that to get the same experience. Granted in diablo 2 you're not clearing entire screens typically, but let's not pretend it was a super slow strategic game either - I could generalize it in the same way and be even more accurate. Most of D2 'gameplay' revolves around making a sorc, doing MF runs for a few specific drops and doing 3000 kurast runs for high runes to get a handful of best in slot runewords... the build diversity is bunk and the gameplay consists of mindlessly running the same 4 maps over and over while your eyes glaze over, no variation, no change, nothing new. I cannot see how PoE doesn't improve this.

            And then you look at your standard blizzdrone here

            Because you're blind maybe? What have they improved upon at all? Atmosphere doesn't exist, story is horseshit nobody cares about, loot is objectively exponentially worse and harder to find anything useful, worse by magnitudes in every single way for party play and co-op, adding 200 extra skills doesn't mean shit when almost all of them are as bad (or much worse)as trying to play a pure frostbolt only build in d2. They thought they knew better and could "improve" potion spamming, but the flask system they created is ultimately worse and has even more glaring problems than potions had to begin with. They haven't even improved the fricking graphics, not a single model or item in poe looks better than the characters and their armour tiers in d1 let alone d2. A billion more polygons and it still looks worse.
            What has poe actually improved? Trading I guess by having a trade website that exists at all. That's basically it

            Build diversity is a fricking meme, it doesn't exist. Do you know why other arpgs don't have the same 'diversity'? Because their game balance is not shit. Gear is not 99.9999% of your power in those games, in poe it is so you can pretend your build actually works after you dump 50, 100 or more div into it when in reality that build is dogshit and doesn't even function before that point. In every other arpg the builds function well enough by default, due to a bunch of the power coming from your characters levels and spec.

            whos entire post is just "SHIT SHIT FRICK SHIT FRICK ITS SHIT FRICK SHIT FRICK" because actually articulating the problem is impossible. According to him, your build doesn't count if it costs currency. The story, atmosphere, loot, it's all shit because... it just is okay??? EVERY build in path of exile is shit compared to using frostbolt in diablo 2, and this is in NO way nostalgia!!!!!!

            It's okay to prefer d2, I loved d2 and still do - but anyone arguing it's superior in 2023 is making a nonsensical case.

            • 12 months ago

              >And then you look at your standard blizzdrone here
              I think blizzard are a dogshit company that haven't put out a good product in over a decade, and d3 was dogshit including the expansion. Your muh blizzdrone argument doesn't work in this instance sorry, I think poe is shit because I have played it for thousands of hours and I have also played d1/d2/tq for probably thousands of hours and can directly compare.
              >Right, after you've completed 10 full acts, grinded your way through hundreds of maps, reached the endgame and likely followed a guide.
              Clown shit, you're killing 3 mobs at a time when you leave town. By the time you reach brutus you're one shotting entire packs

              • 12 months ago

                >I think poe is shit because I have played it for thousands of hours
                No comment.
                >By the time you reach brutus you're one shotting entire packs
                Not your first several times through, you're judging your encounters after having thousands of hours of experience. That much playtime will let you trivialize anything.

                Oh and this
                >According to him, your build doesn't count if it costs currency
                Yeah, it doesn't, sorry. If your build isn't a day 1 starter viable, it's not a real build and counts for 0 diversity. In d2 every single skill works day 1, level 1, 18, 30 whatever of a new season, with zero gear. In d1 your character works from the start, you never need to play for 20 hours first then make a new one and THEN it works when you transfer everything over lmfao.

                >In d2 every single skill works day 1
                Now I really know you're talking out of your ass. Why do you have to make shit up to make your point?

                >You can just as easily play slower builds or take the game at your own pace, or do content where you're fighting bosses or anything like that to get the same experience.
                No you can't lol
                You never get to do high end content if you do that

                >You wont be able to do high end content if you take the game at your own pace
                I don't get the argument. But for the sake of roleplay, what you're really saying is you can do all 10 acts, the vast majority of league content (delves, heists, breaches, etc), hundreds of maps, countless bosses, every difficulty of the labyrinth... but if you can't kill elder in .5 picoseconds none of it counts, you have to uninstall and go back to diablo 2? Come on.

              • 12 months ago

                >but if you can't kill elder in .5 picoseconds none of it counts, you have to uninstall and go back to diablo 2? Come on.
                Sad strawman
                Even red maps are out of reach for most shitbuilds and shitskills and you know it
                Unless you've already made a MF character to funnel near-mirror gear from, which then just goes back to your complaint about the meta being to grind kurast runs

            • 12 months ago

              Oh and this
              >According to him, your build doesn't count if it costs currency
              Yeah, it doesn't, sorry. If your build isn't a day 1 starter viable, it's not a real build and counts for 0 diversity. In d2 every single skill works day 1, level 1, 18, 30 whatever of a new season, with zero gear. In d1 your character works from the start, you never need to play for 20 hours first then make a new one and THEN it works when you transfer everything over lmfao.

              • 12 months ago

                thats not true in the slightest. Starting as any melee build, let alone something like werewolf druid in d2, is terrible without twinking

            • 12 months ago

              >You can just as easily play slower builds or take the game at your own pace, or do content where you're fighting bosses or anything like that to get the same experience.
              No you can't lol
              You never get to do high end content if you do that

            • 12 months ago

              >Right, after you've completed 10 full acts, grinded your way through hundreds of maps
              Black person, you're delusional. My 4 linked spectral helix I played a few leagues ago (when it was meta, don't know if still is) dealt more damage and killed everything faster in act 5 using vendor recipe crafted 2h axe and no other OP levelling gear than my actual end game 6 linked cyclone Disfavor build did way back in the day it was a BiS item for a top tier build and there were no ascendancies in the game yet.
              The only time I got to see how Kitava or Act 6 crab or any other boss looks is when they go into their immortal phase, because I otherwise insta-phase their HP bar in a second.
              I don't need to grind to make an OP build, the game is laughably easy, power creeped to hell, and 99% of content in it is easier than actual normal difficulty in Diablo 2 or Titan Quest, and then the other 1% are new endgame shitty bosses with random gimmicky phases that belong in games like Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon, not an ARPG.

