>western orc

>western orc
green humanoid with tusks
>japanese orc
literally just a bipedal pig


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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    same reason western kobolds are lizards and nipbolds are dogbolds (the worst kind of 'bold)
    porcs are based
    (You) are cringe

    • 8 months ago

      Because their first exposure to orcs was d7d 1st edition and they took their own route with them, seperate from western fantasy artists.

      same with kobolds, 1st edition kobolds are described as being much more doglike.

      • 8 months ago

        same reason western kobolds are lizards and nipbolds are dogbolds (the worst kind of 'bold)
        porcs are based
        (You) are cringe

        I find it interesting how just about every fantasy property has a completely different take on kobolds and none of them are even close to the OG kobolds of german myth, which are basically just mine goblins/imps/gnomes

        • 8 months ago

          The OG kobolds are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobalos
          >Greek myths depict the kobaloi as "impudent, thieving, droll, idle, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs",[3] and as "funny, little tricksy elves" of a phallic nature.
          One robs Hercules in his sagas.

          • 8 months ago

            >of a phallic nature
            so did they have their little dicks out or what?

            • 8 months ago

              what did they mean by this?

              Just means boyish horniness. Boys will be boys. Bros playing tricks on each other. it was just a prank, bro.

          • 8 months ago

            what did they mean by this?

            • 8 months ago

              >Just means boyish horniness
              Ah, so my horny kobold erotica is lore accurate

        • 8 months ago

          The OG kobolds are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobalos
          >Greek myths depict the kobaloi as "impudent, thieving, droll, idle, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs",[3] and as "funny, little tricksy elves" of a phallic nature.
          One robs Hercules in his sagas.

          Anons explain why can't I eat a kobold? Every roguelike that has them they're poisoned, but I don't know where it came from? The best guess is
          >they're dragon-likes
          >dragons can shoot acid
          >therefore Kobolds have acid blood
          But this is still a shot in the dark.

          • 8 months ago

            there was a folk belief that the metal cobalt, which is poisonous, was created and planted by kobolds to poison miners and blacksmiths

            • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          I'm convinced Kobolds aren't a single race, but a title for any weedy, pesky humanoids artificially made by a powerful being to cause trouble.

    • 8 months ago

      green orcs and porcs are both based
      kobolds are just (not) goblins and are cringe no matter what shape they take

      • 8 months ago

        kobold is german word for goblin/gnome closer to to a gnome pretty much a hogoblin or brownie

        • 8 months ago

          Kobold is a greek word, see

          The OG kobolds are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobalos
          >Greek myths depict the kobaloi as "impudent, thieving, droll, idle, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs",[3] and as "funny, little tricksy elves" of a phallic nature.
          One robs Hercules in his sagas.

          The word and fantasy creature it talks about existed before any germans anywhere could write.

          • 8 months ago

            sure then kobolds are OG goblin

    • 8 months ago

      >western kobolds are lizards
      they bark in baldur's gate though

    • 8 months ago

      Both furry dogshit compared to based hairlessratbold

      • 8 months ago

        I will take his candle

      • 8 months ago

        same reason western kobolds are lizards and nipbolds are dogbolds (the worst kind of 'bold)
        porcs are based
        (You) are cringe

        porcs and rat kobolds are kino and need to be in the same game

      • 8 months ago

        he cute

    • 8 months ago

      Frick you, Two River City represent.

    • 8 months ago

      I am regularly seeing this term used the past couple months. Was it used in a game or something recently? I have never seen that term used before. I realize its tied to old folklore, and maybe I am just ignorant. It just seems weird to see it brought up so frequently so recently.

      • 8 months ago

        they've been pretty big for quite awhile now, especially among coomers. it's kinda surprising you're only just now seeing it

        • 8 months ago

          >tfw you like both the gnarly sniveling little lizardfolk kobolds and the shortstack frickdragon kobolds

          How do I reconcile these two aspects in a way that does not interfere with the other

        • 8 months ago

          Scalieshit never did anything for me, but those nu-kobolds are doing things to my brain that I'm skeptical about.

        • 8 months ago

          > I have never seen that term used before.
          Oldest I personally seen it was in Baldur's Gate. The first one. So literally the previous millenia.
          The first big dungeon you (should) stumble upon to is a mine infested with kobolds.
          So no it's not recent, even ignoring the folklore origins.

          Interesting. I must have just been in the dark. If someone showed me that pic, I would just call them a lizardman race. Kobold is completely new to me.

          • 8 months ago

            kobolds are usually distinct from other lizardfolk in that they're tiny and are specifically draconic in bloodline. Basically the gnomes of lizard folk.D&D Kobolds often serve as minions to dragons

            But like

            I find it interesting how just about every fantasy property has a completely different take on kobolds and none of them are even close to the OG kobolds of german myth, which are basically just mine goblins/imps/gnomes

            said , every fantasy property seems to have a different take on the word kobold. in warcraft, they're weird little rat people, in FF they're indistinct big eared fuzzy creatures in heavy armor

          • 8 months ago

            To be honest, up until a few years ago western kobolds were mostly depicted like

            >tfw you like both the gnarly sniveling little lizardfolk kobolds and the shortstack frickdragon kobolds

            How do I reconcile these two aspects in a way that does not interfere with the other

            You can see a squad of them in Baldur's Gate 1, during the small movie that play when you enter Nashkel: https://youtu.be/TvC8EWTRwrU?t=14

            Folkore-wise they are just "random little shit who live in mines" (sparked from miners hearing weird sounds in their unsafe tunnels or getting their equipment stolen/lost - same deal than how gremlins started for mechanists).
            Then they became the default non-consenting minion for Dragons, since lots of evil ones hang out in underground lairs.
            Then they got upgraded to being a failed runt race of Dragons, serving their bigger cousins out of worship/wanting to take their place.
            Then they got a layer of cuteness and child-bearing hips slapped on them by the branch of furgays that fap to dragons (see

            they've been pretty big for quite awhile now, especially among coomers. it's kinda surprising you're only just now seeing it


      • 8 months ago

        > I have never seen that term used before.
        Oldest I personally seen it was in Baldur's Gate. The first one. So literally the previous millenia.
        The first big dungeon you (should) stumble upon to is a mine infested with kobolds.
        So no it's not recent, even ignoring the folklore origins.

      • 8 months ago

        It's the German variation on goblin, pixie, brownie, etc. Little sprite people in medieval and earlier folklore.

  2. 8 months ago

    Thats what they looked like in AD&D, JRPGs sprung from western videogame interpretations of AD&D and since they're society is so traditionalist they just kept them

    • 8 months ago

      it's fricking crazy how much influence AD&D had in japan
      the more I learn about D&D lore, the more parallels I've been able to draw between fantasy anime and Forgotten Realms

      • 8 months ago

        D&D invented "leather armor" and those moronic "leather bracers" we see in so much historical fiction today. Even in documentaries!
        Also D&D started the myth of bows being a "dexterity weapon" and a weapon suitable for women. In reality, the sword is a much more suitable weapon for weaker people (blades require so little strength, we hide knives from children, and cut ourselves unintentionally while cooking), while a bow requires strength to operate. A war bow requires bodybuilder tier strength to use, and its shoulder&back muscles, the hardest ones for a woman to pack.
        I'll also blame D&D for popularizing dumb weapons, like flails, which probably never saw battlefield use and were just dumb ornaments. I've tried to play with one, its more dangerous to the wielder than to his opponent. And, of course, the overall size of weapons is exaggerated in official art, but that was already bad and only got worse in other media.

        • 8 months ago

          >and cut ourselves unintentionally while cooking
          skill issue

          • 8 months ago

            Point is, a blade requires so little strength to cause damage to a person, you do it by mistake while peeling a potato. Its not a "strength weapon".
            Meanwhile, a 100+ pound bow (medieval war bow) requires you to be able to pull that much weight with your shoulder and back muscles, and hold it for as long as it takes you to aim, and do many reps of this, as quickly as possible, while under stress in battle. This is a strength weapon, to the point where you literally can't use it if you can't pull the required weight.

            • 8 months ago

              Western femorc supremacy

            • 8 months ago

              Use a potato peeler then

        • 8 months ago

          >D&D invented "leather armor"
          yeah, that one always made me laugh, but I think it came from Americans misinterpreting brigandines (vest with metal plates bolted into it underneath it). I agree with your other examples too.
          but what I hate way more is
          >blunt weapons are more effective against plate than against other armor types
          this shit is what made me truly mad, because blunt weapons are most effective against "soft" armor like chainmail. those armors can't distribute the force to the side of the armor like plate would do.

          • 8 months ago

            weapons are more effective against plate than against other armor types
            >this shit is what made me truly mad, because blunt weapons are most effective against "soft" armor like chainmail. those armors can't distribute the force to the side of the armor like plate would do.
            I know bows can penetrate plate, but isn't war hammers, maces and other polearms good against plate mail, and isn't their damage type classified as blunt? Or am I misunderstanding something here?

            • 8 months ago

              >but isn't war hammers, maces and other polearms good against plate mail
              no. plate was extremely OP during medieval times. it made you not only immune against all weapons, it also had the effect of distributing the force of any strike evenly across the entire plate that was struck.
              blunt weapons where extremely effective against unarmored opponents and soft armor, because the force of the strike would concentrate on a single point. if you hit a plate though, that force would travel across the entire plate to the edges.
              >but what if I hit the head, or what if I hit them really, really hard?
              you can hit an armored opponent in the head with any pole weapon, and it would do as much damage as the blunt side of a poleaxe. the only difference was that in an open battle, you would often strike from above, and the the sharp side of a weapon was more likely to get completely deflected by the armor, while the blunt side had a bigger chance of connecting properly. problem is, you have the same effect if you hit someone with the side of any polearm (no, a poleaxe is not heavier than any other polearm), making most blunt weapons completely irrelevant outside of duals. add to this that on battlefields you would simply go for toppling opponents and then have your comrades impale them as they were stuck on the ground, which was the reason why pikes and halberds were the most dominant battlefield weapons before the streamlining of gunpowder weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                I dont think the video is still up on youtube but Mike Loades demonstrates that you can kill someone through plate armor by hitting a breastplate on a block of ballistic gel, showing that the kinetic energy can be carried through it while the breastplate contorts and returns to its original shape to cope with the energy hitting it and not breaking. But part of that energy is absorbed in the torso and can cause internal injury. More realistic however would be that using a blunt weapon on a more vulnerable part of the body like the hands or joins would cause serious injury. I'll personally always prefer using swords but it is true that they lack mass for causing that kind of damage.
                Many a historic record recount knights carrying blunt weapons as an anti-armor sort of tool, but also a sword as its just such a versatile weapon.
                The issue with blunt weapons isnt that they arent effective against unarmored enemies, its that theyre extremely unbalanced which makes it hard to defend with and adds a significant recovery window to your strikes. Swords on the other hand are very well balanced and can be lightning quick as a result.

                When people say weapons were effective against plate armor that comes with a grain of salt. you see the same thing when people discussing crossbows. It just means that they are capable of piercing the armor, that doesnt mean its likely or easy.


                I dont have a more relevant webm

              • 8 months ago

                >I dont think the video is still up on youtube but Mike Loades demonstrates that you can kill someone through plate armor by hitting a breastplate on a block of ballistic gel, showing that the kinetic energy can be carried through it while the breastplate contorts and returns to its original shape to cope with the energy hitting it and not breaking
                I have no idea what kind of thin plate he was using and why he was putting it directly on a gel block. Actual soldiers wore up to two more padded layers beneath the plate, making these sorts of experiments pointless from the beginning.
                >I'll personally always prefer using swords but it is true that they lack mass for causing that kind of damage
                That's also bullshit. A one-handed sword is as heavy as a as one-handed blunt weapon. Mass is completely irrelevant here, because all blunt weapons were designed to be extremely light so you can swing them fast and more than 2 times.
                >Many a historic record recount knights carrying blunt weapons as an anti-armor sort of too
                More bullshit. Knights were 100% mounted during battle and carried blunt weapons only as side arms. The Rabenschnabel was one of the more popular ones, and it was designed to be held by a mounted soldier hitting people on their heads. There is no historical documentation of full plate foot soldiers carrying blunt side arms. The common tactic was not to hit with a blunt weapon against plate, but to topple the opponent, then stab him in the armor gaps with polearms.
                >The issue with blunt weapons isnt that they arent effective against unarmored enemies, its that theyre extremely unbalanced
                Jesus frick, NO NO NO. Blunt weapons weren't unbalanced! What kind of blunt weapons are you fricking talking about? Warcraft Paladin sledgehammers? Wooden clubs? Whatever you are thinking of, it was not used by anyone expect maybe some piss poor peasant who got drafted in the last minute and just brought whatever he was currently working the field with.

