Were the 2000s the Dark Age of gaming?

>Bad 3.5 adaptations of superior games like 7th Sea and Call of Cthulhu
>Arthouse RPGs that everyone had on their shelves but no one could figure out how to play like Nobilis and Godlike
>Truly awful boardgames like Apples to Apples and picrel
>World of Warcraft enslaving so many obsessive geek minds, half my friends quit tabletop and/or dropped out of college because of that demonic game
>Beginning of the normie invasion of geek hobbies(eg Big Bang Theory coming out)
>The proliferation of cell phones made it easy for outsiders to interrupt games
>iPhones/Androids coming out in the late 00’s were an even bigger distraction and reduced even the smartest people to the attention span of a 90’s normie
>The rise of prestige TV like Mad Men and Breaking Bad - suddenly staying home wasn’t boring anymore.

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  1. 3 months ago

    The dark age is at the very moment
    >everything is 5e
    >everything that's not is a ruleslite schlock

    • 3 months ago

      At least we have printers.

    • 3 months ago

      Not even close
      >Print on demand services opened the doors for indie publishers to sell physical copies of their books
      >Kickstarter pushed a golden age of independent TTRPGs
      >WotC fricked up so hard that people are abandoning the OGL out of caution, now even better open game licenses exist
      >Getting non-D&D specific gaming supplies are even easier now

      >"But muh everything is 5e"
      D&D has always been a monopoly, back in 3.5e literally everything was 3.5e and no one would play anything other than 3.5e, 3aboo autism was so powerful it created Pathfinder. Even when 4e came out, and it was popular to hate it, basically a shit ton of 3rd party 4e compatible books were still released. You have blinders on if you think D&D autism is a new thing.

  2. 3 months ago

    2024 will be the start of a new golden age as I will publish my homebrew

  3. 3 months ago

    It was a pretty good era for miniatures. 3E/4E 40K and 6th/7th editions of WHFB. Kits like the plastic dreadnought were pretty mindblowing at the time.

    Malifaux and Warmachine were offering some competition to GW. Mageknight and Monsterpocalypse were gateway miniatures games people without painting talent could jump right into.

    • 3 months ago

      Dude all those models look like shit even back then
      You (like most on here) have rose tinted glasses
      The 2000s was one of the worst time for everything
      People we’re breaking into tears over 911. Everything cost too much fricking money, you where ostracized for liking anything geeky, and stuff like PDFs and 3-D printers were either nonexistent or very hard to find.
      Dude you have no fricking clue what you are talking about, close this site and think about your life

    • 3 months ago

      This is true. It was a good period for GW miniature wargames because of 3rd Ed 40K, 6th Ed Fantasy and more plentiful multi-part plastic sets for squads and regiments.

  4. 3 months ago

    When it comes to pen and paper role-playing, real life is a 'points of light' setting. Mostly awful punctuated by good moments.

  5. 3 months ago

    totally shit opinion
    has no education in the reality of table-games
    you are most likely a Corpo' influencer or shill

  6. 3 months ago

    Early 2000s 40k was the best 40k

    • 3 months ago

      The 90s was the best

  7. 3 months ago

    "The 00s were awful!" t. some zoomer who was still in his homosexual father's nutsack back then. Let's go through your points:

    >Bad 3.5 adaptations of superior games like 7th Sea and Call of Cthulhu
    7th Sea is gay trash and Call of Cthulhu d20 is inferior but not the worst thing ever. d20 Modern had a fun janky charm to it. Also people didn't think it was shit back then and everyone knew 3.5 D&D so it wasn't hard to learn.
    >Arthouse RPGs that everyone had on their shelves but no one could figure out how to play like Nobilis and Godlike
    Okay? That got even worse with itch.io and modern day trans victim mindset devs.
    >Truly awful boardgames like Apples to Apples and picrel
    So? Just ignore them. There are even more shit board games now, thanks to Kickstarter.
    >World of Warcraft enslaving so many obsessive geek minds, half my friends quit tabletop and/or dropped out of college because of that demonic game
    World of Warcrap is a waste of life yeah. Maybe your first halfway decent point so far.
    >Beginning of the normie invasion of geek hobbies(eg Big Bang Theory coming out)
    Yeah but the tabletop hobby was mostly still grognards and at worst furry/brony autistics and anime autistics. Could be worse.
    >The proliferation of cell phones made it easy for outsiders to interrupt games
    It wasn't until smartphones that this became a problem.
    >iPhones/Androids coming out in the late 00’s were an even bigger distraction and reduced even the smartest people to the attention span of a 90’s normie
    Phones were shit back then. Being on your phone all the time didn't really happen til 2012.
    >The rise of prestige TV like Mad Men and Breaking Bad - suddenly staying home wasn’t boring anymore.
    lmao what? That's 45 minutes per week taken up. Yes, staying home was still boring.

    You're an idiot, or trolling, or both.

    • 3 months ago

      >7th Sea is gay trash
      Confirmed nogames loser who once heard that the 2nd Edition (which came out an epoch after the time period in question)had a case of The Gays

    • 3 months ago

      >Also people didn't think it was shit back then
      Yes I did.

    • 3 months ago

      Nta but
      >Also people didn't think it was shit back then
      Yes i did think it was shit and so also anyone who wasn't a 3.5eonly Black person

      >and everyone knew 3.5 D&D so it wasn't hard to learn.
      Yes, pretty much like today that fricking everything is 5e. Look, i didn't even hate 3.x, if anything i still enjoy it to these days but if you think that "everybody knows this game therefore we have to smear the same rulesystem fricking everywhere" is a good thing you need to be shot mercilessly like a rabid dog.

  8. 3 months ago

    You had to find your games in person. But its before English language games turned into powered-by-slop or lazy clones of the worst-gameplay d&d edition.

    I would say the mid 2000s were a low point, but 2008-2013, when laptops were common and pretty good and RPG PDFs of the good games of the prior 3 decades were easily found, and enough people were disinterested in 4e's mini-madness that it was easy to find people willing to try out other games - that was the TTRPG golden age, before the current slop age.

  9. 3 months ago

    Remember when this pile of shit was at every nerd party or college game group meetup?

    >Roll a 4 or up to kill teh zombie!
    >Cards that let you place even more zombies to block the person who is closest to the helipad
    >If you die you just respawn somewhere

    Playing it was a neverending purgatory.

    We just bought every piece of schlock with zombies, pirates, or Cthulhu on it back then and we have the nerve to act superrior to people who collect crab like Funkos.

    • 3 months ago

      I liked it 🙁

  10. 3 months ago

    I know it's trendy to be a contrarian and stick up for smartphones but it's really wild what's happened to us.

    The most intelligent and focused people today are on roughly the same level as a 90's normie.

    The normies themselves are basically living their entire lives in third person view.

  11. 3 months ago

    The horror of the current year is that we have great products available but everyone's gotten fussy and stuck in their bubbles and unwilling to try new things. Starting a campaign feels like a negotiation, like I have to sell people on being entertained for free. It's like when you invite someone to a party and they start asking who else will be there etc.

    Something like the Alien RPG or Forbidden Lands would have blown my mind as a college guy in 2008 but good luck finding 4 other people to play with you these days.

    • 3 months ago

      We are living in a true golden age of all things /tg/
      The only issue is people are too whining and complaining too realize it
      Just like in vidya these people are spoiled for choice and all they pick is McDonald’s (40K/D&D)

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