              • 12 months ago

                >My meta build did well when mindfully used with an ingame vendor recipe
                One second I'm being told you can't craft anything because it's all shit and the loot is bad and you need to grind and etc etc, then the next I'm being told you can use a vendor recipe to produce gear and mindfully build around a meta skill that performs well - which is it? All you people with thousands of hours are forgetting what it's like to play the game for the first time, too. Yeah you used a meta skill, probably had a great passive tree, likely followed a guide... great? You can just as easily trivialize all of the d2 content with a smiter or a sorc.

                >but if you can't kill elder in .5 picoseconds none of it counts, you have to uninstall and go back to diablo 2? Come on.
                Sad strawman
                Even red maps are out of reach for most shitbuilds and shitskills and you know it
                Unless you've already made a MF character to funnel near-mirror gear from, which then just goes back to your complaint about the meta being to grind kurast runs

                >If you can't do every red map you need to uninstall and redownload diablo 2
                Not every build can do ubers either, many require a lot of investment to get that far - does that mean diablo 2 is a shit game now? "a-actually smiters can do it on a budget!" - people will say this while unironically arguing that diablo 2 is more difficult. The other guy I'm replying to is saying poe is laughably easy, you're saying you can't even play without near-mirror gear from mf runs. Which, even if I grant you that, is still better than running kurast for high runes till your eyes glaze over so you can run the same dungeons you already did a little faster and maybe fight a palette swap of a boss in tristram.

              • 12 months ago

                >vendor recipe

                >Not every build can do ubers either, many require a lot of investment
                This is a strike against diablo as well as far as I'm concerned, shit balance is always shit balance
                And no I'm not the other guy before you try that one
                >you're saying you can't even play without near-mirror gear from mf runs
                Again you're deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying. Anyone can pick the latest skill chris has decided will be good and copy a build to go to ubers while garbage skills languish, this has ALWAYS been a problem with the game and people pretend it doesn't exist or worse that it's a good thing for some reason

                literally every skill is viable. especially after ascendancies.

                Viable for campaign sure lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >Anyone can pick the latest skill chris has decided will be good and copy a build to go to ubers
                I appreciate that you count a strike against diablo for the uber situation, you're more honest than most of the people I wind up arguing with about this. This is an exaggeration though, you know as well as I do that something like 99% of players have never even killed the elder. It's true that certain skills will wind up being meta and these skills wind up being laughably overpowered usually their entire league or even multiple leagues, but that doesn't invalidate all the viable builds that remain viable regardless. I don't like the meta buff cycle either there's always some nonsense clearly being favored, but most games (including other ARPG's) have that exact same problem.

              • 12 months ago

                >You can just as easily trivialize all of the d2 content with a smiter or a sorc.
                Go ahead, make a fresh Blizzard sorc, go to an area with lots of cold immunes, and lets see how trivialized the game is.

              • 12 months ago

                Right because that's how you play d2 right? You spec into blizzard and then go farm cold immune areas? Could just as easily tell you to step into a dual reflect map in PoE. Nonsense argument.

              • 12 months ago

                >Right because that's how you play d2 right? You spec into blizzard and then go farm cold immune areas?
                No, because the game won't let you. Good job proving my point moron.

                >Could just as easily tell you to step into a dual reflect map in PoE.
                Did you actually play PoE in the last 7 or so years or are we pretending it's 2014 where reflect is relevant? Also are we gonna compare actual game progression content (if you didn't know, monster immunities are EVERYWHERE in hell, from act 1), to something that's an optional and avoidable mod on a map?

                But good job exactly proving my point about how PoE is a straight up regression, not an improvement from games like Diablo 2. Diablo 2 limits your power, and forces you to pay attention to monsters and their resistances, read rare monster attributes, etc.
                PoE is so dumbed down and regressed that you don't even get to read monster mods because they explode before they appear on your screen.
                So yes, even you provided a good example of how PoE is a step back in ARPG design and a worse game than majority of other ARPGs, thank you.

              • 12 months ago

                >PoE is dumbed down because it doesn't have immunities
                Even though everyone acknowledges immunities as a bad thing and current d2 has charms specifically designed to break immunities? Your argument is that diablo 2 isn't trivialized as an experience because there's a few areas you can't farm in... when that's also true for builds in PoE? I know you think that was a mic drop moment or something but it really wasn't.

                I think it's very hard to find specific items on your own in PoE system compared to diablo 2 non rune farm.

                I'll grant you that. If you want a build with a specific unique and you're not trading it'll be very very difficult to find it. But, the same could be said for any ARPG.

                >and the way you talk tells me you've played a lot of PoE.
                That doesn't make it good anon, especially when your playtime is over a fricking near 10 year period. Yes, shockingly, people who engaged a lot in a thing know its flaws far better than those who didn't engage in it at all.
                >just admit you got tired of it
                But they DIDN'T, which is why they keep coming back for 4 days each launch, hoping it reverted to being good. They're tired of gggs dogshit design decisions, repeated identical failures time after time and the game they enjoyed being made worse every time they open it. We're still in a situation where a private ultimatum server would get more players than whatever the frick ggg put out over a 3 month period lol

                I didn't say your hours make it good, I'm saying it's ridiculous to enjoy a game for thousands of hours then turn around and say it's unplayable dogshit.

              • 12 months ago

                >I didn't say your hours make it good, I'm saying it's ridiculous to enjoy a game for thousands of hours then turn around and say it's unplayable dogshit.
                Except it isn't, because the game has changed it is not static. At one point it wasn't dogshit, at this current point in time it is possibly the most dogshit it has ever been outside of its initial launch state, but even that was better balanced.

              • 12 months ago

                >Even though everyone acknowledges immunities as a bad thing
                Who is this everyone? You and your band of mongoloids too stupid to play a proper ARPG not riddled with mobile game tier cancer and AIDS? Literally everyone I know and played Diablo with since 2000 agrees that having immunities is a simple but brilliant game design choice, and presents a player with a sort of a puzzle with multiple ways to solve it (avoid monsters, group up with people who can bypass them, gear your merc so he can kill them, use lower resist wands in swap slots to curse then, etc ).
                Meanwhile the degree of problem solving in PoE (a highly complex game for hardcore gamers) - do I want my screen wide one shot skill effect to be blue or red? Should I watch Game of Thrones or The Office on my second monitor while I'm "playing" this highly challenging and interactive game?