              • 8 months ago

                >That's also bullshit. A one-handed sword is as heavy as a as one-handed blunt weapon. Mass is completely irrelevant here, because all blunt weapons were designed to be extremely light so you can swing them fast and more than 2 times.
                that's wrong. I used longswords, they do not have the mass to deal serious damage through even plastic protection.

                Blunt weapons like polearms were extremely popular among armored soldiers

                blunt weapons have the weight at the tip of the staff, that makes it unbalanced. Axes, mauls, polearms of all variety all had the bulk of their weight at the business end.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                plate guys die to 4 sword slashes in it

              • 8 months ago

                completely forgot it was a game kek

              • 8 months ago

                oh, you meant the technique, my bad

              • 8 months ago

                >that's wrong. I used longswords
                knightchad I kneel

              • 8 months ago

                >I used longswords, they do not have the mass to deal serious damage through even plastic protection.
                You never held a longsword in your entire life. A longsword has about half a kilo more mass than a mace. if you wanna compare polearms: a poleaxe doesn't have more mass than a billhook.
                >Blunt weapons like polearms were extremely popular among armored soldiers
                for a very short period of time, when plate was still new. polearms got quickly replaced by pikes and halberds.
                >blunt weapons have the weight at the tip of the staff, that makes it unbalanced
                You are legit moronic. Look up a picture of a poleaxe and then look closely what's attached on the other side of the shaft.

              • 8 months ago

                >polearms got quickly replaced by pikes and halberds.
                I meant poleaxes. you get the drift.

              • 8 months ago

                Mace is light because it has a lot of it's mass concentrated in bulk at the hitting end. If it was heavy it would be unwieldy to swing. The mass distribution makes it so hitting with it does more damage than a simple stick or rod of the same weight.
                A longsword of similar mass, or even double the weight wouldn't have the same effect. Different weapons that work in a different way.

              • 8 months ago

                That's what that other anon mistakenly reffered to as "unbalanced" but the other anon sperged out instead of explaining to him that Maces aren't unbalanced they have more mass at the end, just like an axe that translates into more force at a the point of the impact.

              • 8 months ago

                You're forgeting about prongs and flanges, they wer made specifically to impede the plate to distribute the force of the impact.
                But yeah, I agree, I've seen some people say that Plate should have resistance against sharp/pierce and soft armor agaisnt blunt, wich sounds absolutely ridiculous.

          • 8 months ago

            ok wtf is good against plate then

            • 8 months ago

              Crossbows and Longbows and- eventually- firearms.

              • 8 months ago

                >Crossbows and Longbows
                I'm pretty sure I've seen plenty of videos demonstrating that nor bolts or arrows were effective against plate sturdyness or deflection, mostly lucked out between gaps.

              • 8 months ago

                >[Laughs in Italian]

            • 8 months ago

              Hammers, maces, blades in the joints and firearms.
              A arrow cannot pierce plate, not sure what this guy is going on about

              • 8 months ago

                Depending on the type of bow and arrow, and distance and such yeah they could pierce plate.
                An english longbow could take out some knight, I'm pretty sure.

              • 8 months ago

                Perhaps lowest quality ones from.the late middle ages, but high quality reinforced cuirasses and half-plates could withstand musket shots, and an arrow would not stand a chance.

            • 8 months ago

              ranged weapons. maces and hammers do no damage to a plate wearing opponent. plate was literally the most OP shit until the spread of crossbows.

            • 8 months ago

              Nothing. That's the point of fricking plate metal armor.
              Steel plate armor was the pinnacle of personal protection at the time, and it was basically invulnerable. The only real option was to aim between the gaps in the plates or try to hit the head. It wasn't just the durability of steel either, but the shape of the armor. Blows would merely glance off rounded edges instead of biting into them. Using a mace or warhammer was basically a must if you were going up against a heavily armored combatant, and even then you would be aiming for the head because it was the most vulnerable part.
              If Guns hadn't been invented, steel plate armor would still be king.

              • 8 months ago

                >If Guns hadn't been invented, steel plate armor would still be king.
                It's less guns and more raw economics. The late medieval and early modern periods were characterized by the rise of a professional soldiery. Landsknechts, Swiss mercenaries, and other groups of commoners who banded together to fight for money became very common and had the resources to equip themselves.
                While they wouldn't have high-end plate and top-of-the-line weapons, they had far more numbers. A Knight in plate armor might have paid about as much for his gear as it would cost for him to hire and equip 10 professional halberdiers in munitions plate. Then, even if he could easily defeat them 1-on-1, he couldn't defeat them while outnumbered 10 to 1.

              • 8 months ago

                >Nothing. That's the point of fricking plate metal armor.
                Wrong. Nothing beats a good comfy shield in combat. Doesn't matter how much fantasy metal you'll put to cover your belly, le good ole arbalest bolt to the helmet or legs will make a quick job of disposing of a homosexual like you.
                Even in the close melee combat protecting your foot/leg is way more important, because the bones in your leg will be broken or your foot will be cut off, you'll fall to the floor or even kneel an that will be the end of you.
                Shiny Thick Plate was only ever good on a horse in a mid-late age of tournies tournament to keep you relatively safe against a special wooden weapon, that people had to use. Because they didn't at the beginning and the tournaments were an injury fiesta and a death shitshow while using regular military weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                plate was so good, plategays didn't wear shields

              • 8 months ago

                if you make a shield strong enough to give better protection than expertly made armor, then it's too heavy to lift. you use shields for formation fighting, and even there they eventually decided to just stop using it since fighting with 2h weapons is just outright superior. only problem with massed 2h formation is that when e.g., your two pike blocks walk into each other, everyone instantly dies, and people usually aren't hardcore enough to walk into certain death in battle.

              • 8 months ago

                Plate literally made you impervious to all weapons but those that were specifically anti-plate.

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                could 9mm pierce plate

              • 8 months ago

                don't know, it'd hurt like a fricking b***h regardless

            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              Lots of bad info. There were lots of specialized weapons against plate. Anything heavy and with a narrow spike, that could focus kinetic in one spot, was used. It was good for helmets even before plate proper. This is why firearms killed armor. A kid with a gun could defeat plate all day long and improving guns was far more rewarding than trying to improve the already expensive plate.

              • 8 months ago

                Point is, even weapons specialized against plate do worse against plate than they would against weaker armor or no armor.
                The anti-plate weapon still is partially blocked by plate, and you are still better off wearing plate even against the most specialized anti-plate weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                >Point is, even weapons specialized against plate do worse against plate than they would against weaker armor or no armor
                Well yeah, what can demolish a house can do at least the same amount of damage to a shed.

            • 8 months ago

              they literally had a pope ban crossbows because church-annointed knights in full plate were getting clapped by peasantry

            • 8 months ago

              kiting them with blunt projectiles like slings. wearing a 40lbs plate armor is no joke, youll be completely out of breathe running a quarter mile.

            • 8 months ago

              Warhammers and maces. Even if the plate isn't damaged your internal organs will still turn into milkshake. Same concept why older cars won't get damaged but the driver still dies in crahes.

          • 8 months ago

            while blunt weapons couldn't pierce/break the armor the energy of the blow still was transferred to the body causing damage and potentially even breaking bones.

          • 8 months ago

            Why are the metal plates on the inside? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them outside and make it easier to have things glance off of them, or is the risk of ripping the plates off too large?

            • 8 months ago

              it was part of the european fashion that's why knight also had those surcoats and early suits of plate where sometimes covered in velvet

          • 8 months ago

            This might be the best thread to ask then: What makes more sense to you for a game where armor points protect life points, and heavier armors yield more armor points:
            Slashing deals more damage to unprotected life points
            Piercing removes maximum armor or ignores armor?
            Blunt ignores armor or removes maximum armor?

            • 8 months ago

              >making sense
              Gonna be hard.

              Closest would to have armor use separate thresholds for slashing/piercing/blunt.
              If your attack is under the threshold it does jackshit, if it's over it deal full damage (your pierced/cutted/etc right through it).
              Add a second "coverage" parameter, representing how precise/knowledgeable you need to hit inside a gap and ignore the threshold. Default peasant should just hit whatever the most exposed, hitting into the armor 100% of the time even against something with poor coverage. Warrior highly trained with armor get bonus to coverage, as he will know to not expose the weak part and/or bait into the strong parts.

              Can have a whole bunch of perk/ability/effect increasing/decreasing coverage rolls. And damage to the armor decrease threshold/coverage to represent the thing getting torn apart over time, if you are into soft-durability systems.

              • 8 months ago

                What you described is basically DnD AC, but you would then divide into piercing/blunting/slashing AC.
                No Damage Reduction? I mean if it hits AC then it would pierc through right? But wouldn't it pierce deeper without any armor?

              • 8 months ago

                >(your pierced/cutted/etc right through it)
                So there'd be no difference in how any of these interacted with the armor itself?

        • 8 months ago

          God i have no idea why these are such a popular idea. There is no situation where it's preferable to have the hitting part of your weapon on a chain rather than on the end of a stick. I know the fantasy usually involves twirling them round like an olympic hammer but these depictions always seem to forget that things bounce when they hit something. You're just going to end up having that big spiky end flying back into your own face.

        • 8 months ago

          you try to correct historical inaccuracies too hard that you end going in other direction and end up wrong
          leather armor was thing, used under the surcoat of some europeans and used in scales by asians.
          It's true that welsh/english lwarbows required strength but not all european warbows had that draw weight.
          It's true that most swords don't require that much strenght but swords like true twohandded ones do.
          Fails where used in war, the polish and the spaniards are famous for their use, also it was also common self defense weapon in slavic countries

          • 8 months ago

            Leather armor was not a thing. Leather clothing may be worn under armor, for padding.
            All warbows require more strenght to use than all swords. Yes, including the iberian bodyguard sword that for some reason became famous under its german name.
            Flails were depicted in art, but anyone who has tried to use it knows it is useless. Dragons are also depicted in art, and honestly, it is more believable that a dragon was in the battle than that a flail was in the battle.

            • 8 months ago

              Leather armor was a thing, stop sucking shadversity.

            • 8 months ago

              >flails are useless
              They were a farming implement weapon, just like nunchucks, you giant gaping dick wound. They got used like any improvised weapons, ie if there was a proper weapon around they were ignored. If there wasn't, they'd get used. Next you'll say using pitchforks as a weapon is made up.
              You're a homosexual. Stfu with your dunning kruger shit.

              • 8 months ago

                >just like nunchucks
                Anon why the frick would farmers have two sticks attached by a chain lying around? There is literally no situation where a nunchucks outperform just a sturdy long stick.

              • 8 months ago

                >using youtube vids as your source

              • 8 months ago

                I don't need a "source" to know the physics behind being hit by a solid object makes it more effective than being hit by an object that will bounce off me. The video is just so mongoloids like you can see it with their own eyes.

              • 8 months ago

                you can't carry a long sturdy stick in your trousers while you're working

              • 8 months ago

                >why is a total novice like Shad shit at using a nunchuck? It must be because it's a shit weapon.
                morons like you should be shot.

              • 8 months ago


                I don't need a "source" to know the physics behind being hit by a solid object makes it more effective than being hit by an object that will bounce off me. The video is just so mongoloids like you can see it with their own eyes.

              • 8 months ago

                There is zero (none (not at all)) evidence for nunchucks being used in large scale organized violence of any kind.
                It is entirely a bullshido weapon, and basically should only be used for the martial themed yoga east asians love to pretend is a combat discipline.

