Were people in the early 2000s disappointed that Warcraft became an MMORPG rather than getting a proper Warcraft 4 RTS game?

Were people in the early 2000s disappointed that Warcraft became an MMORPG rather than getting a proper Warcraft 4 RTS game?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Dog look at the sales and you tell me.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm talking more about the core fans. Surely it must have been weird to be a fan of such a huge iconic RTS series and then suddenly its announced it won't be an RTS anymore?

      • 6 months ago

        I loved WC3 and thought the screenshots of vanilla looked like ass. But then I was just blown away by the sheer magnitude. I thought the whole game when I started a NE was Teldrassil… when I realized how massive it was and I could visit shit like Uthers tomb I might as well have been hooked on heroin. Nothing like it at all like some other anon said those first couple of years were just holy shit. Then TBC dropped. I wouldn’t mind a WC4 even now that maybe soft resets the story by clearing out the wow lore post Lich King, maybe years after wow takes place or an event that wipes out most of the heroes and races reduced to ash then build back up w new characters and stories but I wouldn’t want NU-blizz doing it. I’d take a combo of old heads who worked on WC3 and early wow mixed w some old Westwood heads and I buy that shit up instantly w those talents involved but that’s obviously just a fantasy. Never gonna happen.

  2. 6 months ago

    The ones who liked it because of it being an RTS, yes.

    I liked Warcraft since Orcs and Humans and I do like MMORPGs too, but I never liked WoW.

  3. 6 months ago

    Not really because people forget this but WoW was in development for a REALLY long time. It was announced alongside Warcraft 3 and at the time, we didn't even know it was going to be a sequel to 3 until after TFT was out. So when WoW came out, everyone kinda just assumed WC4 was also being worked on behind the scenes.

  4. 6 months ago

    I'm just sad there will never be a WC4 because of the golden goose

  5. 6 months ago

    no, this game was insanely hyped. people only started getting disappointed once they realized this was the future of blizzard rather than a cool game to experience for a year or 3

    • 6 months ago

      I was disappointed to not get a Warcraft 4, yes.
      I didn't give a frick about shit like Everquest, so I didn't have any interest in WoW being an MMO like that either.

      Sort of true.

  6. 6 months ago

    Yea, they were so disappointed that WoW became one of the biggest games of all time anon.

    • 6 months ago

      the fan/userbases don't have to overlap

      • 6 months ago

        I had friends that played WCIII that moved to WoW.

        • 6 months ago

          >don't *have* to

  7. 6 months ago

    Most people were just stoked on WoW but I remember at least one WC sperg who hated WoW with a passion for robbing an RTS sequel

  8. 6 months ago

    Yes. Many people complained that it was nothing like the previous Warcraft games. Even the haters eventually accepted that it was still a fun game that basically just had the old lore draped over it, and the game mechanics were completely new and different for the series. Remember this wasn't the first MMORPG and even before that there were text based MUDs that had been popular. In a lot of ways WOW was the first MMORPG that was normie-friendly. You didn't lose experience and levels from dying like in EQ and you didn't need a bleeding edge computer system to play it. Unfortunately, the fun atmosphere that the game had in the beginning can't be recreated. The first couple of years were best and once the expansions started coming out, those first few interesting people who were early adopters started to leave.

    I bought WOTLK but stopped playing shortly after. It goes on and on but it will never have that special magic again. It came from the players, not the game.

  9. 6 months ago

    I did yes, but at the time i assumed this would just be a side game that if anything would hype up WC4 even more.

  10. 6 months ago

    >rather than getting a proper Warcraft 4
    Nobody expected Warcraft to die because of an MMO spin-off. Nobody expected RTS to die either

    • 6 months ago

      RTS are not dead, stop it

      • 6 months ago

        We need a RTS renaissance. I love that in games like Myth and Myth2, victory or defeat depended more on knowing what formations to use in different situations than any kind of power-up or special abilities. Fights were evenly matched, with no one having an advantage. It was more about not blundering, similar to a lot of the historical fiction that I read these days. Half the battle is knowing what NOT to do and you can easily tell the amateurs from the professionals.

      • 6 months ago

        Not him but while they're not "dead" as plenty of people still play them, no one really makes new RTS anymore. The most we really get is remasters/DE of already existing ones. SC2 is still to this day by far the most-played RTS in existence (to its credit, it's one of the most mechanically-refined RTS ever made so it deserves it) and that game finished in 2015.