              • 12 months ago

                >which is it?
                Clown shit. The campaign doesn't matter, your gear is literally irrelevant beyond resists and move speed for the entirety of it. The game doesn't start till maps, and frankly the game doesn't start until t14s because half of the fricking systems require you to be there to even engage. Guess where gear matters and is needed? :^)

              • 12 months ago

                >The game doesn't start till t14s!!!
                That's like saying the game doesn't start till ubers. Still not seeing how any of this proves path of exile is trash, and the way you talk tells me you've played a lot of PoE.

                Be honest with me guys - how much of the PoE hate is coming from people with thousands of hours? Why not just admit you played it a bunch and got tired of it instead of engaging in the most ridiculous mental gymnastics to convince everyone the game is actually fundamentally shit and you were only playing it ironically?

                literally nothing, because he doesn't know what he's talking about

                Sorry what does that have to do with one skill being complete rancid garbage while the other one is good

                Not that anon, but I'll spell it out for you since you have autism. Saying that a skill is unviable because it isn't peak meta efficiency is low IQ because you could say that about anything. Why browse Ganker when you could be investing and becoming a millionaire? Because you enjoy what you're doing right now and not everything has to be peak efficiency to be worth your time. In the same way, GH doesn't have to clear as well as SRS to be a viable skill that is enjoyable to use and clears content, it's a nonsensical argument. By that argument you could invalidate every single build in every game ever made minus the most meta build on offer, and people would still play what they enjoy because that's what video games are for.

                The endless poe seething from diablo Black folk is unreal.

              • 12 months ago

                >and the way you talk tells me you've played a lot of PoE.
                That doesn't make it good anon, especially when your playtime is over a fricking near 10 year period. Yes, shockingly, people who engaged a lot in a thing know its flaws far better than those who didn't engage in it at all.
                >just admit you got tired of it
                But they DIDN'T, which is why they keep coming back for 4 days each launch, hoping it reverted to being good. They're tired of gggs dogshit design decisions, repeated identical failures time after time and the game they enjoyed being made worse every time they open it. We're still in a situation where a private ultimatum server would get more players than whatever the frick ggg put out over a 3 month period lol

            • 12 months ago

              poe’s aesthetics are pure garbage, and its jerky laggy bullshit way that characters handle make it unbearable to play unless you’re a build or trade autist. the moment to moment gameplay is awful, while d2’s is flawless

        • 12 months ago

          Because you're blind maybe? What have they improved upon at all? Atmosphere doesn't exist, story is horseshit nobody cares about, loot is objectively exponentially worse and harder to find anything useful, worse by magnitudes in every single way for party play and co-op, adding 200 extra skills doesn't mean shit when almost all of them are as bad (or much worse)as trying to play a pure frostbolt only build in d2. They thought they knew better and could "improve" potion spamming, but the flask system they created is ultimately worse and has even more glaring problems than potions had to begin with. They haven't even improved the fricking graphics, not a single model or item in poe looks better than the characters and their armour tiers in d1 let alone d2. A billion more polygons and it still looks worse.
          What has poe actually improved? Trading I guess by having a trade website that exists at all. That's basically it

          What ARPG has better build diversity than path of exile?

          Build diversity is a fricking meme, it doesn't exist. Do you know why other arpgs don't have the same 'diversity'? Because their game balance is not shit. Gear is not 99.9999% of your power in those games, in poe it is so you can pretend your build actually works after you dump 50, 100 or more div into it when in reality that build is dogshit and doesn't even function before that point. In every other arpg the builds function well enough by default, due to a bunch of the power coming from your characters levels and spec.

    • 12 months ago

      what the FRICK am I looking at here

      • 12 months ago

        some autist made some fishpuppets for a tiktok or whatever video

  75. 12 months ago

    d4 scaling is a literal fun killer, why the frick did they add it into the game aside from world levels?

    • 12 months ago

      it was so normies could group together despite one person being lvl 50 and beaten the game and the other was lvl 10 and brand new.

      • 12 months ago

        i don't mind 1-50 scaling, but world tiers at 3 and above shouldn't fricking scale, literal dogshit design that still makes me feel gimped at 92

  76. 12 months ago

    Gem=abilities is a stupid system. Better then d4 i suppose 2ghjy

  77. 12 months ago

    But can I play offline?

  78. 12 months ago

    I saw the trailer and it looks like the exact same game

  79. 12 months ago

    >blizzdrone in damage control mode

  80. 12 months ago

    I unapologetically & unironically love spreadsheet games.

    • 12 months ago

      >I unapologetically & unironically love spreadsheet games.
      Try playing actually good spreadsheet games with actual depth, like Rule the Waves 3, instead of zoomer ADHD simulators and festering chinese dog turds like PoE. You might find you don't actually like real spreadsheet games when they lack all mobile and gacha game elements.

      • 12 months ago

        Not even an RPG you seething moron. I just want my real time tabletop simulators.

        • 12 months ago

          >Not even an RPG you seething moron.
          Sorry, I missed the part where "I love spreadsheet games" suddenly means RPGs, you moronic inbred homosexual Black person. I don't think spreadsheet games are suited for someone with an IQ of a chimp anyway, so I apologize for recommending anything.

          • 12 months ago

            Seething autistic brainlet.

            • 12 months ago

              >I'm too stupid for spreadsheet games cause I'm a moronic Black person
              At least you're honest, a rare trait among your kind

  81. 12 months ago

    >2 years for a 20 second trailer.
    I don't Diablo is the one in trouble.

  82. 12 months ago

    Let me tell ya, Blizzard forum jannies are NOT happy!

  83. 12 months ago

    Blizzies still have yet to describe D4's end game

    • 12 months ago

      they cant play with servers shitting itself lol.

    • 12 months ago

      people actually playing D4 can't get to the endgame because blizzdrones are fricking terrible at video games

      they cant play with servers shitting itself lol.

      reminder that on Playstation all you had to do was add a free game to your account to get early access D4 to work (why didn't it work in the first place? beats me lal) and instead snoys bought MTX to make it work instead

  84. 12 months ago

    I've never played PoE of Exile before. How bad is build viability? What percentage of builds is unviable?

    • 12 months ago

      literally every skill is viable. especially after ascendancies.

      • 12 months ago

        vritually everything is viable if you're a good/knowledgeable player that knows how to pilot the systems of the game. people who say builds aren't viable are people who do not know how to pilot the game.