                See [...]

                I don't disagree with how stupid this is, but it doesn't mean some c**t didn't have their skull caved in by a broom handle. The frick you think axes were mainly used for?

                Wood felling axes and people felling axes are different weapons. You didn't bring a wood felling axe to a fight. You'd honestly rather bring a big stick, as its more balanced and better to defend with.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah- No. I agree that nunchucks are not actually a weapon used in any way in regards to warfare. I'm just saying that nunchucks can be a plausible weapon and that I hate the idea of using Shad's videos as a source for anything. He's not even a HEMA homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                It doesn't matter who makes the video, the only important part is the part where he compares a big strong guy hitting with a nunchuck vs hitting with a solid stick.

              • 8 months ago


                How the frick do you think they would thresh grain without a combine harvester. You're a fricking moron.

                >if a burglar broke into my house, i'd use the broom as a weapon
                >therefore the broom is a weapon, and my broom specialist barbarian is a realistic portrayal of medieval soldiers

                I don't disagree with how stupid this is, but it doesn't mean some c**t didn't have their skull caved in by a broom handle. The frick you think axes were mainly used for?

              • 8 months ago

                >moron comes in snivelling about realistic depiction of weapons in the most insufferable homosexual terms
                >such a homosexual they go out the other sideof just flat out criticising over romanticised weapons and armor and denying they exist despite clear historical references
                Fricking knew you were a shadversity fan. No one is that much of a snivelling nerd about medieval weapons.

              • 8 months ago

                >so butthurt about being proven wrong that he insults the guy who made the video that shows he's a dumbass
                Damn, concession accepted.

              • 8 months ago

                >guy who made the video in his backyard jerking off his mall ninja understanding of shit being debunked by a frickload of actual historians repeatedly notwithstanding
                Lol, lamo even.

              • 8 months ago

                Are these actual historians in the room with us?

              • 8 months ago

                >you reference homosexuals
                >i reference not homosexuals
                So because there are homosexuals here your appeal to authority is somehow more effective?

              • 8 months ago

                >why the frick would farmers have two sticks attached by a chain lying around?

              • 8 months ago

                I admit, I have no fricking idea what that is. Still, the handle looks far longer than the typical nunchuck so already that gives you the reach necessary for a weapon to be useful.

              • 8 months ago

                You beat the wheat plants with it, so they drop their seeds. But its fricking huge, bigger than a man. Its definitely not nunchucks.

              • 8 months ago

                >Its definitely not nunchucks.
                Yes, that was used in Europe, but I assume that nunchacks would be used for a similar purpose in China or wherever.

              • 8 months ago

                Nunchucks were used for personal exercise. Its a tool to guide you as you perform certain body movements for personal exercise, with bonus added mysticism. Its literally combat themed yoga.
                HEMA was already unfavorably mentioned ITT, but the modern american sport of MMA basically showed that all east Asian "martial arts" simply do not work, and couldn't have been actually used for violent conflict, because they are too dumb and impractical. The movements are clearly more akin to dancing, prayer, its choreographed, and yes, its basically yoga.

              • 8 months ago

                >American MMA
                >originating in Japan and Brazil first
                It was just called mma in America, they didn't start it up

              • 8 months ago

                If you want to get autistic, pankration started in ancient Greece, ackschualllly.
                But as far as the average person is concerned, MMA is an American thing.

              • 8 months ago

                Is not autistic when shooto and pride leagues are older than UFC and still exist

              • 8 months ago

                MMA fighters get stabbed all the time because they are overconfident about weapons

              • 8 months ago

                >all the stories about MMA fighters getting punched out in bars because weight classes and rules aren't out in the real world.
                Always good for a laugh.

              • 8 months ago

                >all the stories about MMA fighters getting punched out in bars because weight classes and rules aren't out in the real world.
                Always good for a laugh.

                Does it happen to MMA fighters more often, or does it get reported more often when it happens to them, so that fat losers can get their schadenfreude?
                After all, I know for a fact that bodyfat percentage correlates positively with the speed at which someone clicks "fit person gets hurt" articles.

              • 8 months ago

                that's a very specific seethe

              • 8 months ago

                have you ever talked to a juijistu practitioners some of them honestly believe that they can grapple a person with a sharp machete.
                and also most boxers and MMA fighters come from poor backgrounds so they are sometimes are in the ugly part of town

              • 8 months ago

                >have you ever talked to a juijistu practitioners
                I was a student for ~16 months, and taught kids for ~4 months.
                The first advice, often repeated, is to run away. Someone wants to fight you? Run away. Can't run away? Try to engage, and first chance you get, get up and run away. Its a running joke, pun intended.

              • 8 months ago

                I guess the ones I talked where really overconfident

              • 8 months ago

                They don't take it far enough in my opinion. You need threat assessment skills to avoid getting into a fight to begin with.
                >avoid eye contact
                >be aware of surroundings
                >avoid being in sprinting distance with shady characters
                >avoid being in bad areas
                >avoid being in night
                Etc etc. I never had to run away despite living in Detroit, because I follow these rules. I looked god damn moronic, sometimes I would cross busy streets just to avoid a homeless guy or something. But I never got stabbed

              • 8 months ago

                >king dicks get king punched
                Why split hairs, is funny when any of them get it. Just happens MMA fighters should know better

              • 8 months ago

                >bodyfat percentage correlates positively with the speed at which someone clicks "fit person gets hurt" articles.
                You mean negative, nobody wants to read about anon's getting beat up

              • 8 months ago

                This is kind of an unfair comparison. East asians are manlets, and their martial arts generally focus on using rotation to generate striking power. When you compare that to modern humans who are 6ft tall, clearly any grappling style or simple muscle striking style is going to dominate a style specifically designed for little guys to sting other little guys.

              • 8 months ago

                MMA is a bare fist fight as a sport. a lot of eastern forms were formed with the context that you're applying this in the real world where someone else could have a concealed weapon. It made both parties generally more reluctant to engage and explains why the less aggressive styles all flunk out of MMA.
                Im sure a lot of them got stuck up their own asses with the mysticism, but its like comparing historic fencing techniques to HEMA. HEMA uses armour, rule sets, blunts and all kinds of limitations as well as expectations of it being a sport to work at all. it doesnt emulate the real deal well at all.

                just the fact a weapon is sharp can influence how it handles with certain techniques.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, if you tried to do aikido in a fight, you'd get worse results than if you just tried to walk forward with your arms in front of your face, and then grab the person with one hand and punch them with the other.
                Your instinct, when you have zero martial training, is to grab and hit. Its to close distance, grapple with one hand, punch with the other. Literal caveman shit. And this outperforms 90% of east asian martial traditions.
                The ones that do best are the ones that transitioned to sport, and during that transition, threw out most of their moves and cleaned up into some variant of judo or karate.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, if you tried to do aikido in a fight, you'd get worse results than if you just tried to walk forward with your arms in front of your face, and then grab the person with one hand and punch them with the other.
                Your instinct, when you have zero martial training, is to grab and hit. Its to close distance, grapple with one hand, punch with the other. Literal caveman shit. And this outperforms 90% of east asian martial traditions.
                The ones that do best are the ones that transitioned to sport, and during that transition, threw out most of their moves and cleaned up into some variant of judo or karate.

                A lot of people seem to be unaware that a lot of these "mystical eastern martial arts" are modern as shit as well.
                Karate was literally invented in the early 1900's (pretty much), and it was invented specifically so that the super nationalistic imperial japs could have something to brag about because they had no equivalent to european boxing.
                Judo as well was invented in the first decade of 1900's (though it was developed from jujutso which is much older).

              • 8 months ago

                Same shit with 'traditional' chinese medicine

              • 8 months ago

                >Karate was literally invented in the early 1900's (pretty much), and it was invented specifically so that the super nationalistic imperial japs could have something to brag about because they had no equivalent to european boxing.
                I thought they pinched it off the Ryukyuans after they conquered the island kingdoms since imperial law forbade them to carry weapons and practice swordsmanship. Same reasons for why the sai and kama made their way over as ninja weapons elevated from basic farming tools. It wouldn't be the first time that the Yamoto took inspiration from their neighbors before absorbing them.

              • 8 months ago

                Worse: even the "traditional and legit" ninja schools date from around that period.

              • 8 months ago

                Don’t forget martial arts we’re also brought to east Asia by Aryan monks

              • 8 months ago

                Unarmed combat is really a pointless pursuit outside of wrestling for extreme close quarters, most martial arts across the world were focused on using weapons because only a total moron would try to win a fight by punching someone when they could just carry a weapon and stab them or smack them over the head from a stick instead.

              • 8 months ago

                mma restricts a lot of moves from eastern martial arts, of course boxers will win against them

              • 8 months ago

                It restricts low percentage moves like eye gouging. Most of the time it makes no difference and occasionally we miss out on underdog wins where somebody gets maimed.

              • 8 months ago

                >but the modern american sport of MMA
                Only work because it's 99% ground grappling, which will get you instantly killed in a group fight.

              • 8 months ago

                >which will get you instantly killed in a group fight
                It won't, because people are reluctant to kill their own allies. It's difficult to target a specific person in a ground fight.

              • 8 months ago

                Unless you outnumber then, in which case everybody can pile on and immobilize them.

              • 8 months ago

                Ground grappling is very static, at least when it comes to a dude with a weapon watching.

              • 8 months ago

                Actual "real fight", as in war, will see far more grappling than punching or kicking. And in the fantasy medieval settings being discussed here, this is even more pronounced.
                Although it would mostly be upper body work, grappling for a weapon, pulling and pushing. The kind of group grappling you see in team sports, like rugby.

              • 8 months ago

                MMA grappling is more about floor game and locks. Being off your feet in a war is death.

              • 8 months ago

                > MMA basically showed that all east Asian "martial arts" simply do not work
                You don't know shit about MMA.
                What are Muay Thai and Jiujitsu? They are basic martial arts that most MMA fighters train. Less common, but also used are karate and judo.

              • 8 months ago

                moron Yoga doesn't teach combat

              • 8 months ago

                >You beat the wheat plants with it, so they drop their seeds.
                should have been an actual first quest instead of rats in the basement

              • 8 months ago

                >trusting a larper that refuses to learn any sort of martial art

              • 8 months ago

                >you will never have a 6'4 friend whose a sir

              • 8 months ago

                That guy has a knighthood? Why?

              • 8 months ago

                You wouldn't get knighthood if you could?

              • 8 months ago

                Of course I would. But why did he get one?

              • 8 months ago

                I have no idea he just called him sir and I accept it

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >I WAS WRONG.... visible
                >.... or was I? if you open it
                >I WAS WRONG on thumbnail
                >lol no nunchucks are still dumb if you hover over it
                Good use of YouTube mechanics for trolling,desu.

              • 8 months ago

                why would i open it, he admitted he was wrong
                i won

              • 8 months ago

                Fails are an agricultural tool that could, in a last ditch resort situation, be used as a weapon.
                Is it a first choice? No. But I can guarantee that people have been beaten to death with em before.

              • 8 months ago

                >if a burglar broke into my house, i'd use the broom as a weapon
                >therefore the broom is a weapon, and my broom specialist barbarian is a realistic portrayal of medieval soldiers

            • 8 months ago

              cuirr bulli was thing anon also buff coats of later ages, also Japanese yoroi could made with either iron or leather scales.
              there are many remaining examples of flail in mueseums and martial art manual explain their use.
              Iberian montante manuals explain that you just use them like a montante
              If you hit yourself with a flail it means that you can't use a sword either since in t means that you don't know how follow through a slice

              • 8 months ago

                >cuirr bulli was thing anon
                For decoration, not for protection. It wasn't armor, it was a biker rocker jacket. Its used today the same way it was used back then, to hang your metal ornaments on it.

              • 8 months ago

                >almost quoting already debunked shadversity favgotry verbatim
                Just stfu and do a Google search already you hapless weenie.

              • 8 months ago

                quoting already debunked shadversity favgotry verbatim
                Only God knows how much I hate the flood of absolute clueless armchair experts that Shad spawned into this world.

