Were FromSoftware overly ambitious with Dark Souls 2?

Were FromSoftware overly ambitious with Dark Souls 2? Dark Souls 2 was definitely the longest FromSoftware game in 2014, and they still wanted to include more. Imagine if the game didn't turn out to receive a major downgrade

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  1. 8 months ago

    forget the major graphical downgrade
    if you watch some yt cutcontent video , you would see how much of this game was removed
    this is why we have shit like the earthpeak elevator , unfinished areas got scrapped and the rest was "stitched" together

    • 8 months ago

      >cut content
      Every single major From release since Demon’s Souls has had half of it cut off before release, including Bloodborne and Sekiro which are their most finished ones. Why do they do it?

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe the devs thought said content was just shit. OP says "downgrade" but it may have been miserable padding that was scrapped.

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe the devs thought said content was just shit. OP says "downgrade" but it may have been miserable padding that was scrapped.

        In DS2's case it was originally open world but it didn't work out so they had to quickly rework it into something more DS1-like.

        "overly ambitious" no, they should put that much love and effort into every release that they do but they don't because Miyahacki and the dogshit Bandai producers are forever holding the reigns, and all they give a frick about it making Dark Souls #9 (now Elden Ring #2) because that is what makes them money for the least amount of effort possible.
        Also, anyone who claims that pre-release DaS2 should not be the standard Fromsoftware is always trying to hit deserves to be shot.
        Still waiting for the DaS game that is an actual real RPG.

        >love and effort
        DS2 was FULL of cut corners.

        • 8 months ago

          learn to read, moron

        • 8 months ago

          >DS2 was FULL of cut corners.
          And what Fromsoftware game isn't?

      • 8 months ago

        >Overtly ambitious
        >Lack of budget
        >Publisher's hard deadline
        >Performance issues
        >Some of the 'cool' things they got in mind weren't actually fun or doable
        >External factor like pandemic lockdowns
        Cut contents are always a thing in every vidya but yeah, From's tendency to edit their games are strange in which they seem to cut things haphazardly, like they don't really care much if the stuff they cut make sense for the shipped version or not.

  2. 8 months ago

    I really like the torch system in 2. i wish elden ring didnt have the lamp but had torches in the dark levels you could light

  3. 8 months ago

    While it would have been great to get the bullshot version they promised that had some phenomenal lighting and weather effects, it still would have been Dark Souls 2. A game that bastardized a lot of the great setup from the first game making something a lot more generic and worse out of it. I'd have appreciated a game half as long as it was if it meant we got the superior pre-release version they kept marketing and if it did the original game justice. Dark Souls 2 is such a perfect example of quantity over quality its sickening to an extent.

  4. 8 months ago

    "overly ambitious" no, they should put that much love and effort into every release that they do but they don't because Miyahacki and the dogshit Bandai producers are forever holding the reigns, and all they give a frick about it making Dark Souls #9 (now Elden Ring #2) because that is what makes them money for the least amount of effort possible.
    Also, anyone who claims that pre-release DaS2 should not be the standard Fromsoftware is always trying to hit deserves to be shot.
    Still waiting for the DaS game that is an actual real RPG.

    • 8 months ago

      There is a reason shibuya was quietly fired moron, shit was in shambles.
      > anyone who claims that pre-release DaS2 should not be the standard Fromsoftware is always trying to hit deserves to be shot.
      literally no one is up to those standards, not a single game the last 15 years isnt in some shape or form subpar.

  5. 8 months ago

    Am I the only one who wants another huge dlc to this game? Same graphics and everything. Would pay 60 bucks easy for an expanded dark souls 2 world

    • 8 months ago

      they should have just kept making ds2 dlc

      • 8 months ago

        god the dlc was so good
        >all sorts of puzzles in shulva
        >all those things to fight the boss in the area of your pic
        >having to thaw out that other place
        I don't remember the names but the puzzles stuck with me kek

    • 8 months ago

      god the dlc was so good
      >all sorts of puzzles in shulva
      >all those things to fight the boss in the area of your pic
      >having to thaw out that other place
      I don't remember the names but the puzzles stuck with me kek

      I really feel like Scholar's edition made the game worse over all, das2 vanilla + dlcs was much better.