        Thanks for the info. D4 is a truly terrible game, so I think I'm going to try PoE before 2 comes out.

    • 12 months ago

      vritually everything is viable if you're a good/knowledgeable player that knows how to pilot the systems of the game. people who say builds aren't viable are people who do not know how to pilot the game.

      • 12 months ago

        How do you pilot GH into being as good as SRS

        • 12 months ago

          by dumping divs into perfect rolls obviously

          • 12 months ago

            So then what do you do if the SRS guy also dumped divs into perfect rolls
            Now nothing's changed and it's still shitter by orders of magnitude than SRS

            • 12 months ago

              NTA either I was just adding on to your point, I agree with what you said.

              >2 builds are viable
              Meanwhile if they do perform identically you'll complain that builds feel samey and they all just kill packs of enemies the same way. nta btw.


            • 12 months ago

              >Smiter can't farm as well as a blizzard sorc
              >Therefor, diablo 2 is shit game

            • 12 months ago

              Why waste your time posting on a forum when you could be day trading on the stock market? Do you even understand how inane the basis of your question is?

              • 12 months ago

                Sorry what does that have to do with one skill being complete rancid garbage while the other one is good

              • 12 months ago

                literally nothing, because he doesn't know what he's talking about

        • 12 months ago

          >2 builds are viable
          Meanwhile if they do perform identically you'll complain that builds feel samey and they all just kill packs of enemies the same way. nta btw.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah that might become an issue
            I'd still prefer it over one skill killing 3 screens at a time and deleting bosses while one skill does neither*
            * =it's still """"viable"""" because you can dump 10x as many divs into it to make it almost as good as uninvested meta skills btw kek

        • 12 months ago

          glacial hammer? doesn't sound hard to make it clear t16s. the framing shouldn't be making X skill as good as Y skill because some skills are going to be fundamentally better than other skills in terms of numbers or mechanics. the framing should be what you have to do to make it clear some specific content. I do think anything can clear t16s though. ubers too, if you're willing to invest, or shortcut it by abusing meta mechanics. example: hit immune bloodnotch glacial hammer zerker or some shit

        • 12 months ago

          whats difficult about scaling gh? A guy tops the charts with it like every fricking league with 500m dps. On lower budget yeah youre going to have to invest more into defenses, but it gets the job done. People don't like namelock melee because of the positioning skilll needed - not because they dont do damage.

    • 12 months ago

      >What percentage of builds is unviable?
      unironically like 97%, unless you're willing to play another build first to generate mountains of currency, or are completely happy to play a dogshit underperforming build that dies at least hourly and is straight up unable to complete a bunch of bosses or simulacrums etc. if you're willing to do either of those things then you can play whatever you want (hint, no one is willing because it feels garbage to play)

      • 12 months ago

        97% is a gross exaggeration, but explain to me how it's a bad thing that you can make meme builds work with sufficient currency? If I wanted to make a build in diablo 2 where I max out bone wall/prison/shield and iron maiden to make enemies kill themselves, there's no way for me to optimize that - if I want to build a goofy suicide zombie build that spreads ignite on death using minion instability, I can take that build pretty fricking far with enough investment. You can basically do whatever you want and make it work for a surprising amount of the content. You may prefer the one ultra meta build and say everything else is dogshit garbage because it isn't measured in elders per minute, but that's pure autism on your part not an objective measurement of enjoyment or even viability.
        >Why would anyone use anything but the most meta build they see a streamer using???
        Because not everyone has autism, this is a complete non argument.

        • 12 months ago

          I think it's very hard to find specific items on your own in PoE system compared to diablo 2 non rune farm.

        • 12 months ago

          >>Why would anyone use anything but the most meta build they see a streamer using???
          Because the game is balanced around them you fricking idiot.
          >yeah sure you could do this thing, but btw we balanced around this other thing so if you do something vastly worse you're just gonna die 500 times okay :^)
          Gee I wonder why nobody fricking wants to play meme shit except streamers who get paid to sit there and make a living from it right?
          Also meme builds are decreasing in viability and quantity too. When was the last time jousis made a video doing some dumbfrick shit? Used to be basically every single league.

          • 12 months ago

            You can go to youtube and pull up videos of people doing all the content in all kinds of build. This is a jaded opinion from someone who has too many hours in a game they've grown tired of, not an argument.

            >I didn't say your hours make it good, I'm saying it's ridiculous to enjoy a game for thousands of hours then turn around and say it's unplayable dogshit.
            Except it isn't, because the game has changed it is not static. At one point it wasn't dogshit, at this current point in time it is possibly the most dogshit it has ever been outside of its initial launch state, but even that was better balanced.

            Dogshit isn't an argument. You got tired of the game. Things have changed, but the game has not magically become dogshit. There's no argument here. Path of exile's endgame has vastly more to offer than any other ARPG. The build diversity is better, the map variety is better, the palettes are better, the music is better, the grindpaths are better, the itemization is better. The only arguments I'm getting out of the poe hate crowd is childish tantrums and "REEE ITS SHIT ITS SHIT ITS SHIT EVERYTHINGS SHIT REEEEEEEEEEE" but not a single decent response to any honest rebuttals. In fact, I'm certain that will be the gist of the reply to this post. "HE SAID THE MAP VARIETY IS BETTER? LMAO REEEE SO WRONG SO WRONG" while unironically suggesting we all go back to diablo 2 and run idential kurast maps for the next several months of our lives.

            • 12 months ago

              >You can go to youtube and pull up videos of people doing all the content in all kinds of build
              Way to prove the point that only morons who make money from it and can thus afford to waste their time playing not just a little sub optimally, but wildly sub optimally, will do this. Everyone else will play a meta skill because they don't get paid, don't have infinite time and don't want to constantly die so they play something to match the games poor balance.
              >Path of exile's endgame has vastly more to offer than any other ARPG.
              Only if you're a clown and don't understand it, because the reality is half the things are worthless and a waste of time to engage in, again due to balance. There is functionally no difference between farming breach and farming legion, that is not two different forms of content in your map, it is the same form of content with a different skin. What happens when they try to add different content? They brick it. Blight being a complete failure as a prime example of a mechanic that doesn't function remotely as it was designed.
              >nooo but the maps
              Yeah, 70% of which are intentionally designed to be bad. Who's running cells? Fricking nobody, because it's garbage. Who's running gorge? Nobody anymore because it was too enjoyable so they deleted it from the game.
              People farm the same fricking maps every single league because a) only a small number of them have good layouts and b) only a small number of them drop particular div cards that make it worthwhile.
              Doing baal runs is just as much variety in map as running 500 strands you dumbass.