              • 8 months ago

                why would you wear decoration under your surcoat, also there are theoriers that linothorax could be also made from leather.
                and buff coats aren't leather jackets those are thick and heavy.
                do you think you can make a soldier wear 3kg of useless gear without them discarding it at the first chance

              • 8 months ago

                >if you wear a leather jacked under the armor, this makes the jacket also an armor heuhueheuhe
                >also there are theoriers that linothorax could be also made from leather
                Lino-thorax? As in, linen armor? Made of leather?

              • 8 months ago

                Also, these existed and served a purpose of protection and decoration.
                But yeah, you would hardly see a cuirass of pure boiled leather. It would be reinforced with metal of some kind, otherwise It would not be very useful against more direct thrusts and strong slashes

          • 8 months ago

            There's a pretty big difference between historical leather scale mail and completely fictional leather jacket armor meant for stealthy classes. The latter never looks good in the slightest, is generally portrayed as being much more common than the closest things its got to counterparts in real life, and has been spreading like a plague even to shit that's meant to be historical

        • 8 months ago

          >Also D&D started the myth of bows being a "dexterity weapon" and a weapon suitable for women.
          Ever heard of Amazons you dumb Black person? Or Artemis?

          • 8 months ago

            The amazons were huge muscular chaddettes. They didnt use bows because they are not strong enough for swords, as popular culture teaches.

            ok wtf is good against plate then

            Spikes, and maces.
            The point being that maces are even better against other types of armor. A hammer to the head is better if you aren't wearing a helmet, and still okay if you are wearing a helmet.

            • 8 months ago

              Amazons are total fiction, anon

            • 8 months ago

              to be fair most weapons are better against the head especially without a helmet

        • 8 months ago

          >Also D&D started the myth of bows being a "dexterity weapon"
          Except that some bows do have strength requirements in D&D. The reasoning for them being dex weapons is simple - hitting stronger lets do deal more damage, but you can only pull the bowstring so far. Dex is representative of your ability to aim precisely.
          As for women, they were always identical to men in d&d with no stat differences, so that simply doesn't matter. There were simply a lot of women in all combat roles in d&d.

          • 8 months ago

            If anything the women being archers and not warriors is more of an armour thing than a weapon thing because skimpy light armour makes a lot more sense than skimpy heavy armour

            • 8 months ago

              >is more of an armour thing than a weapon thing because skimpy light armour makes a lot more sense than skimpy heavy armour
              No sane person wore heavy armour unless they were riding a horse at a tournament or smth. Armor IRL is pretty shitty and works mainly as deflection or energy absorption mechanism. There is no ultra thick armor IRL.
              The most popular type of IRL armor, that people wore for over a thousand fricking years is a simple chainmail tunic.
              Also nobody wore gay leather braces with metal elements or spikes. That's modern bdsm, not ancient or medieval warfare.

              • 8 months ago

                nobody in Europe after renaissance used maile shirts with the exception of Ireland, breastplates and brigandines in britain and france became the norm for foot soldierds that could afford it

              • 8 months ago

                >after renaissance
                people were shooting each other. with all kinds of curious devices, such as arquebus or petronel, including all of the earlier and later analogues of them, including but not limited to a simple musket.
                Most kinds of armor is pretty useless against that. How thick do you believe the real armor plates were? People had to be able to carry them on their bodies, you know.
                TL;DR: Yeah, no shit a simple chainmail tunic fell off, but so did most kinds of armor, including plated. Because they're useless against cannons and bullets.

              • 8 months ago

                those shitty round balls weren't that aerodynamic, you can stand far enough away to be able to shoot and kill an unarmored man while being invulnerable to his return fire. the spanish (?) had those weird pistol riders with mass-produced plate armor, who would ride up to formations and fire their guns into them at close range before riding off again to reload, they probably weren't wearing the armor just to make their horses run slower

              • 8 months ago

                Cavalry is something different than foot soldiers. Plus, it's just mitigation of most bullshit accidental risks. In reality it didn't matter much whether they wore a plate at a shootout. Because horse, head, legs, etc always were more vurneable, but causing just as much damage, as a knife to the belly. Both ultimately resulted in death. Also, read more about plate below. And even cavalry wasn't safe from cannons. I know people often use movies, videogames, fan fiction as references to the warfare, but the reality was different. Cavalry has always had a limited use in warfare. It was extremely expensive, very limited in numbers, and required a very good commander to be used effectively.

                yet people still used breastplates a form of plate armor during that time up to the 19th century

                not people. c**ts in homosexual ruffle shirts, who would be able to buy such an item. Plus, it didn't really protect them either. Sure, it could deflect a slow bullet, or save a bruise from peasan't club, but it is not effective against a cannon ball.
                Besides 19th century is Napoleonic Wars. So, the warfare changed completely, because regular state-wide conscription became a thing (yeah it wasn't during darkest feudal middle age times). Which meant that tens of thousands of people were involved in the military, making wheels, and teaching homosexuals discipline became way, way more important than a piece of plate. And no regular musketeergay (in thousands) wore a plate. Ever.

              • 8 months ago

                Who said armor protected against canons?

              • 8 months ago

                read this

                those shitty round balls weren't that aerodynamic, you can stand far enough away to be able to shoot and kill an unarmored man while being invulnerable to his return fire. the spanish (?) had those weird pistol riders with mass-produced plate armor, who would ride up to formations and fire their guns into them at close range before riding off again to reload, they probably weren't wearing the armor just to make their horses run slower

                Nothing. That's the point of fricking plate metal armor.
                Steel plate armor was the pinnacle of personal protection at the time, and it was basically invulnerable. The only real option was to aim between the gaps in the plates or try to hit the head. It wasn't just the durability of steel either, but the shape of the armor. Blows would merely glance off rounded edges instead of biting into them. Using a mace or warhammer was basically a must if you were going up against a heavily armored combatant, and even then you would be aiming for the head because it was the most vulnerable part.
                If Guns hadn't been invented, steel plate armor would still be king.

              • 8 months ago

                A round ball is a bullet type.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, but my point, for some anons larping as historians here, is that artillery became a thing way before personal handguns became a thing. Because the initial point of artillery was to demolish the structures. It's just so happened, that even a trebuchet, loaded with a dead infected cow and loads of human feces was more effective against plate than people imagine.

              • 8 months ago

                you can understand from context that they're not talking about canons, don't be a dipshit

              • 8 months ago

                if we're talking about real warfare to shit on fantasy nonsense, then ofc they do. When do you think people began using cannons in battle? It was in the medieval period, believe it or not. Along with chainmail, platemail, and everything else.
                TL;DR: In the context of the IRL history, ofc they are. Because cannons existed alongside of the Plate Armor homosexualry.

              • 8 months ago

                Some guy posts that armor is useless because they were shooting canons and lots of other projectiles that he asserts ignore armor. Others post that armor protects against those projectiles. You then pretend that they're talking about canons, even though it's self-evident that they weren't talking about the cannonballs since nobody would ever think that armor could protect against cannonballs fired out of a canon.

              • 8 months ago

                because they're silly. Even when the crossbow came along it wasn't considered a good/honorable/christian/whateverthefrick weapon, because it was so damn fricking effective. Granted, relative short range (compared to light arrowed bows) and slow reload speed (compared to 3 shots per minute with a bow) might be seen as drawbacks. Reality, however, as usual, is different to fantasy, because IRL arbalest fricking obliterated everything, if it was used correctly. Esp in battle.
                The outcome of a medieval battle, in general, never came down to the type of armor a random gay was wearing.

              • 8 months ago

                Ok you are being serious with your bikini then, and we will take the plate amor.

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                also, just for lulz, do you what was the main defense of a crossbowgay IRL during a battle? A shield. A big and rectangular one (sort of), granted. But those gays planted their shields in front of them and then shat on everybody else with their crossbows.
                History, btw, knows all sorts of events. There was a battle, that commanding homosexuals were too eager to start (France - England so called 100 year medieval war) the battle. They didn't give their own troops time to prepare. So the crossbowmen, left all of the shields behind in the supply wagon train, because nodoby carried those fricking shields on themselves during the march ofc. Anyhow, French homosexual was too willing to catch the lesser English troops, so that he sent all of his mercenary crossbowmen and other troops into the battle right away, first. And they have sucked massive dick against British bow and longbowmen without their shields. Huge losses for that "french" company that day.
                Another time tho, British were fricked, because crossbowmen had their shields and planted them.
                TL;DR: Reality isn't homosexual fantasy at all. That's all I'm saying. People should educate themselves before praising some kind of weapon or some piece of armor in general. The only type of armor that stood a test of time (over a fricking millenia) is the chain mail (tunic). Even that fell off in the late medieval period tho.

              • 8 months ago

                nothing you typed in this post is relevant to anything anyone's posted in the thread, it's just a bunch of random irrelevant factoids

              • 8 months ago

                It is relevant to the most important thing: Warfare IRL.

              • 8 months ago

                Someone saying, infantry can't carry shields big enough to be more protective than plate armor because they would be too heavy, and you responding that crossbowmen would carry man-sized pavises which they rested on the ground and stood behind while they reloaded, that's not you making a relevant comment. That's you having a seizure.

              • 8 months ago

                It wasn't about shields tho. Exclusively anyway. I just thought I'd mention their shields. The point I was making was about crossbows in the first place. How they shat on anything and everything. Bowmen whether eastern light cavalry
                >ride close
                >run away
                tactic homosexuals or british longbowmen were quite effective against heavily armored troops too, including heavy armored cavalry (known as knights).

              • 8 months ago

                crossbowmen and archers would also get get plate armor if they could afford it.
                brigandines and corrazinas are also form of plate armor

              • 8 months ago

                >crossbowmen and archers would also get get plate armor if they could afford it.
                Not a single plate, because it might limit the movement too much. Plus, a really good helmet during medieval times always was way more important than a breastplate. Chain Mail did just fine. Even those, depending on size, might have been too heavy and uncomfortable in certain situations.
                >brigandines and corrazinas are also form of plate armor
                Yes ofc. Plate pieces sewn onto or rather tied to the frame with the leather bits also were a thing.

              • 8 months ago

                brigandines almost all the time have 2 bigplates in the front and corrazinas are pretty much 3 plates riveted together with some fabric on top pretty much a regular cuirrass that opens in the front

              • 8 months ago

                >c**ts in homosexual ruffle shirts
                French cuirassiers where feared by other countries soldiers.
                also other countries also employed cuirassiers
                >Sure, it could deflect a slow bullet
                that was enough for most most soldiers better than dying or being injured

              • 8 months ago

                very few, compared to an army.
                >that was enough for most most soldiers better than dying or being injured
                Agreed. As any proper troop, however, esp cavalry, it's very expensive and it has highly situational use.
                TL;DR: Battlefield and circumstances matter more than armor.

              • 8 months ago

                Literally thousands.

              • 8 months ago

                >Literally thousands.
                >Literally thousands
                would have be economically impossible to train, equip, upkeep, and pay for. No King could do that alone. No "country" during the Renaissance or right after it could afford to do that.
                A combined might of multiple regions/feudals/castles amounting to 2-3k cavalry men for ONE battle might have been possible during the medieval period. It was an immense force to be reckoned with, however. One of things games like Mount & Blade does right is limiting the amount of active troops of most lords to under a 100. Because that was the reality. You just usually couldn't collect more cavalry troops at once.

              • 8 months ago

                TEN THOUSAND

              • 8 months ago

                >1813 Leipzig
                I refer you to this statement of mine:

                very few, compared to an army.
                >that was enough for most most soldiers better than dying or being injured
                Agreed. As any proper troop, however, esp cavalry, it's very expensive and it has highly situational use.
                TL;DR: Battlefield and circumstances matter more than armor.

                >very few, compared to an army.
                Facts, aimiright?
                >cherry picked the largest european battle in the entire history prior to the world wars
                >multiple fricking empires and countries participated
                >over half a million troops combined
                >but muh 10k cuirasses once in history
                >not even medieval or renaissance battle, it was later
                >over 2k artillery units on the field
                >over 100k people dead in 3 days
                >but muh plate, please, anon, please
                ffs anon.