  6. 8 months ago

    SotFS is the best one.

  7. 8 months ago

    Overly ambitious is an understatement if you have deep dived into its cut content. It is really is Elden Ring 0.5.8k

  8. 8 months ago

    >Were FromSoftware overly ambitious with Dark Souls 2?

    >brand new engine
    >new animations for everything
    >top of the line graphics for the new gen when its barely out
    >including a lighting mechanic that is all around the game
    >open world-ish
    >towns, with people
    >novice director
    This shit was bound for disaster, which is why they have been getting safer with their titles ever since.

  9. 8 months ago

    >keeps pointing fingers at ds2 not having dynamic lighting and shadows
    >still the only from game with dynamic lighting and shadows

    • 8 months ago

      it still boggles me how bad elden ring's lighting is in comparison to 2. just hold the torch and see the difference

  10. 8 months ago

    DS2 was full of a LOT of "let's just try this shit and see what happens"
    A lot of it didn't work out but I will always appreciate the fact that they tried new stuff rather than just going 1:1 copy on the previous game yet again.

  11. 8 months ago

    DS2 was a shit show all around. New engine attempt, new animations, story, environment, etc. Then there was all the cut content as well as the fact that original Dark Souls 2 was their watered down bullshit version that was stupid easy. People had to b***h at Fromsoftware to release their original version which was "much more difficult" (it wasn't, it was just a bunch of enemies sprinkled all over the place). Then there was the stupid adaptability stat to govern i-frame capabilities. ALL OF THIS on top of the gigantic graphical downgrade because dev companies are fricking pussies who won't stick to the guns. The sneak peak videos of DS2 looked phenomenal and the lighting was astounding.

    • 8 months ago

      >blah blah blah devs blah blah blah graphical downgrade
      I don't know what it is going to take for people to understand that Basedny and Microdick fricked over a ton of people with highly exaggerated spec estimations and dev builds. The exact same shit happened to Witcher 3, too. That one is much more documented (ENG interviews) but it was essentially the exact same situation. They were told during development the consoles were going to have (x) amount of power and on release they simply did not. It was either downgrade or not release on console.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't get why they don't release both versions then. Make one PC only and then consoles get the scraps

        • 8 months ago

          because a) that's basically making two games at once and b) people would question what the point of a console is when pc gets a way better game, which is something neither sony nor MS want

        • 8 months ago

          In CDPRs case they said it basically came down to a head dev meeting where they laid out two options, console parity or trying to develop two versions at a time. The final decision was obviously console parity, as CDPR was already stretched very thin by even just midway through Witcher 3's development.

          That's less of a good argument for large companies like Ubishit, but they don't give a frick about PC anyway, as most companies do not, as most profits are on consoles. The only reason why the option was even offered at CDPR was because they were a PC-first company during W1 & 2's release.

          I guess people forget how dogshit the beginning of that gen was because both companies tried to pre-win the console war dickmeasuring contest by essentially lying about the capabilities of their respective consoles, both in tech shows and to developers.

      • 8 months ago

        DS2 was made with PS3 and 360 in mind.
        According to dev interviews they supposedly saw "untapped potential"(whatever that was) in those things and next gen wasn't even considered at that point.
        There was also their bullshit claims how PC would be the main version with the console ones being downgraded from it but in the end we got a shitshow across the board because the early alpha versions ran at sub-Console Blighttown framerates on them.

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >says From Software
            says a Bandai suit, you mean

            • 8 months ago

              Very cool Takeshi Miyazoe, very cool.

              Want some Tanimura instead?

          • 8 months ago

            Very cool Takeshi Miyazoe, very cool.