      • 6 months ago

        RTS might as well have stopped existing after SC2 stopped getting campaigns

  11. 6 months ago

    Blizzard is a blight upon the RTS genre.
    >Made an RTS just to turn it into a MMORPG
    >Made an RTS just to cram it with shitty interpersonal plots that culminated in the queen b***h of the universe getting pardoned by the guy who vowed to kill her
    >Invented E-sports
    >Inadvertedly allowed the creation of MOBAs via the original WC3 DoTA mod map

  12. 6 months ago

    Not at the time, people still thought there would eventually be a WC4

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, it took until like Cata for people to finally give up hope that it was going to happen. Because when you think about it, Wrath wrapped up the last of the plot points TFT left hanging so if they were ever going to do a WC4, it would've picked up from there.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, it took until like Cata for people to finally give up hope that it was going to happen. Because when you think about it, Wrath wrapped up the last of the plot points TFT left hanging so if they were ever going to do a WC4, it would've picked up from there.

      I know people were coping for years that WC4 would still happen but it was pretty obvious after WoW became a success that it would never be a thing. They couldn't just pause the storyline of WoW to allow themselves to fit in a WC4 storyline that only a fraction of the WoW userbase would bother playing.

  13. 6 months ago

    Ive always hated warcraft, even before WoW. I was immune to it, but it confirmed my suspicion that blizzard fans were complete morons.

    • 6 months ago

      I think in the mid 90s hating Warcraft was equal to hating RTS itself. It didn't have that much competition until later 90s

  14. 6 months ago

    im not an rts guy so i never played it and when i tried WC3 years later I didn't think it was that good but I did not finish it at all and again do not play RTS. I didnt play WC1 and 2 either.

    i thought moving around the map was kind of a chore and i thought it was immediately annoying that the units said their lines every time you did anything with them.

    Also when the shit with arthas happened I was straight up confused. not only did it not make sense for people to immediately abandon him but it made no sense for him to immediately fall and become evil for no reason. and thats like the big thing everyone loves about WC3.

    I guess i would think different if i liked RTS and if I played it as one of my first games.

    I say this as someone who likes base WoW and finds WoW lore interesting

  15. 6 months ago

    I was a hardcore gamer and a casual RTS fan at the time and WarCraft 3 was pretty much the end of my interest in the series to begin with. The move to 3D graphics and the heavy focus on a story about superheroes and supervillains were big turnoffs for me. When WoW appeared, I didn't have any stake in the matter, so it meant nothing to me.

  16. 6 months ago

    I was mind blowed by a drunk Panda but looking back now, the weird implications of Warcraft 3 spawning a MMORPG, a MOBA and who knows what else but not a 4th game sucks.

  17. 6 months ago

    anon in 2004 everyone was in full mmo hype mode after years of nothing but vaporware

  18. 6 months ago

    WOW lore < WC3 lore.

    WC3 was the best and last WC IMO. many agreed with me. but many of them probably also quit gaming after that.

  19. 6 months ago

    I just kind of miss top-down PC games. I don't know why these disappeared, the sales were always quite good from what I understand.

  20. 6 months ago

    I'm still disappointed we never got a Warcraft 4.

  21. 6 months ago

    RTS are dogshit compared to MMORPG

  22. 6 months ago

    Doesn't make much sense to me. It'd be like complaining at Mario Tennis/Mario Party. You know it's a spinoff aside from mainline, I mean it's in the title. I'm not a fan but everyone must've thought the same unless you look at it today then yeah, I suppose SC's simply got way more autists into it so it got top priority and the sequel instead.

  23. 6 months ago

    WoW was always a shit garbage game

    • 6 months ago

      >X game was always garbage. I won't elaborate
      Average /vr/ comment you're a very valued contributor

      • 6 months ago

        >no you have to "contribute" to this board by writing useless essays that no one will ever read

        WoW was always a shit garbage game

        but frick off with that garbage you mega-homosexual double-Black person moron.

  24. 6 months ago

    I don't think you apreciate the magnitude and scope of this game back then. Considering it was competing against Runescape, MapleStory and Guild Wars 2, it truly had no real rivals.

    It was everything we could hace wanted and more.

    • 6 months ago

      >collect 10 bear asses
      >collect 10 pig asses
      >collect 10 wolf asses
      truly a mind-boggling game ;^)

    • 6 months ago

      >Runescape, MapleStory and Guild Wars 2
      All better than Wow. In fact, throw EQ in there too. EQ was better, too.
      Wow was just normalgay babby's first MMO.

  25. 6 months ago

    A lot of players switched to starcraft and Everquest was huge so they needed their MMO

  26. 6 months ago

    Yes, but I was also disappointed in the direction they took Warcraft 3. Too cartoonish. Just like the wierd theme change from Diablo 1-2 to 3.

  27. 6 months ago

    I was disappointed as a kid when I realized what an MMO was and it wasn't a single player game you could play in Warcraft universe. Idk why but thought it would be like 3D Diablo 2 in open world

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