              • 8 months ago

                after and during the renaissance a cuirass is a lot cheaper compared malile.
                mail is very time consuming to make a cuirass take less time but requires skilled labor.
                so as technology improves plate becomes cheaper.
                napoleon had 16 regiment of cuirasiers so that means at least 1600 armorerd men in the 19th century in France.
                other countries also had cuirassiers and during WW1 some soldiers had breatsplates for the trenches

              • 8 months ago

                All true. I'd also add that among other economical and technological factors, the quality of metal/iron/steel/whatever you'd want to call it played a huge role and techniques of working with it ofc too.
                That is all to say, that in the early medieval period it was damn impossible to create a very good single plate armor cuirass.

              • 8 months ago

                >Literally thousands.
                >Literally thousands
                would have be economically impossible to train, equip, upkeep, and pay for. No King could do that alone. No "country" during the Renaissance or right after it could afford to do that.
                A combined might of multiple regions/feudals/castles amounting to 2-3k cavalry men for ONE battle might have been possible during the medieval period. It was an immense force to be reckoned with, however. One of things games like Mount & Blade does right is limiting the amount of active troops of most lords to under a 100. Because that was the reality. You just usually couldn't collect more cavalry troops at once.

                Fricking moron.

              • 8 months ago

                yet people still used breastplates a form of plate armor during that time up to the 19th century

              • 8 months ago

                And let's not forget the absolute madman.

              • 8 months ago

                If only he added the legs.

        • 8 months ago

          >Also D&D started the myth of bows being a "dexterity weapon
          This is funny because we can see if someone was a longbow archer because of the deformation caused by excessive muscles growth

        • 8 months ago

          >and those moronic "leather bracers"
          If you want to get technical, leather bracers did exist and were common. Archery bracers that is.

        • 8 months ago

          Imagine complaining about d&d spreading bullshot while spreading bullshit yourself

          • 8 months ago

            He's right thoughever.

        • 8 months ago

          >Also D&D started the myth of bows being a "dexterity weapon"
          Unironically though guns can be exactly this. Women are competitive with men in target shooting comps.

        • 8 months ago

          >reality, the sword is a much more suitable weapon for weaker people
          Or a polearm. The leverage helps make up for the strength gap (with a sword women would still be overpowered in a clinch etc) whilst also negating the reach advantage of male opponents. Iirc naginata were the primary weapon of female warriors in Japan for this reason.

        • 8 months ago

          Not every bow is an English longbow, anon, the idea behind women being associated with the bow isn’t because of perceived strength requirements but rather to keep them out of close combat where they will get annihilated regardless of weapon due to reach/strength/reaction speed/etc disparities that come from a lifetime of testosterone differentials

          • 8 months ago

            Bows aren't guns. Bowmen were 200-300 meters away from what they were shooting at. They very much were close to the fight.
            And the way to keep your women away from the fighting is... to not bring them to the fight. Women were defended by not being armed. In the rare cases where they were armed, they were part of a mob meant to swarm the enemy, or man a barricade, and not given a weapon that requires years of practice to use.

            • 8 months ago

              >they very much were close to the fight
              And? Are you comparing proximity of a bows effective range and a swords? Are you ok?

          • 8 months ago

            Stop talking, you have no fricking idea what you're saying.

          • 8 months ago

            Any bow powerful enough to be a useful weapon of war would absolutely need a man to pull it. Longbow, composite bows in Asia... it makes no odds.
            But women are only warriors in fantasy, with very few real world exceptions in medieval/ancient times. Which are often unverifiable (did Jeanne d'Arc *really* fight in her armour?)
            War is man's business. We fight to get to be the ones to frick women, that's the basic biological drive behind warfare in the first place.
            Women have nothing evolutionaraly speaking to gain. That's why giving them the vote is such a disaster for any society - they'll cheerfully spread her legs for the invader or 'migrant'; whoever she perceives to be the strongest males around.

            • 8 months ago

              based and conquestpilled

              • 8 months ago

                A good one that I have seen was from a mod for Kenshi. It was essentially solid polished ball on the end of a rod. Exclusively employed by Skinbandits and they were strong enough to donk right through a samurai helmet. Great weapon for taking slaves without the risk of knocking a limb off. They called it a Falling Star.

              • 8 months ago

                meant for

                I don't think I've seen any recent rendition of a mace without spikes.

        • 8 months ago

          For context here's a historically accurate bowmen. Dunno what game its from but the artist is Katsumi Enami.

          I'd argue that Green Arrow and Hawkeye are more accurate than most bow wielders.

          • 8 months ago

            Listen man I get your point but
            >historically accurate
            does not really compute when his biceps is bigger than arnolds and they didnt have any roids back then

            • 8 months ago

              >Historically Accurate
              >Comically Sized Biceps
              It's shoulder and backs muscles you need to pull moron-san.

              > b***hing about the dude's muscles when the chick has big anime eyes and pointy elf years

          • 8 months ago

            >Historically Accurate
            >Comically Sized Biceps
            It's shoulder and backs muscles you need to pull moron-san.

            • 8 months ago

              Listen man I get your point but
              >historically accurate
              does not really compute when his biceps is bigger than arnolds and they didnt have any roids back then

              >be bowman
              >do chinups
              >everyone calls you a fake cause you got big biceps

            • 8 months ago

              To be fair a great deal of back exercises also work the biceps as a matter of course.

            • 8 months ago

              Almost all back exercises outside of deadlift work biceps.

        • 8 months ago

          >those moronic "leather bracers"
          Those were already a cliche long before D&D. Here's a poster for the original 1925 version of Ben-Hur. The more famous 1959 remake features bigger ones. I heard that the original purpose was to hide the tan lines of wrist watches.

          • 8 months ago

            >hide the tan lines of wrist watches
            If you can find examples before 1918 it would disprove that theory, because wrist watches only became fashionable after World War 1.

        • 8 months ago

          very good, very good, however:
          >we hide knives from children, and cut ourselves unintentionally while cooking
          knives and rapiers are a dex weapon, while normal swords are quality build because they require both strength to wield and skill to use
          you could say sword: primary dex secondary strength, bow: primary strength secondary dex(to aim)

          • 8 months ago

            there's no weapon that doesn't require both dex and str to use well. even a knife relies on speed to not be easily grabbed by the wrist or do damage beyond the initial puncture. even a sledgehammer relies upon dexterity to be able to hit what you're swinging it at. it's a bit weird for games to separate weapons into only depending on either stat.

            • 8 months ago

              >it's a bit weird for games to separate weapons into only depending on either stat.
              It's the problem with nerds who come up with the setting, they have autistic level of deep knowledge when it comes to some things, and equal amount of misinformation on other things. Rule of cool also rears it's ugly head at the worst of times.
              Take bows for example. Being good at hitting shit with it does requare a lot of skill, so dex is a given. And female archers are hot/cool. Now try to incorporate the realistic draw weight to damage relation, and suddenly female archers disappear. No longer do you have qt elf waifus shooting arrows. So we need to either stop thinking about str and draw weight, or give females superstrength.

            • 8 months ago

              >there's no weapon that doesn't require both dex and str to use well
              Mounted firearms.

          • 8 months ago

            rapiers feel heavy as frick and require a lot or grips strength and arm endurance I can fight for longer with my greatsword than with my rapier and dagger fighting has a lot of grappling.
            I honestly believe that most weapons require both

        • 8 months ago

          bow as a strength weapon is a ACKCHYUALLY meme in and of itself because of how weak nerds are, there are videos of twinks pulling and hitting targets with English longbows without much problem nor strength training

          • 8 months ago

            >there are videos of twinks pulling and hitting targets with English longbows
            Anon, you do know that a bow's draw strength is something you can decided when you make it, right?
            You can make a giant-ass bow that's piss-easy to draw. It won't shoot very far nor through anything worth soothing at tho.

          • 8 months ago

            Well shit I guess the guys whose skeletons were warped because of prolonged bow use were just fricking DUMB because they didn't know that ackchyally it's not a big deal after all.

        • 8 months ago

          >D&D invented "leather armor" and those moronic "leather bracers" we see in so much historical fiction today. Even in documentaries!
          no that was the fault of theatrical costumes being inaccurate
          its even earlier then the sword and sandals film genre but in that most of the costumes are wrong, have bracers, leather armor etc..

        • 8 months ago

          I always thought flails in general were misinterpretations of the meteor hammer. Meteor hammers were very hard to use but unlike flails they posed less of a threat to the wielder because of the length of the rope and were actually useful for hitting targets at range.

          • 8 months ago

            Flails are an actual farming tool that any peasant would have around.
            It's has very long reach (so safe-ish for the user), has a mean kick (way more than enough to bash a skull open), and said peasant had a good bunch of training using it to whack stuff with decent precision.
            It's basically a pole-arm that's kinda shitty, but that you don't have to buy/craft and that you already master.

            From there it's not completely alien to see some peasant-turned-militia-turned-mercenary/man-at-arms decide to stick with it and commission a more war-optimized version, or some professional soldier witnessing a peasant whacking the hell out of someone with one and deciding to give it a try.

            • 8 months ago

              yeah but we're talking about the morning star on a chain type flails.

              • 8 months ago

                Isn't a morning star without a chain just a mace?

              • 8 months ago

                Its becomes a mace when you take the spikes out.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think I've seen any recent rendition of a mace without spikes.

              • 8 months ago

                A morning star is just a ball shaped mace with spikes and was really effective.
                A spike ball on a chain linked to a wooden handle is a form of flail that exclusively exists in decoration because only a suicidal frick would actually risk fighting with it.

                This tends to be the most common idea of a fantasy flail, even though that anon posted the realistic flail which is a long stick with a rope "hinge" carrying another stick covered in spikes.

                That's why I posted the meteor hammer, because it really was a ball with a chain or rope that you'd swing around, the difference being is it had no handle.
                With enough rope or chain you could pretty much swing the thing around without much risk for hurting yourself.

                The Meteor Hammer is what Gogo Yubari uses in Kill Bill, which people mistake for a flail. Some of the techniques such as the neck wrap are actually what people with the meteor hammer did to control a strike.

          • 8 months ago

            I had some friend's into meteor hammer as a hobby and goddamn that shit looks cool, even better when they use fire on it too

        • 8 months ago

          >I'll also blame D&D for popularizing dumb weapons, like flails, which probably never saw battlefield use and were just dumb ornaments
          People will actually believe crap like this just because some moronic sword youtuber said so. Flails were a 100% real and viable weapon.

      • 8 months ago

        They were influenced more by Greyhawk and Mystara.

      • 8 months ago

        Most FF monsters come from D&D

        • 8 months ago

          FF1's entire beastiary was ripped 1:1 from D&D first edition.

      • 8 months ago

        Not just AD&D but Frank Herbert as well.
        Reading Dune just gives me flashbacks to playing jRPGs as a kid.

        • 8 months ago

          >Reading Dune just gives me flashbacks to playing jRPGs as a kid.
          Wait, how?
          There is only one teenager in Dune, and his hair aren't even spiky.
          And you don't kill God either, God just kill himself once mankind finally figure out how to survive without being tardwrangled every second.

        • 8 months ago

          It's rather shocking to me that there was never like a Dune OVA back in the 90s or something

    • 8 months ago

      it's fricking crazy how much influence AD&D had in japan
      the more I learn about D&D lore, the more parallels I've been able to draw between fantasy anime and Forgotten Realms

      Not just AD&D but Frank Herbert as well.
      Reading Dune just gives me flashbacks to playing jRPGs as a kid.

      Genuine question, why are you saying "AD&D" and not just D&D? I've never seen that abbreviation.

      • 8 months ago

        Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, aka the first actual D&D ruleset.

      • 8 months ago

        The very very first Dungeons and Dragons was basically just Gary Gygax's homebrew that was passed around.
        The game as we know it today really started with 1st edition, which was called "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons"

      • 8 months ago

        I'm amazed people answered your question instead of mocking you for being a zoomer. Good job guys.