    • 8 months ago

      Aside from that, they're having problems with many projects the company were working on at the time. They had to multi-task like crazy and they didn't have a lot of employees then.
      >Dark Souls 3 pre-production
      >Armored Core V
      >Armored Core Verdict Day
      >Steel Battallion

      • 8 months ago

        Bloodborne 2 when?

        • 8 months ago

          >Bloodborne 2 when?

          miyazaki stated in multiple interviews that bloodborne's pc port and bloodborne 2 is 100% sony's decision

          • 8 months ago

            does Sony hate money? How the frick do they think it's a good idea to not just let From pump out a 4k texture having, 60fps capable Bloodborne port? They could charge full price and I guarantee people would pay it. Shit, I would. I had to keep taking breaks from Bloodborne because the single digit fps drops and motion blur would make my violently nauseous

            • 8 months ago

              Sony considered Bloodborne and DeS remake to be flops

            • 8 months ago

              Nobody at Sony actually makes games anymore
              honestly Bloodborne, even in the current state it is in, being the swan song for the core Sony studio is probably the least disrespectful death it could've gotten

              DS2 was made with PS3 and 360 in mind.
              According to dev interviews they supposedly saw "untapped potential"(whatever that was) in those things and next gen wasn't even considered at that point.
              There was also their bullshit claims how PC would be the main version with the console ones being downgraded from it but in the end we got a shitshow across the board because the early alpha versions ran at sub-Console Blighttown framerates on them.

              >you now remember DaS2 was announced by Jessica Alba
              weird times

    • 8 months ago

      >blah blah blah devs blah blah blah graphical downgrade
      I don't know what it is going to take for people to understand that Basedny and Microdick fricked over a ton of people with highly exaggerated spec estimations and dev builds. The exact same shit happened to Witcher 3, too. That one is much more documented (ENG interviews) but it was essentially the exact same situation. They were told during development the consoles were going to have (x) amount of power and on release they simply did not. It was either downgrade or not release on console.

      It'd be cool to have a dark souls in the midst in the undead curse starting to blow up and get out of control

      >The Rotten was originally the boss of the Undead Crypt (called Undead Citadel back then). It was tied down and would cut its legs off to fight the player
      >The Undead Citadel had two bosses. The other one was Nashandra's true form (which originally wasn't related to Nashandra at all)

      DSII started off with a new engine under the direction of Tomohiro Shibuya. It was going to be even more open world. They got a lot done, but Bamco came down on them and forced them to completely scrap the game. They put Yui Tanimura in charge who had to pick up the pieces 6 months from launch. Bamco originally designated DS2 to be a PS4 game and then decided that nope, we're actually putting it on the PS3 (had 256 mb of ram), which forced the downgrade.

      Nashandra was never intended to be the games final boss, she was designed to be a boss in the undead crypt, along with the rotten

      >Tanimura: Yes, this game actually went through quite a troubled development process. Due to a number of factors we were actually forced to re-think the entire game midway into development.
      >Ideally we’d start again from scratch but of course we were under time constraints so instead we had to figure out how to repurpose the designs in our newly reimagined game. This meant everything from deciding new roles for characters to finding ways to slot locations into the world map. This unusual development cycle faced us with an entirely different set of problems and looking back on the project as a whole it was at times, arduous.

      Tanimura was given full control of the Lost Crowns DLC and SotFS. Miyazaki personally asked Tanimura to be DS3/ER co-director and handle the combat, weapons and balance in these games while he did level+world design, lore and the big picture.

    • 8 months ago

      Well Dark Souls 2 is old enough now to get a remaster with updated graphics so there's that to look forward to.

  12. 8 months ago

    >definitely the longest FromSoftware game
    Because of the dlc, the passage is delayed.

  13. 8 months ago

    It'd be cool to have a dark souls in the midst in the undead curse starting to blow up and get out of control

  14. 8 months ago

    It would've been more interesting at least but the fact that there were so many dogshit easy bosses, even ignoring the "mob(s) as boss" ones shows that there was something fundamentally wrong in the design process that not even proper lighting/time frickery would've helped.

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