        • 12 months ago

          Glacial Hammer (as a single example) is not a memebuild, it's a fricking skill in the game
          It's not some obscure item/gem interaction like decay storm brand or poison abberath's hooves
          It's fine for skills to be a little worse or better but when a skill loses in every way (clear speed, base single target damage, range, safety of user, scaling options), there's no excuse
          You can't write this off by just exaggerating the opposition's viewpoints all the time. I ask again

          You're right, that does bring up another question
          Why does shit like Stormbind exist when Storm Burst had already been reworked to be Stormbind but good?
          >Because you enjoy what you're doing right now
          And WHO enjoys knowing their performance is complete shit because they simply made an inferior choice of what to play? Who enjoys dying more often and losing more exp, having to fill more holes in your build, having to cope with lower DPS by clearing screens slower and running more risk of dying to bosses, not having corpse explosions available, not having all ailment immunities, etc etc et fricking cetera?
          Who enjoys that shit? Why would anyone enjoy the shit you get from playing a shit build?

          , why would anyone want to play complete shit skills when it's just a losing proposition in every way? Is there SOVL in it or something?

          • 12 months ago

            >why would anyone want to play complete shit skills when it's just a losing proposition in every way? Is there SOVL in it or something?
            NTA but Sweep looks dumb when spammed and Cleave doesn't

  85. 12 months ago

    Looks fun. I'll play it day one. D4 is really good btw.

  86. 12 months ago

    >Grinding Gear Games
    >A former independent developer, the studio was acquired by Chinese tech company Tencent

    • 12 months ago

      What's worse, Tencent owning 94% of GGG directly or owning 100% of a chink company that owns 100% of Warframe?

    • 12 months ago

      What's worse, Tencent owning 94% of GGG directly or owning 100% of a chink company that owns 100% of Warframe?

      Kek. Are "people" seriously dumb enough to install Chinese spyware?

      • 12 months ago

        Half the waking world, considering Fortnite's popularity.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe the trick to making a better game than Blizzard is to sell your company to Tencent

      • 12 months ago

        >"This crappy game is better than this shitty game!"

        • 12 months ago

          PoE2 will win a Game of the Decade award

  87. 12 months ago

    is it just me or do the graphics look fricking amazing? i'm seeing no one talk about the graphics and aesthetics.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you played current poe anon? GGG can't code or optimize for fricking SHIT. We still have to disable their sound through config files to improve the game performance. It runs like shit even on the most expensive supercomputers known to man. If the game looks better, it's going to perform worse inversely and nobody wants that

  88. 12 months ago

    I tried to like PoE but could never get into it
    >game is balanced and centered around trading which I hate to do
    >the insane difference in how good skills are compared to others
    >skills being tied to sockets in gear, felt awful finding an "upgrade" only for it to not have the right sockets meaning you're fricked
    >mechanics and mechanics on top of mechanics which is just bloated as frick
    >experimenting yourself is heavily discourage because what a pain it is to respec and how some skills are LEAGUES better than others, so if you try stuff yourself you will frick yourself over
    >games is literally designed around the fact that you can alt+f4

    • 12 months ago

      PoE is seriously unfun. When you can't simply enjoy playing but must do these meta shit to survive since it's literally designed to be in the game.

      • 12 months ago

        you are bad at the game plain and simple. You can do whatever you want, you're just too much of a brainlet to figure that out

        • 12 months ago

          >you are bad at the game
          >You can do whatever you want
          Lol. If you really do "whatever you want" then you'll end up with low resistances and die instantly to literally anything.
          Stop embarrassing yourself. Lol.

          • 12 months ago

            >youll end up with low resistances
            yeah if you want to end up with low resistances and make some turbo shit build you can do that. But then you'd be a moron; that's not the games fault, that's yours
            >having difficulty with res cap in 2023
            Bro, counting to 135 is like a 3rd grade task. You sure your mom is okay with you being on the computer this late?

            • 12 months ago

              >"Just suck and die in the game"
              Yeah, that'll be REALLY fun to play.
              Maybe use your brain a bit.
              >"having difficulty with res cap"
              Says who? Stop putting words into my mouth.
              You have the reasoning skills of a 3 year old and it's quite embarrassing.

              • 12 months ago

                what the frick are you even trying to say then moron?
                >hurrr you cant make a build cuz resists hurrr
                >hurrr thats real fun when i make a shit build and die
                UHhh maybe dont make a shit build then? Maybe realize creativity is being successful in the given constraints, and the fact that you think an idea will work doesnt mean it will? If you cant succeed and create your own build given the games constraints, it means you're creatively a fricking moron and you arent as smart as you think you are. Humble yourself, realize your fricking stupid, or continue to bang your head against the wall wondering why the shit you are doing won't work and blaming others for it. It isnt others - its you.

          • 12 months ago

            yes the game actually has requirements for your build in POE and thats a good thing.

          • 12 months ago

            >youll end up with low resistances
            what a moronic Black person, outing yourself like this, you don't play the game
            purity of the elements is literally the best aura right now after malevolence, morono

            • 12 months ago

              Do PoEers (Piece of Excrement) really?
              It is an example. He said you can do whatever. I said let me play low res then.
              Does PoE cause low IQ?
              Or does low IQers get attracted by PoE?

              • 12 months ago

                >hurrr durr im a fricking moronic Black person let me play a low res build
                okay here homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                what the frick are you even trying to say then moron?
                >hurrr you cant make a build cuz resists hurrr
                >hurrr thats real fun when i make a shit build and die
                UHhh maybe dont make a shit build then? Maybe realize creativity is being successful in the given constraints, and the fact that you think an idea will work doesnt mean it will? If you cant succeed and create your own build given the games constraints, it means you're creatively a fricking moron and you arent as smart as you think you are. Humble yourself, realize your fricking stupid, or continue to bang your head against the wall wondering why the shit you are doing won't work and blaming others for it. It isnt others - its you.