  3. 8 months ago

    >japanese orc
    you mean an oni?

    • 8 months ago

      You're an oni-chan

      • 8 months ago

        That's a japanese goblin tho

        • 8 months ago



          • 8 months ago

            I DON'T WANNA STARE AT PISS WORDS, do it in white like everyone else.

    • 8 months ago

      Oni are demons or are sometimes interpreted as "Ogres", Orcs aren't either though.

    • 8 months ago

      Those are sprits orcs are from European mythology

      That's a japanese goblin tho

      No such thing goblins are also European folk lore

    • 8 months ago

      Japanese ogres are cute

      • 8 months ago

        Damn that's some good art. It's from the Dungeon Meshi author right?

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, Ryoko Kui

          • 8 months ago

            MMAgays why is there a giant handle for the knives?

            • 8 months ago

              They're not knives, they're punch daggers AKA katars, which you would know if you actually played PST.

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              aerie is my waifu

          • 8 months ago

            For me, it's Dynaheir

      • 8 months ago

        >Horns the same color as skin
        The most absolute shit character design ever.

      • 8 months ago

        Damn, that red headed one is delicious. Contest of strength in the bedroom every night. And I would win every time, which would make her try harder the next night. Glorious.

      • 8 months ago

        >that redhead

      • 8 months ago

        These just look like tumblr art.They even have red noses.

        • 8 months ago

          Not bug eyed and alien headed enough for you?

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I hate the translation from oni to ogre. They're not ogres at all. I think demon makes most sense since they come form the underworld and have supernatural powers. Ogres are not inherently magical. They're just ugly humanoids.

  4. 8 months ago

    Google exist, use that zoom zoom

    • 8 months ago

      Sagers are so fricking pathetic lmfao

  5. 8 months ago

    Tiny lizard goblins
    >kobold, Japan
    Furry dogs

    • 8 months ago

      same reason western kobolds are lizards and nipbolds are dogbolds (the worst kind of 'bold)
      porcs are based
      (You) are cringe

      Seeing the type of homosexual kobolds west like now, the dogbolds are better by a country mile.

    • 8 months ago

      wizardry was very popular in japan

  6. 8 months ago

    Because Blizzard stole Warhammer's greenskin design.
    1st edition dnd still depicted orcs as pigmen.

  7. 8 months ago

    warhammer is only franchise that does orcs right

    • 8 months ago

      gayhammers never cease to amaze me with their shit takes.

  8. 8 months ago

    early dnd orc looked like that and it was popular with nips

    • 8 months ago

      >move: 9 inches
      What the frick?

      • 8 months ago

        Inches on the battle map, because it was originally a war game.

    • 8 months ago

      Because their first exposure to orcs was d7d 1st edition and they took their own route with them, seperate from western fantasy artists.

      same with kobolds, 1st edition kobolds are described as being much more doglike.

      Hell of a hivemind

  9. 8 months ago

    Orc comes from orcus, which means demon in latin. Orca, the sea monster, also comes from here. It has no relation to pigs that I can imagine, so japanese are strictly in the wrong here.

    Bonus fun fact: when the Lord of the Rings movies came out, SJWs claimed the orcs look like anti-japanese propaganda from WW2.

    • 8 months ago

      Orcs aren't part of any folklore.
      Tolkien orcs where smaller and weaker than humans,evil, pretty smart and cunning and cowardly.
      also inspired by mongols
      pretty much a mongolian goblin.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm pretty sure tolkien's orcs are intended to just be goblins, small, weak, cowardly, averse to sunlight. Tolkien also uses the words interchangeably, frequently

        the uruk-hai are much closer to the modern fantasy orcs we see

        • 8 months ago

          No. Goblins in European folklore are good creatures, at worst a bit mischievous, but not evil. And they look like this basically, not orcish like in LOTR. The orcs Tolkien invented are an original fantasy race not based on any pre-existing mythological creature, and he also took "goblin" and made it into a synonym that also refers to his orcs.

          Orcs aren't part of any folklore.
          Tolkien orcs where smaller and weaker than humans,evil, pretty smart and cunning and cowardly.
          also inspired by mongols
          pretty much a mongolian goblin.

          This is a correct, except for the goblin in "pretty much a mongolian goblin", since Tolkien orcs have no basis in goblins at all

          orcus is a pagan god no chistian would use them in their folklore.
          only the chief gods of other panteons tend to be turned into demons and faeries Orcus is too small compared to Hades or Dispater.
          for Tolkien orcs where just a kind of gobblin.
          trolls and ogres fit the niche currrent fanty orcs better

          Christcuckoldry is just israeli paganism, larping like its somehow any different from any other religion is just pure cope. Well, its different in the sense that you are stupid enough to worship a israelite religion instead of your own peoples gods. Thats embarrassing in a new degree.

          • 8 months ago

            back to Ganker Black person, you have 20 more religious bait threads to make

            • 8 months ago

              I was merely replying to a israelitelover who was religion baiting, don't get mad at me when I didn't start it
              The main point of my post was that goblin is a good, elvenlike but short creature in European folklore, not some ugly orcish rapething like in everything now

          • 8 months ago

            why should i worship the old gods? If true God is not true then those b***h ass tree humpers are not real as well, you might just go full atheist moron.

            • 8 months ago

              >b***h ass tree humpers
              at the very least they sound way more fun than your israeli invisible friend.

            • 8 months ago

              If any god is real then most logical case is that every race has their own gods
              Worshiping a foreign races gods, especially of a hostile races that wants to destroy you, sounds like the dumbest fricking thing possible to do
              Also, the main reason to have religion is that it gives society a set of morals and rules that maintain the cultural traditions and values of your people. A foreign religion fails at this and just ends up subverting your people, destroying them. See how christcuckoldry has poisoned Aryan societies with weakness, when with our own old gods our ways were much more noble, moral and strong.

            • 8 months ago

              Don't reply to pagan LARPers, do something better with your time

        • 8 months ago

          I'm kinda confused, was it orcs in Moria swarming everybody or was they completely different orcs, from goblins. You have weird piggish goblins in Hobbit too, im kinda confused about whole Tolkien system. I know they have Ologs which are basically ogres and Uruks which are what would be a modern orc.

          • 8 months ago

            He has everything.
            >goblins and goblin King, who are just nasty fricking homosexuals.
            >underground little shitty middle earth orcs, who are basicly undead, who are afraid of sun and pretty much the only race because very friendly with goblins and evil overlords
            >evil Saruman uses the shitty little underground middle earth orcs as slave labor to create the Uruk. Who are magically imbued undead not fearing the sun anymore.
            >then you have the northern orcs, who also have sub species. some of them are little homosexuals, some of them are almost like Uruk.

            • 8 months ago

              So which ones were swarming fellowship party? Goblins or orcs afraid of sun?

              • 8 months ago

                little homosexualy orcs afraid of sun.

              • 8 months ago

                So which ones were swarming fellowship party? Goblins or orcs afraid of sun?

                He has everything.
                >goblins and goblin King, who are just nasty fricking homosexuals.
                >underground little shitty middle earth orcs, who are basicly undead, who are afraid of sun and pretty much the only race because very friendly with goblins and evil overlords
                >evil Saruman uses the shitty little underground middle earth orcs as slave labor to create the Uruk. Who are magically imbued undead not fearing the sun anymore.
                >then you have the northern orcs, who also have sub species. some of them are little homosexuals, some of them are almost like Uruk.

                This is entirely wrong, they are all the same things : orcs.
                There a just small ones you see everywhere and bigger ones that Sauron and Sarumane purposely breed like dogs.
                Sarumane even cross breed them with wildmen

              • 8 months ago

                Both. It was mainly Sarumans Orcs but there was a contingent of Orcs from Mordor that were also there, they end up fighting each other over the Hobbits before they are all slaughtered by the Rohirrim.

              • 8 months ago

                No, you're confusing different orcs, so you're wrong. The orcs swarming in Moria are the orcs who fought against dwarves for eternity and eventually killed them and settled in the Moria. After Sauron is banished, again, by Sam and Frodo, the Dwarves gather new forces and take Moria back from those little shits. That's like 4th age.
                The Uruk that were chasing the party after Moria are a different group, that was sent separately.

                This is entirely wrong, they are all the same things : orcs.
                There a just small ones you see everywhere and bigger ones that Sauron and Sarumane purposely breed like dogs.
                Sarumane even cross breed them with wildmen

                >they are all the same things : orcs
                their properties differ too much to consider them being
                >same thing
                >There a just small ones you see everywhere
                yes, like "natural" orcs by the time the 2nd and 3rd age come around. They inhabit all kind of caves and other underground places all over. North, Mordor, later also Moria.
                >Sauron and Sarumane purposely breed like dogs. Sarumane even cross breed them with wildmen
                Yes. Saruman also reveals that they're undead in the movie. And imbues them (genetically changes them) to not fear sun/light anymore.

          • 8 months ago

            in Middle Earth, Goblins and Orcs are the same things. The Uruk-Hai are gigachad Orcs that are closer to what most people consider orcs nowadays.

      • 8 months ago

        Orc is just the german mispronunciation of orcus, which just means the monstrous inhabitants of the christian hell. I'd translate it as demons/devils. You could maybe add goat motives, these are common for christian art. Pigs seem weird to append to orcs.
        Also mongols aren't linked to pigs either.

        • 8 months ago

          orcus is a pagan god no chistian would use them in their folklore.
          only the chief gods of other panteons tend to be turned into demons and faeries Orcus is too small compared to Hades or Dispater.
          for Tolkien orcs where just a kind of gobblin.
          trolls and ogres fit the niche currrent fanty orcs better

          • 8 months ago

            ogres probably, but not trolls. mythological/folkloric trolls are generally pretty different from most modern takes. Way hairier, long noses, could be smaller than men or bigger than mountains, and every size in between. the word troll was often used interchangeably with jötunn, or giant, as well.

            • 8 months ago

              yeah I agree with you that being said jotunn = giant is kinda a mistranslation since jotunn could be any size.
              Loki was a pure blooded jotunn

              • 8 months ago

                Eoten is the old English word for it. I think if we want to use a Greek word the Titans are more similar to the Jotun than the Gigantes, I think they all come from a common root that also gives us the Asura vs. Deva war in Hindu myth.

            • 8 months ago

              fun fact: our word for "Wizard" here in norway is "Trollmann" and our word for magic is "Trolldom" so magic and trolls are inherently linked for us.

          • 8 months ago

            are you stupid? Christianity is a fusion of hellenism and judaism and is full of hellenic myths. Especially after the renaissance where old stories started being circulated all across Europe. Like the inferno has medusa in it, the planets were named after gods even the ones discovered after the emergence of religion, the names of the non-canon gods were invoked so they didn’t take the lords name in vain, ect.

      • 8 months ago

        It comes from "orcneas" in Beowulf, which was used as a generic term for monsters in general.

        • 8 months ago

          English didn't influence the folklore of the rest of Europe that why Tolkien created LoTR so anglos could have legends like the rest of Europe with exception of Beowulf.
          England was pretty much France 2.0 in terms of culture in the middle ages

          • 8 months ago

            It's really a shame the medieval English didn't take to celtic folklore more eagerly.

      • 8 months ago

        Wtf are u talking about

    • 8 months ago

      that's funny, there was like a single line in Tolkien's work that described part of the features of orcs as being similar to less attractive mongol type of features. Some settings like Warcraft and Warhammer incorporated some mongol elements as a result of that connection most notably with mongol style helmets that sometimes make an appearance.. So even if you want to reach for straws and related them to real cultures, it would be Mongols, not Chinese.

    • 8 months ago

      no wonder Hayao Miyazaki said that the movies were racist anti-japanese crap

      • 8 months ago

        Basically all western fantasy is infused with western racial beliefs. No point in being defensive about it. That's just the truth. This is why there's such a strong emphasis on race in D&D and WRPGs.

    • 8 months ago

      >looks like cat meat is back on the menu boys!
      what did peter jackson mean by this

  10. 8 months ago

    Because are handsome and it is better to have sex with boars than with a green skin coded african

  11. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Need green ham

    • 8 months ago

      Porc > Orc

      Luv pig women so much

  12. 8 months ago


    he never even sees or knows of a world around him because he does young due to inter tribe / clan / warlord warfare

  13. 8 months ago

    because dnd popularized those looks

    tolkein orcs were just small evil mutated elves usually with yellowish to grey skin, they were regularly called goblins too

  14. 8 months ago

    The west likes to make every Race a reskinned human so they can write quirky fanfics about them

  15. 8 months ago

    accurate orcs are like black people because they're women are futa by default

  16. 8 months ago

    How the frick do you think they would thresh grain without a combine harvester. You're a fricking moron.

  17. 8 months ago

    Best orcs are warcraft orcs

    • 8 months ago

      >muh honor Black folk
      wc2 orcs sure, but not wc3 and onwards

  18. 8 months ago

    Wouldn't cav with lances shit on plateBlack folk

    • 8 months ago

      heavy cav shits on everything, thats why it was reserved for nobility and their entourage.

      • 8 months ago

        wasn't it reserved for nobility because it was fricking expensive

        • 8 months ago

          you dont do something expensive on the battlefield if it isnt a worthwhile investment though.

          • 8 months ago

            You do, if you are a wienery arrogant shit who wants to show off. And before WWI introduced modern industrial war, back when we talked about martial ARTS and martial TRADITIONS instead of a military industrial complex, a lot of the main characters on the battlefield were peawieners.

            • 8 months ago

              peawienering had a purpose though. showing off your status meant you were going to be taken hostage instead of getting killed. It would also translate to people recognising your valorous deeds and getting rewarded for your contributions.

    • 8 months ago

      Cav with lances is a single shot rifle. The entire thing - the lance, the horse, the rider - is a projectile being fired at someone. If you try to hold on to your lance, you will break your arm or dislocate your shoulder, or fall from your horse. What you do is go at someone, drop the lance on good connection, than ride back to "reload" and fire again.
      So this very slow fire, very expensive weapon, is used against enemy heavies - their own knights and armored cavalry. Not something you fire at packed infantry, or random people. And not something you can expect to keep doing for long, as you will quickly be forced to pull out a sword and fight people who swarm you as you slow down after a lance hit.

      • 8 months ago

        >Not something you fire at packed infantry, or random people.
        no shit dude, that's why I said against plateBlack folk

    • 8 months ago

      Both were expensive as hell so that's often the same dudes.

  19. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >medieval warfare autists take literally every chance they can to sperg out
      Why are they like this
      Not even train autists are this bad

  20. 8 months ago

    kobold = dog monster
    kobold = tiny dragon monster
    kobold = weird mole monster obsessed with candles?

  21. 8 months ago

    I like the Japanese mimic

    • 8 months ago

      thats literally a western mimic just that in this one game they decided to give them limbs. that doesn't make this a "japanese mimic"

    • 8 months ago

      I like this one more

      • 8 months ago

        >literally just a regular-ass if oversized Hermit Crab
        I like Dungeon Meshi but this kinda of "what if not fantasy at all" always make the world a bit more dull.
        Their succubus at least had something, but the mimics were a fail imo.

        My favorite mimics are the ones from Prey.
        Full shapeshifters who can't move while shapeshifted and thus rely on ambushes from seemingly safe places.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but you have to admit her concept of living armor in Dungeon Meshi is fricking sick

          • 8 months ago

            Hermit crabs are cool though. There's also treasure bugs that are disguised as gems and israeliteelry.
            The Mimics of DnD always felt weird to me because it was literally just a gotcha from the DM to the players. They made no sense in universe except as a wizard's practical joke

            The bugs and living armors were good, yeah.
            >They made no sense in universe except as a wizard's practical joke
            To be honest, that describe 99.9% of DnD's standard bestiary.

            not him but grounding something in an understandable reality isn't a bad thing at all
            rather than hermit crabs I would base mimics more closely off of trapdoor spiders

            one thing a lot of people like you fail to realize when it comes to wanting fantasy to be more fantastical, is that evolution did a lot of the heavy lifting for us from a conceptual basis for what is the most practical body type for this kind of lifestyle

            example, mantis shrimp arms offer a great theoretical design for a fantasy creature that is capable of punching through metal
            we know that the speed of the impact causes and explosion under the water, so we would just need to replicate those conditions to cause a similar effect

            do not be so antagonistic to reality, it is the basis for practical application

            I don't mind some layer of realism. The manga does it all the time.
            It's just their mimics. They have nothing fantasy going on for them: they are barely a monster, just a regular if aggressive critter.
            >giant trapdoor spiders with just enough minor illusions/hypnosis power in their silk pattern to mimic nearly any material
            Stealing this.

        • 8 months ago

          Hermit crabs are cool though. There's also treasure bugs that are disguised as gems and israeliteelry.
          The Mimics of DnD always felt weird to me because it was literally just a gotcha from the DM to the players. They made no sense in universe except as a wizard's practical joke

        • 8 months ago

          not him but grounding something in an understandable reality isn't a bad thing at all
          rather than hermit crabs I would base mimics more closely off of trapdoor spiders

          one thing a lot of people like you fail to realize when it comes to wanting fantasy to be more fantastical, is that evolution did a lot of the heavy lifting for us from a conceptual basis for what is the most practical body type for this kind of lifestyle

          example, mantis shrimp arms offer a great theoretical design for a fantasy creature that is capable of punching through metal
          we know that the speed of the impact causes and explosion under the water, so we would just need to replicate those conditions to cause a similar effect

          do not be so antagonistic to reality, it is the basis for practical application

  22. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      the Peter Jackson LoTR movies came out in 2001 so that's your answer, dev time take around 1-2 years or more

      • 8 months ago

        >the Peter Jackson LoTR movies came out in 2001
        irrelevant, greenskins were a thing before that

        • 8 months ago

          the dark messiah one really look like is similar from the movies the later ones just look like warhammer/warcraft

        • 8 months ago

          HERO QUEST

  23. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      curse webp

      • 8 months ago

        Humans would genocide all of them no-diff and that's why this comic is moronic.

        • 8 months ago

          shut the frick up, you oily primate.

        • 8 months ago

          >he thinks he can 1v1 a mushroom parent

        • 8 months ago

          son, It's a joke not a dick you don't have to take it so hard.

      • 8 months ago

        Why aren't dinosaurs used more as fantasy races? Would be cool.

        • 8 months ago

          Dinosaurs are stuck is that weird pseudo-scifi place where they only see action in sorta-present time by explorer/searcher going one step further than they should have.

        • 8 months ago

          The Alkari from Master of Orion 2 if you count scifi. A race of Pterodactyls that are the masters of aerial combat but their time spent around technology has caused their physucak flying abilities to wane over the generations.

    • 8 months ago

      succubi are thing anon also throlls are sometimes the same thing as norse giants and Odin and Frey and bunch of other gods had jötunn wifes
      so that meme is really ancient

    • 8 months ago

      Oh fricking please, what's the alternative?
      Drawing a male orc with eye shadow and covered nipples?

      I've seen what you degenerates jerk off to, you could give a chainchomp eyelashes and blush, and you'd fap to it just like that.
      Your creativity isn't being stifled, it was just dumb to begin with.

      • 8 months ago

        Oldgay-kun. The point is that instead of making anything interesting they just make the females humans with horns for easy cum points

        • 8 months ago

          >killing the reach and sale of the game to appease an unappeasable autist
          Yeah I don't think anyone should listen to you

          Don't have female versions. Demons I guess could be any gender but orcs/trolls don't benefit from being female unless it's for cooming or seduction encouters

          You are describing the reality of women in human sexual dimorphism, women have a lot of debuffs but they also have a lot of traits that aren't apparent, like being quick to scream in scary situations and causing males of the species to defend them despite no connection to them

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Don't have female versions. Demons I guess could be any gender but orcs/trolls don't benefit from being female unless it's for cooming or seduction encouters

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I will now buy a game with female enemies like that!

    • 8 months ago

      Posters like this are just furries that don't like the reality of sexual dimorphism

  24. 8 months ago

    what the frick happened to the tolkien description of orcs as a corrupted degenerated race of small and filthy rat like vermin? even jackson depictions of them are so much more interesting as they vary so much in size, appearance and personality. down to the small crawling goblins all the way to the tall muscular athlete-like uruk-hai.

    • 8 months ago

      probably they are too similar goblins for rpg tabletop guys that like fantasy races be different from each other and have strict categories
      Zelda goblins are very similar to tolkien orcs

      • 8 months ago

        love or hate zelda those frickers do some cool fantasy races

      • 8 months ago

        fricking hate homosexual autist tabletop nerds. they ruined fantasy aesthetics and storytelling so hard its not even funny. forever tainted the genre.

      • 8 months ago

        >Zelda goblins are very similar to tolkien orcs

        • 8 months ago

          because they are bunch of goblin kind of creatures that come in different sizes, capable of industry, can be cowardly but will obey the the dark lord or strongest being around

          • 8 months ago

            ah, sorry i thought you meant in design as they are clearly just the japanese pig orc. i guess as an archetype the fulfil a similar role as the tolkien orc but are zelda goblins supposed to be a degenerated race like Tolkien's orcs? i dont play much zelda so i dont really know.

            • 8 months ago

              after skyward sword they are revealed to be pretty much demons or onis

              • 8 months ago

                i see, that differs from Tolkien orcs though as Orcs are not an inherently evil race (as that does not exist as a concept in Tolkiens world) so they are just a severely corrupted race, but capable of redemption. They are not evil in origin nor were they created by Melkor. A demon or Oni would be completely evil and incapable of redemption as they would just be mindless pawns directed by a supreme "dark lord"-esque figure for his or her bidding.

              • 8 months ago

                not blins either there a girl in Windwaker that was saved and got rich thanks to a moblin and there is a chief in TP that stop doing evil stuff since you beat him.
                I think the implication is that they just come from hell and have to obey the dark lord but can be whatever

          • 8 months ago

            What game is the right one from

    • 8 months ago

      Uhhh that's racist. It's current year bro. Orcs are just people like you and me. They even drink onions milk and basedface at things.

      • 8 months ago

        left is concept art, never in the game
        right is advertisement art for a different game, hearthstone
        but yes, the mood went from metal album cover to marvel comic books, about the time they transitioned to 3D. at first, slow and in order to meet hardware requirements. then, embracing it due to positive reaction. and YES, there was a positive reaction. people liked war3's colors, and liked wow's cartoon style. wasn't long ago it was praised for having aged much better than attempts at realism by lotr online, for example

        • 8 months ago

          I wouldn't even call it Marvel comic book-esque. It's Blizzard's home brand homosexualry even the left side looks fricking gay. They've been a constant source of awful trends since their inception

        • 8 months ago

          Well I didn't like it back then and blizzard still decided to throw out all the old models in their remake even though everyone told me cartoon graphics are timeless.

          • 8 months ago

            >Elden Ring high poise armor.jpeg

        • 8 months ago

          >left is concept art, never in the game
          you read the manual back then, homosexual. you looked at the shitty 2d sprites and you were supposed to interpret them to be like the shit you saw in the manual. it was absolutely part of the game.

      • 8 months ago

        Damn, I really miss those metal vibes from before WC3

        • 8 months ago

          WC3 still had metal vibes.

  25. 8 months ago

    Porc > Orc

    • 8 months ago

      GOD I LOVE EMMA SO MUCH, Makoto is a massive homosexual for not considering her as a possible heroine candidate, and for not going balls deep on tomoe since she became humanoid, or for making wait Mio many years for some smash, holy shit Tsukimichi's Makoto may be the massivest of homosexuals protagonists ever made

  26. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      he needed more STR

  27. 8 months ago

    Warhammer vs no Warhammer.

  28. 8 months ago

    DND/Warhammershit ruined orcs. The OG Tolkien orc has yet to be topped.

  29. 8 months ago

    Is this the Orc thread I keep hearing about?

    • 8 months ago

      Why are female orcs always so CUTE

  30. 8 months ago

    >leather armour
    What exactly is it meant to protect you from? It can't even stop small knives much less a sword or an arrow.