                Take it back then. You can't "play whatever you want". Looks like you are the "brainlet" after all. Lol.

              • 12 months ago

                You can play whatever you want though. This is like saying you cant play basketball with stilts on. Black person, you're playing basketball youre not a at a fricking circus, observe the rules of the game and get good at it within that context. If you want to dunk youre going to have to use your legs not prosthetics. You are just whining like a fricking child because you are literally too moronic to do simple addition

              • 12 months ago

                Okay great! Now tell it to them:

                >hurrr durr im a fricking moronic Black person let me play a low res build
                okay here homosexual

                what the frick are you even trying to say then moron?
                >hurrr you cant make a build cuz resists hurrr
                >hurrr thats real fun when i make a shit build and die
                UHhh maybe dont make a shit build then? Maybe realize creativity is being successful in the given constraints, and the fact that you think an idea will work doesnt mean it will? If you cant succeed and create your own build given the games constraints, it means you're creatively a fricking moron and you arent as smart as you think you are. Humble yourself, realize your fricking stupid, or continue to bang your head against the wall wondering why the shit you are doing won't work and blaming others for it. It isnt others - its you.

  89. 12 months ago

    I didn't even play PoE but I hope PoE2 burries D4 for good and blizzard goes bankrupt

    • 12 months ago

      I hope it doesn't because I want the Blizzard fanboys to stay away from PoE

  90. 12 months ago

    There are 330 active skill gems. What miracle of game design is supposed to make this universally balanced when time is a finite resource? This isn't a question for PoE but game design in general. The hierarchy of imbalance is inevitable unless all of the elements of a system were made the same or the designers had infinite time.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a PvE game it doesn't need all builds to be balanced, it just needs them to be at minimum viable and hopefully able to be innovated on/not pre-made by the devs. I'd even argue imbalance is a good thing for competitive games since it creates asymmetry in playstyles, from Chess to Dota 2

    • 12 months ago

      I don't even know why. 90% of them are the same for all intents and purposes, just a different particle effect and just uses a different stat.

    • 12 months ago

      You're right, that does bring up another question
      Why does shit like Stormbind exist when Storm Burst had already been reworked to be Stormbind but good?

      >The game doesn't start till t14s!!!
      That's like saying the game doesn't start till ubers. Still not seeing how any of this proves path of exile is trash, and the way you talk tells me you've played a lot of PoE.

      Be honest with me guys - how much of the PoE hate is coming from people with thousands of hours? Why not just admit you played it a bunch and got tired of it instead of engaging in the most ridiculous mental gymnastics to convince everyone the game is actually fundamentally shit and you were only playing it ironically?
      Not that anon, but I'll spell it out for you since you have autism. Saying that a skill is unviable because it isn't peak meta efficiency is low IQ because you could say that about anything. Why browse Ganker when you could be investing and becoming a millionaire? Because you enjoy what you're doing right now and not everything has to be peak efficiency to be worth your time. In the same way, GH doesn't have to clear as well as SRS to be a viable skill that is enjoyable to use and clears content, it's a nonsensical argument. By that argument you could invalidate every single build in every game ever made minus the most meta build on offer, and people would still play what they enjoy because that's what video games are for.

      The endless poe seething from diablo Black folk is unreal.

      >Because you enjoy what you're doing right now
      And WHO enjoys knowing their performance is complete shit because they simply made an inferior choice of what to play? Who enjoys dying more often and losing more exp, having to fill more holes in your build, having to cope with lower DPS by clearing screens slower and running more risk of dying to bosses, not having corpse explosions available, not having all ailment immunities, etc etc et fricking cetera?
      Who enjoys that shit? Why would anyone enjoy the shit you get from playing a shit build?

      • 12 months ago

        do you mean stormbind and manabond? Stormburst is nothing like the former

    • 12 months ago

      Because a lot of skill gems are samegay shit powercrept by better versions because GGG can't be bothered to actually rework skill gems

  91. 12 months ago

    If you like D2 or Titan quest or Sacred and want arpg with similar speed play Grim Dawn. It looks visually not so great but it's exactly what you need (made by TQ devs). No GAAS. It's...finished game without any modern cancer. And you can fricking mod it. You can download gog version in few nanoseconds for free.

    • 12 months ago

      I love Diablo 2, I fricking love POE and I'm really excited by POE2, but Grim Dawn is my all time favorite ARPG. what a fricking great game.

      I played the Diablo 4 beta, and was boring af.

  92. 12 months ago

    What am I looking at here? Path of Exile TWO? Kek, so what? They're rebooting the game or something? How do you make a sequel to something like Path of Exile? Give a new story with new classes? Hasn't the game been running for like ten years? How do you even make new content for it? Apparently they teased/announced Path of Exile 2 about two years ago, which I didn't even know.

    Then again Diablo has had four iterations with expansions, so I guess anything is possible and that series has been going for like 25 years now.

    • 12 months ago

      >How do you even make new content for it?
      PoE content is called battle passes, armor skins, pets, etc., everything a modern always online powerhouse game must have! They're even breaching new horizons by selling skins for your ingame mouse cursor, something nobody has done before. Also all cash shop items bought now will also be available in PoE2, so please buy something now even if you won't play before release, GGG is a small indie company started out of a bald mans garage and with his personal life savings, they need the money to feed their kids and get hair transplants.

  93. 12 months ago

    >What is Path of Exile 2? Path of Exile 2 is a massive expansion to the base game. It features a graphical overhaul, new ascendancy classes, the gem system rework, and a brand new story campaign that takes place 20 years after Kitava's death. This will serve as the new bridge into PoE's endgame mapping system.

    • 12 months ago

      ONE GAME

    • 12 months ago

      Its still confusing to me. So are POE1 and POE2 characters going to be able to interact? Or are they going to be separated and each game will just share some shit like skills or maps.

      • 12 months ago

        Tune in July 28th for more information! Keep your eyes glued for ExileCon!

      • 12 months ago

        The only difference is instead of "select class" it'll be "select class, select campaign". Also half of the ascendancies will be tied to each campaign so you'll have to do both campaigns at least once per account if you want everything.