    • 8 months ago

      A leather jacket protects from blade slashes, though not from blade stabs.
      Similar to just wearing 5 linen shirts on top of each other, which also was a type of armor.

    • 8 months ago

      While the leather armour typically depicted in fantasy doesn't much sense, boiled leather can and sometimes was used effectively. It's actually pretty interesting to read about. Had the surprise utility of being edible in extreme situations too.

      • 8 months ago

        Hmm old leather jacket

  31. 8 months ago

    jap oni are basically western orcs

    • 8 months ago

      And Ogres

  32. 8 months ago

    Frick you, western orcs are also pig orcs.

  33. 8 months ago

    pig orc > green uncle tom niggoid morons

    • 8 months ago

      I wish I had friends too, Anon.

  34. 8 months ago

    Castlevania Orcs

    • 8 months ago

      Wish theyd appear more frenquently

  35. 8 months ago

    Google search expert here.
    Found out that Tolkien is the one who came up with orcs. An orc is just a humanoid creature corrupted by evil. They're not green and don't look like pigs.
    The greenskin orcs come from warhammer who made them green due to some moronic football reference because orcs in warhammer speak in british accents. Then Warcraft stole the green orc design and everyone has been running with green orcs since.
    But in Japan they don't really give a shit about Tolkien or Warhammer. What they do care about is shit like Star Wars. The orc design in Japanese games looks like Gartogg from Star Wars and Ganon in some versions looks exactly like Gartogg.
    I think Japanese saw Star Wars and just took the green pig guy from Star Wars as their orc design, and because Ganon comes in different colors they dropped the green. I can find posts going back 10+ years of people discussing if Ganon is an orc.

    • 8 months ago

      >They're not green and don't look like pigs.
      I remember they were grey

    • 8 months ago

      >Google search expert here.
      >Found out that Tolkien is the one who came up with orcs.

      Latin orcus is glossed as Old English "orc, þyrs ꝉ hel-deofol" ("Goblin, spectre or hell-devil") in the 10th century Cleopatra Glossaries.

    • 8 months ago

      the current level of mythological education would make Tolkien weep

  36. 8 months ago

    I'm playing an Orc in BG3 right now.
    Though I guess technically you can only play a half orc but close enough.

    • 8 months ago

      >not green

  37. 8 months ago

    For me, it's Blizzard orcs.

  38. 8 months ago

    Why not both?

    • 8 months ago

      Frick's this from?

      • 8 months ago

        Puzzle Quest 2

    • 8 months ago

      im sorry man the pig element is just too goofy for me to get past. its just not what an orc is to me. at all.

    • 8 months ago

      Known for using swords and in the pic hes using a club with blades sticking out of it. Garbage

      • 8 months ago

        GRUG KILL SWORD (club)
        GRUG RAPE

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            Ah the Balkan special

  39. 8 months ago

    Green Orcs are best orcs. I hate that coastal leftoids are trying to turn them into le noble savage dindu nuffins instead of the unapologetic monsters they've always been. Just frick off why can't we have a willingly evil race? I fricking hate millennial homosexuals like you wouldn't believe. Anyway here's the thread theme.


    • 8 months ago

      I don't mind them having appropriate level of civilization. They are supposed to be bigger and stronger whilst being more primitive than humans.
      That said having them just be humans but bigger and green is awful. Gothic did it in a good way(ignore Gothic 3 retcanon), followers of the evil god and going around killing humans. Why? They follow the evil god, there is no bigger why. But they have their own civilization, and interaction with them outside of killing is possible but very rare, and it doesn't change the fact that they will continue to wage war.

      • 8 months ago

        The only civilization they should have is livijg in nomadic shit covered camps, caves or occupied fortresses, use crudely made metal weapons and armor and only follow the biggest and strongest Orc. We're seeing this forced change from the coastal millennial subhumans changing Orcs to be le noble savage dindu nuffins that just wanna live the same way as you.
        >Blizzshit with Warcraft
        >Larian Studios with Baldassfrick 3
        >Wizards of the Cuck with nu-D&D
        >Amazon with Lawd dem Rangz
        It's annoying how these coastal homosexuals obsessed with real life race are so determined to ruin an evil fictional race because they can't stop seing black and brown people in them. I just want Orcs to stay as Orcs.

        • 8 months ago

          >I want things to be always be same the same the same
          That's a stagnant death. I guess you could argue that the same applies to making every race equal. But to me it's more along the lines of getting rid of pigeonholing an entire fictional race just because they have always been.

          Then again, you don't even care. Your pointless ranting about "coastal homosexuals" shows you need an enemy to b***h about cause you can't cope with the world changing and how other people want more out of a thing you both happen to enjoy where you just want things to be always be the same. Like a safety blanket.

          • 8 months ago

            >with the world changing
            To worse, zealot

        • 8 months ago

          Orcs in the warcraft universe come from a dying planet and only ended up in Azeroth because a renegade shaman made a pact with a demon. They aren't portrayed as evil, only a few bad apples. At least that's the case in Warcraft 2. I don't know about Warcraft 1.

      • 8 months ago

        Didn't we kill their god in Gothic 1 or am I misremembering the Whisperer plotline?

        • 8 months ago

          >They are creation of Beliar, one of the three gods. Sleeper was just a big fricking servant of Beliar larping as a god to the masses. In Gothic 3 they retconned them as children of Adanos, the neutral god, that started believing in Beliar because reasons. In Gothic 2 dragons are the big dick leaders of the evil horde of Beliar, orcs are still there and still fighting all over the kingdom.

          • 8 months ago

            oh damn I only played Gothic 1, I didn't all this shit went down

            • 8 months ago

              I am replaying Gothic 2 right now. It's a true sequel, Gothic 1 but more. If you liked 1 you will love 2, and there is a recent big mod, more like a new game with how big it is, Chronicles of Myrtana that truly keeps the spirit of the series, something that PB lost a long time ago. Playing these games reminds you that you aren't jaded, but that modern games suck.

  40. 8 months ago

    >the complete lack of female orcs ITT

    very sad and very, very gay.

  41. 8 months ago

    >newbie who never played Duke Nukem

  42. 8 months ago

    The correct answer is having both green big-tusked orcs and Pig Orcs as different subspecies in the same setting because they're both hot.

  43. 8 months ago

    Battle Brothers had the best concept of Orcs. This is how they should always be.

    • 8 months ago

      That's as generic as it can be. I guess that's how you like it

    • 8 months ago

      >he who spends time gathering, crafting or building when it is easier and faster to just take these things away from others is considered simple-minded

      That's as generic as it can be. I guess that's how you like it

      With these things it's about how they're presented and in the context of the setting. In Battle Brothers, they're scary beasts will wreck your band, they're not just fodder you can kill. In addition, remember, this is in Battle Brothers, where even bandits can wreck your party, and all the fantasy elements are there to HURT and ATTACK you.
      You don't go one to one with an orc and live, you need to flank and out played them in Battle Brothers. They became unique not in a story/lore/design way but in a mechanical way. I fear orcs in Battle Brothers, not in any other game

  44. 8 months ago

    >japanese orc
    >literally just a bipedal pig
    The rape art is ten times hotter.

  45. 8 months ago

    because the cultures are different
    this is "women" in the west gaming scenario

  46. 8 months ago

    >expected orc tiddies
    >Thread just full of weapon and armour spergs.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        JustSomeNoob really makes the best orcs in the game

      • 8 months ago

        why orc women loves yogurt so much?

    • 8 months ago

      Be the change you want to see
      And yeah, frick HEMAgays

    • 8 months ago

      No tiddies here, but if you're lucky you might come across an orc dong.

    • 8 months ago

      >Expect 'it's because westerners base orcs off Black folk'
      >Instead find some passionate autists talking about shit they like and talking about Japan's inspirations coming from ADND/Wizardry because of how popular that series got in the east
      I'm pleasantly fricking surprised, honestly.

  47. 8 months ago

    >literally just a bipedal pig
    Whito piggu.
    Orcs are just what japs see europeans ass

  48. 8 months ago

    >tfw no porc wife

  49. 8 months ago
  50. 8 months ago

    Which orc do you most prefer, white man?

    • 8 months ago


  51. 8 months ago

    >Wezturn Ork
    >Green lad with teef

  52. 8 months ago

    i wish that g*rman gay finished orcish inn it was so comfy

  53. 8 months ago

    how come cyclopses didn't become a major fantasy staple the way ogres and trolls did? Like yeah they show up sometimes but they're never anyone's first choice when someone goes "we need a man-eating giant for the heroes to fight"

    • 8 months ago

      Too weak.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Med rather than North european mythology.
      Tolkien favoured the latter and pretty much ignored the Greek/Roman myths.

  54. 8 months ago

    Green orcs are perfectly fine if they have something else to make them unique, like Warhammer making them dumb british fungi with pyschic powers is pretty based. Warhammer Green orcs and DnD green orcs are sort of just big green dudes that are predisposed to violence, which is hardly unique

    • 8 months ago

      Elder Scrolls Orcs are basically the actual Dwarves of the setting since the "proper" dwarves are actually evil nihilistic elves who aren't even short, pretty neat I would say, shame that Skyrim kinda ignored the fact that their armor and weapons are supposed to be super pretty and ornate rather than jagged Uruk-Hai shit so now most people think they're just generic Orcs

      • 8 months ago

        This is more evidence that orcs are Asian, not black. Blacks are appropriating anti-Asian racism kek.

        • 8 months ago

          TES has like 5 different races with some japanese elements, including the literal black people, ironically. It says less about Orcs as a concept and more about The Elder Scrolls as a setting, really.

      • 8 months ago

        >Orcish armor designs were meant to be ornate and somewhat oriental in their depictions
        >Akaviri designs that were incorporated into the Blades were heavily inspired by the same sources too
        Just like how the Nords were meant to have a separate pantheon from the Imperials but it was cut to avoid confusion. Who knows what is going to the chopping block next when TESVI rolls around. A lot of neat concepts get thrown out when the homogenization of vidya design becomes paramount.

  55. 8 months ago

    >Elder Scrolls orc
    >literally an elf that reflects their god who was literally eaten by and shat out by another god

  56. 8 months ago

    ork i made in paint

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        here's another

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            one more since i like you

            • 8 months ago
            • 8 months ago

              >its an orcish kind of feel

              • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          we drawboy now

  57. 8 months ago

    Making half-orc babies with my orc wife.

  58. 8 months ago

    pig orcs are better.

  59. 8 months ago

    western orc
    >samurai monster
    japanese orc
    >pig (american) monster
    did I make u think

    • 8 months ago

      >did I make u think
      Yes and now I can't stop. In two minutes I've already noticed who owns all the banks and media. Aaaaaaaaaah

  60. 8 months ago

    an orc proper

  61. 8 months ago


  62. 8 months ago

    I liked when orcs were just green buttholes. they're kinda shit now, imo

    • 8 months ago

      Those still exist, in hentai

  63. 8 months ago

    For me, it's Orks pretending to be Imperials

    • 8 months ago

      they're having fun 🙂

  64. 8 months ago

    >western orc
    Green alien looking thing
    >japanese orc
    polish man

  65. 8 months ago

    do you guys ever thing some monarchs ever thought about rule of cool for choosing weapons and armor and just winning because they had larger armies and supply and we in the future maybe overanalyze some stupid shit?
    feels like history not being a science makes putting to much method on historical data to elaborate things based on logic perhaps a bit to stretchy

    • 8 months ago

      Henry VIII had a boner armor so yeah, they valued rule of cool

    • 8 months ago

      A lot of customs in war were a mix of practical shit but also lot of rule-of-cool and symbolic shit.
      Colors/Eagle Bearers for example. Yeah you needed a guy to carry something flashy so commanders could keep track of units at a distance.

      However the psuedo-religious elements of the standards being symbolic of a nation caused armies to specifically targeted flag bearers for psychological warfare which eventually led to their disuse.

  66. 8 months ago

    I guess it's the same thing that happened with kobolds. I still prefer oni as ork analogues though.

  67. 8 months ago

    As it should be.

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