        • 12 months ago

          I thought it was going to be clean slate but it sounds like POE1 gays will be able to ruin the economy on day 1. Cool

          • 12 months ago

            4 years of PoE2 trailers. Don't except anything new in July.
            >join closed pre alpha test in 2024

          • 12 months ago

            especially since there's no reason to migrate anything but MTX to PoE2 and all other currencies get shoved to the useless Standard league after each patch

          • 12 months ago

            Everyone starts from zero on day 1. Unless you're playing Standard, and if you hate the idea of richgays bullying you out of the economy then maybe you shouldn't play fricking Standard.

            • 12 months ago

              >Everyone starts from zero on day 1
              NTA. This is no different from a regular league start if everyone's going to keep their massively inflated shit from Standard. Your post is nothing more than deflection.

              • 12 months ago

                If you read the rest of the post you'll find the solution.

  94. 12 months ago

    >There are people that have been playing Path of Exile for 10 years

    That's insane to me, but you have people who have been playing World of Warcraft for almost 20 years I guess? It's amazing people will stick with an MMO style game for so long. It's gotta be autism.

    • 12 months ago

      It's not autism. There is no alternative. You have hobby, you like specific genre, you can play it for a long time. Even your entire live.

      • 12 months ago

        >There is no alternative
        There are vastly better alternatives all the way from the 90s lmao

        • 12 months ago

          They're finished games without any new content. And PoE 10 years ago =/= modern PoE. All this time game "evolves" or "devolves". That's it.

          • 12 months ago

            >And PoE 10 years ago =/= modern PoE
            Yeah PoE 10 years ago is a vastly superior game. It's almost as if quality of the content > quantity of the content, which is why people still play Diablo 1 and 2, while PoE is basically a dead irrelevant game 90% of the time, and will be forgotten like the rest of the f2p chinese shovelware once Tencent pulls the plug. Remember to buy supporter packs to make sure it doesn't happen soon!

            • 12 months ago

              Read reply chain.

    • 12 months ago

      are people that have been playing Skyrim for 12 years

    • 12 months ago

      When it comes to MMOs people pick a main MMO and stick with it because you're meant to dump money into it over time and there's no reason to just give up all of your progress and money dump to play some other fricking MMO just because it's new
      There's a reason Everquest 2 is still alive while dozens of "WoW killers" fade out within a year

  95. 12 months ago

    You can tell poe is still good because it filters Ganker hard
    How does Chris Wilson do it? Nearly a decade, and he doesn't even own the company.

    • 12 months ago

      Log in now mazie

    • 12 months ago

      >Still won't compromise his vision
      >still making the game he wants to play
      >Won't bend to redditBlack person pleas
      I kneel...

    • 12 months ago

      >muh filtered
      people say this shit about YIIK so I don't take that as a merit of a game's quality in the slightest

    • 12 months ago

      Anyone that uses some phrase like "It makes Ganker mad! is 100% a paid shill

    • 12 months ago

      You can tell transitioning is still good because it filters Ganker hard
      How does George Soros do it? Nearly a century, and he doesn't even own the world.

    • 12 months ago

      You can tell transitioning is still good because it filters Ganker hard
      How does George Soros do it? Nearly a century, and he doesn't even own the world.

      talk about being blown out by your own post

  96. 12 months ago

    PoE looks so ugly, the environments the armour the weapons everything looks so bad

  97. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >f2pslop with world chat/trading riddled with esl speak and br's

      never again

      • 12 months ago

        so every game

        • 12 months ago

          PoE is 99.999% ESL/chinks in every chat it's much worse than a lot of other games. Even CS:GO doesn't have as much of it.

          • 12 months ago

            Why does it matter in solo based game? Your kind always have discord chat open anyway. Chinks also are the best for trading.

            • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      This, don't play f2p garbage, it has microtransactions and season passes and pay4convenience and is always online, wait, why did I pay 70 dollars for all this shit on D4?

      • 12 months ago

        rent free

  98. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Blizzdrones are even worse then tendies and all console cucks because at least they all produce some mediocre slop, meanwhile blizzard releases the most pozzed, most israeli micro transaction ridden fricking shit on the face of the planet

    • 12 months ago

      Blizzdrones are even worse then tendies and all console cucks because at least they all produce some mediocre slop, meanwhile blizzard releases the most pozzed, most israeli micro transaction ridden fricking shit on the face of the planet

      lmao blizztroony in full damage control mode

      I will never understand how someone supports Blizzard post-2017 after all the shit that's come out about how terrible their HQ is, how they frick up games almost intentionally so, and how they've slowly ruined the games that actually gave them their legacy in the first place. WoW literally released an entire pozzed dragon island to reboot the storyline. Who the frick is still playing this shit? Is it really being carried by trannies? Does Blizzard's turbopozzing making all OW characters gay ACTUALLY appeal to the core audience? I remember when Tracer's ass got changed because of one (1) person who didn't even play the fricking game.

      • 12 months ago

        They all like it because they are nostalgic for their childhood playing the allegedly good blizzard games

        It’s 100% nostalgia

  99. 12 months ago


  100. 12 months ago

    lmao blizztroony in full damage control mode

    • 12 months ago

      D4 could be the literal worst game in the world and it would still make more money in its first week than PoE in its entire lifetime. That isn't even an exaggeration.

  101. 12 months ago

    You all know that the only reason that PoE is praised is because it's contrarian to blizzard, right? Like if Diablo 3 and 4 didn't exist, PoE threads would be non-existent because they couldn't say "wow this is so much better than that icky stinky blizzard game that way more people are playing!"

    • 12 months ago

      >unkillable mobs
      Way to out yourself as a moronic low iq Black person.

      • 12 months ago

        go follow a guide, moron

        • 12 months ago

          >G-Go follow a guide!
          you should really stop digging a hole for yourself, redditard.

          • 12 months ago

            ha you follow guides and you know it
            or you don't even play it which is even funnier.

            • 12 months ago

              >You follow a guide because you aren't a failure like me in this game
              Okay moron.

              • 12 months ago

                post your crucible character

              • 12 months ago

                You first.

              • 12 months ago

                That's what I thought lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >T-That's what i thought.
                Now your turn.

              • 12 months ago

                >PoE player gets confused and posts their theory craft build
                post the character anon

              • 12 months ago

                Here. Now post your shitty character.

              • 12 months ago

                >T-That's what i thought.
                Now your turn.

                >Marohi Erqi
                Damn, it's like I took a portal back to 2013. Very based

              • 12 months ago

                It's a T0 Unique now. Buffed it recently.

              • 12 months ago

                Here. Now post your shitty character.

                based slam enjoyer

              • 12 months ago

                This is how I pick the build that I'm gonna do for the league. Look up videos of a skill. If I find it fun, I play it and min max it. I was going to go for hateforge but I got a bit bored this league and quite at like 3.5 weeks. Fun build though. Killed all the pinnacle bosses non uber and killed feared.

  102. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      It's okay when anyone other than blizzard does it

  103. 12 months ago

    Crucible league sucked dick, mind you. Shallow as a puddle.

  104. 12 months ago

    >d4 is not a game
    what did he mean by this and does he look so smug about it

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        I'd be this smug too if I saw my main competition's shallowness

      • 12 months ago

        >Watch your competition literally destroy itself
        >Diablo 4 server crash during the POE 2 teaser
        It can't be helped. Even god is on Chris Wilson's side.

  105. 12 months ago

    PoE is indeed to complex, unless you're a no-lifer.

  106. 12 months ago

    FACT: Resistances should be a quality of life thing but they are flat out required and it feels bad.

    • 12 months ago

      lol no

      • 12 months ago

        Rofl, spoken like a true scrub.

        name three builds that make use of low or even negative resistances especially chaos

        • 12 months ago

          resists are a requirement for your build. if you dont want to deal with fail states and want to be given your participation medal, D4 is the perfect game for you.

          • 12 months ago

            >I respond to two people disagreeing about resistances being required
            >"resists are a requirement for your build"
            Yes, that is the point I was making.

            • 12 months ago

              and it makes you sound fricking dumb. Just for curiosity, post the "epic build" you were trying to make but got frustrated because of a res issue. I'd like a laugh tonight you whiny melodramatic b***h

            • 12 months ago

              You are fricking moronic aren't you? You have the freedom to literally do anything in this game, but don't expect it to hand shit over to you just for existing. It requires you to actually build a character the deepr you go into end game.
              You can finish the campaign with 0 resistances if you want to.
              The most you delve into the endgame the more those requirements add up since you know, it's a game about improving your gear/character. Why the frick won't it require some stats for you to fulfill as you go deeper into the end game?

        • 12 months ago

          CI builds dont care about chaos res. I alread named two others up there - chieftain sublime vision builds, doryanis prototype builds of which there are many, font of thunder/replica nebulis builds were fricking huge in mok, searing purity in combination with redacted you b***h figure it out this one is easy . You are literally too dumb for the game because you refuse to learn.

    • 12 months ago

      Rofl, spoken like a true scrub.

    • 12 months ago

      I kinda agree but that's something the entire game has to be designed around.

  107. 12 months ago

    Score keep on getting lower the more ppl rate the game hahahahha

  108. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 lasted a good 4 days before I decided renown farming felt like a job and dropped it

  109. 12 months ago

    Isn't POE free? Just play both, or only one. Or neither if there's another you like more. That's the joy of having freedom to choose what you play. And I think it's the biggest advantage of this particular genre, you can basically slap on a different coat of paint and pick the theme you like, whether it's Greek mythology, 40k, POE, gothic, whatever.

    • 12 months ago

      >Isn't POE free?
      Can of worms time.

    • 12 months ago

      It's extremely p2w. You need to pay a lot of money for stash tabs to even be able to play properly, let alone sell/trade.

      • 12 months ago

        Why would you lie on the internet anon

      • 12 months ago

        >It's extremely p2w.
        No it isn't. That is a stupid statement.

        It's pay for convenience. You can still trade and do whatever the frick. You will just have to do much more inventory management.

        • 12 months ago

          to play efficiently at end game you need at most maybe a stash tab bundle, a map, and currency tab. its like $30 on sale

          Yes, that's the definition of p2w.
          Can I get to endgame content and max out everything? Yes, but it'll take decades compared to someone that whipped out his mama's credit card which it'll take minutes.
          And "convenience" does not exist. The devs literally designed an inconvenience and "allows" you to pay to skip it.

          • 12 months ago

            >Yes, but it'll take decades compared to someone that whipped out his mama's credit card which it'll take minutes.

            • 12 months ago

              Lol! Cope and seethe.
              Listen to this, everyone. This idiot thinks not paying money in a p2w game lets you progress just as fast as p2w! LOL

          • 12 months ago

            Lol! Cope and seethe.
            Listen to this, everyone. This idiot thinks not paying money in a p2w game lets you progress just as fast as p2w! LOL

            Stop making shit up you cringelord. Put any new player with 100 stash tabs against a player with 1 (One) year of playtime with a new account and the newbie will be left in the dust.

            • 12 months ago

              >"Put someone that knows the game against someone that doesn't know the game"
              Wow! Who would have thought someone that knows the game would win!
              Dude, this is just embarrassing. Please stop being cringe.

              • 12 months ago

                >You pay
                >You don't win
                I accept your concession

              • 12 months ago

                >Unfair comparison
                I accept your concession.

      • 12 months ago

        to play efficiently at end game you need at most maybe a stash tab bundle, a map, and currency tab. its like $30 on sale

    • 12 months ago

      >Isn't POE free?
      Yes. I ain't spending 70$ on fricking Diablo 4 though lol. Imagine paying 70$ on a game not to be able to play it.

  110. 12 months ago


  111. 12 months ago

    >D4 has a maximum of 4 stash tab per character
    >You literally cannot leave legendaries on the floor. It either teleports to your inventory or stash
    How long until they start selling stash in shop bros?

  112. 12 months ago

    im an SSF bro but if they improve trading somehow i might finally move back to a trade league. its not even necessarily the trading system itself that's so bad, it's the human element. when someone spergs out about a "lowball" on their item thats been sitting on trade for weeks i want to delete the game forever.

  113. 12 months ago

    Kinda Ironic Diablobabs are still shitposting about "Stash Tabs" when currently in D4 everyone is complaining about lack of stash space with only 4 tabs and begging Blizz to sell extra tabs on the store.
    What the next cope gonna be when Blizz starts selling tabs?

    • 12 months ago

      Stash space?
      3 tabs are enough for me; 1 for gems, 1 for legos, and another for rares with potential.
      Not having a gem inventory is moronic, but stash space isn't a problem.

    • 12 months ago

      20 dollars for 5 extra stash tabs please.

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